Block future updates ( incoming!) - Fire TV General

I had updates blocked on my firestick (through launcher manager 1.1.6) , yet the stick downloaded and updated to .
Could it have to do with the fact that I am always using VPN (nordvpn) , thus the launcher manager block does not work in this case ?
Does anyone know a solution on how to block future firestick updates while being connecting to a VPN ? (in my case nordvpn)
/EDIT : See solution below

Careful out there .
version is being downloaded by my firestick as we speak . (it is a big update)

mea_pulpa said:
Careful out there .
version is being downloaded by my firestick as we speak . (it is a big update)
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Did you have the OTA files disabled?

mea_pulpa said:
I had updates blocked on my firestick (through launcher manager 1.1.6) , yet the stick downloaded and updated to .
Could it have to do with the fact that I am always using VPN (nordvpn) , thus the launcher manager block does not work in this case ?
Does anyone know a solution on how to block future firestick updates while being connecting to a VPN ? (in my case nordvpn)
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What version were you on before it did the update?

To be honest , I never actually paid attention to what version I was on since I had updates disabled through launcher manager 1.1.6 .
I felt I was safe .
I only started looking at what version I was on from the moment my Wolf launcher stopped working and I was suddenly stuck on the amazon bloated launcher .
So now the question is , how to stop the future amazon updates ?
As a start , does anyone know what IP's should be blocked ?

mea_pulpa said:
To be honest , I never actually paid attention to what version I was on since I had updates disabled through launcher manager 1.1.6 .
I felt I was safe .
I only started looking at what version I was on from the moment my Wolf launcher stopped working and I was suddenly stuck on the amazon bloated launcher .
So now the question is , how to stop the future amazon updates ?
As a start , does anyone know what IP's should be blocked ?
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Approx what date did you disable the updates using 1.1.6?
I'm thinking maybe the update was already downloaded (but not installed) BEFORE you disabled updates, and for some strange reason that already downloaded update was activated.

mea_pulpa said:
To be honest , I never actually paid attention to what version I was on since I had updates disabled through launcher manager 1.1.6 .
I felt I was safe .
I only started looking at what version I was on from the moment my Wolf launcher stopped working and I was suddenly stuck on the amazon bloated launcher .
So now the question is , how to stop the future amazon updates ?
As a start , does anyone know what IP's should be blocked ?
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I would use the adguard option to block updates if you set up a new firestick and skip the update via voiceover you have to clear updates downloaded via adb command which launch manager 1.16 has built in command is pm clear

mea_pulpa said:
I had updates blocked on my firestick (through launcher manager 1.1.6) , yet the stick downloaded and updated to .
Could it have to do with the fact that I am always using VPN (nordvpn) , thus the launcher manager block does not work in this case ?
Does anyone know a solution on how to block future firestick updates while being connecting to a VPN ? (in my case nordvpn)
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Does the pm disable-user still work? On my other post Amazon by now blocks any undoing to the system which involves blocking shell commands. Keep note that blocking updates is now or never and is continuing to restrict the control you have over your device.

jhurtault said:
I would use the adguard option to block updates if you set up a new firestick and skip the update via voiceover you have to clear updates downloaded via adb command which launch manager 1.16 has built in command is pm clear
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adguard is a vpn solution . Only 1 vpn can be used at a time . I am already using nordvpn so not possible for another vpn to run at the same time .
Skel40 said:
Does the pm disable-user still work? On my other post Amazon by now blocks any undoing to the system which involves blocking shell commands. Keep note that blocking updates is now or never and is continuing to restrict the control you have over your device.
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i currently use tduk update cleaner . I am running that program manually each time i notice the update has been downloaded .
also need to run it every time i unplug the firestick from its power or else it will update on next boot .
not an ideal situation .
every time i boot up the stick it auto downloads immeditely .

mea_pulpa said:
i currently use tduk update cleaner . I am running that program manually each time i notice the update has been downloaded .
also need to run it every time i unplug the firestick from its power or else it will update on next boot .
not an ideal situation .
every time i boot up the stick it auto downloads immeditely .
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If you go into the "Block Updates" setting of Launch Manager 1.1.6, does it say that updates are currently Enabled or Disabled?

