Wireless Modem speed - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have set up my XDA with the XDA-developers SE ROM v1.1, and setup the wireless modem exactly as per the O2 instructions - and it works - I can surf and collect e-mail on my laptop via the xda!
But it's quite slow, and WinXP reports the connection as 9.6kbps. It seems a bit faster than that, and I obviously do have a GPRS connection, but is there anything I can do to speed it up?
Many thanks in advance

gwhitea said:
I have set up my XDA with the XDA-developers SE ROM v1.1, and setup the wireless modem exactly as per the O2 instructions - and it works - I can surf and collect e-mail on my laptop via the xda!
But it's quite slow, and WinXP reports the connection as 9.6kbps. It seems a bit faster than that, and I obviously do have a GPRS connection, but is there anything I can do to speed it up?
Many thanks in advance
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Contact O2 as it should be a network issue. You must also bear in mind that many networks set priority for voice over data (for obvious reasons), and therefore you may find ridiculous speeds on GPRS during Peak Hour. Check out the speeds at night, for example, and try finding a bandwidth meter on the net. There's one that I used (I forget which one, exactly) and I've clocked my XDA at 39 kbps on one partcular occassion. However, all these vary from network to network and I find the average speeds available on my network (where GPRS is still in implementation stage) to be round about 18 - 20 kbps.

The speed reported by XP is the interface speed. I use the Infrared port and it shows 9.6 as well.
This is not the GPRS Speed, but the IR speed.

I am seeing exactly the same results here in the US with T-Mobile. It is obviously much slower than using GPRS on the device itself. It appears as if either it is not bonding multiple channels, or somehow the IR/virtual com has restricted itself to 9600.


How to switch between wi-fi b and g ?

hi all,
according to o2 mini s has Integrated Wireless LAN (802.11b/g)
but i couldnt find a way to switch between b/g or is it possible manual switch?
anyone? :roll:
I think in some roms its disabled for example the T Mobile rom. Im not sure there is a way to switch it on or off on the Wizard. Either way just set your router to mixed if possible. You really wont see any difference between b or g on your wizard anyway. The only reason I would see for being able to connect to G is connecting to routers that are set to G only.
There is no setting on the device I can see. I don't believe its a 'g' device capable of 54 Mbits, I think this is just marketing. Its a 'b' device which can connect to b or g. Just like blueangel, alpine, universal.
Can anyone prove otherwise?
thanks guys I’ve asked that because i have connection blockage problem with my wireless router, it suddenly happens and while connection to router is alive and working I can't send or receive any data from internet or from other wireless connected pcs, only way to get it going is turn wifi off and on, i reckon its something to do with router then
jdee246 said:
Can anyone prove otherwise?
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My Qtek Wizard establishes connections up to 54 MBit/s, when disabling the power saving mode. Usually connection bandwidth is 18 MBit/s with standard settings.
So Wizard is definitely 802.11g capable!
So disabling the power save mode kicks G in then ?
I don't think it is a big deal G or B, wifi is nice, but the processor is so slow that can not deal with more data speed than b.
only personal opinion.
Happy New Year to every one on this forum
I think 802.11g is only available after a firmware upgrade. Seem to recall reading somewhere that the Qtek and I-Mate branded one have had this done and the T-Mobile and O2 ones haven't.
Next O2 rom update maybe.
inquisitor said:
jdee246 said:
Can anyone prove otherwise?
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My Qtek Wizard establishes connections up to 54 MBit/s, when disabling the power saving mode. Usually connection bandwidth is 18 MBit/s with standard settings.
So Wizard is definitely 802.11g capable!
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Interesting. So you are setting power save mode to 'best performance' in order to disable?
Where are you seeing the connection speed, this is on your router?
I'm not doubting you but I'd like to see for myself. Thanks.
I just rechecked the g-issue more detailed.
Allthough changing power saving settings to "best performance" I couldn't achieve more than 18 MBit/s again. Maybe the display of 54 Mbit/ before were caused by some bug in my router.
The bandwidth is shown in the "WLAN monitor" menu of my WLAN router (AVM "Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7050").
After switching to 802.11g-only mode my Wizard wouldn't reconnect or find the WLAN at all.
But 18 MBit/s is a speed step, that is used in 802.11a and g only. 802.11b+ doesn't have a speed step between 11 and 22 MBit/s. (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/802.11#802.11a)
So my Wizard 18 MBit/s must establish a (obviously not 100% standard-conforming) 802.11g connection.
i was just on the club imate site lookin at the k-jam specs and heres what is says:
-IEEE 802.11b/g/e*/i* compliant
-Internal WLAN antenna
-11, 5.5, 2, and 1 Mbps per channel, auto fallback for extended range
*Will be supported soon via free ROM update from clubimate.

wifi painfully slow...

