Question [HELP THREAD][Nothing Phone (1)] Ask Any Question, Noob Friendly - Nothing Phone 1

Hi Everyone,
I have created this thread which will allow to gather, but also to help by bringing answers to the various problems which can meet the owners of the Phone(1).
Unfortunately some of these problems cannot be solved here, in which case you will have to contact Nothing Support and explain your problem clearly.
Otherwise, if your problem can be solved here, feel free to post it here and xda members may be able to provide a solution for you and others.

[IMEI CODEs switched to null]​I have gone into engineerigmode and CIT app and i have seen all activity without apply any modified values.
After i have applaied the new version of NothingOS 1.0.2 i have restarded phone and my imei code have switched to null.
So i have unlocked oem feature in developer menu for performing fastboot flashing method of all partitions in the next future. I have perfomed a factory reset but my phone now is in bootloop bootloader mode. It's in softbrick.
I have send some emails to nothing support.
Anyone have the same/similar problem?​

Thanks for the thread Sib.
So about problem 1, heading over from the other thread, continuing it here,
Issue is us getting some of our phone's partitions getting corrupted because we accessed engineering mode, cit (but no toggling on/off anything) Phone's on NothingOS1.0.2
Eventually losing IMEI. It showing as "null" now.
Tried contacting Nothing and Flipkart (India's logistics partner). And i'll update here as soon as something's up from either of them. Request other people in the same place to post here on the same

Holospark said:
[IMEI CODEs switched to null]​I have gone into engineerigmode and CIT app and i have seen all activity without apply any modified values.
After i have applaied the new version of NothingOS 1.0.2 i have restarded phone and my imei code have switched to null.
So i have unlocked oem feature in developer menu for performing fastboot flashing method of all partitions in the next future. I have perfomed a factory reset but my phone now is in bootloop bootloader mode. It's in softbrick.
I have send some emails to nothing support.
Anyone have the same/similar problem?​
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hemanth.k said:
Thanks for the thread Sib.
So about problem 1, heading over from the other thread, continuing it here,
Issue is us getting some of our phone's partitions getting corrupted because we accessed engineering mode, cit (but no toggling on/off anything) Phone's on NothingOS1.0.2
Eventually losing IMEI. It showing as "null" now.
Tried contacting Nothing and Flipkart (India's logistics partner). And i'll update here as soon as something's up from either of them. Request other people in the same place to post here on the same
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I'll see if I can find anything on this subject elsewhere

Hi, i noticed a weird bug with night shift mode on the nothing phone1, no matter how you'll set up your night shift mode it will always turn it on BUT it'll never turn it off again, at least for me now.
Hopefully it'll get fixed within the next update

Sib64 said:
I'll see if I can find anything on this subject elsewhere
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You mean Discord or Nothing Community?

hemanth.k said:
You mean Discord or Nothing Community?
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Yes, or a another way

Holospark said:
[IMEI CODEs switched to null]​I have gone into engineerigmode and CIT app and i have seen all activity without apply any modified values.
After i have applaied the new version of NothingOS 1.0.2 i have restarded phone and my imei code have switched to null.
So i have unlocked oem feature in developer menu for performing fastboot flashing method of all partitions in the next future. I have perfomed a factory reset but my phone now is in bootloop bootloader mode. It's in softbrick.
I have send some emails to nothing support.
Anyone have the same/similar problem?​
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Hello there, please post this concern over at nothing's discord server in the community-help channel. Here's the direct link: ..

drmcatchr said:
Hello there, please post this concern over at nothing's discord server in the community-help channel. Here's the direct link: ..
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Yes, I can post it, but why don't you post it directly ?

@hemanth.k , @Holospark
I've sent your request to Nothing Discord

Sib64 said:
Yes, I can post it, but why don't you post it directly ?
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Oh I did already, that response was to @Holospark. They want them to get in touch with support directly ..

Holospark said:
[IMEI CODEs switched to null]​I have gone into engineerigmode and CIT app and i have seen all activity without apply any modified values.
After i have applaied the new version of NothingOS 1.0.2 i have restarded phone and my imei code have switched to null.
So i have unlocked oem feature in developer menu for performing fastboot flashing method of all partitions in the next future. I have perfomed a factory reset but my phone now is in bootloop bootloader mode. It's in softbrick.
I have send some emails to nothing support.
Anyone have the same/similar problem?​
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This Is my Twitter post about this issue. Share please for getting a technical answer.

