Stable Global Proxy Private Network with Pixel 4 XL - Google Pixel 4 XL Real Life Review

The Pixel 4 XL has enough performance for me and is very stable without upgrading, I have been keeping the official last version of Android 10 - 10.0.0 (QQ3A.200805.001, Aug 2020)
I chose to stay with Android 10 because I often download files that are easier to read in /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/, although I have patched the boot.img file with Magisk.
The software versions I use are based on the above-mentioned 10.0.0 (QQ3A.200805.001, Aug 2020) system version number;
Tasker Add a task, name is Boot/Select Action Category/Code/Run Shell/
setenforce 0
select Use Root,
This is helpful for Viper4Android and rooted file managers to enter the system path.
I learned that the gamma value of the Pixel 4 XL screen has some problems at low brightness, I used the CleanSlate kernel to fix it,
tbalden's CleanSlate kernel for Google Pixel 4/4 XL
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After testing some versions, I found that the [Pixel4Xl (coral) boot image CS 1.5.0] version of the kernel works best with the [Companion App 2.12.17] program on my phone.
My requirements for gaming or watching movies on a handheld device are not strict. In order to reduce the graphics calculation and power consumption of the device, I use the command to change the display resolution of the device to 720P, which can make the content pixel by pixel. displayed on the screen.
adb shell wm size 720x1520
adb shell wm density 280
At this time, the rounded corners around the screen will be enlarged, and use the command to restore the normal ratio.
adb shell settings put secure sysui_rounded_size 1
adb shell settings put secure sysui_rounded_content_padding 5
At home and at work I use the Pixel 4 XL as a portable router to filter the network, so it's plugged in for long periods of time to charge, but I've had battery bulges with the Pixel 3 XL before, and that's why I use the Pixel 4 A big reason for the XL Root, I use the Magisk module [Advanced_Charging_Controller] to limit the charge to 80%, start using the battery to discharge to 70% and start charging, cycle, and charge it to 100% once every one or two months.
Advanced Charging Controller (ACC)
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I use [Clash for Android] and [AdGuard for Android] for the system network proxy, and I use [VPN Hotspot] to share the outbound network to computers, mobile phones, and devices such as Google TV or Nest Audio.
Clash for Android
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AdGuard for Android
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VPN Hotspot
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First configure Clash for Android,
HTTP Port fill in 7890,
Socks Port fill in 7891;
Listen fill in
Append System DNS, select Enabled
Name Server, Fallback Name Server, Default Name Server both fill in,
Configure AdGuard for Android, open
DNS Filtering/Select DNS server/My DNS servers/Add custom DNS server,
DNS server name fill in Clash for Android,
DNS upstreams one per line fill in, SAVE AND SELECT;
Open Network/Proxy/ADD PROXY SERVER in the upper left menu,
Proxy name fill in Clash for Android,
Proxy type select SOCKS5,
Proxy host fill in,
Proxy port fill in 7891,
return to the previous layer,
Filtering method select Local VPN;
The basic settings of AdGuard for Android are configured, and the firewall and filtering rules of the user program can be customized according to their preferences.
After giving VPN Hotspot root permission, it is just like sharing hotspots normally, but after the above settings, WiFi enters the mobile phone, and Clash for Android forwards network traffic, filters it through AdGuard for Android, and then transmits it by VPN Hotspot. Generally, my hotspot will be Mount 5-6 personal devices, but I saw a blog saying there will be a device cap.
Then configure other user programs, log in to the account, set the save folder, etc., and use TWRP to back up the whole machine before the user program produces more caches:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot boot *.img
Just a one-time entry into TWRP, the version I'm using is TWRP-3.5.2_10-0-coral, After the backup is complete, copy the /mnt/sdcard/TWRP folder to a USB flash drive to save and mark the backup date, Done.


[Android] Run Android without a data plan [CHECKLIST]

Hey Gang,
I currently do not have a data plan and won't get one until I switch from Sprint to Verizon. (accounts expire soon)
This is what I want to do with my Vogue:
Setup SD card with EXT2 partitions [CHECK]
Correctly install/run a SenseUI/Hero build [CHECK]
Convert my WM contacts to Android contacts offline [CHECK]
Install APK's offline [CHECK]
Use the internet connection through my PC via USB cable (while running android) [PENDING]
Install a "camera software" APK so i can use the camera [PENDING]
Enjoy the hell out of Android and all the possibilities for the Vogue! [CHECK]
Any and all help checking off my list is much appreciated!
The camera already works out of the box. and Talk to enatefox about internet via USB connection.
Install a "camera software" APK so i can use the camera [PENDING]
I am currently using "Pro Paint Camera that came with this Hero/SenseUI build.
I can take pictures but not video. Also, none of the lighting effects work so every picture is very yellowish.
