Android on Windows Device - Windows Phone 8 General

Dear all,
I just have a very old topic asked many time, on different threads but I have a reason for those who have patience to read it all,
Well friends I have read on many forms that if anybody wants android then they should buy android device, & those want windows phone should buy a windows device, BUT LET ME TELL THE NEW SMARTPHONE members,
" its not stupid to ask for dual OS on a newer device, most of us have our PC with dual OS whether win95se & win98se, or windows Me & win XP or vista or XP & win7, and Linux" so it should be promoted at an open resourse like xda forum, rather than asking to buy particular is device, its just matter of interest for experienced developers to work for these multiple OS. On one device,
I can just say a tag from one of our famous xda developers 'BePE' " ITS Our device & we are the one to decide what we wish to run on our purchased devices, we paid a handsome money to buy these devices, &its not Microsoft or apple or google or Nokia or etc to lock up our options just in the name of security and putting so many locks(developer lock, root lock, interop unlock) its a free world
For those who think its absurd I will just say that (except htc magician & HTC PDA2K)
I Have seen happen from early devices, right from k-jam to jasjam to to JasJar(aka universal) to HTC tytn to HTC diamond to HTC topaz to HTC Blackstone & finally to the legendary HTC hd2 every user who believes that user is the person who decides what he wants to run on the device, as they pay a handsome amount to buy the devices

pinkjpr said:
Dear all,
I just have a very old topic asked many time, on different threads but I have a reason for those who have patience to read it all,
Well friends I have read on many forms that if anybody wants android then they should buy android device, & those want windows phone should buy a windows device, BUT LET ME TELL THE NEW SMARTPHONE members,
" its not stupid to ask for dual OS on a newer device, most of us have our PC with dual OS whether win95se & win98se, or windows Me & win XP or vista or XP & win7, and Linux" so it should be promoted at an open resourse like xda forum, rather than asking to buy particular is device, its just matter of interest for experienced developers to work for these multiple OS. On one device,
I can just say a tag from one of our famous xda developers 'BePE' " ITS Our device & we are the one to decide what we wish to run on our purchased devices, we paid a handsome money to buy these devices, &its not Microsoft or apple or google or Nokia or etc to lock up our options just in the name of security and putting so many locks(developer lock, root lock, interop unlock) its a free world
For those who think its absurd I will just say that (except htc magician & HTC PDA2K)
I Have seen happen from early devices, right from k-jam to jasjam to to JasJar(aka universal) to HTC tytn to HTC diamond to HTC topaz to HTC Blackstone & finally to the legendary HTC hd2 every user who believes that user is the person who decides what he wants to run on the device, as they pay a handsome amount to buy the devices
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OK. What EXACTLY is your point?

Another idiot. Try port it by yourself, stop asking it. Noone cares about your request.

Android is a pesky system as far as hardware requirements are concerned. you will need new drivers for pretty much everything there is in windows phone hardware.
There is also the secure boot chip, which won't allow anything but windows phone to boot on the device. So good luck porting it.

matthew5025 said:
OK. What EXACTLY is your point?
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The point is my friend that I am not asking to do a android port for windows device and its the first time I am posting any thing regarding android on a windows forum, but as I mentioned I see lot of users asking about the dual os and the reply they get is " buy a android device"
Its absurd, previously we used to see a decent and logical explainations like " it depends on how many users are interested in such development'
Its XDA developers forum & is a decent and respectable and its been open to any idea, people must maintain the dignity of this place, rather than Dictating the other users to buy a different devices

Useless guy said:
Another idiot. Try port it by yourself, stop asking it. Noone cares about your request.
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I know my options mr. Smart a** and I am not asking it to develop it for me, I just pointed out the matter, well if the person who asks such question was so brilliant and in a position to develop a dual os by himself than he rathar than asking in forum he/se would have posted it and made a sticky on your face.
This is a creative forum, to promote ideas, not a personal property of yours,
If it would have been that no one cares than we would still have only wm 2003se or wm5 or wm6 or em6.5 on many devices are running dual boot at present

one idea on this would be to wait for the android emulator in the SDK to get updated to windows RT, (windows RT and winphone 8 have the same kernel) so once that happens, we can run our emulator on top of winphone 8
I may be slow, but it's a start point.

Well hardware doesn't look much of a deciding factor - as these days there are many android devices powdered by krait but i believe we must port/re write drivers build new kernel etc . We need a hell lot of people with good enough know how on the technical side of things to have a constructive discussion on this subject here .

