GSM Error - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Just upgraded my QTek 1010 with RUU 3.16.52 - everything went well. Then decided to upgrade Radio stack with version 3.23.01 - something went wrong during update and now I cannot use my Qtek anymore. When booting I see at the bottom of the screen:
R <Empty>
G <Empty>
Help me to recover from this problem

AGB said:
Just upgraded my QTek 1010 with RUU 3.16.52 - everything went well. Then decided to upgrade Radio stack with version 3.23.01 - something went wrong during update and now I cannot use my Qtek anymore. When booting I see at the bottom of the screen:
R <Empty>
G <Empty>
Help me to recover from this problem
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem! Solved!
Just needed to insert the SIM card for the update to succed.
Now I have RUU 3.16.52 and RSU 3.23.01. The phone was purchased in Belgium.
The steps are:
1. prepare an SD card with the RUU_3.16.52 extracted using XDArit.exe (use XDArit.exe to transfer the ROM in c:\program files\RUU\english\NK.nbf to the SD) you need to have a USB SD Card Reader in order to do this. buy one if you have to.
2. prepare a second SD card with the repair files stored in the root directory ( 4,305,434bytes, and the 2577 folder) just like whoever suggested, but replace the on the root of SD with the one you extracted in c:\program files\Radio Stack Upgrade Utility\ (4,328,441bytes) by running RSU_3.23.01.exe (which had unfortunately caused the failure.)
2. insert the SD card with the RUU_3.16.52. press the power button while performing a soft reset. you should enter the wallaby loader screen. i have version 5.15. press action to flash the ROM to your xda.
3. cold boot your xda. you should see the blud Qtek screen. in the lower-right-hand corner you should see
4. you may be asked to calibrate your screen by tipping the four corners.
5. press the volume button. insert the second SD card (containg the repair files and the 4,328,441bytes (NOT the 4,305,434bytes one, because it will cause freezing at 1%!) wait patiently until the upgrade finishes. you may put the xda back to the cradle for power as long as it doesn't reset itself.
if anything goes wrong, start from step 2 again.

Hi !
This is not work for Me.
Always come back the "1%" error message: (Flash failed. .......)
Please help Me !

Hey Sebi,
I have the same problem.
Did you fix it yet?
If yes can you tell me how?

Hey Silver !
I don't fix it.


i really screwed my xda!!! help!!! Please

I have rom 4.00.16 from the kitchen, and i wanted to upgrade the radio.
I had ver. 5.15 and i downloaded the radio upgrade from (the first one that apeared in a google "xda radio upgrade" search.
Since it didn't tell me the radio version i was going to upgrade i installed it to the xda, and as soon it finished installed the xda self-soft-reseted and asked me for mim password, i have entered it and it started to do the upgrade by itself and got stuck at 10% for several minutes and frozee there.
I have already soft-reseted, hard-reseted, but without sucess my xda wont boot the OS, only displays the "not for sale" screen with the following info:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Help please!!!!
I dont have a sd card reader!!!!
Any other possible workarounds???
you can help me here or by my msn messenger: [email protected]
I'm stuck with out a mobile phone.
You have to have a card reader to fix it. There is no other way. You have to upgrade OS (using SD card method) and then try installing radio upgrade again.
I have already done that.
Now i can boot the xda (pressing the volume button) but as soon it starts making the upgrade it says it fails (at 1%)
The worst part is that the xda isn't charging (or it doesn't assume it's charging and that's why it doesn't continue with the upgrade).
I've already tried to copy the gsm soft from a working qtek 1010 using the bootloader gsm to sd method, but no sucess since nothing happens (i insert the serial cable on the xda but mtty.exe doesn't react or recognize the xda - any possibel mistake i'm making here???).
Help most wanted, since i can't afford at this time to pay for a motherboard replacement - this is my only solution according to the qtek technical support here in Portugal (and hey, thanks a lot for your time )
Anyone can please suggest any possible solution?!?!?!?
You can feel free to use my msn: [email protected] to contact me...
I will pass some licenced software to the person that can help me solving my problem!!!!
Maybe this thread can give you any help :?: :?:
Why it tries to run upgrade upon boot? When I flashed my OS there were no files under start up folder to run upgrade executable. I suggest boot your XDA and remove everything from Startup folder
My main problem is that i can't get the xda to charge (or at least assume it's charging the led is always off).
Isn't there a way to crack the rsu to avoid him to check battery status an carry on with the upgrade (cracker's welcomed )??
I think that would solve my problem
I can boot the OS by pressing the volume key (already changed to several OS's to see if one coulde handle with the charging problem.)
And i can sync with my desktop.
But i cant upgrade via programme A.
Programme B installs on the xda but when it reboot's it stop's at 1%
I now have a original o2 3.17.3 and my bootloader is 5.15
I've seen that in the bootloader we have the chance to backup the gsm rom to a SD card! But how to restore it??? If anyone can make such a backup and has a way to restore it can you please share it with me???
As i said i don't have the money to exchange my motherboard (that's the answer from QTEK'S support i've got (great guys thank's again for your time)
I've arranged a conmceptronics sd/mmc/ms/sm/etc.../etc... card reader.
So if one finds a way of backing up the gsm rom, copy it to the sd and zip it using the rom tools here available could you please send it to me???
Thanx in advance
Another thing:
with this rom installed if i go to backlight settings it wont turn off the backlight.
I need urgent help
Qtek Support here in Portugal gave me a qtek unit for a few days to see if i find a way to recover mine without replacing the motherboard.
I have the following material:
-1 working qtek 1010
-1 damaged xda
-usb cradle
-serial cable
-sd card reader
-1 128mb twinmus sd card
What can i do to solve my problem
Please help

