ME176C/CX Kitkat and Lollipop OTA UPDATE Guide + Troubleshooting - MeMO Pad 7 General

For everyone, that is unable to update your OTA files, i found a solution.
I do not have the credits myself, there was someone else that found this out, i cannot remember from who is it, but i believe it was someone on this forum.
I did find the links on 4PDA and the inscrutions aswell.
to fully upgrade KK you need OTAs - 191,198,199,201 - you need to flash them in order and flash every single one! You can flash them at one recovery session, it will update the tablet the correct way. Or you can just reboot after every single update, what suits you more.
!!! Im not responsible for anything that happens during/using these steps, you and only you are responsible to what happens, use with caution !!!
KK to LP update takes long time, make sure to be charged to atleast 50% of your battery! If your device powers off midway through any update, it will probably cause hard brick, making your device no more usable!
To update from KK to LP, you need to have the latest KK OTA, which is .201!
For the OTA updates, use the files from [me176c/x] [K013] Collection of ROMs and Updates - watchout for the .191 update, there are 2 links, from which only 1 is correct, .191 update should have 154MB.
There are some thing that will prevent you from updating
- root - should not prevent you from updating, i used the Root Zenfone app, from mentioned thread above, it did not prevent me from updating, but unrooted after KK to LP update
- xposed - not tested
- uninstalling system apps WILL 100% prevent you from updating (to revert that, install the .182 full ROM)
- freezing/disabling system apps SHOULD NOT prevent you from updating
For updating i used Temp CWM recovery, TWRP had some issues updating, if you get errors in TWRP, please consider using CWM.
Download the files respective to each OTA update from my google drive (Modified Update Scripts)
Extract the updater-scripts from the downloaded files to any folder and copy it
Download the OTA updates from this thread (first post)
Open\META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script with WinRAR and paste it (replace the original update-script)
WinRAR then has some options for compression and stuff, keep everything as it is
You do this to every single OTA you have - 191,198,199,201
Then move them to your internal storage on the device, or sdcard, whatever is better
power off your tablet and boot it up once again used POWER + VOLUME UP
Droid boot mode should appear, connect it to your PC
open launcher.bat inside Intel FBRL (cant share the link atm - google intel temp recovery)
follow the steps in your launcher.bat - ACCEPT, wait, 5 (, wait, T2 or T4 both works
Temporary CWM then should boot up on your device
make full factory reset data/cache/dalvik-cache
flash the modified OTA update from your intstorage/sdcard
when youre in the recovery already, you can flash every OTA you have, but in order - that means you flash 191, then 198, 199, 201, THEN REBOOT
wait for your tablet to finish the updates and boot up the system as normal
When you made it to .201 update (check in system settings, if thats correct), you can either stay on 4.4.2, or upgrade to 5.0
download the file from official ASUS website, i used version .17, you should be able to go straight to the .36
open the downloaded file, extract updater-script once again using WinRAR
(same location as before -\META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script)
delete the first 2 lines in the updater-script
getprop("ro.product.device") == "K013" || abort("This package is for \"K013\" devices; this is a \"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\".");
show_progress(0.750000, 0);
put the modified updater-script back into its original place, WinRAR asks once again for compression level and stuff, keep everything as it is
Move the modified update file to either the root interal storage or root of sdcard
your device should ask you to update in the notification bar, if it does not, try either rebooting the device or plugging/unplugging MTP cable to your PC, both should work
select the update, let it do its thing
For many things, including the modified updater-scripts, temp recovery and OTA files i used
Asus MeMO Pad 7 ME176CX - Обсуждение - 4PDA
Asus MeMO Pad 7 ME176CX - Обсуждение, Планшет, 7''
Make sure to use in-built translation like Chrome has for example to understand the forums, as it is written in russian language
If youre trying to download an OTA or firmware file from the website and the link doesnt do anything, try right-clicking the link and "Save the URL as..."


[GUIDE]Upgrade TF300t to Jellybean 4.1 or 4.2, root, recovery & remove bloatware

Dear Asus Transformer TF300T users,
Asus released the 4.2 Jellybean update. Since there are some people with fastboot problems or don't know how to install recovery or root, here is a guide which will let you:
- Install recovery and give you root acces on latest 4.2 update
- [Optional] Remove bloatware from your tablet
== Part 1 - Preparation ==
Before we start with this guide I can tell you guys it will work for:
- All 4.1 firmwares
- All 4.2 firmwares
So what do you need to do as a preparation of rooting and installing recovery:
1. Upgrade your tablet to the desired firmware: 4.1 or 4.2
2. Be sure the correct drivers for your tablet are installed!!
3. Download the updated rooting toolkit: Updated Motochopper rooting toolkit
4. Download TWRP for your firmware version:
- 4.1: TWRP for Jellyeban 4.1
- 4.2: TWRP for Jellybean 4.2​
5. Rename the downloaded TWRP blob file to twrp.blob and copy it to the root of your sdcard
5. Extract the rooting toolkit to a place you like.
== Part 2 - Rooting ==
1. Open up the folder where you placed the rooting toolkit.
2. Open the run file and follow the instructions
After installation the tablet should reboot and you should be rooted.
== Part 3 - Latest TWRP recovery ==
Be sure you have twrp.blob on your removable sdcard or it won't work!
1. Open up CMD in the folder were you have your adb files (Shift + Right Mouse Click => Open CMD here) and use the following commands to install TWRP:
adb shell
dd if=/Removable/MicroSD/twrp.blob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4​
2. After this you need to reboot your tablet to let it install the recovery
MOD EDIT: This Method ONLY applies to JB 4.1. Do Not Use on JB 4.2
Dear Asus Transformer TF300T users,
Asus released the Jellybean update in the United States. Here is a guide which will let you:
- Prepare your tablet for the Jellybean update
- Update your tablet to Jellybean software
- Install recovery and give you root acces
- [Optional] Remove bloatware from your tablet
- [Optional] Speed up your tablet using tweaks
== Part 1 - Prepare the tablet ==
First we need to install the US update to be able to upgrade to the Jellybean software, then we will do the actual upgrade to Jellybean.
1) Download the US update: Asus support site
2) Put the file on your tablets internal storage
3) Got to recovery and make a backup
4) In recovery do to a factory reset and wipe dalvik cache
- TWRP recovery: Wipe => Dalvik Cache and Wipe => Factory reset
- CWM recovery: Factory reset and Advanced => Wipe Dalvik Cache
5) Flash the file
Don't install a custom recovery after doing this step. The Jellybean update will only be automatically launched with stock recovery
6) Reboot into your tablet and enable "USB-debugging" and "Unknown Sources" in settings
7) Connect your tablet to your pc and download this file: Automated Rooting Toolkit
8) Extract the rooting toolkit and follow the instructions to root your tablet.
