My XDA Dead - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

but i have a very big problem about my xda..
I was trying to learn what is bootloader and i start to backup bootloader to my SD card and its finished.
then try to restore
when its %20 i shut it down...
and nothing works...
what can i do.?
pls help

Sounds like a discussion we had very early in the existence of this forum: the neuron connections that caused you to shut down during the flashing of your bootloader will probably get less reinforcing chemicals, making it unlikely you'll do something like this again.
If neither the OS nor the bootloader start, you have turned a $500 PDA-phone into a very modern and stylish paper-weight. Send it in for repair, and claim you have no clue what happened: "It just stopped working all of a sudden".


[Q]Elf won't turn on

I tried to flash an original IPL/SPL to my device, it completed but not my elf wont even turn on.
Please can someone advise me. Thank you.
... oh, and by wont turn on, I mean its completely dead, push the power button and nothing at all happens.
my elf also won't turn on
there just comes the branded boot screen and then everything is dark.
just the orange light is "flashing" wenn a usb cable is connected.
any idea?
@dgcarter: (i never had such problem so i dunno i could be wrong but i think ur device most probably has hardware problems (battery, chip etc) so maybe you could try to use different battery or take it to a service center
@f-dusk: you can try to go to bootloader mode and re-flash ROM or if its bricked try to use unbricker methods. Please donot ask further questions here because most probably almost all of 'em may have been asked and solved. Refer to Guides FAQs in the sticky threads for more information!
@f-dusk: at least you have a light LOL! My phone was totally dead, like trashcan dead, haha.
@@rj*n: I know, its so weird that it would happen, perhaps the hardware is funky, was just coincidence that it failed when I was messing with it. But I just took it though to Lab88, I was surprised to find that I still have 3 months left on the warrenty. And it's so stuffed up that they wouldn't even be able to tell I had all sorts of funky cooked roms on it, lol.
Thanks all, now I just gotta wait for "the call" haha, but I hope they fix it quick, I'm gonna go mad if I have to use my Nokia 6230i for much longer.
glad to be of any help dude... anyways best wishes for your phone lol
Processor is dead...
God bless``

HD2 not booting...

Guys, I need a bit of advice please.
After an accidentally botched radio install (phone fell and disconnected from USB whilst flashing), my HD2 won't boot. It gets stuck on the multi-coloured 'initial screen' (for want of a better expression) with 'SPL-1.42.HPSL XE CotullaHSPL' on it.
I'm looking to do one of two things, either rescue it, or, PREFERABLY kill it completely so that the device does not even boot to that screen. I know that sounds like a strange preference, but that would be ideal for me. Have you got any suggestions at all guys?
If you want to send it back and get a new one, then you definetly have to remove HSPL. Get HSPL2 and try to flash 1.42.0000. If it works, your problem is solved! Simply take it to customer service, complain about it not booting all of a sudden and you`ll either get a new one or get yours fixed.
However... if you fail removing HSPL and have no other option available, try and microwave it, literally. Put it in a microwave oven until it refuses to boot, then take it back to customer service complaining about how it suddely stopped working.
Best of luck!
Quite LITERALLY put it in the microwave and turn the microwave on?? For how long? Won't it just 'melt' the innerds, or blow up?
Yep. I did this to mine in 10 second intervals. The first time nothing happened, it just got hot. The second time, the vibrations stopped working. The third time nothing. The fourth time the screen started to fail (but STILL booted into the bootloader). The fifth time it only booted with a white screen and I stopped, as I had acheived what I wanted and the screen was already pretty damaged.
Thanks, a very, er, interesting suggestion. However I want the phone to look the same, i.e undamaged! But be bricked. If it's not possible, then I'll have to try and rescue the poor thing .
Best decision you could take. Hope you succeed!
spireite_uk said:
Guys, I need a bit of advice please.
After an accidentally botched radio install (phone fell and disconnected from USB whilst flashing), my HD2 won't boot. It gets stuck on the multi-coloured 'initial screen' (for want of a better expression) with 'SPL-1.42.HPSL XE CotullaHSPL' on it.
I'm looking to do one of two things, either rescue it, or, PREFERABLY kill it completely so that the device does not even boot to that screen. I know that sounds like a strange preference, but that would be ideal for me. Have you got any suggestions at all guys?
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Does it show USB on the bootloader(multi-color) screen?
If it does you can flash a new radio/rom and maybe fix it ...
Or Flash from SDcard
I've managed to flash it to stock 1.43 from SD card, which appears to have also removed the HSPL. This is a win. However, I would still like to brick the phone so I can get a brand new replacement... I really could use a sure fire (but safe, and does not cause hw damage) brick method.
hspl, task29, remove hspl. you`ll get a white htc logo screen without the ability to enter bootloader.
However, I would still like to brick the phone so I can get a brand new replacement... I really could use a sure fire (but safe, and does not cause hw damage) brick method.
A friend (and yes - it was actually an friend and not me!) allegedly did this:
He took the socket from the end of an extension lead, put the plug into the mains socket and then VERY CARFULLY and very briefly touched the bare Live and Neutral wires onto the battery terminals in the phone.
240V into the circuit board apparently did the trick
**** Disclaimer ****
I think he was very silly to do this cos he could've hurt himself so please don't follow his example!
**** End Of Disclaimer ****
Hmm, yes, a method that doesn't involve microwaves or 240 volts would be preferable .
spireite_uk said:
I've managed to flash it to stock 1.43 from SD card, which appears to have also removed the HSPL. This is a win. However, I would still like to brick the phone so I can get a brand new replacement... I really could use a sure fire (but safe, and does not cause hw damage) brick method.
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This kind of talks (insurance fraud) is illegal.
Thread closed.