I am just waiting for SameulGier to revert on the issue. Who himsel is Head of Support in India i guess.

Take me update

IMEI1/2 are also set to null on my phone after entering Engineer mode. I opened a ticket with the Nothing team on 2022-07-19 but have also not yet received any feedback from them on how to fix the issue.

Bluetooth Headset connection issue.
Titanium Aftershokz have paired but say 'Switch off/on' device to fix issue. Takes about 6 attempts to get it to pair and play.
Have tried different Bluetooth options via Development Tools with no luck
Have 1 other Bluetooth device paired (fitbit) no other audio devices
Anyone else seeing this issue?

Holospark said:
This Is my Twitter post about this issue. Share please for getting a technical answer.
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Have you tried re-flashing the stock firmware via Fastboot? Just a suggestion ..

Yes i reflashed via sideload and via fastboot without success.
After i have executed fastboot -w to force ti erase my data, devices goes to shut off.
Now is completaly dead

Holospark said:
Yes i reflashed via sideload and via fastboot without success.
After i have executed fastboot -w to force ti erase my data, devices goes to shut off.
Now is completaly dead
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Sorry to hear that, that's bad.
Now, the best way for you is to contact Nothing's support to get the warranty and an exchange working!

Holospark said:
Yes i reflashed via sideload and via fastboot without success.
After i have executed fastboot -w to force ti erase my data, devices goes to shut off.
Now is completaly dead
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Which version did you flash via Sideload ? 1.0.2 or 1.1.0 ?


OEM_NV_BACKUP Invalid, sim1 has imei sim 2 doesnt and No signal

Ok I have been an xda member for almost 8 years and this is my first thread , I have always found through search the answer to my problems with phones, but I cant for the life of me come up with anything on this. After ota upgrade to oxygenos 2.1.2 I lost lte (att/cricket) at first I thought it was imei related on att side, nope, then I tried reflashing modem manually through fastboot and somewhere in the procees went back and I had to reflash using hard bick method, after that I lost both imei and no signal , after a bunch of tinkering ive managed to get sim1 imei back but no signal!???? any ideas?
Same issue i got. Have sent a note to Support @ OnePlus. I have a Team Viewer session on coming sunday. Will let you know how it goes
hopefully it is software "fixable" and you we dont have to send it in to a repair center
Try to reflash full rom with firmware via fastboot.
acmerw said:
Try to reflash full rom with firmware via fastboot.
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All options tried. Only one SIM restores successfully. Hopefully OnePlus support team fixes it. Will keep you posted.
ive Hard brick restored, manually fastboot flashed each partition, efs backup restored through twrp
fesar said:
All options tried. Only one SIM restores successfully. Hopefully OnePlus support team fixes it. Will keep you posted.
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any news?

[HELP!] I think I messed up my EFS partition and I don't have a backup....