9) Once you finished the rooting process you are ready to continue to the upgrade process
== Part 2 - Upgrade to Jellybean ==
This will upgrade your tablet to Jellybean (Android 4.1.1)
1) Download the necessary files:
- dlpkgfile: Jellybean OTA update Rename this file to dlpkgfile
- command: (Extract this zip before copying to your tablet)
2) Copy both files to your MicroSD card or internal storage
3) Open root explorer or another file explorer with root acces
4) Copy dlpkgfile to /cache folder and the file command to /cache/recovery
5) Now you need to reboot your tablet, this will start the installation of the Jellybean update
6) Wait untill the update is finished and now you have Jellybean on your tablet
== Part 3 - Install recovery and rooting ==
Let's start with installing the recovery
1) Download these 2 files:
- Jellybean recovery with fastboot files: Fastboot files + JB recovery
- Root files: Root Files
- You can also download the new CWM Touch recovery if you don't like TWRP: CWM Touch recovery thread
2) Extract the recovery with fastboot files zip and open a command prompt in the same folder of the adb and fastboot files (Shift + Right mouse)
3) Reboot into the bootloader of your tablet, type: adb reboot bootloader
4) When your tablet has reached the bootloader navigate with volume down to the usb icon and press volume up to confirm.
5) To flash the recovery type:
- TWRP: fastboot -i 0x0b05 flash recovery tf300t-jb.blob
- CWM: fastboot -i 0x0b05 flash recovery CWM-Touch.blob
6) A blue bar will appear and the recovery will be installed, when the blue bar is filled press volume up + power button to reboot into the tablet.
Now we will root the tablet
7) Copy Superuser-3.2-RC3-arm-signed to the internal storage of your tablet. then reboot into the bootloader again.
8) This time you need to select the RCK icon with volume up to enter the recovery image.
9) In recovery flash Superuser-3.2-RC3-arm-signed and reboot into the system
10) Install Supersu from Google Play
11) Open up Supersu, it will ask you to update the binary, choose yes.
12) Now your tablet should be rooted
== credits ==
- eyeballer for TWRP recovery
- untermensch for CWM recovery
- sparkym3 for his automated rooting toolkit
- Redefined301 for his guide
== Part 4 - Remove the Bloatware ==
The bloatware that can be removed is listed here, I listed it in categories
== Live Wallpapers ==
Black Hole (wallpaper or live)[B][INDENT]- Galaxy4.apk
- Galaxy4.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Android Live Wallpapers[B][INDENT]- LiveWallpapers.apk
- LiveWallpapers.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Backgound Picker[B][INDENT]- LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
- LiveWallpapersPicker.odex[/INDENT][/B]
HoloSpiralWallpaper Wallpaper[B][INDENT]- HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk
- HoloSpiralWallpaper.odex[/INDENT] [/B]
Asus Water Live Wallpapers[B][INDENT]- MyWater.apk
- MyWater.odex
- MyWater2.apk
- MyWater2.odex[/INDENT][/B]
== Face Unlock Feature==
- All files in /system/vendor/pitpat
- /system/lib/
- Facelock.apk
== Widgets==
Battery widget[B][INDENT]- BatteryWidget.apk
- BatteryWidget.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Deskclock[B][INDENT]- DeskClock.apk
- DeskClock.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Email widget[B][INDENT]- EmailWidget.apk
- EmailWidget.odex[/INDENT][/B]
My Zine[B][INDENT]- MyZine.apk
- MyZine.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Weather[B][INDENT]- Weather.apk
- Weather.odex[/INDENT][/B]
== Google bloatware==
Books app[B][INDENT]- Books.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Chrome[B][INDENT]- Chrome.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Market Feedback[B][INDENT]- GoogleFeedback.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Maps & Streetview[B][INDENT]- GMS_Maps.apk
- Street.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Gallery[B][INDENT]- Galery2.apk
- Gallery2.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Google Plus[B][INDENT]- PlusOne.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Talk[B][INDENT]- Talk.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Search[B][INDENT]- QuickSearch.apk
- Velvet.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Google Video[B][INDENT]- Videos.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Youtube[B][INDENT]- Youtube.apk
- YoutubeSearch.apk
- YoutubeSearch.odex[/INDENT][/B]
== Asus & 3rd Party bloatware==
Asus reader[B][INDENT]- AsusReader.apk
- AsusReader.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Dictionary[B][INDENT]- Dictionary.apk
- Dictionary.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Facebook Poster[B][INDENT]- FacebookPoster.apk
- FacebookPoster.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Asus File Manager[B][INDENT]- FileManager2.apk
- FileManager2.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Asus PC Sync[B][INDENT]- FDHttpd30.apk
- PCSyncLauncher.apk
- PCSyncLauncher.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Kindle app[B][INDENT]- Kindle-OEM.apk[/INDENT][/B]
- MMS.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Asus My Cloud & My Net[B][INDENT]- MyCloud.apk
- MyCloud.odex
- MyNet.apk
- MyNet.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Netflix app[B][INDENT]- Netflix.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Sound Recorder[B][INDENT]- SoundRecorder.apk
- SoundRecorder.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Asus Vibe app[B][INDENT]- Vibe_CN.apk[/INDENT][/B]
Video Editor[B][INDENT]- VideoEditor.apk
- VideoEditor.odex[/INDENT][/B]
Maybe more to be added later
== Part 5 - Speed up the tablet ==
Tweaks will come here
Added my own link to dlpkgfile (OTA update file)
I hope this helps a lot of people
There are a lot of threads here, but not one that's really easy to follow for people that don't know everything about adb and that stuff
is rooting ONLY for unlocked device?
neo_u said:
is rooting ONLY for unlocked device?
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Well I'm not long into the Asus development I'm a Sony Xperia dev
I don't know if you can root with locked bootloader. If you can install the recovery with locked bootloader then you can also root
krabappel2548 said:
Well I'm not long into the Asus development I'm a Sony Xperia dev
I don't know if you can root with locked bootloader. If you can install the recovery with locked bootloader then you can also root
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Yeah. I can try to install, but, can my TF become a brick?
krabappel2548 said:
1) Download the necessary files:
dlpkgfile: Jellybean OTA update
command: (Extract this zip before copying to your tablet)
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First off, thanks for this!
