o2 UK Radio upgrade 'soft' file, so Hard reset probs? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Upgraded o2 UK to ROM=3.17.03 and Radio to 4.21.00 (thanks for the news of this)
Noticed that after the Radio upgrade, there is a new 'removable program' in memory, 'HTC Programme B'
By my logic, given this is obviously to do with the Radio upgrade, a Hard Reset (which I'm contemplating after a TrueFax fiasco) would cause this program to be lost, and possibly therefore cause complications with the Phone side of things.
Makes me nervous about doing a Hard Reset, you see.
Or am I talking out of my rear, as so often is the case...?

No worries, after the phone update is done, Programme B serves no further purpose. Hard-reset to your heart's content.

Great thanks, now I've got the latest ROMs (thanx to o2 UK for pulling their finger out) I'm keen to have a Clean Machine (after Truefax mess)

Whoops, forgot to mention the two other 'soft' programs listed in 'Remove...'
- EZOS o2 UK Provider Config
- o2 smart menu (a new thing whereby you can access WAP, SMS, IE, Email from the Today pane


Bug in SMS on the I-Mate AKA XDA II

I am lucky enough to live in Dubai, so I went out and purchsed the beast today..but I have found a bug in the SMS part, if you address it to a person with a GSM Intenationl formated number i.e. +971 50 xxxxxxxx
then it automatical removes the "+" which then causes the send to fail, I can however make a voice call to that same person "Phone" does not remove the "+", is this new I dont have this on my old Qtek or my i-mate Smartphone ? , I have tried to change the "Dialing Rules" but that dont seem to fix it either...
and Suggestions...
BTW if i manually insert the "+" it does send correctly...
Just found out that if I dont go via "Contacts" but open the new SMS and just start to type the persons name , then a pop up appears with all matches , selecting the enrty here "does" select the right format i.e.
Via Contacts on "97150xxxxxx" is inserted into the "TO" field instead of "+97150xxxxxx" , typing via the "V-Keyboard" and selecting inserts "Derek M<+97150xxxxxx>"...
what if you replace
+ with 00
you can do that as far as i know at least on std cellphones
that only works if the provider and the local country supports the "00" the gsm standard is "+" for intrnational access... Last summer I could easly make calls from Canada, USA, Germay and South Africa without changing the numbers in my phone...so why should M$ change this all of a sudden ?
BTW the whole software seems buggy !, I used the PC2003 on my Qteck thanks to the ROM kitchen, but now on the HTC implimentation of the PC2003 things are far from well I have hade the device 10 hours now and have lost 8 calls in flight, had to reset the thing 6 times due to hangs (mostly in an app when you press the Green Phone Button)
Don't worry about that.
Send your message anyway and it will reach.
I tried it locally.
I'll try it internationally and let you know.
I was in the UK last week , and really poor performance on O2 , VF was better but I had so many "Cant Take The Call!"...
:!: I can confirm the bug. it amazes me, that this slipped past HTC quality control, since it is so obvious.
BTW: Replacing the "+" with "00" gets you into trouble with MS Outlook, which then cant parse the numbert any more.
Seems to be fixed allready.
ROM version 1.03.00 USA
ROM date 09/24/03
Radio version 1.05.12
I found that it can't cope with a leading zero in the STD code (e.g. +44(020)8.... ) but after correcting for that it worked just fine strait out of the box.
sweeney said:
Seems to be fixed allready.
ROM version 1.03.00 USA
ROM date 09/24/03
Radio version 1.05.12
I found that it can't cope with a leading zero in the STD code (e.g. +44(020)8.... ) but after correcting for that it worked just fine strait out of the box.
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Not on my handset here with the same software as you stated. Mine does exactly the same thing, removes the prevailing + from the contacts number. Hopefully will be fixed in the next ROM upgrade.
Hi guys!
The "new" ROM version 1.60, either from T-mobile or Dangaard for Qtek 2020, does NOT show the problem with the leading +.
I had originally 1.03 USA, but can not confirm if the problem was there too.
Good luck.
T-mobile upgrade was the smoothest one I've made to date. Currently using the county-id-hacked one from Dangaard, cause I've a Qtek.
SMS Bug in new Qtek 2020 phone - unable to send to Vodafone
Hi all,
I just received my new Qtek 2020 PDA phone from Expansys in the UK, down here in New Zealand. At first things looked great (eg. working) but when I went to send an SMS message, it failed , no matter what format I used. Then I came across this forum where the same problem also existed. My phone has the following versions ...