I need help to repair my Qtek

I just did the following :
download the files from for Qtek 101 update
"Qtek 1010 Upgrade
File Contents
• CE Upgrade File : RUU_CEv3.18.04wwe_Qtek_SHIP.exe
• Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe
When the process began there was an error asking to press OK for restart.
After restarting device in the boot sequence ( when logo is diplayed) there are no informations about the ROM. Just Radion version is diplayed and that is the new version one (3.25)
Also on the display there is no start icon and I cannot use the display because it seems to be decalibrated completly.
Very Important : When I try to connect to Activesync after a while it telling me that the device is not a smartphone or a pocket PC and cannot be connected. So I cant use any program to try to upgrade again.
What to do ?
Please try to give examples and link to download files in order to fix my device.
Thanks in advance
Silviu C.
Hi ...
If you still can get to the boot loader screen (power button + soft reset) and it displays "GSM OK", that means there is a good chance that the flash ROM is not damaged.
You can either put the ROM and RSU files on SD card through a card reader (.nbf files) or to get a valid SD backup for CE + Radio from any working XDA and use the boot loader screen to flash your device again.
Good luck ...
thanks, where I can get some files?
Thank you for your replay,
It seems to be ok cause i can upload a new CE in SD format to the device. ROM was build in the kithcenROM from
It still not working cause perhaps I need the file containing Radio and CE as well in SD format.
Do you know where I can get it ?
I dont think I can get another device to read the files on the SD.
Many thanks,
Silviu C.
I 'm not sure which stage you are stuck with now ... if you can put CE image on SD card and flash it using the boot loader, that means you can boot your XDA and flash the RSU through a normal EXE file from .... if this is not the case then you most propably have the wrong file format on the SD card.
Give more details plz
present situation
I am at the edge of disperation.
Steps of what I did :
1. Back up Boot and CE to SD and save them to HDD.
2. Build a CE from in nb1 format and write it to SD with an adaptor.
3. Flash the device with that specific file ( was just CE , not including bootloader)
Now, my pocket is like that:
It cannot been powered from the power button
It start when plug in the charger
I cannot go in bootstrap mode ( when procedure for activating is made I just got a small red flash from the LED)
I have to mention that I choose from the yorch options :" lock butons except power when the device is turned off "
So, now I cannot use the SD for try another flash image.
I cannot use activesync because it cannot recognize the device. Somthing is wrong in the header of the authorising string or something like that.
When I plug the USB cable, activesync is starting but after 10 secs a pop up telling me that the device cannot be recognize, it is not a smartphone or pocket pc.
I am stack.
Thank you
Silviu C.
another question
I have another question:
Is there anywhere - in situation that the problem with boostrap will be solved somehow - full flash containing both radio and CE ?
Thank you,
Silviu C.
some little success
I have suceded by entering in bootrap mode !!
It telling me that I have GSM ERROR
What to do?
IS there any way I can get a full flash for Qtek with radio and OS as well?
Silviu C.
In the boot loader screen, try to press the calendar button ... it should give you the GSM menu. Select "Reset" or "Turn off" and do a soft reset
Plz do NOT try band switching or "Calib/debug"!
It sounds like a failed radio stack upgrade, you can try copying the file to your SD card then run it from there.
You can get the file by using WinZip to extract it from the RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG)[1].exe file.

