nbf to bin - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Is there any way to convert the NK.nbf file to a bin file for direct flashing to the device? I've looked at the XDArit utility, but is the nb0 or nb1 file the resulting image?

.nb0 is a bootloader image (just the 256k), .nb1 is a CE ROM (32 MB - 256k) image.

Forgot to mention: The XDA ROM Image Tool can read nbf files.


What is the difference between .nb1 and .nbf

after I cooked ROM from Jeff Summer's Kitchen, it has the option to choose whether you want it .nb1 or .nbf
.nb1 is for SD card flashing
while .nbf is for advanced users...
so what is exactly the difference between this 2 extensions??
Good Q - I was finkin that 2
Keen to always b learning more. Would appreciate a response to add 2 d knowledge for which without this site I would be stuffed wit an XDA still stuck on d update screen
an nbf file contains some information about what kind of device the os image
is intended for, and a bootloader and the os image.
a nb1 file contains only an os image.
nbf's can be flashed with Programme A.
see http://www.xs4all.nl/~itsme/projects/xda/wince-flashfile-formats.html
osimagetool understands both nb1 and nbf files.
XDA developer Itsme said:
an nbf file contains some information about what kind of device the os image
is intended for, and a bootloader and the os image.
a nb1 file contains only an os image.
nbf's can be flashed with Programme A.
see http://www.xs4all.nl/~itsme/projects/xda/wince-flashfile-formats.html
osimagetool understands both nb1 and nbf files.
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Do you mean if I flash the phone with .nbf via osimagetool ( Programme A) , it could be over-write bootloader ?
yes, it could. but osimagetool will not take the bootloader from the nbf,
it always puts the 5.15 bootloader in the file that is flashed with "Programme A"
for a reason I don't yet understand, the bootloader is not always updated.
I am quite sure that "programme a" used to update bootloaders, but I have not seen it do this for some time. - maybe it has to do with the rom version?

Can not read NBF files!

Why OSImage Tool can't read nbf files?
try changing their extention to nb1 ?
ealtun said:
Why OSImage Tool can't read nbf files?
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Be sure you choose the right image file, OSImage Tools supports only image files for Wallaby Devices (O2 Xda, Siemens SX56...) it can read either nb1 or nbf format.

Converting .bin to .nbf file ?

is it somehow possible to convert a .bin to a .nbf file?
if not is it then possible to replace the OS in a bin file with OS.nb i'v got from typhoonnbfdecode tool ?
Mikkel Snitker

How to convert nk.nbf to nk.nb0??

I have Wm5 emulator which uses .nb0 file for running the ROM on the PC. Can any body tell me a tool for converting the .nbf to .nb0 files???
tried just renaming the extention ?
Yes I tried it already but to no help. There must be some tool to convert .nbf to .nb0?

.DIO Rom Image File

I have a image file that has an extension of .dio with several other files. How do I flash this to my device? I know that it is a partial image file that is used to generate the full bin file, encrypted.