ROM version 1.03.00 USA
ROM date 09/24/03
Radio version 1.05.12
Protocol Version: 1.337.12
ExtROM Version: 1.03.21
Does anyone know where an upgrade can be obtained for an unlocked Qtek 2020? I am still waiting on a response from Expansys.
well one have to make sure that one is using the localizer because it have alot to say about how such things are handled

XDA2 Socket SDIO Wifi causes a Freeze, then a hard reset???

Sometimes, when connected using the socket SDIO card, the XDA2 freezes, turning off causes the power to fade, then it will not turn on again unless i do a hard reset? Any ideas? I have the latest UK rom update.
What driver?
Hello mikeycollins13
Have you got the latest drivers? I bought my socket card a few days ago and got a driver version ending with a D whilst the one you can download ends with a C. I haven't had such bad freezes, but yes, it freezes sometimes for a short while.
I downloaded the latest ones from their site. Still happening, returning the xda for repairs, don't know what else to do
Try this driver
This is the latest "D" driver that is not yet published on Sockets site.
Good luck
may hold off on sending it back now, did you ever here of this? And how do you look for Ap's? With Netstsumbler or Pocket Winc?
Netstumbler won't work
I can't use netstumber because it will only find the network I am connected to. I go to the connection settings, choose networkcards, and there is a list of detected networks. It updates itself often. I am often on a network with hidden SSID. The first time I have to manualy enter the network data (SSID, WEP) with the "add new settings..." option.
By the way...
I have one issue on it posted elsewhere and that is when I turn off my PDA the card seldom wakes again, but I only have to do a softreset, which is much less painfull than a hard reset. I can live with that.
Sent in for repair, back with apparent NEW o2 ROM, 1.66
This problem kept on happening and I sent back to o2 uk for repairs. They are returning it tome tomorrow, apparently a software issue, so they have reflashed my rom with a new ROM that is unaivalble on their site, ROM 1.66xxx (didn't get the rest) Don't know how to make a copy of it for you if you guys want one. Best,
rom 1.66, o2 uk
It has a new Clear type tuner, radio stack 10, that's all I found so far.
Re: rom 1.66, o2 uk
mikeycollins13 said:
It has a new Clear type tuner, radio stack 10, that's all I found so far.
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So it really is 1.66 - cool. I like the sound of the Cleartype tuner too.


Hi guys iam a bit new to all this pocket pc stuff but iam trying to find se for my m1000,it seems harder to find things for this than the p900s they were easy to find things for but pocket pc is alot harder,hope you guys can help my get my m1000 to be how it should be,email me or pm me with things you think i should have on it and where i get them.thanks in advance to you all
2003SE Upgrade for Orange M1000 (UK)
Hi fellow M1000er,
Just found out yesterday that the 2003se rom was available (Hadn't been on the web for a while) and decided to risk installing the beastie even though there has been a relatively large number of issues with it.
If you have read the 'Official 2003 SE Released' thread you will probably know that there are two or three main versions.
I got mine working with 'Mystery Man's 2.06 OS Rom version and Maimaich's 1.18 Radio version. djrm supplied the Orange Extended rom.
dcs supplied LOTS of helpful info too.
Many many thanks to all four of you!
I haven't fully tested it yet (got it working this morning at 4:30) but I checked the main complaints from other users (SD card works fine, Activesync over Bluetooth works fine, Send/Receive messages fine, Phone doesn't automatically go into speakerphone when answering, and a few more)
Really pleased with the result.
I have zipped up the whole bundle (FOR ORANGE UK ONLY) which I used to upgrade my M1000 and have attached it. (the 24 megger)
(***** NOTE This original file was corrupt - See my next post for proper version *****)
Just unzip this file to a dir - cradle the M1000, then run HimaUpgradeUt.exe and wait (for around an hour - at least you get progress bars!)
The only thing I'm not sure of is the Intellidialer - I have never come across this before, and the general opinion seems that it is good, but I must say it looks a bit naff compared to the default dialer. - I guess I'll persevere for a while, but if I don't like I'll prob cook another Extended Rom with the original dialer instead.