Just say no to Andoroid on Windows devices.:silly:
---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------
sinister1 said:
Just say no to Andoroid on Windows devices.:silly:
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Seriously, I've had two Android devices; a phone and a tablet. I gave them a try because you had more options to customize and such but the OS just plain sucks ass and it's glitch just like if not worse than Windows Mobile. I use to complain about not being able to do the stuff I use to be able too on WM all the time when I switched to WP but now I don't have to worry about extrem lagg, reboots and battery drains.

nikufellow said:
Well hardware doesn't look much of a deciding factor - as these days there are many android devices powdered by krait but i believe we must port/re write drivers build new kernel etc . We need a hell lot of people with good enough know how on the technical side of things to have a constructive discussion on this subject here .
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thanks you for your generous reply, i feel that's how we at xda have been reasoning politely to our fellow members

And again a thread on the same topic and I'll give you pretty much the same reply I have given on most of those threads: it's just not very likely to happen anytime soon.
It has always taken quite a long time before HSPL has become available on WP7 devices and for some there still is none. Especially Nokias Bootloaders have been declared to hard to hack by some developers. Given that with WP8 Microsoft introduced Secure Boot which cryptographically verifies the Bootloader AND Kernel for correct signatures before loading them it has gotten quite a lot harder to do than it has been on WP7 and even though there was HSPL for WP7 devices (and devices like the HTC Titan had a practically identical brother with Android) there has never even been the hint of a succesful port.
Aside from that - many Android ports to other hardware (Windows Mobile) were either unstable or lacked lots of hardware support (Camera and GPS being the most common problems). Based on all this, the correct answer to people who bought a WP device but don't like the OS and would prefer Android can only be: sell the device and buy an Android device. You can do it today and it will work reasonably well.
The alternative would be to tell people to wait for an unlikely event (a port) to happen and then after more than a year get a system that lacks important functionality or performs badly. Therefore, with all the information currently available the only answer to give people who ask for it: if you want Android buy an Android device (or port it yourself).


Windows Phone 7 with full "multitouch" on our HD2´s

Hey xda´s!
Today I´m getting my own HD2 from england and I can´t wait to hold it in my hands
But I have some questions about the phone.
The first one is...Will the HD2 be upgradeable to Wiindows Phone 7 or if it will not be official upgradeable will the xda´s can do it? I know its early to ask about WM7 because there are not really many specs out about it yet but I would like to know what you think about that
And my second question is...Will the HD2 with it´s capacitive screen have full "multitouch" aahh sorry "pinch to zoom" support on WM7?
...or will the xda´s enable more multitouch gestures in the next weeks or months?
There have been tons of queries about this subject, please use the search before posting. It's probably safe to say that HTC won't be giving us WinMo7 the official way, but I'm sure the XDA community will find a way getting it to our beloved HD2 "the other way"
it will be possible congrats for ur new mob you'll love it
Yep! Thats right! If not Officially, you can bet that Win Mo 7 will be made available on the HD2 by the talented devs here. And not just that, we might even get Android to run on it!
Congrats on your purchase!
Tanmay® said:
..., we might even get Android to run on it!
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Thats a point i never got...
Why do people want to port Android on Wimo Phones? I you like Andorid, why don't you directly buy an Android phone which was designed for the operating system. I guess thats better than having a bad ported version running on a phone desigend for windows mobile.
actually this subject is non sense.
LordK said:
Thats a point i never got...
Why do people want to port Android on Wimo Phones? I you like Andorid, why don't you directly buy an Android phone which was designed for the operating system.
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People do it because, in the case of the HTC Leo/HD2, there's not one piece of hardware quite like it being sold with Android installed.
I guess smartphones are quickly becoming the new PCs & Laptops of the age. Some people buy a PC with an OS installed as default, they like the hardware but not the OS (usually Windows, maybe OSx) so they just format the HDD and install say Ubuntu etc etc.
jagnet said:
People do it because, in the case of the HTC Leo/HD2, there's not one piece of hardware quite like it being sold with Android installed.
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Yeah but you will never get a well-performing port until an OEM makes a device with the same hardware. Who's going to make the drivers for you?
vangrieg said:
Yeah but you will never get a well-performing port until an OEM makes a device with the same hardware. Who's going to make the drivers for you?
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That's true. Though the Acer A1 and Xperia X3 both use snapdragon so drivers (or partial drivers) will undoubtedly make their way to the porting project.
Yes but then you will have Android devices with the same level of hardware as HD2! So the initial question remains - why not buy them instead of coping with inevitable problems with ports?
It's not like drivers instantly start working when you copy them from one device to another, even with the same hardware platform - check out the video drivers thread to see what I mean. You're doomed to have problems like battery drain or calls dropping or poor performance in some areas or what not.
Then there will be some problems with applications - I don't know about the new devices, but all the current Android ones have low-res screens.
In addition to that, you really want 2.0 with Sense, and there's no port of that available AFAIK. Plain Android is just dull, it's nothing to fret about, IMO.
I understand the fun of porting and making things work, but using that as your primary device? It's guaranteed to be worse than what you have now.
Neither of those devices have 4.3 inch touchscreens. Also The HD2 has a look and feel all of its own.
The only thing spoiling it for me is Windows Mobile and the terrible onscreen keyboard so if we could port Android to this device I would be elated as it has a much better marketplace (Windows Marketplace is really a sack over overpriced crap), less cludge and better built in apps - the Youtube app for example supports user subscriptions and favourites viewing, and I'm a big online video fan.
The fact that Android was built from the ground up for capacitive touchscreen devices rather than being a patched up ropey old operating system with a shell interface on top makes me drool at the idea of it being on the HD2, and YES we could buy an Android device of similar specification BUT where's the fun in that??? Check the name of this site.........................
Well, I'm not on the Google/Android hype bandwagon, I do admit that the UI out of the box there is much more finger friendly and the notifications are implemented in the best way among all the mobile phone OSes, but otherwise Android's greatness is blown out of all reasonable proportion. An Android crippled by driver incompatibilities/incomplete implementation is something that totally misses the concept of attractive in my terms...
That said, I'm sure I'll install it myself one day (via haret or otherwise) just out of curiosity, that would certainly serve to satisfying the geek in me. But to expect that your experience from using the device would improve is somewhat unrealistic.
I am happy with the HD2 and figured I would decide what platform to go with at the time of my next phone purchase. This report should mean I can try out Windows Mobile 7 on the HD2 and take that into consideration as well.
CAH000 said:
I am happy with the HD2 and figured I would decide what platform to go with at the time of my next phone purchase. This report should mean I can try out Windows Mobile 7 on the HD2 and take that into consideration as well.
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nice, i can't wait
MSmobiles is full of **** as usual. They post BS to get hits every once in a while.

