RSU 4.21 - MUST TURN OFF AND ON TO CALL WITH GPRS??? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I upgraded my XDA to wm2003. Then upgrades my radio stack to 4.21 (both Asia and UK versions).
It worked great :lol: , until recently... I could not call from my XDA phone constantly. I have to turn it OFF AND ON every 15 minutes if I want to receive and make calls.
My mobile provider is MOBIFONE (Vietnam). They recently introduced GPRS service (still testing now). And the problem started from then. In the area I had the "G" signal, I always have to use the technique "ON AND OFF EACH 15 minutes" if I want to receive and make calls. However, it seems that my XDA work normally in the area where it did not get the G signal (I can receive and make call normally, no need to turn the phone off and on).
Is it the problem of RSU 4.21? or the problem of my provider GPRS service? Or any other reasons? Can I downgrade my radio stack?

You have to call to Technical Department of MOBIFONE and ask them to turn off GPRS service for your SIM :wink:
Should be OK for your phone


I think the signal of my XDA is more stable with RSU 3.23.01

My XDA always won't reconnect the network in a short period when I go a place without signal for a longtime, then go to a place with good signal. Sometimes the phone detected the signal, but It cannot recieve / dial any call. I have to switch off and turn on the phone part. I use O2 RSU 4.16 version when I got this problem.
After I upgraded the RUU to Qtek 3.16.53, then upgrade the RSU to 3.23.01, this problem seems not happen again.
Is that only my case or anyone feel this improvement too?

