solution to 1% flash failed problem (RSU_3.23.01.exe) - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i have the same 1% flash failed problem. here's what i did.
1. prepare an SD card with the RUU_3.16.52 extracted using XDArit.exe (use XDArit.exe to transfer the ROM in c:\program files\RUU\english\NK.nbf to the SD) you need to have a USB SD Card Reader in order to do this. buy one if you have to.
2. prepare a second SD card with the repair files stored in the root directory ( 4,305,434bytes, and the 2577 folder) just like whoever suggested, but replace the on the root of SD with the one you extracted in c:\program files\Radio Stack Upgrade Utility\ (4,328,441bytes) by running RSU_3.23.01.exe (which had unfortunately caused the failure.)
2. insert the SD card with the RUU_3.16.52. press the power button while performing a soft reset. you should enter the wallaby loader screen. i have version 5.15. press action to flash the ROM to your xda.
3. cold boot your xda. you should see the blud Qtek screen. in the lower-right-hand corner you should see
4. you may be asked to calibrate your screen by tipping the four corners.
5. press the volume button. insert the second SD card (containg the repair files and the 4,328,441bytes (NOT the 4,305,434bytes one, because it will cause freezing at 1%!) wait patiently until the upgrade finishes. you may put the xda back to the cradle for power as long as it doesn't reset itself.
if anything goes wrong, start from step 2 again.
NOTE: i may have skipped some steps in the above. but that's the best i could remember. good luck.
if you haven't upgraded the Qtek ROM and the Radio Stack, learn the risk before attempting!!!
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Hi baekdoosan !
It is nice, but don't work for me.
Any tips ?
Best regards

Same Problem for my MDA. It crashed during update to t-mobile 3.23 MDA and i still get the message flash failed at 1 %.

Please !!!
Help Me !!!

i have same problem...............i sent it to service center in my country
and the they are solved it
i think they make just downgrade

Hi Anybody !
This problem not solved !
RSU downgrade ? Possible ?
Any idea ?
Sorry my poor english.

Where did you get the recovery files from???
I am digging around trying to fix a TMobile update from an ATT rom image and can't seem to figure out where you got the recovery files from...
Any help would be appreciated...


XDArit - read error from SD card?

Hi !
i tried to read my saved 3.14-ger rom from my SD card (saved as boot+ce)... but XDArit (new version) says: Did not find correct flash signature, aborting!
Why ? what did i do wrong?
what does it display in the first page ?
does it start with 'HTC$WALLABY' ( if so what number follows? )
or does it say 'FLASH KEY'
or does it say 'FAT16'
nothing was displayed.
was very weird... i installed some win2k-drivers on my winxp for the sd-card, now it works !
my one see FAT16 it not 'HTC$WALLABY' WHAT I MAKE WRONG >?
if you see 'fat16' that means your sd card is still formatted for normal use.
after xdarit or your bootloader have written data to your sd card,
you will see 'HTC$WALLABY' in the first bytes.
the 'FLASH KEY' is what you would see with bootloader 5.17, I am not sure
if xdarit supports this correctly.
I didn't need to install anything on XP, I just plugged a usb cardreader
in my pc, you see some popups about windows finding new hardware, and drivers. and after about 1 minute it worked.
the new ver 1.2 of XDArit.exe
when i use it Write a image to sd card,it 's return a error
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Same Here
I get the same message in XDArit.,
Also. recently installed the latest program A update 3.17 from O2 to my UK XDA all went well, then (before I discovered this website!!) I foolishly (it now seems) went to the Program B uprade. this hubg up in mid flash!!
Now my poor XDA is in a sorry condition does wird and wonderful things, random backlight on off, responds to ocasional button pushes.
where can I get the GSM ROM to flash into it?
I also receive XDARite error with version 1.0.2.....
I have tried three different card readers and all of them give me this error....

Dump Prophet/M600/S200 ROM : How-To ???

I just bought a French Orange SPV M600 yesterday and before making anything on it (upgrading, installing softwares, unlocking SIM, etc) I'd like to dump the ROM and store it in a safe place in order to be able to restore my phone if ever it comes to "brick" state
I read a lot today about that, using mtty, romupdate, bootloader mode etc...but I can't achieve to do it...
1- I kill activesync
2- I put my phone in bootloader mode (camera button + soft reset) and I get the color stripes fine
3- I connect my USB cable, I got the status-message "USB" on the phone screen = OK
4- I launch mtty, enter \\.\blablabla001 as port to connect to = OK
5- this is where nothing works anymore : typing D2S in the console gives an error msg (bad command, type h or ? for help) Something I noticed and being quite weird : I don't have "USB>" as a command prompt but "CMD>"...
6- even typing h or ? makes nothing, I get the same error msg :? The only recognised command is "usb" and the output message is then "already connected to USB"
Is this due to a bad software version ? (I use mtty 1.42)
Is it a SPV M600 incompatibility ? (too recent ?)
Has anybody achieved to dump such a ROM on SD-Card ? If yes, how please ?
Thx a lot !
EDIT : here's mtty's screen
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Use r2sd all
this will backup the device to a sd card but ALL DATA on the card WILL BE LOST!!! .
However this command will only work if the phone is cid unlocked.
Hope this helps
Hi, thx for your reply.
I tried also r2sd all and I get an error message saying I can't. (something like "authorized level...blabalbla)
Then I unfortunately guess my SPV M600 is CID locked :-(
I hope it will never badly crash before I can achieve to find a full-backup-restore solution...
Already happened once and I had to wait ages for getting it repaired by service-support... If only I had a ROM backuped somewhere I could restore the device in its "factory" state without bothering trying cheating it...
I've read some threads and it would seem that Qtek S200 as well as HTC Prophet or iMate Jamin are CID unlockable...but not the Orange one :-(
Bu what is the program that u've been using to dump the rom ?? Link and name please...