Windows Mobile 7?

health, I will be breaking down here because I do not know english: D
My question is if it would somehow go to the Windows Mobile 7 on Touch 2.
if there is somewhere I'm sorry I'm a beginner: D
If you're asking if the touch 2 will be able to run windows phone 7 OS then almost certainly not, sorry
The real question is, would you want to? apart from being nice to look at, WP7 is very limited.
Not almost certanly, its 100 000 % sure
I know, I was being a little too kind.
Like I said, for me, the negatives outweigh the positives when it comes to wp7, only the new ui is improved. and the xbox live integration.
Keep in mind guys that you can not run any existing application on WM7 (change of operating system)....requires new development of all software.....
Not sure if I want WM7.....untill enough freeware is available.....
WindCZ said:
health, I will be breaking down here because I do not know english: D
My question is if it would somehow go to the Windows Mobile 7 on Touch 2.
if there is somewhere I'm sorry I'm a beginner: D
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WM7 is not out as of now, so you won't find ANY device with WM7 AFAIK.
As far as running WM7 on Touch2 ... well unless it is released - who can say? I have seen some great things in this forum - which I never thought was possible.
So, may be you should wait in anticipation.. it just might .
Addicted2xda said:
WM7 is not out as of now, so you won't find ANY device with WM7 AFAIK.
As far as running WM7 on Touch2 ... well unless it is released - who can say? I have seen some great things in this forum - which I never thought was possible.
So, may be you should wait in anticipation.. it just might .
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Maybe you are right and we judge too early......but based on what Microsoft has announced sofar it is not very encouraging. And the many software operating developments by the various phone manufacturers shows the innovation weakness of microsoft.
Also the XDA community has shown that they can turn microsoft software into something workable.....and there is no reason why this can not be done with WM7.....
Frank Caarls said:
Maybe you are right and we judge too early......but based on what Microsoft has announced sofar it is not very encouraging. And the many software operating developments by the various phone manufacturers shows the innovation weakness of microsoft.
Also the XDA community has shown that they can turn microsoft software into something workable.....and there is no reason why this can not be done with WM7.....
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Yeah! M$ is only to make Dollars . Thats why I trust xda more than M$ or even HTC .
If it was to M$, I would have never been able to run WM 6.5 on my Vox .
So, let us keep our fingers crossed .
But when it comes to port another OS to the Touch2, won't be Windows Mobile 7 easier than Android ?

