Boot Loader seems to have vanished after upgrade - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I've upgraded a couple of US T-Mobile phones to the latest AT&T radio stack and v1.1 of your special edition ROM. Both work really well - however on one of the phones I no longer seem to have access to Boot Loader mode by holding the power button on reboot.
It's not a problem right now, but I imagine it could be if I needed to upgrade at some time in future.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might recover this functionality. Booting with a SD card holding a ROM image doesn't do the trick.

Strange.... Very strange....
Used the 1.1 ROM from Jeff's .exe ?

Yes it's Jeff's 1.1 image in both cases.
The only thing I can think of which might cause this is the fact that the phone with the problem has the 128MB upgrade installed by PocketPC Techs.
At the bottom of your page describing the boot loader it says "When some tests fail it will load the entrypoint of CE into the PC register (and jumps there...)"
I wonder whether it's failing on a memory check then jumping directly to CE....
Any suggestions would be very welcome. Do you think I might be able to update the boot loader via ActiveSync? I'm a little apprehensive as I don't want to lock myself out altogether.

The phone also does not recognise the additional 64MB of RAM through the T2TDisk driver. I had assumed that this was a problem with the driver software but now I see elsewhere on this forum that for others with similarly upgraded phones the driver works correctly.
I don't think it's a hardware problem as prior to the installation of the AT&T radio stack and the SER 1.1 ROM everything worked correctly.

I've experimented a little and I can certainly upgrade the Radio Stack and CE ROM using ActiveSync. Does anyone know of a mechanism by which I can re-flash the boot loader using ActiveSync? I imagine it's possible.

malcolmct said:
I've experimented a little and I can certainly upgrade the Radio Stack and CE ROM using ActiveSync. Does anyone know of a mechanism by which I can re-flash the boot loader using ActiveSync? I imagine it's possible.
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This is the strange thing we've noticed:
The NBF files needed by "Programme A" contain a bootloader. In fact, when we did our first experments with adaptROM we forgot to put in a bootloader once, and that toasted a unit.
But now if we put in a bootloader, it doesn't seem to overwrite the bootloader in the device, which seems to contradict the fact that we toasted a unit by overwriting it with a CE.
More experimentation is needed, but preferrably after we succeed in flashing with JTAG (which we're making good progress on, BTW)...


Problems going from 4.00.16 ROM to anything else....

Hello All,
I recently upgraded my T-Mobile PPC to ROM version 4.00.16 (from version 3.14.40). I loaded it via an .exe created on Yorch. The installation worked without a hitch. The problem is, now I would like to reload another ROM version and cannot seem to figure it out.
This is what I have done so far: Floowing some of the post in the forum, I have:
Created a new ROM image (.nbk or nb1) on the Yorch website of the lastest official T-Mobile official ROM (version 3.14.40). Using theXDA tools program, I loaded the .nb1 file onto my SD card. When I try to load it onto the PPC, I get the message asking to format (yes/no) and I choose no. After that, I do not get any other messages on the PPC.
Is there some different type of bootloader protection in 4.00.16 that would prevent the bootloader from seeing the boot image on the SD card?If anyone else out there has ran into this problem or knows how I can get around it, I would greatly appreciate any help.
SB :lol:
Hi All,
After a little more investigating, I was able to flash the ROM on my PPC.
I read in a previous post that you could determine your ROM and bootloader version by powering on the unit while holding your stylus in the reset hole (the soft-reset hole- not the hard reset hole that is closet to the ear-phoe plug).
Anyway, I did that and noticed that my bootloader version was version 5.15 instead of version 5.17 which I thought was causing the problem. I then reset the unit again using the same method, but just held the reset button just a second longer and the boot loader menu came up and asked me if I wanted to flash the unit.
I hit the center key of the directional button and it started to load the ROM image I had created earlier and placed on the SD card.
So for whatever reason, it did not start automatically but started and ran fine once I kicked it off from the bootloader menu.
Thanks for the help that I know you guys would have provided if I hadn't stumbled across the answer.
ssurfer :lol:
I am happy to hear that you solved your problem. These things can be a tad tricky, eh...