I was VERY stupid. I went back to stock Oxygen OS using a fastboot image and now if I dial #*06# the IMEI box shows up but no IMEI number is actually in the box it is just blank. I did post about this before but last time I didn't really know what happened I was asking if anyone could tell me what they thought happened. I am pretty sure I screwed up the EFS partition and I am just wondering what I need to do now. Is there some way I can repair it I mean I don't have a backup. Can I contact OnePlus support? I really need help.
ethanscooter said:
I was VERY stupid. I went back to stock Oxygen OS using a fastboot image and now if I dial #*06# the IMEI box shows up but no IMEI number is actually in the box it is just blank. I did post about this before but last time I didn't really know what happened I was asking if anyone could tell me what they thought happened. I am pretty sure I screwed up the EFS partition and I am just wondering what I need to do now. Is there some way I can repair it I mean I don't have a backup. Can I contact OnePlus support? I really need help.
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Where did you find the fastboot file?
XDA Assist
v7 said:
Where did you find the fastboot file?
XDA Assist
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I forgot where I found it from... do you know where he correct one is?
ethanscooter said:
I forgot where I found it from... do you know where he correct one is?
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There's no official fastboot zip from the Oneplus.That's why I asked you.Did you find it from XDA?
XDA Assist
v7 said:
There's no official fastboot zip from the Oneplus.That's why I asked you.Did you find it from XDA?
XDA Assist
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I forgot, honestly this happened a few weeks ago I tried looking through my history but I couldn't find it. How can I fix it?
EDIT: It wasn't from XDA for sure.
ethanscooter said:
I was VERY stupid. I went back to stock Oxygen OS using a fastboot image and now if I dial #*06# the IMEI box shows up but no IMEI number is actually in the box it is just blank. I did post about this before but last time I didn't really know what happened I was asking if anyone could tell me what they thought happened. I am pretty sure I screwed up the EFS partition and I am just wondering what I need to do now. Is there some way I can repair it I mean I don't have a backup. Can I contact OnePlus support? I really need help.
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This happened to me a few times in the past, all I had to do was wipe dalvik and cache again and it came back. Not sure if it's the same issue but I would give it a shot. Just boot into recovery and wipe them again and see if it gets you back up and running.
_MetalHead_ said:
This happened to me a few times in the past, all I had to do was wipe dalvik and cache again and it came back. Not sure if it's the same issue but I would give it a shot. Just boot into recovery and wipe them again and see if it gets you back up and running.
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I tried it and still nothing...
first try this.
then, flash H2OS. (Oxygen Os won't work from that recovery so, H2OS. Later you can re-flash though)
(Try this first!!!)
EDIT: if that doesn't reset, try this.
Official O2OS files.
krishna442 said:
first try this.
then, flash H2OS. (Oxygen Os won't work from that recovery so, H2OS. Later you can re-flash though)
(Try this first!!!)
EDIT: if that doesn't reset, try this.
Official O2OS files.
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I cannot use that because my device is not hard bricked and it will not install the driver since I can enter the bootloader normally.
Not sure if you've seen this post its based on the post above but I think it just uses fastboot. Don't know if it will work for you, but figured it would be worth a shot.
I tried using the tool and it did not work, I purposely hard bricked the device to try it and still no signal or imei. Another problem is WiFi takes about 4 minutes just to turn on but I can live with that I just want service.
Basically flashing back the stock should bring back the efs. Let's see if someone has a solution. Sorry!
EFS files are unique to each phone. If the EFS is corrupt or damaged, and there is no backup, I don't know of any way to fix it ;_; You can try OnePlus support but they aren't as dumb as carrier warranty or other phone manufacturers. They'll be more likely to know what you did.
It is possible to restore your imei number, I did it on my brothers lg g2. It requires some software for PC (I can't remember the name, you'll have to google it) and the box your phone came in with the imei number. It is possible, so don't lose hope!
EddyH1993 said:
It is possible to restore your imei number, I did it on my brothers lg g2. It requires some software for PC (I can't remember the name, you'll have to google it) and the box your phone came in with the imei number. It is possible, so don't lose hope!
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Is it called QPST configuration? If so all I need help with is getting the phone to be recognized by the tool. Don't you need it to be on some COM port or something?
ethanscooter said:
Is it called QPST configuration? If so all I need help with is getting the phone to be recognized by the tool. Don't you need it to be on some COM port or something?
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Yeh that software rings a bell and yeh I believe it's something like com port 47 maybe. It was a while ago when I did it and I can't remember the process of doing it :/
EddyH1993 said:
Yeh that software rings a bell and yeh I believe it's something like com port 47 maybe. It was a while ago when I did it and I can't remember the process of doing it :/
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Don't I need a special driver? Also, do I need to put the phone into diag mode and how would I do that?
ethanscooter said:
Don't I need a special driver? Also, do I need to put the phone into diag mode and how would I do that?
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Have a look at this link I really can't remember how I did it and without researching again I won't know. It's a rough idea to maybe help you, I think the device just needs to be in USB debugging mode. I can't help anymore sorry and good luck.
any fix for this yet?
Same problem also with my op2 . No imei no baseband