Also - you will have to enter the details for Orange GPRS (http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html) and for MMS you have to copy the attached i-mate_PPC_Orange_UK_Contract.CAB file to your PDA and run it. (If I had time I would have included it in the Extended Rom).
Once this has been run - you have to go into MMS settings, click on servers and edit Orange MMSC by simply adding / to the server address so that it looks like:
(Can't remember who posted this fix - but thanx whoever you are!)
Let me know if you have any problems.
(p.s. if you use Microsoft Reader much - you will have to download the installer from http://www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/ppc.asp)
The only bugs I have noticed so far is the Headset Profile on the Today screen, and the Bluetooth Icon on the taskbar have a habit of going invisible (but are still clickable).
The zip attached seems to be corrupt
Sorry about that - Didn't realise the file hadn't fully uploaded when I attached it. (Chopped off at 14Meg - that's what happens when you have been up all night tinkering with technology, feeling a little spaced from lack of sleep!)
THIS is the file to use. Unzip this - run the HimaUpgradeUt.exe file.
If you are interested in MMS - install the CAB attached in the last post AFTER upgrading, then make the tweak to the settings I mentioned above.
Best of Luck & Enjoy!
Knight Mayor
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Out of interest, how have you found the mystery man ROM? I used it for about a week and it seemed really buggy, so I installed the dcs version 2.02t and I have found it flawless for nearly a month now. The handsfree option works brilliantly with my Bluetrek G2 and the phone overall just seems more stable than any other ROM I have tried. What are everyone else's opnions on this, I have read the posts on 2.02 vs 2.06 but it would be interesting to hear views from Orange UK M1000 users specifically!
M1000 rom
Is it possible to reset your original rom in the case of needing to return the phone to Orange?
Yeah, just reflash the phone with their crappy 1.66 ROM from the Orange website and all will be restored. You might possibly have a country code error unless the headers have been changed properly on the SE ROM files. That can be easily fixed though, search the forum and there are loads of posts on it, the best one is dcs's guide.
2.06 or not 2.06, that is the question.....
Hi Fin,
Thanks for your post - My SE install is only a day old so I haven't fully experienced it yet. Did seem to stick a little at times, but I thought that maybe had something to do with the fact I have slapped Wisbar Advance 2 on top and skinned it up to the max. Will try running it bare for a while - see how I get on.
I did notice, however, that when I tried to make a call this morning that it said the phone was off and did I want to switch it on. (And it wasn't in flight mode - weird).
Can you let me know which issues you had with 2.06, and which ones were resolved in 2.02? (Also, any problems with 2.02? - I don't imagine any of these roms are without their own little nig's)
This is my first flash and was just chuffed to get SE working on it, but I appreciate the advice of people with more experience in these things.
I have DCS's 2.02t - if you can def recommend then I will def switch over.
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Personally I found fewer problems with 2.02 but i have heard people who think 2.06 is better. The only problem i have had with 2.02 is that the bluetooth profile disappears but you don't need it on 2.02 as when a headset is connected it connects automatically if it is set to a handsfree device.
I also get the impression that a lot of the problems people have had with either ROM is to do with their extended ROM, people seem to be putting all kinds of incompatible stuff in there. I am using a slightly modified version of the ROM found in the following post
BTW it was me who solved the MMS issue for Orange UK, you know what they say, if you don't blow your own trumpet then no one else will
Aha - so it was you, eh Fin?
Well - thanks V much for that!
If you don't mind me asking - what was the slight modification you made to the Extended ROM (That's the one I'm using too, but made no changes).
Anything major? Some apps specific to you or just a splash screen change? :wink:
I'll prob see how this 2.06 goes for a week, and if anything bugs me too much - I'll try the 2.02.
(Don't think I'm gonna touch the 2.20 Chinese ROM which is doing the rounds at the mo - my oriental is a little rusty! :lol: )
Keep up the good work!
512Meg SD
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
All I added was IIWPO and a couple of other little applications like Soft Reset and the Ext ROM unlocker tools, nothing special!
Thanks for this I will try it out and let you know how it goes
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
NeCrOpHiLiCaT said:
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
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xbackup will not work properly if you flash your phone, so yes, you will have to reinstall all your apps again, but why not put some of them in the extended rom so it's not such a hassle next time you hard reset!
I have been using this build for about a week now, and all seems to work quite well, there are some problems mainly with the Today page having items disappear......I personally do not find that very annoying and everything else seems to work well, seems very stable ......I really like the intellidialer and feel thats a big improvement.
