Request for a verified working XDArit - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have royally hosed my device and am getting ready to send it out..
At this point I have went as far as going to another TMobile device, run the CD+Boot backup to my SD card and try to flash my device from there... No Luck..
I am on my second card reader (I now have a PCCard reader in my tablet) and each time I try to use XDArit program I get an error accessing the drive..
Can somebody send me the XDArit program that is verified as working???
[email protected]


XDArit new version more problem than the old ones ?

Dear XDA Developer #.....,
I did used the old version od XDArit to read and write the Boot+CE with not much of problem. The only thing to be careful is the Select SD card options because the physical Harddisk is one of the choices.
I noticed you had improvised the new version of XDArit to exclude the Harddisk choice but it seems imposible to used the write to SD option.
It always said cannot open physical drive #....
If i am using a 6 in 1 USB travel flash with Flash Memory on it, is this a problem for the XDArit to reconised which drive is the SD card ?
I did a bootloader backup on the SD card from the XDA, I am able to select the SD drive with no problem, it show HTC$WALLABY00 and be able to save to the harddisk ...nbo. I continue to write back the same file it show the cannot open physical drive #.... problem.
The other thing to confirm, how many block are written to SD Card if i choose to write only the Wallaby Patch Tools Image ? I did many time on the SD Card, sometime it said 2 Blocks and sometime 9 Blocks ??? It was able to write once but the XDArit did not write to the SD Card, instead it wrote to the Flash Memory parts of my travel flash ????
Do you think we are able to have the old version back on your homepage to download, give us a selection of version choice.
I would be much grateful if you be able to attached the old version to me for testing, my email : [email protected]
Many thanks for your reply
The old version is in:
Please tell us if the old version does work for you...
Bummer Gus...
Works good for me.... Now I just have to figure out how to use it to repair my radio stack...!!!
Another step for mankind, but a huge leap for Todd (aka OldManTod)...
old version work for me to, now i can write SD cards
We'll rework the current version, but read the XDArit page for the warning on the old version:
XDARit NT 4 Problem
Hi All,
I wonder if someone can tell me how to fix the XDArit.exe Entry Point Not Found error when trying to run this program under Win NT4.0 SP6?
I'm new to, but earlier today I tried to update the CE ROM using the official o2 image and despite my USB connection working for ActiveSync, the update program tells me it can't open a USB port and now the PDA is showing only the progress bar screen. From reading your excellent site I guess I need to create an SD boot card to fix the problem, but then ran into the above problem with xdarit !
Please can someone help?
Dave :roll:

A tale of woe!

So I see today that using XDArit to write the rom image to sd disk erases the disk, harrumph! I wondered where all my stuff went! No problem however because everything is backed up, I've been here before. I had a lot of trouble writing from my computer to the disk, and this may be of some use to a few of you, my laptop is a toshiba satellite 5200 801 with an internal sd card socket, it doesn't work with XDArit (either version) I had to get an adapter and stick it in a usb port before it was recognised.
So, all hunky-dory? No, somehow I'd got hold of a chinese rom!! (ppc20003) now I know what ch means! I think 'duh' is the word I'm looking for. Still, I'm a trier, finally got the right rom on the right card into my xda and working, start to load all my apps, tom tom city maps, route-planner etc. This takes some time I'm sure you know, five minutes later everything has gone! Blank disk! This has happened twice now and I'm starting to lose interest. The card is a SanDisk 256meg, any clues folks?
When you insert a non-formatted SD Card into your XDA, you usually get a 'Should the SD Card be formatted' message. Did you see this message? Or did you use a pre-formatted SD Card.
You could try formatting the card from Windows before inserting it into the XDA.
It was preformatted in windows, I've only had this problem since updating to ppc2003, I think I'll go back to the xda devs rom.
Why not try to format the card using the XDA? This may be a long and retarted way, but the best way I know to get an unformatted card is to write RAW data onto it. Write an already backed up NBx ROM file onto your SD Card using XDArit. Then put it in your XDA and you should get a prompt asking you if the card should be formatted. Click 'Yes' and have the XDA format the card. Then try installing your software and see if it works.
hello i got the same problem
now i wanne go back to the xda developers versie 1.2
and i try to run the exe but i got the messeges (can not open a com/usb port use device maneger on pc to make sure that the com/usb port is available and working)
when i put the xda in the cradle i can normaly sync whit outlook ect
somebody help please
sorry for my engliche