Some questions.
Your link for the dlpkgfile currently seems to point to "GoogleDrive" and makes me login to mine and send a request to be able to download it, which I did. Not sure if you are aware of it working like that?
2nd and most importantly in my case:
I am currently running the Seanscreams Hydro ICS Rom and am considering going this or whatever path is necessary to upgrade to JB. Any tips or alternative suggestions to follow in a case such as mine since I'm not already coming from stock? Obviously I have unlocked and have root. Is there anyway to keep my current setup without having to wipe OR do I need to rely solely on TIBU in order to get back all my apps?
PS: Oh, one more question. Is there a current working recovery to allow for creating/saving a backup once on JB? The answer to this question may very well be my deciding factor on if to wait things out a bit longer or proceed to JB now.
neo_u said:
Yeah. I can try to install, but, can my TF become a brick?
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If you think you'll brick your device, then it's best not to try it.
lazer9 said:
First off, thanks for this!
Some questions.
Your link for the dlpkgfile currently seems to point to "GoogleDrive" and makes me login to mine and send a request to be able to download it, which I did. Not sure if you are aware of it working like that?
2nd and most importantly in my case:
I am currently running the Seanscreams Hydro ICS Rom and am considering going this or whatever path is necessary to upgrade to JB. Any tips or alternative suggestions to follow in a case such as mine since I'm not already coming from stock? Obviously I have unlocked and have root. Is there anyway to keep my current setup without having to wipe OR do I need to rely solely on TIBU in order to get back all my apps?
PS: Oh, one more question. Is there a current working recovery to allow for creating/saving a backup once on JB? The answer to this question may very well be my deciding factor on if to wait things out a bit longer or proceed to JB now.
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Oops, forgot to set the file as public Now everyone should be able to download it
There is a JB recovery it's TWRP recovery. It's in my tutorial in this part:
1) Download these 2 files:
Jellybean recovery with fastboot files: Fastboot files + JB recovery
Root files: Root Files
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krabappel2548 said:
Oops, forgot to set the file as public Now everyone should be able to download it
There is a JB recovery it's TWRP recovery. It's in my tutorial in this part:
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Thanks. I did get the GoogleDrive dl permission and started to dl the file. Unfortunately, it seems this is going to give me the same fits as some hosts such as goo, ect... from my work wifi as it seems to be hanging at 9% :silly:
I was just going to ask which recovery we are actually getting with your method and as per the "quoted" above, I see you mention it's TWRP. As to my understanding following some other threads, this still as of now doesn't allow for an actual "backup" - "restore". Is that correct?
lazer9 said:
Thanks. I did get the GoogleDrive dl permission and started to dl the file. Unfortunately, it seems this is going to give me the same fits as some hosts such as goo, ect... from my work wifi as it seems to be hanging at 9% :silly:
I was just going to ask which recovery we are actually getting with your method and as per the "quoted" above, I see you mention it's TWRP. As to my understanding following some other threads, this still as of now doesn't allow for an actual "backup" - "restore". Is that correct?
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It surely does have an actual backup and restore. It's only slightly broken. It can't back up or restore /boot, but that can be fixed by flashing the ROM after restoring your backup.
I'm working on AROMA installer with working touch to remove bloatware
Does the downloaded dlpkgfile need its name changed when placed in /cache? When you download it, its a ridiculouslyLongName.bin ?
dlpkgfile is the file name. If you change this, you have to change the command.
The command says /cache/dlpkgfile . Ive changed the name several times. Im just trying to figure out why my update keeps crashing at 25%.
Where do you wipe the dalvik cache?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using xda premium
Tried the instructions at least 20 times and it won't work. Sure it's user error
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
is this CWM recoery or TWRP ?
anyone know how to find out why the update is failing?
placed dlpkgfile into /cache/ and placed "command" file in /cache/recovery and the install failed.
pretty sure i "thawed" all my apps, and have the stock build.prop.....if i add apps to system/app will that cause a failed install? i just remembered as i typed this that i modded an app and placed it in system/app because it wasn't signed.
I haven't deciphered an answer for this question as of yet:
Does this work on an unlocked, rooted tablet running a custom ROM?

[GUIDE] Easily switch between last updated stock (OTA support) and custom software

If you regularly install/test custom firmwares, ROMs and mods on your HTC One, it can be quite annoying and time-consuming if you want to go back to the latest stock software with official manufacturer OTA support (for example, to check if the latest official OTA update has been released for your region). Flashing the RUU is arguably the easiest and fastest way, but many of us have only older RUU's available which means having to download some quite big OTA updates every time. To avoid this inconvenience, i've done some research about the various methods to return to the latest stock version as hassle-free and as quickly as possible and i've come up with the following solution. This idea is not ground-breaking and might not be new to some (or most) of you, but i believe this guide should be useful for "noobs" or those who never thought of or didn't know how to handle OTAs and also to find the easiest and fastest way to swap any custom software (ROM/firmware) on your HTC One with the last 100% stock installation right before you flashed a custom recovery.
The procedure described below tries to eliminate the need to look for and flash stock firmware and stock ROMs uploaded by others, which may not necessarily exactly match with the original stock software of your phone especially since there exists dozens of HTC One variants. Using downloaded stock firmware/ROM from others might cause incompatibilities, degradation in performance, lost of signal, poor reception, etc. Ideally, you want to be able to flash whatever ROM/firmware and at any time, if you wish, you should be able to switch back to your own stock ROM and firmware. This is usually done by flashing your RUU (Rom Update Utility) according to your phone's MID and CID. However, most of you would need to go through an annoying and time-consuming update process to download several OTAs before finally reaching the current latest stock version. But here's a solution!
Minimum requirements:
1. Your HTC One's bootloader must be unlocked.
If your device is already S-OFF and if you relocked/locked your bootloader, then you can unlock the bootloader without having to use the official htcdev website. Just follow this guide to set the Bootloader as UNLOCKED:
2. You need to find your device's RUU (decrypted is even better as it allows going through the process faster) or your 100% stock software backup (firmware and ROM). If you made a nandroid backup after unlocking the Bootloader, it won't work since some data was wiped from your phone's memory during the unlocking process from the official htcdev website.
