XDA to get Windows Mobile 2003!!! WE ARE UPGRADEABLE!!! - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

From Infosync:
O2 XDA to get Windows Mobile 2003-ified
By: Jørgen Sundgot, Monday 23rd June 2003, 04:05 GMT
Mobile network operator mmO2 today announced its intent to bring to market an upgrade to Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC - the successor to Microsoft's Pocket PC 2002 platform - for its O2 XDA WAN handheld. Currently undergoing internal alpha testing, mmO2 could neither comment on whether the upgrade would be made available to users for free, nor at what time the upgrade could be expected to arrive. The O2 XDA is currently powered by Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition.
This is great news, that means that most likely, we all users that have the Xda in all flavors, will be able to upgrade to 2003, even if the Carriers don't release an official upgrade with this I wouldn't be surprised if someone comes out with a 2003 SE ROM!!!!!!

WOW ! Great news !!! :lol: :lol:

What's your sense about this vis-a-vis the XDA Dev ROM? Will the update to 2003 essentially 'erase' the XDA Dev ROM? If not, what features/functionality will be left over after the 2003 upgrade?

We will, ofcourse, study the 2003 ROM is great depth, and we will release a Special Edition 2003 ROM if that is anywhere near possible. First signs look positive, and we'll be looking into it further soon.
(Don't count on it, but it would ofcourse be hilarious if the Special Edition 2003 pre-dates the official release...)

Windows Mobile 2003 for pocket pc
Check this out for the upgrade

If this can be pulled off then what a result!

Power PC 2003 upgrade
I followed the link given
but fail to see anywhere where it explicity mentions that an XDA is possible.
I attended the 1.5 mostly programmers oriented webcast from microsoft. It became clear that whilst PPC 2003 may be a relatively easy upgrade to PPC 2002, smartphone release is not so easy. They mentioned that code has been sent to individual manufactures (i.e. the smartphone code) to be integrated by that manufacturer.
I have consulted the http://www.o2.co.uk/productsservices/xda_index/0,,170,00.html
website for upgrade information, but IMHO O2 has not done themselves any favours in their support of the basic XDA functionality on that site, so it was no great suprise that I could not PPC 2003 smartphone edition upgrade information there.
If anybody has definitive information on the upgrade i.e. a weblink then I recommend it is posted here please.

Taken from http://www.pocketpcmag.com/Nov03/windowsmobile2003.asp
"All Pocket PC 2002 devices and the original iPAQ Pocket PC 2000s are physically capable of being upgraded to Windows Mobile 2003...
Manufacturers of the Pocket PC Phone Edition devices are in the process of testing Windows Mobile 2003. This will delay the introduction of Phone Edition devices using the new software, and any upgrade for existing users. At the time I wrote this article, no upgrade plans had been announced. Again, check with the manufacturer of the device for upgrade information. As soon as we find out, we'll publish it here in Pocket PC magazine. "

upgrades cost money . . .
Anywhere that I have looked I have seen a price for the upgrade. normally around the US$50. This does seem reasonable, not that I would pay that of course.
With this in mind what issues would the XDA-Developers encouter when manipulating this ROM...
As mentioned in the ROM SE we are personally responsible for adding the extra software, updates etc. Will we see an update here first....

o2 have mounting costs, and are not doing too well as a business. I know this from many friends who work there. They are not as strong a position as vodafone or t-mobile, hence this probably translates into slow moving, and lack of support. Additioanally, the 2003 might not be a free upgrade because of this.

PDF file, instructions on how to do the upgarde
i have posted a link for instructions on generic Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 Phone Edition operating system, specifically for xda. somewhere in this forum click on search if you are interestd


