I think the signal of my XDA is more stable with RSU 3.23.01 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

My XDA always won't reconnect the network in a short period when I go a place without signal for a longtime, then go to a place with good signal. Sometimes the phone detected the signal, but It cannot recieve / dial any call. I have to switch off and turn on the phone part. I use O2 RSU 4.16 version when I got this problem.
After I upgraded the RUU to Qtek 3.16.53, then upgrade the RSU to 3.23.01, this problem seems not happen again.
Is that only my case or anyone feel this improvement too?


RSU upgrades for Qtek 1010

I have upgraded to PPC2003 v 4.00.01 ENG from FTP..lycos.uk...and am very happy with the speed of the Qtek that has greatly improved. I have radio V. 3.19.01 that did not change with the upgrade ..Is there a better version of the Radio Stack?
If so where is the link? I use Qtek 1010 in Oman. ME
Ravi Radh
my advice to you if your Radio is working fine with the upgrade dont change it.
Generaly the 3.19.01 was a good Radio version for QTEK when i upgraded to 3.23 i had problems in Lebanon. If ure device is working fine keep it like that.
Thanks for the advice @ Arzleb. I think its better to keep it going this way as its difficult to have a stuck QTEK with an improper Radio in it.
Its just that this version of Radio I feel has a falling signal strength!! Could be the OMANTEL GSM network too!!
Its too early to evaluate as I got 3.19.01 ver just a week ago
Ravi Radh
Well Ravi i tried every RSU possible on the QTEK in order to track the signal problem which i also have in Lebanon. Currently i am using the o2 4.21 and i can assure u its the same as 3.19 & 3.23.
I think sometimes the signal bars arent always right! i will give an exemple sometimes the bars shows 1 or 0 and i could still receive a call. Dont always trust the bars but also that doesnt mean that the Signal is good and i dont think its the device's fault. U could blame the operator 50% and the device 50%.
Now what is happening with me is that the bars change very fast on the same Cell i mean they drop to 1 then go up to 4 very fast like crazy lights and also in places were the signal on other phones are full on my QTEK is 1 or 2.
Anyways as long as no one is telling you that we are calling you and ure phone is closed i think ure safe.
Salam bro
does any one have an executable file with the 3.13 version?


I upgraded my XDA to wm2003. Then upgrades my radio stack to 4.21 (both Asia and UK versions).
It worked great :lol: , until recently... I could not call from my XDA phone constantly. I have to turn it OFF AND ON every 15 minutes if I want to receive and make calls.
My mobile provider is MOBIFONE (Vietnam). They recently introduced GPRS service (still testing now). And the problem started from then. In the area I had the "G" signal, I always have to use the technique "ON AND OFF EACH 15 minutes" if I want to receive and make calls. However, it seems that my XDA work normally in the area where it did not get the G signal (I can receive and make call normally, no need to turn the phone off and on).
Is it the problem of RSU 4.21? or the problem of my provider GPRS service? Or any other reasons? Can I downgrade my radio stack?
You have to call to Technical Department of MOBIFONE and ask them to turn off GPRS service for your SIM :wink:
Should be OK for your phone

Only for a better signal !!

Hi all ...
I am trying to decide should i sell my Qtek to buy the new XDA II or not :? , i thought it over alot, and i think the only need for upgrading is a better GSM signal, so could any one confirm that this is what i am going to get with the new XDA II ?
or could i get a better signal with my Qtek? knowing that my radio version is 4.16.00 and i am in kuwait.
waitting for your answers ...
You could try upgrading to Radio Stack 4.21 to see if it helps. Some signal strength issues were resolved from 4.16 to 4.21, I think.
Also: if you're using a 4.x (WM2003) ROM, signal strength went down when you switched. This is just a change in how signal strength is displayed, and does not reflect a change in the level of signal received.
(Please be aware upgrading your Radio Stack comes with certain dangers, and that the procedure to do so is not well-understood, and that we, or anyone else, can't help you in the event something goes wrong...)

