Fail to create a diagnostic SD card - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi all,
I was trying to creating a diagnostic SD card with the following step but fail:
1. Start XDArit.exe
2. from the "select SD card (disk drive) drop down box, i choose disk 4 which is mapped to my SD card slot of my multi slot card reader.
3. Click the "write to SD card" button
4. Check the "diagnostic" check box and browse to select the patch file. (c:\wallaby-pathch-tools.nb2)
5. Click OK.
Then it said "successfully copied 2 blocks of data". But in fact nothing is written on the SD card. I don't even see the read/write indicator of my card reader on.
Anything wrong with my steps? Please help!


SD ROM flashing

I tried to flash the ROM via SD card today. I downloaded an nb1 ROM Image from "lumpistefan" and due to the lack of an SD adapter on my notebook I plugged the SD card into a colleagues notebook and opened a network share.
I created a network drive Z: on that share.
What was first puzzling me:
In OSImageTool I can give the source filename. OK. but when specifying the destination it asks me again for a filename (via the Openfile Dialog box).
So what is the issue with copying just the file onto the SD (512 MB in this case)?
How does one proceed from the point when the file is on the SD? It seems to me that the SD has to be specially formatted to be recognized as a bootable SD by the bootloader.
When I enter the Wallaby bootloader (power+soft reset button) it tells me
"WAIT" and after a couple of minutes I'm getting "GSM ERROR".
this guide always did it for me but i've come across pretty malfunctioning sd readers in my time
Ok here you go, its a little outdated but its what I still use:
Qman's how to use XDArit to write nk.nb1 or nk.nbf to your SD card aka the Bootloader Method!
1. Place XDArit and the nk.nb1 or nk.nbf file in the same folder and start XDArit.
2. Select your SD card (disk drive) from the drop down menu.
3. Select Write to SD
Notice that the Windows CE box is already checked so just click the browse button at the end of that window.
4. Select your (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf) image and then Open
Notice by default XDArit will open looking for a *.nb1 file but if you're going to use a .nbf file you'll have to manually change the "Files of Type" to *.nbf
Notice that nk.nbo / nk.nbo was automatically added as your boot-loader and its check box is unchecked so leave it that way and click OK. XDArit should start writing to the card.
When XDArit has finished writing the image put the SD-card into the XDA and hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a "Soft Boot/Reset".
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Krischu said:
I tried to flash the ROM via SD card today. I downloaded an nb1 ROM Image from "lumpistefan" and due to the lack of an SD adapter on my notebook I plugged the SD card into a colleagues notebook and opened a network share.
I created a network drive Z: on that share.
What was first puzzling me:
In OSImageTool I can give the source filename. OK. but when specifying the destination it asks me again for a filename (via the Openfile Dialog box).
So what is the issue with copying just the file onto the SD (512 MB in this case)?
How does one proceed from the point when the file is on the SD? It seems to me that the SD has to be specially formatted to be recognized as a bootable SD by the bootloader.
When I enter the Wallaby bootloader (power+soft reset button) it tells me
"WAIT" and after a couple of minutes I'm getting "GSM ERROR".
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Using a network shared SD-Card won't work. You need physically access to the SD-Card Writer.
Also many internal SD-Card Writer are causing problems. Therefore i believe this is the second point you're getting problems...
The ROm is written in special format to the sd-card.

Solution for those who messed up their SD Cards.

