Radio 4.16 && OS 3.14.40 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Can it work together? The radio is from NL update, OS from T-Mobile US. American OS ought to have SMS name lookup implemented and better GPRS+voice handling (not dropping connection when you call or are called, but this may be in their radio version only)

You could be having one of several problems.
The radio and CE loads are linked together and one will not function correctly without the other. ril.dll, rilgsm.dll and rilgsm1.dll, etc contain the CE parts that correspond to some fixes in the radio load.
Also the USA CE software is designed only to work on PW10B hardware and doesn't work that well on PW10A hardware, and vice versa.

well, I got 3.15.15 & 4.16 so no need to try

Zviratko said:
well, I got 3.15.15 & 4.16 so no need to try
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I need the 4.16 Radio Version, please send it to [email protected].
Thank you.

Zviratko said:
Can it work together? The radio is from NL update, OS from T-Mobile US. American OS ought to have SMS name lookup implemented and better GPRS+voice handling (not dropping connection when you call or are called, but this may be in their radio version only)
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I need the 4.16 Radio Version, please send it to [email protected].
Thank you.

Zviratko said:
well, I got 3.15.15 & 4.16 so no need to try
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:shock: now please explain to a starter what a radio 4.16 is, and how it will improve the xda ?
:?: please tell me how to check what radio version i use ?
:?: please inlighten us ignorant users, what is 3.15.15....
i live in the netherlands, and use the XDA with an o2 connection.
thanks for your NOT flaming the new guys....

:shock: now please explain to a starter what a radio 4.16 is, and how it will improve the xda ?
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this is the software that runs the build-in GSM phone of the XDA. For me iupdating solved the "lost signal issue" and inproved GPRS connectivity.
:?: please tell me how to check what radio version i use ?
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Somewhere in the settings (system?) you can find this info
:?: please inlighten us ignorant users, what is 3.15.15....
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This is the "windows update" and solves some known windows (PPC 2002) bugs and offers some new functionality.
[/quote]i live in the netherlands, and use the XDA with an o2 connection.
Ik ook, maar je hoef je daar niet voor te schamen hoor...
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thanks for your NOT flaming the new guys....

re :
thanks !
NOW i get it.
NO shame in living in holland.
some shame to confess i own an xda,
but dont know much about it yet...

re :
weirdo1 said:
:shock: now please explain to a starter what a radio 4.16 is, and how it will improve the xda ?
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this is the software that runs the build-in GSM phone of the XDA. For me iupdating solved the "lost signal issue" and inproved GPRS connectivity.
:mrgreen: please send it to me [email protected]
:?: please tell me how to check what radio version i use ?
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Somewhere in the settings (system?) you can find this info
:?: please inlighten us ignorant users, what is 3.15.15....
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This is the "windows update" and solves some known windows (PPC 2002) bugs and offers some new functionality.
:lol: please send it to me [email protected]
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i live in the netherlands, and use the XDA with an o2 connection.
Ik ook, maar je hoef je daar niet voor te schamen hoor...
:wink: pfew.... eindelijk iemand die me snapt...
:?: weet jij waar je de unlock kabel kan kopen hier in nederland ?
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thanks for your NOT flaming the new guys....[/quote]

Zviratko said:
The radio is from NL update...
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Where can I download this updates from the dutch O2 ??? I've got a XDA from the dutch O2 but their helpdesk don't seem to know anything about Pocket PC 2002 Service Pack 3...
So... any clues on how to upgrade my XDA?!

Service pack 3:
hope it was helpfull :wink:

I am such a NOOB ok my radio version is 6.02 that is good or?


Qtek 1010 software for O2 XDA?