True.... the camera does work, but it is not really usable without adjustment.
I'm in the same situation right now. I want to use android but I'm afraid I wont be able to use internet to access the market (unlike WM/ActiveSync).
The camera issue is something that I can deal with, but I think that it would be nice if someone could make an activesync-like program that can share internet.
Only difference is that I'm on verizon right now, and might consider switching to sprint!
synaptyc said:
Install a "camera software" APK so i can use the camera [PENDING]
I am currently using "Pro Paint Camera that came with this Hero/SenseUI build.
I can take pictures but not video. Also, none of the lighting effects work so every picture is very yellowish.
True.... the camera does work, but it is not really usable without adjustment.
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I forget exactly when that build came out, but I can assure you that the build I'm using now has a camcorder and camera app outside of Paint Pro Camera.
FWIW, I'm using the Droid donut ion build by Zenulator.
Also, from what I know, internet through USB only allows you to browse the web, and the marketplace doesn't work. There might be some changes in the future, however.
Yes. with Cupcake / Donut the camera/camcorder seem to work with the default applications. They still don't have filters or effects to correct lighting.
... still looking for that app.
Link9228 said:
I forget exactly when that build came out, but I can assure you that the build I'm using now has a camcorder and camera app outside of Paint Pro Camera.
FWIW, I'm using the Droid donut ion build by Zenulator.
Also, from what I know, internet through USB only allows you to browse the web, and the marketplace doesn't work. There might be some changes in the future, however.
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How would one go about getting Internet via USB? I have searched endlessly (or so I thought). Thanks.
gascan555 said:
How would one go about getting Internet via USB? I have searched endlessly (or so I thought). Thanks.
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I've been trying to do this too!
gascan555 said:
How would one go about getting Internet via USB? I have searched endlessly (or so I thought). Thanks.
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I have also been trying to figure this out... but getting Internet via bluetooth rather than USB. So kind of like the bluetooth tethering that is possible right now with Android, but in REVERSE! So Internet-> PC-> Bluetooth-> Android.
USB Internet (at this point) can be very problematic. It can cause your phone to hard freeze out of the blue. I haven't spent a lot of time troubleshooting it since it's hard to figure out what went wrong when I'm forced to reset.
Credit to DimaFern for getting me anywhere near having this working. I just messed with it a little. This is reverse tethering because you are not getting the connection from the phone. So the USB Tethering option is not related in this situation.
Here's my howto
I have not tried this without a Linux host. I believe you can forward traffic with ICS but I don't know what is involved there.
My gateway is .37, my laptop is .107 and the phone gets it's IP from the laptop:
On laptop:
echo "1" | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
On Android:
ip addr add dev usb0
ifconfig usb0 up
## This is the IP for my laptop:
route add default gw
setprop net.dns1
cat /proc/net/route
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The last line is not needed-- it's to show you that it's routing traffic. You won't be able to ping IPs from the command line and somehow Market doesn't think you're online but SAM Market, Browser, etc. do work. It's nice because you are not taxing the RAM of the phone for connectivity so it runs much quicker... unless it hard freezes on you.
i use tetherbot to tether my phone now that it's running android full time. basically install tetherbot and start the socks proxy server on port 1080 then.
adb forward tcp:1080 tcp:1080
from your computer and set up firefox to connect manually to the proxy.
zenulator said:
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WOW..... this second link leads to a beautiful website.
10 levels of gay for poor "kevin" of 'kevin♥Amanda' but still a nice looking site
Geez.... he didn't even get his name capitalized in the header picture
/on_topic: I'll try Tetherbot.
(is there a way to use Tetherbot with Google Chrome? I haven't used Firefox in ages)
zenulator said:
i use tetherbot to tether my phone now that it's running android full time. basically install tetherbot and start the socks proxy server on port 1080 then.
adb forward tcp:1080 tcp:1080
from your computer and set up firefox to connect manually to the proxy.
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I'm sorry, but isn't Tetherbot used to share your phone's internet connection with your computer?
I think we are trying to be able to "reverse tether" and not tether.
enatefox (and others)...
I would love to see how this reverse-tethering can work. I know its very complicated and buggy right now, but if you do any more work on it you should create a thread showing how in layman's terms. I have dual-boots on both my computers into Ubuntu 9.10, I know what the terminal is and sudo and some basic commands, but when you type your commands with little explanation I get lost. They could use some clarification [ such as 1) open terminal 2) type these commands. ] And please explain terminal in Android. What apk do I need? I probably have it already but just need to install it. Thanks for any help. I don't have data since my line costs $10 a month (family plan) and data would be $26 a month. I just started reverse-tethering with WM6.5.1 and its really cool.