bad news about final rom 2003 from o2

I got this email from o2 asia.So may be we don't have a chance to up wm2003 with final release from o2,how about qtek does anybody know about it?
O2's position on Pocket PC 2003
O2 Asia will not be deploying the Pocket PC 2003 upgrade. The Pocket PC 2003 upgrade is subject to the original design of the hardware and the level of integration of the device, particularly between the phone and pda functions. The O2 xda was not designed to support Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and therefore could not take advantage of some of the most important feature upgrades inherent in Pocket PC 2003. After careful evaluation of the costs and benefits and the relatively low impact on the user experience of the current xda version, we have decided not to deploy this upgrade. We are however pleased to announce that we will be introducing significant new features with another upgrade which will include the wireless modem, SIM Toolkit support and the SMS caller ID fix.
Can't be... I hope....
the part about Bluetooth and WiFi is bull****, look at the low-end ipaqs...
They don't wanna tell us, that all WM2003 devices will need to have WiFi and Bluetooth, do they?
If "The Pocket PC 2003 upgrade is subject to the original design of the hardware" how come I and many others are happly running it on our little old xda's :!: Hmmm, maybe they are trying to say it will only be available on xda 2, it would be cheaper for them in the long run.
Its a Bad News
I got the problem after i upgrade PPC 2003, may be my mistake I erase the bootloader. This week i went to KL and I go to XDA helpdesk in Malaysia but i get disapointed with them... they didnt do anything with my Device they can't install the bootloader software. and about this news it's sucks :twisted: i feel like change to another device because the donn't have good support after sales service.
Oh no,
I sure hope O2 releases a version in europe!
bigies said:
We are however pleased to announce that we will be introducing significant new features with another upgrade which will include the wireless modem, SIM Toolkit support and the SMS caller ID fix.
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I may be missing something here - but basically are they saying they are going to provide a small 2002 update, almost a year late, that will provide functions that should have been in the orignal ROM. Functions that many people have already installed because of the generosity and skills of the many enthusiasts here that write killer free aps!!
If it is true
Maybe O2 try to concentre on the XDA- 2( Big competitor SS i700)
Infact only more than 4 months new XDA should be introduced in the market
No time for old XDA- more than enough- 64 000 devices saled in total from May 2002
That why do not wait something special in the next upgrade maybe the Special Developers- ROM 1.2 the best one
This is trading plan, new products- new price-new features -hopefully future- more customers -more profit
It is meaning, we have to change new device for speed, D.Camera, bluetooth, WIFI and WM2003 ??? in the end of this year
Any ideas?
If it is true
Maybe O2 try to concentre on the XDA- 2( Big competitor SS i700)
Infact only more than 4 months new XDA should be introduced in the market
No time for old XDA- more than enough- 64 000 devices saled in total from May 2002
That why do not wait something special in the next upgrade maybe the Special Developers- ROM 1.2 the best one
This is trading plan, new products- new price-new features -hopefully future- more customers -more profit
It is meaning, we have to change new device for speed, D.Camera, bluetooth, WIFI and WM2003 ??? in the end of this year
Any ideas?
Jayman said:
bigies said:
We are however pleased to announce that we will be introducing significant new features with another upgrade which will include the wireless modem, SIM Toolkit support and the SMS caller ID fix.
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I may be missing something here - but basically are they saying they are going to provide a small 2002 update, almost a year late, that will provide functions that should have been in the orignal ROM. Functions that many people have already installed because of the generosity and skills of the many enthusiasts here that write killer free aps!!
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Its not that, because the latest software upgrade to 3.17 and rsu to 4.21 is in fact meant for the UK model. What they're saying is that they'll be releasing the Asian model's upgrades soon. With Asian Carriers Auto-config. Thats my take on it. In the mean time, I did my upgrade last night to WM2003, pretty happy except for a few minor details...

XDA IIs & Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition

Looking at the specification would I be correct in thinking the new XDA II is almost indentical hardware to the original XDA II?
If so it should be possible to upgrade the XDA II to Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition with the XDA IIs new firmware ? ?
Or am I missing something?
Well it's similar but not identical, slide out keyboard, built-in WLAN etc. Having said all that, Tekguru are hinting that there will be an announcement sometime this weekend that will be of interest to current XDAII owners, I have all my fingers crossed that it is the prayed for WM2003SE upgrade
Yep I've been watching the Tekguru site re the announcement...
It seems like we've meet on the dark side ....
LOL! Now how was I too know from that Forum Name! Well let's 'all' keep our fingers crossed, besides I need a ROM update as it must be almost a week since I last hard reset Oh and if you need any more X-Type mounts let me know, chopping mine in for a Disco next month.
Why not a CHEAP XDAII -> IIs upgrade plan :twisted:
i read the specs of the XDAIIs and it says that it incorporates the widcomm BT drivers already. maybe some can extract this so we can have a working version on our XDAII.