P8 Lite Boot loop

I've been trying almost everything for days. When I turn on the phone the bootloader enters in a loop.
I can't access to recovery (vol up + power), not even in update mode(vol up & vol down + power).
The only thing I can access is the fastboot but my phone is locked and I don't the have the imei to unlock via calculator or the oficial huawei page.
If someone have any suggestions.
Instalar ROM vía fastboot
Sent from my ALE-L21 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
VicenteR93 said:
I've been trying almost everything for days. When I turn on the phone the bootloader enters in a loop.
I can't access to recovery (vol up + power), not even in update mode(vol up & vol down + power).
The only thing I can access is the fastboot but my phone is locked and I don't the have the imei to unlock via calculator or the oficial huawei page.
If someone have any suggestions.
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If getting your IMEI is your only concern then you can get that from the box... But you'll need Product ID too, and for that you'll need to have your phone booted up...
amageek said:
If getting your IMEI is your only concern then you can get that from the box... But you'll need Product ID too, and for that you'll need to have your phone booted up...
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There is a program for that. Huawei product id generator. You can find this program very easy.
amageek said:
If getting your IMEI is your only concern then you can get that from the box... But you'll need Product ID too, and for that you'll need to have your phone booted up...
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when you mean the box. Is the box where I bought the phone? 'Cause I don't have it anymore and is not even behind the battery.
VicenteR93 said:
when you mean the box. Is the box where I bought the phone? 'Cause I don't have it anymore and is not even behind the battery.
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Yes that box.. There may be other way too, I'll look into it and share is I find anything
Fedroid said:
Instalar ROM vía fastboot
Sent from my ALE-L21 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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I downloaded the official ROM from huawei and is the recent version but when I tried to install it with "fastboot update" is asking for an android-text.txt and I been searching to re-create that file manually and then is asking for another file and so on.
I've been searching if I can install the oficcial ROM by fastboot even if is not unlocked and find this guide but it is not usefull for me 'cause I can't access into the download mode or use adb.
This is the information I could extract from my phone.
Firmware : ALE-L21C109B130
I couldn't fint this version of firmware.
If you could light my way if you have another method.
VicenteR93 said:
I downloaded the official ROM from huawei and is the recent version but when I tried to install it with "fastboot update" is asking for an android-text.txt and I been searching to re-create that file manually and then is asking for another file and so on.
I've been searching if I can install the oficcial ROM by fastboot even if is not unlocked and find this guide but it is not usefull for me 'cause I can't access into the download mode or use adb.
This is the information I could extract from my phone.
Firmware : ALE-L21C109B130
I couldn't fint this version of firmware.
If you could light my way if you have another method.
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Extract files and flash it one by one using fastboot commands
I recommend you watch this video even if it is in Spanish, it can help you
,is from
Sent from my Huawei P8lite/P8 Lite using XDA Labs
Fedroid said:
Extract files and flash it one by one using fastboot commands
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Everything failed when tries to write 'cause the bootloader is locked.
davidlikeandroid23 said:
I recommend you watch this video even if it is in Spanish, it can help you
,is from
Sent from my Huawei P8lite/P8 Lite using XDA Labs
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I already saw a tutorial like this one but my bootloader is locked and I don't have the imei to unlock it. But thanks anyway.
