Custom ROM - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

It would be great to see the next evolution in the XDA SE ROM being a fully customizable setup. When the ROM upgrade process is run, the user gets to pick and choose from a menu, the programs they want in ROM.
This would include programs we currently own (Fonix VoiceDial for example).
Make it a simple interface so even us boneheads could handle it.

Grin. We thought of this too.
We will gladly take applications from coding volunteers...

its not that easy to do it right now. but i was able to add 3 of my programs as well as remove some of the programs from the Xda-developers image. once u get the hang of it its not that hard. i pretty much figured out how to add and remove files, except how to modify GPRS settings.

I'm sure its beyond my skills to add or delete programs in the SE ROM.
What a great program it would be though if during the install process, the loader read every Pocket PC program and allowed you to check or uncheck the ones you wanted in ROM.
I'm sure its a lot harder than it sounds, but you've got to have vision!
I dare someone to come up with this.


Help for 8125. trying to avoid "killing" the phone

i looked and looked for hours on end, for a few days now, reading posts and looking for answers/ideas. in most of the posts i got confused and overwhelmed by the differentiating opinions/advice/ideas/ and results from various members on a cartain topic or post. i dont even know what is okay to do not to do, use or not use, how to or how not to do anything anymore. im really looking for help on how to, what to, and suggestions. any help that could be given would be greatly appreciated, i hoped this site had a tutorial sections but unfortunately it doesnt unless i didnt look hard enough. thanx again to everyone for reading adn helping if they do. Thank you. I have a cingular 8125 that is carrier unlocked.
Lookin for help with:
what is the best rom to upgrade to and exactly how do it.
-what does upgrading the rom do for the wizard?
- what needs to be done to Wizard before upgrading.
hot to cid unlock the Wizard.
neccessary programs/software for the Wizard
where to find the programs
suggested programs/software for the Wizard.
where to find programs
What are some considered neccessary tweaks for the Wizard.
What do they do. ex-Wi-fi
what to do/ what never to do with Wizard
- ex. never let batter completely die
how to fully customize os
what programs or skins/themes to use.
Well... that's quite a chunk of info you're looking for... let me see if I can bite a little off. I'm not really an expert with phones... but I have been toying with my phone as of late.
Why did I upgrade my ROM? The newer ROMs are supposedly more stable, better memory/storage, faster boots. My 8125 in stock format was a bit irritating by taking minutes to boot, phantom situations where it would get locked up an not receive calls... i.e. similar to a full-blown Microsoft PC and so on. In a nutshell, my phone wasn't too stable. Some people are after features of new flashes such as push mail, stereo bluetooth and so on... I just needed better stability.
I went with a 217 upgrade becase someone recommended as a pretty stable flash. It was in the FTP and noted as basic in the filename. Before upgrading you should backup your contacts and any other stuff on your phone you want to keep. I forgot I had a few pics on my phone from one of my wife's friends birthday party... I still haven't told my wife I wiped them out. I could blame this on a bug I had on the 8125. In spite of setting the memory card as my storage for pics/vids, it stored these pics on my phone.
After backing up, you want to run a program called awizard also located on the FTP. You can CID unlock the phone and back up your current ROM with it. Then you just run the ROM file of you choosing and it does the rest... really quite easy. Thanks has to go out to the guys who made them possible.
In terms of regedits... my fav is the keyboard indicator. It puts a "C" when caps is on and a dot when it is on.
As far as programs, there are a bunch. What do you want to do with your phone. I recently discovered you can stream Sirius on the phone with either SiriusCE or SiriusWM. I am also using my phone as a MP3 player when riding my motorcycle. I am toying with MortPlayer, MusicPlayer and TCMP for that.
There are several theme and Today programs out there. Currently I am running Resco and SPB. Both are a suite of things... I still haven't explored them full yet.
My advice is to just spend some time poking around, that's pretty much what I've done.
Probably the first piece of software you should BUY is something like Sprite Backup or SPB Backup. Get yourself a mini SD Card (mine is a 1gb) and backup your phone to the card. Both programs will make it easy to do this. Now you can experiment to your hearts content with every program or hack available for your phone. When a change works correctly, backup your phone again. Your backup program can be set to keep a rather large number of backups so that problems that surface late can be removed by resetting to an earlier time. Its basically a system restore process like on a regular computer. Dead battery problems, crashing programs, unstable communication settings can all be reset easily.
If you just want to get started with some programs to see how your phone performs, try something like AvantGo. Its free, has a built in alternate web browser and it will keep you busy for at least an afternoon. Everone is seaching for a better web browser and my personal choice so far is Opera for WM5. So along with IE5 I have three browsers to play with.
Adobe reader 2.0 is free for reading PDF files.
Total Commander CE is an interesting registry editor (free) but I think Resco Registry Editor is a more robust program. Start free and check out the pay programs later. You'll decide what you need.
I have SPB Pocket Plus. I like this one for homescreen management. Free trial, go for it....
SmartSkey is a must have for one hand operation of this phone.
I use an alarm clock program called pTravelAlarm from BurrOak Software. Some like it and some don't, it works for me. I've been using it since my MpX200 days.
There's plenty of other stuff out there to play with. Go crazy and try it all. As long as you have your backup program set up first you can't get in much trouble.

