Doomed to have this RSU? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I had a tmobile ROM and RSU, and I upgraded to ATTWS, then upgraded to SER. The ROM is easy to change, but am I doomed to have the ATTWS RSU on my device? Is there any way at all to downgrade?


Radio Stack upgrade problems!

I accidentally upgraded my radio stack to O2 4.21 and my phone doesn't work anymore. I need to get everything back to the way it was when I bought it. Want to use cingular service. What do I do?
if you know what was your original RSU version, go to "upgrades" and down load the RSU upgrade file that fits your network

Unlocking with R6.25.02

Anybody knows how to unlock the T-Mobile XDA with this radio stack. I have downgraded by ROM to 3.17 but the XDAUnlock still wouldn't work. I get Error Getting Unlock Code. Based on what I see it does not seem to be a good idea to downgrade the RSU. If I do downgrade I can't find how to upgrade the RSU back to the current version.
1. Any help?
2. Will the XDAUnlock be modified to support this radio stack?
I agree with you it's not safe to flash the RSU, but if it's the only way then you will have to do it ... or it's better to get the lock key from your operator.
I downgraded the RSU...
I tried unlocking the phone...
Now I see no signal.... Do I have to upgrade the RSU again?
If so how can I do that?
thanks in advance for your help!!!
Upgraded Radio from and it worked!!!!!
HI. if you are trying to upgrade the radio stack, make sure that the radio stack is built for what kind of WM OS. For example, if you downgrade or upgrade the radio stack that you with Tmoble, make sure that the radio stack must support you Tmobile OS. I have tried may times and found out that AT And T just suits for AT&T rom, Tmobile, just for Tmobile rom, O2 must for O2 Rom. There is no way that you can swap one radio stack to another rom.
Again, I don't have radio stack 6.25 but I have radio stack 6.24 for Tmoble. I will upload if you need it.
Again, if you don't mind, can upload the radio stack 3.17 for me. thanks.
Please download here:
You were right!!!
I wish I could have read your post earlier.
I upgraded the radio on my own phone (i was working on my friends phone yesterday). Then there was no signal.
I tried downgrading to 3.17 (on and it froze and now my phone is dead. it restarted but it shows no radio version and no signal.
any ideas???
Diki said:
You were right!!!
I wish I could have read your post earlier.
I upgraded the radio on my own phone (i was working on my friends phone yesterday). Then there was no signal.
I tried downgrading to 3.17 (on and it froze and now my phone is dead. it restarted but it shows no radio version and no signal.
any ideas???
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nice try, you killed your phone!

Decision to Upgrade

Hello this might seem repetitive but I want some opinions on upgrading my ROM
right now im using a cooked ROM to unlock my ATT to use TMO
3.17.03 ENG
im thinking of upgrading to WM2003 A.30.09 is this a good idea? would i be able to downgrade to my original ROM? ive heard of some sound issues/ signal issues with WM2003 so im not sure of wat to do. also should i upgrade the radio and would i be able to downgrade that if i do?
if this isnt a good idea, wat are some suggestions that i can do instead? thanx
thanx to all cuz i love my xda! you guys are the best

Where can I find Qtek 9100 ROM, IPL/SPL and AKU version?