mea_pulpa said:
I had updates blocked on my firestick (through launcher manager 1.1.6) , yet the stick downloaded and updated to .
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Are you 100% sure that you "successfully" disabled updates?
I ask this for two reasons:
1) I caught myself thinking that when I clicked "disable updates" in LM 1.1.6, there was a slight pause and then I saw a GREEN checkmark after it completed it's operation. So I assumed that the green checkmark means that the block was "successful", but unfortunately it doesn't - a green checkmark means that updates are still "enabled". A Crossed Red Circle means that the updates have been disabled.
Another important thing to mention in case you didn't know, is that amazon recently pushed TWO updates: the first update prevented the ability to "disable" updates. The second update prevents users to select an alternative launcher.
So, since you said that you disabled the updates using launch manager 1.1.6, that version is a relatively recent version, so I am thinking that there might be the possibility that the first amazon update (that I mentioned aboce) was already installed on your stick, thereby preventing you from disabling updates. So, when you went to disable the updates in launch manager 1.1.6, you might have also assumed that the resulting green checkmark meant you successfully disabled them, but in fact you didn't because of that first update that was already installed BEFORE you tried to disable updates in LM, and that is why your stick eventually updated to So basically, if you only recently did the "disable updates" in LM 1.1.6, then there is a chance you were too late.
2) The second reason for asking you these questions is that if in fact amazon has figured out a way to install updates even though the OTA files are disabled, this would be a major concern to many users. So, I just want to make sure that all the facts are accurate and that this really did happened exactly as you described.

JohnC said:
Are you 100% sure that you "successfully" disabled updates?
I ask this for two reasons:
1) I caught myself thinking that when I clicked "disable updates" in LM 1.1.6, there was a slight pause and then I saw a GREEN checkmark after it completed it's operation. So I assumed that the green checkmark means that the block was "successful", but unfortunately it doesn't - a green checkmark means that updates are still "enabled". A Crossed Red Circle means that the updates have been disabled.
Another important thing to mention in case you didn't know, is that amazon recently pushed TWO updates: the first update prevented the ability to "disable" updates. The second update prevents users to select an alternative launcher.
So, since you said that you disabled the updates using launch manager 1.1.6, that version is a relatively recent version, so I am thinking that there might be the possibility that the first amazon update (that I mentioned aboce) was already installed on your stick, thereby preventing you from disabling updates. So, when you went to disable the updates in launch manager 1.1.6, you might have also assumed that the resulting green checkmark meant you successfully disabled them, but in fact you didn't because of that first update that was already installed BEFORE you tried to disable updates in LM, and that is why your stick eventually updated to So basically, if you only recently did the "disable updates" in LM 1.1.6, then there is a chance you were too late.
2) The second reason for asking you these questions is that if in fact amazon has figured out a way to install updates even though the OTA files are disabled, this would be a major concern to many users. So, I just want to make sure that all the facts are accurate and that this really did happened exactly as you described.
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I see where you are coming from and yes indeed the interface to block updates is confusing .
I updated to 1.1.6 right after its release . Definately activated the right blocker since I was checking both options in detail to see what exactly changed (i immediately noticed the interface was confusing) .
Right now the LM unblocker can not be activated because I am running which disables the option to stop updates entirely .
We will never know why or how it downloaded the update on my device since I did not keep a logbook about what and when things happened .
What we do know is : I am on now , it is downloading the update constantly in order to install it .
I already tried blocking over 30 ip addresses that I found in netstat , but it seems that none of them were blocking the update from downloading . If anyone has a working set of ip addresses/ranges to block , I will be happy to try it out .
Or another way to block it from downloading .
(not by installing a second vpn solution as that is simply not possible , and without my vpn i can not watch my content anyway . So I can as well leave it unplugged and not watch anything at that point )

I remember seeing somewhere a list of about 3 domain names to block to prevent firestick updates, but I don't remember where.
Lets see if any other user reports that they had the OTA files disabled, but it updated anyway.