To begin with, I recently messed up my 4GB SD Card. Why? I was not paying attention on details when I was reformating the SD Card. The end result was my 4GB SD Card turned into a 1GB SD Card. I was not worried for my SD Card has life time warranty, so my ultimate solution would be to just have it exchanged. But being a very curious dude, I started experimenting for a solution and found one.
1st: AKU2 ROMs prefer SD Cards with FAT format. Thus, you can use 4GB SD Cards without any problem.
2nd: AKU3 ROMs can use both SD Cards with either FAT or FAT32 format. But I would still STICK WITH THE FAT FORMAT.
SOLUTION TO MY ENCOUNTERED PROBLEM: (You think a simple reformat will solve it using the menu under "My Computer" using a card reader, it did not work on mine.) So here are the steps on what will work:
1st: You need WM5torage installed to your Universal's Internal Memory. I'll attach a copy at the end of this post.
2nd: You need your Universal.
3rd: Place the troubled SD Card to your Universal's SD Card slot.
4th: Make sure in WM5torage, both "Read Only" and "Removable Class" is UNTICKED.
5th: Activate WM5torage.
6th: Connect your Universal via USB.
7th: From this point on, all the steps below will be done on your computer.
8th: Wait for "My Computer" to show the presence of the SD Card.
9th: Go to Start>Control Panel>Performance & Maintenance>Administrative Tools>Computer mangement.
10th: Click on Disk Management.
11th: Scroll and highlight the drive you want to repair or format.
12th: Right click on selected drive and select FORMAT.
13th: You can rename the volume label if you wish.
14th: Make sure file system is FAT format.
15th: Allocation unit size is DEFAULT.
16th: Check the box for QUICK FORMAT.
17th: Select OK.
There you go. I now got back my full 4GB SD Card and fully operational on my Universal. Wheeeeeeewwww!
You might want to replace steps 8 to 11 with the following
7th: Wait for "My Computer" to show the presence of the SD Card.
8th: From this point on, all the steps below will be done on your computer.
12th: Right click SD Card and select FORMAT.
SD Card issue
Great work,
I don't have this issue, but it is always nice to keep in mind
will this work with a card that is no longer recognised (doesnt think there a card there) due to a format error?
daddy k said:
will this work with a card that is no longer recognised (doesnt think there a card there) due to a format error?
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YES, tried this too with my very old 2GB card that I screwed up long ago and thought it was gone for good. Plus, it won't hurt to try.
Mikew said:
You might want to replace steps 8 to 11 with the following
7th: Wait for "My Computer" to show the presence of the SD Card.
8th: From this point on, all the steps below will be done on your computer.
12th: Right click SD Card and select FORMAT.
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Thanks. DONE.
ill try and bring my dead card back to life!
cktlcmd said:
To begin with, I recently messed up my 4GB SD Card. Why? I was not paying attention on details when I was reformating the SD Card. The end result was my 4GB SD Card turned into a 1GB SD Card. I was not worried for my SD Card has life time warranty, so my ultimate solution would be to just have it exchanged. But being a very curious dude, I started experimenting for a solution and found one.
1st: AKU2 ROMs prefer SD Cards with FAT format. Thus, you can use 4GB SD Cards without any problem.
2nd: AKU3 ROMs can use both SD Cards with either FAT or FAT32 format. But I would still STICK WITH THE FAT FORMAT.
SOLUTION TO MY ENCOUNTERED PROBLEM: (You think a simple reformat will solve it using the menu under "My Computer" using a card reader, it did not work on mine.) So here are the steps on what will work:
1st: You need WM5torage installed to your Universal's Internal Memory. I'll attach a copy at the end of this post.
2nd: You need your Universal.
3rd: Place the troubled SD Card to your Universal's SD Card slot.
4th: Make sure in WM5torage, both "Read Only" and "Removable Class" is UNTICKED.
5th: Activate WM5torage.
6th: Connect your Universal via USB.
7th: From this point on, all the steps below will be done on your computer.
8th: Wait for "My Computer" to show the presence of the SD Card.
9th: Go to Start>Control Panel>Performance & Maintenance>Administrative Tools>Computer mangement.
10th: Click on Disk Management.
11th: Scroll and highlight the drive you want to repair or format.
12th: Right click on selected drive and select FORMAT.
13th: You can rename the volume label if you wish.
14th: Make sure file system is FAT format.
15th: Allocation unit size is DEFAULT.
16th: Check the box for QUICK FORMAT.
17th: Select OK.
There you go. I now got back my full 4GB SD Card and fully operational on my Universal. Wheeeeeeewwww!
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i tried this but my sd card didnt show up. also what I was thinking could be the problem is my rom it is 1.12.38 which is old

