Bad Upgrade gone bad, but OMT's 80% fixed..!! :) (RSU probs) - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Well, I just got the dev rom loaded and this is really great... Although my problem is still this...
I am fairly certain my GSM radio is still CF'd... The unit runs slow (probably due to phone related issues) and when I goto bootloader mode, I am still told that the GSM Error is still existing...
Has anybody managed to use XDA Rite to either put the TMobile RSU on their unit or the ATT RSU on their unit...
I understand you can't go backwards, but I am not sure the ATT RSU ever really went through...
I certainly seem to be seeing the end of the tunnel somewhere...
As always, any help would be appreciated...

Why don't u try to load att image again? Problem is there is no way to backup GSM rom, so u must use RSU upgrade from the provider. run the att rsu upgrade again and it will load the Radio stack.


Always on line for xda 1??

Any body knows for xda 1, you can keep checking new mail arrival through GPRS?
I heard people using xda 2 can do that. But is there any chance xda 1 can do the same thing?
Actually, when u do the setting for POP account, it ask u to set how many minutes to check for new messages. But it never work because the GPRS will close automatically.
Thanks very much. :?
Sure it can be done!
Take a look at:,,170,00.html
BTW the above is one of many!
also where are you located?
I am using the most updated PPC2002 version already. (3.20.06 ROM and 4.21 Radio)
Do u mean I have to upgrade to PPC2003?
I doubt that because they are not very stable for me to use in Hong Kong so far from other guy's comments in this website.
Thanks very much.
chris_khho said:
I am using the most updated PPC2002 version already. (3.20.06 ROM and 4.21 Radio)
Do u mean I have to upgrade to PPC2003?
I doubt that because they are not very stable for me to use in Hong Kong so far from other guy's comments in this website.
Thanks very much.
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Since you're already running the latest upgrade its suppose to work but since it doesn't I would have to say that your always-on settings are at fault. So go to Start, Settings, Connections and make sure that its set to not disconnect.
Are you sure that it is also for xda1 ?
I can't locate that "not disconnect" setting.
Please clarify.
Thanks so much.
chris_khho said:
Are you sure that it is also for xda1 ?
I can't locate that "not disconnect" setting.
Please clarify.
Thanks so much.
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It should say some thing like this:
GPRS connection to remain active once the device enters power save mode.
At least it does on the PPC 2002 latest AT&T ROM and the XDA developers Special Edition ROM v1.2. (which is bases on the O2 3.17.03 ROM).
That's really strange for my O2 xda!
I only found a setting called GPRS Suspend Mode setting.
It said,
When you are in power-saving mode, do you want to:
- Keep GPRS connection
- End GPRS connection
I clicked on the first one.
Then I close it, and connect to GPRS.
Just for a while, the connection ends by itself.
Any thought?
Thanks a lot again.
Yeap thats the correct setting and the same one I'm speaking of!
I read a lot of bad reports about the 4.21 radio stack so it might be at fault.
Maybe you should think about upgrading to the Qtec radio stack, heard nothing but good reports on that one.
The Qtek 1010 Radio Stack Upgrade can be found at: Pacific
Download Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe
BTW read the WARNING.
BTW do you have a URL for that newer o2 ROM, I'd like to install it and see if it does the same for me/
Here it is.
BTW, I am a bit nervous to install the radio file cause I have bad experience that almost kill my phone.
Is it really okay just to install the radio file?
chris_khho said:
Here it is.
BTW, I am a bit nervous to install the radio file cause I have bad experience that almost kill my phone.
Is it really okay just to install the radio file?
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Like I said I've heard nothing but good reports on upgrading to this radio
stack (no failed upgrades have been reported but as with any upgrade there is always a possibility). :wink:
BTW thanks for the link!
Hi Qman,
Have u tried to update that ROM?
Is there the same problem?
chris_khho said:
Hi Qman,
Have u tried to update that ROM?
Is there the same problem?
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Unable to download, it kept asking for a IMEI.
You wouldn't happen to have the direct download link would you?
Oh! I didn't realize that...sorry.
I am still a bit nervous for upgrading (or is it actually downgrading) to the i-mat ROM.
If it is downgrading, I will definitely not try that...
Hi Qman,
I just notice that got the 3.20.06 ROM.
Also they have the 4.00.21 ROM (pre-release T-Mobile version). Is it for the US market only?
hi; Are you sure that got the 3.20.06 ROM??? Can't find it. I have downgraded my XDA yesterday from the kitchen wm2003 because of bugs to kitchen 2002 but it says 3.17.03 and not the one you mention???!!!
That's not from the "kitchen". It's from the "upgrade" just under "kitchen". Check it out again and you will find it.
Anybody knows that 4.00.21 is good for o2 xda?
hmmm, currently I am using it
so far so good but there is one major BUT for me - most possibly that version makes wipe out my 256MB SD card every up to 48 hours
for me it is a major .... item
That's terrible. What about the GPRS and phone reception?
To be honest, I won't use it if it will wipe off the sd contents every 2 days.
Have you tried to burn again?
so far GPRS is not working ....
but that is due local GSM provider that has some complicates setup as to make GPRS to work, phone recption is ok ... I am living in area where virtually all GSM phones had reception problems (i.e. majority of nokia phones), although in a city center it is perfect ....
just for you to know ... I have received a link from one of the group members for the most recent update - look there for details :
regards, monika
Thanks very much for your reply.
But I think that Upgrade exe file is for US only cause that include the radio upgrade as well.
So, are you able to downgrade your 4.00.21 easily?
I am not sure whether its worth to downgrade your device to 3.20.06 to see whether its a real problem with SD card. And to upgrade it to 4.00.21 again to verify it. It may happen only at some occasion as you know electronic device can never guarrentee functioning 100%.
Hope you can fix your device.