It's advised to use the RUU to restore which is specifically designed for a set of devices according to their MID and CID, rather than trying your luck at finding a compatible stock firmware and ROM for your HTC One variant. Here's a thread with a collection of RUUs and stock firmware/ROMs:
3. Your device should be S-OFF.
This is not an absolute requirement but S-OFF makes the whole procedure much easier. For the purpose of this guide, it will be assumed that your device is S-OFF.
Advantages of this method:
1. You will save time by being able to restore back to the latest 100% stock version very quickly (some OTA updates are around 400 MB which can take some time to download). You will only have to download the OTA's one time and then back up these OTA's to use later for updating/restoring your stock software.
2. You won't need an internet connection to update to your last stock version backup. The update process to previously downloaded (and backed up) OTA's will not require an internet connection. However, you will have to download any newer OTA's if available.
3. You will not have to rely on other sources to find your latest stock firmware and stock ROM. Therefore, you can be certain that you're getting a perfectly matching firmware and ROM for your specific HTC One model (the restored firmware and ROM will be exactly as if you never tampered with your device, with official manufacturer OTA support).
4. You will not have to downgrade if using an older RUU or older stock firmware/ROM, and then have to update it again via OTA. Your HTC One will be restored to 100% stock with the same software version just before you flashed a custom firmware/ROM.
5. If you absolutely need to run the RUU to go back to 100% stock, then you will not have to run the RUU process more than once (which will wipe all your nandroid backups as well as all your data, assuming you have a decrypted RUU, otherwise you will have to run the RUU twice only).
To summarize, if you want to go back to 100% stock using the method in this guide, all you will have to do is restore your nandroid backup and flash the firmware from the latest OTA. You will then get stock software with full OTA support within a few minutes from a custom installation. The method itself consists of handling official OTAs and extracting the most recent firmware in order to restore. But you will need a starting point where your device is 100% stock and able to receive and install official OTAs from the manufacturer. Let's assume that your HTC One is 100% stock. Whatever means you used to reach 100% stock, you will need it again. So, keep that RUU (preferably try to find your decrypted RUU zip) or stock files handy.
Check if you have any OTA update available:
No update available
If no OTA updates are available for your device, you can flash your custom recovery and then do a nandroid backup (very important). Then, you can root, flash a custom ROM and if you're S-OFF, you can even flash custom firmware.
Going back to stock: if you want to check for OTA availability at any time or you just want to go back to 100% stock, the easiest and safest way is to run your RUU. But if you found your decrypted RUU zip, you can go back to stock even faster; first restore your nandroid backup and then extract from the decrypted RUU zip and flash it. That's it. You're now back to 100% stock. You can check if there are any available OTAs and then go back to using custom ROMs again if you like.
Update available
Here is the more interesting part of this guide:
1. You will need the original file for your current stock software version. If you ran the RUU to go back to stock, extract (follow this guide: and then extract from the decrypted RUU file. If the RUU is not decrypted, it will give you an extraction error about all the files contained within being corrupt. In that case, you should try to find a decrypted version of the same RUU or decrypt it yourself (requires Linux, as decrypting an RUU is currently not possible on other OS). Use Winrar/Winzip to open the and extract recovery.img and place it in your adb folder.
2. Check for software update in the Settings menu. If you get OTA update notification, accept it. Note the file size of the OTA download, as it'll be useful to easily identify it later when searching in your device's internal memory. Let it download but do not install it. Select the option "Install Later" when prompted.
3. In the Settings menu, disable fastboot and enable USB Debugging.
4. Flash custom recovery. Root your device. Boot up to Android.
5. Install ES File Explorer from the Play Store (it's free) and give it root permission from its settings. Use ES File Explorer to search for the OTA on your phone. I found Root Explorer to be much faster at searching files although it's a paid app. You will usually find the downloaded OTA in your /sdcard/Download/ folder or /data/data/ folder. The OTA will have the keyword "OTA" in its filename and it will be a single zip file. You can also confirm that it's the OTA file by its file size from the earlier OTA pop-up notification. If you still can't find your OTA zip, you can search for "OTA" or "zip" through ES File Explorer or Root Explorer (much faster). Then go through the search results. Here's the original filename of one of my OTA's: When you've found the OTA, copy it using ES File Explorer to the /sdcard/ location on your phone. Then plug in a USB cable to your HTC One and copy the OTA to a safe place on your PC hard drive.
6. Now, connect your phone via USB, reboot and go to your bootloader. We'll be flashing recovery.img from step 1. Use command "fastboot erase cache" then "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" and finally "fastboot reboot". Now, you have 100% stock again with OTA support. The SuperUser/SuperSU app will still be visible on your phone but it won't work since the su binary will have been wiped during the stock recovery restore process.
7. Check for OTA software update again from the Settings menu. Install the downloaded file through the update notification menu. But if the update re-downloads, cancel it. Instead, you can manually flash it by copying the OTA zip to the phone's internal memory (don't have to rename the OTA zip but for simplicity, rename it to and go to your Bootloader. Select Recovery using the Power button and then press the Power and Volume Up buttons to load the stock recovery menu. Then, select 'apply from phone storage' and navigate the menu as you would in a custom recovery to find and select it to install. It will follow the official update procedures and will reboot a few times before going back to your homescreen. Check attachments below for the stock recovery menu and options.
8. When your phone reboots, check for OTA again. If update is found, download it but choose "Install Later".
9. Then, just follow the same steps above; 4 through 8. Redo the same steps to copy the OTA to your PC and extract The principle is that you should backup all the successive OTAs until there are no more updates available. The very last OTA's is the most important file. Keep it separately from the other firmwares. You should also save the previous complete OTA zips to be able to update quickly if you ever need to run RUU again.
10. After you've made a backup for the last OTA zip file, check for software update and install the already download OTA zip through the normal update notification menu. If the OTA update re-downloads, cancel it and do a manual flash for the OTA update that you saved previously, as explained in step 7. Note that an official OTA will update both the firmware and ROM.
11. Then, flash a custom recovery and make a complete nandroid backup to secure your last updated stock ROM. Copy the nandroid backup to your PC. Keep the nandroid backup and the last file (extracted from the last downloaded OTA zip file) safely as these two files are the only ones you will need to restore quickly back to 100% stock with OTA support, unless you were to run the RUU, in which case, you'll have to install all the OTA zip files successively.
12. Now, you can flash whatever you like on your HTC One. If you're S-OFF, you can flash custom firmware as well.
Going back to stock: if you want to check quickly if any OTA's are available or just want to easily go back to 100% stock software, all you have to do is first, restore the last nandroid backup of the stock ROM and then flash the from the last OTA update that you downloaded. That's it. Now, you can check and update easily to any new OTA that might have been released while your device was on custom ROM/firmware. Obviously, you can also backup any available OTA's, by following the same steps above.
