Root for Vivo y51a (2015) PD1510F Chinese rom - Vivo Y51L Questions & Answers

Hi I was wondering If i can Root Vivo Y51a (2015) Pd1510f without using pc Because the charging pin of my phone broked and cannot detect on my computer its only charging.
Any ideas? Because I used apps like king root and KingRoot none of them worked.
Firmware ver.PD1510F_A_11.17.23
china rom
Also Is it possible to Change this to global rom again? I tried installing an ota update on it which is via recovery mode and i got an error that says
assert failed getprop(ro.hardware.bbk)==PD1510F_EXMA
I really want to root this phone because
it has many bloatware and drains battery so fast also heats up very fast


[Q] Updating S5 to Android L Without Computer

i wanted to know if i would be able to update my friends GM900F to the newly released Android 5.0 ROM without a computer.
Only reason im doing this is because for some strange reason his phone isnt being recognised but my S5 (GM900H) is. When pluged in it doesnt even say connected as media device on the phone itself. Tried doing all i could, reinstalling drivers and what not even using another laptop on windows 7, and yes USB Debugging is on
he really wants to flash the new ROM badly and doesnt want to wait for an OTA,
I was wondering if in theory i could get it to work by rooting his phone with towelroot, installing Mobile Odin and then flashing the Firmware?
if it fails and is soft bricked i dont know how to go about fixing it cause it just wont recognise the device at all or install drivers, but my S5 (GM900H) gets recognised fine.
Has anyone ever used Mobile Odin to flash a whole new firmware?
any tips
Wait for first custom Roms and flash via recovery. [emoji52]
sent from my amazing SGS5

[Q] Android update failed! Verizon Bluetooth update

Hey guys I'm on 4.4.2 and I used towel root to root and I did the process to flash a rom. Well when I was rooted I unrooted on Supersu on the stock rom and I updated. Today I tried to update to Verizon's OTA to fix bluetooth and I can download it OTA and install it. It boots into recovery boot and then it loads. It shows the Android guy laying down and the Error wording. When the phone boots back up it says Sorry, there was an error updating your galaxy s5 Verizon. It's been doing this all day and I really want to update to Lolipop.
Same Issue, any solutions?
I have the exact same problem, and under similar conditions. Towel Root worked for a while, but an updated unrooted my phone, now TR doesn't work anymore. So, I'm back to stock, with this Verizon bluetooth update failing everyday for what seems like an eternity.

help with root plz (need to do on the phone )

Hi all
I am new here so please stick with me
My USB port is knackered so just chargeing batteries externly for the time being
Which is why I want to root via app also I only have mac books at home and a lot of computer based root tools don't support macs
I ve tried towelroot etc to root with no success was wondering if pingpong root was a option or is it just a s6 thing
S5 running lollipop 5.0
Kernnal 3.4.0-466491
Need KitKat to run towelroot, no non PC methods to root Lollipop
Ok thanks

Yumie32 using massive amounts of battery. Virus?

I have been recently trying to root my Note 3 and have had no success. However I have noticed today that my battery drops in an unbelievably short time. My battery settings shows "yumie32" using 52% CPU and nothing else. Anyone have any idea what this is? I cannot find any apps or files associated with this and there is nothing when I do a search. I have a screen shot I will attempt to attach. Thanks for any help.
Post lacks information .
What model
What root method .
I've got same problem. Root was unsuccessful. Yumie32 using CPU.
Root app: kingroot
Device: sm g900f
Anyone can help me?
Yeah, i just tried to root my samsung phone yesterday with kingroot and it is dying extremely fast! Help!
Factory reset your phone
Flash new stock firmware from sammobile by Odin
Don't use kingroot for rooting your device anymore
Try another method
Use samsung kies to restore your app & contacts & Msg ... etc
I've never used Kingroot but I'd like to know. Is it really a malware?
I think you must choose the Odin method....Kingo root is a worst method.

Really Tricky Problem

Hello people!
I've been doing installation of custom ROM and any kind of configuration for a while now. But I have now in my hands a tough problem. My dad bought athene XT1640-DS (Moto G4 Plus), just like the one of mine own, but mine doesn't have the '-DS'.
But the device is stuck at Stock Android 6.0.1 and I can't update it.
The USB seems have some problem because any PC in my house recognize the 6.0.1 phone, but works fine with my up to date 8.1.0 athene, but it's charging only, and the turbo charging isn't working. the fingerprint isn't working neither.
It looks like the bootloader was unlooked, because everytime it's turned on shows the 'bootloarder unlock message'. But I was unable to root it, I tried all the one click root apps, but none of them worked.
It doesn't have any custom recovery, so I tried to update with the stock recovery but every OTA Blur Version rom that I found for athene shows a error telling that my ROM version isn't compatible with the updates (the ROM version code of this phone is MPJ24.139-23.1/ 1 user).
Anyone have any hints of what can I do to update this device?
Device XT-1640-DS
Android: 6.0.1
Kernel: 3.10.84-GCF01273
[email protected] #1
From what I know one click methods doesn't work with this device. You need a proper kernel for android 6.0 like elementalx 1.0. And supersu or magisk zip flashed through a recovery like TWRP.
Is there a way to update de kernel, or do that other things without PC and root?
Or a way to use adb without USB connection?
Have you tried fastboot flash methods like in this thread?
So.. the big issue is that this device isn't connecting to the PC, it's charges, but neither the PC not the Android show any signs that their are connected. I can't use adb from the PC because I couldn't make the computer recognize the phone.
can you at least transfer files in mtp mode with the usb cable? because looks like the micro usb port is messed up.
If you are on warranty period you should go for it
I can't use the mtp neither. The only thing I can do is charge. And I'm out of warranty :/