hacking 2003 SE

is there any way of removing fileexplorer, pocket excel etc from my PDA 8XDAIIi, Apline) or even better from the ROM image before flashing?
firstly i don't have a 2003 device but hopefully it's similar,
unless I'm very mistaken, no you can't do either. but as it's part of the ROM it won't release extra memory if you delete them.
if you want to tidy up your menus create a new program folder with all the stuff you do want in it, and put that in you start menu using any file explorer, removing the other before
hacking is a great word to use when talking about modifing a rom, you should use it all the time.
secondly considering the dependancies the rom has one programs you mentioned (like file explorer) you should by all means try to remove them, oh and to make it run really really fast you should also remove the screen cpu and memory from your device.
this techique is known as sarcasm and can be avoided by reading a few pages from most of the mainstream forums provided by this site such as General discussion (in no way related to the military)
this is a community service announcement
mnazmi: you may well have a valid reason to remove these apps from ROM. I can't imagine why, but you need to investigate "rom cooking".
We don't do much cooking of the WM2003 roms these days. XDA Devs was formed around one of the first "rom kitchens". Rom cooking is not for the feint heart though! Be careful.

SecurIt 1.1: Sim/IMSI checking opensource security for us all

I'm been working on this for a little bit now since I found all the existing apps don't work well in WM6 or don't work well in a custom rom. This is a open source program (as all of mine are) and I welcome help/donations/and comments. Bug reports will be helpful in this first release as I certainly consider this a alpha release at the moment.
What it does:
once setup at every boot it compares your IMSI number with the one stored, if it's a match it plays a little sound and that's it. If it's not a match, it locks the device and displays your email and a request to please get it back to you. It also send you the "new sim's" imsi and phone number via a SMS.
SecurIt 1.1 (BETA) by Shadowmite
TODO: Build in SMS rule filtering thus adding remote control
Lock out activesync connections?
Protect the datafile from being deleted, or keep a backup in registry.
Version 1 (BETA) Instructions:
This security applicatioon can run loaded normally via a cab file to your device, or via being cooked into a rom. It will require your phone able to run unsigned code (most roms at this site are fine in this regard). Furthermore it does require the .NET Framework so it's really for WM6 devices, WM5 will be more tricky and is left up to the user to figure out how to make it all work.
When first run the program resides in \windows and must run from there. If you ran the cab installer it will have created a shortcut for you into the Programs folder.
The application comes up with a form showing you the current device imei, imsi, and phone number. You need to enter a password (needed to disable security programmatically or change SIM info), a email you can be reached at my a "finder" of your phone, and a SMS phone number you'd like alert messages sent to. Once done click set. Finally, click Enable security.
The application then sets itself up to autorun upon boot and if the SIM matches, it plays a little sound file to let you know everything is fine. If the sim is found to have changed, it will lock down the device until a password is entered. Meanwhile it shows your contact email and has sent the alert sms to you with the new imsi and phone number.
If you enter the proper password the program will take you to the settings screen where you can reenter the password and make changes to the settings and resave them. Simply clicking enable security without making changes will keep the settings as they are.
Clicking disable security will remove the autorun entries and remove the data file the programs keeps at \windows\SecurIt.dat.
The data file keeps 5 lines, MD5 hashes of your imei, imsi, password, and also your email and sms phone number as plain text. Thus stealing this file does not enable retrieving the password or easy changing of the imsi. Deleting this file however would remove security. Furthermore activesync will still link to a locked device. Knowledgable people about these devices could therefore defeat this security, however it's goal is to keep the casual theif / finder out of the phone.
This program is a work in progress and I welcome help with modifications to it as well as bug fixes. Source can be found at:
To cook this into a rom, you need 3 files. 2 of them need to be generated when you first install it like normal and set it up. Copy the SecurIt.dat from \windows and the SecurIt.lnk from \windows\start up to your rom as well as the SecurIt.exe file. It's that simple. Enjoy!
1.1: Fixed all kinds of bugs causing security to crash with various sims
1.0: Initial release
If you like my work and would like to help insure I continue to have time for this, please consider a donation to: foglemATshadowmiteDOTcom
Shadowmite, thnx for starting an "opensource" project for this. I havent tried it yet, will try once I reach home.. But I had a cpl of suggestions\questions:
1. Why do u keep email and sms phone no in plain text instead of encrypting them as well?
2. Instead of storing config in a file, store the config in registry which lessens the chances of someone finding out about the prog and deleting the file to disable security.
nice work as usual...
shantzg001 said:
Shadowmite, thnx for starting an "opensource" project for this. I havent tried it yet, will try once I reach home.. But I had a cpl of suggestions\questions:
1. Why do u keep email and sms phone no in plain text instead of encrypting them as well?
2. Instead of storing config in a file, store the config in registry which lessens the chances of someone finding out about the prog and deleting the file to disable security.
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number 2 is in the TODO list...
#1) we could encrypt them as long as it's not a one-way hash like the first 3 lines, however those are the bits of data we don't mind the theif/finder seeing afterall as they are the means to get the phone back to its rightful owner. I suppose we could hide them but the phone number will be on his next bill for sending it a SMS and the email is displayed on the locked screen.
And as walshy said, #2 is certainly on the todo, but locking our activesync connections is a bigger concern and I believe completely doable.
#1) we could encrypt them as long as it's not a one-way hash like the first 3 lines, however those are the bits of data we don't mind the theif/finder seeing afterall as they are the means to get the phone back to its rightful owner. I suppose we could hide them but the phone number will be on his next bill for sending it a SMS and the email is displayed on the locked screen.
