CITY/HOME function with the version O2 3.17.03 ROM -Eng ?b - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

New ROM Version ist working. Thankyou
1) is there a solutionen to have the CITY/HOME function working in the version O2 3.17.03 ROM -Eng ?
2) Is there a way to change the keyboard to german ?
Many thanks for your help.
Ra2, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Ra2 said:
1) is there a solutionen to have the CITY/HOME function working in the version O2 3.17.03 ROM -Eng ?
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We haven't looked into this because Dutch providers do not offer this HomeZone/City or whatever it's called feature. But if it's a matter of adding an executable or something like that, we'll look into it. If anyone is using the German ROM and can look into what is ran and how it works (Registry settings and all), we'll definitely have a look.
2) Is there a way to change the keyboard to german ?
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There's third-party localisations with their own keyboards. But I was unable to find where the standard PocketPC key-layout is stored.


upgrading to wm2003

can someone plz tell me how to upgrade my xda1 to wm2003?
i´d like to know if there´s a german version available...
thanks in advance
about a german version i have no clue
about how to update it
For german ROM, I think you can get 4.00.33 from Stefan kitchen
Good luck ...
i am also interested in upgrading my 64Mb XDA I to 2003 Version.
Nalye: How does the Upgrade worked? Do you have any problem in using or installing? Do you have any problems using the upgraded device with german O2? How about the Home-Zone Display and whole stability?
Thanks in advance!
a cellphone company depend on the radiostack they dont know if you connect from a nokia phone or a xda with what ever rom
as long as you set it up right
Thanks for answering. German o2 uses a special application with the XDA, called "Home Zone Status", whats implemented in the original ROM provided by O2. With this application you get a special sign at the top of the screen if your device is in an defined area called HomeZone. The data used by this application must be provided by the gsm-part of the device, but i think, that the T-Mobile-Rom does not support the transfer of this informations because german T-Mobile does not provide this feature.
Does anyone experienced any solution for this problem?
i dn´t know ´bout a special program for displaying the hz-status, but i´m about to call o2 for an application to fix it.
the rom i cooked works well, but as you know every data got lost (about 350 sms or so) :x
try to cook it at - coz stefan´s kitchen seems to be a lil´bit slow :wink:

I need help getting my ROM back to WWE!!!

I made quite the mistake yesterday. I have an MDA compact that came from T-Mobile Germany and originally had german as the default language. It was easy to change to english by going to regional settings & selecting english.
So I didn't think twice about using a German T-Mobile ROM upgrade - and now I'm stuck with GERMAN!!! Regional settings doesn't change the language any more! what the heck?
Sooooo, I need a WWE .exe ROM that will load - I tried a UK WWE and I was told by the installer that I had the wrong language and install could not continue. Is there a way to go back to WWE? I don't care at this point what version.....
Also, I have downloaded from the FTP server other ROM versions but they are all .nb1 files and, despite my best efforts, I can't understand the proper way to install these. I've looked thru lots of posts and found one set of instructions but they were very hard to understand. HELP!!
Find here on the forum NEMESIS posts on Upgraging subforum. You will get all the answers.
I have XDA Mini O2 from German O2, but with Qtek S100 WWE 1.12 Rom
thank you very much! i'll try it...
jorde73 said:
Find here on the forum NEMESIS posts on Upgraging subforum. You will get all the answers.
I have XDA Mini O2 from German O2, but with Qtek S100 WWE 1.12 Rom
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is wwe 1.12 stable? btw do u know the different between all this
any idea?
Yes, for me its stable... I used both of them, but I think, 550 is more friendly, but I couldn't know your taste...
If I remember well, 550 is a Qtek S100 rom, 172 is an Orange or something else.
jorde73 said:
Yes, for me its stable... I used both of them, but I think, 550 is more friendly, but I couldn't know your taste...
If I remember well, 550 is a Qtek S100 rom, 172 is an Orange or something else.
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yeah that right jorde, ur memory is good.
but most of people in this forum says that v1.12 is not stable due to gprs and bluetooth problems & and it also used more memory than the old version. Is that true?
btw jorde, did u know how to update the caller id? because it says dll file is being used unable to update the callerID. Even after I restating, still being used. can u help me with it. thanks..
I think, everybody on this forum always want to use the best and the newest SW... For me its ok, I had only a little bluetooth problem, for my bluetooth gps I need COM8 port, but XDA mini has COM5 by default, but I got a good program (GPSGate) to make it virtually.
But the bluetooth by itselves absolut ok.
For me, Caller ID is no problem, Phone --- Tools----- Option----- Caller ID, and it works without problems.
Perhaps, some other program use it.