VicenteR93 said:
I already saw a tutorial like this one but my bootloader is locked and I don't have the imei to unlock it. But thanks anyway.
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Ok i searched for ways to find an IMEI number and found couple of ways...
1) Look under/in the sim tray. It may be there (I didn't check this out)
2) Find the IMEI/MEID using Google Dashboard. This is Google's control center that can be accessed from any computer with a web browser. You will need to log in with the Google account associated with your Android phone.You can access Google Dashboard by visiting Expand the "Android" section by clicking the "Android" heading.Locate your phone in the list. If you have multiple devices associated with your account, all of the devices will be displayed. Find the device that you are trying to retrieve the IMEI/MEID number for. (This works)
3) At last, you can try to remove the back case and remove the battery. This can help you in 2 ways. Firstly, there should be IMEI code present under the battery. Secondly, this may cause you to get out of bootloop
amageek said:
Ok i searched for ways to find an IMEI number and found couple of ways...
1) Look under/in the sim tray. It may be there (I didn't check this out)
2) Find the IMEI/MEID using Google Dashboard. This is Google's control center that can be accessed from any computer with a web browser. You will need to log in with the Google account associated with your Android phone.You can access Google Dashboard by visiting Expand the "Android" section by clicking the "Android" heading.Locate your phone in the list. If you have multiple devices associated with your account, all of the devices will be displayed. Find the device that you are trying to retrieve the IMEI/MEID number for. (This works)
3) At last, you can try to remove the back case and remove the battery. This can help you in 2 ways. Firstly, there should be IMEI code present under the battery. Secondly, this may cause you to get out of bootloop
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You're the best Sir, the holy ruler!!!
I finally found it. With the option 1.
I checked to the second option and it was there too. Didn't know that option.
Thank you so much.
VicenteR93 said:
You're the best Sir, the holy ruler!!!
I finally found it. With the option 1.
I checked to the second option and it was there too. Didn't know that option.
Thank you so much.
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Cheers... Now you may proceed further.. Do tell us about your methods/steps/processes for future reference...
Did you try installing hisuite to a windows machine there is a recovery option on it it will install the LATEST emui ROM to your phone and recover it.
Edit: if I remember correctly you just have to be in fastboot to recover it
ndg_2000 said:
Did you try installing hisuite to a windows machine there is a recovery option on it it will install the LATEST emui ROM to your phone and recover it.
Edit: if I remember correctly you just have to be in fastboot to recover it
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I tried but at the end it tells me that I need to take the phone to the nearest center.
I downloaded a lot of ROM to try but I'm still trapped in the boot loop.
I tried all the solutions that has been posted before.
VicenteR93 said:
I downloaded a lot of ROM to try but I'm still trapped in the boot loop.
I tried all the solutions that has been posted before.
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Have you managed to get the boot loader unlocked if not you need to tackle that first then your recovery options open up some what
ndg_2000 said:
Have you managed to get the boot loader unlocked if not you need to tackle that first then your recovery options open up some what
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I already unlocked the bootlooader but I still have the boot loop even after pass cust, system, recovery, boot.
VicenteR93 said:
I already unlocked the bootlooader but I still have the boot loop even after pass cust, system, recovery, boot.
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Stupid question but I will ask it anyway did you md5 check all of the files you have downloaded as I have had issues with another device and it was because of bad files