[Q] how brickable is the tab really?

Hi everyone!
I'm wondering, how risky it is to flash new firmware to the tab? Is it really brickable, I mean, is it possible to really really brick the tab to a point where it's not possible to fix it? I'm asking partly because I'm a rookie, but mostly because it seems that everyone who manages to brick their tab around here, is somehow able to restore it. Or am I mistaken?
Where I live, the tab has a starting price of $1100. And thats gotta be one of the most expensive bricks in xda history. And if I brick mine, I know I won't be able to resist buying a new one, which adds ut to a $2200 pricetag and a very VERY angry gf..
thanks btw to all of you who make this place what it is
As risky as any other device. Simple. The risk doesnt just lay on the devices shoulders, its the user and the rom maker.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Okay, I'm so confused with the brick-terminology being used here. In all posts regardig new firmware to the tab you'll see at least to guys saying that they bricked their tab. Only to say that they fixed it/unbricked it moments later.
I thought that if you bricked your device, whatever device it is, then it's dead, period. No more usefull than a brick like the ones you'll find in a brick wall, just a hell of a lot more expensive. Heck, the word "unbrick" shouldn't even exist by this definition.
So, let me rephrase:
If I brick my tab, can't I just unbrick it? And if not, why? Is it even possible for the tab to be totally and permanently bricked forever? Is the tab in any way safer to fool around with than other devices? Do we know anyone who have bricked their tab permanently? Should I be afraid of fooling around with my tabs firmware for real?
I think it's just a question of perception on the part of the person who "bricked" their device (the "brickie"? ). If you flash and find that you have what appears to be a dead device then you may well come on here and say "I've bricked my device!". You may then find that it's not bricked at all as there is a way (previously unknown to yourself) to recover. I remember in the old days on here people would pick up "bricked" phones on ebay etc, knowing that quite often they could recover them. It probably still happens...
But devices certainly can get permanently bricked too as you know. Personally, I would only flash if I had confidence in myself that it would work, having read up on the procedure and seen enough working examples. Others may just dive in and see what happens . Only you can decide if it's worth the risk or not, but these days I think it's quite rare to permanently brick a device if you fully understand the procedures and the risks. A stable recovery ROM makes a big difference. Not sure if the SGT has that yet.
paulshields said:
A stable recovery ROM makes a big difference. Not sure if the SGT has that yet.
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It's in the works, just not quite there yet.
As Paul said, there's always going to be a risk it COULD happen. But following documentation and fully understanding the task at hand before diving in helps to limit the risks to a minimum.
Thanks to all of you for enlightening me
When I was flashing the different files to get calling on my ATT Tab I managed to flash the wrong file and get the device not to boot up but there was still the "download mode" to go into and I was then able to flash the correct file. I find it is very rare to actually "brick" a device requiring the device to be replaced or cracked open & reprogrammed manually. Most of the time now when a device is described as a brick it just won't boot the OS like it is normally supposed to.
paulshields said:
I think it's just a question of perception on the part of the person who "bricked" their device (the "brickie"? ). If you flash and find that you have what appears to be a dead device then you may well come on here and say "I've bricked my device!". You may then find that it's not bricked at all as there is a way (previously unknown to yourself) to recover. I remember in the old days on here people would pick up "bricked" phones on ebay etc, knowing that quite often they could recover them. It probably still happens...
But devices certainly can get permanently bricked too as you know. Personally, I would only flash if I had confidence in myself that it would work, having read up on the procedure and seen enough working examples. Others may just dive in and see what happens . Only you can decide if it's worth the risk or not, but these days I think it's quite rare to permanently brick a device if you fully understand the procedures and the risks. A stable recovery ROM makes a big difference. Not sure if the SGT has that yet.
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Lol @ "brickie" - I guess you have to be British to get that one?
As for "bricking" , quite right, the device isn't "bricked" if it can be fixed by the user.
People have gotten sloppy with the term, but really it means that you could build a house with it if it were fat enough, but it's no more useful than an expensive paperweight.
The worst you can do without bricking is boot-loop/no-boot which can usually be fixed. The point is, if the device shows any signs of life whatsoever, it's usually fixable.
I thought I bricked my tab, I got the infamous "phone-!-pc" screen
I thought I was screwed. However, I still had it connected via USB and Odin still running and I saw that the com port popped up. I though, hmmmm
clicky and bam, its flashing.
Got it back.
This was after a stupid botched flash attempt on my part.
So, I think you REALLY gotta mess it up to be proper "bricked"
I did a lots of tries and I thing that is not that easy to brick, but I can give a suggestion: Backup the EFS folder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I deleted by mistake with root explorer the nv_data and relatives backups, and I had a corrupted IMEI that is not a brick but I think is one of the bad things (and hard to recover if not impossible if you don't have a backup) because if the carriers ban double IMEI the phone (tab) will not work + is not legal
Forgot to say: seems that some SGS firmware upgrades corrupted the IMEI too, I didn't see something flashing the TAB, but restoring the EFS folder will fix (almost always) the problems
I have not tried to brick my GT, but the JM6 gave me a scare... I have been flashing it for a while now.