[Q] [DEBATE] Why is MS issuing the activation codes?

I would like to start discussion, what do you thing, why is the MS still issuing tha activation codes for WP7. Nobody here could think, that in MS are so stupid, that they did not noticed, that there is successful port of WP7 to HD2 and that they are now issuing the activation keys to those phones.
I am thinking about those possible reasons:
they do not want to piss regular customers, who could have this problem with the activation
they want to have higher marketshare, so they are just overlooking the issue
they will shut all those WP7 and live ids in next update, so they do not care right now
What do you think guys?
I think option 1.
would go for option 1.
only marketshare that would go up is web browser marketshare... they do not sell more phones this way.
what could be a fourth option is that microsoft actually uses the XDA community to test every security system in their OS for loopholes and bugs in an early stage so they can fix all that (without having to look for the problems theirselves) and make sure people are unable to hack their OS when the OS goes into a more complete and final form as the OS is now only in 7.0 and not even released globally.
still option 1 is more likely. they possibly do not have a database with all s/n or imei numbers for all (sold) wp7 phones so they are unable to check.
aenedor said:
I think option 1.
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Its Option 1. I remember reading on their support site that on some cases that the verification fails (the did not mention the possible reasons) on any windows phone out of the box.
homer.web said:
they do not want to piss regular customers, who could have this problem with the activation
they want to have higher marketshare, so they are just overlooking the issue
they will shut all those WP7 and live ids in next update, so they do not care right now
What do you think guys?
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Definitely #1. When I called technical support, it seemed like the woman I talked with had done this before and she knew exactly what I was talking about. She asked if I was using WP7 and when I said yes, she even said "Oh, well that's why you need an activation code." I think I read somewhere that even if you're using a WP7 device, doing a hard reset on the phone would cause you to need a new activation code, so it's not out of the ordinary for them to receive calls about it I suppose.
#3 is something I'm a bit worried about in the back of my mind, but the thing is my phone identifies itself as an HD7, so I'm not sure if MS would be able to tell it wasn't. I also don't think it's worth their time and money to look into the issue since in the bigger picture, the amount of users who haven't bought an "offical" WP7 device is relatively small I would think. Another thing is they're now getting money from me, since while I have absolutely no interest in buying a new WP7 device, I'm now buying apps/games and will probably buy some music through Zune (really digging the software).
I don’t think there is a downside for MS at the moment. From what I understand, the HD2 is one of the few (last gen) phones capable of running WP7 and the more people that use WP7 the sooner that apps that are popular for other OS's will be created for WP. More money for MS but more importantly, quicker adoption by the general public because the marketplace will quickly catch up with Apple and Droid.
From my limited use of WP7, it’s a great addition. Different thinking in its design but a distinct lack of business and productivity tools in the marketplace is going to hold me back from a using this as my daily OS.
Not a bad thought
I say #1 for sure, though i fear #3 to be honest ;-)
I am highly impressed with Windows Phone 7, and Microsoft may have realized that someone like me may make a WP7 device their next phone purchase.
1 and 2, please not 3.
It's obviously 1 as there have been several actual WP7 handsets needing activation also - that said, there is nothing stopping them from killing all the HD2 codes at any given time. The IMEI still identifies the phone as a HD2 rather than an HD7 so whenever they feel the need...
They could also go as far as banning your Live account from any future access to Zune and Xbox Live due to this - both the one used on your phone and the one you [may have] given them during your phonecall.
I was thinking #2, but i'm reading more and more people now not getting codes. therefore i guess it's #1.
will be very interesting to see what happens when the update comes along. ?will you dare to try it? will marketplace and apps stop working even if you don't install it?
Why should MS actually have a problem with 5 to 10 000 enthusiats that are flashing WP7 on their HD2's? I don't think that will affect sales of new WP7 phones as the HD2 is not produced anymore anyway.
ill take number 3 for 500.00 Alex kidding
I truly believe MS is going to lock us out from Live services similar to the same issue the xbox 360 with a custom FW have,they do a massive band of xbox 360 systems from xbox live service a couple of times a year.