I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I just got my Cingular 8125 and the wifi is very slow. I don't know how to measure the actual speed but for instance on my broadband connection, going to Google.com opens up in about a second. On dial up it takes about 5 seconds. However, on my phone using wifi, it takes about 20 seconds. When using wifi on my laptop, it is comparable to my broadband speeds my router is connected to.
I have pretty slow GPRS service as well and wifi is comparable.
I get the same slow speed on 802.11b as well as 802.11g networks (g network with registry hack)
Is this normal? The wifi speeds with the unit brand new out of the box was very slow. I flashed the rom and even overclocked to 240, the wifi internet is still painfully slow. I don't really find this useable. If I go to a page with images and such it can take a minute or so.
Anyone have any suggestions? Are others getting good speed on wifi. I tested by watching a streaming video and the speed shown on the bottom of windows media was 18k.
Were my expectations too high? Is there a setting I have incorrect?
IdeaDirect said:
I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I just got my Cingular 8125 and the wifi is very slow. I don't know how to measure the actual speed but for instance on my broadband connection, going to Google.com opens up in about a second. On dial up it takes about 5 seconds. However, on my phone using wifi, it takes about 20 seconds. When using wifi on my laptop, it is comparable to my broadband speeds my router is connected to.
I have pretty slow GPRS service as well and wifi is comparable.
I get the same slow speed on 802.11b as well as 802.11g networks (g network with registry hack)
Is this normal? The wifi speeds with the unit brand new out of the box was very slow. I flashed the rom and even overclocked to 240, the wifi internet is still painfully slow. I don't really find this useable. If I go to a page with images and such it can take a minute or so.
Anyone have any suggestions? Are others getting good speed on wifi. I tested by watching a streaming video and the speed shown on the bottom of windows media was 18k.
Were my expectations too high? Is there a setting I have incorrect?
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Always best to be sure that you are actually using the wifi connection - Try disconnecting the gprs first before you connect to wifi. I have an issue where if I leave my gprs connection enabled all the time it takes precedence over my wifi no matter what.
Bratag said:
Always best to be sure that you are actually using the wifi connection - Try disconnecting the gprs first before you connect to wifi. I have an issue where if I leave my gprs connection enabled all the time it takes precedence over my wifi no matter what.
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Tried that but still no luck. When connected by wifi, I see the little wifi icon on the title bar. When connecting to GPRS, it shows the E and actually a pop-up saying it is connecting to GPRS. This part is actually working great. Uses wifi by default when wifi is on and GPRS is not.
I did try to disable GPRS entirely but still get the same slow results.
I also changed the wifi setting to maximize performance instead of save battery life. Didn't seem to matter.
I may experiment with Opera Mini or something to see if I can get some improved speeds.
no problems with wifi here. getting a faster connection than GPRS, even at hotspots.
I had a problem with my wifi connection in that the DHCP server giving out an incorrect address for one of the DNS servers. This made the wifi slow, because Internet Explorer kept on trying to lookup the IP of a host using the broken DNS, and then falling back to the second in the list.
You try specifying a DNS server manually to diagnose the problem.
Cingular 8125 WiFi Fix that works!
Believe it or not the support for this product from HTC, the mfgr, is great and fast! That being said, I like most users have spent days hunting for solutions to the problem and you will not find them anywhere. But here is the solution:
First you must have an unlimited account for data usage or forget your WiFi...well at least simply. Also, you must get Cingular to flip a switch for your 8125 to automatically switch from WiFi to GPRS and back depending on what is the best signal. It works great once the switch is set.