Have to restart phone to regain GPRS connetion

I Have to restart phone to regain GPRS connetion every now and then. I have radio version 1.01.00 and rom version 1.03.00 WWE. My provider is Vodafone in sweden.
If I go to flight mode and back to normal then I can connect to GPRS again. Should I uppgrade my I-Mate to get it to work? Any Ideas what to do?
I've heard of people with similar problems, you need to upgrade your Rom, if you wanna stay relatively safe, upgrade to:
Rom Version: 1.72.00WWE
U can get this from club imate
I'm afraid I can´t find the rom on the Imate Club site. But you belive my problem will be solved by uppgrading the rom right? I´ll have to search for it then. ;c) Thanks.
I sure don't see any version 1.72 on Club iMate at JAM Device Support. The latest available upgrade I see is:
Radio 1.01.00
ROM 1.03.143 WWE
Where do you see version 1.72?
I believe he's referring to the wrong device. 1.72 was for the I-Mate Pocket PC - not the Jam.
Ok. I have posted a case to Imate and they where about to send a file to correct the problem but I got an emty mail.
Imate support don't know what this is. I'm back on the hunt. Anybody else having the same problem with theirs? Please let me know in this thred
Sincere Apologies, I was in fact dreferring to the I-mate....didnt realise this thread was under magician
Got an ansver from Imate. They sent me an PDF file where they showed me how to set up the GPRS connection. The problem is, been there and done that. I’m totally lost here. Is it only me who has this problem with “magican” and Vodafone? (In Sweden). Frustrating! ;c(
Note: With my P800 and the same location and same SIM = no probem at all.
I have the exact same problem with Vodafone gprs in Sweden
Hi Robert
I have the exact same problem with GPRS. I am also a customer of Vodafone in Sweden. I have this problem regardless of the device I am using. I have been running Qtek 2020, 8010, 9090 and S100 (magician) devices with the same problem for quite a while now.
I have started to think that this is not a device problem. It is probably a problem with Vodafone GPRS. I have contacted their tech support a couple of times about this. So far we have tried disabling/reenabling GPRS on my account and switching to new Sim-cards. None of this has worked so far.
I am using their twin cards service switching between different phones, I am not sure if this has anything to do with the problem.
best regards
Thanks a lot for giving me this feedback. I'll talk to Vodafone right away.
Solution: I know that Telia supports the magican device because they have them for sale. My solution was to call Telia and tell them that I wanted to use them instead. Its a covards solution but Imate blames Vodafone and Vodafone blames Imate.
I have an old Qtek1010 on Telia, and it is behaving just like your Magician on Vodaphone. Sometimes I have to actually remove the SIM and put it back in again to be able to reconnect.
Another question about the Magician and GPRS. I have read on a couple of forums that the Magician will not keep the GPRS connection alive when in "sleep mode". Is this true? If so I may have to quickly cancel my order...
bamse said:
Another question about the Magician and GPRS. I have read on a couple of forums that the Magician will not keep the GPRS connection alive when in "sleep mode". Is this true? If so I may have to quickly cancel my order...
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My gprs connection seems to stay connected ok even when the machine is switched "off". I have an imate jam on o2 in the UK.
I don't know if it stays on forever because i tend to log off gprs so i can go on line through bluetooth.
This is really bad news. I thought that since Telia do have thoose phones for sale they should have tested them in the net. In that case I should start thinking of going back to my old P800 instead of changing provider.
I Wonder if there are someone in here who it works for in sweden. Please let me know.
I have several collegues who are not experiencing these problems with Qtek devices on Vodafone network. So it does not seem to be a general problem.
RobertDahlberg said:
This is really bad news. I thought that since Telia do have thoose phones for sale they should have tested them in the net. In that case I should start thinking of going back to my old P800 instead of changing provider.
I Wonder if there are someone in here who it works for in sweden. Please let me know.
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I just talked to Telia today as my GPRS broke down totally and there was just nothing that would make it connect. The person I talked to was very helpful and professional and we managed to isolate the problem to my SIM card. Being a brand new SIM I received just two weeks ago I though that just anything but the SIM would be more probable. It was very evident though as my SIM would not work with GPRS in neither mine nor a colleauges phone but the colleauges SIM would work just fine in both.
My new SIM will arrive on monday, and then hopefully it will not be too long before my S100 arrives as well
Ok, thats somewhat god news. Then there is hope to accually use this expensive piece of toy as it is suppose to.
Some input…
I have a Qtek S100 and run it with Telia. Works just fine, never have to reset or remove the SIM. However, I have problem with the GPRS to disconnect when synchronized with my PC and when using the phone. Have heard that an app called GPRS Keep Alive would solve that problem, haven’t tried it yet.
// Johnny
Re: Some input…
Johnny said:
I have a Qtek S100 and run it with Telia. Works just fine, never have to reset or remove the SIM. However, I have problem with the GPRS to disconnect when synchronized with my PC and when using the phone. Have heard that an app called GPRS Keep Alive would solve that problem, haven’t tried it yet.
// Johnny
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It will not. For two reasons:
1. There can only be one network connection at a time, and the activesync connection counts as a network connection (you can use network passthrough to use the activesync connection for network access from the PPC).
2. You can not have a GSM voice connection and an active GPRS connection simultaneously because they share the same radio hardware. Simultaneous GPRS and Voice would need two radios in the phone, and although it has been part of the GSM specification for quite some time there are no such device available on the consumer market yet.

GPRS can not reconnect after receiving incoming call!

Hi everyone,
I am having an annoying issue with the GPRS connection on my Qtek S100.
I am usually connected through GPRS to receive my email and to be online with MSN Messenger. The only time I do not use GPRS is when connecting through Active Sync or when making/receiving a call. My problem is that if I do not explicitly end the GPRS connection before making a call or connecting through active sync I have to restart the phone by going to flight mode before I am able to get a new GPRS connection. The problem is even worse with incoming calls as I can not end the GPRS connection by pressing the red button before I answer the call as that will hang up on the person calling me instead.
I believe it got this way after applying the latest software upgrade from
Is anyone else having the same problem?
yes me to.. also after latest upgrade...
dont know what to do.. im gonna call brightpoint..
I've sent you a PM.
Let me know when you have spoken to Brightpoint and I will call them again.
Any news regarding this?
I do also have these problems with GPRS.
Works fine for me…
I have up till now used Telia but just switched over to Comviq, works fine for med, both with Telia and Comviq.
// Johnny
Talked to Brightpoint today.
It seems like not everyone gets this problem, and to their knowledge none of their own phones has it. They did however hope for a solution with the next software update (no news on when that will be available though). They also asked me to contact Engström Telecom to find out if they had any idea. When I found time to call Engström they had closed for the week, so I'll get back with more info next week.
I had a slight variation on this problem. GPRS session was actively downloading data when a call came in, and then before I could answer it, a message came up saying that the call could not be answered. What's that all about?
My problem seems to have automatically cured itself during the weekend. I guess Telia must have made some upgrade to their network, cause I am quite sure I didn't do anything!