Although we are not pirating any games such in the case of xbox 360 flashed with custom firmware (and yes some people are going to say some use their flashed xbox 360 to backup their games I truly don't care, save it for your mama) just modifying our phones but it seems to me as one way for them to screw us over.
1 & 2 & - I fear - even 3
homer.web said:
I would like to start discussion, what do you thing, why is the MS still issuing tha activation codes for WP7. Nobody here could think, that in MS are so stupid, that they did not noticed, that there is successful port of WP7 to HD2 and that they are now issuing the activation keys to those phones.
I am thinking about those possible reasons:
they do not want to piss regular customers, who could have this problem with the activation
they want to have higher marketshare, so they are just overlooking the issue
they will shut all those WP7 and live ids in next update, so they do not care right now
What do you think guys?
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You do know that Microsoft and HTC along with the rest of them actually read everything posted on these XDA forms.
Why did HTC stop giving out sd cards when everybody started saying there cards were faulty!
Think about it!!!!!!
Don't be too paranoic. A few years ago Microsoft politely asked XDA not to allow the posting of custom ROM's on it's servers. NOTE: They didn't ask for discontinuation of ROM development, although they could do this legally. They just asked that the ROM's are not hosted on XDA. MS knows this site very well since Day 1.
Same goes for HTC. You look at it in another way: XDA is a perfect testing field for all sorts of things. Here you have a bunch of relatively competent enthusiasts that are ready to do almost everything to theis phones That's a very valuable resource for companies like MS and HTC.
Think about HTC. Their phones are always hackable unlike the phones from other brands. Have asked yourself why this is the case?
TheOnly1 said:
Don't be too paranoic. A few years ago Microsoft politely asked XDA not to allow the posting of custom ROM's on it's servers. NOTE: They didn't ask for discontinuation of ROM development, although they could do this legally. They just asked that the ROM's are not hosted on XDA. MS knows this site very well since Day 1.
Same goes for HTC. You look at it in another way: XDA is a perfect testing field for all sorts of things. Here you have a bunch of relatively competent enthusiasts that are ready to do almost everything to theis phones That's a very valuable resource for companies like MS and HTC.
Think about HTC. Their phones are always hackable unlike the phones from other brands. Have asked yourself why this is the case?
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That is correct. You have hit the nail on the head. HTC & Microsoft like what the XDA Devs do with these ROMs, as it will enhance them to produce better ones. Just think back a few months, they were going to release the wp7 update for the HD2. And then not? Why.. Probably to see if the Devs could do a hack. Also why would microsoft make some tools available to enhance these ROMs. Yes you are correct, they like what's being accomplished.
Its the same with the activation keys, they now have none stop requests!! But they will issue them. Will have to wait and see if the new update works, or crashes it?? I will give it a try.
A 'carphone warehouse' insider has informed me that they recieved a bulliten stating that some batches of HTC phones were shipped prior to being activated by MS.
MS apparently have a list of new activation numbers for these handsets but may not have a record of any IMEI numbers etc (he wasn't sure how much they knew about the handsets)
Basically it seems that authentication will also fail on some original HTC WP7 handsets (like the HD7) so MS are prepared to issue those with new activation numbers.
Personally, when I gave my IMEI for my HD2 to get the activation code I changed the last 3 digits and they still said 'ah..yes it's a HTC phone, is that correct?', so might be a good idea to base a made up IMEI on a real one.
The way I see it:
This community and the readers are the one who have spent their time to make their phone compatible with Microsoft so they can use MICROSOFT more. They are saving Microsoft marketing money and expanding its share and generate revenue through apps for them.
Microsoft has always been smart with this. They let the piracy of Windows in ASIA to slit through on basis of expansion of market share. Microsoft should know better than anybody else, why most of the planet use windows,
Microsoft has got the label of M$ but in all fairness, they have been nice considering the power and their dominance. They have special discounts for students, their OS provides the opportunity for people to build any system they want at very very affordable costs.
Their Windows Mobile 7 app development kit virtually has made it simple for app developers to develop apps and make money.
(obviously, they win but at the same time, reduces the production budget for start up folks)
I bought 4 copies of Windows 7 PRO x64 through student discount. Who else would give me so much discount to enable me to buy so many fantastic products?
sorry for the rant and fanboyism. I thought it was justified.
ever thought that maybe they don't know about the hd2 running wp7, my friend had to contact ms for activation for his hd7...