I think it's time to send out "the letter..."

With E-TEN M500 getting all the goodies, from Voice Command via BT Headset, good technical support, and now Windows Mobile 5.0, I think it's time that we get some serious damage control from i-mate.
Please take as much as 30 seconds out of your life to copy and paste the following letter and send to [email protected]:
Hello, Mr. Morrison,
I am writing to you in reference to the recent press release on Windows Mobile™ 5.0 from Microsoft®, and your position to support it on existing devices such as the i-mate™ JAM and the PDA2k.
As I am aware of now, there are conflicting reports from your technical support groups to your public interviews as to whether or not current i-mate™ owners will be able to upgrade their i-mate™ devices to Windows Mobile™ 5.0. As a relatively new i-mate™ customer, yet a rather trusted, public individual on various websites, forums, and support groups, I am hoping that I can get a firm answer from you or another trusted, definitive, and reliable source at i-mate™.
Since the announcement of Windows Mobile™ 5.0, manufacturers and companies have stepped up to announce that their existing Windows Mobile™-powered devices will be provided with a firmware upgrade, either paid or free, and within a reasonable amount of time. Most recently, E-TEN Corporation, whose M500 Windows Mobile™ Phone Edition device is in direct competition with the i-mate™ JAM, have firmly announced that they will have a Windows Mobile™ 5.0 upgrade solution in the near future.
Your continued support with your existing product line is just as important as your innovation and development of new devices, such as the yet-publicly-unnamed HTC Universal model. From a technical standpoint, the i-mate™ JAM and PDA2k are fully capable of satisfying the minimum requirements of Windows Mobile™ 5.0. I am also sure you are aware of the unofficial development of Windows Mobile™ 5.0 installed on an older-generation HTC Himalaya model with much success, which further proves that the JAM and PDA2k are more than likely candidates to accept such an upgrade.
I implore you to consider your current customer base in providing Windows Mobile™ 5.0 upgrade support for the JAM and PDA2k, and hope that you can reply with a firm response as soon as possible, as they both will surely reflect on your stance regarding customer service and support, with which many existing and potential consumers will definitely take into account when purchasing their next mobile device.
Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter, and I hope to hear from you very soon.
Your Name Here
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Good luck to us all.
Good idea would be to post this message to other forums as well
If you get something back, put it in here
great idea... done ofcourse.
edit: could somebody inform ppcw.net / msmobiles.com and all other news sites about this community movement so we will get even more users to join us
BTW... I think it would be a good idea to ask i-mate for widcomm bluetooth stack.. instead of the crappy M$ one....
done! :twisted: :evil:
I worte to him 2 weeks ago and this is the letter I got back pertaining to the crappy customer service and hopeless ROM updates that tend solve some problems only to create more.
Dear Mr McClure,
Thank you for taking the time to write to us. I apologise that your experience hasn't been first rate.
Certain areas of our products do develop over time and we feel it important that new features an improvements are given to our customers as soon as they are available. Windows Media 10 became available firstly on the i-mate JAM, and we are now rolling this functionality onto our other device platforms. Similarly with video MMS capability on the JAM, improvements in camera software and post processing. New Bluetooth devices continue to enter into the market and occasionally we need to provide patches to ensure correct operation with our devices. We also receive service releases from Microsoft which we endeavour to release to our customers. We do try to stagger releases so that customers are not overloaded with patches and updates. Some critical updates we do release as patches, but we prefer to roll them up into single updates. We do perform stringent quality assurance on new builds to ensure we don't introduce new issues. This is far from our intention.
Best regards,
John Williamson
VP Technology
Office No. 207-213
Building 11
PO Box 500085
Dubai Internet City
Dubai, UAE
Tel: 00 971 (0) 4 390 1989
DDI: 00 971 (0) 4 367 8501
Fax: 00 971 (0) 4 390 4428
Mob: 00 971 (0) 50 550 8879
The camera still sucks.
johnannie said:
I worte to him 2 weeks ago and this is the letter I got back pertaining to the crappy customer service and hopeless ROM updates that tend solve some problems only to create more.
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Shouldn't you address HTC? I don't think that I-Mate (or other third brands) have anything to do with the software implementation.
Besides that, I don't know why everyone wants Mobile 5. What do you know exactly about it that is so interesting for the Magician?
done.. i hope they read it though!!!!
Dandie said:
Shouldn't you address HTC? I don't think that I-Mate (or other third brands) have anything to do with the software implementation.
Besides that, I don't know why everyone wants Mobile 5. What do you know exactly about it that is so interesting for the Magician?
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I would think htc will only do it if imate, qtek, o2, orange, t-mob etc. etc. pay them to develop and 2k5 rom for upgrade.
Why would we want it? Well persistant memory alone would be enougth for me. Seriously, we will all be looking back in a few years and saying "remember when we had PPC's and the battery run out and wiped the memory. What the f*** was that all about??!"

