Downgrading radio stack - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I know you can't do it now, but do we think you'll EVER be able to downgrade to an earlier stack ?


lost Radio Stack 6.02

I upgraded my T-Mobile PPC and lost the Radio Stack 6.02, now my phone have Radio Stack 4.14, it's dead,
I'm looking for Radio Stack U6.02 for 900/1900 t-mobile Phone Edition. Does anybody knows where I can get it?
I did the same thing. Anyone out there help us out?
Usually you cannot downgrade a Radio Stack. I did it too and after resetting the Setup for Radio Stack 6.18 (also for t-mobile Phone Edition) starts automatically. After this it worked again.
Have you tried to hard-Reset your device (all data is lost)?
If you find a version (6.x) somewhere on the Internet, let me know. Lot's of People are looking for these versions.
Radio Stack 6.18 Found !
bknox said:
I did the same thing. Anyone out there help us out?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have now the radio stack 6.18 and my is working again, send your email and I will sent it to you. Aprox. 15MB
Radio Stack Upgrade
Thanks ebenavides!
My e-mail address is [email protected]

Downgrade from Radio stack 4.21 possible ?

Did anybody succeed in eliminating radio stack 4.21 ? (downgrade or delete)
There must be a way (I hope).
yes, downgrade is easy. read old thread!
Could not find. Please give me the link to the thread.

Has anyone attempted to downgrade from R6.25.02

Has anyopne been able to downgrade the radio stack from 6.25.02 to something lower. I need to do that to unlock my XDA. I'm concerned about messing up the radio stack.

Need newer ATT radio stack upgrade files

Can anybody post the radio stack upgrade files for the newer ATT radio stacks A30 or higher.
Siemense has taken the upgrade files off-line.

Cant find answer

I did a search and couldent find what i was looking for, but im trying to update my radio ver. How would one go about doing this?
for xda2's you can only upgrade it when you upgrade the normal rom
and the rom have a newer version of the radiostack
i think
i just upgraded to the WM2005 but my radio ver. is 1.10.00
not sure if this is normal or not
me too. upgraded to WM 5.0 but my radio is 1.08.
i'm also not sure if this is normal or not.
i did update from radio 1.10 to 1. 17 to 1.18 and back aggain to 1.17
just put the radio_nb (check for country and operator errors)
in the himalayupgrade dir and it did only a radio update
after hard reset and thats it
it is possible that some bootloader dont let to do that but mine does its 1.01
hope this helped