I have for a long time been looking for software updates for my O2 XDA (I have ROM 3.02.00 ENG and radio version 4.01), but with no luck.
Now I have noticed new software for free download for the Qtek 1010, apparently ROM 3.16.13 ENG and radio 3.19.01 (should this be 4.19.01?)
Is it possible to use these 2 files to update the software?
As my O2 XDA is unlocked, I wonder whether updating the ROM and the radio version will have any effect on the unlock, i.e. could the phone change to locked?
Best regards
amolldk said:
Now I have noticed new software for free download for the Qtek 1010, apparently ROM 3.16.13 ENG and radio 3.19.01 (should this be 4.19.01?)
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Where have you found these files!?!? I have a Qtek, but haven't heard anything about no upgrade. You bet I'm interested!
Can be found for download on these sites:
I am still curious whether this upgrade can be used for O2 XDA.
Anyone for a test?
Best regards
It's working! I just upgrade the radio rom from 4.16 to 3.19.01.
Sound more like a downgrade then a upgrade. :lol:
Did you also did the winCe rom upgrade?
Don't look at the first number in the OS or radio versions, it denotes region. 4.16 is an older version than 3.19.
Was the upgrade done on a Qtek 1010 or a XDA?
Anonymous said:
Can be found for download on these sites:
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They only say, somthing about sending the OS via eMail. It seems, that there now downloads left ...
Has somebody got that Download and is willing to share it with us ??
The image can be downloaded on the first site...
however, I have just reflashed my XDA/MDA with the older irish ROM, it has plenty more features than this one, GPRS standby and ISDN call type.
Don't trust the version numbers
Zviratko said:
The image can be downloaded on the first site...
however, I have just reflashed my XDA/MDA with the older irish ROM, it has plenty more features than this one, GPRS standby and ISDN call type.
Don't trust the version numbers
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Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
SladeHammer said:
Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
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Think this might be more usefull For CE
And for the radio
Please note you must first upgrade the CE version then the Radio...upgrading the radio only can cause problems
NoBackUp said:
SladeHammer said:
Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
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Think this might be more usefull For CE
And for the radio
Please note you must first upgrade the CE version then the Radio...upgrading the radio only can cause problems
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You are wrong, the Radio update goes first and patches WinCE.
btw. don't use the update, really, use the Ireland O2 update ROM.
Strange file after updating
I have upgraded my Qtek using
I performed all the instructions correctly and my pocket pc now has the
upgrade. However, in the remove programs, there is a file called HTC RSUupgrde.
I dont know I don't have to remove this or should it actually be there on my pocket pc? What happens if lets say I have to do a
hard reset and I lose this file?
Any suggestions? :?:
[email protected]
How to use FM in India
My frnd has gifted me a O2 XDA Orbit.....I bought this from UK...BUT I am not able to listen fm in India.....
Please help me.......
Also plz suggest me some website to get some games, software for O2 XDA Orbit.....
Thanks in advance

Upgrade of Bouygues' iPDA (French version of Qtek 1010)

News and issues about upgrading the Bouygues' iPDA.
Nouvelles et problèmes concernant la mise-à-jour du iPDA de Bouygues.
sopheap said:
News and issues about upgrading the Bouygues' iPDA.
Nouvelles et problèmes concernant la mise-à-jour du iPDA de Bouygues.
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I've just screwed up my iPDA's radio stack by upgrading it to 4.21.00 (O2 upgrade). :?
I really need someone to help me getting out of this mess! Does anyone owns a Bouygues iPDA with the original radio stack ROM and who can gently pass it on?
Merci les Frenchies...
You got problem with the 4.21.00 O2 upgrade ?
Why would you re-flash your XDA with the old originial Bouygues rom ?
Rather put a kitchened Rom from Jeff site (a WM2003 based rom or a 3.17.03 based rom as well)
It works great on my Bouygues Ipda ...
Frenchies a la rescousse :wink:
zendrui said:
You got problem with the 4.21.00 O2 upgrade ?
Why would you re-flash your XDA with the old originial Bouygues rom ?
Rather put a kitchened Rom from Jeff site (a WM2003 based rom or a 3.17.03 based rom as well)
It works great on my Bouygues Ipda ...
Frenchies a la rescousse :wink:
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Thank U for your answer zendrui!
Yes I got a problem with the 4.21.00 RSU... I don't any signal at all...
My previous Radio version had a weird numering: R3... something instead of the usual "4.xx.xx"... Do you think there could be several hardware design of the iPDA?
By the way if someone has the original Bouygues RSU, please let me know!
sopheap said:
zendrui said:
You got problem with the 4.21.00 O2 upgrade ?
Why would you re-flash your XDA with the old originial Bouygues rom ?
Rather put a kitchened Rom from Jeff site (a WM2003 based rom or a 3.17.03 based rom as well)
It works great on my Bouygues Ipda ...
Frenchies a la rescousse :wink:
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Thank U for your answer zendrui!
Yes I got a problem with the 4.21.00 RSU... I don't any signal at all...
My previous Radio version had a weird numering: R3... something instead of the usual "4.xx.xx"... Do you think there could be several hardware design of the iPDA?
By the way if someone has the original Bouygues RSU, please let me know!
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You know what...
I found the solution to my problem by myself...!
For those who encountered the same issue:
1. Bootload the PDA (hold "On/Off" button and soft reset)
2. Enter the GSM module test menu by pushing the Calendar button
3. In the menu, select this sequence:
- GSM 900 / 1800
In fact the RSU upgrade will kind of resetup the GSM module (or turn it off), which is apparently not suitable for the French network. So one has to set the GSM module with the right parameters...
I guess this is applicable to other countries as well.
I am so happy! :lol:
Hey in the menu I noticed options "GSM 1900" along with "GSM 900" and "GSM 1800"... Do you think the XDA is actually TRI-BAND?
Well pleased for you if it works.
Personnally I put a WM2003 4.00.05 rom and it works well.
I also saved the original rom form bouygue if needed (but it is really a too old rom)