There aren't any other steps you just run what I posted and change "" to what your desktop's IP is and "" to "" where "xxx" is the subnet of your LAN-- matching the 3rd set of numbers of your desktop's IP.
You can run these commands over ADB, which is required to do this. Here's a guide on how to set it up.
Here is what I came up with trying to do the same thing with bluetooth instead :
I was missing your "ip addr..." command to add the forwarding network, this should help, I will give it a try.
I also came to the conclusion that I needed a way to fake that either the wifi or the data connection was up. Maybe this can be done by issuing a "setprop" command forcing the status to being "up"?
enatefox said:
There aren't any other steps you just run what I posted and change "" to what your desktop's IP is and "" to "" where "xxx" is the subnet of your LAN-- matching the 3rd set of numbers of your desktop's IP.
You can run these commands over ADB, which is required to do this. Here's a guide on how to set it up.
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UGH I'm stuck right now. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10, and when I type in terminal "sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart" I get some error message telling me to do it a different way. So even after restarting the computer, it does not recognize any command for adb. I already did the export PATH to the androidsdk/tools folder and adb is in there, but I cannot get it to open. Any ideas?
Got it to see adb. I forgot to put /home/drkow19 in front of the path...
edit: Has anyone successfully used ADB with zen's 2.0.1? I'm trying right now but it shows no devices connected. In the 50-android.rules file I have 0bb4 instead of 18d1 like enatefox said to. Also, on the Dream forums the file they use is 51-android.rules, whats the diff?
0bb4 and 18d1 are determined in the source code. Different versions can change so whichever is shown, use. The 50 and 51 are indicators for timing. Maybe I have this backwards but 51 should start later than 50 and can address issues with it not being recognized or more precisely, overrode with another operation. I set mine to 51.
Okay I deleted 50 and used 51-android.rules. What is the line about "define vendor id" does that need to be in the 51 file?
I can say adb start-server but no devices... They say you need to sudo adb start-server but when I try that I get "sudo: adb: command not found" How do you add the adb PATH so it works under sudo as well?


I was wondering whether there is such software for the android that can capture http posts before sending. i.e. like the firefox addons you can get and apps like http analyzer?
This would be really useful for testing purposes.
You can try some general traffic capture tools (Like tcpdump or airodump-ng). If You have rooted phone, check out Shark for Root (tcpdump on phone).
Thanks for the update but I guess what I want is real time captures (and manipulation) like its possible in Firefox using only the phone.
I currently use tcpdump to capture data but want to edit the data before its sent out.
You can try to find/write small proxy server application and run it on phone, so you will be in control.
ex87 said:
You can try to find/write small proxy server application and run it on phone, so you will be in control.
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Or you could run paros ( on a machine on your network and get the android browser to use it as the proxy (which looks like a bit of a task in it's self.)
The only viable way I can think of to do this (given Android's insane lack of proxy support) is to hack a custom firmware for a Linksys WRT54g so it basically routes everything to a transparent proxy (Fiddler2, Webscarab, Paros, Burp, etc) running on a PC. Something like this:
Android =[wi-fi]=> WRT54g -[ethernet]-> PC with proxy -> internet router
It might even be possible to achieve this without hacking the WRT54g.
The only problem you might still have (not sure) is Android's handling of invalid SSL certs since the proxy would basically be doing a man in the middle attack, and the app running on the Android phone would see an invalid SSL cert.
Be warned that trying this with a Windows host PC is almost guaranteed to fail unless it's Pro/Ultimate, and in any case this is going to involve some seriously hardcore manual routing config that goes beyond anything Windows' config screens were really intended to set up.
You can try to find/write small proxy server application and run it on phone, so you will be in control.
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I'm pretty sure I saw this discussed on the list, and the consensus was that the current API doesn't give any way to do this transparently, and it's questionable whether you could even implement something like WebScarab natively on Android using the NDK. I believe the general consensus was that if you want to host something like WebScarab on Android, it's going to take a custom kernel to pull it off, and some solution that lets you offload the actual proxying to a regular PC would be infinitely easier to pull off, and less cumbersome to use for actual security testing (it's enough of a pain trying to use Fiddler2 or Webscarab with a 1280x1024 display, let alone 854x480... not to mention trying to cut and paste examples into Word Documents for vulnerability assessment reports (shudder)).
^^^ OMG. I just installed AOSP ("Buufed") for the CDMA Hero, and it actually HAS the ability to set proxy for WiFi. I haven't tried it yet, and I'm not sure whether it's purely an "AOSP" feature or something I've just overlooked up to now that was in DamageControl, but it looks like at least *some* Android builds DO have it now

How to connect to android phone over 3g or 4g

Does anyone know how to get access to their cellphone using the IP address from the wireless carrier?
