Ubuntu Touch UI - Galaxy Tab 3 Themes and Apps

For those dissapointed for not being able to install Ubuntu Touch on the tablet, a small improvement may be adding an Ubuntu Touch UI to it.
While for phones some limited features may be used by installing Lynx Launcher (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.n277.lynxlauncher&hl=en_US&gl=US), at least for the Samsung Tab 3 10.1 the screen does not rotate, being stuck in the vertical position. Plus, in the free version you cannot add ubuntu themed icons.
One solution is to use Total Launcher (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ss.launcher2&hl=en_US&gl=US) and to recreate the Ubuntu feel yourself, though it takes some manual work. For the icons, you can use the Ubuntu Touch icon pack (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.aseman.ubuntu_touch_icons&hl=en_US&gl=US). That is where you can also find ubuntu touch wallpapers.
On the Samsung Tab 3 10.1, I don't know why, but the desktop decreases the quality of the wallpaper image. As I am not a tech person, the only work around I found was to install the Muzei app from F-droid (https://f-droid.org/packages/net.nurik.roman.muzei/) and to add the wallpaper from there.
As for the OS I am running on this tablet, it is niels83's Unofficial LineageOS 14.1 (https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-gt-p52xx-unofficial-7-1-2-lineageos-14-1.3587761/).
Excuse the photo quality.


Can't resize wallpapers, driving me crazy :-)

Ok, this is driving me crazy. I can't seem to correctly resize a wallpaper to have if fit the Streak. No matter how I resize it or crop it, I always choose the picture to set as wallpaper and then I get the cropping box. I'm following the steps in this post, and I can't believe I'm having issues with something that is normally so simple, but I can't for the life of me get past this. I don't get the option to drag the corners, only to enlarge the box which crops out half the picture and messes it all up. Anyone have any ideas? Am I missing something simple here?
What version of android are you running and are you using ADW or any other non Dell UI launcher?
I'm using adw launcher but I have tried all of the launchers, zeam, launcher pro, and dell stage. I'm on dj steve's version 2.2 1.4.6
Have you tried wallstreak?
Sent from my second wife.
The post on the site your refering to was for 1.6 and with the native UI (dells own thing) where you could have images that are 800x444 (or of that aspect ratio) as this screen would remain in portrait mode hence a wide image. However, ADW and other launchers (like Launcher Pro) won't accept images that are of this aspect radio, instead you have to use images that are 960x800 (or of that aspect ratio) as this caters for when the phone is in both landscape and portrait mode, hence the fixed square-ish crop box. Check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846339 on my last 2 posts for a bit more info on this.
As for finding a solution to change the aspect of the crop box....no idea.