RSU 4.21 problem: stuck at boot splash

i have just downloaded the radio stack from O2 v4.21. I have tried to upgrade through active sync 3.71 it upgraded ok, but when i went to restart the XDA it gets stuck on the boot screen. the one that says test not for resale... and at the bottom right hand corner its says A.30.07 and then locks up.
normally before i tried to upgrade it said A.30.07 the underneath it said 4.20...
anybody know what i need to do to correct it?? i have looked through loads of forum posts and now i'am really confused???
Thanks alot
Zetex :?:
a bit of further info my Bootloader on my xda1 is 5.22
I'am also willing to pay for help i recieve to get my xda up and running again, because without it i really i'am stuck. I don't just use it as i gadget i use for everyday work/pleasure...
Thanks alot
can anybody help me????
No experts or semi-experts seem to be offering any help. I consider myself a fairly experienced novice so I am not sure how useful (or safe) my advice is. Take care! But here are my observations..........
You say the upgrade went OK? Does this mean you got as far as the message Flash Complete! Press OK to restart your device?
If so, this is encouraging as most of the problems I've located on this forum stopped part way through the upgrade (many at 1%).
Did you follow the instructions accompanying the upgrade to the letter? (ie. kill all running programs, switch off phone etc.)
The 4.21 upgrade is for the PW10A1 model not the PW10B1 (check the back of your xda's case to find out). Not sure how you deal with this one if yours is a PW10B1.
Can you enter bootloader mode? (soft reset with the stylus while holding the power button). If so, this is also good news. Someone with more experience than me could probably tell you what to do next. (Possibly flash a new ROM using the SD card method. Although you upgraded the Radio Stack it may have corrupted or upset your Radio Unit/'ROM'. If you decide to do this, I suggest something based on the v3.17 such as the XDA developers special edition ROM ..... you can always upgrade to WM2003 again later.).
Good Luck!
Thanks alot for the reply m8, I did try what you have suggested by reloading the 3.17 o2 rom via sd card and now it won't even switch on anymore.
not to worry its gone off to the xda repaire center in Norwich today for repair under warranty.
Thanks for the reply anyway m8