o2 Exec Settings

Hi all,
i just took my O2 Exec and i have some basic questions that seek for an answer quickly...
I cannot understand whether there is a simlock there or no... i put in there my sim card (Voda UK) and some strange things happen. i sometimes get a UMTS vodafone uk signal and other times a gprs one... Like every five minuits the G turns in to a U and so on.... What do i need to do???is there a simlock and if so how do i unlock?
How do i hard reset my phone and what ROM should i use?
Were can i get the Voda UK settings for mms and gprs?
Is there anything else that i should set in order to have a fully functioning mobile for sms, mms, voice calls?
and a not important one... shouldnt there be the skype software in my phone?
I know that i should search and find what i want but i am in the the midle of an assignment and i do not have the time to do so... Just need to have my phone functioning properly until i have the time to dig out the rest of the things that i want.So just forgive me for asking insted of searching.Wont happen again.
Excuse my bad english...
Thanx all
i put in there my SIM card (Voda UK) and some strange things happen. i sometimes get a UMTS vodafone uk signal and other times a gprs one... Like every five minuits the G turns in to a U and so on.... What do i need to do???is there a SIMlock and if so how do i unlock?
It is just moving between UMTS and GPRS. Mine does it too. If it can't get a good enough signal on UMTS it switches to GPRS. If it sees a better UMTS signal, it switches back.
How do i hard reset my phone and what ROM should i use?
Two soft buttons while pressing stulus reset hole. Nothing wrong with the O2 ROM so stick with that.
Were can i get the Voda UK settings for mms and gprs?
Is there anything else that i should set in order to have a fully functioning mobile for sms, mms, voice calls?
See above
and a not important one... shouldnt there be the skype software in my phone?
Only the JASJAR and MDAPro come with Skype IIRC.
Thank you for the extremely fast and accurate reply.
So there is no problem with the U and G thing. Ok then i will just get used to it. It was that i have never seen the U before.
U means 3G and fast data speeds.
it seems that i cannot manage to do the right settings so that my sms,mmsa dn gprs works. I found the settings combination worked.
Anyway, is there a how to or something that i can check out?
Any other ideas?
Many thanx
ta_ said:
and a not important one... shouldnt there be the skype software in my phone?
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You can install Skype yourself from the Skype website, but IMHO it's not ready yet. It's very slow and buggy, and the connection quality is questionable.
Wait a month or two until Skype is fully compatible with WM5 and the experience will be much better!
I am getting really confused here......
I managed to fix my gprs 3g settings (following a wm 2003 quide and using the settings from filesaveas) and i can surf the net but i still cannot receive and send any mms.
Any ideas????
edit: Also is there anybody that has active sync 4.1? i cannot even syncronise my contacts.!

GPRS not suspended during the call

I have upgrade to the latest rom 20060426B1WWE.
When I get a call the GPRS is not suspended.
Can sameone with the old rom check how it works?
Q7 Will GPRS get disconnected if a phone call comes in?
Priority will go to phone calls. Thus, GPRS will be suspended during the call and automatic resumed after the call.
Maybe a bug?
The point is a don´t get the call. It goes direct to the voice mail.
If using Wifi then the connection drops and I can answer the call.
Any ideas why
Yes same here in india with Cellone service, i installed all the three roms available on this site and some setting combinations ie network to automatic / manual etc
the problem persists, i have a unlimited gprs package with the service but cannot use, i tested the sim on P910, Nokia 6680 works perfectly, so not a sim problem not a service problem, it is the problem with O2 Atom, having this problem since day one
hope newer roms will have this problem solved
GPRS can use 1, 2 or 4 data slots depending how busy the cells (towers) are in your area. If you happen to be using 4 slots and you get a call the call will not get through, if you're only using 1 or 2 slots then your call can get through...
Pot luck really...
thanks for the info,
but i do not know if the setting you mentioned is changable, as ichecked my atom there is no option, i checked immedialetly one after the other once on atom and next on P910 same location same chair same room, it works on P910 but not on atom i can confirm because i called the cell from my landline (the land line is of different service provider)