JohnC said:
I remember seeing somewhere a list of about 3 domain names to block to prevent firestick updates, but I don't remember where.
Lets see if any other user reports that they had the OTA files disabled, but it updated anyway.
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Yes many more have already reported they blocked updates yet they got updated anyway .
Anyway , I found a list with 5 dns names and created a block that works for me , while still being able to use my own vpn .
This is how I did it :
Open norvpn on the firestick . go to trusted apps and add "Downloads" (the one with the green arrow pointing downwards) to the list .
Then in your network router interface , block the following 5 url's in the Firewall - URL filter menu (I use an asus router running merlinwrt firmware , so it might and probably will be different from your setup) .
URLs :
To be redundant I also added the 5 dns names in my dnsmasq .
(create a file called dnsmasq.conf.add in /jffs/configs/
Then put following lines in it :
save the file and at the command line type "service restart_dnsmasq" or simply restart your router .)
As mentioned , implementing both is just to be redundant . If you implement only 1 of the 2 (either url filter or dnsmasq) it also works .
Now what happens is , the firestick will consult the router always to download anything on the firestick .
With my vpn activated , or without . Downloading an app from amazon store works , downloading system updates will not . Downloading app updates , I have not tried this yet .
Now the firestick will detect that there is a new OS version to be downloaded , but once it wants to start downloading it will face the block and it hangs and never is able to actually start downloading .
So it shows downloading infinitely in the about - download updates menu .
Before implementing this , I would recommend you install TDUK update wiper on your firestick .
This is how I tested all my scenarios , every time deleting the update with the TDUK update wiper app when it would fail to block the download .
I hope this helps someone .
Currently my is booting into wolf launcher , and also pressing the home button goes back into wolf launcher .
All this while system updates to or above are not coming through . (at least for now )
The block will stay working for as long as the 5 url's are hard coded in the fireOS itself . Which I do not know if they are .
In case they are pulled from the internet somewhere , or updated when the app Downloads updates ... amazon might force change the urls some day . So be aware .

mea_pulpa said:
Yes many more have already reported they blocked updates yet they got updated anyway .
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I am a member of a couple different forums that discuss fire sticks, and I have not seen anyone else post that their device updated even with the OTA files disabled.
So, not that I am doubting your claim, but I would like to know about these other firestick groups so that I can join them to keep better informed about all things related to firestick.
What are these other groups?

JohnC said:
I am a member of a couple different forums that discuss fire sticks, and I have not seen anyone else post that their device updated even with the OTA files disabled.
So, not that I am doubting your claim, but I would like to know about these other firestick groups so that I can join them to keep better informed about all things related to firestick.
What are these other groups?
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No special groups . Just here on the xda forum people reporting it happened to them too in different threads .

mea_pulpa said:
No special groups . Just here on the xda forum people reporting it happened to them too in different threads .
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The amazon updates that disables updates and custom launchers only came out about 2 months ago and I have been subscribed to see any new threads *or* new posts in this "Fire TV General" section.
I've seen users report that Wolf stopped working, and then they realized about the new wolf-killing update.
I've seen other users who heard about the new wolf-killing update and then tried to disable updates, only to learn it was too late.
For example, the below website, which has a huge following, has many posted comments on the topic of disabling automatic updates. But there is absolutely nothing posted after 2/20/22, which I would think that if other users had updates installed after disabling updates, there would have been a few posts about that serious problem, but there isn't:
Block Amazon Firestick / Fire TV Automatic Updates
The following tutorial will show you How to Block Amazon Firestick & Fire TV automatic updates. Amazon is constantly pushing out updates that usually
However, you are the first and only one (that I have seen) who reported that you successfully disabled updates and for some reason a recent update was still installed.
So, can you point me to some of these "many more have already reported..." so that I can ask those users some questions (like I did above to you) just to make sure they also were positive that they didn't get confused with the green checkmark in LM, so I can see if there are any specific conditions that is causing this to happen to you and these other users (but not to everyone), and hopefully find out a way to stop it.
So, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide a few links to the other users who you saw reported this issue.