I was looking at the website for "Traffic-I". This is a subscription system for traffic info (and a sort of GPS ?)
The free trial refers to XDA2 not XDA1. I assume that is because the XDA2 has W2003 0n as standard?
Is it possible to upgrade my O/S to 2003. I'm not sure what version i have as i bought mine used.
icelolly said:
I was looking at the website for "Traffic-I". This is a subscription system for traffic info (and a sort of GPS ?)
The free trial refers to XDA2 not XDA1. I assume that is because the XDA2 has W2003 0n as standard?
Is it possible to upgrade my O/S to 2003. I'm not sure what version i have as i bought mine used.
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Yes you can do it my recommendation persists just on upgrading the RUU not the RSU, there's a lots of threads posting how to upgrade to WM2003, search, read more and learn
Thanks for the tips. I assume then that upgrading the RUU only, will allow all Wm2003 programs to work on my device. This upgrade is reversible if the threads regarding original back ups are followed?
icelolly said:
Thanks for the tips. I assume then that upgrading the RUU only, will allow all Wm2003 programs to work on my device. This upgrade is reversible if the threads regarding original back ups are followed?
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Yes what you need is upgrading the RUU. It will allow all wm2003 to work on ur unit, thus you could back up as well your original default rom before installing the one that you'll cook
Ok thanks for that. I'l llook up how to back up old ROM first then get my oven gloves on and start cooking
Where Can I Download ROM WM2003
i try up grade to wm2003 T-Mobile 4.00.21 but i cant do cause i have Error message my machine use PW10A1, that version just for PW10B1..
So how can i get version for my machine??
Now i use :
ROM. 3.20.06
RS 4.01.
4.00.21 is very outdated ... try 4.01.16 and don't worry about the version as long as you do NOT touch the RSU part
Where ??
Where i can download ROM 4.01.16 have u or give me link
I've had to stop using my XDA for the moment. It's a great piece of kit but the incoming signal quality is quite poor (Compared to a normal mobile) I've missed several calls that have gone straight to my answerphone when i normally never miss any. There are some threads about signal quality but shouldnt this be built in from new as being totaly reliable. Any comments appreciated.
RSU flashing might help ... but it's VERY risky
Biso007 said:
RSU flashing might help ... but it's VERY risky
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Yes point taken on that!. To be quite honest the RUU part of the XDA (The programs etc) work really well and i'm not too bothered about any mods there. I'ts just that i use it for work and i can't really afford to miss calls and not being an expert in these things i find it hard to accept that the incoming signal quality is dependant on what sort of RUU software you have. :roll:
I suppose that as i'm not using it at all, and upgrading is risky but recoverable? and if it was out of action temporarily whilst a software failure was being put right then this would not be a problem for me. What i would worry about is if it all went belly up would i be able to get help on restoring it back to it's former glory?
recovering failed RSU flashing is a very tough process, and might not work as well ... you have to be very careful.
As a matter of fact, I 've done many RSU flashing before and all went OK ... but I know about many horrible stories about dead devices that can't be repaired except by h/w replacement.
If you can't really use it, it's ok to go for RSU flashing but pick the right RSU upgrade ... and stay away from O2 RSU 4.21
OK Biso007 i think you have convinced me. I think i will reluctantly sell the XDA (Someone will get a bargain as it has TT3 and maps on it) and wait a little while and see what else comes up.