Please help!! SX66 radio

I've loved my Blue Angel for 2 1/2 years thanks to xda-developers, but right now I just wanna throw it away!
I have a Cingular SX66 (PH20B1) running WM6 from Xplode (6.00.00.WWE) and the radio 1.15. After I upgraded to WM6 everything was kind of OK I thought, until I realized that sometimes calls weren't getting through to me and I was getting 'No service' too often. That's when I upgraded the radio to 1.15. I was getting the no radio error, but I found through searching that if I soft reset and keep the phone charged the radio comes back.
Here's my problem.. even when the phone gets out of 'No service' and finds the network (even showing me full signal strength) I can't make calls! Calls won't come through to me! It's pretty useless as a phone, but it seems to be usually able to send text messages if I have the network. It takes endless soft resets and long waiting just to get it to see the network, and then the phone still doesn't work.
The sim card is fine, and it seems the problem is the same if I downgrade to 2003SE (by the way, I only seem to find T-mobile ROMs that work.. don't know where the WM2003SE ROM is I originally had on here).
The phone only seems to work sometimes if I after I soft-reset, I make the call while the BA is still on the cradle.
If anyone knows of a solution I'd really appreciate it.. on WM2003 my SX66 would only act funny if the charge fell to 60%. Now it's wacky with all the up/downgrading/charging/soft-resetting I've tried.
Additional info
I don't know if this is related, but I have the storage almost full of installed programs and the device is much slower now. Also, the Data Connection buttion is grayed out in HTC Comm Manager.
The phone seems to be working right now. Give it an hour and it'll probably be wacked again
Final solution for 'No service'
Hi burnblue...
Try this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=340557
This resolved my problem...
1) In WM2003 and install bandsel .CAB
2) Choose a band of your operator gsm/country (in Brazil, for my operator is 900/1800Mhz (Operator "Claro" and "TIM")... here in Brazil we have another operator what works in 850mHz (Operator "Vivo").
3) If you want, upgrade your rom for WM6 (much better)... your band selection will be fixed (came to wm2003). I don´t undertand about fixing a band remain after rom version upgrade... No explain about this.
No more issue about radio gsm signal, be happy....
Works perfect to me, I´m 100% certain about this procedure.
Rodrigo Pelosini
burnblue said:
I've loved my Blue Angel for 2 1/2 years thanks to xda-developers, but right now I just wanna throw it away!
I have a Cingular SX66 (PH20B1) running WM6 from Xplode (6.00.00.WWE) and the radio 1.15. After I upgraded to WM6 everything was kind of OK I thought, until I realized that sometimes calls weren't getting through to me and I was getting 'No service' too often. That's when I upgraded the radio to 1.15. I was getting the no radio error, but I found through searching that if I soft reset and keep the phone charged the radio comes back.
Here's my problem.. even when the phone gets out of 'No service' and finds the network (even showing me full signal strength) I can't make calls! Calls won't come through to me! It's pretty useless as a phone, but it seems to be usually able to send text messages if I have the network. It takes endless soft resets and long waiting just to get it to see the network, and then the phone still doesn't work.
The sim card is fine, and it seems the problem is the same if I downgrade to 2003SE (by the way, I only seem to find T-mobile ROMs that work.. don't know where the WM2003SE ROM is I originally had on here).
The phone only seems to work sometimes if I after I soft-reset, I make the call while the BA is still on the cradle.
If anyone knows of a solution I'd really appreciate it.. on WM2003 my SX66 would only act funny if the charge fell to 60%. Now it's wacky with all the up/downgrading/charging/soft-resetting I've tried.
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"no service" is a issue...
Your problem about slower is another problem...
Storage full ~ slower... I had problem´s about these in anothers pda´s.
Take easy to storage your files, much components in today screen, etc...
Use sd card, this help.
Upgrade for Wm6 (xplode rom) and be happy...
WM6 by xplode is faster.
What´s your radio rom version? 1.15 ?
If < 1.15, then upgrade....
Rodrigo Pelosini
burnblue said:
I don't know if this is related, but I have the storage almost full of installed programs and the device is much slower now. Also, the Data Connection buttion is grayed out in HTC Comm Manager.
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not yet
Thanks for the advice rod, but I still have problems.
1. I saw that thread too, and it's not that I have totally 'No service' -- I have signal but calls just won't connect. It might work one minute, but 90% of the time it just doesn't.
2. I can't find a working ROM for my SX66 to downgrade to 2003. I remember weeks ago when I was trying to fix this I think I found a T-mobile ROM, but nothing is working for my downgrade now.
Why is my phone radio so unreliable?
Strange problem...
I have some tests for you...
1) Do you enable PIN ? If yes, then disable.
2) Do you upgrade your radio rom to 1.15? No? Then apply.
3) Do you have problems with anothers gsm chip ? Your SX66 is gsm or cdma ? Possible issue in your gsm chip, maybe... Try another gsm, another operator...
4) What´s the message errors or problems with upgrade or downgrade rom ?
If your sx66 is a cdma phone, sorry, I don´t have any idea how to help you.
In this case, ignore all my questions. My experience in Blue Angel is about gsm...
Take care...
(Send a message if you resolve or not this case...)
burnblue said:
Thanks for the advice rod, but I still have problems.
1. I saw that thread too, and it's not that I have totally 'No service' -- I have signal but calls just won't connect. It might work one minute, but 90% of the time it just doesn't.
2. I can't find a working ROM for my SX66 to downgrade to 2003. I remember weeks ago when I was trying to fix this I think I found a T-mobile ROM, but nothing is working for my downgrade now.
Why is my phone radio so unreliable?
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Reception difficulties