Hello! I want to upgrade my Qtek 9100 with the latest ROM version. I have the official Qtek ROM WWE, IPL/SPL 2.17, Radio 02.07.10 and AKU 2.0. Where can I find the latest official Qtek ROM?
How does the IPL/SPL influence 9100's performance or stability? I have found IPL/SPL version 3.08. Can I install IPL/SPL 3.08 separately from ROM version? Can I damage the Qtek?
And the most important thing: I want the latest official AKU installed on my Qtek. Can it be installed separately from ROM? Where can I find it? If it can't be installed separately, please help me to find the latest official Qtek 9100 ROM packed with the latest official AKU version.
One more question: Is the radio version a good one? Is there a better version? Can this be installed separately?
I think that is best for PDA that AKU, IPL/SPL and radio to be installed with ROM, not separately. Is that true?
Thank you very much!
Look at you men!!!
are you insane?
Jajajaj read men!
but as I am very good person I will tell you where you need to read ok?
Where can I find the latest official Qtek ROM?
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So i think you were found the 3.08 is good but is not recomended yet.... ok.
How does the IPL/SPL influence 9100's performance or stability?
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It don't influence in nothing my men! nothing... why... because AKU (Actualization Kit Update) was just for wm5 ok? its like you wanna see if XP SP3 works well with your new Windows Vista Ultimate edition...
But you need to read the tutorial first to know how to downgrade first to1.01 then unlock, then upgrade to 2.XX not 3.08 ok?, then to a new WM6.1 rom ok...
I have found IPL/SPL version 3.08. Can I install IPL/SPL 3.08 separately from ROM version?
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Ok you found the 3.08... yes you can but is more important ask... what chipset do you have? G3 or G4? please provide us with this info first... i saw you have 2.12. bal bla bla so is a G3 but confirm cause some people said I have IPL SPL 2.17 and NOT they have 2.17.0001 (G4) and they has a bricked phone... so the only way to upgrade or change the IPL or SPL is flashing an Original ROM maded by your carrier and for your chipset ok? well... so the answer for this question is NO men!
Can I damage the Qtek?
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Yes the IPL and SPL changing system is the problem for all thats why people bricks their phones so please dont use it cause it wont lets you perform speed or something ok? AKU's was History Now! the world of WinMobile rules the 6.1 with .Net compact 3.5
Can it be installed separately from ROM? Where can I find it? If it can't be installed separately, please help me to find the latest official Qtek 9100 ROM packed with the latest official AKU version.
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No is not the most impoprtant question is the same but all in one hahahaha
No you cant upgrade separately... aku is history so dont try to upgrade stay in Aku 2.XX after your unlock process ofcourse and read a lot men you need to read a lot!
Oh sorry i forget something... you have the last the 3.08 AKU 3 (3.08)
The AKU2 comes with A2DP stereo sound bluetooth via Headsets
The AKU3 comes with A2DP and Direct Push tecnologies... so... they never works in WM6 or 6.1 why? cause it already have it by default....
Hope it answers all your question and please men I cant tell you where to go if goes to G3 tutorial for unlock or G4 hardSPL cause you dont have read to fill your signature with your info so...
Be cool men and Good luck we are here to support!!!!
No, I haven't found 3.08 ROM. It's only IPL/SPL 3.08. I have found T-Mobile 2.26 and I don't know if it's good or not. Does T-Mobile ROM differs from Qtek ROM? Thanks!
So... what do you mean with this...
I have found IPL/SPL version 3.08. Can I install IPL/SPL 3.08 separately from ROM version?
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The IPL and SPL cant be found separately men!
where is the one you found post the link please...
I have found T-Mobile 2.26 and I don't know if it's good or not. Does T-Mobile ROM differs from Qtek ROM?
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With the Original ROM T-mobile 2.26 you will have the 2.26 IPL and SPL...
And with the Original ROM T-mobile 3.08 you will have the 3.08 IPL and SPL...
This components arent separately.... Never!
It diffiers from Qtek in many things like... some apps... Splash screens.... Configurations... and many little things.
Here all recomends to Use the T-mobile Rom 2.26 to Upgrade after the unlock process cause is the best Original BASE rom ( is the same but is highly recomended that after unlocks the CID and SIM use the IPL and SPL 2.26)
I have found the 3.08 IPL/SPL in the unlocking thread...I'l give you the link latter because I am in a hurry.
If I want to flash the T-mobile 2.26 over Qtek's 2.17, I have to go back to 1.05 ROM and CID unlock, or I have to install the 2.26 over 2.17?
How about with battery life in T-Mobile 2.26 when using wireless and bluetooth? When using only GSM, the battery drains fast?
Thank you very much!
I think here...
Here is your link... so
You are on qteks original 2.17 is it truth?
So... first of all downgrade to 1.05 (you dont need to upgrade to SPL 2.26)and do the unlocking process, if everything is ok...
second... upgrade to 2.26... then your favorite Coocked Rom by whoever you want ok?
third... everytime you want to upgrade or change your rom is highly recomended to flash first an Original ROM qtek 2.17... Tmobile 2.26 or 3.08 then your new Rom coocked ok?
You can change for every Original to Custom and viceversa now, and you dont need to downgrade again to 1.XX again cause its unlocked forever.
Hope it respeonds your doubts... The issue on many ROMs for this kind of things dont be the same on Original ROMS (I didn see issues on originals, well maybe the speed and performance), and many chefs recomends Three steps to upgrade if you experiments this batt drain issue:
1.-Before the NEW rom, Downgrade to any original