I've already got SSH set up from the home wifi network. But I'm hoping to be able to do this over cellular. Any ides how to make that work?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
If you meant having your phone run an sshd daemon, so you can use a shell with it .... Market has this:
that is what i'm looking to do. but for some reason i'm unable to connect to the device's ip address... any ideas?
Your phone's ip is a private ip address. TMO NATs it to a set of public ip addresses to go out to the internet. That's why you can't connect using your phone's ip.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Darn. I was really hoping to be able to get through. Oh well. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
One option to get around this is to use remote port forwarding via SSH. You can run an SSH server on your phone and then use ConnectBot on your phone to SSH into an SSH server on your home network. At that point, you can use remote port forwarding with ConnectBot to allow other computers on your home network to access the SSH server on your phone.
That's a very good idea. I'm going to try it in the morning. Very excited.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Hey ran across this sometime ago but didn't know an answer till today... but it's complicated...
1st~ it seems to depend on your service provider...
~ On Sprint I have been able to ssh into my device from a PC connected to a completely different wifi network using Putty on Vista home basic.
~ On Sprint I (with some great help from Almazick here at XDA) have also been able to run a LNMP server and connect to the sample web page and dbmin with the above mentioned network set up but with Chrome and Firefox instead of Putty (yeah that might be a duh statement for some but I don't want to lose ya reader, this stuff is cool ) you can find all the steps that that took by following the link in my sig that points to the XDA Guide I maintain and jump to pages (ruffly) 11-13+ and check the easiest ways to host websites off your device. And I'll eventually have a script and section in the main guide made so you all don't have to scroll through pages of our mutterings
~ Almazick, the person that I credit for getting me to do all this extensive testing, is not on Sprint and because of this has run into errors when trying to connect over 3G and or 4G. This leads me to believe that the issue is the network that your device is connected to.
~ Currently there are almost no other variables left that could be at fault. Both Almazick and I are using the same software and apps to test on.... but for those that have to know what the last variables to test is; hardware, we've got different devices and different service providers, and different PC's. All others have been eliminated or made identical or have been adjusted for.
2nd~ Root is required and if you want to ssh like us then getting Linux duel booted up will make life way easier for helping in the future.
~ Almazick uses Lil Debi and I'm a fan of Debian Kit, both can be found on the Android market place for free, and there are other options like QEMU and more but for this definitely start with Lil Debi and a 2Gb img file or larger (still working on figuring it out on Debian Kit) and follow the direction on page 11 or 12 for now.
~ or you could try downloading an app for ssh server (not client alone) and muddle your way through other guides on the web... I'll be testing/checking the possibilities for this but am not holding my breath on when that'll be ready
3rd~ accessing things...
~ running 'cd sdcard' and 'ls' was peppy and responsive
~ running programs or apps that use lots of data or memory can be ruff.
~~ Force closures happen when out of memory. So freeze or force close or uninstall apps that aren't needed if things like that start happening.
~~ things that use lots of data and or memory also cause much drain on the battery and if excessive wile plugged in can cause heat issues. So use a heatsink from an old computer and a fan and maybe pull the battery too and you can run a bit longer on the edge of what your device can do
4th~ all this is very "use at your own risk"
~ I haven't fried or bricked a device yet but things have gotten toasty so use some for thought and be careful.
Final notes;
I realize that this is a thread resurrection and not 100% directly related to your specific device. However, I offer a work around that should work for all devices* running root and Linux so we should celebrate and revel in the wonders of Open source and helpful people
*running on Sprint or WiFi if on another network then please try it and report the bugs to me on the main guide thread and I'll work with you and try to resolve it
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit/QEMU Linux Install guide for all android devices that I'm writing:
Now have working Installers for ARM Java 7 JDK + Maptools + jMonkey
nixxofugi said:
Does anyone know how to get access to their cellphone using the IP address from the wireless carrier?
I've already got SSH set up from the home wifi network. But I'm hoping to be able to do this over cellular. Any ides how to make that work?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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SSH server requires a PC which must be always on but you can use a router since it's already running 24/7. If you have a router with SSH/VPN/Proxy capability then you can use router as a server. For example you can use a 3rd party firmware for your router if it is compatible with DD-WRT, Tomato or OpenWRT to run Proxy server, SSH or VPN. They are very easy to setup for this task.
Update: Just noticed it's 2011 thread. Oh well
Almazick said:
SSH server requires a PC which must be always on but you can use a router since it's already running 24/7. If you have a router with SSH/VPN/Proxy capability then you can use router as a server. For example you can use a 3rd party firmware for your router if it is compatible with DD-WRT, Tomato or OpenWRT to run Proxy server, SSH or VPN. They are very easy to setup for this task.