The only way I found to do this was to call support and make sure you get to the HTC support group. They will guide you quickly through getting setup but you must tell them about the switch so they call Cingular and have the switch set. For some reason Cingular, no surprise, does not seem to know about this when they sell you the plan and the phone.
Re: Cingular 8125 WiFi Fix that works!
mostinc said:
Believe it or not the support for this product from HTC, the mfgr, is great and fast! That being said, I like most users have spent days hunting for solutions to the problem and you will not find them anywhere. But here is the solution:
First you must have an unlimited account for data usage or forget your WiFi...well at least simply. Also, you must get Cingular to flip a switch for your 8125 to automatically switch from WiFi to GPRS and back depending on what is the best signal. It works great once the switch is set.
The only way I found to do this was to call support and make sure you get to the HTC support group. They will guide you quickly through getting setup but you must tell them about the switch so they call Cingular and have the switch set. For some reason Cingular, no surprise, does not seem to know about this when they sell you the plan and the phone.
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Thank you so much. This sounds like the solution I'm looking for. So are you saying to call HTC support and they will contact Cingular to have the switch set on my behalf?? Or do I just call Cingular and tell them to "turn the switch on"?
I do have an unlimited GPRS for data usage.
what a crock of steaming brown stuff :x .... what exactly does wifi have to do with your telco? ... nothing. There maybe some registry entry that Cingular have set when the device ships which causes poor WiFi speeds but your GPRS data plan has nothing to do with WiFi data, unless you are talking about connecting to Cingular WiFi hotspots. The only changes needed will be on your device not within the Telco network.
before calling support, try this:
Go to comm mgr and turn off the phone. Then turn on WiFi and let it connect. Check your speed with www.2wire.com. If your speed is still slow, and another PC connected to that HotSpot isn't (test the PC with 2wire also) then your 8125 is bad.
Using the WiFi icon v.s. the "E" icon is no way to determine what wireless system you're using btw...
Sleuth255 said:
before calling support, try this:
Go to comm mgr and turn off the phone. Then turn on WiFi and let it connect. Check your speed with www.2wire.com. If your speed is still slow, and another PC connected to that HotSpot isn't (test the PC with 2wire also) then your 8125 is bad.
Using the WiFi icon v.s. the "E" icon is no way to determine what wireless system you're using btw...
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Ok, I tried 2wire. My laptop connected to my wifi network and clocks in at 3.2Mbps and my 8125 is showing 221 kbps. multiple tests showed 228, 205, 220). Perhaps it is unrealistic to expect similar speed as my laptop.
I turned the com manager phone back on and connected via GPRS and the speed test came back at 64.8 kbps.
So it does look like this method is working. I can live with 221 kbps.
By the way, I emailed Cingular and HTS. I got the following response from Cingular:
Thank you for contacting Data Support!
There is an additional setting that you need to enable/disable manually every time you switch between GPRS and Wi Fi, please take a look at it:
[they sent a link to a page not found]
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I think it's always going to be slow because of the way the phone is designed. Probably small bus interface. My friend has a 6700 wich cpu wise is pretty much the same based on comparison but his is much faster through wifi.
"I think it's always going to be slow because of the way the phone is designed. Probably small bus interface. My friend has a 6700 wich cpu wise is pretty much the same based on comparison but his is much faster through wifi."
No no no no no no and no.
small bus interface? for heavens sake... you have heard that there is something called a "bus" inside computers and that it is used to "transfer data" and this "bus interface" is small in the qtek so it is a viable candidate to blame slow transfers on.
