How to convert nk.nbf to nk.nb0?? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I have Wm5 emulator which uses .nb0 file for running the ROM on the PC. Can any body tell me a tool for converting the .nbf to .nb0 files???

tried just renaming the extention ?

Yes I tried it already but to no help. There must be some tool to convert .nbf to .nb0?


universal rom: command for nk.nbf -->

what command should i use to convert nk.nbf into using xda3nbftool.exe
use HTC64_Extended_ROM_Tool_v1.1 from bal666. It works and it is provided with a comfortable windows gui... :lol:
i did use it and it converts into fat can i use the fat file or convert it to nba
is there a tool that can convert the *.bin file of WM 5.0 ROM to *.nbf files ,thanks

How to convert Wizard nk.nbf to

I want to modify the content of Wizard ROM using the "WM5 ROM editing tool" from , but after I extract the nk.nbf from upgrade program of K-JAM (e.g. ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/HTC_Wizard/K-JAM_WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship.exe ), I cannot find a way to decode it to
I tried several scripts like from and from but not sucess...
Could any brother help? Thanks in advance.
search for newest TyphoonNbfTool.exe on
Thanks mamaich! 8) Now I have modified the dumped OS.n_d. But the tool does not have encrypt function. So how can I encrypt it and re-insert it back to nk.nbf and put it back to my Wizard?
milklok said:
I want to modify the content of Wizard ROM using the "WM5 ROM editing tool" from , but after I extract the nk.nbf from upgrade program of K-JAM (e.g. ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/HTC_Wizard/K-JAM_WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship.exe ), I cannot find a way to decode it to
I tried several scripts like from and from but not sucess...
Could any brother help? Thanks in advance.
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yes, i also have the same issue
seeing this topic. the way buzz wrote.
And I am having the same headache too, except that the nbf file I want to convert is from Prophet AKU23 rom.
When I use xda3nbftool to decrypt it, the result is as followed:
E:\makerom>xda3nbftool -t -d nk.nbf
ms_.nbf: No such file or directory
Radio_.nbf: No such file or directory
Please tell me whether I am using the right command, and how to convert the file, thx!

Can not read NBF files!

Why OSImage Tool can't read nbf files?
try changing their extention to nb1 ?
ealtun said:
Why OSImage Tool can't read nbf files?
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Be sure you choose the right image file, OSImage Tools supports only image files for Wallaby Devices (O2 Xda, Siemens SX56...) it can read either nb1 or nbf format.

Converting .bin to .nbf file ?

is it somehow possible to convert a .bin to a .nbf file?
if not is it then possible to replace the OS in a bin file with OS.nb i'v got from typhoonnbfdecode tool ?
Mikkel Snitker

How to extract nk.nbf from Prophet RUU

Does anyone know to extract the nbf file from the romupdate utitlity of the prophet?
or where can I find the nbf file for the prophet in this forum? I need to make a rom image on my sd card..or can i do it using just the nba file in the customized rom upgrade?
When you run the exe, it puts all it's files into a temp dir, probably your %temp% dir.
I'm sure there's an extractor of some kind if you can't find the file you want just by searching your harddisk for the file you're after, after you run the installation executable.
Get winrar ( and once its installed right click onthe .exe file and select extract to (it will provide a foldername the same as the original file) winrar will extract the contents of the exe file to a flder for you.
yup! i 've done it, but don't know how to download the nk.nbf to my sdcard so that it can be flashed from there? anyone know?