Thanks once again for releasing this
I haven't yet tried the update, but would like to know if somebody has tried Sprite backup and Tomtom Navigator 3 on W2003SE. I would like to update my M1000 with this version of W2003SE. Any feedback on this will be much appreciated.
Hi all you fellow Orange users, we need to get together on MSN Messsenger and have a good old chat..
My personal experiences are as follows :-
Tried 2.02 first, this was great and worked a treat with the orange ext_rom, had this for a while until i got my BT headset, then the problems started...
This ROM doesn't have headset profile and thus the mic on the BT headset would not work so i went back to 1.66 for a while.
Tried 2.20.07CHS Translated, this was better, everything worked but the fonts were a bit dodgy and some of the translation wasn't complete, so back to 1.66
Finally settled on 2.06 with a customised ext_rom with my own additions personal to me ! (all available here), this has a great BT headset mode wear my BT headset works fine, the BT activesync (a must once you've had it) works fine, you can even access the internet over it) thus doing away with my wifi card.... and with my customisations, everything is as near perfect as we'll get.
The only problem i have is that the BT headset today plugin tends to play hide and seek occationally.
Hope these options are of use to people, i love this M1000, even better now that we have WM2003SE.
Oh and hello to all the Orange users out there.
Hi guys,
First off, let me say thanks for this. I was getting a headache reading all the threads on the subject.
I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with GPRS after the update? I have checked all the settings against the website suggested in the original post and even another phone. Everything looks identical to what it should be but it just will not connect.
Anyone got any ideas?
O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
Re: O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Viper_148 said:
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
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There are quite a few people I have spoken to who have done what you want to do, and in principle it will be absolutely fine- XDA2 and M1000 are exactly the same device. The only issue will be a country code error- if you don't know what that is, it's an operator code that will not allow an upgrade of new software from a different network. To get round this you need to use a piece of software (xda2nbftool)which will set the country code on the upgrade to O2 (your current operator setting I assume) so that you can install the Orange version of the ROM which is floating about this forum. If you need any help with this, let me know and I will help you as much as I can. The only Orange customisation stuff is in the Extended ROM, and there are just a few CAB files that add all the Orange crap like settings,Orange Update/Backup etc.

SPV M700 and MDA compact 3 TOMTOM nightmare...

I have an SPV M700 (HTC P3600).
I have the following problems with it:
Speaker phone is rubbish, got it set up in the cradle in my car and can hardly hear the person i am talking too. Anyone agree?
GPS!!!!!! TomTom will not work and is driving me know where except slowly insane. Same problem as other post, no mention of GPS in menus and tomtom just says No GPS device! Other post talked about ROMs? Sorry i have no idea what these are or how to install them. Any chance of someone giving me a quick dummies guide. It seems to work for other person having the exact prob.
Most internet pages don't come out too well, expected better from the IE windows mobile. Not used it before, you see.
Purchased unlocking off ebay, don't think its worked. Is there a link to unlocking on this forum?? Will i loose my Orange menu and colours when unlocked.
Keyboard. When i tried this phone out in the shop the keyboard was like a phone pad (press 2 twice for letter B) but can't find on mine, just normal one, transcriber etc??
PLEASE PLEASE spend a minute helping me. I am looking at the MDA compact III on t-mobile but just been told tomtom won't work on it by them. Don't know what speaker phone is like on it either.
Kind regards
George Nottingham...... Relax, get a brew, take a breath..........
First a question.... have you read all that there is here.... and which version of Tom Tom are you trying to run, you need 6.03 an "most" of the problems go away other wise....... go read this lot:-
Beofre you start rom-ing read also all of either:-
after reading AT LEAST the first post of each, upgrade the rom, there is an Orange .cab (file thinggy) knockig about to put all your orange setting and front page back on after sorting out the software and getting TT running.
As for the speaker phone... never been happy with mine, but use SoreTooth in stead
More tea and biscuits
Thanks deech for your quick reply. All that talk of tea and relaxing really worked!
Ok i have just checked the tomtom version and is it 6.00. Never i have been so happy that i have out of date software! Only concern is i tried to run Orange's Sat Nav (yes they have there own sat nav that comes sort of free, funny thing is when i rang them up they didn't know they did!). Anyway that didn't pick up a GPS signal either, ummmmm.
