Is GPRS really faster with the ROM upgrade? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Saw some posts over at ppcpassion forums wherein users indicate that surfing feels faster. Placebo effect or fact? Anyone do some before/after throughput measurements?


Verizon note 3 modems

Does anyone know if there is a difference in reception or 4g signal with 4.4 or 4.3 modems?
TheRock40359 said:
Does anyone know if there is a difference in reception or 4g signal with 4.4 or 4.3 modems?
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IMO nearly 100% of the claims of "such-and-such firmware version improved my signal strength" here on XDA are the result of (a) wishful thinking, or (b) post-hoc fallacies resulting from day-to-day and hour-by-hour cell congestion and multipath phenomenon that happen to be coincident in time with those folks performing A/B flashing "experiments". (Basically, they are experiments where the experimenter doesn't control for external factors that are hugely important).
I could believe that bug fixes/improvements could alter behaviors higher up in the network stack (eg tower handoffs etc), and those are part ofthe behaviors that people call " reception". But a firmware Rev altering the signal strength between a handset in a specific location and orientation to a specific tower under low congestion conditions (say, 4am)?
Color me skeptical.

Cellular strength and throughput

We know how much you like to stream, ahem, "videos", and so cellular data is mega-important. Rate this thread to express how you think the LG V30's LTE performs. A higher rating indicates that it's fantastic: throughput is excellent and signal strength is top-notch.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add.
I really like to know how is the cellular reception on this phone. In my V20, I think it's bad. It's the only con that I see on V20.
Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk
On Rogers in Toronto, Canada. No issues with reception, signal strength, or LTE connectivity.
cazcryy said:
On Rogers in Toronto, Canada. No issues with reception, signal strength, or LTE connectivity.
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Would you mind sharing your APN settings? I'm on Rogers & I have 1-2 bars max, while it's full on my S8. I haven't turned on data yet in case I need to return it since I had similar issues on the G6 & had lots of problems sending & receiving SMS/MMS while connected to wifi.
daandman said:
Would you mind sharing your APN settings? I'm on Rogers & I have 1-2 bars max, while it's full on my S8. I haven't turned on data yet in case I need to return it since I had similar issues on the G6 & had lots of problems sending & receiving SMS/MMS while connected to wifi.
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cazcryy said:
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Mine are the exact same, weird. Thanks.
daandman said:
Mine are the exact same, weird. Thanks.
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Really, I usually have 4 bars with the occasional 3 bars and 3G maybe once or twice since I've had it. What areas are you usually seeing 1-2 bars? Is it indoors also?
cazcryy said:
Really, I usually have 4 bars with the occasional 3 bars and 3G maybe once or twice since I've had it. What areas are you usually seeing 1-2 bars? Is it indoors also?
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It's everywhere, I have an S8 & when I put my sim card in I get full bars and no issues in the exact same locations. I think I'm gonna return my V30 today actually, I had the same issues with my G6 & I'm hesitant to trust LG phones now, which is too bad because I love them.
Bars mean little because each manufacturer uses a different standard and different thresholds. One phones 3 bars is not the same as another. If you want to compare phones then you need the actual signal strength the phone is getting.
I think that this device does really well on T-Mobile in San Antonio Texas.
Get an Intel 7 Plus if you want to see just how good the V30 really is.
No, don't do that.
Seriously though, my calls are clear, my data is consistent and I can travel outside the major city.
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk.
I live in Redwood City, CA (silicon valley) and I get perfect reception, all 5 bars LTE.
Speed test shows 60mbit. Amazing. I thought it was a mistake and I tried it again on another block of the city and I got 65mbit. I have T-Mobile and I can't wait for them to roll out 5G on the 600mhz spectrum.
---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------
daandman said:
It's everywhere, I have an S8 & when I put my sim card in I get full bars and no issues in the exact same locations. I think I'm gonna return my V30 today actually, I had the same issues with my G6 & I'm hesitant to trust LG phones now, which is too bad because I love them.
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You should think twice about returning it. Don't be too hasty because it's probably your location or network provider and not the phone. You need to download an app to check the actual signal strength in dB and not look at bars. They mean nothing. I use Signal Check Pro.
hojo82 said:
I live in Redwood City, CA (silicon valley) and I get perfect reception, all 5 bars LTE.
Speed test shows 60mbit. Amazing. I thought it was a mistake and I tried it again on another block of the city and I got 65mbit. I have T-Mobile and I can't wait for them to roll out 5G on the 600mhz spectrum.
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I'm as impressed by the low ping speed (20ms) as the the download speed. Wow. Lower pings are less lag.