Response from O2 re: Blackberry on Exec

Thought I would share this update I received from O2 Data Support regarding Blackberry availability since I'd been chasing them regularly for the XDAIIs.
Still unsure whether or not to invest in the Exec, but if they can get Blackberry going on it then I think it would be a winner for me.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Blackberry Connect software is at this moment in time being developed
for the EXEC, unfortunately we cannot give any timescales on the release
The reason on this not being released on launch with the device, is due
to the EXEC carrying the WM 5.0 O/S and the present Blackberry Connect
software only being compatible with WM 2003.
When details of release are available, these will be posted on our XDA
web site www.my-xda.com
Sorry we cannot be more precise with our answer, but if you have any
further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more
than glad to help.
Kind regards
Technical Helpdesk Advisor
Customer Technical Support
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If your company using Exchange 2003 with SP2, it can be used as a blackberry device.
numanoids said:
Thought I would share this update I received from O2 Data Support regarding Blackberry availability since I'd been chasing them regularly for the XDAIIs.
Still unsure whether or not to invest in the Exec, but if they can get Blackberry going on it then I think it would be a winner for me.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Blackberry Connect software is at this moment in time being developed
for the EXEC, unfortunately we cannot give any timescales on the release
The reason on this not being released on launch with the device, is due
to the EXEC carrying the WM 5.0 O/S and the present Blackberry Connect
software only being compatible with WM 2003.
When details of release are available, these will be posted on our XDA
web site www.my-xda.com
Sorry we cannot be more precise with our answer, but if you have any
further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more
than glad to help.
Kind regards
Technical Helpdesk Advisor
Customer Technical Support
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Remember, it took O2 and RIM nearly a year to get it right; given RIM haven't got a 3G device yet I'd say it will be this time next year when we see it on Exec.
Sad but true - O2 is at the mercy of RIM, and the RIM Connect team are at the mercy of the RIM Core team
We do run Exchange 2003 - not sure what our plans are to implement SP2 and we are a Blackberry house already. Need to have a word with our global messaging team to find out what the plans are.
Also, when I last looked at AUTD notifications for Exchange 2003 Sp1, O2 said that they didn't support AUTD which rendered the technology useless if you were on O2.
I'd sincerely hope that seeing as they are selling a device that has the capability, O2 would have the foresight(?) to look at accomodating customers who was to take advantage of it.
I don't think Rim will take that long to develop a client - given the current state of affairs in the states they'll be looking to increase their userbase with or without their own hardware and what better way that to incorporate support for newer clients? They'll know the Universal supports the Exchange push technology, but while its still being brought into production why not jump in and keep hold of existing RIM customers by accomodating their new devices.

Is Microsoft actually saying no 6.5 update for xperiancers?