And as walshy said, #2 is certainly on the todo, but locking our activesync connections is a bigger concern and I believe completely doable.
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ok, and sorry abt the #2, I missed the TODO part..
Keep up the good work..I myself was thinking abt making smthing similar but now I think I'll drop my idea to make a different one, as this seems to be a better idea (opensource is always better )..
I hope I can make some contribution to the code if possible..
shantzg001 said:
ok, and sorry abt the #2, I missed the TODO part..
Keep up the good work..I myself was thinking abt making smthing similar but now I think I'll drop my idea to make a different one, as this seems to be a better idea (opensource is always better )..
I hope I can make some contribution to the code if possible..
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What advantages does this give over "Mobile Justice"..another similar rom has Mobile Justice cooked with it which makes it hard to remove.
famewolf said:
What advantages does this give over "Mobile Justice"..another similar rom has Mobile Justice cooked with it which makes it hard to remove.
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If you like that software and have it working properly use it. Maybe you'd like to post in every rom thread asking why not use some other rom while you're at it?
Shadowmite said:
If you like that software and have it working properly use it. Maybe you'd like to post in every rom thread asking why not use some other rom while you're at it?
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I'm not using Mobile Justice which is WHY I asked what advantages YOURS had over theres for COMPARISON. If it had additional features I was going to recommend it for addition into XM6R3 (the next release of the current rom), but with an attitude like yours I won't bother with further review.
famewolf said:
I'm not using Mobile Justice which is WHY I asked what advantages YOURS had over theres for COMPARISON. If it had additional features I was going to recommend it for addition into XM6R3 (the next release of the current rom), but with an attitude like yours I won't bother with further review.
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you dont bother with a review but bother with a slagging ... take your "fame" somewhere else...
Ok, for starters mine isn't based on assuming every device has a GPS built in (while technically being a Trinity owner I should go that route). I instead base mine on nicely locking down the interface so far with a polite message to get the device back to the owner. Furthermore mine is trivial to build into a cooked rom which was my main reason to write it. I tried every security app out there over the last weekend without any of them working "properly" and figured the best way to get one is to write one. In addition mine is open source, mobilejustice is not.
Now then, you said you're not using it... But the last post said you had it cooked in? WTF? Need some help deciding what you use and don't use?
my rom has Mobile Justice cooked with it which makes it hard to remove.
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I'm not using Mobile Justice which is WHY I asked what advantages YOURS had over theres for COMPARISON.
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Shadowmite said:
Now then, you said you're not using it... But the last post said you had it cooked in? WTF? Need some help deciding what you use and don't use?
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1) The rom I currently have installed comes with Mobile Justice preinstalled.
2) I have not configured and am not currently using Mobile Justice
3) The author is currently taking suggestions for software to include in the next revision of their rom.
What part of any of those statements are you having difficulty comprehending?
Perhaps you and the gentleman from Melbourne should both grow up and quit reading an insult where one was not intended.
Well than back on track... Give it a try and see what you think. I really want feedback from folks outside the USA as I believe it will not properly catch your phone number of the "thief's sim" however if the sms works it should still get the phone number to you obviously.
The GPS coord. request feature is a nice one and will have to go on the todo list.
well, well, fights apart, what drew me to this app over the other apps was the opensource nature as mentioned by Shadowmite because I, like shadowmite, was not happy with the other apps doing things properly or just because I wanted somethings to be done differently..
1. I have a few ideas of getting "coordinates" and sending to the original owner even on non-GPS devices ..Maybe we can discuss some things later on once the basic structure of the app is ok.
2. Couldn't find the source code of the app on ur site..(May be am just one dim-witted dim-sighted git ) Please point me to it..
You'll need svn to get it, windows users:
svn:// is my master repository for all projects.
cool, I do have TortoiseSVN installed at home..Will check it when I go back..
Will it sustain a hard re-set ? Dont think so.
@shailesh, for sustaining hard resets, it has to be cooked into the rom, pointed out by shadow on post 1..
I don't know if something else can be done for this (writing into ext rom is one option but that is not possible for most devices now)
Sounds like a great piece of software. And open source is a great idea too.
I did tried several others like this one (Eye on the thef, Ultimately Theft Alert ...) some features were still missing :
First an autoconfig method :
As already said, whatever your storage methode is (file or registry), you 'll everytime lose the configuration when a hard-reset is done on the device. The only one possibility i can imagine is to store your "installer" program on extended rom with the ability to add an external config (encrypted) file as a parameter.
Installation will be handled by the autoconfig process, using this external file. Config will probably needs to be stored on extended rom too. It's not peace of cake to create an extended rom, but easier that cook a rom.
This feature won't be very helpfull if there is no way to generate a config file automaticaly base on settings done by user : kind of export process.
On standart start/soft-reset, your program will run as it does actually, but when a hard-reset, is proceed, programm will reinstall unattented and will still be running after boot... No way to easily remove it. Bad effect is that it will also be difficult to update programm/config.
Secondly, i'd like to have the a way to "format"(or encrypt) a memory card remotely.
Do you thinks those could be part of your TODO list ?
Will try it on few next days and i'm ready to help you translating it in french
hi shantzg001,
thanks for replying,
My mistake, did not read the whole text.