That's about the lowest I've seen for a cellular network connection. I've occasionally gotten low 20's with AT&T, but usually high 20s -- which is still fantastic compared to MVNOs (because they don't have direct connection to carrier's data servers). Your phone can FEEL like it has a slow connection, due to the high lag when you have higher ping speeds.
A lot of people only focus on download speeds, and they may have triple digit ping speeds (bad).
You will get lower ping speeds with an ethernet connection and even very good Wi-Fi, of course, but for cellular network that 20ms is the best test I've ever seen.
hojo82 said:
You should think twice about returning it. Don't be too hasty because it's probably your location or network provider and not the phone. You need to download an app to check the actual signal strength in dB and not look at bars. They mean nothing. I use Signal Check Pro.
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My Galaxy S8 works perfectly with my sim card in the exact same locations.
I've noticed that signal strength is a few dB lower than what I got on my LG G4 (3-5 dB). Not a big deal, even at home where I'm unfortunately in kind of a fringe area. Throughput doesn't seem to be affected much.
No issues on this end. Latency is always nice and quick, networks and radios switch very quickly, and knowing it will only get better with 600MHz rollout and 5G just makes me happy.
LTE just doesn't want to work for me for some reason. No methods of fixing it that I've tried helped so far so I may try ordering a new SIM card from my carrier. Quite disappointing so far but maybe it's not my V30 to blame
I have two phones. Oneplus X and V30. In the same place on Oneplus X i have LTE signal with strength 85-95 dBm but on V30 I have 100-108 dBm ;/
FWIW, I have an LGH931 on AT&T since mid-December. I live in San Francisco with lots of difficult terrains (urban canyons, hills, etc.). I still have an HTC 10 and never worried about cell reception. Yes, the bars are generally lower on the V30, but it doesn't mean anything. I use LTE Discovery to measure the -dbm signal strength. The V30 has a problem with switching bands quickly and the thresholds are set to low. One bar/no bars seems to indicate -120dbm and barely enough for reliable calls or consistent data. I had two events when calls came in over wifi at my home, an indicator of low/no cell signal levels. Never happened with the HTC 10 before. A friend of mine traveled to Kingman, AZ recently and had a terrible time, plenty of dropped calls. He returned his US998 version. I believe generally the problem is with AT&T and the V30 radio settings.
AT&T LG V30 here.
Very disappointed by the signal strength and radio behavior of the device in general.
At home my Blackberry gets -92dBm and the V30 gets -103 dBm.
At work my Blackberry gets -98dBm and the V30 gets -114dBm!
Of course I went through all the getting a new SIM card, holding it a certain way and so on but no difference whatsoever.
This is the best phone I ve ever had, unfortunately the radio settings or hardware or both do not do it any justice.
From what I read it can be simply fixed or improved if AT&T and LG alter the threshold band settings, since other variants do not suffer from the same issue.
Hopefully an update is going to happen soon or I am not sure what I am going to do.
Im getting regular 150-200 mbps on tmobile in Florida. Almost never under 80 and ive noticed a big increase in signal reliability. Very happy with the cellular signal on this phone.

Cellular strength and throughput

We know how much you like to stream, ahem, "videos", and so cellular data is mega-important. Rate this thread to express how you think the Huawei P20 Pro's LTE performs. A higher rating indicates that it's fantastic: throughput is excellent and signal strength is top-notch.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add.
the signal is very good i have much more signal in my room than my S6 had
so far better than my s7 edge, for example in my room i used to get 1 bar 4G now i get full 4G signal
Good signal with Three UK middle of Butlins holiday park in a bar and a solid 4/5 bars and speed test of 25Mb
I've got a poor Three signal at home whichever phone I use, but WiFi calling kicks in via my home AP and the quality is very good. The WiFi calling came as a very pleasant surprise.
Better than my S9+ with better bandwidth... :good:
Suggy62 said:
I've got a poor Three signal at home whichever phone I use, but WiFi calling kicks in via my home AP and the quality is very good. The WiFi calling came as a very pleasant surprise.
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Did you purchase your phone from Three?
heinzy8 said:
Did you purchase your phone from Three?
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Yes, but the phone doesn't seem to be branded in anyway that i can see, so I'm guessing it's standard functionality that's just enabled by the SIM
Suggy62 said:
Yes, but the phone doesn't seem to be branded in anyway that i can see, so I'm guessing it's standard functionality that's just enabled by the SIM
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Thanks. I am thinking of getting one but I'm the same as you. Three signal at home is hopeless so wifi calling is a must for me.
Great reception! Much better than my iPhone X! I have signal everywhere with ee and WiFi calls as well
Great signal on TMO here in Methuen, Ma (near NH border)
Better signal than my S8 but only half the speed with EE.
Cellular signal has been really good. No trouble even when being used in am above-ground parking garage.