article: Microsoft responds to HTC HD2 Windows Phone 7 ROMs

A Microsoft spokesperson issued the following statement:
“We encourage people to use their Windows Phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best possible user experience. The scenario described is not supported at this time.”
I read that as open season for the moment....
People lets make some noise on there....
EDIT: BTW, When I called for the Activation. They gave it to me (but I had already used the one provided here). Then they called me again today just to make sure everything is operating smoothly. I love their Customer service
and this is how the communtiy responded when MS said no!!! the HD2 has too many buttons.
Microsoft would be crazy not to support WP7 on HD2. Of course they encourage it now..!!
Microsoft has always been rather "friendly" with people experimenting with their products. Look at Kinect, HD2, 360, 7, etc. They are not encouraging it but they are not shutting off all doors either...
After all, it's free advertising and more people using their products...
They learn from it as well!!
“We encourage people to use their Windows Phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best possible user experience. The scenario described is not supported at this time.”
I think the phrase 'at this time' is a bit of a giveaway. In the future maybe???
Whatever people think of Microsoft, they do try to listen to the feedback given by their customers. 'Cracked' software comes with the territory for any OS developer. They could block any unlocks, but that would lead to other methods to bypass this.
No software is crack-proof.
Windows 7 activation was bypassed ages ago, and Microsoft haven't actively tried to stop this.
I'm not a huge MS fan, but hats off to them for trying to improve their software and OS year on year.....
geddeeee said:
“We encourage people to use their Windows Phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best possible user experience. The scenario described is not supported at this time.”
I think the phrase 'at this time' is a bit of a giveaway. In the future maybe???
Whatever people think of Microsoft, they do try to listen to the feedback given by their customers. 'Cracked' software comes with the territory for any OS developer. They could block any unlocks, but that would lead to other methods to bypass this.
No software is crack-proof.
Windows 7 activation was bypassed ages ago, and Microsoft haven't actively tried to stop this.
I'm not a huge MS fan, but hats off to them for trying to improve their software and OS year on year.....
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The reason is there is no need to actively fight the activation cracking. It became a battle between the people who want to crack will crack no matter what. So what they did was make it as inconvenient as possible. Even when Windows 7 was cracked, unforseen checks caused the OS to relock itself and etc. More cracks had to be made to bypass the checks that werent seen.
With Windows phone, It's very likely they they don't care as long as people are using it since you can't exactly go out and buy windows phone 7 and install it like you can with the desktop OS. Plus, who knows how much they charge the phone manufacturers if anything.
The chances are, they either don't charge anything or charge very little and expect to make up for it when people buy content from the marketplace.
The phone itself was specifically designed with the pre-release specs for WP7 and with the HD7 was released and was basically the same, it was known then that eventually someone would get WP7 working on the HD2. Microsoft probably realized it and at this point they are going to just not support anyone using the HD2 as a WP7 device which is perfectly reasonable. The HD2 has some bugs to iron out for WP7 and why should Microsoft have to be responsible for supporting it.
This however isn't going to stop idiots who run WP7 on the HD2 from possibly calling Microsoft because of WP7 issues.
Hmmmm, the link at the top has had many HD2 WP7 users reply and left their view. Be careful because to leave your own comment they ask for an email. Make sure it isnt the email you used to activate WP7.
Putting that aside it is nice to see that Microsoft are not trying to slam the doors shut. Lets see what the updates bring and then see if they mean what they say.
Hilarity ensues!
ChrisTran206 said:
This however isn't going to stop idiots who run WP7 on the HD2 from possibly calling Microsoft because of WP7 issues.
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Nope, the clueless will call regardless...