Microsoft Reveals New Windows® Phones With Marketplace and My Phone Services
Microsoft mobile partners fly the Windows flag: HTC, LG and Orange preview first Windows® phones.
BARCELONA, Spain — Feb. 16, 2009 — Today at Mobile World Congress 2009, Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer along with key mobile partners, HTC, LG and Orange, unveiled new Windows® phones featuring new user-friendly software and services. The next generation of Windows® phones will be based on Windows Mobile 6.5 and feature a new user interface and a richer browsing experience. In addition, Windows® phones will feature two new services: My Phone, to sync text messages, photos, video, contacts and more to the Web; and Windows® Marketplace for Mobile, a new marketplace that will provide direct-to-phone mobile applications and can be accessed from both the phone and the Web.
read more here
also see note attached here
this looks like a bad dream
this is what everyone expected.
maybe u should dream of that ferrari that someones going to give u
Ganondolf said:
this is what everyone expected.
maybe u should dream of that ferrari that someones going to give u
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Bedtime stories? For freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
SE or HTC should do everything to bring WinMob6.5 to the Xperiancers as some sort of compensation for the cracks in case...
It's nothing to do with whether MS decide to do wm6.5 for the x1. That's purely SE decision;
I honestly don't think you'll ever see it.. SE have to buy licences for every device, so it would cost them a lot more than they'd be willing to spend in the current economic climate.
Best wait for the X2 if you want official SE 6.5 rom...
fards said:
It's nothing to do with whether MS decide to do wm6.5 for the x1. That's purely SE decision;
I honestly don't think you'll ever see it.. SE have to buy licences for every device, so it would cost them a lot more than they'd be willing to spend in the current economic climate.
Best wait for the X2 if you want official SE 6.5 rom...
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The end of the day...who cares! As long as we get a 6.5 rom prted to the Xperia it will be just as good as an official version.
ewok666 said:
The end of the day...who cares! As long as we get a 6.5 rom prted to the Xperia it will be just as good as an official version.
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maybe even better
ewok666 said:
The end of the day...who cares! As long as we get a 6.5 rom prted to the Xperia it will be just as good as an official version.
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Who cares?? Many users care!
Not everyone is using Custom ROM's.
I will definitely never use any cooked 6.5 on my phone.
i wouldnt really want to use a custom ROM - i'd really love for SE to release as a update - then they can remarket the phone - new and improved!
Mleh, it's not like we even know when 6.5 is going to be out yet. I haven't really seen difference that make me sit up and go 'wow' and I really can't see SE shelling out for a new os a year after they release a phone.
Having said that, it's my personal opinion that 6.5 is like a 'service pack' and should be provided for free by Microsoft for all WM6 devices.
spikegotti said:
Microsoft Reveals New Windows® Phones With Marketplace and My Phone Services
Microsoft mobile partners fly the Windows flag: HTC, LG and Orange preview first Windows® phones.
BARCELONA, Spain — Feb. 16, 2009 — Today at Mobile World Congress 2009, Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer along with key mobile partners, HTC, LG and Orange, unveiled new Windows® phones featuring new user-friendly software and services. The next generation of Windows® phones will be based on Windows Mobile 6.5 and feature a new user interface and a richer browsing experience. In addition, Windows® phones will feature two new services: My Phone, to sync text messages, photos, video, contacts and more to the Web; and Windows® Marketplace for Mobile, a new marketplace that will provide direct-to-phone mobile applications and can be accessed from both the phone and the Web.
read more here
also see note attached here
this looks like a bad dream
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why do you care about that since you have this forum?
why do you care about that since you have this forum?
actually, i'm here for many reasons except for custom roms, i happen to prefer official releases in terms of ROMs, i agree with crabby09, 6.5 should be more like a service pack 2...
wm 6.1 should be deemed as SP1 to wm6, and 6.5 as SP2...then who need 7 would have to resort to a new phone or install the OS
spikegotti said:
why do you care about that since you have this forum?
actually, i'm here for many reasons except for custom roms, i happen to prefer official releases in terms of ROMs, i agree with crabby09, 6.5 should be more like a service pack 2...
wm 6.1 should be deemed as SP1 to wm6, and 6.5 as SP2...then who need 7 would have to resort to a new phone or install the OS
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I agree with that 100%... Its just an update for the OS not a hardware thing so SE should allow X1 to get WM6.5 like what HTC does...
spine6 said:
I agree with that 100%... Its just an update for the OS not a hardware thing so SE should allow X1 to get WM6.5 like what HTC does...
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agreed 100% too!
personal I doubt se is willing to pay
personal I can see that many normal users will never use custom roms
personal I can see that many normal users will never even use rom updates like the wm6.5 would be
personal I can see that many users don't see wm6.5 as the greatest thing since sliced bread
pie6 is too little too late other browsers does what it does and been doing it for some time
it's gui is not out of this world compared to some of the gui's people can install on wm now
doubt very much that any programs released that will only work with wm6.5 and not wm6.1 or wm6 so one will not be left behind
wm6.5 will not interduce special new api's for some newer features that not all wm devices have
like accelerometers and the likes
seriously wat improvement 6.5 have?