idiot mogul user desperately needs your help !!!!!

hello everyone ! I just got my Mogul about 2 days ago and im a freakin mess on trying to figure out how to use it. here are things i need your help with....
#1 how do i transfer my contacts onto my PC? I installed the program it came with but i cant figure out how to copy my contacts to my PC.
#2 I tried to upgrade my rom(i dont even know what rom is,lol) and before i updated the rom it read ROM VERSION 2.09.651.3 AND THE ROM DATE WAS 6/14/07. after the update was complete it still read the same thing !! And the mogul appeared to be slower, screens wouldnt open fast or shut down fast etc etc. (which rom should I use??)
#3 THE CUBE, I was checking out the cube for my mogul but i wasnt sure what the benifet was of useing this program...its looks a lot for user friendly and cooler then what the mogul has now....(how do I install the cube into my Mogul?)
#4 lastly, when my phone shuts off i have to push the power button to wake it up there any way i can just touch the screen or push a face button to turn it back on?
any help would be awsome
I'd suggest you visit titan forum. Many more titan users over there and there are several custom roms available.
As far as answering your questions....
1. Not sure, i don't use activesycn for anything other than transferring programs to by phone to install.
2. I've posted a few custom roms on the ppcgeeks ftp and have had numerous compliments. My most current rom is UTCG.2.2.2 and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with it. I don't add in all the extra "crap" some one people do. I use a stable base rom and update some of the features as well as tweak it for performance. My most current ROM runs with ~28mb free ram and is very quick. EDIT: I will post link here shortly.
I'm assuming that you're new to the whole "flashing" thing so I'm uploading a complete file with the rom and flashing software in it right now. I'll update this thread with the direct link to download once it's done.
3. The real cube is not functional on the mogul. There are many hybrid cubes that other members have made. Some are Adobe Flash-Based programs and others are stand-alone programs. I like the idea of the Cube when i got my mogul just like you. But, after messing with it so much and realizing the amount of resources it uses I personally don't think it's worth it. It's just another "gimmick" to compete with the iPhone.
4. I'm not sure why you would want it to "wake-up" by tapping the screen but if this is a necessity than here's how to do it.
Tap "Start" on your mogul.
Tap "Settings"
Tap "System" Tab on the bottom
Tap the "Power" icon
Tap the "Advanced" Tab on the bottom
uncheck the box "On Battery Power: Turn off device if not used for ____"
That will keep the mogul from turning off. BUT, it will also kill your battery really quickly. Personally, i slide by mogul in and out of my pocket all day that it would be a problem if i had it activated by the screen.
You can get my newest rom here:
Download Now
Unzip and run the RomUpdateUtility.exe
utexascg said:
You can get my newest rom here:
Download Now
Unzip and run the RomUpdateUtility.exe
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I would highly recommend reading the Flashing Basic Guide over at PPCgeeks before attempting any of this.
There are a selection of ROMs available for different needs/tastes, and you'll also need to unlock your phone first (its all in the guide).
But, all this is only necessary if you'd like a customized ROM instead of the stock Sprint release. Most people feel that the custom ROMs perform better, but to be honest, if you don't know what a ROM is or why you want it custom, I'd just leave things as they are. As long as everything works for you, just leave well enough alone.
Now as far as your questions:
1) This is a basic PPC question and not Mogul specific. You need 2 programs installed to do this: Outlook to view/access/edit your personal information (comes on the disc) and Activesync to talk to your device and actually make sure to keep all info in sync (also comes on disc).
Each program will work without the other, but it won't sync your info unless both of them are installed and the device is plugged in.