How to cardflash with hareld?

does anyone know how in need to call the "ARTEIMG.nbh" with the hareld when I am using this manual:?
Empty (erase the contents) of your microSD card from the Windows Mobile file explorer or format it from your computer using a card reader (in some cases format doesn't work).(not necessary, do it only if 1st attemt fails)
Extract the .NBH file from your prefered ROM upgrade: In windows use winrar (right click) to extract the contents of the exe file. In Linux / MacOS use cabextract.
Rename the .NBH file to ARTEIMG.nbh and copy it to the root folder of your microSD card.
With microSD card inserted on the phone, start the bootloader (The bootloader is invoked by pressing down the Record button and using the stylus at the same time to press the RESET button at the left side).
You should see the screen pictured on the left, confirm flashing on screen by pressing the volume slider down.
Flashing might hang after some time but this is normal. Just wait. Complete flash takes about 30 minutes, so check your battery or connect to charger before the flashing process starts.
SuperCID devices are able to flash any NBH image using this method.
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some few more question
witch of these files do I need to give the name???
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does nobody has experience with this???
I really need to do this so I can send it to repair...
haha problem solved.
In someway my phone was able to connect with my pc with a broken usb. haha
In bootloader mode it just worked
Why do you want to update your rom this way?
It is much easilier with the HARD-SPL or USPL.
Look a bit around the herald forum and you will find these methods!!!
Yes I know but my usb connection in my phone broke down, so i need to send it to repair.
But i had the touchit rom on it, so with that rom I didnt had any garantee

HTC hero bricked .help.....

I bought my HERO just a few days ago.
Once,the system halted and I took the battery out of the phone.
After that,when I turn on the phone,it show the first picture in the attachments
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and then only when I press the DIAL button ,the phone responses,and it shows the second picture in the attachments
I have checked that the buttons of the phone are all OK.
And I have sent it to someone to mend it,he said that the phone can not be connected to the computer,but he succeeded in flashing it with the miniSD memory card. BUT the phone still has the same problem.What's more ,the H-BOOT has been flashed by him from 1.76.005 to 1.76.007. But the problem still
Can anybody help me?...
And I'm from China,my English is not very good...
This might help...
g0mib0y said:
EDIT 3: How did I find this out? I talked to a very helpful HTC suport rep (yes they do actually exist in Sweden). He helped me do these steps and so I thought I should share this.
Ok so you got a message that 2.1 was available for your Hero - FINELY! and you installed it using OTA. And then you got a triangle with a ! in it and you rebooted and all it says is "HERO".
This is how to solve it!
Take out your memory card. FORMAT TO <span style="font-weight:bold;">FAT32</span>!!!
Download the RUU 2.73.405.5 from HTC support homepage
Run the installation.
When it fails to find your phone <span style="font-weight:bold;">DON'T EXIT!!!</span>
If you are using Windows 7 go in to c:\Users\<span style="font-style:italic;">yourusername</span>\AppData\Local\Temp
Search for
Move to desktop
Rename to
Transfer to your newly formated memory card now with FAT32 file system
Put memory card into phone
Start phone holding volume down pressed.
It will now check zip fil and then ask if you want to install.
homekey for YES
After installing you have 1.5 again and can safely upgrade to 2.1 OTA
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need help i900 problem!!!

hello sir
i have big problem
my i900 power on but no network, always show cross to tower
[i think not detect sim].
and if i want to see imei it show "the phone is currently off.would you like to turn on the phone?"
then option yes/no but if i press yes not happean any thing.
if i try to reset phone by setting>system>hard reset> there is 2 memory
1>main memory ( reset tap is enable)
2>my storage (not enable reset tap)
if i try main memory reset it need password 1234 i enter 1234 then it show this error "when phone is turned off,you cannot hard reset.turn phone on,and try again"
key combined hard reset not work. soft reset work but same.
please ! please !! please !!! need help.
how to revive this phone normolly???
Did you mess around with radio rom (phone.bin)?
Try to reflash it with COMPLETE (phone,pda and csc) new ROM, official
if possible.
You said:
"key combined hard reset not work."
That part of device function (battery charging also) is controlled by phone
part of ROM (phone.bin), so, it seems that problem is caused by faulty phone.bin.
Reflash it!
rtomakov said:
Did you mess around with radio rom (phone.bin)?
Try to reflash it with COMPLETE (phone,pda and csc) new ROM, official
if possible.
You said:
"key combined hard reset not work."
That part of device function (battery charging also) is controlled by phone
part of ROM (phone.bin), so, it seems that problem is caused by faulty phone.bin.
Reflash it!
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thank you for reply but i am new about this.
can you give me COMPLETE (phone,pda and csc) new ROM, official ???
and how to ???
Look here fore official ROMS:
Manuals about flashing omnia (good ones) you should search on modaco
web site. They have very good omnia support.
Short version: install activesync, all drivers for omnia and run .exe of firmware update from PC.
install active sync 4-5,
install modem driver.
restart pc
but it hang on this.
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i use on xp[32 bit]
how to solved??