It seems that a solution for the problems has been found for:
- Reception difficulties
- BAD gsm performance
- No reception on the phone
Please go to this URL, read it, upgrade your broken polaris device and respond in the poll that it either worked for your or didn't
Hi guys,
after upgrading my Polaris from the default supplied rom to the latest, I have no reception in my house and even difficult reception on the street.
I reversed back to version, but even then, still have issues with reception.
Does anybody have the same problem, or had the same problem and find a fix?
I do have the same problem, and got it on the same way as you did?
could someone please help us?
Do you have the same difficulty as I do:
I've followed the procedures as described in manuals everywhere:
- remove the memory card
- be happily synced
- start app
- device goes into the tricolor screen
- replug the usb as described on the polaris screen
- Flashing startssss.... goes... goes...
- HANGS at 99%
- Have to do recovery procedure as shown on screen.
- Flashing procedure starts second time
- hits 100%
- Now i've got a bad reception? On my previous polaris (replaced due to a phonespeaker defect) had 2 bars even after upgrading. My new Polaris doesn't have any bars after I upgraded (It did have 2 bars before upgrading)
Any expert here with information?
I'm having the same issue, by upgrading RADIO to the latest I got weak signal on GSM. Two bars on signal icon on the top near the BTS.
I'm using BEPE 0.67 ROM with WM 6.1, downgrading the RADIO doesn't help. I have searched thru this forum and didn't find any relevant solution
I was having the same problem with you. I have tried everything including flashing every rom/radio available and performing hard resets at every stage. Unfortunately, in the end I had to get my cruise replaced.
These are my original Cruise details, just to see if there is anything in common:
HK Traditional Chinese HTC Cruise
1.27.832.1. CHT
Very interesting issue
I read this several times in different threads now.
Fortunately myself doesn't suffer this issue and i have
also upgraded to Lucky one.
Maybe one should start a poll about this
Would be nice to know the results.
I have this issue too after Hard-SPL and ASerg Rom, I have problems in o2 German network... very weak signalstrength 1/4 or mostly 0/4 (no network, denied).... i tried original radio and any1 know what could have happened? can a rom upgrade damage the radio hardware in any way? would be hard to believe... with german's BASE i have at least from 2/4 to 4/4 signal strength and sometimes I even get 3G... in my old o2 orbit (artemis) everything is at max strength
I have the same problem after flashing the radio. Is there no solution?
I guess I am lucky, but with and Bepe's 0.67 ROM I don't have any problems. There is no change at all. Signalstrength is the same, 3G is working fine. and Bepe's 0.67 ROM
Me too
I have the o2 orbit 2 (POLA200)
Rroet said:
after upgrading my Polaris from the default supplied rom to the latest, I have no reception in my house and even difficult reception on the street.
I reversed back to version, but even then, still have issues with reception.
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Strange, I'm using also and it's working like a charm... I do have another network provider (KPN, not t-mobile). Have 4 bars reception... Never had real problems with the reception too...
POLA100 (Touch cruise). Only my flash of radio succeeded in 1 time (not had to reboot before hitting the 100%). Also The Netherlands, so it doesn't seem to be country bounded.
Does it find your network? (Menu => settings => Phone (on personal tab)) then choose tab Network.
Current network: T-mobile
Network selection: Automatic
You can try Find Netwok over there, or Set network. Please also check the tab "Band", should be on Auto (both options).