XDArit not working?

hi, I have tried flashing my rom via a sdcard so I can update my bootloader and rom image. but xdrit does not write anything to my card?
i tried the new version and when i try to read my card it says somthing like can not find flash rom???
if i try to write to the card, a box comes up with a progress bar then xdrit crashes.
if i try the old version its the same, but when i go to flash to my card it says complete with in 2 secs, but nowt is wrote to the card???
anyone, please?
can anyone not help me?
I have just finished re installing my windows xp pc, and xdrit still does not work
The old version says falsh the sdcard(takes 2 secs says xxXX bytes done, ok but there is no rom/bootloader etc on the card)
the new one crash everytime i run it, at the point were it starts to write the files
xdarit only works on machines with very few drives. when there are too many devices, it gets confused.
expect a new and improved version soon.
thanks, thats why it dont work then , I have my c: d:. my 6 in1 card reader, and about 4 mapped network drives.
And now soon do you expect the newer one to come out please :?: :lol:

XDA Rom Flash crash, need help to solve, have 1 working XDA!

can someone please help me?
Needed to unlock my XDA goes nobody could do it here ;-(
Crashed in the upgrading screen:
it wil take about 5 minutes ....
Has Wallaby Bootloader V5.15
I have already a ROM file NK.nb1 file from the ROMkitchen,
but i don't know how to get it working on my messed up XDA.
Have read a lot in this forum but really don't know much about programming ;-(
is it possible to make a copy from my working XDA (with XDAtools) and then replace the NK.nb1 file or something? and how can i get it into it?
read a lot about Bootloader but sorry don't know how to handle ;-(
If someone could help me -> THANKZ
Greetingz from Holland,
if you dont have an SD-CARD reader, get one!
then, from ROM UPDATE FORUM, find and download XDA TOOLS.
RUN xda tools.
it will ask you for source, (most likely C:\program files\RUU\ENGLISH)
and will ask for destination, since xda dont work, use SD READER
Start Copying to card
when done, insert card into xda
reboot via bootloader ( thats when you powerup with on/off button pressed and soft reset)
IT should detect that there is a system on the card, and ask if u want to install it.
press the ACTION button for yes. (thats the big silver button between the fone buttons)
thats realy IT
if you need more help... email me, or better yet add me to MSN messenger, if u have one. i'll walk you thru it.
thanks to a great warranty, i've practiced and tested alot of xda's
but now that i mastered it ( i think) i stuck to one
It worked
Was a little late so i didn´t do it wright myself
Copied the file to SD
instead of doing it with XDA tools to SD
Works now fine.
Had some trouble with GSM and T/mobile card, but copied with XDA tools from working XDA to SD and now it works.
Keep this file on an SD card so now i can try to load ROM´s or upgrade to 2003 cause i can always put it back, so no risk!
Thankz Again,
Greetz Marco
I created one nb1 file using Jeff's kitchen, use XDATools write it to a SD Card, slot it into my XDA, press on/off button + soft reset key, bootloader screen (wallaby bootloader v5.17) appear, and say 'GSM OK', if press Action Key now will bring me to "Diagnostics" menu, if press Calendar key bring me to "Utilities" menu, if press Contact key bring me to "Flash Tools" menu, and if press Record Key bring will me to "USB Flash Mode", it didn't auto detect the SD card to allow me to flash my device, may I know where have I done wrong, anybody help? Thanks!
Sounds like the ROM imaged didn't make it to the SD card.
Do this test and report back on your results.
With the SD card still in the slot do a soft reset, if the image is on the card
your XDA should ask if you want to format the card.
It did ask me whether want to format the SD card.
Ok give it another shot but this time try using XDArit 1.0 to right to SD.
For more info. on XDArit visit:
XDArit version 1.0 can be download from the software section at:
Just in case here is my how to use XDArit to write nk.nb1 or nk.nbf to your SD card (aka the Bootloader Method!)
1. Place XDArit and the nk.nb1 or nk.nbf file in the same folder and start XDArit.
2. Select your SD card (disk drive) from the drop down menu.
3. Select Write to SD
Notice that the Windows CE box is already checked so just click the browse button at the end of that window.