Moto X style XT1575 WiFi don't work

Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum, I'm looking for help with a Moto X style XT1575. I tell you the problem: I bought a Moto X Style used on the internet and it turns out that WiFi does not work, the phone is with MM 6.0.1. Entering Configuration, WiFi, you see a line with movement, as if the phone is still searching for networks with the switch turned off and when you try to activate it, it immediately goes back on by itself. I was reading a bit about this error and it seems quite repeated, not only in this model but also in other Motorola. I saw cases in which besides the WiFi also does not work the Bluetooth, in my case the problem is only in the Wifi. The phone is not rooted or anything, it is factory and reset, I am not sure if it is free but apparently yes, because I accepted sims from two different companies.
Could you help me solve this? From already thank you very much
(I'm using the Google translator, sorry if something I say is not understood)
NamelessGhoulx said:
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum, I'm looking for help with a Moto X style XT1575. I tell you the problem: I bought a Moto X Style used on the internet and it turns out that WiFi does not work, the phone is with MM 6.0.1. Entering Configuration, WiFi, you see a line with movement, as if the phone is still searching for networks with the switch turned off and when you try to activate it, it immediately goes back on by itself. I was reading a bit about this error and it seems quite repeated, not only in this model but also in other Motorola. I saw cases in which besides the WiFi also does not work the Bluetooth, in my case the problem is only in the Wifi. The phone is not rooted or anything, it is factory and reset, I am not sure if it is free but apparently yes, because I accepted sims from two different companies.
Could you help me solve this? From already thank you very much
(I'm using the Google translator, sorry if something I say is not understood)
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Is the bootloader unlocked?
No, I think it was officially updated to MM and was left with this problem.
NamelessGhoulx said:
No, I think it was officially updated to MM and was left with this problem.
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If the bootloader is locked the solution i can think of is to flash the latest firmware (if available).
If there any hardware fault then flashing firmware won't fix this.
Reflash MM? Would that fix the WiFi? I have read cases where the official update itself generates the problem, and they flash the modem and it works, without having to reload the whole system. I do not really know what to do
NamelessGhoulx said:
Reflash MM? Would that fix the WiFi? I have read cases where the official update itself generates the problem, and they flash the modem and it works, without having to reload the whole system. I do not really know what to do
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Go here
And flash non-hlos.bin and fsg.bin (at your own risk)
This may fix it.
And don't forget to see if the build version matches.
It looks like the versions match. To do this I have to unlock the bootloader and root the phone, is that correct? I'm a rookie, you'll see
NamelessGhoulx said:
It looks like the versions match. To do this I have to unlock the bootloader and root the phone, is that correct? I'm a rookie, you'll see
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Those are stock images so i don't think you need to unlock bootloader. Just flash via fastboot.
Only flash non-hlos.bin and fsg and also Bluetooth if Bluetooth isn't working.
You can flash via fastboot?
In that post says it's for Pure and my phone is Style. I know they are the same but that clarification made me doubt.
I have not tried because I do not understand how to do it, I see many posts about this and I do not know where to start
NamelessGhoulx said:
In that post says it's for Pure and my phone is Style. I know they are the same but that clarification made me doubt.
I have not tried because I do not understand how to do it, I see many posts about this and I do not know where to start
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Read carefully the first and second line of the screenshot you have given. It show moto x pure edition.
Update to Nougat would solve this or would it be better to try to flash only those files as it is now in MM?
I could only update using my operator's internet
NamelessGhoulx said:
Update to Nougat would solve this or would it be better to try to flash only those files as it is now in MM?
I could only update using my operator's internet
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You can't update using mobile data you have to use wifi.
Marshmallow doesn't allow updates via mobile data.
But u can use other mobile and creat wifi hotspot to update.
U can try updating. But in cause some thing break you may have to unlock your bootloader.
And is nougut available for xt1575?
Yes, Nougat is now available for some regions. How can i create a hotspot if te phone does not have WiFi? Can not connect to any network
NamelessGhoulx said:
Yes, Nougat is now available for some regions. How can i create a hotspot if te phone does not have WiFi? Can not connect to any network
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Oh,right forgot about that.
You can use nougut update zip for xt1575 (if available i couldn't find any)
Or flash is the last option.(i don't know any other fix).
Do you have adb and fastboot in your pc?
No. I'm totally new, I do not understand practically anything
NamelessGhoulx said:
No. I'm totally new, I do not understand practically anything
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Alright, you are going to want to download minimal fastboot and adb drivers for PC (assuming you are on windows?) You do not need an unlocked bootloader or need to be rooted to be able to flash stock. @yk1999 provided the correct file, and so just Google how to flash the commands @yk1999 said. Or follow this guide of how to relock bootloader.
Edit : the commands are fastboot flash...and then the file names that @yk1999 posted. This should be enough. Download the file I linked you for fastboot and adb, turn on us debugging in settings, and then flash away!
NamelessGhoulx said:
No. I'm totally new, I do not understand practically anything
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Install adb
Goto bootloader
Connect your usb cable to pc
Press enter after writing each line
fastboot flash modem non-hlos.bin(path to non-hlos.bin)
fastboot flash fsg fsg(path to fsg)
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot
Thanks to both of you. I do not need the drivers of the phone?
NamelessGhoulx said:
Thanks to both of you. I do not need the drivers of the phone?
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Drivers are included with adb but you can install Motorola device manager it will also install drivers. Search it on Google.
Many thanks to both, I could solve it. They really saved me, I do not know how to thank them