What is SoreTooth? Searched for it but can't find anything.
Any luck with my other two moans:
Purchased unlocking off ebay, don't think its worked. Is there a link to unlocking on this forum?? Will i loose my Orange menu and colours when unlocked.
Keyboard. When i tried this phone out in the shop the keyboard was like a phone pad (press 2 twice for letter B) but can't find on mine, just normal one, transcriber etc??
George Nottingham
I've been looking around the site, it look great. No idea what anything means! I'll learn, I guess.
think the keyboard thing i was banging on about is called Phone Pad?
I wonder if i can get WM6 on my orange spv m700....
I can work out how to bluetooth pictures to my mac. Oh no thats another thing to worry about, syncing with my mac! The missing sync looks good?
This is stressful. Remember what deech said George, make a brew!
ahh ummm right.... missed the other moans.........
Right Oranges own Tom Tom thing FORGET IT, get real and proper Tom Tom (from wherever ) It's limited and trial and well frankly not worth the effort.
The Phone pad thing... get PhonePad International (search round these fora) it's here
As for the unlocking....... search round here for CID and ... summat else Unlocking. No if you just unlock, then you wont loose the Orange Branding.. however why you would want that is beyond me... but hey ho.
In Tom Tom have you checked the gps receiver?..... Set it to Other NEMA and com 9 and baud rate... well anything you want from what I can see.
In TTT6.03 there is anew option... "Use Built in Reciever" and after that it ermmmm just works.......
Think I got it all now......... right time for some tea here too
And sorry for the red herring.... soretooth = Bluetooth... can be troublesome on occasion
macmacman said:
I've been looking around the site, it look great. No idea what anything means! I'll learn, I guess.
think the keyboard thing i was banging on about is called Phone Pad?
I wonder if i can get WM6 on my orange spv m700....
I can work out how to bluetooth pictures to my mac. Oh no thats another thing to worry about, syncing with my mac! The missing sync looks good?
This is stressful. Remember what deech said George, make a brew!
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Yes you can, follow the posts I gave earlier and robert will be your mothers brother, I did it, just remeber back up any "special" ring tones, and phone book etc etc, and afterwards grab the Orangesettings.cob, to put the mms gprs etc all back in place
Can't beleive i fell for that! I gave sorethooth a proper search as well. what a plonka. I think it comes with being a novice to all this, it takes over your life a bit and your mind only thinks about tomtom v6!
Ok cheers agian for your help deech, much appreciated.
Just one more thing if you will be so kind.
Now you have equiped me with all the links to keep me up till the weekend, i think i want to hard reset my phone. Didn't like the ebay unlocking thing and hope its hasn't buggered it up. Thinking i could start fresh? Good idea. Maybe just a factory reset?
's upto you or just re-flash it and have done with it, tbh I have no experience with unlocking these... now Nokias onthe other hand
Dont think you'll hurt it by doing a Hard Reset, however I dont know if it'll re-lock the phone or what, might be one for a seperate thread?
Hi macmacman- you still need to slow down!
I'd actually go against the grain here and say don't consider flashing your ROM until you are decently competent with Windows Mobile. There isn't a great deal of difference, and the M700 comes with a late version of WM5.
Why did you need to unlock? Are you going to use a different SIM card in it? Some unlockers actually work by replacing the Radio part of the ROM, and some of those are NOT GPS enabled. Go into Settings/System/Device Information and check the Radio version- it must end in .11 for GPS to be enabled. All stock Orange M700's come with GPS enabled. If yours is incorrect you must install un updated Radio stack.
As Deech says, set TTN to either Built-In, or Other NMEA using COM9 and 57600 Baud, then GO OUTSIDE WITH A CLEAR VIEW OF THE SKY to obtain a first fix- it will take up to 10 minutes the 1st time. If TTN has detected your GPS, the status line under the map display will say 'Waiting for Valid GPS Signal' - if you see that you just need to wait till it amalgamates all the sat signals. If you still see 'No GPS Device', then you either have a faulty device, or the Radio ROM isn't working properly.
Either case would be a cause for replacement by Orange- another reason not to flash the ROM, because by doing so you invalidate the warranty.
Keep trying- its worth it!