any memory bus designed after 1980 is capable of 200kbit transfers.
the main reason for the horrid speed of the 9100 is the stupid software design where every system call in a program gets interrupted by the os which in turn, after checking who-knows-what, in the name of "security" and "stability", and then executed. Of course this hinders performance dramaticaly without affecting stability and security a single bit: it still crashes. the difference is that it is also slow.
I'm running Xelencin's custom 2.17 ROM for T-mobile on my 8125. His ROM sets the device up to work with an 802.11 g wifi connection. I kid you not - I have measured 900 to 1200 Kbps on my wifi at home (comcast) and at work (T1). It's blazing fast.
To measure your speed, go to www.dslreports.com. Click on the lowfi version at the top of the page. Then click on speed test. Then choose either 600K or 1 MB and then let it do the test.
You may have some setting wrong.
I have an 'adhoc' wireless network (running at 11Mbs) and i stream large lossless (FLAC) audio files to my Squeezebox 3 wireless music player with no issues whatsoever.
However, the MDA can't cope at all. FLAC files play great from the MiniSD, but wifi performance is worse than terrible.
Yes, the wifi speed of the MDA is s**t.
That said, if anyone has any tips on how to increase perfomance please let me know!
My Wifi would not work at all when I updated my ROM but this utility fixed that and sped things up. I recommend backing up your device before executing because I have only tried this on QTEK 9100 with a beta 2.8 ROM.
tsiros said:
"I think it's always going to be slow because of the way the phone is designed. Probably small bus interface. My friend has a 6700 wich cpu wise is pretty much the same based on comparison but his is much faster through wifi."
No no no no no no and no.
small bus interface? for heavens sake... you have heard that there is something called a "bus" inside computers and that it is used to "transfer data" and this "bus interface" is small in the qtek so it is a viable candidate to blame slow transfers on.
any memory bus designed after 1980 is capable of 200kbit transfers.
the main reason for the horrid speed of the 9100 is the stupid software design where every system call in a program gets interrupted by the os which in turn, after checking who-knows-what, in the name of "security" and "stability", and then executed. Of course this hinders performance dramaticaly without affecting stability and security a single bit: it still crashes. the difference is that it is also slow.
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Excuse me for my ignorance... But then how do you explain that the 6700 can handle 700kb wireless while 9100's usually around 220kB? The Intel proc on the 6700 seems comparable to the Omap,no?
keitht said:
My Wifi would not work at all when I updated my ROM but this utility fixed that and sped things up. I recommend backing up your device before executing because I have only tried this on QTEK 9100 with a beta 2.8 ROM.
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What exactly does this cab change?
Reconfiguring DNS may make a significant improvement?
I came across your post after my own concerns with my I-mate K-Jam (Wizard) WiFi performance. My GPRS connection was at least twice as fast.
My problem was that is was taking at least 30~60 seconds to locate a web page and another 10~15 seconds to open the page. Once connected it seemed to work OK but operation via GPRS was still faster.
My K-Jam has a ROM that permits G connection and my AP is set to G only. After reading all the articles in this post (and others), I ran the 600K download at DLSreports.com. To my surprise, my download rate was actually + 500kbit/sec which lead me to believe I might have DNS issues.
I used vxUtil (http://www.cam.com/windowsce.html) to check my DNS settings. My primary DNS being picked up from my DSL modem was the DSL modems gateway address which works fine in my Toshiba laptop. My secondary DNS was my ISP's backup.
I reconfigured my DSL modems DHCP server so that the DNS servers being dished up to my K-Jam are my ISP's primary and secondary servers and I performed a soft reset.
The speed increase was substantial! Pages are located and opened within 5 seconds now making my WiFi connection useable.
This may be worth a try for others with similar issues?