I always seem to find the worse level of a crash on my pda

But thanks to this forum I can Usually/so far fix it....however, this time may be different.
I have without problem upgraded, downgraded radio stacks, flashed ROM's and altered bootloaders, but this time tried everything, read every post on this, 4 different seach peramiters no luck. I think I really did it this time Here's where I'm at:
T-Mobile phone edition
bootloader: 5.15
was rom: 4.001 Radio: A.20
on: AT&T Wireless US
Was having trouble with signal realized that I upgraded the radio last time then the ROM. Under T-Mo rom you could run the RSU upgrade and it would reintall the radio stack no trouble as long as you didn't touch the device. This time with A.20 stack it froze at 13%
Where I'm at Now:
Can: get bootloader
Can: change rom's via bootloader
Changed: rom to 4.0016 via bootloader
Cannot: get it to boot past Test only screen which reads G<blank> R<blank> 4.00.16<appears at bottom>
Cannot: connect to activsync
Cannot: get to today screen (no matter how many soft resets+holding volume+power on/off+power cable/no cable or any combonation there of)
Anyone been able to beat this hang? I think this is it for my little guy :roll: unless a wise master can teach me something new to reincarnate it
Can you get anybody with a backup sd card of ce and boot from their machine and try that from bootloader. Maybe that would get you going and then you could maybe flash the radio again.
I had it too with that TMobile ROM. I posted in some threads, read virtually all methods. Nothing worked.
But I eventually fixed it by sending the unit back to the importer for service and had them replaced the main board.
Some of my stories are contained in this thread:
You need to wait an hour or more to allow it to boot. It will eventually boot, from there you can retry the radio stack from within windows (copy the four files to your windows directory).
There is a thread on this.
Good luck.
thanks guys I'll give it a go with the wait for an hour bit. Already am able to flash the rom so lets hope the one hour or more wait does it :shock: I search all the threads just curiouse if you happen to know where it is post a link in this thread for others. I'm also going to search again and post it..if I find it this time that is :wink:

Can we upgrade/downgrade using serial (LTP1)?

I was running ROM 3.20.06 and Radio 4.21.00.
I read everything on here about upgrading to ROM 4.00.05 and figured that I was ready to upgrade. Many others experienced no problems when upgrading from 3.20.06 to 4.00.05.
The upgrade procedure was complete and I hard reset.
The XDA turned on and a white screen with "Test Only", "Not For Sale", A Microsoft Windows Powered logo and the Platform information appears and that is all that happens. In other words, it is ****ed and won't do anything.
Does anyone know whether ROMs can be installed via, LTP1 seeing as though the USB will not communicate? Will I get the same problem?
A reply would be nice.
Forgot to mention...
I forgot to mention that I will be connecting my USB cradle to a USB-2-LTP1 cord. If that helps anyone reply then sweet.
Get yourself an sd card reader writer and an sd card of 64 meg or more. Use the tools on the forum to program the rom to sd card, then you enter bootloader mode and your phone will burn the rom from there. As for the lpt port, no way that I know of.
Bootloader mode?
Is it possible to change the XDA into bootloader mode if the XDA is not functional? (I cannot do anything, just a white screen is what I see)
Give it 15-20 minutes
I know that this sounds stupid, but don't mess with it for about 15-20 minutes. It seems that if the radio stack is screwed, the OS takes forever to boot. I have been doing OS installs for several months, both directly and via an SD card, so I was comfortable with the process. I had NOT ever done a radio stack upgrade as I had the latest (& only one) that AT&T had released. With the "official" rollout of WM2003 by AT&T, I decided that I liked my custom 2003 ROM that I had cooked a couple of months ago, but I did want to try the newer radio stack. Well, all hell broke loose. At first, I had a PPC that would not boot. So, I did a new flash of the OS via SD chip. It seemed that it too was locked (ie the initial splash screen with OS info at bottom and then it seemed to freeze). Then I read in another thread that someone had noticed it took about 15 minutes for the thing to reboot after a failed radio stack upgrade. And so after giving it time, sure enough, my PPC did finally boot.
The bad news is that I have NOT been able to get the radio stack reinstalled. I have followed all the tips and suggestions, but no luck. If you find that yours finally does boot, then goto start, settings,system info and see if there is info about the radio stack. If it is blank, then you have not radio stack and that is why the long boot cycle.
Radio stack
Ok, when I performed the upgrade, I believe it was only the ROM that upgraded. The radio version is the orignial XDA upgrade which was released to the public as a genuine radio (B) upgrade. I'll look into the SD boot load. Will it automatically install from the SD card? Anyone got any idea?