JohnC said:
The amazon updates that disables updates and custom launchers only came out about 2 months ago and I have been subscribed to see any new threads *or* new posts in this "Fire TV General" section.
I've seen users report that Wolf stopped working, and then they realized about the new wolf-killing update.
I've seen other users who heard about the new wolf-killing update and then tried to disable updates, only to learn it was too late.
For example, the below website, which has a huge following, has many posted comments on the topic of disabling automatic updates. But there is absolutely nothing posted after 2/20/22, which I would think that if other users had updates installed after disabling updates, there would have been a few posts about that serious problem, but there isn't:
Block Amazon Firestick / Fire TV Automatic Updates
The following tutorial will show you How to Block Amazon Firestick & Fire TV automatic updates. Amazon is constantly pushing out updates that usually
However, you are the first and only one (that I have seen) who reported that you successfully disabled updates and for some reason a recent update was still installed.
So, can you point me to some of these "many more have already reported..." so that I can ask those users some questions (like I did above to you) just to make sure they also were positive that they didn't get confused with the green checkmark in LM, so I can see if there are any specific conditions that is causing this to happen to you and these other users (but not to everyone), and hopefully find out a way to stop it.
So, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide a few links to the other users who you saw reported this issue.
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Hey JohnC I see you are on some kind of mission .
I think most of these people will have no valuable information for you . As people and firesticks don't keep logbooks . They don't recall/remember exactly .
So remember it is your mission , not mine .
A recent post to get you started :
I'm not personally going to re-read all threads I have read on xda , in search of the others . So I will leave that up to you my friend .

mea_pulpa said:
Hey JohnC I see you are on some kind of mission .
I think most of these people will have no valuable information for you . As people and firesticks don't keep logbooks . They don't recall/remember exactly .
So remember it is your mission , not mine .
A recent post to get you started :
I'm not personally going to re-read all threads I have read on xda , in search of the others . So I will leave that up to you my friend .
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Thanks for the info.


[Q] Blocking amazon updates

I recently decided to block to next update just in case amazon breaks my root again. I went about trying to usual, freezing the process (but I couldnt find the service with app quarantine) to redirecting the server to in the hosts file (which I never got working either, it never blocked
What I ended up doing was blocking in my router, and now everytime my fire powers up I get a dialog saying "the Wi-Fi network you are connecting to requires you to sign in before accessing the internet. Would you like to sign in" and the wifi signal icon always has an X on it now.
Question is, is this a common phenomena when blocking the server?
Do any of the other methods not pop up this dialog box?
that worked for me:
kf was and is registered
removed /system/etc/security/ -> update downloaded but did not install -> was automatically deleted from cache folder after failed attempt to install
no guarantee !!!
Is the update installed from cache our the kindleupdate folder? I have some other ideas on blocking, but I am notsure on this part.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
I used app quarantine, and locked OTASilentInstall. I would provide a link, but I can't yet.
Also added:
Hoping it stops the updates.
this will not work ! - allready tested and confimed
the only working and confirmed method is to deregister !
i did not deregister, watched the download ... see above
for me my method worked and i see it as confirmed for me.
btw. use the search function - there is a quite big thread about this !
So even after actually locking down the OTA app it will still update?
for shure !

How to prevent updates?