Web & Walk Basic Pakage - Wireless Modem

I was thinking of getting web & walk and using my V2 as wireless modem for my laptop and only getting the basic £7.50 w&w package.
I know there are more expensive packges for this but do you think id get away with the basic package?
Thanks, Chris
Vario II - Modem Use
I have been using the Vario II on T-Mobile W&W package very well indeed. Good speeds when on 3G (incl 3.5G) when available and surfing is faster when on the laptop via modem link rather than on Vario II direct on PIE. The basic Web 7 Walk package (1 Gb @ £7.50) does not allow modem use but....
Its not so much whether or not you use it as a modem - its a question of what traffic you put through it. 1 gig per month at 3g speeds is quite a lot - if you are browsing the web or doing emails they are going to be hard pressed to work out if you are doing it from the phone or from a laptop connected to the phone. I use my connection to remotely manage computers and am often linked to my remote network through a VPN - they could detect that relatively easily by monitoring the port numbers in use - but they have not noticed yet!
Quite honestly, the only two things which are going to make them complain are excessive traffic or lost revenue - hence the 1 gig cap and ban on VOIP.
ok thanks guys for your replys, sure has answerd my queston

Interesting WiFi Reg Setting

Did anyone else notice this registry entry?
If I'm not mistaken, the TyTn has a TI ACX100 WiFi chip, and this chip has TI's "Enhanced Low Power(tm) Technology". I've enabled it on my TyTn, and so far it seems to do no harm. I'll have to see if my battery power improves over the next week.
Ah, the htc TyTn has TI's TNETW1250 chip. My mistake.
In any case, I think the EnableElpMode (if it really does work) would be a good thing. Also, I've seen a few webpages suggesting an additional key:
Apparently this key tells the driver it's okay to do any 802.11g speed. I'm going to go find out!
let us know how it goes....
1st set of test results
First, I should detail the equipment I'm using.
My wifi router: D-Link 624.
My phone: htc TyTn, QTEK ROM (Radio
My laptop: IBM Thinkpad T22, w/ Hawking Techmologies HWC54D wifi card, Win2k.
My PC: P4 2.4GHz, asus P4P800 (has Gb lan), WinXP.
Results so far: (using http://www.bandwidthplace.com/speedtest, and sitting right next to my DI624)
PC: 5.3 Mb/s
Laptop (w/wifi): 3.4 Mb/s
TyTn: ~250 kb/s
In one test I set the DI624 to use 802.11g only. Without any registry tweaks, the TyTn connected up just fine. Therefore, I suspect that the dot11SupportedRateMaskG key is no longer needed.
Curious to see if I could boost the TyTn's wifi speed, I began fiddling with all of the different registry settings under that heading (listed above). The wifi speed always hovered in the 250 kb/s range. It seems as though none of those settings significantly changed the wifi speed.
There was one key that did make a big difference in the time it take to actually connect up to the wifi router. Setting "dot11ShortPreambleInvoked" to 1 greatly sped up the time from wifi-off to wifi-connected-and-ready. (My DI624 was also configured for a short preamble.) Without the short preamble, it was taking between 10-30 seconds for the TyTn to connect up. With the short preamble it's between 5-10 seconds.
(Side note: The "Testmode" key didn't seem to do anything - at least I didn't see any difference when I set that to 1.)
One other key that did make a small difference:
I played around with this key, and it seems like setting it to 4096 "optimized" it just a bit. I got around 270 kb/s with that setting. Setting it bigger (say, 256k) slowed things down (~240 kb/s), while setting it smaller (say, 1k) really slowed things down (~170 kb/s!).
I'm going to continue fiddling around with the settings and report back again. It just seems to me that the TyTn should be able to achieve a wifi speed at least above 1 Mb/s. I would appreciate it if everyone else would check their wifi speed and post the results here as well.
p.s. If anyone knows of a PocketPC utility that can show detailed wifi connection information (such as speed, frequency, protocol, etc.) please let me know!
250 kpbs, that cant be correct? can it?
that would mean that HSDPA is faster than hermes wifi? I will test mine when my wife gives it back to me, im grounded for the holiday season. lol
something is terribly wrong here......
yes, there is something wrong here... I think you need to turn on flight mode before you run your wireless test again, and here is why... On my phone i have my data connection set to always on. If i turn on wifi then my data connection doesnt disconnect and will result in low speeds since its not using the wifi. If i turn mine on flight mode then run tests then everything is good. Here is my results using the same site as the OP
PC = 1.9
phone = 1.4
I am using a 3meg adsl pipe with a wireless SMC router with mac filtering, regular wep, and a static set up on the LAN side.
I changed my wifi speed test to: http://www.dslreports.com/mspeed
Surprisingly, that speed test reported 1647 kb/s for my TyTn!
Fiddling with the TCPWindowSize value, it seems that 64k is optimum - well, at least with the dslreports test.
i usually use dsl reports, but i wanted to maintain some kind of constant for your testing
Wireless settings / b-g connections