wizard_radio version-2.25.11 KILLED MY WIZARD

Bugger. It was all working so well, then, in a 'diminishing returns' attempt at upgrading to the latest radio, I flashed wizard_radio version-2.25.11 from the Ftp site.
Bugger, has completely killed my wizard.
it is now 'running' unbearably slowly, with no radio connectivity, no activesync (so I can't flash another ROM), and, bizarrely enough, seems to have reset to an earlier ROM image.
Is there any way I can do a ROM install off the SD card? or does anyone have any bright ideas... (have tried hard resets but this returns it to a corrupt state; SPB back-up doesn't seem to do any good).
It's expensive brick time. Any help very much appreciated
well you say it's running slow therefore it isn't a brick, whynot just redo the ROM? perhaps the file was corrupt or you didn't get a good install for whatever reason, if it's booting up there is hope however
no AS connectivity!
there is a link on another post I missed earlier; am following up an let you know.
First things First....
What Rom version were you running prior to flashing the 2.25.11 Radio Rom?
Is your device CID unlocked (which is different from SIM unlocked).
IF you reset your device and enter Bootloader mode, then plug in the USB cable do you see "USB" in the lower left of the screen?
no 'USB'
hate to admit, but I didn't note down which ROM version; I installed this one RUU_Wizard_1050402_101_11210_O2_ENG.exe
two weeks ago (and of course it was running fine, but I decided to upgrade the radio from a '1.x' to an AKU '2.x', using wizard_radio version-2.25.11, which wiped the device!)
I am reading a couple of other threads, and there are a few people with similar problems.
After a hard reset, I get the RGB colour bars (as per normal bootlader) but only see IPL 1.01, two 'blank' lines, then SPL 1.01. the bottom of the screen, where I would hopeto see USB, is just a blnak white bar.
I am looking everywhere to see if anyone has a backup image I can copy to my SD card to run from there.
yes, is CID unlocked
ok, thanks to the tip from a99tandem.
Reset, holding down the camera button, allows you to go into boatloader, and you can flash a ROM from the PC using RUU. Bootloader comes up with 'USB' in the corner.
Thank god for that; that's 5 hours wasted...
Now I'll explain what you did wrong.
If you read the thread that had all of the Radio Roms you would have seen that 2.x Radio Roms DO NOT WORK with 1.x Bootloaders (IPL/SPL).
You could have fixed your device by simply flashing a 1.x Radio Rom (there is one listed).
If you want to use a 2.x Radio Rom you must upgrade to a full (included Bootloader, OS, & Radio) 2.x Rom FIRST.
I hope this helps...

[Q] Possibly bricked Titan/Mogul

Sprint HTC Mogul
I have done a lot of researching and haven't found a particular solution to my problem. I am fairly new to ROM flashing, so I may have made an unrecoverable mistake.
When I began to unlock the device, I used the TitanUnlocker which I now see that only should be used with pre-GPS. I thought it was successful and tried to flash the stock ROM then proceeded to the custom ROM. I have also tried to install the radio because of course, it doesn't have the radio like it should have. However, it won't boot and is in the following state:
When booting into WinMo, it sticks at the splash screen and also says No Radio. I have tried installing the radio via SD card, but the bootloader doesn't seem to recognize it and so it makes me believe that the microSD card slot is busted.
On the bootloader, it says:
I have tried flashing the stock ROM but it fails out at 11%.
Update for clarification: I cannot use Hard-SPL-MFG to get Olipro-2.40 since I cannot connect to activesync.
If there is anything you can think of to fix this, or the correct combination of bootloader, ROM, and radio, please let me know as this is my primary phone at the moment. Thank you!
Update: I also figure I'd try a different SD card (smaller) to see if that solves the problem with the updating via card.
Moved to general as not rom development
Figured out the problem. The 2gig card was rejected and it flashed with a 512mb card.
riseoftheinferno said:
Sprint HTC Mogul
I have done a lot of researching and haven't found a particular solution to my problem. I am fairly new to ROM flashing, so I may have made an unrecoverable mistake.
When I began to unlock the device, I used the TitanUnlocker which I now see that only should be used with pre-GPS. I thought it was successful and tried to flash the stock ROM then proceeded to the custom ROM. I have also tried to install the radio because of course, it doesn't have the radio like it should have. However, it won't boot and is in the following state:
When booting into WinMo, it sticks at the splash screen and also says No Radio. I have tried installing the radio via SD card, but the bootloader doesn't seem to recognize it and so it makes me believe that the microSD card slot is busted.
On the bootloader, it says:
I have tried flashing the stock ROM but it fails out at 11%.
Update for clarification: I cannot use Hard-SPL-MFG to get Olipro-2.40 since I cannot connect to activesync.
If there is anything you can think of to fix this, or the correct combination of bootloader, ROM, and radio, please let me know as this is my primary phone at the moment. Thank you!
Update: I also figure I'd try a different SD card (smaller) to see if that solves the problem with the updating via card.
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you get this fixed? If not you can flash from bootloader. You just need to plug it in. But if I remember correct you need to be synced for bootloader 2.40. So you need to flash a pre gps 2.xx radio and flash a WM 6.0 rom. then you should be able to flash bootloader 2.40