Update: Just noticed it's 2011 thread. Oh well
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Yeah I do that, been haunting the web for sometime now... I keep a personal log of questions I want answers to and when I find one that is solvable I go back to where I first ran across the question in the first place. Should have seen what the maptools teem thought of this kind of behavior; really motivational
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit/QEMU Linux Install guide for all android devices that I'm writing:
Now have working Installers for ARM Java 7 JDK + Maptools + jMonkey
S0AndS0 said:
Yeah I do that, been haunting the web for sometime now... I keep a personal log of questions I want answers to and when I find one that is solvable I go back to where I first ran across the question in the first place. Should have seen what the maptools teem thought of this kind of behavior; really motivational
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit/QEMU Linux Install guide for all android devices that I'm writing:
Now have working Installers for ARM Java 7 JDK + Maptools + jMonkey
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so what maptool got to do with android over 3G/4G?
Almazick said:
so what maptool got to do with android over 3G/4G?
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It's yet again a server client based networking set up but instead of accessing files and folders (like with putty here on this thread) or accessing web content (like with LNMP on the other thread) maptools serves up a virtual table top gaming experience to those that connect in. One person sets-up* a game and then shares out the guest login info to their fiends, the guests log in and after a few seconds every one connected can see the changes that any other player takes. Kinda like virtual desktop but for roll playing games.
*set-up of the game is rather labor intense for the individual. Because they make an entire dungeon or world map, tokens to populate it, and libraries of macros so things are more point and click. When compared to running a normal tabletop gaming experience the labor is almost as intense, it's just not easy to share in real time over them internets.
Update 08312013- to help continue answering this question here I found this guide
That may help with T mobile subscribers in making a good connection over 3G or 4G
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit/QEMU Linux Install guide for all android devices that I'm writing:
Now have working Installers for ARM Java 7 JDK + Maptools + jMonkey
my carrier is: vodafone
im using SetDNS with openDNS server
also using Dynamic DNS with a hostname
installed ssh/sftp server i run it... used a ssh client to test it locally, and it works, so the sshd is working
but i cant connect to my no-ip hostname from my PC
here i have some doubts:
SetDNS says it doesnt detect a web-proxy, yet Dynamic DNS has a note: 'you are connected to the internet through a proxy'
what to do next to be able to connect remotely from my PC on ssh through 3g on my phone?
please help!
ripnix said:
my carrier is: vodafone
im using SetDNS with openDNS server
also using Dynamic DNS with a hostname
installed ssh/sftp server i run it... used a ssh client to test it locally, and it works, so the sshd is working
but i cant connect to my no-ip hostname from my PC
here i have some doubts:
SetDNS says it doesnt detect a web-proxy, yet Dynamic DNS has a note: 'you are connected to the internet through a proxy'
what to do next to be able to connect remotely from my PC on ssh through 3g on my phone?
please help!
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Well first double check the IP you're using or tracking with ~ I would suggest using
or an app like Network Info II
And ensure that the IP didn't change when setting up the first time around, this can happen at the worst times.
And if you're truly behind a firewall or NAT, such as with tmoblie, then I did run across this guide for getting round that last troublesome bit which likely will work for other service providers as well.
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit/QEMU Linux Install guide for all android devices that I'm writing:
Now have working Installers for ARM Java 7 JDK + Maptools + jMonkey

[Noob Guide]Access Windows PC files directly from Android through Wi-Fi [UDATED:22/9]

I had written a guide originally here. Hoped to make one here too for my fellow S2 members.
Please read the whole guide once before trying. This will help in making the process easy as most of the parts are covered in detail.
1. Introduction:
You got a file in Windows PC and you intend to transfer it to your Android device. The most common way is that we connect the device to system via USB cable. However there are alternatives such as the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Bluetooth is a very slow method when compared to USB and Wi-Fi. So let us take Wi-Fi as the medium. Now let me first tell you various advantages and disadvantages regarding USB when compared with WI-Fi:
Disadvantages of USB v/s Wi-Fi
1. The phone should be near to the system = you being near the system too ---- This is avoided. All you need that the PC and device to be connected to the Wi-FI network
2. Cluttering of wires ---- Avoided
3. Drivers may have to be installed ---- No drivers needs to be installed
4. In a whole way, its not very productive ---- Oh very productive
Advantages - the only one is that files transfer speed is high ---- Yes. USB has a upper hand here. Wi-Fi transfer speed is low when compared. But the difference is just a few minutes. We can live with that
So excited to start using the Wi-Fi method? Then make sure you meet the requirements.
2. Requirements:
1. Wi-Fi router - PC should be connected to this either through LAN/ Wi-Fi
2. Install ES File Explorer in your Android device (you can try other file explorers like FX File Explorer, Solid Explorer, Astro File manager). The methodology for other apps are quite similar. I will take ES File Explorer as example as I have found it to be simple and fast.
