Can Bootloader boots from SD card image backup ? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

If I have the bootloader image backup on a SD Card .
Do any think the XDA/MDA be able to boots up from the bootloader from the SD card rather than on the XDA/MDA ( bootloader seems not working ) with a help of executions files/program.
Please advice.



i just flashed the maesus leo ROM to my HD2.. now im stuck on the "this cincludes beta" screen.. and i am unable to sync my HD2 to reflash a different ROM... please someone help!!
take the sdcard out and pplug it into a pc then copy the nbh file to the root directory. rename it to LEOIMG.nbh. power of the phone and put into bootloader (hold vol down and power) the bootloader will recognise the image and ask for confirmation to flash the rom.
I flash that way as i run linux so obviously no activesync
when i put my SD card in my pc.. i dont see a Root directory? im sorry for sounding so noobish
hey nd have you installed hspl btw?
if you have, boot your phone into bootloader mode by holding down bottom volume key as the phone does a fresh start.
then connect the phone to your pc, you should see it connect and then you can start the rom install process.
the root of your sd card is the part of the storage card that you put files in when you dont put them in any folder on the storage card.
ye, bootloadermode / tricolourscreen should do it
u shouldnt flash via sd card..
oh yes I did forget to mention, flashing via sd card is consdered a last resort, Its dangerous, more so than flashing via usb. work via usb while you still have that option.

Bootloader formatted

HI guys,
I accidentally formatted my boot partition and now my X5 won't start up.
What I need is the structure of the bootloader.
MEaning when i put phone into bootloader mode (purple screen - Vol+ and Vol- while holding power) the file system is blank, so i need 4 files:
Also I need to know what folder they are meant to be placed in.
So if someone could put their X5 into bootloader mode and copy+zip the folder and upload it, I would be extremely thankful so I can get my phone alive again
Thank you
For what rom?
the boot.img is different for each ROM (B136, B137, Gingerbread etc) so I can't give you that, while I can give upload the other 3 files for you.
But with the 3 files, it should mean you can do a backup and reinstall your rom, then restore.
it is actually a MIUI rom, with 2.3.4 i think, and yes i will restore back, i just want some functionality to my phone
Thank you so much. You are akin to God, in my eyes.
akshizzle said:
HI guys,
I accidentally formatted my boot partition and now my X5 won't start up.
What I need is the structure of the bootloader.
MEaning when i put phone into bootloader mode (purple screen - Vol+ and Vol- while holding power) the file system is blank, so i need 4 files:
Also I need to know what folder they are meant to be placed in.
So if someone could put their X5 into bootloader mode and copy+zip the folder and upload it, I would be extremely thankful so I can get my phone alive again
Thank you
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I have exactly the same problem. But i'm not sure how to make a backup and restore.
Right now i got no functionality at all on my phone =(
I also used to have MIUI 2.3.4.
mrragge said:
I have exactly the same problem. But i'm not sure how to make a backup and restore.
Right now i got no functionality at all on my phone =(
I also used to have MIUI 2.3.4.
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Format that bootloader as FAT32, create a folder called "image" and put these files there:
Recovery.img -
Boot.img -
Take the battery out once you've copied everything. Hold Power and Vol+ to boot in CWM. Once you're there just connect the usb cable and mount the sdcard. Now you should be able to copy whatever custom rom to the SD card and then flash it.
katu2006 said:
Format that bootloader as FAT32, create a folder called "image" and put these files there:
Take the battery out once you've copied everything. Hold Power and Vol+ to boot in CWM. Once you're there just connect the usb cable and mount the sdcard. Now you should be able to copy whatever custom rom to the SD card and then flash it.
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CMW started fine =) Thanks alot
please help me my smart phone is totally dead accidentally formatted whole flash and when i flash rom in the phone it det an error
I have a question, If I format the Booloader of my mtk 6582, could I flash a new bootloader, If I do manually for example, erases from (0x0000000000000000 to 0x0000000000c00000) >> (bootloader to begin of mbr)... Then could I flash my bootloader backup?
The problem is that spflash tools says "PTM changed for the ROM: It must be downloaded." but I want not format /system either /data ..... I've try do manually format (except bootloader, system and data) but the problem is not solved .... Can some one help me?
Note: I want not do a readback