Anyone Care to Post Performance Benchmarks?

I haven't noticed this thread in particular just yet, but I'm curious to see what everyone is getting. I'm ranking 3rd place under ROG phone and Huawei Mate 20 Pro... When you actually look into specific scores under various tests however, I'm getting higher scores in GPU than even the Mate 20!
I don't think it makes much sense posting these, as there is so many sd845 devices and each of them has the same performance
ГАСООП said:
I don't think it makes much sense posting these, as there is so many sd845 devices and each of them has the same performance
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I don't think that's necessarily true, devices are tuned differently, different software handles things differently. It's not really purely a hardware test.

Cellular strength and throughput

We know how much you like to stream, ahem, "videos", and so cellular data is mega-important. Rate this thread to express how you think the OnePlus 7 Pro's LTE performs. A higher rating indicates that it's fantastic: throughput is excellent and signal strength is top-notch.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add.
not as good as my previous device(Nexus6p)
Signal strength is not very good, comparing to a P30 Pro its slightly lower (1-2dB) when held freely and quite a bit lower (6-8dB) when put on a table or held in hand - all measured with the built-in RSSI indicator in settings.
One thing I can not complain about is the cell signal and reception on the Huawei P30 Pro as it is really good. Where other smartphones fail the P30 Pro does not
At times even with full 4g signal strength oneplus 7 pro fails to reach internet. The issue is random & frequent. Didn't have this issue on op6t. I had changed mobile network to LTE only using *#*#4636#*#* , but with this issue on 4g has now set network to wcdma only.
Anyone else noticed this issue?
Strength is superb comparing to my previous phone, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus. Where i was loosing signal (elevator in an old type of building), phone calls were dropping, no data, on 7 pro i can surf the web with ease
I've had no issues so far. Seems solid.
This is been my concern before my purchase of this phone and deciding if I go with Verizon or AT&t, I'm leaving Sprint after two years of absolute misery. I was wondering you guys were on different carriers. I'm so tired of buying phones and being burnt locked out bootloaders and the cell carrier pulling the wool over my eyes with security updates so I want to buy from OnePlus directly choose a good carrier that's why I'm coming to the best source there is lol! I was looking to go with AT&t because I wanted to give my wife a used OnePlus 3T the unlocked us version. But I agree with the previous statement success signal I have ever had was my Nexus 6p and I still have it it's in mint condition but it will just not read a SIM card for whatever reason. Thanks for any answer you can provide I really appreciate it I've been dying to try a OnePlus for a few years
Recent test on t mobile. On a simple choice plan with unlimited data. Believe this was on band 4
Compared to my Pixel 3 XL on TMO I have found it as good but not better. The 3XL is a steller performer though in the midband LTE range so as good is still great
Definitely better on my 6. Not the worst, but could be better
I can't say if cell strength is better or worse. I switched to AT&T from Verizon when I got the 7 pro. Although, I don't have any complaints on the signal strength with AT&T. I can say WiFi strength is better than on my LG V30. There are places at work (the bathroom ... I'm talking about the bathroom) where I got almost no signal with the V30 and I'm getting a strong signal with the 7 pro.
T-Mobile cell signal and strength are very good. Better than my prior devices...
Mint Mobile here (basically T-Mobile but cheaper. Check it out. Seriously I get 8GB LTE and unlimited talk/text for $240 a year).
Connection seems excellent for me. Much better than my old nextbit robin, and seems more consistent than my OnePlus 3T as well, ESPECIALLY WiFi connectivity. Have never had it drop WiFi and it reaches well into my driveway.