need help htc 8125

hi i was trying to flash my friends htc 8125 with the tutorial on this web and now i just have 3 color display or boot mode i think. im new this was my first time i flashet first with buton ... flash but not work error 302 but after i flash with alternative flash was in the tutorial and i get an error to so i dont know what to do how to repair
IPL 1.05
SPL 1.05
I'm kinda of new too, but I believe you just have to pick the rom u want to flash up to. U r at the ideal ipl & spl. I just did that to mine about a week ago and then flashed it EXACTLY like forum said and then just update to 3.XXIPL & 3.XXSPl. After which I picked 1 of the TNT rOMs and wella! try to flash it up now
i dont know wheres to find the roms do you have a link or something
Have you CID unlocked yet?
Obviously not unlocked yet!
Cause he stucks on step 1 !
hahahaha upgrade an original rom... try the 2.26 tmobile not 3.08 please...
Hey Que
I will be getting T-Mobile any hour today...
I will be following all the instructions and try to use a Cingular card on it.
I'm trying to decide what to use for updating the rom on this 8125 the ipl reads 2.25 the spl reads 2.25. in the tutorial there isnt any mention of these that I can ascertain. the other numbers are os gsm 02.25.11
Is this even a necessity. The unit shuts down and is very difficult to get restarted, seems to be a good unit, just looking to make it more reliable. Thanks in advance for the help.
hydafl said:
I'm trying to decide what to use for updating the rom on this 8125 the ipl reads 2.25 the spl reads 2.25. in the tutorial there isnt any mention of these that I can ascertain. the other numbers are os gsm 02.25.11
Is this even a necessity. The unit shuts down and is very difficult to get restarted, seems to be a good unit, just looking to make it more reliable. Thanks in advance for the help.
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Your phone is running the official cingular stock rom and has official IPL/SPL 2.25 (Bootloaders),its nothing to be worried about,now it depends if you prefer to reflash the official wm5 rom or wud like to upgrade to latest wm6.1 custom build roms.
If you want to keep official then download the official wm5 stock rom and simply flash it,but if you desire to upgrade to latest wm6.1 rom,as no official wm6 roms are provided,therefore,you'll have to flash a custom build wm6.1 rom,and for that you'll have to get your phone CID unlocked.
my phone is in boot mode i dont have the roms im new wheres can i find the rom that you say the tmobile my phone was with the original cingular rom or where can i find the original one
mmmmm ok!
I dont have the link but you an enter in wiki section for wizard... is a thread that said wizard goes wiki click there and then it tooks you to the wiki pages! there... you can found a link that takes you to the original roms... choose the one you see for cingular..... some links are broken so dont desperate maybe we can found other one... if you dont get it there you can choose the search tool just follow my steps on my signature says The XDA search culture...
Dont be afraid men you only need to use some more things to start unbricking your phone... (I hope so) many things tooks time cause we dont read enough now lets work men!!!
Well avoiding duplicatted posts this is gonna change many times
Here is my RUU without ID
I didnt found the cingular but try to unzip the exe file with winrar... the nk.nbf can be cutted and pasted in the RUU folder to upgrade it without ID vendor permissions... we will on touch men!
Xplain more
Xplain more of your problem remember that unlock upgrade flashing dids most be done on XP and without SIM and MiniSD pluged... be sure your batt is full charged and your USB cable dont have troubles.
Can you privide more info abour exactly what you have done... please men we need all you got
OH remember not to use so much your phone on Bootloader screen cause we need the batt almost 70% to downgrade unlock and upgrade again it dont charge in RGB screen.
About getting official Wizard Cingular ROMs.
I called HTC and Cingular they say that HTC is not licensing the Wizard WM6 from Microsoft anymore, so they are not supplying the ROMs for the public.
No official support from Cingular/HTC on Wizard for WM6 or 5 for that matter.
I'm new to pdas I've only ever had cell phones so with that in mind its confusing as to where to start. I'm electronic savvy when it comes to car repair, however some of this is daunting at best. I'd like to take this semi-bricked wizard to the next level.
Everytime I find what I'm looking for the webpage is obsolete, what to do?
hydafl said:
I'm new to pdas I've only ever had cell phones so with that in mind its confusing as to where to start. I'm electronic savvy when it comes to car repair, however some of this is daunting at best. I'd like to take this semi-bricked wizard to the next level.
Everytime I find what I'm looking for the webpage is obsolete, what to do?
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First,always post the DOC Chip version of the phone,what is the IPL/SPL of the phone.
Secondly,what exactly is the problem and what you want to do ?
the ipl/spl are at 2.25 and the specific problem is that wen in hibernate mode the only way to work with it is to remove the battery to restore functionality, then that resets the factory settings of time and date and also drops calls etc.
hydafl said:
the ipl/spl are at 2.25 and the specific problem is that wen in hibernate mode the only way to work with it is to remove the battery to restore functionality, then that resets the factory settings of time and date and also drops calls etc.
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Its a G3 version,download the official stock wm5 rom from here and flash it:-
But,if you want to upgrade to latest wm6 then follow this link and do it correctly as the guide reads :- Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
Good luck
Well I think its bricked no screen and no charge light, should I buy a new battery or just sell it for parts? I really tried to find the correct place to update and I goofed what can I say its my responsibility, is thereanymore I can do from this point?
hydafl said:
Well I think its bricked no screen and no charge light, should I buy a new battery or just sell it for parts? I really tried to find the correct place to update and I goofed what can I say its my responsibility, is thereanymore I can do from this point?
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G3 devices don't get Bricked like this,by just flashing a rom,untill and unless you have flashed any G4 IPL/SPL on it,otherwise,G3 phones never get Bricked.So most probably its the battery,try to get the battery charged or get another battery from a friend and confirm it.
As an update and thank you very much. I purchased a new battery and the the store was good enough to pre charge it. We installed the above official wm5 file and its currently going throuh re updating itself. I did happen to notice that it now has an AKU2 file. Is this an update over and above what I had originally?
Once again thanks....
Are there any problems with 3G sim cards because when I installed the card the phone reacts as if there is no battery. No charge indicator or any activity.
Problem solved, it helps to have the sim card properly seated.......
You are most welcome,glade its working.
Yes,the above rom is AKU 2,its an upgrade to your previous official Rom,always try to keep the battery fully charged,as it creates many problems if it gets below the required retention charge of 30%.
Try out the Guide I posted above and see if you can get it CID unlocked and upgraded to latest wm6.1 rom,thats where the fun begins....!