I will probably expand this guide further if there is any interest in it.
If this guide was helpful to you, just press the "THANKS" button!
Hi, I found the guide useful, specially now with the upcoming 4.4 OTA. I'm confused thou, I heard you can't apply an OTA having a custom recovery, is this true? If so, shouldn't you have to flash stock recovery after loading a nandroid backup from recovery to be able to receive OTA's?
Arjen_Arg said:
Hi, I found the guide useful, specially now with the upcoming 4.4 OTA. I'm confused thou, I heard you can't apply an OTA having a custom recovery, is this true? If so, shouldn't you have to flash stock recovery after loading a nandroid backup from recovery to be able to receive OTA's?
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You need to have 100% stock ROM and stock recovery in order to successfully apply an official OTA update. In order words, if you have custom recovery, you won't be able to update. You need to flash in the following order: stock nandroid backup, stock recovery, then download/install any new OTA.

[REF][How To] Return to STOCK Recovery (IF rooted) and sideload OTA

By now, with all the OTA's, unless you are brand new to the 2013 X, you know you have to have stock recovery on your phone for an OTA Update or Soak Test to install, and your system can't be modified too much or it will fail the pre-flash validation checks built into the (i.e. there is a manifest file that checks for specific files and their check sums before it will flash the ota).
If you have an unlocked bootloader, and rooted by flashing a 3rd party recovery (like TWRP, CWM, Philz, etc) and installing SuperSU, you likely didn't put stock recovery back on your phone.
IF you are close enough to stock (like I am... stock, unlocked, rooted, with adfree, wifi tether for root, greenify, Quick boot, and a few other apps that require root), you can just flash stock recovery and take the OTA.
The steps in this post help you do that, or get ready to do that, in case you are not near your PC when an OTA comes, of if you just don't want to use your PC.
NOTE: If you have changed too much of stock that the OTA fails, please see -> [FAQ] How to prepare for and take an OTA update (All Carriers)
NOTE: the following worked when updating 4.4 to 4.4.2, and 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 on my VZW Dev Edition X. Since Lollipop has not yet been released for my phone, I can't test this yet.
Note: If you have flashed your phone with another carrier's ROM, or have only flashed "parts" of your phone, these steps may not work!! Or they may cause you to brick!
NOTE: If your Bootloader version does NOT match the one for your phone's software version, taking an OTA could brick your phone!
You must have an Unlocked Bootloader and be rooted for these steps to work:
Obtain the STOCK Moto Recovery image, and TWRP image, for your phone:
On you phone, go App Drawer -> Settings... Make note of what is listed under System Version, and Android Version.
Visit one of the sites listed in -> and obtain the EXACT same ROM/SBF file that is currently on your phone. Download the ZIP to your PC.
Unzip or extract the RECOVERY.IMG file from the SBF ZIP file.
Download the latest TWRP Recovery from -> (under the Download-Fastboot heading)
the latest SuperSU from -> or the latest CWM / TWRP / MobileODIN installable ZIP from
Flashing Recovery
Place your stock recovery.img, the latest TWRP img, and the latest in your phone's DOWNLOAD folder.
Install Rashr.
On your phone, launch Rashr.
Scroll down and select other from storage
Browse and select your stock recovery
When it completes, pick the option to reboot to stock recovery.
Your device should reboot and display the Motorola logo and then the Android in distress (logo with Exclamation mark)
Press and hold the VOL UP key for 10-15 seconds. While still holding the VOL UP key tap and release the POWER key. You should be in Stock recovery now.
Reboot your phone as normal.
To reflash TWRP or other custom recovery, as long as you are still rooted, you can repeat the same steps, selecting your custom recovery in step 5.
How to SIDE LOAD an OTA.ZIP via this process
If your carrier has started the push of the OTA ZIP for your phone, but you haven't received it, and you've found the correct OTA ZIP posted online and would like to flash it, the following steps can be used...
Download the OTA ZIP file (usually named as, where XXX.XXX.XXX is the build number the ZIP will update) to your phone's /SDCard
Perform steps 1-7 under Flashing Recovery above to flash STOCK recovery onto your phone, and reboot into Stock Recovery.
Use the Vol Down key to scroll to Apply Update From SDCard, and press the Power key to select.
Use Vol Down key to scroll to your OTA zip file, and press Power to select.
The install will begin by verifying the update package, then verifying files on your phone match.
If the install fails, it will be reported on the screen, along with why. (usually because you have modified system files, or are not on the correct ROM version). You need to fix these errors and try again.
If verifications are successful, the patching process steps will begin. This may take several minutes.
Your phone should report Script Succeeded and Install from sdcard Complete.
Ensure Reboot System Now is highlighted, and press the Power key to reboot the phone.
The initial reboot may take longer than a regular reboot.
Note: You will see Android Is Upgrading or Optimizing screen during the boot process, that is normal.
After the update install process is complete, use Rashr to flash TWRP (again, other from storage and pick your TWRP). When prompted, reboot into recovery (so twrp sticks). When in TWRP, select reboot to system.
If you lost root, reboot into TWRP recovery and install
How to Root with unlocked bootloader...
If you unlocked your bootload by getting the code from Moto, after taking the OTA you may root by following -> NOTE: while the thread is titled for 5.1, it works on older Android versions as well.
Good work KidJoe :laugh::good:
I guess this will be more relevant as Soaks start heading out for the 2013 X...
Good post. Can I use the same process on MotoX 2014 pure? I have turned Moto OTA to get rid of constant "update available" notification, if I turn that back on, do you know where the OTA zip file is downloaded (i'm thinking cache )
ks73417 said:
Good post. Can I use the same process on MotoX 2014 pure? I have turned Moto OTA to get rid of constant "update available" notification, if I turn that back on, do you know where the OTA zip file is downloaded (i'm thinking cache )
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Yes, the OTA zip is usually stored in /cache (at least is is on the 2013 X, and my past Moto phones). it is usually named for the rom it is upgrading, not what the upgrade takes you to.
I don't see why this wont work on the 2014 X, as it did on older motos too.
Brother i got Motorola updates services update today. I will try your method once there will be available ota. And can you tell me how to backup my whole rom?
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
ajsonofgod said:
Brother i got Motorola updates services update today. I will try your method once there will be available ota. And can you tell me how to backup my whole rom?