4. Select your (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf) image and then Open
Notice by default XDArit will open looking for a *.nb1 file but if you’re going to use a .nbf file you’ll have to manually change the “Files of Type” to *.nbf
Notice that nk.nbo / nk.nbo was automatically added as your boot-loader and its check box is unchecked so leave it that way and click OK. XDArit should start writing to the card.
When XDArit has finished writing the image put the SD-card into the XDA and hold the power button and soft reset. You’ll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a "Soft Boot/Reset".
Good Luck
Hi Qman, I followed exactly your instruction, but still the same wallaby bootloader screen, I can't see any sd download screen???
Sorry to hear that, I'm not to hip on wallaby bootloader v5.17 but
it works just with wallaby bootloader v5.15 works!
Thanks you for your prompt reply, btw is there anyway to downgrade the bootloader to 5.15?
ycneosg said:
Thanks you for your prompt reply, btw is there anyway to downgrade the bootloader to 5.15?
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many ways to download bootloader to 5.15!
read the old threads you will see how!
Hi Guys,
I need your help .
I've downloaded the 4.00.16 ROM by mistake, it really didn't tell the ROM number, so now I want to revert to a earlier one and I can't.
I've got the following message: "ERROR: GetDeviceData - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
error getting devicedata" and then "ERROR 011: EXECUTE REMOTE COMMUNICATION PROGRAM ERROR. Cannot execute the remote communication program. Please make sure that the USB/Serial cable is properly connected."
use SD to restore your system if you have backup!
if you still have problem to get your phone life back, send to me I will fix it for you!
I forgot to tell you, I haven't got SD :evil:
I've been using .EXE
ritmo-unido said:
I forgot to tell you, I haven't got SD :evil:
I've been using .EXE
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I could help you to fix it, if you send it to me!
similar situation but somewhat different.
I cooked a rom in kalex kitchen and wrote it to my sd card with my t-mobile pocket pc phone connected to activesync. I then flashed the phone from the sd card but got a checksum error at the end. I did a hard reset but only got a blank screen. Right now I can access the bootloader but that's it. I don't have a good backup rom because (not thinking) I wrote over it with the rom from kalex kitchen figuring it would become my backup (it must have somehow been corrupt). I tried writing the rom I previously had on my phone to an sd card directly through a card reader on windows 98, windows XP and windows ME all with no success. Thus, I'm dead in the water. I have no clue why I can't flash to the card reader. I went through a ton of posts here but have not found the answer yet to get me back working. Does anyone have any ideas on this? I have no clue why xdatools and xdarit are not working (especially on XP - I know they should not work directly to an sd card on windows 98 but I tried anyhow out of desperation). Please help.
got it working
used xdarit on another pc running windows xp and successfully wrote the rom to the sd card using my card reader. i then flashed my phone using the bootloader method and i'm up and working again!

Help please.. SD Card flashing

My PC's activesync crashed and hanged while flashing the ROM. Now the xda is stuck with Updating screen.
Can someone please tell me which file to download from Jeff's kitchen (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf or anything else) and how to write it to SD card for flashing.
I tried to write nb1 and nbf both, using xda-tools, but it is not copied in the format required by the bootloader. In fact, in either case it is copied as a file which is not identified by the bootloader (my version is 5.15). boootloader starts with GSM OK message, and does not give me option to flash the ROM.
Can someone please please tell me how to do it?
you need SD card writer or a SD backup from another XDA.
cgigate said:
you need SD card writer or a SD backup from another XDA.
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I was about to go to the service centre for rom image from another xda, but I decided to give it a try using usb cradle, and ran the original upgrade program. It came out with error and asked me to soft reset the device and try again, which I did, and it worked. I now have a working xda!