Ok, they keep updating and breaking root. I hear droidwall will block it.
But what is the name I should be blocking?
Or is there a better way to stop auto updating?
Delete in system/etc/security. You must enable r/w and have root.
When I did It, it downloaded the update in front of me but didn't update. Then I deleted the update. Now i'm still on 6.2.1 and Loving It.
Molinari said:
Ok, they keep updating and breaking root. I hear droidwall will block it.
But what is the name I should be blocking?
Or is there a better way to stop auto updating?
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I did the thing mentioned above (moved to sdcard and renamed to otacerts.bak).
However, just to be safe I am also using droidwall. With droidwall, I started out by blocking everything (default) and then unblocked things when they would not work (use the log to see what is being blocked). Be sure to actually enable the blocking and the logs (they are off by default). Some things you can be unblocked ahead of time like Market and Browser. The only potential issue with using droidblocker is that whatever is used for the OTA update might also be used by something else that needs to be unblocked.
mark_a_l said:
I did the thing mentioned above (moved to sdcard and renamed to otacerts.bak).
However, just to be safe I am also using droidwall. With droidwall, I started out by blocking everything (default) and then unblocked things when they would not work (use the log to see what is being blocked). Be sure to actually enable the blocking and the logs (they are off by default). Some things you can be unblocked ahead of time like Market and Browser. The only potential issue with using droidblocker is that whatever is used for the OTA update might also be used by something else that needs to be unblocked.
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Droidwall Doesnt work, I tried that on the 6.1 to 6.2 update because I did not want to risk a potential update. That was before we knew of the ota updates.
iroctheworld said:
Droidwall Doesnt work, I tried that on the 6.1 to 6.2 update because I did not want to risk a potential update. That was before we knew of the ota updates.
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What were you blocking? I've only got about 6 things on my white list (not blocked). Half are market related. In any case even if it doesn't work for OTA updates, I find some apps to be a bit too 'chatty' (looking at the logs). So it does work at blocking 'unnecessary' wifi traffic.
Thanks for the rename tip!
I am still avoiding the 6.2.2 update (only time can tell, last time mine was updated about 1 week after the first posting about forced updates ...)
I am running the rooted version of 6.2.1. I flashed this after losing root from the 6.2.1 forced update.
This time I only did two "mods" for protection -
(1) un-register from Amazon (actually I never register during ROM installation)
(2) use Droidwall
I dunno which one will make me survive the forced update, but I suspect it may / will be #(1).
I only allow a few things to go through Droidwall, most of them are 3rd party apps' names. The only two additional processes necessary for normal functions are:
(1) downloads, media storage, DRM protected content storage, download manager (needed for Market downloads)
(2) search (for Google search)
The one I always worry about in Droidwall is obviously #(1). I certainly do not let things like Amazon device client platform (ADCP) to go through!
This is just my Droidwall setup. People using other apps may need to allow other Android processes through therefore I cannot guarantee Amazon update won't sneak through that way.
I only know about the when I revisited the forum yesterday afte reading elsewhere about the new OTA update. This time I won't modify this file on purpose.
(fingers crossed for me, I am not out of the woods yet)
P.S. Feb 2nd and I am still clean, looks like I dodged it!

FIRE HD 8 2017 - Anyway to stop OTA?

Hello, just received my Fire HD 8 (2017), with Fire OS
I am aware no root exists for that firmware at the minute. I was wondering if there was a way to stop OTA updates, so that if root comes out for that version I'm not stuck on the latest. Thanks.
I just received one as well and came here looking for similar info. Short of keeping the device turned off, I don't think there is a way to stop it from trying to update without root. However, you should be able to block the requests by using a no-root firewall app like NetGuard or NoRoot Data Firewall. See the following for some info:
(Note: one user there mentions the OP method no longer works on 5.3.3)
I received mine today as well, but unwittingly entered wifi details during the setup and, of course, the bloody thing updated straightaway. So now its on 5.4.
Just one thing. I have developer options and install from unknown sources enabled, but when I try to install any apk's copied from my phone using myappshare, the install button doesn't work. Is this because they were downloaded from the Google app store originally? None of the copied apps are available on the Amazon app store.
mickrick said:
I received mine today as well, but unwittingly entered wifi details during the setup and, of course, the bloody thing updated straightaway. So now its on 5.4.
Just one thing. I have developer options and install from unknown sources enabled, but when I try to install any apk's copied from my phone using myappshare, the install button doesn't work. Is this because they were downloaded from the Google app store originally? None of the copied apps are available on the Amazon app store.
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someone on a different thread mentioned that a reboot is needed after enabling the "install from unknown sources" for the install button to work.
ravipkumar said:
someone on a different thread mentioned that a reboot is needed after enabling the "install from unknown sources" for the install button to work.
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Of course it does . Working fine now.

