LogKit for Android 12 (IN2025_11_C.11) - OnePlus 8 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hello community, as you know previous version of LogKit (V1.0) used to enable VOLTE on Android 11 no longer works on Android 12.
Looking for help if anyone had success or has never version.
Thanks much !

ansher said:
Hello community, as you know previous version of LogKit (V1.0) used to enable VOLTE on Android 11 no longer works on Android 12.
Looking for help if anyone had success or has never version.
Thanks much !
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I'm looking for that too.

Me too

I also need this if anyone has any joy....

Bump. Is there any way to force install system app because the android 12 logkit keys are not matching with old version. Maybe apk editor ?

I also need LogKit for android 12 to enable VoLTE on my OnePlus 10 Pro.

Yo también tengo el mismo problema para poder habilitar volte ya no se puede en android 12 necesitan sacar una actualización de la apk

Exactly VOLTe is a must have and it was the only way to enable it on non supported ISPs

I'm pretty sure my Argentinean ISP is not supported and it doesn't work for me either.

Did anyone figure out a way?



D806: Which ROMS /Recovery should i use

Just got my LG G2 D806 from Personal Argentina, since this carrier loads their roms full of cr*p that i don't want, i would like to flash a new rom, so first i need to know:
1) Which recovery (preferably TWRPM) should i use
2) Which comunity ROM keeps most of the "useful" features the phone ships with (IR Remove / Knock to Wake etc etc )
To reply my own question, at least par of it, i was able to succesfully flash TWRP on the D806 by using the files for the D802, i used this tutorial:
TWRP for this device can be downloaded from:
Now i need some suggestions on what ROM to try.
elfarto said:
To reply my own question, at least par of it, i was able to succesfully flash TWRP on the D806 by using the files for the D802, i used this tutorial:
TWRP for this device can be downloaded from:
Now i need some suggestions on what ROM to try.
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gracias, ya lo habia rroteado por las mias , pero no encontraba como meterle el recovery,rooteado y con recovery, hay que investigar un poco el te ma de los kernel y roms, mañana pruebo flashearle una rom aprovechando los 10 dias de garantia del local de personal.
Expect this to be closed shortly. ROM comparison threads don't last too long on here.
Regarding your question, I prefer TWRP, but both recoveries are useful and effective. For ROMs, best to browse the developer subforum for your particular variant and give a few a try. The answer to which ROM is best is highly subjective (and leads to flaming/trolling, hence the reason this'll be closed soon). What one finds to be the best could be different than your opinion. Try a bunch and see which one meets your needs/expectations.

No Camera switch button after update to Nougat

Guys, camera switch button no longer exists after update to Nougat. i have tried 3rd party camera apps as well but the issue is still there. Not sure what happened.
need help
Tranquilidad no es grave.
Cambia en ajustes de pantalla el modo de visualización pequeño a normal. Motorola ya sabe lo que pasa le he informado personalmente.
As in to switch from front to back?
camera issue after update to 7
hamid_sharar said:
Guys, camera switch button no longer exists after update to Nougat. i have tried 3rd party camera apps as well but the issue is still there. Not sure what happened.
need help
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I had the same problem ... to solve this go into screen size and change to default and you buttons will work as they should hope this helps God bless

Fellow T-Mobile USA folks: Which custom ROMs have VoLTE, HD voice, and wifi calling?

Title says it all, I suppose. I'm on vache's experimental LineageOS 15 ROM, and while it's great in most ways, none of the above features work. Does anyone have any suggestions? I saw Dirty Unicorn mentioned, but it doesn't seem to be under active development for potter AFAICT (last ROM on vache's site is from July.) Thanks!
So far the best and most stable ROM with all of those features working well, in my experience, is AOKP. I'm running it with EX kernel overclocked and getting 7-8 hours screen on time. I get better signal than I ever have with a T-Mobile branded phone.
esta me ha parecido una room muy estable nunca he tenido ningun bug AospExtented en este enlace la puedes descargar https://forum.xda-developers.com/g5-plus/development/rom-aospextended-rom-v4-2-t3608056