SOLVED:Stuck at PIN input, then reboots

Well, I f*cked up.
Fastboot works, I can flash stock rom via Xiaomi Flash. Flashing completes without any problems. A notification about encypting phone shows up, at 3% it jumps to 100% and resumes boot. Now after each boot, phone freezes at "input your sim pin" and reboots. Over and over again. What can I try, please help :
twister26 said:
There is an reward for whoever helps me solve this issue
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u try put your sim on other phone and remove the pin from them , maybe the boot skip that part and dont get freeze
dfranco51207 said:
u try put your sim on other phone and remove the pin from them , maybe the boot skip that part and dont get freeze
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no luck, removed sim and now it reboots as soon as android one text is displayed
I've also tried wiping cache in default recovery, no luck
twister26 said:
no luck, removed sim and now it reboots as soon as android one text is displayed
I've also tried wiping cache in default recovery, no luck
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Try to format data in twrp or stock recovery.
If it does not work flash an android 8.0 or Nougat ROM. Do not lock the bootloader.
Let me guess. From Pie to Oreo or Nougat?
Mercoory said:
Let me guess. From Pie to Oreo or Nougat?
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yes, exactly is there a thread already open somewhere here and i missed? last time TWRP was working, I even got a message "your system has been destroyed" or something like that.
sipollo said:
Try to format data in twrp or stock recovery.
If it does not work flash an android 8.0 or Nougat ROM. Do not lock the bootloader.
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will try!
ccalixtro said:
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will give it a read, it it works, I'll PM you and you'll give me your paypal address. Fair is fair.
can't unlock OEM, because I can't boot up to developer tools. great, just great. will try to fix that first.
if you can boot to fastboot try to flash stock pie with miflash, after that your device should be able to boot, than unlock OEM and bootloader and downgrade to what version you want
fdc77 said:
if you can boot to fastboot try to flash stock pie with miflash, after that your device should be able to boot, than unlock OEM and bootloader and downgrade to what version you want
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I can get to fastboot yeah, but MiFlash tool says that remote oem unlock is not allowed. So I'll probably have to open it up for EDL. Reboot to edl isn't working. Thanks for the advice tho.
twister26 said:
I can get to fastboot yeah, but MiFlash tool says that remote oem unlock is not allowed. So I'll probably have to open it up for EDL. Reboot to edl isn't working. Thanks for the advice tho.
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i had a problem like yours, but i have flashed stock rom in non EDL mode and everything had start to work apart LTE band missing that i restored with qualcomm's tools
which stock rom have you try to flash? are you downgrading from oreo? bootloop on android one logo after downgrading is a common issue due to ARB (anti rollback protection)
twister26 said:
Whoever saves my precious Mi A1 gets 10$ on his paypal.
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This is ****
This is not XDA spirit
You can get help without to pay
Please cancel the reward, do it. For all the people on this community.
tropbel said:
This is ****
This is not XDA spirit
You can get help without to pay
Please cancel the reward, do it. For all the people on this community.
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reward is cancelled from this point on i will reward the one who helped me so far tho. still working on solving the problem so winner has not been decided yet.
you don't understand.
There are no winners and no loosers.
You are free to donate to anyone you want, but your post boost and encourages a bad attitude.
If people start to solve only paid problems, the spirit of the community will be destroyed.
The problem is with the Pie specific partition table
I write the whole guide from memory, so it can differ a bit.... I skipped some steps ( erasing, reboot, fastboot mode, TWRP loading via fastboot, OEM unlock )
From previous writings I think you can know the skipped steps.
Keep in mind: It is dangerous, you can loose your IMEI ( it will only work again with Pie - or there are some writings at forum how can you manually change it. ).
1 - Backup with TWRP (fastboot) efs,persist,modem & make copy to your computer and or to your cloud provider.
2 - Create a new folder in Internal Storage -> TWRP -> BACKUP -> With a new date directory ( the backup already made one, make a new folder, with different date )
3 - Download someone's older TWRP backup from xda (I cheated, I copied the following links ) :
(I'm still a new user, so can't directly write url's )
Mirror: Google Drive : https COLON SLASH SLASH SLASH 2UN1DTo
4 - Unpack, and copy EFS to the folder created 2 point
5 - Fastboot TWRP -> Restore EFS
6 - Flash the Official latest firmware from ( If you want to make sure go with EDL mode )
7 - Now, the IMEI & Mac addresses are missing. Don't panic! Download update with System Updates.
8 - When you are on Pie again, restore your first TWRP (fastboot) persist partition
9 - One more System restore
At this time, you will have IMEI & Mac addressees, and hopefully a working phone.
Hope this helps. The same thing happened with me 2 weeks ago. This is how I solves it.
Thank you, I solved it yesterday. Hopefully this post will come in handy for other people!