Honestly though, I didn't know what to think regarding MS's response. I guess I assumed they would shut it down asap. Stunning revelation for me actually and I have new found respect for them in embracing insteading of shunning the enevitable.
maybe MS did add the HD2 to the compatability list a long time ago, but forgot that it was still there, so the customer service just did the right thing.
DannyBiker said:
Microsoft has always been rather "friendly" with people experimenting with their products. Look at Kinect, HD2, 360, 7, etc. They are not encouraging it but they are not shutting off all doors either...
After all, it's free advertising and more people using their products...
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Not quiet sure how "friendly" they are with people flashing their 360 with a custom firmware unless u call "friendly" getting your ass ban from xbox live and ur account cancel
DannyBiker said:
Microsoft has always been rather "friendly" with people experimenting with their products. Look at Kinect, HD2, 360, 7, etc. They are not encouraging it but they are not shutting off all doors either
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DennisCSUF said:
Not quiet sure how "friendly" they are with people flashing their 360 with a custom firmware unless u call "friendly" getting your ass ban from xbox live and ur account cancel
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Yeah, no #%$
I thought his comparison with the 360 was a little off. And M$'s response on the Kinect hack was don't mess with it, until they backtracked and said they made it that way all along.
I guess we will see what happens after the next WP 7 release...
they ONLY reason they are not supplying wp7 for HD 2 is becuz of too many button on our HD 2.. they are stupid.. omg =.=
sooner or later they will put an end to this, and sooner or later hackers will find a way to get pass it.
It comes down to this. its all business. MS wanted a new phone to release its new OS so they got the HD7. who in their right mind in the business world would want to spend millions on a new OS and make it work on past devices before any new devices would come out? and if they make it compatible with hd2, then why not some other windows 6.5 phones? see the chain they'd have to deal with here?
Now as far as their kindness towards the crackers of wp7, that's the only way they could react. if they sound like arse's, ppl would rebel and look down at ms like they do at apple. They aren't going to release some form of fix for the crack right away, so no point in getting mad about it. in my eyes they are behind the scenes saying, have your fun..we'll block it again eventually so you have to crack it again. Meanwhile, they are saving their face, time and money to try to develop a quick fix, and letting people all get drawn into the new OS. Its brilliant. just like our developers here at XDA!
cx1 said:
A Microsoft spokesperson issued the following statement:
“We encourage people to use their Windows Phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best possible user experience. The scenario described is not supported at this time.”
I read that as open season for the moment....
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I think Tom Warren(winrumors) has got his story wrong!
"Some users have contacted Microsoft’s official support lines requesting codes after falsely claiming their device is a HTC HD7. Microsoft has been issuing codes to allow the devices to access Windows Live services."
I never claimed to microsoft that I had a HD7, I was asked why I needed a code. I told them it was for Windows Phone 7, not a HD7. They gave me the code for my WP7 what I told them, so i have not given them false info.
So Tony get your facts right.
Whither the Upgrade
nzxtneo said:
I guess we will see what happens after the next WP 7 release...
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I agree. We shall all see what our efforts and desires bring us when the next release of WP7 comes out.
We'll all get the upgrade cleanly, OTA and we'll be smiling.
The upgrade will lock (or maybe even brick) our phones at which point all the small-minded people will scream at M$ for ruining their phones, which they had already ruined by running WP7 on a non-supported phone.
Or the upgrade won't work on our phones; we'll all be on the current version. Still functional but now it's an old OS (like 6.5). And we'll be asking for new ROMs.
And hey, if it's the first item we'll get copy/paste.
LOL. If it's all about copy/paste then we should "upgrade" back to WM 6.5...It has this functionality, as well as multitasking
I'm personally staying for a while with WP7...I like "The Harvest" too much