NO ROOT: Stop Updates on (and maybe others) and delete not installed updates

After searching the internet for maybe 10 hrs to find a working solution to this problem, i finally found a way to stop updates on Kindle Fire:
You need to download NoRoot Firewall from Play Store:
How to get PlayStore on Kindle Fire:
Download, unzip and copy on your device:
Install in this order:
1. GoogleLoginService.apk
2. GoogleServicesFramework.apk
When the Firewall is installed, you need to block "DeviceSoftwareOTA". After that you go to Settings -> Apps&Games -> Manage All Applications -> All and search for "Device SoftwareOTA". Press CLEAR DATA to delete the downloaded update.
Thats it!
NOTE: You should not wait too long after getting internet access on your device. Otherwise the update will INSTALL AUTOMATICLY AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMOVE.
Sorry for no real links, I am not allowed to post them.
Sorry for your long search.
This is a known solution on this device (active discussion in several threads) and Amazon devices in general dating back several generations.
But good you reposted as folks tend to look at the most recent contributions and are not especially fond of searching.
Waldelb said:
After searching the internet for maybe 10 hrs to find a working solution to this problem, i finally found a way to stop updates on Kindle Fire:
You need to download NoRoot Firewall from Play Store:
How to get PlayStore on Kindle Fire:
Download, unzip and copy on your device:
Install in this order:
1. GoogleLoginService.apk
2. GoogleServicesFramework.apk
When the Firewall is installed, you need to block "DeviceSoftwareOTA". After that you go to Settings -> Apps&Games -> Manage All Applications -> All and search for "Device SoftwareOTA". Press CLEAR DATA to delete the downloaded update.
Thats it!
NOTE: You should not wait too long after getting internet access on your device. Otherwise the update will INSTALL AUTOMATICLY AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMOVE.
Sorry for no real links, I am not allowed to post them.
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There's already a batch file that does all this for you and then some.
Technocian said:
There's already a batch file that does all this for you and then some.
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yeah but it doesn't work on fire os from what I here so do it ASAP
Technocian said:
There's already a batch file that does all this for you and then some.
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savvytechwinner said:
yeah but it doesn't work on fire os from what I here so do it ASAP
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This has not been confirmed through multiple sources. One (perhaps two) individuals reported difficulty disabling pre-installed apps on FireOS leading to much discussion and an unproven conclusion that Amazon had removed certain capabilities from FireOS
I certainly concur the possibility exists and allowing the device to update is unwise until we know the full story.
I have it on my bucket list to install for a test run. However, the target device (which has a preservable 5.0.1 bootloader) is in use and I'd rather not fire-up a new one. At present field reports are the best source.
Sadly this didn't work to block an update to my new tablet.
I thought I had everything GTG with these instructions but last night my tablet got updated from to So ya, bumber!!
byproxy said:
Sadly this didn't work to block an update to my new tablet.
I thought I had everything GTG with these instructions but last night my tablet got updated from to So ya, bumber!!
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Click to collapse is a thing or is that a typo?
Sent from my KFFOWI using Tapatalk
Must be a typo, mixing up and - which seem to be identical though, as build.prop contains
Code: OS OS (579225620) isn't a thing yet (although I've seen that version string here, multiple times)
steve8x8 said:
Must be a typo, mixing up and - which seem to be identical though, as build.prop contains
Code: OS OS (579225620) isn't a thing yet (although I've seen that version string here, multiple times)
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Yeah I saw it multiple times too and wanted to know if Amazon was going insane with the updates.
Sent from my KFFOWI using Tapatalk
Jake1702_ said:
Yeah I saw it multiple times too and wanted to know if Amazon was going insane with the updates.
Sent from my KFFOWI using Tapatalk
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It could mean a few things 1) and are both the in no significant update was needed to modify the build.prop with a newer version. 2) So because of that the lower version would really still be the current "version". 3) Typo. And given the things we've seen and discovered, I wouldn't be surprised if it was that.
Thank you
Waldelb said:
After searching the internet for maybe 10 hrs to find a working solution to this problem, i finally found a way to stop updates on Kindle Fire:
You need to download NoRoot Firewall from Play Store:
How to get PlayStore on Kindle Fire:
Download, unzip and copy on your device:
Install in this order:
1. GoogleLoginService.apk
2. GoogleServicesFramework.apk
When the Firewall is installed, you need to block "DeviceSoftwareOTA". After that you go to Settings -> Apps&Games -> Manage All Applications -> All and search for "Device SoftwareOTA". Press CLEAR DATA to delete the downloaded update.
Thats it!
NOTE: You should not wait too long after getting internet access on your device. Otherwise the update will INSTALL AUTOMATICLY AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMOVE.
Sorry for no real links, I am not allowed to post them.
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Thanks. Straight forward. Used how to feel guide precisely for for fire hd 10 to get play store working. Now I'm in airplane mode about to apply your steps. All the other post about it were vague and posters just sent links to other discussions that just made it frustrating. Thank you again.