The one thing you have to give up for now is SWYPE. I se you have a norwegian flag... And norwegian is not included in any flash I have found. So if you ever decide to try flashing. Say goodbye to SWYPE in norwegian for now...
Yeah, the loss of the Norwegian keyboard is the only thing stopping me from flashing jm6. Lucky for me, I'm very patient.
Sent from my HeTC Desire using XDA App
Apparently, you can brick it. I succeeded !
I flashed with Odin and a custom made PDA package including boot.bin but no repartition.
Odin flashed without problems but the Tab did not reboot and simply 'died'.
Black screen all the time, no recovery/download mode, not seen by the PC, does not charge on ac/dc (neither the charger or the PDA ever gets hot, no sound on connection, ...).
I'm letting the battery discharge completely (but how long can that take when it's not using any energy...) to test again tomorrow but I will probably RMA it on monday.
One thing that concerns me is not being able to remove the battery to force the phone to shut down completely.
As an example when I originally 'bricked' my SGS using Kies, no matter how many times I powered the phone it simply refused to go into Recovery or Download mode. All it would do was show me the two icons on screen.
The only way I managed to totally shut the phone down was by removing the battery and wait 30 seconds before returning. Only then would the SGS allow me to access the 3-Button Recovery/Download Mode.
So..... has anyone come across a situation where you needed to remove the battery and if so how did you manage to recover?
Beards said:
One thing that concerns me is not being able to remove the battery to force the phone to shut down completely.
As an example when I originally 'bricked' my SGS using Kies, no matter how many times I powered the phone it simply refused to go into Recovery or Download mode. All it would do was show me the two icons on screen.
The only way I managed to totally shut the phone down was by removing the battery and wait 30 seconds before returning. Only then would the SGS allow me to access the 3-Button Recovery/Download Mode.
So..... has anyone come across a situation where you needed to remove the battery and if so how did you manage to recover?
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The worst I have done is get the device in the "Phone---!----PC" mode where you can't enter "Download Mode". It seems that simply flashing a new PIT file and then forcing it off, it will then enter download mode again.
alias_neo said:
The worst I have done is get the device in the "Phone---!----PC" mode where you can't enter "Download Mode". It seems that simply flashing a new PIT file and then forcing it off, it will then enter download mode again.
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A little un-nerving isn't it... I have deep thoughts of not being able to get the Tab to drop out of memory by not being able to remove the battery and flush.
Beards said:
One thing that concerns me is not being able to remove the battery to force the phone to shut down completely.
As an example when I originally 'bricked' my SGS using Kies, no matter how many times I powered the phone it simply refused to go into Recovery or Download mode. All it would do was show me the two icons on screen.
The only way I managed to totally shut the phone down was by removing the battery and wait 30 seconds before returning. Only then would the SGS allow me to access the 3-Button Recovery/Download Mode.
So..... has anyone come across a situation where you needed to remove the battery and if so how did you manage to recover?
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I think that when you leave/turn "USB Debugging" on in Applications -> Development, it is fairly save. As long as you are near a computer with adb installed and you have your usb cable within reach, you can reboot the device into recovery with adb reboot recovery or just reboot with adb reboot.
Another way is of course to let the battery run out of power, charge it and reboot.
appelflap said:
I think that when you leave/turn "USB Debugging" on in Applications -> Development, it is fairly save. As long as you are near a computer with adb installed and you have your usb cable within reach, you can reboot the device into recovery with adb reboot recovery or just reboot with adb reboot.
Another way is of course to let the battery run out of power, charge it and reboot.
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Are you saying that the Tab will accept an "adb reboot" in it's unresponsive black screen state or some other? I'v not yet come across a state where just holding power didn't turn it off.
appelflap said:
I think that when you leave/turn "USB Debugging" on in Applications -> Development, it is fairly save. As long as you are near a computer with adb installed and you have your usb cable within reach, you can reboot the device into recovery with adb reboot recovery or just reboot with adb reboot.
Another way is of course to let the battery run out of power, charge it and reboot.
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Running down the battery is an option... but it would take an age seeing as you're not doing anything with the phone except looking at two icons on a black screen.
alias_neo said:
Are you saying that the Tab will accept an "adb reboot" in it's unresponsive black screen state or some other? I'v not yet come across a state where just holding power didn't turn it off.
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That thought passed me by as well.
alias_neo said:
Are you saying that the Tab will accept an "adb reboot" in it's unresponsive black screen state or some other? I'v not yet come across a state where just holding power didn't turn it off.
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I did . I was fooling around with the button definitions of the tab, I lost all my buttons so to speak (also the powerbutton) and couldn't get into the system. A simple adb reboot got me out of there without any problem.
Yes, I believe adb can connect with the Tab in very unresponsive states and still issue commands. I've seen it also with my old galaxy S. A bad flash and a blank screen still gave me access to the system shell with adb.
My lesson learned is: alway have "USB Debugging" turned on.