Burning ROM - phone not working

Hi, I'm hoping to get some help with cooking and burning ROMs to my o2 XDA.
My original product specs are:
ROM Version: 3.20.06 ENG
Radio version: 4.21.01
I cooked and then downloaded 4.01.00 ENG from Lumpi Stefan's site, then ran the rom.exe file that it produced for me. Everything worked fine, and then I rebooted my XDA. Upon first boot the phone appeared to work, but after performing a soft-reset because the XDA froze, all of the phone functionality appears to be not working.
When I do a hard-reset I get: Wallaby Bootloader v6.22 - GSM OK which I think looks good as far as the phone functionality is concerned. Looks like it's the OS that's on the XDA which is causing the phone difficulties.
I read somewhere that if you burn any T-Mobile ROMs an SD card is *required* to reverse it and put a different ROM on the XDA. Well, the cooked ROM I downloaded is from T-Mobile - I didn't know this before I started!
I don't have an SD card, and am in dire straits about getting my phone to work. Is it possible at all to get this to work, or perhaps to go back to my original ROM (I backed it up to orig.nb1) using XDAtools. Anytime I try to burn the .nb1 file back to my XDA it fails. Or is the ONLY way to get an SD card and use the Bootloader technique? I even tried downloading the 3.17.03 ROM upgrade directly from the o2 sitebut it fails.
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you.
[qoute]I read somewhere that if you burn any T-Mobile ROMs an SD card is *required* to reverse it and put a different ROM on the XDA. Well, the cooked ROM I downloaded is from T-Mobile - I didn't know this before I started![/qoute]
this is true with 4.00.10 and 4.00.16 but not anymore with 4.01.00.
if your xda still can be connected to activesync, try to reflash the ROM.
Otherwise, you have to use the SD flashing method.
[qoute]I read somewhere that if you burn any T-Mobile ROMs an SD card is *required* to reverse it and put a different ROM on the XDA. Well, the cooked ROM I downloaded is from T-Mobile - I didn't know this before I started![\qoute]
this is true with 4.00.10 and 4.00.16 but not anymore with 4.01.00.
if your xda still can be connected to activesync, try to reflash the ROM.
Otherwise, you have to use the SD flashing method.
Thanks, I will try. ActiveSync still works...
I notice you are running the same ROM version as me - sis your radio still work?
Can you verify that I am trying to Flash the ROM correctly?
1. Confirm that I have orig.nb1 - yes, it's there - backup of original ROM before I started this whole dilemma.
2. Ensure that XDA is Activesync'd - yes, as "Pocket_PC" - all working okay.
3. Right click on orig.nb1 and select "burn"
4. OSImageTool.exe then pops up and copies orig.nb1 to Programme A.
5. A DOS box then appears saying "ERROR: GetConnectionType - A
ote host. error getting connectiontype".
6. Programme A then runs and after pressing "next" a couple of times, I get an error - "Error 011: Cannot execute the remote communication program. Pleace make sure that the USB cable is properly connected."
And that's basically it.
I have tried different variances of this, but all without success.
BTW, I'm logged in to MSN Messenger now, could you let me know when you're online - or anyone else, for that matter. My address is [email protected]