[Edit- Oh and T-Mob are talking bolox- any WM5 device can run any WM5 program. But, the Compact III is an inferior device- no WiFi, slower processor, and MicroSD card as opposed to MiniSD. Micro cards are slower, and more prone to file system errors]
deech said:
's upto you or just re-flash it and have done with it, tbh I have no experience with unlocking these... now Nokias onthe other hand
Dont think you'll hurt it by doing a Hard Reset, however I dont know if it'll re-lock the phone or what, might be one for a seperate thread?
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A hard reset can be good to clear unwanted operator customisations, especially if you reset before the Operator Customisations start, but with the Orange M700, this can lead to loss of some services, especially Orange World, which is built into the main ROM and Extended ROM. Disabling the horrible Orange Today application is no bad thing though!
Generally once a device is unlocked, it will remain that way through hard resets and even ROM updates, but there are different unlocking methods:
SIM unlock just allows a different operators SIM card to be used (Orange and T-Mo both SIM lock their WM phones)
CID unlock allows other ROM versions to be installed (ie if an Orange device is not CID unlocked, you can only use Orange ROM's)
SPL unlocking changes the Bootloader (akin to the BIOS) to allow any valid ROM to be loaded.
All the Unlock and ROM tools are availiable via the Trinity Wiki on this site- too late for you, but don't go near the Ebay ones as you don't know what you are getting
Ok i have checked my Radio version under Device information and it says so you right that doesn't end in .11 and so my GPS doesn't work. So i need to install un updated Radio stack.
Like you said NeilM the m700 come with .11 so something has changes this? Could have been that dodgy ebay unlocking software? I bet orange will reject my devise if i send it back for that reason!! damn it.
I am thinking of going onto t-mobile for the web and walk package. Actually i don't like the orange menu so don't care if i loose that too.
So i just need to install un updated Radio stack and so a SIM unlock. easier said then done?
Cheers NeilN and deech for your help so far. George
Yes- your 'dodgy' unlock software has corrupted the radio stack.
You first need to 'super CID' your device to allow a new Radio ROM to be added (though as your current radio is non standard this has probably already happened);
Head to This Thread which has links halfway down the 1st page to a CID Unlocker, and Radio 1.41 upgrade.
That ought to work, but make sure to follow ALL the instructions!
Ok I have hard reset my phone, so i am now back to where i started and hopefully there is no trace of my dodgy ebay unlocking rubbish?
First thing i did after resetting is check my Radio version under Device information and it still says! That must mean it was shipped to me like that.
Anyway i need to change that to .11 so i have gone to here:
and downloaded the 2) Update GSM: GSM_1.41.00.11
Is the right? Sorry for being a dullard if wrong.
Anyway i downloaded it put it in a new folder on my devise then went to it on my devise and it said this is not a valid pocket pc app!
Have i got the wrong file?
No sorry- hard resetting DOES NOT go back to how it was supplied- it goes back to the latest ROM flash, be it the Radio or OS, so you are stuck with the dodgy radio stack until you upgrade it.
I don't know the specifics of the Radio ROM you have downloaded, but 1.41 is the current latest.
The file MUST BE RUN from the PC, with Activesync connected. If your device is correctly unlocked, then it will load into the PPC via A/S and initiate the update process. In the course of that, A/S will stop, and a generic USB connection established.
At that point you may get a 'Cannot Connect' error, and the screen of the Trinity will be multicoloured bars. You now need to run the update file once again, and the ROM Update progres bar should start. If it won't proceed, then you need to take Step 1 from the page you cited, and load the Hard SPL updater, which will allow the Radio update.
Ok its going well, i've managed to change my radio to.11 which i pretty proud of to be honest!
Now then i have tried the terrible orange sat nav just to see if the gps would work and it did! Next i tried my TomTom v6.00 and it didn't work. Do i definately need 6.03?
Feeling more confident now. might upgrade to WM6. If i go hear
1) Update SPL: HARD-SPL
2) Update GSM: GSM_1.41.00.11
3) Update ROM: 20070527_Trinity_WM6_v2.0.1.1
and download 1) 2) and 3) in order will that be ok? Will it get ride of my Orange today menus, hopefully they are a bit annoying!
I also would like Phone Pad international or something that can act like a standard textign phone pad when i am entering text for some reason mine is available to me? Think that might be an Orange thing as my mate has an older HTC and has it on.