(app) Gcam for Nova

Looking for camera improvements.
Any gcam version available for Nova? Anyone tested it?
fransantos said:
Looking for camera improvements.
Any gcam version available for Nova? Anyone tested it?
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I've tried a version in past, one posted on some Telegram group ( i don't remember which group nor what version it was). It was working fine, but i think there were some issues, i don't really remember. As for quality, i think it was slightly better, but i'm not sure. When i've tested it, i've been on LineageOS or AEX.
I've tried lots of GCam version about month ago on LineageOS 14. Everyone was working, after enabling Camera 2 api, quality of pictures was way better, HDR was excelent, except that the camera app having hudge color temperature flickering. The pictures had different color temperarure. Not just in GCam, but also in other camera aps that uses Camera 2 api, such as ported Moto cam and ported Emui cam. Integrated Lineage camera hasn't this color temperature problem. Then I moved to AEX, and stoped with camera testing, but still very interested in finding a better camera app.
raicevic said:
Integrated Lineage camera hasn't this color temperature problem.
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Snap camera (lineage's / aex's camera) use api v1. I think I've seen in other device trees/configs disabling / changing that configs, but it resulted in problems if I remember properly.
Si es posible usarla
Hola amigo he logrado instalar la google camera usando la rom stock. Para ello desbloquie el bootloader modifique el build.prop y luego instale la google camera:bueno:
ES747 said:
Hola amigo he logrado instalar la google camera usando la rom stock. Para ello desbloquie el bootloader modifique el build.prop y luego instale la google camera:bueno:
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You have to speak English here. If you're writing in other language, then you have to provide English translation too.
For anybody who is wondering what he said, Google translate says that he installed Google camera on stock ROM after unlocking the bootloader and modifying build.prop and camera works fine.
the camera works but now it causes a firmware problem to my cell phone. Unfortunately, I just reversed what I did. If someone wants to experience write.:RE
Thread cleaned.
English only on xda please!
Very nice cam
let's return to the gcam theme for huawei nova. what do you think?:RE
thak you

Android 10 on Lemfo LEM X ?

Im wondering is there any way to port android 10 from other devices like Kospet optimus 2 into Lemfo LEM X ? Its been a long time stocking on android 7.1.1
Thank you very much guys
K-BOX2022 said:
Hey. I am an Android 10 owner on Lemfo X. It is even stable, no gapps, no twrp
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Thank you for your reply. could you please tell me how I can update my watch to Android 10 ?
Buen día, tengo un lemfo lem x. Me gustaría saber cómo actualizaste a Android 10 y cómo lo hiciste. Gracias
mrfatiga22 said:
Buen día, tengo un lemfo lem x. Me gustaría saber cómo actualizaste a Android 10 y cómo lo hiciste. Gracias
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Just put the downloaded file to watch storage and then long press power button and set the app view on square. then go to Wireless Update and tap on 3dots on the right corner and chose local update and select the file.
download here : https://www.file.io/kGXl/download/8Zgg5ssiVlVY
K-BOX2022 said:
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unfortunately this file has been deleted
mrfatiga22 said:
Buen día, tengo un lemfo lem x. Me gustaría saber cómo actualizaste a Android 10 y cómo lo hiciste. Gracias
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Sp flash tool method
Good morning, the links are broken. Can someone re-upload them? And on the other hand, has anyone tested the operation of the Firmware with Android 10? Thank you.
Yes, there is a lot of problem with them including Imei and problem with camera, offline charging etc. I fixed all except Wi-Fi which goes to bootlop when connected. The link is on telegram
K-BOX2022 said:
Could someone create a group on telegram that deals only with Android 10 on Lemfo Lem T?
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As far as i know LEM_T and LEM_X are different devices!!!
LEM_T = Square Screen
LEM_X = Round Screen
Both based on MT6739 on differen ROM capabilities 3/32 and 1/16
K-BOX2022 said:
Yes, there is a lot of problem with them including Imei and problem with camera, offline charging etc. I fixed all except Wi-Fi which goes to bootlop when connected. The link is on telegram
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"The link is on Telegram" ????
where is the link? It's not in the telegram group.
Click on LemfoT and subscribe, and wait for what ever!?
Nothings happen there.
maybe @K-BOX2022 like to fill the Channel with content?
Very nice! Thank you so much!
And the LEM-X (Round Screen)?
Do you have this Rom too?
K-BOX2022 said:
Yes, there is a lot of problem with them including Imei and problem with camera, offline charging etc. I fixed all except Wi-Fi which goes to bootlop when connected. The link is on telegram
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Did you fixed the WiFi Problem?