This message means that the current ROM in your XDA can't be flashed through Program A ... not a big issue, for unknown reason it happened with me few times ... but now you have to use SD card to flash your ROM.
Here is an update...
I have played around some more with the XDA with no success. I have now bought a 64MB SD card and am unsure as to how the ROM image on my PC gets onto the SD card. This is how I have been doing it:
1) Insert SD card into XDA
2) Place XDA into cradle
3) XDA then ActiveSync’s to the PC
4) Run OSImageTool.exe and select the following –
a. Source: “C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\orig.nb1”
b. Destination: “XDA SD card slot – unknown size”
5) Then I press “copy” and I see the progress bar go across to 100%. After this appears to finish, the program just sits there not telling me it’s finished. I assume that it’s all okay and I then close the program
6) Take XDA off cradle and hold power button down whilst doing a warm-reset
7) The following appears: “Wallaby Bootloader v6.22 – GSM OK” – nothing else happens, and from what I have read it is supposed to ask if I want to perform a ROM upgrade. However, I can get into the diagnostic and flash tools by pressing the action button etc, but nothing is in there to upgrade the ROM.
Does the fact the OSImageTool destination says “XDA SD card slot – unknown size” matter? I’m assuming not because when I have transferred the ROM using the above steps, the XDA asks if I want to format the card; meaning that the transfer worked okay. Do I have to have an SD card reader/writer on my PC to get the ROM onto the SD card?
I have read a little about a Bootloader patch – do I need to run this, and how do I get it onto the XDA – using the same method?
I would be very appreciative of any help that can fix this, as all I want to do is get my three-day old XDA working again!
Any other comments and help in relation to solving this hair-challenging issue would be great!
Ok ... from what you wrote it seems your doing it correctly. However, I have doubts on the file orig.nb1 you are using ... maybe it wasn't copied properly.
Try to cook any ROM (TMO 4.01.00 is good) at Stefan kitchen and you can cook it as .nbf or EXE then extract the .nbf file using winzip or winrar.
Follow the same steps and let me know.
Good luck ...
Is bootloader v6.222 okay - will it allow me to overwrite my current ROM with this new ROM that you are suggesting? I have read that I may have to downgrade my bootloader to do the SD ROM writing thing.
I can't confirm that my self ... I used SD with 5.17 and 6.22 without problems but maybe it's my luck
Cook the 4.01.00 as EXE and try it as is or extract the .nbf file and use the SD method.
Okay I'll give that a go now... Will let you know how I go...
Nope - didn't work. I'm not getting a screen in the bootloader to update the ROM via SD - if I press the action button I get into dignostics...
Is this a bootloader issue, and if so, how do I downgrade?
Also just tried the following:
C:\Program Files\XDAtools\binaries>pnewbootloader bootloader_v5_15.nb0
And got the following error message:
Unable to find flash info offset, cannot disable bootloader writeprotect
Any ideas?
I don't get it ... you cooked and downloaded and tried a new nbf file for TMO 4.01.00 in less than 15 minutes ??!!!!
what is the nbf file size ??
Yes, I used Winzip to extract NK.nbf. It is 31,745kb.
I am now cooking on Lumpi's site a zipped NK.nbf file and will try that too...