2.-Be sure your Batt is FULL I mean (100%)
3.-Let your device synchronize fully when it starts after an upgrade ( I mean dont unplug at the end of upgrade procedure)
God damn ****!!!!!
Men wait a minute you are G4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont need to do this unlocking proces ok?
it will be brick your device
Your device is G4!!!!!!!!!!
You need to go to G4 forum and perform the HardSPL Patch ask there....
Well my prays was listening hahahahaha
Because you write your info on your signature we avoid to brick your device
forget all this ****n thread and start again asking on G4 forum please god damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a G3 device and I have CID unlocked my phone before, when I upgraded from Button to Qtek 2.17 (I have followed the steps in the upgrading "manual" from here So, I think I don't need to go back to 1.05, unlock and then install 2.26. All I have to do is simply to upgrade T-Mobile 2.26 over Qtek 2.17 with RUU utility.
Now, I don't know how T-mobile 2.26 will influence my phone's settings regarding that I live in Romania and I am a Cosmote mobile network user, not T-Mobile. I have seen on a web site that you can not connect to Wi-Fi hot-spot if the hot-spot isn't from T-Mobile. Is T-Mobile ROM 2.26 restricting the phone's settings and the choice to freely connect to wireless hotspot or Cosmote GPRS and MMS, Orange EDGE and MMS. Can I add new SMS, MMS or GPRS/EDGE settings? Or they force you to use their settings and data connections?
Thank you very much!
So xtrange
The IPL and SPL you have on your signature are for a G4.
No it is recognized by the SIM Card... i mean the sms and cellphone conections but mms gprs and other things yes... you need the configurations separately...
So T-Mobile ROM will work OK with Cosmote network... But does T-Mobile ROM restricts any of the device's function? Can I use all it's function freely (wi-fi, bluetooth, irda -I'm asking you this because I have played with an HTC Prophet from T-Mobile that wasn't wi-fi enabled)? Can I install all kind of programs? Do you know anything about battery life?
In a previous post, you said that after CID Unlock it is recomended to use IPL/SPL 2.26. Can you, please, tell me why?
About G3/G4 chip: when I have verified chip version on SYSTEM-DEVICE INFO it showed M-System G3. Now It only show M-System without the G3. Don't know why...
Thank you very much for your help!
Andrei__1 said:
So T-Mobile ROM will work OK with Cosmote network... But does T-Mobile ROM restricts any of the device's function? Can I use all it's function freely (wi-fi, bluetooth, irda -I'm asking you this because I have played with an HTC Prophet from T-Mobile that wasn't wi-fi enabled)? Can I install all kind of programs? Do you know anything about battery life?
In a previous post, you said that after CID Unlock it is recomended to use IPL/SPL 2.26. Can you, please, tell me why?
About G3/G4 chip: when I have verified chip version on SYSTEM-DEVICE INFO it showed M-System G3. Now It only show M-System without the G3. Don't know why...
Thank you very much for your help!
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IPL/SPL: 2.17.0000
These are G3 Bootloaders,if it was 2.17.0001,then it wud have been a G4,therefore,your device is a G3 phone.nothing to worry about.
Now,you can flash any official roms to it as all the officiall roms like Qtek,t-mobile Cingular or O2 are basically the same roms provided by the Microsoft,they have the same Base Roms,but just all the vendors add up their own stuff to it.Like Splash screens,programs/applications and network/gprs settings.Apart from these ,there is no major difference in any Official rom from all the vendors.
Yes! Bootloaders(IPL/SPL)/Radio Roms can be flashed separately or within by a Rom flash.
Downgrading to IPL/SPL 1.xx is only needed if you want to CID unlock the phone for upgrading to any wm6 or wm6.1 rom,as no official wm6 rom is provided by any vendor.So its only possible to upgrade to wm6 or 6.1 latest rom through custom build roms and for that its required to get the phone CID unlocked
After getting the phone CID unlocked,its prefered to upgrade to T-mobile 2.26 coz its a proven stable base rom,but you can also upgrade to IPL/SPL 2.xx,required for upgrading to wm6 by flashing any other official Aku (Adaptation Kit Update) 2.xx rom.
Upgrading to IPL/SPL 3.08 will just give you a slightly better boot up timings,which is hardly noticeable and nothing else,so if you are at 2.xx,its more preferred.IPL/SPL 3.08 sometimes creates problems afterwards if you have to downgrade.
Its also not necessary to reflash back to official ro each time before flashing a new rom,but only recommended,to clear the Extended_Rom corruption and have a clean base,I have never reflashed any official rom before flashing any new rom,but then thats me!
Thanks men!!!
Im getting worried but... why does the Bootloader Shows the four zeros... on my device it never shows the zeros.
In 2.17.0000
I think he use the WST isnt it? not seing the bootloaders...
I have finally installed T-Mobile 3.08. It has interesting features, but I don't like the dialing pad and that when I start Internet Explorer, the phone asks if I want to connect to T-Mobile GPRS. I'm 60% with the Qtek 2.27 and 40% with T-Mobile 3.08. I'll wait to see the battery life compared with Qtek ROM and the power consumption when using wireless. I'll make a decision in weekend.
Oh, forgot to ask about WM6. Will the phone be faster or slower? What are the main differences from WM5? Is there an official WM6 ROM?
Thank you very much!
It seems that qtek's wi-fi is connecting continously, without establishing a connection. It show "connecting" all the time.
Today I have installed Qtek 2.17 ROM. I like it more than T-Mobile 3.08.

KJAM official ROM/Radio

I want to switch back to WM5 and require the official WM5 WWE ROM, where do I get it. (CID/SIM unlocked). I also need the official/best radio/GSM for it. any links? and do I need to downgrade my SPL/IPL version for it?
or does the ROM includes the Radio/GSM?
ok installed K-JAM_WWE_216901_2169101_020710_ship and it solved most of issues.