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
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In TWRP you can make a nandroid backup. I've never done it. I haven't had need because I run stock. If I need to reflash, I just reflash the same SBF I've been running.
I followed the instructions in the OP to return to stock recovery, then applied the OTA update Blur_Version.213.44.1.ghost_row.Retail.en.US, but am failing with this message
/system/etc/ has unexpected contents
I haven't knowingly modified any system files, although I am rooted. Any thoughts about what this error might mean and how to resolve it?
ejlmd said:
I followed the instructions in the OP to return to stock recovery, then applied the OTA update Blur_Version.213.44.1.ghost_row.Retail.en.US, but am failing with this message
/system/etc/ has unexpected contents
I haven't knowingly modified any system files, although I am rooted. Any thoughts about what this error might mean and how to resolve it?
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What ROM is on you phone to start with? On your phone go App Drawer -> Settings -> About.. tell me the Android Version, System Version and Build Number. Also what model X do you have?
213.44.1.ghost_row.Retail.en.US is an XT1053 4.4.4 update file for the XT1053 if I'm not mistaken. It is meant to be applied to a 4.4.3 stock rom, and it might apply to a 4.4.2 stock rom..
The OTA file will fail its pre-flash validation checks if you are not on the intended stock rom.
KidJoe said:
What ROM is on you phone to start with? On your phone go App Drawer -> Settings -> About.. tell me the Android Version, System Version and Build Number. Also what model X do you have?
213.44.1.ghost_row.Retail.en.US is an XT1053 4.4.4 update file for the XT1053 if I'm not mistaken. It is meant to be applied to a 4.4.3 stock rom, and it might apply to a 4.4.2 stock rom..
The OTA file will fail its pre-flash validation checks if you are not on the intended stock rom.
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Thank you. I'm embarrassed that I didn't perform sufficient due diligence. I am already on the same system version as the update (213.44.1.ghost_row.Retail.en.US ), which I mistakenly thought was to get to Lollipop from 4.4.4.
there any way to make a dump the stock recovery in Lollipop, without the need root?
ejlmd said:
Thank you. I'm embarrassed that I didn't perform sufficient due diligence. I am already on the same system version as the update (213.44.1.ghost_row.Retail.en.US ), which I mistakenly thought was to get to Lollipop from 4.4.4.
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Yeah, OTA Update files are often named including the version the phone must be on, not the version it takes the phone to.
Do I need to uninstall xPosed & GravityBox before I sideload L ? I guess, Kitkat version of xposed worn't work in L anyway.
ks73417 said:
Do I need to uninstall xPosed & GravityBox before I sideload L ? I guess, Kitkat version of xposed worn't work in L anyway.
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It's ABSOLUTELY BEST you avoid the update............but....
If you can't, it is highly recommended that you clean flash it...kind of the only choice. Flash the 4.4.4 Brazilian stock ROM. And install the update from recovery. You can reroot after adding TWRP back.
I am also on stock rom 4.4.4. But i dont have this rom on my pc for reflashing. Please provide link for download or some info related to it
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
ajsonofgod said:
I am also on stock rom 4.4.4. But i dont have this rom on my pc for reflashing. Please provide link for download or some info related to it
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
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Please see the LINK in my signature for sites to download stock SBF files
ks73417 said:
Do I need to uninstall xPosed & GravityBox before I sideload L ? I guess, Kitkat version of xposed worn't work in L anyway.
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As explained elsewhere... Xposed makes changes to /system which cause OTA updates to fail their pre-flash validation checks.
It is recommended to boot to TWRP and install /SDcard/Android/data/ then uninstall XPosed.
You will also need to undo any changes to /system or other parts the the OTA tries to validate before installing, or else it will fail.
You are correct that a newer version of Xposed is needed.
You may also want to wait on trying the 5.0.2 Leaks because if they are an early limited early test version, rather than a soak which is nearly ready to be pushed to all, you could be stuck on this version until an SBF leaks.
Does anyone know how to return to stock recovery for lollipop? New update came up today but I have TWRP.
upload the stock recovery lollipop please!!!!
Good work, love your detailed explanations always .

[Guide] How to manually flash updates to your Pixel XL and keep your data

Hi everyone!
This is my second guide, but it was the first one written. Like I said in my first guide on how to systemlessly root your Pixel XL, I started writing these for myself so that I can keep straight all the things I like to do. I like simple, concise instructions that written clearly in way that anyone could understand. I've decided to start sharing these with the community!
This guide will teach you to manually flash Google's updates, like monthly security patches or version updates (like Oreo) to your Pixel XL while keeping your apps, settings, and data. It's a very simple and easy process. This guide assumes you know what the ADB/Fastboot and what flashing to your device means.
1) The current ADB/Fastboot Platform Tools
2) A Pixel XL with an unlocked bootloader. This is essential, as a locked bootloader will not allow you to flash anything to your device
3) You should also be fully stock, meaning that you are not running a custom ROM (like PureNexus) and that you are not running a custom Kernel (like Franco or ElementalX)
4) OPTIONAL: Have a file structure for your device on your PC that makes sense to you - for Oreo updates, I use C:\Users\groov\Pixel XL\Oreo\ where I unzip the image and rename the folder to the month of the update, like August 2017 Stock. For the Platform Tools, I use C:\Users\groov\Pixel XL\platform-tools. I copy the necessary files into this folder for flashing.
1) Download the latest stock image
2) Unzip the stock image zip into your designated folder OR just unzip it right into platform-tools
3) Right click ‘flash-all.bat’ and click ‘edit’. You can use any text editor, like Notepad or Notepad++ (I like Notepad++ better because of the font highlighting and better tabbing)
4) Remove the ‘-w’ from near the end of the file; save the file
5) Put the device into bootloader mode (adb reboot bootloader OR power+volume down). Make sure the phone is connected to computer.
6) Double click ‘flash-all.bat’. The update will flash (this takes 5-10 minutes) and the phone will boot with the update installed and all data/settings preserved.
Please note that when you flash the update, it will seem at a few points like it is hanging; it is not. The process will clearly inform you when it is finished, and you will also get visual confirmation in the form of your device booting to system.
I have used this method twice so far - once to go back to 7.1.2 August Stock when I got into a TWRP bootloop trying to root (although I did not keep my data), and then to update to Oreo on Monday (I kept my data then). It worked successfully both times. This method will work for the regular Pixel as well (presuming you download the correct image).