QTEK and 2003

I cannot find a good 2003 for my QTEK. I tried the 4.00.5, 4.00.10, 4.00.11 and 4.00.16 on my QTEK, and had the SD Card erasure problem with one of them, and with others after a few hours, radio buttons and checkboxes on dialog disappear.
Anyone can help ?
Just out of curiosity what radio stack are you running?
I use radio 3.19.01.
I used to have to radio dead signal, and I broke my screen. when the device returned from repair (EUR 140, incl taxes), I had this version on it, and I have no more problem since then
Take care (of your device!).
Hi ..
How did u manage the upgrade ... EXE file or SD and boot loader ??
I couldn't do it with the EXE method till now, and have no budget for SD and reader
I also have the QTek 1010, rom 3.18.04, radio 3.23.01. Im also keen on upgrading to 2003. Would like to know which version to use and should I upgrade my radiostack to any specific version, eg. o2's 4.21?.
Biso007 said:
Hi ..
How did u manage the upgrade ... EXE file or SD and boot loader ??
I couldn't do it with the EXE method till now, and have no budget for SD and reader
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I use the SD card method. Fortunately, I made a Backup of my rom on a sd before, and a backup of all the content, so I've been able to rollback to 3.16.13 with no problem.
kitarolivier said:
I use the SD card method. Fortunately, I made a Backup of my rom on a sd before, and a backup of all the content, so I've been able to rollback to 3.16.13 with no problem.
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Thanks kitarolivier, seems it's the only working way.
For MarkB,
should I upgrade my radiostack to any specific version, eg. o2's 4.21?.
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I read alot about avoiding playing with the Radio stack and specialu with the 4.21 one since you can't roll it back. may be you should check with your local providor.
Biso007 said:
may be you should check with your local providor.
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Here is the reply from Proximus (Belgian Mobile provider, exclusive resellers of qtek in Belgium) :
Proximus said:
Nous regrettons de n'être pas en mesure de vous proposer la version
Windows 2003. En effet, nous préconisons l'utilisation de la version
2002 qui se montre plus performante.
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This was the last time I bought something at Proximus.
Where will I buy the XDA II ) ?
kitarolivier said:
Where will I buy the XDA II ) ?
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One friend called me today from Gitex at Dubai ... the new i-mate is so COOOOOOLLLLL ... worth the $845 :wink:

GSM incoming call problem.

I've got a G3 Prophet with a problem.
After a couple of hours my device seems unreachable for incoming GSM calls, people who are trying to call me get a standard "This phone is not available" text from my provider.
Strangely enough at the same moment i CAN call outgoing, after the outgoing call is initiated, i can receive incoming GSM calls again..
So it looks like the radiorom falls a sleep.
I tried the following radio roms
And rom: RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_26121_QTEK_WWE_Ship
My provider is: T-Mobile NL
What else can i do to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
I also had some problem with all those radio rom on my Qtek S200 G3... 2.20.21 was the best for me... I am now using 2.69.21 without any problem.
I am also using the same rom as you...
Am having the same problem, have tried several roms, am curious to the solution...
Also a T-Mobile NL user
Hoi T-Mobile gebruikers / Hi T-Mobile users,
Like zadigre said; maybe is the last RadioROM is something for you: 2.69.21
Stuur aub je ervaringen, we zijn benieuwd! / Please post your experience, we have been aroused curiosity!
Tnx for the link, I will install this radio-rom and let you know my experiences in a while, normally I only hear from people who couldn't reach me once every week or so...
Is this the latest ROM for the S200?
I am using RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_QtekWWE_Ship and don't seem to be able to find the above.
The version is almost the same, i wonder what's new?
Black-Rose said:
Hoi T-Mobile gebruikers / Hi T-Mobile users,
Like zadigre said; maybe is the last RadioROM is something for you: 2.69.21
Stuur aub je ervaringen, we zijn benieuwd! / Please post your experience, we have been aroused curiosity!
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Flashed it today, we'll see..
Zijn er ook nederlandse gebruikers die een andere provider hebben dan T-mobile met hetzelfde probleem?
namco said:
Is this the latest ROM for the S200?
I am using RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_QtekWWE_Ship and don't seem to be able to find the above.
The version is almost the same, i wonder what's new?
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Same rom only with radio rom v2.61.21
Duh, silly me. Thanks for the tip
tc_ii said:
Flashed it today, we'll see..
Zijn er ook nederlandse gebruikers die een andere provider hebben dan T-mobile met hetzelfde probleem?
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Ik had heb dus Telfort en had alleen met 2.61.21 problemen. Qua ontvangst weet ik niet zo goed, mijn problemen waren met name GPRS en wifi.
tc_ii said:
Zijn er ook nederlandse gebruikers die een andere provider hebben dan T-mobile met hetzelfde probleem?
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Shall we keep it English, can the others also understand what we're saying
I saw on the forum that it were only people with T-Mobile. Nobody with a different provider had the same problem, too bad I came to that solution after my upgrade
Black-Rose: There are also people with the wifi/gprs problem who solved it, they mention which rom they use so you can compare if yours is the same...
Good luck!
2.69.21 seems stable, right now..
Hopefully it keeps working.
tc_ii said:
2.69.21 seems stable, right now..
Hopefully it keeps working.
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Yeah, I hope sow!
At first of next month I'll update to .69. too, maybe. I wait for your results!
I am running that Radio ROM for a few days, and it seems to be working perfectly. Just my 2 cents
Stable for a week now..
I think the latest radio rom (2.69.21) solved the problem.
Don't have any complaints either...
hi everyone, i'm a newbie here and just got my 818pro upgraded to PDAViet and everything work fine these few days, but i'm just wondering to update the Radio Rom from my 02.19.21 to later version
can any one tells what is the advantage by upgrading the Radio Rom, now using 02.19.21
better reception? better bettery consumption?? please advance!!
also is it possible to upgrade the IPL and SPL? now having
IPL: 1.10
SPL: 2.15.0000
any suggestion??