2) The Sprint releases have bugs. There was an updated ROM (2.16) that caused more problems than it fixed, so they pulled it. Now we're back to 2.09, so that's why nothing changed. There are custom roms that combine the best "fixed bits" of all the releases so far, but don't do these unless you feel comfortable messing with it for now.
3) Cube is a fancy interface designed for the HTC Touch phone. Its supposed to make easy shortcuts for one-fingered use, and has some nifty scrolling 3D effect that they call a "cube" (even tho it has only 3 sides. I guess calling it the "extruded triangle" wouldn't have gone over as well). But, it only works on the touch, so some folks have tried to mimick it by writing their own application that looks just like it. Most of them don't work, or are too slow to be useable, only the real one on the actual device called the "touch" seems to be any good. Its still cute to show off. Not all that functional on the mogul, and I've tried many versions.
4) YES! There's a setting somewhere to wake up on power key only, or for any keypress. The screen touch thing would set it off WAAAY too easily and kill your battery as utexas said. I feel the same way about all the buttons since there are so many that accidentally get pressed when taking it and out of holsters. However, the options is there if you want it.
Good luck!
Your awsome !! could i ask you one more thing? when i want to make a phone call and i go to my contacts list all of my friends names are backwards...meaning that their last name is showin first and this is annoying because i not showing up as it used to in my old filp phone...should i download some sort of firmware to change my contact ist set up??
Dishe said:
I would highly recommend reading the Flashing Basic Guide over at PPCgeeks before attempting any of this.
There are a selection of ROMs available for different needs/tastes, and you'll also need to unlock your phone first (its all in the guide).
But, all this is only necessary if you'd like a customized ROM instead of the stock Sprint release. Most people feel that the custom ROMs perform better, but to be honest, if you don't know what a ROM is or why you want it custom, I'd just leave things as they are. As long as everything works for you, just leave well enough alone.
Now as far as your questions:
1) This is a basic PPC question and not Mogul specific. You need 2 programs installed to do this: Outlook to view/access/edit your personal information (comes on the disc) and Activesync to talk to your device and actually make sure to keep all info in sync (also comes on disc).
Each program will work without the other, but it won't sync your info unless both of them are installed and the device is plugged in.
2) The Sprint releases have bugs. There was an updated ROM (2.16) that caused more problems than it fixed, so they pulled it. Now we're back to 2.09, so that's why nothing changed. There are custom roms that combine the best "fixed bits" of all the releases so far, but don't do these unless you feel comfortable messing with it for now.
3) Cube is a fancy interface designed for the HTC Touch phone. Its supposed to make easy shortcuts for one-fingered use, and has some nifty scrolling 3D effect that they call a "cube" (even tho it has only 3 sides. I guess calling it the "extruded triangle" wouldn't have gone over as well). But, it only works on the touch, so some folks have tried to mimick it by writing their own application that looks just like it. Most of them don't work, or are too slow to be useable, only the real one on the actual device called the "touch" seems to be any good. Its still cute to show off. Not all that functional on the mogul, and I've tried many versions.
4) YES! There's a setting somewhere to wake up on power key only, or for any keypress. The screen touch thing would set it off WAAAY too easily and kill your battery as utexas said. I feel the same way about all the buttons since there are so many that accidentally get pressed when taking it and out of holsters. However, the options is there if you want it.
Good luck!
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Contacts can only be listed by Name or Company. You can however edit the contact to change the way the contact is filed in the edit screen there is a field labeled "File as:" it's here that you can change the way the name is displayed in the contact list.