Anyone have an original T-Mobile rom or the extended rom?

My Magician is making a high pitch sound, coming from the display. T-mobile is offering a repair, but I want to send in the MDA with an original rom, not my home-brew big-storage rom. Unfortunately, when I first updated my MDA (1.01 to 1.05 I believe) , I did not make a dump of the original rom.
The roms in the FTP (./Magician/Dumped_ROMs/ and ./Magician/Dumped_ROMs/ ) wont boot on my MDA.
I’ve tried cutting and pasting the extended storage parts of other dumps into my current dump (1.12) , but it wont work either. (there is a fat16-like part in the dumped roms)
I couldn't find a ms_.nbf either. (actually, I did get one, but it's a German version, and a Today screen with "Kontakte" is very different from "Contacts")
I do have the originals cab's from a T-Mobile extended rom, but I cannot write it back to the extended rom.
ER2003 couldn’t edit the ms_.nbf, wrong password.
Is there anyone out there with an original T-Mobile rom or with a T-Mobile ms_.nbf and willing to share?
Thanks! I found it
Jorrit said:
Thanks! I found it
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Is the T-Mobile ROM a "vanilla" version? I have the IMATE JAM ROM loaded (from the vendor - it is actually an O2 XDA Mini, which is German originally, as I recall). From the T-Mobile UK online manuals, it doesn't appear that their ROM contains the rapid dialing or the capability to change the ring tones for each contact, which is contained in the IMATE JAM ROM version...
t-mobile rom
Can you tell me where you found it ??
Cor (eindhoven)
Re: t-mobile rom
stevedebi said:
Jorrit said:
Thanks! I found it
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Is the T-Mobile ROM a "vanilla" version? I have the IMATE JAM ROM loaded (from the vendor - it is actually an O2 XDA Mini, which is German originally, as I recall). From the T-Mobile UK online manuals, it doesn't appear that their ROM contains the rapid dialing or the capability to change the ring tones for each contact, which is contained in the IMATE JAM ROM version...
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No, it's a "true" T-Mobile rom, so don't expect any IMate software.
You might take a look at the ftp-site!
cpootjes said:
Can you tell me where you found it ??
Cor (eindhoven)
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Hi Cor.
Just click the "it" to download!
Re: Anyone have an original T-Mobile rom or the extended rom
Jorrit said:
...ER2003 couldn’t edit the ms_.nbf, wrong password...quote]
To me it gives me the same messagr "Wrong password" How can i edit the rom? Where should i find the password? What does it means?
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Jorrit said:
Thanks! I found it
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The link is dead :shock:
Can anyone tells me another link?
Hi Jorrit,
my SPV M500 is making the same high pitched sound, but I bought the phone offline so don't have a contract or warranty with it. Can you tell me if there is an easy fix for the problem?
download from here
muks11 said:
download from here
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will that fix my high pitch sound problem? I'm on vodafone btw.
Latest complete Dutch TMO rom:
Download the shipped rom from:

WM6 ROM for Typhoon(Rom Ready For Download)