[Release] OneClick Script for Amazon Fire v5.3.2.1...v5.4.0.0 (Fire 7 / 7th gen)

Based on @savvytechwinner's work, on Wicki's work (Mod Edit - NO links to competing Forums) and on some experimentation of my own, I put together a new script to further ease the setup of an out-of-the-package Amazon Fire 7 / 7th gen and to clean up more throughly. This is a derivative / remix / improvement rather than something new. Thanks go to all the people this work is based on.
I already announced this in savvytechwinner's thread, but I figured setting up it's own thread is warranted.
What it does:
OTA Updates are blocked
Lockscreen ads are removed
Functional Google Play Store and Google Go search are installed
Bloatware is removed from the tablet
Functional Nova Launcher, Adblocker (DNS66) and light Youtube Client (NewPipe) are installed
Out-of-the-package instructions:
Have adb and Amazon Fire USB drivers installed on your PC.
Power on your Fire tablet, do the initial setup. DO NOT CONNECT TO WIFI. Instead, select any password protected wifi, then cancel, and initial setup will let you continue without internet.
Enter Settings -> Device options -> click Serial 7 times. A new menu entrypoint called Developer options will pop up.
In Developer options, enable ADB, then connect your tablet to your computer. Confirm the fingerprint. If that didn't work, look here for troubleshooting.
Now, extract the contents of this package somewhere on your computer and double click FireOneClick.bat.
You can watch how Amazon's apps vanish, but it is recommended not to do anything else with your tablet while the script does its work.
After it's finished, enter Settings -> Accessibility -> "enable To detect home button press". Then, open the LauncherHijack app and select Nova Launcher.
Open the DNS66 app and start it. This will run in background (at low memory consumption) and block ads.
Download the One Click Script from here.
Full readme, including credits and more info is found in my GitHub repo.
Just a heads up, I used this script on a fire 7 I had literally just opened, and it was successful in loading GApps and Blocking ads, but it did not debloat the amazon apps and it also did not block OTA updates...I woke up to a fire 7 that auto updated to 5.6.0. I'm not complaining here, since Nova Launcher is still installed and ads are nonexistent, just letting you know!
hiphopsded said:
Just a heads up, I used this script on a fire 7 I had literally just opened, and it was successful in loading GApps and Blocking ads, but it did not debloat the amazon apps and it also did not block OTA updates...I woke up to a fire 7 that auto updated to 5.6.0. I'm not complaining here, since Nova Launcher is still installed and ads are nonexistent, just letting you know!
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Dammit... what version did you start on? Assuming it was
Hi my 7" is on 5.4.0.
Does this just block the download or the update itself? Because I accidentally downloaded the OTA update but the tablet doesn't updated jet.
Is there a way to delete the update without root?
VottelTheTroll said:
Hi my 7" is on 5.4.0.
Does this just block the download or the update itself? Because I accidentally downloaded the OTA update but the tablet doesn't updated jet.
Is there a way to delete the update without root?
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It blocks the update itself by disabling all apps that would apply it. I still recommend turning Wifi off and doing a factory reset, so the update data is gone for sure.
Blocking the update / debloating most likely did not work for @hiphopsded cause he started from Blocking updates / removing ads / debloating is onlypossible on v5.4.0.0 and below. I am somewhat surprised he doesn't have ads on the lockscreen, but I think that is due to the DNS66 adblocker doing it's work properly.
EDIT: @hiphopsded - maybe there is still hope, but you'll have to do the research yourself.
@k8500 I was on v5.4.0.0
I opened it brand new from sealed packaging, canceled connecting to a WiFi I did not have the password to, and was brought into the device home screen without ever connecting to WiFi to verify that I was on v5.4.0.0 and proceeded with installing the one click script.
Everything worked except debloating the tablet and OTA Updates being blocked. Not sure what went wrong. But having the launcher, google apps, and no ads is fine enough.
Another confirmation of this working on
Just received an Amazon Fire 7 - 7th gen. It ships with
I was able to downgrade from to, then use this batch file to clean up the tablet.
already (well) used 7gen currently on
any idea when this will be updated to work on
and next question does it actually root the tablet?
thanks in advance
markbnj said:
any idea when this will be updated to work on
and next question does it actually root the tablet?
thanks in advance
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Does not root and will not be updated for 5.6.x.x as Amazon disabled the underlying commands that perform the magic.
5.6.x.x update question
Davey126 said:
Does not root and will not be updated for 5.6.x.x as Amazon disabled the underlying commands that perform the magic.
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ok. So, bottom line, I can either wipe the unit, and start over; or
try and root the fire tablet to get rid of ads, and install other stuff...)
any other ideas?
I've rooted lots of android, and would actually prefer a more android, rather then amazon centric tablet....
thanks in advance...
markbnj said:
ok. So, bottom line, I can either wipe the unit, and start over; or
try and root the fire tablet to get rid of ads, and install other stuff...)
any other ideas?
I've rooted lots of android, and would actually prefer a more android, rather then amazon centric tablet....
thanks in advance...
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Can't root 7th gen Fire at present. Period. Can't load a different ROM w/o root. Try sketchy rollback/debloat techniques at your own peril. Contact Amazon to dump annoying lock screen ads. Install a VPN based firewall like AdGuard to dispense with in-app advertising. Possibly install a different launcher using non-root techniques. Pretty much it.
Maybe I'm a little late in opening this thread up again, but let me ask this:
I just got a Kindle 7 (7th generation) in the mail, to replace our son's old one (5th generation, though unfortunately never rooted) that started messing up (so presumably the new one is refurbished). We don't like all the amazon bloat, etc., and would prefer the different launcher or anything more android-like we can get. I would love to block the OTA updates. So your tool sounds great.
I opened it and turned it on but haven't set up the device yet. I see it's version Does this one click script of yours work on the ? Are there any other suggestions on the best way to use my new device (taking out amazon bloat and more like google) considering it's *not* the newest OS that Amazon makes? I.e. are there any options I have available to me currently that I want to be sure I don't lose out on by accidentally updating or something? Thanks for any help you can provide!
madagascaradam said:
Maybe I'm a little late in opening this thread up again, but let me ask this:
I just got a Kindle 7 (7th generation) in the mail, to replace our son's old one (5th generation, though unfortunately never rooted) that started messing up (so presumably the new one is refurbished). We don't like all the amazon bloat, etc., and would prefer the different launcher or anything more android-like we can get. I would love to block the OTA updates. So your tool sounds great.
I opened it and turned it on but haven't set up the device yet. I see it's version Does this one click script of yours work on the ? Are there any other suggestions on the best way to use my new device (taking out amazon bloat and more like google) considering it's *not* the newest OS that Amazon makes? I.e. are there any options I have available to me currently that I want to be sure I don't lose out on by accidentally updating or something? Thanks for any help you can provide!
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Yes, it works with fire OS
Rortiz2 said:
Yes, it works with fire OS
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Thanks for letting me know, but maybe I'm doing something wrong because I can't get it to work at all. To start with, I had already opened my fire tablet but skipped setup (also skipped signing into wifi because I knew that could give me an auto-update). So maybe that's what screwed it up? Maybe I should reset to factory and try again?
I had installed the fire drivers too but my fire never showed up in "portable devices" in device manager (in fact, I never saw such a category - but it did show up in devices as "MTP device").
The adb worked fine as I was able to get it to "show devices". However, the one-click never did anything. Usually I use powershell, but then I tried running through normal command prompt, but still no luck. I tried putting it in my adb fastboot folder (is that my problem? does it need the full adb and adb fastboot isn't enough?) and it still didn't work. So, maybe my first step was the problem or maybe a subsequent one, I don't know, but I couldn't get any of it to work.
uninstall apps
cannot uninstall applications , i downgrade to 5.4.0 but applications are only hiding , they are still in the system .
PROOF : you can check your free space before and after uninstalling, you will gain nothing important.
but for removing ads or blocking update , its working for 5.4.0 !!!
---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------
avatarma said:
cannot uninstall applications , i downgrade to 5.4.0 but applications are only hiding , they are still in the system .
PROOF : you can check your free space before and after uninstalling, you will gain nothing important.
but for removing ads or blocking update , its working for 5.4.0 !!!
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but for rooted devices we can uninstall applications with root uninstaller pro or similare application.