3. Windows PC with 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 (I have not tested in Windows 8 personally)
4. Administrative access for Windows PC
3. Steps:
Step 1. Install ES File Explorer
Step 2. Find IP Address, make static IP and find system name [optional]
i. Find your IP address - to do this follow the steps as below:
a. Start -> Run (or press Windows key + R)
b. Type "ncpa.cpl" (without quotes) and press enter
c. You will see the Network Connections now
d. Identify the one which is connected to the Wi-Fi router. It will be either the LAN adapter or Wireless adapter. In my case it is the Wireless adapter.
e. Double click on the connection
f. Click on details and here note down the IPv4 Address. Also make not of IPv4 Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS Server.
View attachment 1344162
ii. If you are going by IP address method then it is better yet to make the IP address as static [thank you kjplasma for the tip].
An static IP address means that your system will be having the same IP address all the time and will not be changed anytime later by the router. To set static IP address:
a. Go to Network Connections
b. Double click on the connection
c. Click on properties
d. Double click on - Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and fill up the IP address as you have noted them down above.
e. Click on OK for all dialogue boxes.
View attachment 1344163
iii. You can even make note of the system name by checking the properties of “My Computer”. To do this:
a. Go to Start - Right click on My Computer [Shortcut -> Windows + Pause/Break]
b. You can find the computer name under "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings"
View attachment 1344164
If your going by this method then it is not necessary to note down or change the IP address. However I feel that tracking your system through IP address in ES File Explorer is much more efficient and fool proof. Either the system name or IP address its okay.
Step 3.a. Windows 2000 PC
i. Open ES File Explorer in your device
ii. On top right corner tap on "Local" - select LAN
iii. Tap on "New"
iv. Here you can either scan for your system or Click on Server
v. Here in server field type the IP address (that is IPv4 Address) or the system name
vi. Type in the Username and Password which you use to access your Windows PC
vii. Give a name under "Display as" for easy identification
viii. Tap on OK.
ix. Now you will see an laptop with globe icon. Tap on it and you will see all your files/folder of the system there.
Step 3.b. Windows XP PC:
i. Firstly you will need to enable Guest account by going to Control Panel – User Accounts – Guest Account – Click on "Turn on Guest account". This is because there is no other way I found to access the files in Windows XP in Android device with actual user name and password.
ii. Share the drives or folder you want to access [Refer the Reference Note 1 below to know how to share a folder]
iii. Open ES File Explorer in your device
iv. On top right corner tap on "Local" - select LAN
v. Tap on "New"
vi. Here you can either scan for your system or Click on Server
vii. Here in server field type the IP address (that is IPv4 Address) or the system name
viii. Type in the Username and Password which you use to access your Windows PC
ix. Give a name under "Display as" for easy identification
x. Tap on OK.
xi. Now you will see an laptop with globe icon. Tap on it and you will see all your shared files/folder of the system there.
Step 3.c. Windows Vista/7/8 PC:
i. Share the drives or folder you want to access [Refer the Reference Note 1 below to know how to share a folder]
ii. Open ES File Explorer in your device
iii. On top right corner tap on "Local" - select LAN
iv. Tap on "New"
v. Here you can either scan for your system or Click on Server
vi. Here in server field type the IP address (that is IPv4 Address) or the system name
vii. Type in the Username and Password which you use to access your Windows PC
viii. Give a name under "Display as" for easy identification
ix. Tap on OK.
x. Now you will see an laptop with globe icon. Tap on it and you will see all your shared files/folder of the system there.
Note: If you are using blank password for logging into windows then follow the steps below:
a. Run - gpedit.msc to access Group Policies
b. Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options
c. Find -> Account: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only
d. Double click on it and select "disable"
View attachment 1344171
Uploaded with
4. Reference Note 1 - How to share folders:
On Windows XP:
a. Right click on the folder you want to share
b. Go to the sharing tab
c. Click the "If you understand the risk but still want to share the folder, click here"
d. Under "Network Sharing and Security" tick on "Share this folder on the network" and also on "Allow network users to change my files"
e. Click OK
View attachment 1344173
On Windows Vista/7/8:
a. Right click on the folder you want to share
b. Go to the sharing tab
c. Click on "Advanced Sharing"
d. In the next dialog box tick on "Share the folder"
e. Click on "Permissions" and tick on all the checkboxes under allow.
f. Click OK to all the dialog boxes
View attachment 1344174
5. Troubleshooting:
1 - The "Login Error"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
You might get a login error at times. It happens highly when you use the computer name instead of the IP address and sometimes the error pops up even when using the IP address. You can try the below troubleshooting steps:
a. Delete the connection entry
b. Make a new entry and use the IP address this time
c. If the problem still persists, then try opening it 5-6 times repeatedly by ignoring the error.
d. If the problem still persist, then delete the connection, exit ES File Explorer completely and create a new connection again by using the IP address. This time it should work.