XDA 1 not working

I was upgrading the software upgarde on my device. I successfully upgraded the Pocket PC software on the O2 XDA, but when I tried to upgrade the GSM radio/GPRS software of the O2 XDa, it gave some error and after this my device is not starting at all. The only mistake I did was that "I did not remove the SIM card before upgrading the GSM radio/GPRS software" The device does not start even after cold booting the same. When I start the device, the O2 screen comes and after a quite long time the main window does come but I cannot do anything. I tried to tap on contacts, time, tasks but nothing happens. I can see the windows logo wall paper but cannot do anything. Please help on how I can restore back my O2 as a cold reset also does not work. :?
Thanks and Regards
There's many topics about your question in the forum. Search it! Try to search with this keywords: 1% error,
There's many topics about your question in the forum. Search it! Try to search with this keywords: 1% error,
I have tried all the available options but it still does not work. To restore the ROM how do I get access to the O2 cause niether serial nor USB is detecting it.
Please help.
SD card install guide
Ok here you go, its a little outdated but its what I still use:
Qman's how to use XDArit to write nk.nb1 or nk.nbf to your SD card aka the Bootloader Method!
1. Place XDArit and the nk.nb1 or nk.nbf file in the same folder and start XDArit.
2. Select your SD card (disk drive) from the drop down menu.
3. Select Write to SD
Notice that the Windows CE box is already checked so just click the browse button at the end of that window.
4. Select your (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf) image and then Open
Notice by default XDArit will open looking for a *.nb1 file but if you're going to use a .nbf file you'll have to manually change the "Files of Type" to *.nbf
Notice that nk.nbo / nk.nbo was automatically added as your boot-loader and its check box is unchecked so leave it that way and click OK. XDArit should start writing to the card.
When XDArit has finished writing the image put the SD-card into the XDA and hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a "Soft Boot/Reset".
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks Chief, I will try out and let you know.
Hi Rudegar,
I tried the procedure given by you. I was able to write to the flash successfully. After writing to the flash it gave a message "Checksum OK, Please cold reboot to reset".
I did a cold reboot. After starting the O2, it showed the O2 logo screen and after quite a long time, it asked me wether I want to format the SD card or not. After that it took me to the default screen of XDA wher eit showed options like "Add today's date, Contacts, Schedule etc etc. but upon tapping any of the options the O2 behaves erratically. If I tap on today's date it takes me somewhere else. Inshort it does not work.
I again did a cold reboot and now the device is in its original position i.e not going after the O2 logo where it gets stuck up.
One thing I would like to mention is that all these activities have been done putting the O2 on the cardle only as the battery is totally discharged and the device turns on only after putting it on cradle. Even after the cold reboot it does not start unless I put it on the cradle whichis connected to the mains. Is it Ok with this or am I doing something wrong? The battery does not charge and hence I have to do it in this way.
Please suggest what wrong am I doing? Any suggestions from anyone will be welcome.
Someone posted the original O2 ROM on this site and I downloaded the same after which I was partially succesful in flashing the ROM and reviving my dead O2 back to half life. :roll:
I burned the ROM on
to my SD Card and flashed the ROM on to my O2. After
successfully flashing the ROM I rebooted the device.
The device now starts Windows but it takes atleast 15
minutes to start. I get the today screen. WHen I cick
on start the start menu appears after a delay of 10
seconds and all applications run normal, however all
this happens only on the Cradle only.
When I go into the Battery Settings it shows "Battery
Status Unknown".
Also none of the phone functions work. The SIM card is
not recognized and in device information it does
dispaly the "IMEI number" and the "Protocl Version"
I am only able to use inbuilt phone applications.
Is there some problem with my battery cause it is not
charging even on the cradle.
Device Information does not show Radio Version, Protocl Version & IMEI number at all.
Can anyone please help me?
hello all,
it means that your radio stack are dead. Currently, We don't have any real method to fix this problem. When the radio stack is error, you can not upgrade it or do anything to make it work. We can only upgrade or downgrade the radio stack if it works. Also if you try to upgrade the radio stack, we realy need to flash the chip using a speceial tool or need the sd card which build in radio stack with we can only flash in bootloaading mode. Howerver, in some case, we can fix it but .... I think it is just lucky or the xda error when battery problem.... in this case, just disconnect the battery few minutes and connect it again by pressing the battery hole.
p.s. I have dead xda. I killed it when I upgraded the RADIO STACK. Therefore, if you are really need to upgrade the radio stack, I recommend use the official upgrade for secuirity. or just upgrade the rom only.
To eliminating the error, you need to upgrade the rom or the radio stack, you need to check if the rom fix the radio stack or the stack you are trying to upgrade it fix the rom or not.(ie, Tmobile Rom have to use it radio stack built for Tmobile pocket pc...... I know that in some case when we mix between the radio stack and OS it works but I don't think it work propertly. Anyhow the mixing bettween radio stack and OS is very dangerous if it doesn't suppport then you have to reflash the radio stack or rom(the OS is Okay but the keep upgrading the radio stack may cause the radio stack killed)
Hi Jineshd we
have the same problem and we are sure that the only way is to do SD uptade
and U said U have a serial cable to Yours device. With that we can be able to download flash gsm rom from working device and put it back via SD card to ours. Pls tell me where can I get a serial cable or some schema how to prepare it and I will try to repair ours dead pdas. Its our only chance
Thanks all for the replies.
Can anyone tell me how doI repair the radio stack?
no way without having special RSU rom update on SD card and run it from bootloader or dissembling the device and reprograming GSM rom on special rom/bios programing socket. (Here on forum is user Cgigate from Toronto CA who can do it but I cant contact him)