[Q] Low Memory, Bricked Phone?

First off my phone is not rooted.
I got a message saying my phone memory was low because of my the amount of txt messages I had. Then everything on my phone pretty much started to systematically crash. I downloaded a program (sms backup+) to my phone from the android market, so I could backup my txts to gmail. I didn't work (work fast enough) so I shut down my phone so I could restart and hopefully the android market on my phone would work long enough to dl the program.
Now my phone wont start! I tried putting it in safe mode (power + menu) and it just boot cycles at the android screen. If i just let it run it gets stuck at the android screen and I have to take the battery out.
Anyone have any ideas of how I can get it to start or just wipe my phone all together? Spent money on an invisible shield and don't really want a refurb one.
Send it back to your carrier and request for a new one? I'm pretty sure the carrier don't have refurbished ones yet. All plays come with a screen guard... You buying one and putting it on = 2guards... Less responsive screen... Turn it on before you sleep and see if it loads in the morning?
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
If you have not unlocked your bootloader (should still be locked unless you have unlocked it yourself) you can do a fresh reinstall using SEUS. Doing a fresh install will wipe everything messages, apps, e.t.c.
It would make sense that, that would work.... unfortunately it didn't, thx neways was a good idea.
Why doesn't the Xperia Play have more onboard memory, BEWARE DON'T LET YOUR MEMORY GET LOW IT WILL BRICK YOUR PHONE. Those assholes have just lost me my progress in plants vs zombies and my $20 for the invisible shield that covers the whole phone.
Muckylogun said:
It would make sense that, that would work.... unfortunately it didn't, thx neways was a good idea.
Why doesn't the Xperia Play have more onboard memory, BEWARE DON'T LET YOUR MEMORY GET LOW IT WILL BRICK YOUR PHONE. Those assholes have just lost me my progress in plants vs zombies and my $20 for the invisible shield that covers the whole phone.
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Well i semi-bricked my phone when i uninstalled something that i shouldn't have (stuck @ SE logo on bootup) used SEUS to reinstalled the fw. Phone unbricked. Everything wiped clean. As long as your bootloader is locked it should have unbricked you.
Did SEUS download the files (around 175mb i think) and then install it on your phone? or did it stop before installing?
Or if your bootloader is unlocked you will have to flash the firmware from the development section. SEUS wont work if the bootloader is unlocked. Both of the above methods should unbrick a bricked phone
Mozza2k11 said:
Well i semi-bricked my phone when i uninstalled something that i shouldn't have (stuck @ SE logo on bootup) used SEUS to reinstalled the fw. Phone unbricked. Everything wiped clean. As long as your bootloader is locked it should have unbricked you.
Did SEUS download the files (around 175mb i think) and then install it on your phone? or did it stop before installing?
Or if your bootloader is unlocked you will have to flash the firmware from the development section. SEUS wont work if the bootloader is unlocked. Both of the above methods should unbrick a bricked phone
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Ive rooted/unlocked phones (HD2, Omnia) before so I didn't do anything like that to this phone (free games only). Seemed pointless to unlock/root the phone me, the memory is so lacking regardless of what I can uninstall with a rooted phone, its not even worth it, the phone is great by itself.
With SEUS everything worked, and downloaded... It said I already had the most update, and asked if I wanted to reinstall... and I did twice. But I still get the same issue... crashing on boot. I know with SEUS it says it may take a long time to boot up, so i charged it fully, then I left it running and nothing. Im going to send Sony Ericsson a nasty email and see where that gets me. If i took the battery out when I turned it off instead of powering off properly I would think I bricked it, but I think its just one of the flaws on this phone.
Luckily they actually sent me a brand new phone, and my saved games for my emulators are still there. Thx for your help.
FYI: The stock screen cover is complete garbage, guess I'll be dishing out another $20 for an invisible shield.