android 2.3 won't recognize SD card

hello everyone ,
i have installed android 2.3 on my gt540 rather easy but ,now it doesn't recognize my SD card , im really not sure if this is common error but i couldn't find any similar topic on this, so please help with this ,i cant transfer any data from my PC and therefor can't finish system install....
A re-flash is recommended along with a full wipe.
How did you flash the ROM?
Fully wipe data and reflash by typing:
fastboot -w
fastboot flash system <enter system image here>
fastboot flash boot <enter boot image here>
Definitely replace brackets with the images.
An example would be:
fastboot flash system system.img
And remember that each stage is in every line. So the first one: which is "fastboot -w" will delete all your data. Typing all three lines at once won't work.
AND REMEMBER THAT "fastboot -w" with DELETE ALL YOUR DATA, so backup if you like
First of all ,thank you for helping
Second , perhaps i messed up my sd card when i installed fastboot on my phone since it had none , i used this link (h**p://*** to flash ROM , there was a warning to pull out the sd card , i haven't ,but after i did it was normal when i plugged phone in my PC sd card was there and phone could see her , that's whats weird and still don't think its problem with sd card (although i could me mistaken).
I will be trying reflash next couple of minutes , just hope it will help
What do you exactly mean by saying
but after i did it was normal when i plugged phone in my PC sd card was there and phone could see her
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So your phone recognized the sd card after flashing with CM7 when you plugged it in the computer or when did it happen ?
After I flashed and installed fastboot , i plugged my phone on PC and i could enter sd card , but after i flashed to android 2.3 phone could not see sd card , i tried with another sd card and phone could see her... So i probably burned sd card somehow..
Is there any way to get her back by the way? :/
You might not have the drivers or settings enabled. When you plug in the your phone to a computer, it should show a drive for your phone and you need to enable Mass Storage from your phone. There should be a mass storage notification on your phone. Also try disabling USB debugging from Settings --> Applications --> Development, and then select USB debugging.

pc10mg wont let me boot into recovery

I am stuck in the bootloader and cannot boot into recovery because there is a pc10mg file on my sdcard. is there anyway to bypass this?
joemanbui said:
I am stuck in the bootloader and cannot boot into recovery because there is a pc10mg file on my sdcard. is there anyway to bypass this?
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I'm assuming you either just rooted or flashed a new Radio, after that you always need to remove or rename that on your SD card before going into recovery. It will always stop at Bootloader with a pc10img on your SD Card
is there any way to remove this pc10img file from my sdcard in the bootloader screen?
joemanbui said:
is there any way to remove this pc10img file from my sdcard in the bootloader screen?
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Not as far as I know, you're going to have to either boot into your ROM and edit it or remove the SD Card and mount it on your computer to edit/remove it.
joemanbui said:
is there any way to remove this pc10img file from my sdcard in the bootloader screen?
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just reboot into the ROM and remove the PC10IMG from the SDcard, or pull the battery and put your SDcard into your PC and remove it.
Or (assuming you have eng hboot) boot to fastboot, and use the fastboot executable to boot clockworkmod, then remove it through that.
thanks for the replies! I had to borrow one of my friends android phones to connect my sdcard to pc. I didnt have a microsd adapter on me at the time. Thank you!

Possible Bricked

So, got a phone here from a friend, gave it to me and said i could keep it whether it works or not.
info... doesn't boot normal.
goes into bootloader, and fastboot works. recovery doesn't work.
booting normal DID allow ADB interface access, though with a black screen, until I tried to reflash stock boot.img through fastboot, now no adb.
so, I need to know how to check if an img flashed through fastboot is sticking, and i would like to find img files for flashing a ROM through fastboot.
btw, if internal memory is bonked, is it possible to get it booting off of an SD card?
Check Glacier Wiki, section "Troubleshooting". Link in my signature.
If you build a custom kernel that will boot it off SD card - you'll be able to boot off SD card. You'll need to partition it, of course.
If boot partition (where kernel resides) is screwed - you don't have much to do...