[UTILITY] SYAKR - An application to automate custom ROM building tasks

This application helps ROM building, by automating some tasks. The idea behind it is that a lot of tasks involving erasing applications from the ROM can be automated (like delete some files, erase some keys from the registry and from the initflashfiles.dat). So I've build a tool that helps automating these tasks.
The advantages of this solution are:
* Create a custom ROM which suit your needs, and leave out everything else (even drivers, and other things, that you'll never use)
* If you have automated tasks, they may be ported easily to newer ROM versions, so you don't have to do everything multiple times
* Creating scripts are sometimes harder than simply deleting files (but they may worth the time)
* It is impossible to predict whether a specific task configuration will work, or not (there may be questions like: will the Widgets work, when I delete the FM radio or not?)
Although this tool is made for the Samsung Omnia kitchen (I own an omnia, so I can only test on it) it should work with any other kitchen availalable. Some of the "easier" tasks (like "Remove Office", "Update .NET to 3.5", etc.) will work on any WM6.1 kitchen, which extracts the SYS part in the SYS folder in the root of the kitchen. If you happen to make some tasks for your device, I'll help port some device-specific parts of SYAKR to your device (which is the ROM version handling part)
DL link:
HowTo for Omnia:
Omnia kitchen:
version 0.9 is out with more robust registry editing/cleaning support.
Get it from here:
nice app! anyone have tried with htc rom????
I don't think so. I only have an omnia, so I can't try it out either. If the kitchen is mostly the same (and I think they are) then it should work though.
Yes Sztupy!!
I looking for CAB to OEM stuff, i used the ones you pointed me at, but it rarely works and i do not like the unstability of it.
Can you not build this function into your app. The reverse of what you are doing?
I wondering if the CAB stuff these guys use would work in our kitchen? Or Sztupy, you know of any other packages that i can use?
Been looking for a while now, i need to do this so i don't have to install all my apps & M2D after flashes (not all, depends how hot the stove is..).
Nice to see you here anyways. Take care.
Just to confirm to non Omnia people here (which will be most of you), Sztupy's app works perfectly and quickly. It hasn't let me down at all. It is very easy to use and does what it is supposed.
I now cook my own ROMs because of Sztupy, he kind of persuaded me to do it and his app makes life so much better.
I just need to get my own apps in there to cook up some tasty ROMs.
I think people at XDA use the same packages-creator app I pointed at (it's on the xda wiki). It simply extracts the cab, and then creates the appropriate registry and initff files. Unfortunately a lot of appllications have a setup.dll part, which modify a lot of things during setup, and it cannot be extracted (it's a separate program). the only way to crack it, is to install the application on your phone, and track down the changes the installation did (like registry changes, file changes, etc.). It's a slow process, but I don't think there is a better alternative (except for of course use an emulator, but applications like M2D would not work on an emulator I think)
Homepage is up:
1.0 RC1
1.0 RC1 is out.
- New actions: simple delete and move
- Change base directory for simple actions
Get it here:
Or if you're an omnia user try the all-in-one kitchen with auto-update feature:
You are the MAN!!!
I grip this and use for my next set of ROMs. I gonna try some customisation stuff that ParleyP (from this forum) helped me with.
Don't know if it can be built into your APP, would be nice if it could.
Keep em coming Sztupy!
I'm not sure you even know how amazing your are
thanks dude