I feel this is a bug in the app. Hope it will be fixed in future.
Note - I was using ES File Explorer before FX File Explorer came to play store. Later after trying FX File Explorer, it had not given any error at all and hence its much more reliable. But for that you will have to pay as the app is out of beta.
2 - Wrong Username/Password even when entering the correct one
This usually happens if you put the system name instead of the IP address in the app. What you can do delete the entry and then close the app and reopen it and try a new connection with the IP address itself as this will solve the issue.
6. Useful tips:
1: You can increase the transfer speed by moving near to the router. The closer you are to the router the higher speed you gain.
2: You can even make shortcut of the folder in the network and place them on the home screen of the app. Do to that on ES File Explorer simply long press on the folder and choose "Add to server list".
7. Other Notes:
1: Please note that no internet connection is required to make this possible. Everything is done through the local network. Take out the idea from your mind that Wi-Fi is only for internet.
2: There are various other apps like KiesAir, AirDroid. But that will require you to be near the PC and access the files through a WebUI. But the guide which I have laid out here works from PC to device directly. You can sit at your living room, kitchen or bedroom or where you like within the Wi-Fi network and you are good to go.
Hope you find this guide useful. Please leave feedback and do post here for queries. Thanks!
Thank you Sun90, Bala_Gamer for heads up and others who responded for making this guide even better.
PS. Too bad that FX File Explorer network module is being made as a paid add-on. This was expected as the app is not of beta. Still it an awesome file explorer. Worth buying those add-ons.
Change log:
v0.1 [21-Sep-12]
-Initial guide
v0.2 [22-Sep-12]
-Changed app from FX File Explorer to ES File Explorer
-Made the guide even more detailed
-Added more screen shots
-Added troubleshooting
-A step closer to Noob-Proof guide
sorry but this guide need some more details... were is the internet and network? and do i have to access guest acount after it s enabled?
and how to share your drive you want to share and where?
make it a little more noob proof
EDIT its looks like you have to PAY to get network access... we dont share payed apps on xda..
The main module of FX File Explorer (this product) is free and includes all file management features for working with files on your phone/tablet. The "FX Plus" add-on adds media management, NETWORK (FTP, SFTP, SMB) and cloud capabilities (Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box, amd SugarSync). The "FX Root" add-on is for developers and knowledgeable enthusiasts who need to make changes as the root user. You can purchase none of the add-ons, one, or both. The paid add-ons are backed by a 24-hour refund policy.
I use ES File Explorer ..its free and easy too.......
TIP: set a static IP address to your PC and laptops ... else the device may not be found if the router has issued a new ip address ...
martintspedersen said:
sorry but this guide need some more details... were is the internet and network? and do i have to access guest acount after it s enabled?
and how to share your drive you want to share and where?
make it a little more noob proof
EDIT its looks like you have to PAY to get network access... we dont share payed apps on xda..
The main module of FX File Explorer (this product) is free and includes all file management features for working with files on your phone/tablet. The "FX Plus" add-on adds media management, NETWORK (FTP, SFTP, SMB) and cloud capabilities (Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box, amd SugarSync). The "FX Root" add-on is for developers and knowledgeable enthusiasts who need to make changes as the root user. You can purchase none of the add-ons, one, or both. The paid add-ons are backed by a 24-hour refund policy.
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If you want them to be that detailed then I can make it. Will update it as noob proof by today.
Also that add on with paid module is "coming soon". As of now its completely free. Well thank you for pointing it out. I will switch over the guide to a free app once the dev decides make it paid.
kjplasma said:
I use ES File Explorer ..its free and easy too.......
TIP: set a static IP address to your PC and laptops ... else the device may not be found if the router has issued a new ip address ...
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Thank you for the tip.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Oh it looks like the latest update brings FX File explorer to paid add-ons for network capabilities. Sorry about this. It was a free feature right before I wrote this guide. I will replace this guide with a free app. Thank you.
File Expert has the same functionality as well as FTP and a load of other stuff and is still free. There IS a paid version but I can't figure out what the limitations are because I haven't run into them yet.
Websharing is much better and easy to use too.
Try it ! I am using it for over a year. I definitely recommend it
Updated the guide with more details and also few more screen shots. Hope it is understandable. Open for further suggestions
martintspedersen said:
sorry but this guide need some more details... were is the internet and network? and do i have to access guest acount after it s enabled?
and how to share your drive you want to share and where?
make it a little more noob proof
EDIT its looks like you have to PAY to get network access... we dont share payed apps on xda..
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Done Changed the app to ES File explorer too.
kjplasma said:
I use ES File Explorer ..its free and easy too.......
TIP: set a static IP address to your PC and laptops ... else the device may not be found if the router has issued a new ip address ...