The Future Of Windows Mobile

A lot of people have been asking me this very difficult question: What is the future of Windows Mobile? Do you think it will die in a few years(about 2)? And other questions that are about the death of Windows Mobile. On this post I will say about my thoughts of the future of Windows Mobile.
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So I've made this article to say every thing I think about a very polemic topic: The death of Windows Mobile... For sure it won't die in 2 years, it will take a lot more...
The article is on my blog, feel free to share it every where you want, but remember to give the credits
Leave a comment about the topic and my article. Happy reading
PS: I've made this article at midnight, so it may contain some errors and crazy stuff
Windows Mobile without Sense for sure is pretty crappy
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Sorry to write this, but your statement is truly ridiculous, skip to very end of my post before you read rest, to understand why i said that.
As a matter of fact, death of wm started when HTC destroyed whole idea of PDA with its feeble, slow, but VERY popular devices(well..PDA's were made for work, HTC changed PDAs into just phones - popularity(money) rose, niche changed and this tendancy progresses now in absurdal way resulting with WP).
They just started to load their bloatware(manila,sense), in EXCHANGE for specs(and dpad/buttons), specifically. I know LOTS of people, that left WM platform just because of that, and even HD2 wasn't able to change that(FAR too late, too ridiculous, too buttonless, to expensive, etc, etc).
XDAdev forums took some part in whole process, imho(you NEED manila, you NEED sense - what a bull****).
HTC seem to be VERY happy after gigantic success of manila's, sense's resulting in destroying of many of old wm software developers(yes, by marketplace,my friend).
Finally, androidz and ridiculous iphone took rest.
95% of cooks i know and i respect would NEVER add manila, nor sense to their roms, as a matter of fact, actually most of them left wm platform already(well, rest bought...hd2, rich happy people mhmm.).
I will stay with my device(PDA with phone module, not HTC), as there is NO software i am using made for android, nor wp(sorry to say, old wm software is totally different league from actual promoted software, all about that).
So all i can say, have fun with your sense, twitter and facebook, but remember, there was something more few years ago, when future looked bright and good.
sorry for engrish, topic not suscribed(i have no nerves for that, you know, i am able to make skin for hs++ with functionality of whole sense, but it takes 143 kb, not 65MB, this is what made me posting my thoughts, i doubt you can understand me).
As I've said, that's my opinion and I respect your point of view
I liked your article very much. i tried lot of OS on my HD2 and the worst one was WP7. it is a ugly clone of iPhone OS. Windows mobile gives you full control of the device and you can customize it as much as you can...
I hope Microsoft will continue development on WM.
adempozhari said:
I liked your article very much. i tried lot of OS on my HD2 and the worst one was WP7. it is a ugly clone of iPhone OS. Windows mobile gives you full control of the device and you can customize it as much as you can...
I hope Microsoft will continue development on WM.
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yes.. hope microsoft still continuing it...
Nice article, and it was interesting to hear from someone who has tried out the majority of OS's out there. I got my first WinMo device back in 2005, though it still had WM2003 running on it. Since then, I have been hooked on WinMo. Like you, I also have an iPod Touch and the OS is smooth, but the customisation abilities are next to none (even if its jailbroken). Anyway, in general, I agree with most of what you say.
However, where I differ in opinion, is that I think WinMo is going to disappear sooner than you predict. WinMo hasn't had an update since 6.5 (was 6.5.x ever on a commercially available device?). And even HTC haven't offered an update on Sense since the HD2 came out. Thank goodness for XDA-Devs and Cookies Home Tab! I am sure that through this community, WinMo will live on for as long as there are working devices out there (I'm in no rush to swap my HD2 for anything else). But even now, you can see that Android and WP7 are becoming more and more popular within this community. And outside, in public, if you pull out a smartphone (regardless of model, or OS) someone will ask "Oh is that an iPhone?"
The beauty of the HD2 (I'm on my second HD2 as the first one was stolen) is that it will run many different OS's. So far, I have run several versions of Android, WP7 and Ubuntu. But I always come back to WinMo as it still offers the best for customisation and features. The iPhone for me is only a toy/fashion device that is over hyped and seriously over-advertised (which is why it sells so well- that and Apples nice design).I liked WP7, which I ran for nearly a week. Currently in it's first version it is a bit lacking but it is FAST! And when I do eventually get to the point of having to give up my HD2, I am hoping that Nokia will have a seriously good WP7 device on offer.
I am sure that XDA-Devs will continue to breath life into WinMo and drive it on to places Microsoft never thought to take it. But sad to say, I think WinMo has been abandoned by MS, forever. When did you last see a new device come out with WinMo on board? Even HTC seems to have totally hopped ship to Android and WP7. And it's getting harder to find new apps for WinMo (where as, iOS and Android have zillions of apps to offer - most of them are junk, but there are some gems among them).
Sorry to ramble on, but that was/is my opinion. Bleak, but with very fond memories of what is still in my mind, the best OS.
Copied from a post I made in here but worth an inclusion here.
When you visit the Expansys website here in the UK and filter available phones using Windows Mobile, it only lists six models, the same applies to Phone 7.
If you select available phones by Android, you get nearly fifty, although some of these are duplicated as different bundles, +SD card, cradle etc. The writing is clearly on the wall.
Interestingly, one of the Windows Mobile phones is an Airo Wireless. At over £500, it is a rather expensive item, but it is a waterproof, rubber armoured device that would probably survive being fired out of a cannon.
Post #38 by Tpimp420 in the thread link above, mentions Microsoft have rebranded WinMo as Microsoft Embedded Handheld, in the much larger Windows Embedded arena, and are targeting these types of devices for use in enterprise business applications/solutions.
Microsoft has wised up to the fact that there are countless thousands of these things already in use, in warehouses and factories as barcode readers and pick-list terminals, in airlines (as Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals), data capture devices as meter readers, or in the field as customer survey recording devices, etc... etc..... The list goes on and on. These devices may occupy a niche market, but it's still quite a big one, which needs and will continue to need supporting. In the field these devices get a lot of use/abuse, and when they need replacing, with what do you replace them? An I-Phone or Android device? They wouldn't last a week!
WinMo as we know it, might not evolve much further, but Windows CE, and Embedded versions of XP and Windows 7 live on, for new generations of tablet devices. Microsoft has announced that it wants a lot more Windows stuff to run on ARM devices.
Meanwhile, there are still millions of WinMo devices out there, and sites like this, that try to keep them running.