[Q] SD Card Not working

I got the 16GB Card with my phone. I first(before first use) removed the SD card and re-inserted it. Then I started the phone.
The settings show "No SD Card". Also, the documents tab shows "SD card is full or missing". Its not detecting the 16 GB Card came with it.
When I plugged this 16 GB to my Laptop using a card reader, it works.
Also, when I inserted a 1 GB Card to the phone, it works.
Is there anybody who face the same?
Can anybody help?
First, is the phone connected by USB in Disk Drive mode when you're trying to look at the contents of the card? If so, the phone can't see the SD card when you're connected that way. If that's not the case, then follow these steps:
1) Put the card back in the reader on your PC, copy everything off the card into a backup folder
2) Put the card back in the phone, and use the "Format SD Card" option in settings-tools
3) Once it's formatted that way, connect the phone to the PC via USB, choosing the "Disk Drive" option
4) Copy everything back on to the card that you had saved in that folder on your PC
No. Its not connected to PC.
Also, I cant format the card when it is not detected by the phone.
Then still copy everything off it like I described, and then format it via the card reader on your pc instead of on the phone.
The stock cards in the HD2 are known to often have issues like this...if these steps don't resolve the issue then the next step is to probably just replace it.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA app
There are some weird WinMo bugs about storage card, have been around for years, and not fixed.
Look at your device with file manager. There may be a folder in main memory called "Storage Card", that isn't really the storage card, and the real storage card is now labelled "Storage Card 2" or something, so links to it won't work.
With file manager, rename the fake "Storage card" folder to anything else. (You can't delete it just yet.)
Then reboot the device. After the reboot, the real storage card should be named "Storage Card" again, and now you can delete the imposter folder.
I don't know if your problem is related to that one, but important to get that info out, for those not aware of it.
(Especially likely to happen on HD2, when connected to the computer with the disk drive option. When so connected, the real storage card cannot be read. Yet, if the system wants to save a file or cache to "Storage Card", it creates a new folder by that name. Later, when no longer connected to the computer, the real storage card is back, it has been renamed, as the new folder took its real name. To get it back right, follow the procedure above.)
Another possibility just occurred to me. Seems rather obvious, but it has happened to me.
Are you sure you have the card inserted correctly--all the way in?
The first time I reinserted the card after taking it out, booted up my phone, there was no storage card. I just had not inserted it correctly. That is very easy to do on this phone, you think it is inserted all the way, and it is not.
If you haven't experimented with that yet, you really should do so. Make sure the card is pushed all the way in.

restoring sd card used for unooter

so i followed this tutorial:
and i made a unooter sd card, and now my sd card is only 40MB, how can i restore the original size of the SD card.
*EDIT* got it fixed, ubuntu to the rescue.
Could you provide steps on how you restored the SD card?
timbritt said:
Could you provide steps on how you restored the SD card?
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One of the easiest ways is to format the card from the device. If you are still on the B&N OS, insert the SD card into the device when it already fully started. Then press the on screen launcher, select ”Settings,” then “Device Info,” then “SD Card,” and then just select “Unmount SD card” followed by “Format SD card.” If you running CM 7, the directions are similar, press the menu key, then select “Settings,” locate the SD card menu, and then just unmount and format.


I burned an image of touch nooter on a kingston 4gb micro sdcard using Win32image. I right clicked the drive of the card on Win7 and did a full and quick format to erase the image. When I wiped out the touchnooter image from the card, it gave me a space of only 76mb and not the whole 4gb default space.
Any suggestions oh how to get the full 4gb storage back?
Start - Run - diskmgmt.msc
Find your SD card there (Removable G: for example)
You will see it has 2 or more partitions.
Delete all partitions and then create new Simple volume from one big unallocated space you got and format it to FAT32.
Make sure you are deleting partitions of your SD card or you can kill all your data and system.
BiGbrother13 said:
Start - Run - diskmgmt.msc
Find your SD card there (Removable G: for example)
You will see it has 2 or more partitions.
Delete all partitions and then create new Simple volume from one big unallocated space you got and format it to FAT32.
Make sure you are deleting partitions of your SD card or you can kill all your data and system.
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I went to disk management but I could only see one partition for the card.
You can use an android device to format the card back to normal. If the nook touch is the only android device you have do this.
Put the sd card in the nook touch
tap the n button on bottom
tap 'settings'
tap 'Device Info'
tap 'SD Card'
tap 'Unmount SD Card', if it is available
tap 'Format SD Card' when it is available
after it does it make sure unmount SD card is not highlighted then you can pull the SD card back out.
You can use SDFormatter for windows to fix your SD card and get the total space visible again.
Masterface7 said:
You can use an android device to format the card back to normal. If the nook touch is the only android device you have do this.
Put the sd card in the nook touch
tap the n button on bottom
tap 'settings'
tap 'Device Info'
tap 'SD Card'
tap 'Unmount SD Card', if it is available
tap 'Format SD Card' when it is available
after it does it make sure unmount SD card is not highlighted then you can pull the SD card back out.
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This method worked. Great guideline. Thanks.
I tried SDFormatter too but no go.
I had the same problem after rooting but I solved it by using SDFormatter in Windows (version: ).
Formar the sd card with the nook