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Tip added in the guide above.
Sideromelane said:
File Expert has the same functionality as well as FTP and a load of other stuff and is still free. There IS a paid version but I can't figure out what the limitations are because I haven't run into them yet.
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Well yes. You can use any app. The point here is that the tweaks that are needed to be done to make the method usable. Since most of the time its try game, I came up with the guide.
Chairmansaab said:
Websharing is much better and easy to use too.
Try it ! I am using it for over a year. I definitely recommend it
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Like I have said in the guide, using the WebUI as the medium is a different thing. You will need to be near the system as well and control everything from the browser. But here with this guide you just set it up once and then do everything in you GS2 without touching the system.
Very useful when the system is kept on 24/7 (server) and it is in ground floor and you are on top floor
Edit: The images looks to have been resized after upload. I dont know how that happened Hope you all can make it out.
Chairmansaab said:
Websharing is much better and easy to use too.
Try it ! I am using it for over a year. I definitely recommend it
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you need to be in front of pc to transfer data with websharing with this method you can be wherever within your wifi range and start the transfer directly from your mobile.
thanks a lot for this refined guide buddy. good wrk
tried the same for the first time(sorry i am more of a noob when it comes to these stuffs for sure:silly following the instruction's of urs and it wrks gr8.
i think now i can safe guard my Phone's Micro USB port for sure
Wow, never knew I could do such a thing.
Thank you a lot for the amazing newbie guide
This is a really great guide. I had found out most of this info by trial and error myself. I searched a lot but could never find a step by step guide to do it. Great work to figure out for different OS versions and even great that you made such a comprehensive guide. Will be really useful to a lot of people.
One part that I never got was how to use it to login without a user/pass in windows account and this guide covers it too.. excellent. Will try it out this evening.
Thanks Alot For this Guides !
one great app
On the store i have found a great app that simplifies things: it quickly scans the LAN workgroup and shows the connected computers, then you can explore shared folders from within. It's called Sharesfinder and it's the fastest on the store for this function.
However even with ES file explorer you have a scan function to scan the Lan for connected conputers, but it's slower
To access the phone like a shared folder from windows computer you can use instead Samba Filesharing (from xda! Root needed). I prefer it over airdroid and other browser-based apps
I use its easier than others.
---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------
You can even send messages and other phone functionality using
felixpaul said:
I use its easier than others.
---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------
You can even send messages and other phone functionality using
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Of course. The UI is very neat in airdroid. But accessing the PC from S2 is of great pleasure is what I feel
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for this guide. Very useful!!! :good:
Aswome guide. How comes any file manager is able to read content from network folder; i mean reading from a windows network folder is an emmbed functionality integrated to android or does every file manager program its own?
Neosepia said:
Aswome guide. How comes any file manager is able to read content from network folder; i mean reading from a windows network folder is an emmbed functionality integrated to android or does every file manager program its own?
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As far as I know the file manager should support a module called SMB (Server Message Block). For example Astro File Manager requires you to install SMB module for the network access to work.
You can read more about it here
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

[GUIDE] Battery Saving: Ad Blocking

Blocking Ads on my N9 made a significant difference, not only in battery life but in overall usability. No more animated ads, music, or such annoyances.
Without root, there are two ways to block Ads:
1- Using a DNS filter: (Recommended)
To set up, go to Setting > WiFi > long press your connection > modify > advanced > IP add: Static > enter an IP address & fill in the DNS 1 and DNS 2 from the link above.
- No need to install app, no CPU or RAM usage.
- No problems like Adblock Plus (read below).
- DNS resolution is slightly slower than my ISP, but page loading is still faster without the ads.
- Not all ads are blocked
2- Using Adblock Plus for Android:
To set up: Go to settings > WiFi > long press your connection > modify > advanced > proxy: manual > type localhost for hostname and 2020 for port.
- Block all Ads, everywhere.
- Slightly faster
- Google services tend to timeout sometimes.
- App is always running and using 100MB of RAM.
3- Using Adguard for Android: (Recommended if DNS method slows your connection).
Just install the apk and follow the instructions.
- Easy to setup
- Very Fast
- No connection timeout like Adblock Plus
- Premium version is very expensive
- Free version only blocks browser ads
- App is always running in background.
Slows my connection right down it's like using 3g again
Good guide though
Sent from my Nexus 9 using XDA Free mobile app
If you are rooted you can use AdAway.
Which basically modifies the hosts file in the device and that's it. No app running in the background, or any effect on connection speed.
I recommened also adaway.
Sent from my Nexus 9 using XDA Free mobile app
You should look into Adguard also:
Google pulled their app from store, they explain why:
TECK said:
You should look into Adguard also:
Google pulled their app from store, they explain why:
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Thanks for the heads up. Added it to the OP.