This will obviously only work until Google stops supporting the first gen Pixels, but thankfully we have a long time until then
Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have. I will answer to the best of my ability, and if I don't know something I'll do my best to redirect you.
Good luck and happy flashing!
You can flash with locked bootloader if you download OTA image from same link just select "Full OTA Images" on left menu.
It will automatically preserve all the data, just follow instructions on the page.
I just used this method to update to the latest update. I'm still getting prompted on my phone to install the OTA. How can I stop the OTA update prompts?

[Solved] Can´t update from version 5.1.2 to version 5.1.4 OnePlus5

So i tried to install the update for my OnePlus5 but TWRP gives ERROR 7 i also tried to wipe my data (including system),
i also tried to install the update with the stock recovery (without root) and the update just fails
oxygen updater won´t work aswell
thanks in advance
i´ve trieded newer versions of oxygen os too
sry for my bad english i am german
Are you trying to install a full OTA zip (1GB+ in file size), or a partial OTA (more around 50 MB - 200 MB) over your current 5.1.2 ROM?
At this point I would suggest you flash a full OTA zip of OOS 5.1.4, either through TWRP or OnePlus' recovery. @Titokhan provides a list of mirrors where you can download full signed flashable zips. Make sure to compare the MD5 signature of your downloaded file with the reference signature inscribed on the download page -- this makes sure your download is not corrupted.
Alexandre-P said:
Are you trying to install a full OTA zip (1GB+ in file size), or a partial OTA (more around 50 MB - 200 MB) over your current 5.1.2 ROM?
At this point I would suggest you flash a full OTA zip of OOS 5.1.4, either through TWRP or OnePlus' recovery. @Titokhan provides a list of mirrors where you can download full signed flashable zips. Make sure to compare the MD5 signature of your downloaded file with the reference signature inscribed on the download page -- this makes sure your download is not corrupted.
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i used the OTA before but i will try the OTA you suggested
thanks in advanced:good:
Edit: can i theoretically use a newer version than 5.1.4?
Fredwuz said:
Edit: can i theoretically use a newer version than 5.1.4?
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OnePlus enabled Treble on the OP5 around stable release 5.1.5, and release notes for 5.1.5 stressed that the device should be on 5.1.4 before applying the 5.1.5 upgrade. The release notes for 5.1.6 also stressed that the user first upgrade to 5.1.5 before applying the 5.1.6 system upgrade. Based on that information, I would highly suggest you make sure your device works correctly on 5.1.4 first, then 5.1.5, followed by 5.1.6, and only then you upgrade to a later release.
Alexandre-P said:
OnePlus enabled Treble on the OP5 around stable release 5.1.5, and release notes for 5.1.5 stressed that the device should be on 5.1.4 before applying the 5.1.5 upgrade. The release notes for 5.1.6 also stressed that the user first upgrade to 5.1.5 before applying the 5.1.6 system upgrade. Based on that information, I would highly suggest you make sure your device works correctly on 5.1.4 first, then 5.1.5, followed by 5.1.6, and only then you upgrade to a later release.
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so i flashed version 5.1.3 and it did work but when i tried to flash to version 5.1.4 TWRP was stuck in "Patching system image unconditionally..." did i do something wrong?
After i flashed to 5.1.3 the devices worked normal as always
Here's what I would do:
1. Flash 5.1.3 -- don't re-root, don't flash TWRP.
2. At this point, if you try to boot to recovery, you should have OnePlus' recovery. That's cool, just leave it that way.
3. Boot to system. Allow the system to find newer upgrades, and apply them using the system updater as they come.
4. When you're all updated again to latest release, follow instructions to TWRP and root the device.
Alexandre-P said:
Here's what I would do:
1. Flash 5.1.3 -- don't re-root, don't flash TWRP.
2. At this point, if you try to boot to recovery, you should have OnePlus' recovery. That's cool, just leave it that way.
3. Boot to system. Allow the system to find newer upgrades, and apply them using the system updater as they come.
4. When you're all updated again to latest release, follow instructions to TWRP and root the device.
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now the updater says my system is up-to-date but i only have 5.1.3 installed
Fredwuz said:
now the updater says my system is up-to-date but i only have 5.1.3 installed
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Reboot, wait some time.
What is sometime are about 5 hours enough?
Sent from my OnePlus5 using XDA Labs
Fredwuz said:
What is sometime are about 5 hours enough?
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You can try to use a VPN(app) which connects to another country to force the update. Or flash it with the stock recovery by downloading the file, place it in .ota folder and update it.
strongst said:
You can try to use a VPN(app) which connects to another country to force the update. Or flash it with the stock recovery by downloading the file, place it in .ota folder and update it.
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I tried to use tunnelbear and connected to USA but the updater won't find an update now I will try the other method but can't I just use the lokal Upgrade Option in the updater?
Edit: I have to use version 5.1.4 or?
Sent from my OnePlus5 using XDA Labs
Fredwuz said:
I tried to use tunnelbear and connected to USA but the updater won't find an update now I will try the other method but can't I just use the lokal Upgrade Option in the updater?
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Yes you can, that's what I suggested already
My experience with the 5.1.4 update - ERROR 7 & Treble error fix
Hi, I have 3 OnePlus 5's in my household and I have gotten them all to update to 5.1.4, then 5.1.5, then 5.1.6+ with this method.
(5.1.4 and then 5.1.5 is needed before flashing 5.1.6 or greater).
In my experience, no matter what caches I cleared or what recoveries I had used, 5.1.4 was not flashable on all three devices with the bootloader unlocked. If you have the patience and time, this method should 99.99% work for you if done correctly (leaving a 0.01% chance of failure just in case it does fail lol but that shouldn't happen.)
1.) Firstly, back up your device. I suggest doing this by making a full titanium backup, and copying all the files on the internal storage to a folder on your computer.
This may take a while to copy. In my experience, the fastest way to copy all the data off to the computer is to boot the device into TWRP recovery, plug a good USB C cable in to the device and to the PC's USB port, unlock the device in TWRP (put in the password/pattern to decrypt and mount the data partition [Ignorable if you dont set a password on the device]), and use the adb pull command to pull the files off the device. I found that ADB pull works much faster than an mtp file transfer in windows explorer.
Steps for ADB pull:
Ensure adb is installed on the computer with adb drivers. For Windows, open command prompt or powershell as admin. Type in adb devices and hit enter. If your OnePlus device comes up, then all is good. Use the command (without the square brackets):
[ adb pull /sdcard "XXX/." ]
Replace XXX with a directory on your computer (for example, you can do [ adb pull /sdcard "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Desktop\OnePlus/." ]
If anyone notices any issues with this command please let me know so I can update the post. I am writing this off memory, so there may be minor mistakes.