[Q] Mytouch 4g bootloader help

Before I state my problem, I'd like to say how I used my phone. I never rooted it, I never downloaded any apps that I didn't trust and I always kept a good maintenance on my phone. I do have a 16 gb micro sd on the phone, different from what the manufacturer gave which was a 8 gb micro sd.
One day, I woke up and noticed my phones alarm didn't go off, it was just stuck on the bootscreen where it said mytouch 4g. I tried letting the battery drain and recharging it and repeating that a few times and nothing happened. I held my phones volume down and press the power button and pressed recovery and the hard reset option to no avail. I found out I was missing this file so I formatted my 16gb microsd and put the zip in the root. I pressed the down volume and power again and it begin loading the zip and it asked me to start the update by pressing the up volume, which I did. Now this is what shows up on my phone.
Parsing...[SD ZIP]
At number nine, I'm pretty sure the phone freezes because it's stayed like that for 30 minutes. Is there anything I can do or is my phone done?
I don't know what it could be cause I only used the in market apps and used it for calling, I never rooted it and I always had it protected in my cover.
How many more people will ask this...
Fail-PU = phone dead. Completely dead, no chance of recovery whatsoever.
Seriously Jack? It is his first post and he never rooted his phone. If you do a search for fail PU all you get is returns that deal with rooting and flashing, so I don't know why his question upset you so much.
But yes, your phone is dead.
possible solution
this might work.... since you like your phone unrooted and it is stock.... your local t-mobile store has the update to the mt4g on an sd card.... take it to your local t-mobile store with your phone fully charged.... let them know your situation... let them do the update.... if it does not work.... they should set you up with a warranty replacement with gingerbread... cheers!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their help. I had noticed only one other thread saying just "you're done" about the fail-pu thing when I searched mytouch 4g fail-pu which is why I made a thread about my phone, I wasn't 100% sure if my phone was bricked or not. I'm going to go to tmobile tomorrow and ask them if they can repair it or get it replaced, if not, I'll try contacting HTC (I think that's the company that made the phone) and ask if they can do anything for me. Again, thanks for all the help =].
Your thread, together with another couple of threads, inspired me to make a troubleshooting guide for MT4G.
The guide is in Troubleshooting section in Glacier Wiki, link in my signature.
so what exactly causes this because just had the same problem?
Chuck_McFly said:
so what exactly causes this because just had the same problem?
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the cause of Fail-PU is because the eMMC chip has died, meaning you cannot write anything to the phone anymore. as of now, there is no way of fixing it. if you know adb and adb can see your device, look up the eMMC serial and it should turn out as M4G2DE.
I got the same thing.
Same problem
I have same problem.
so what is the solution.? is it bricked ?
hey guys what is the real time solution for fail-pu problem on my touch 4g,
"phone is dead is not a solution".
Then we have no solution for you. It's a paperweight. Telling us the phone is dead is not a solution doesn't magically bring it back to life. If the eMMC fails, you have no access to the partitions in which the data resides that makes the phone useful. Sorry.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda app-developers app
Upgrade time? Warranty exchange? Or send it in to htc for repair...just make sure they can't tell you are rooted or you will pay more than what is worth