Thanks for your quick replies so far, much appreciated.
one more thing, i am about to purchase tomtom navigator 6. Jsut rang them up and the version they sell is the latest 6.06. Take it this will be fine considering deech said 6.03?
yup, basically in 6.03 they introduced "use built in gps" feature, so should be safe to assume 6.06 will still have this
I've ordered my tomtom software. I've also upgraded to WM6 thanks to that thread all about it. Doing ok for a novice i think.
Last thing to solve is this keypad thing.. had a look for phonepad international but can't find it?
Looking through options on new OS and can't find any options for the keyborad. I now seem to have lost transcriber with WM6 too!?
If you have already bought TTN6.00, you should be able the updated file FOC via TomTom Home, though you will need to pay if you want the latest maps.
Using TTN6.00, in the GPS settings, select Other NMEA Receiver (NOT Other NEA Bluetooth..), then Baud 57600 and connect to COM9
Once those are entered, you should be able to see the main screen status change to 'Waiting for Valid GPS Signal'; the GPS Status screen will have asmall revolving icon at the top right. This proecess can take some time and a clear view of the sky, so be patient!
Google PhonePad International on XDA Devs and you will find the file. It runs well on late WM5 or WM6, but as you found, won't run on the Orange version. It is a bit limited in that it doesn't have word completion, but is useful nonetheless.
Some of the WM6 ROM's omit transcriber, because it uses memory, and few people use it anyway
NeilM said:
Generally once a device is unlocked, it will remain that way through hard resets and even ROM updates, but there are different unlocking methods:
SIM unlock just allows a different operators SIM card to be used (Orange and T-Mo both SIM lock their WM phones)
CID unlock allows other ROM versions to be installed (ie if an Orange device is not CID unlocked, you can only use Orange ROM's)
SPL unlocking changes the Bootloader (akin to the BIOS) to allow any valid ROM to be loaded.
All the Unlock and ROM tools are availiable via the Trinity Wiki on this site- too late for you, but don't go near the Ebay ones as you don't know what you are getting
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Newbie to HTC devices. I'm familiar with ETEN X500/WM5/WM6 etc, ROM flashing by card and all that jazz, but CID/SPL I don't know yet, so:
does SPL unlocking also cause CID & SIM unlocking? Or does each operation need to be done consecutively, if so any order?
what does CID & SPL stand for anyway, please?
and can the sat locations be updated via internet, like HP and ETEN etc ?
The reason for this is I'm waying an HTCP3600 against yet-to-be released ETEN X800

v1605 Video Phone Not There

Hi guys
I've just received my third v1605 from Vodafone (1st backlight broke on screen replaced under warranty, 2nd got run over by a car ) in three months. The latest one came with a new sim as my old one was destroyed in the accident. I've had the SIM activated and all my old settings reinstated from what I can tell.
I've got access to 3g so can access my ISP email and the web. I can make voice calls and send/receive SMS. One thing that is different to the previous two phones of this model I've had is the video calling function. The button is on the faceplate as before but when pressed it only opens a voice softphone screen. The software phone has no option at all for video calling. It looks like a completely different phone app to previously, certainly not the one shown in the manual. I've spoken to VF customer services who haven't a clue to be honest, although they do say there are 3g problems in the London area which may be the problem. (I can use 3g data services no problem and connect with HSDPA from what I can see (H Icon))
Any thoughts on how I can reinstate the correct software phone?
ROM version
ROM Date 02.06.07
Radio Version
Protocol Version 32.65.7020.09H
Model No HERM200
Cheers for any help you can offer.
Welcome to the forum.
I don't use the video function, but do have the same phone version (with vodafone) as you. One thing I do remember when playing with the phone when new is that if you hard reset, then soft reset to disable the vodafone customisations then you do lose the video functionality.
So, if yours is the stock vodafone rom you may need to hard reset to get back the video call function.
If it is stock rom but without the vodafone customisations you won't get video call function.
If it's the stock rom maybe you should try a hard reset - it might bring back the function - BUT make sure you back up all your data first because it'll be erased with the reset.
Also, if you are still using the stock vodafone rom, why not try one of the wm6 roms from this forum (I think Schaps 3.54 is one of the best). But before you do, please read lots (the stickies on these forums) especially about CID/SIM unlocking and olipro-2.10 before you start. A good place to start is mrvanx's guide.
Hope this helps a bit.
Cheers ach2. I'll investigate as you suggest.