(Concept) Seamless homescreen replacer

I have a concept homescreen replacer where there are no "pages", instead there is one single horizontal scrolling strip, much like a film strip. Think Windows Phone 7, but with widgets, icons, folders etc and horizontal.
Look at the attachment if you dont understand. I would put the image in the post but I cant post outside links yet.
Yes, it is possible to see half a widget, but I thought about it and decided it will be to the user to scroll so it is displayed right.
I have no experience in coding but I am pretty good in graphics like my picture
Tell me what you think
I've been thinking about and attempting to create (with limited success so far.) something similar to your home replacement but Vertical Scroll rather than horizontal. To give you an idea it would look similar to The Zune Launcher or the but also be able to take widgets. Again no snap to screen (cant figure that bit out).
Good luck with this, it would be interesting to see what experiences you gain and what problems you run into. Similar to you I am fantastic with graphics but not too good at coding (not done any since C++)
When I "jailbroke" my ipod ages ago, there was a tweak that was called "smooth scrolling" and it did the exact same thing described here. I think it would be awesome to have a free-scrolling home screen. I am working on a home replacement myself and it features a vertically scrolling home screen where the icons and widgets can be placed anywhere (not snap to a grid). If you would like to help, click on the logo in my signature to be taken to my site to see what I am working on. I could use a hand in graphics, myself. PM me if you're interested
I would prefer something that is like infiniboard for iOS
This would technically allow widgets to stretch past the 1 page limit in LauncherPro, as in, you could have widgets large enough that they cut off, allowing for some GREAT theming and future uses.
hmmm....interested but why vertical? feels a little to Windows Phone to me and i think widgets would work better scrolling horizontally. I looked up smooth scrolling for iOS and yep thats what i want with widgets and gridless.
I just want to subscribe to this and give my two cents:
I think any seamless homescreen app should still have the option at least of enabling a grid for apps and widgets. The idea of this as a functioning homescreen replacement could certainly get me to switch over from ADW, but only if it could satisfy my OCD needs for everything to be lined up juuuust so.
I think this would be a great thing to have, but I also would like to have an option for the widgets & apps to line up on a grid. while it is great to have the seamless scrolling (preferably horizontal & not vertical...maybe there could be an option for that as well) I like things to line up too.
I could definitely make that an option for my home-replacement. I just want to know what people would want out of a home replacement so that I can model mine around the general consensus of what everybody wants. Oh, and why does everybody want vertical scrolling? Because its different. Sure Windows phone 7 has it. But it does it in its own way. Android is know for its open-ness and widgets. The wonder of Android is that anyone can do anything with Android, and its free.
At first I want to say that the idea of a seamless lauchner is brilliant.
I had that idea by myself but I have no experience in programming.
I think I would prefer somewalls original concept with icons that fit into a grid and horizontal scrolling. To me it seems to be more useful on portrait format screens compared to vertical scrolling.
But anyway, I hope the best for you guys.
I think vertically scrolling widgets will work buggy this way. Unless there would be some kind of listener that stops the horizontal scrolling when interacting with a vertically scrolling widget.
Else both ways of scrolling will interfere.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I like the idea, it's something that I would love to have on my phone! Just one suggestion.. I would like to see both horizontal and vertical scrolling, if it could be developed. As in, the user decides what kind of scrolling he wants, either vertical, horizontal.. or may be both? I don't if it's possible or not, I have no "serious" coding experience, as you may call it since am just in school!

[Q] Graphic Issue

Hi ive noticed a problem on a lot of recent roms and was wondering if anyone else had the same issue.
Problem: The display is sharp however the display for pictures, widgets, videos, apps etc can be bitmapped and 'fading light' appears layered.
What I found weird is when i installed launcher pro the 'lighting' graphics appeared smooth and the problem was fixed for widgets.
Is it a kernel issue, because i know many of the more recent roms are using the same kernel. I do remember reading that it can be caused because of different resolutions?
Please let me know if this is just me, in which case any help?
I can post a screenshot to clarify...
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.
Some ROM stock launcher renders pretty fade icons layout. Use launcher pro or upgrade to paid one for better functionality. I'm currently using ADW Launcher EX paid version that punch out all kind of magic. Another note is reducing lcd density also make the device load fast and nicer/smaller app icons. The back side of reducing lcd density is some app doesn't support it which make the screen view smaller.

Is Omnirom good for tablets?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note (GT-N8000). It has the original Android 4.1 and I want to upgrade it.
I am not sure if I should install Omnirom. So I want to know if it will be worth. I prefer roms that are lightweight, easy to use and a little bloated.
I tried Cyanogenmod and I hated it, because it is only for cellphones and for that reason it is poor for tablets.
Compared to the standard tablet GUI, CM has an unneeded upper bar. Everything could fit on the bottom bar instead of using two bars. The touch keyboard has fewer options and the number keys are not independent. Furthermore, my language needs diacritics. The menu where apps are listed cannot be managed easily. The standard GUI lets me uninstall apps, sort apps, move apps and create folders.

Onmi Switch apk act like second home screen for stock home launcher

I am hoping if somebody who has the skill to make this apk OmniSwitch to work properly in android tv interface i used everyday and i like so far,but i do have some sugesstion like, the interface would be a regular simple launcher home screen displaying:
Date - hour- WIFI(network)
notification by apps
show memory usage
show recent apps name image
favorites apps exactly in the middle of the sreen with large image.
I do think this the only well better so far apps for the sotck launcher andorid tv interface
try you dont regreted