Please Help Me No GSM

Please Help Me No GSM
Dopod 838 Pro Ipl1.04 Spl2.30 Olipro
Read here:
please info me step by step
Did you even read the link? It tells you what to do.
Plus, your not giving us much info to go on. And actually, I'm guessing if you searched with some of the details of how your nosgm started, someone probably already experienced it and has a conclusion of how to fix/couldn't fix.
help me please infor me step by step
No GSM showing means that something went wrong with the radio rom upgrade.
I suggest that you try to downgrade to the official rom for your device. Then you can upgrade to whatever version of OS you want, but make sure that the rom does not contain radio upgrade.
The Issue "No GSM" is because of bad sodering contacts between the QC and Samsung flash or the Samsung CPU and the contiguous flash (samsung) and it resuts all the strange behaviours of this HTC model. Anyway for me it's another proof of samsung quality
Low emission soldering + thin ICs (big foolish sandwich FLASH/CPU) + over located Keyboard = possible cold/bad contact soldering problem.
The proof is the many "NoGSM" issues got without any trying ROM update, or the too many 2XX errors during upgrade.
Do you have a problem with the radio not working?(not able to receive signal, make/receive calls/text?) Cause i had the same problem. Anyways, the way i fixed it is by dissasembling the 8525, and reassembling it back together. Then i flashed the official wm6 rom with 1.48 radio, and it works fully now.
I heard that no gsm can occur with a failed radio flash, which i think is unrepairable, except by replacing the motherboard. If it wasnt a failed radio flash, then i think theres several methods to remedy it. Just try all the methods including mines. Hope you get it to work, theres been too many "no gsm" errors lately. Whoever designed the 8525 should be shot for making such a weak phone.
rado_penev said:
No GSM showing means that something went wrong with the radio rom upgrade.
I suggest that you try to downgrade to the official rom for your device. Then you can upgrade to whatever version of OS you want, but make sure that the rom does not contain radio upgrade.
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yea, I think it's maybe a wrong radio rom
you should downgrade back to shipped "official" rom for Dopod838pro, like this rom
dipad said:
yea, I think it's maybe a wrong radio rom
you should downgrade back to shipped "official" rom for Dopod838pro, like this rom
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no.., it still didn't work on my hermes.. it stopped flashing at 11%
Please help me, my Dopod 838 Pro has No GSM!