My problem is when I manually check networks, I can find KPN NL and Orange NL everywhere, but not T-Mobile or Vodafone.. whilest on my wife's Vox I have 3 bars of network, on my N73 (nokia) I have 3-4 bars as well.
is it possible radio of pola100 and pola200 are different, even they share the same version number?
mavvy4ever said:
is it possible radio of pola100 and pola200 are different
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Could be, but then again, Rroet and I are having the same devices (pola100), are living in the same country, having the same radio version (the, the only difference is that he has another provider (which I can find if I search for networks)
Rroet said:
My problem is when I manually check networks, I can find KPN NL and Orange NL everywhere, but not T-Mobile or Vodafone.. whilest on my wife's Vox I have 3 bars of network, on my N73 (nokia) I have 3-4 bars as well.
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In June I will switch network (to Vodafone)... I hope it all keeps working... Really strange that you can't find your network anymore. If I scan for networks I see them all (also Vodafone and T-Mobile).
(Think you've allready done this) but what will happen if you give your device a hard reset, or flash Windows Mobile again to your mobile... This because I'm having the same device, can find your network and having the same radio version.
hi there!
I unfortunately got the same issue.
I got a XDA Orbit 2 from O2 Germany. Did the hardspl unlock(used the tool from olipro) after that i flashed the bepe 0.67 premium bepe rom.
Right now my orbit is disconnected most of the time, or has real bad signal strength. It would be very great if this can be fixed.
flashed the got the same prob.
Got another orbit2 with everything in original delivery state. is there a possibility to "clone" the device back to original state?
I got very bad reception when update radio . it frequenly lost connection when I got phone call , tried to downgrade and no result
I have vodafone simcard and now I must force to swich to 3g connection to make a phone call . when Iam on gsm I conldnot make any phone call at all , I am now just wait and see someone smart to show me how to correct this trouble
the phone work on my 3 sim but it is not as good as it was before
To make it complete: I have the O2 Orbit 2 (german) (POLA200) and I
have ugraded to the without glitches (worked at first time,
did it through bootloader mode) and it is working with the same (good)
reception as it did before (phuuuh). Maybe it has something to do with
the flash problems at first time, which some users had. Could someone
sort it out? It's really goring, that even (successful) backflash to the stock
radio does not seem to fix the issue like the Poll indicates
Edit: using Bepe 0.64 GER Opera with the Orbit2 ATM.
Edit2: Thought it might be a good idea to crosslink this thread to the
Polaris Radio ROMs thread to get things together.
What about the IMEI number btw?
I don't know if this is what happens by default, but my IMEI number is 2 digits longer in the software, then it is in the hardware:
example of my hardware IMEI: 123
in software it reads 12301
Does this matter in any way?
Interesting stuff... as Olioaglio said maybe there´s a relation to how it was flashed. If it was clean install or the process had to be repeated. Can anyone with this problem report back on this issue. I tried the new radio here in Spain but I went back to the stock radio as it seemed to have a better reception and battery life. I must admit I´m rather cautious about trying different radios as I fried my Hermes due to the radio and now it can´t connect at all.
I've had no problems/glitches during the flash process but I have the same reception problems as everyone else. Even using a friend's SIM with a different carrier made no difference in reception.