German Herald WM5 Rom from HTC

I´ve seen a Link to the (original?) WM5 Rom from HTC in the Wiki...
My German Herald is bricked by now, maybe it can be brought back to life until WM6 is released ?
Did anyone try (I´ll post my experience)?
Yes i posted it but i do not know if it is original. Try please, i can't try it, device is also bricked, but CID-locked to Dutch version, Can anyone provide me with the dutch RUU btw??
UNBRICKED !!! Finally !!!
Thank´s a lot, it works flavlessly
Now i can give Aserg´s rom a try - or wait until HTC provides us with the new WM6 rom by the end of July, JIHAA !
By the way, where did you find the RUU ?
meisterlampe2000 said:
UNBRICKED !!! Finally !!!
Thank´s a lot, it works flavlessly
Now i can give Aserg´s rom a try - or wait until HTC provides us with the new WM6 rom by the end of July, JIHAA !
By the way, where did you find the RUU ?
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Pleas , please, please share it to or any where else. Will start cooking the rest of my holidays.
BTW: which bootloader do you have now and which radio????
Sorry - i was to fast. Found it on wiki
Thanks dutchman!!
is it this one?
GER Versions
HTC German ?? 5.4.407.1 ?? Download
not from vodafone
ungueltige Verkaeufer
Very very great news, Infact my device unbricked!
THANKS THANKS Dutchman, hope yous will be unbricked soon...!
mkford said:
Very very great news, Infact my device unbricked!
THANKS THANKS Dutchman, hope yous will be unbricked soon...!
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Could you please psot some more infos:
Mod nao co link cua ban rom vodafone 1.8.04.. cho minh voi .minh dang rat can
Thanhks truoc nghe
Ya'll good luck with your unbricked devices Now I feel even worse I really need the dutch ROM But the end of July is near
the rom is from january 2007, radio is 2.79 as far as i know...
will edit it soon to be complete !!
thx a lot again
meisterlampe2000 said:
the rom is from january 2007, radio is 2.79 as far as i know...
will edit it soon to be complete !!
thx a lot again
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is ur herald a vodafone vpa?
No, sorry. It´s a German HTC P4350 Device sold by Eplus...
meisterlampe2000 said:
No, sorry. It´s a German HTC P4350 Device sold by Eplus...
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thanks. always wait.
Yours is bricked right ?
Can´t take too long until Vodafone launches WM6
Have a try and ask "The Dutchman", if he had also found anything from Vodafone !
meisterlampe2000 said:
Yours is bricked right ?
Can´t take too long until Vodafone launches WM6
Have a try and ask "The Dutchman", if he had also found anything from Vodafone !
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I don't need Vodafone crap I bought my Herald at BelCompany, it is unbranded No vodafone stuff for me it's just my operator. And I did not find any new ROM's, but i'm still searching
I must say i am very content with the O2 Terra Rom !
Works fast and stable
Let´s wait for HTC to release the official WM6 for Herald
For me the same as the dutchman bought it at bel company vodafone only operator but it isn't branded...
Bricked mine to, and no those damned people at htc delayed it AGAIN!
aaaaaaaaaaaah I NEED MY HERALD!!!
nbyz said:
For me the same as the dutchman bought it at bel company vodafone only operator but it isn't branded...
Bricked mine to, and no those damned people at htc delayed it AGAIN!
aaaaaaaaaaaah I NEED MY HERALD!!!
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Dan heb je dus hetzelfde probleem als mij ben benieuwd hoe nederlands eruit voor Engelsen
Mine is in need for a Dutch ROM aswell. If I know how to extract a ROM from a Herald (if possible)