I have upload it to a Chinese website. This rom work well for Dopod 565, UK orange spv500. But got some minor problem with other SPV.
We need expert to customize the rom to be suitable for most SPV.
Downloading site address is below,click the link under the name 565WM6-splnew109.rar (25.40MB) for downloading while ready.
Updated on 24th July
I have attached the joystick keyboard driver for fixing the joystick failure about depod 575,585 etc.For Depod 565, no need this driver.
This driver is for the expert who can hack the Rom only, just replace the original driver with this new driver.
i have uploaded this rom to the rapidshare.
yuwen said:
I have upload it to a Chinese website. This rom work well for Dopod 565, UK orange spv500. But got some minor problem with other SPV.
We need expert to customize the rom to be suitable for most SPV.
Downloading site address is below,click the link under the name 565WM6-splnew109.rar (25.40MB) for downloading while ready.
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what are the minor problem
wow WM6 available for the Typhoon before the Tornado, thats incredible!!!
And it does actually work.
Cool, it does work, and not too slow either.
Can it be patched for the sp3i joystick?
quite98 said:
And it does actually work.
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It will be working on my Sp3i?
It works on my sp3i, but the joystick is not mapped correctly and makes the navigation nearly impossible.
br0wser said:
It works on my sp3i, but the joystick is not mapped correctly and makes the navigation nearly impossible.
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wm6 is fastest than wm 5? and how many mb of ram and rom is after installation? and test the battery if you have time... ok? sory for my English
It`s realy working but joyistic isn`t.
I must back to wm 2k3 but tips for wm 5 didnt`t working? help
yes, WM6 works well for typhoon except the joystick.If some experts could customize the ROM to make the ROM more suitable for typhoon, that will be great,as typhoon don't have much storage and RAM after installation.
WM5 was multilingual, is this WM6 have french in the languages ?
No, this WM 6 have only English and Deutsch languages...
Luksas said:
No, this WM 6 have only English and Deutsch languages...
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noway to translate it in French.... how can I do it ?
shenmeng said:
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wtf??? =Can you translate to english?
Typical chinese forum languege which means :"support..."
I just loaded it on my audiovox 5600. works like a charm.
Works fine on Qtek 8010 !!!! The only problem is I can not write greek characters. Any Ideas???
xPhoneII Joystick in't work.....


Here new ship 1.66 rom for East Europe
Hei it's posible to exist a ROM on xda that it's exact like the original 1.66 but with the 576 rams enabled?
Can someone explain what's the difference between WWE and WWE EastEurope?
Spizella said:
Can someone explain what's the difference between WWE and WWE EastEurope?
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EE comes 1 month later
(should have some "localizations" according to HTC Support, but I haven't seen any at least for my country)
someone tested already this rom?
someone tested already this rom?
flashed ok on original 1.48 rom, seems to be working fine
Is this rom include Slovak language ?
Where did you download this rom, i tried on HTC official page with my phone's serial number and it still tells me ''this software is not suitable for your device'' or something like that. I'm from Croatia so i should be able to download WWE East Europe rom version??
Why can I not finde it in the official HTC page?
Because of localisation - sunnysoft
Any reviews from those who have tried this ROM? Is it work stable? Some new aplications or new version of this who have in old version?
Please post all official ROMs to the correct folder here:
Hi guys,
this ROM is OK, with new Radio version. Warm recommended, but I use this only for pre-flashing, because this bring me clean base for custom ROM.
Here is link:
danijel72 said:
Hi guys,
this ROM is OK, with new Radio version. Warm recommended, but I use this only for pre-flashing, because this bring me clean base for custom ROM.
Here is link:
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danijel, does the keyboard include the proper 'dj' character? Hvala!
It was about time 2 months after the WWE ROM! And still not available on HTC Site
What languages are included???
Klaus1960 said:
danijel, does the keyboard include the proper 'dj' character? Hvala!
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Sorry, I have not use our letters, because I dont need them, anyway this letters "Ć,Č,Đ" make extra charge by sending SMS.
Does anybody know how to enable 24 hour format, because i have slovenian region and the is only 12 hour format.
See the regional settings
[email protected] said:
I'm from Croatia so i should be able to download WWE East Europe rom version??
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you are not europe
Marky55 in case you or anyone else didnt find it: time format can be set in Settings > System > Regional Settings > Time (tab) and set Time Style to HH:mm:ss