Stuck on bootloader menu after error upgrading ROM

Is there a way to get the OS and boot img for my o2 XDA to put on my SD card so i can recover it?
I'm stuck on the boot-loader screen (version 5.22) i can not use active sync as it comes up as unrecognized device, im at my wits end, i just want to get my phone working again. is there any place i can get the O2 ROM file from? or anything that can be done, or do i have a useless brick now?
i tried upgrading with the developers ROM using the auto install, it got to the "it will take 5 mins to upgrade" screen then active sync lost connection, there was nothing showing in the progress bar, when i tried to restart, active sync could not connect. now im stuck with the boot-loader menu after a soft reset.
Sorry for the double post,
Right sorted the problem out, got a cooked ROM from a different site as no link i clicked on here was still active.
I found out that if you Format the SD card to Fat32 when in bootloader it doesn't recognize the ROM, so a format to just FAT under windows XP sorted it out, and now I'm back up and running again, though now i cant get my phone unlocked to Vodafone as the XDAunlock returns "error getting code" message. here are my Device info
Rom version 3.17.03
Radio version 4.21.X1
Protcal version 32S54
problem resolved by updating the Radio stack to 6.24 (placing the files onto the device and upgrading from there) once that had done, i had no signal, so downgraded it back to 4.21 and now I'm fully functional
Where did you get the ROM?
I have a similar problem with an XDA which failed whilst being flashed via active sync and now will not start apart from via bootloader. Where did you get the ROM that you mention please?
use this ROM from choose one that u will use to cook, PC2002 or WM2003/SE, (WM2003SE cannot use SD Card, only can use activesyn) then downgrade bootloader from v5.22 to v5.15,
using MMC (flash SD) continue to special rom 1.2, Go to the bootloader utilities. Hit Contacts button and you'll get the boot loader option stuff. If the bootloader utilities you get to right away takes you to a menu with things like Boot+CE-->SD then you don't have to worry about hitting the contacts button. You only need Contacts button if when you get to the bootloader screen you see nothing more than some nice colors, the bootloader version and "GSM OK" message.
Take the Boot+CE-->SD option to back everything up. This will take a few minutes.
Once it's done pull the SD out ofthe ppcpe and stick it into your SD card reader. Bring up XDArit and chose your removeable device.
If you have more than one MMC slot select the different ones until you get one that says 'Wallaby' in the hex codes at the bottom of the XDArit screen. You'll be writing out two files, the first is the NB0 file (which is the bootloader) and the second is the NB1 file (which is the OS or ROM). Name these something like original.nb0 and 1.
Wipe the SD card (format FAT). Stick the SD card back into the pda and soft reset, then cradle it.
Go to a DOS prompt and CD to where you put 'pnewbootflash_40116.exe.' Type 'pnewbootflash_40116 nbl515.nb0' to write the Wallaby 5.15 boot loader to the device. If when you downloaded the 5.15 bootloader you called it something else (like 'wallaby_boot_loader_V5.15.nb0' you should of course use that name instead!
The output looks like this:
D:\XDAtools\binaries>pnewbootloader_40116 bl515.nb0
Copying D:\XDAtools\binaries\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils.dll
in FindFlashInfoOffset
protection found at 8c0d60f8
result: 00000000 00000000
for the complete, read this web :
*read careffuly and try it, you can read my post, almost similiar problem but i can solve it by read one by one,hehehhe.. never give-up, ok ^_^V
any help with magician rom?
OK I found this thread and this is what I need to do but I don't follow any of this. what is the ROm image and how do I cook? I'm totally lost and My phone is wrecked or bricked as you say???