2.) After your device backs up and you're happy with the backup (i.e. everything you need backed-up is saved off of the phone onto the computer), It's time to relock the bootloader and restore the firmware on the phone.
I haven't tried a simple fastboot OEM relock command, so I cannot say whether that is sufficient enough.
What I did was follow this thread:
Download the Driver and the Oxygen version.
Once downloaded, extract the driver file to its own folder. Extract the firmware to its own folder (cheeseburger_23_O.13_170803).
3.) Using the firmware restoring tool to relock the bootloader and restore the device to factory firmware condition.
Turn off your OnePlus 5 device.
Hold volume up key.
Plug USB cable in to the PC and the Type-C side to the device. Make sure only volume up is held whilst you do this.
Open device manager and check for missing drivers/driver issues. If the driver isn't detected, use device manager to browse for the extracted Driver_OnePlus5 folder you made earlier.
The LED light on the OnePlus 5 should be yellow if I can remember correctly.
Open msm download tool as an adminstrator (right click, run as administrator)
Click the start button on the top left of the msm download tool. (If nothing happens, make sure drivers are installed properly and that the device is in download mode [Repeat the above steps])
If successful, one of the "Device Type" should show your device connected {com device} and the download process and time row will update. Wait for the download progress to finish. The device will reboot on its own when completed. The status should turn green and say done/finished (If I remember correctly).
When your device reboots, do a quick setup. Don't bother putting your google account in or restoring anything if you plan on unlocking the bootloader later for TWRP or other reasons.
Unlocking the bootloader will wipe the phone. For now, just focus on the updates.
Connect the device to Wi-Fi. I found one of the devices I used this method on wouldn't connect to Wi-Fi (modem issue or something). Luckily, I had the 5.1.4 update already downloaded on the computer so I copied the update to the root folder on the device and used the local upgrade option in the OTA update options (in the phone system update settings). Updating the firmware fixed my Wi-Fi issue.
Basically, just do the OTA updates as you would normally. Start with 5.1.4, then you can do the 5.1.5. Do not jump to 5.1.7 because OnePlus only just added treble support in 5.14/5.15 releases so it is important do do those in order first. If you can, do 5.1.4, 5.1.5, 5.1.6 and then 5.1.7 in order. Just follow the updates that the OTA screen allows you to take.
Notes for the Pie update:
I haven't had issues installing Pie with the bootloader unlocked, so if you wish to stay on oreo for now and update later with an unlocked bootloader, that should be fine.
If your bootloader is locked, and you're on at least OOS 5.1.5, you should be able to flash the Pie OTA with the stock recovery without issues.
If you encounter issues installing Pie, and your bootloader is unlocked follow this:​
Unlocked bootloader - Pie Update - Removing from firmware archive:​
Method 1: Pre-Removed modified firmwares:
For STABLE:​Follow this link:
Download " OxygenOS 9.0.0 Full Zip (modified, without ".
For BETA:​Follow this link:
Download " OxygenOS Open Beta XX Full Zip (modified, without ".
You will need a Pie-compatible recovery. Download a compatible custom Recovery (TWRP) (Also available on )
Flash a Pie-compatible TWRP and boot into it.
Copy the downloaded " OxygenOS Open Beta XX Full Zip (modified, without " to the device.
In TWRP, use: Wipe > Advanced wipe > Select dalvik-cache and cache > Swipe to wipe.
I would recommend taking a nandroid backup before proceeding, if you have any important data on the device.
Flash the downloaded " OxygenOS Open Beta XX Full Zip (modified, without ".
Wipe dalvik-cache and cache.
Enjoy Pie.
Method 2: Manual Method to remove for unlocked bootloaders:
Download the FULL firmware OTA (from device settings, or from the OnePlus website).
Copy the firmware to the computer (If downloaded on the device, it will be in the ".ota" folder. Else, it is available on the OnePlus firmware downloads page.
Open the firmware archive with 7-Zip.
Delete from the archive.
Copy the now-modified firmware back to the device.
You will need a Pie-compatible recovery. Download a compatible custom Recovery (TWRP) (Also available on )
Flash a Pie-compatible TWRP and boot into it.
In TWRP, use: Wipe > Advanced wipe > Select dalvik-cache and cache > Swipe to wipe.
I would recommend taking a nandroid backup before proceeding, if you have any important data on the device.
Flash your manually-modified OTA/firmware archive in TWRP.
Wipe dalvik-cache and cache.
Enjoy Pie.
DO NOT use winrar or any other non-recommended programs to remove I found that winrar causes treble errors or error 7.
4.) Re-unlocking the bootloader & Restoring your data.
Once you've installed 5.1.5 or greater, you can now safely go into developer settings and enable oem unlocking, and then reboot to the bootloader to unlock the bootloader (which will wipe/erase the phone data but keep the version to whatever you updated it to). You may then proceed to install TWRP, magisk if you plan on restoring with titaniumbackup, and restore all your sd card contents (or the sd card contents that you need) back from the computer backup the the device (I usually use ADB Push whilst booted in TWRP recovery because it copies quicker than MTP).
Updates should work from now on ( I was able to install android PIE Beta with the bootloader unlocked [See the Pie notes above]. Only had issues with the 5.14 / 5.15 updates with the bootloader unlocked ).
Hope this helps. If anyone has any more information, or questions about this method, do share. Like I said earlier, if done correctly, this method should definitely work for you guys.
Love you Guys:victory:
I did it and it worked first I flashed version 5.1.3 then version 5.1.4 and then I used the updater to upadate directly to version 9.0.0 and it worked :victory:
Thanks a lot and a happy new year
Sent from my OnePlus5 using XDA Labs
Fredwuz said:
Love you Guys:victory:
I did it and it worked first I flashed version 5.1.3 then version 5.1.4 and then I used the updater to upadate directly to version 9.0.0 and it worked :victory:
Thanks a lot and a happy new year
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Sent from my OnePlus5 using XDA Labs
Fredwuz said:
Love you Guys:victory:
I did it and it worked first I flashed version 5.1.3 then version 5.1.4 and then I used the updater to upadate directly to version 9.0.0 and it worked :victory:
Thanks a lot and a happy new year
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Glad you got it working! Happy new year to you as well