Hi, I;ve just got a TyTn but it won't connect to my Netgear 802.11g router?? Is it b-only? Is there a hack (like for the Universal) which would enable me to connect to g networks? Would I still be able to connect to b-networks?
motoroller said:
I;ve just got a TyTn but it won't connect to my Netgear 802.11g router??
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My TyTn is fairly new (bought last month) and I can configure my DI624 to 802.11g only, and connect up just fine. What ROM version does your TyTn have? I'm on the QTEK ROM. If you TyTn is right-out-of-the-box, it's probably got the QTEK 1.18.xxx.x. If that's so, you should consider unlocking it and upgrading it to one of the latest ROMs.
motoroller said:
Is it b-only?
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The htc TyTn (Hermes) has the TI TNETW1250 wifi chip. This chip is 802.11g capable.
motoroller said:
Is there a hack (like for the Universal) which would enable me to connect to g networks?
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You can try adding this registry key (although I'm not sure it will do anything on the TyTn):
motoroller said:
Would I still be able to connect to b-networks?
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Yes. Wifi chips that support 802.11g always support 802.11b (AFAIK).
Good luck!
shogunmark said:
i usually use dsl reports, but i wanted to maintain some kind of constant for your testing
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Yeah, after checking out several speed test websites, I'm beginning to doubt the one on bandwidthplace. Actually, while testing out several other speed test websites using my PC, I've gotten a smattering of different speeds reported. Most seemed to be within reason and about what I expected, but a few were either obviously too slow or absurdly too high. (Ony reported above 100 Mb/s downstream, even though my cable modem is a DCM-202!) The dslreport site seemed to be believable to me, so I'm sticking with it for now.
If it makes you feel better i work for AT&T in the DSL maintenance department and have for 6 years.. anytime i have anyone that reports slow speed issues i always take them to dslreports and use those speedtests.. they seem to be the most reliable that i have found..
Okay, I'll trust dslreports' speed test then!
So now the question is: Does a wifi speed of ~1600 kb/s sound "right" for the TyTn?
What makes me wonder is that when I run the dslreports speed test on my laptop via wifi, I get ~3.2 Mb/s. So I know my DI624 can pump out the bits! (Well, for 802.11g's max of 54 Mb/s, that's still kinna lame.)
I've pretty much exhausted all of the registry settings I can find. Got any others I can/should look into?
there are other things you need to take into account, the processor, the amount of ram, etc.. when you run a speed test it rely's on your pc to process the information as it comes down the pipe... if you really wanted to test it you could build a pc that resembled the phones specs and run a speed test and see what you get.. i would make a bet that it would resemble the same results
Do you know any registry key to improve the wifi trasnimt power?
onlineemails said:
Do you know any registry key to improve the wifi trasnimt power?
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have you already went to settings>connections>wireless lan>power mode tab and changed the slider to best performance?
did it but no effects
Wi-Fi Reg Setting
I went through this post and compared the results to waht I have right now! Not too encouraging!
I have a 4MB connection rated at average to be a 3.5MB at www.speakeasy.net/speedtest using the New York Host!
Wi-Fi Reg Setting
I went through this post and compared the results to waht I have right now! Not too encouraging!
I have a 4MB connection rated at average to be a 3.5MB at www.speakeasy.net/speedtest using the New York Host!
I run a WRT54G with upgraded firmware downloaded from kinksys. Before that the damn thing wouldn't even connect to my TYTN.
Right now I am getting connection speeds through WiFi between 650kbps and 1200 kbps according to www.2wire.com speed test.
I have a Dopod 838Pro bought in HK in November to which I didn't do a Thing yet!
Is 1.6 Mb/s the best TyTn can do?
Well I've fiddled with all the registry settings I could possibly fiddle with, and dslreports won't show anything above 1.6 Mb/s for on my TyTn (using PIE).
Has anyone gotten anything higher with their TyTn?

Internet Connection

Hey, im new here , so hi.
I have a XDA Orbit with o2 in the UK.
I wondered if there was anyway of increasing my internet connection download, as i got a hack for a USB drive to use your sim with unlimited internet connection, and it works, but im only getting 0.03 mgbs, and wondered if anyone had any tips on increasing your download.
236.8 kbit/s is the max for edge
nothing any software can change
and thats theoretically and with max quality signal
as in what you will never get
i need your usb hack software.....please
i need your usb hack software to try out here in Nigeria. we have cases of flaws in telecoms internet platforms, and i think i can get a working unlimited internet connection down here..who knws, i might be able to tunnel you to my connection using OPENVPN..theoritically giving you a stable but guaranteed speed.
am not sure it will increase speeds though, as UMTS/3G gives about 300Kbits/s
but you never can tell..waht might come up...

