Is there a ROM that is compatible with Visible? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S7 Questions & Answers

I saw mention on Reddit of flashing a U1 ROM, but it was just a brief mention. Has anyone used their Verizon S7 or S7 Edge with Visible and do you have any feedback on how well it worked or which ROM(s) you've used with it? I tried searching this forum and if I missed a thread, I apologize.
I know that the S7 / S7 Edge isn't on the list of compatible phones, but I did see confirmation that the S8 has been used on Visible before. Just because it doesn't have official support doesn't mean that it might not work.
One thing I'm still reading about is VoIMS support. Not sure if the S7/S7 Edge supports that.


About to switch to the VZW S7 Edge, have some questions regarding firmwares

I'm about to purchase a S7 Edge so I've been poking around these forums trying to figure if I should/if I can modify it once I get it. I'm no stranger to rooting, unlocking, and installing custom ROMs on my previous phones but I'm trying to keep things relatively stock this time around. However, I will definitely want to root and potentially unlock the bootloader. After poking around here I have some questions:
1. I'm seeing different firmwares being talked about all over the place. What exactly are these firmwares? Are they OTA updates from Verizon? These aren't full ROMs or software updates, right?
2. I know Samsung has said that M is coming for the S7, but I also know that it's probably going to take forever for Samsung to get it out, and then it's going to take forever and a day for Verizon to approve/mangle it how they see fit. So I'm wondering if you guys think there will be a quicker upgrade path to N for those of us who are able to tinker with out phones like this. I'm talking Samsung N, not something like CM14. Though I'm not entirely opposed to a stock-based firmware, we'll see how much TouchWiz wares on me.
Thanks for any help!
1. There are only two types, the Verizon firmware and the U (for Unlocked) firmware. You should know what Verizon's always have in their software, but the Unlocked is the international variant that's much cleaner but also lacks features like Wi-Fi calling and visual voicemail.
2. The S7 and S7 Edge already comes with Marshmallow out of the box, if that's what you're asking? And TouchWiz isn't that bad especially how much they've cleaned it up for this year.
GigaSPX said:
1. There are only two types, the Verizon firmware and the U (for Unlocked) firmware. You should know what Verizon's always have in their software, but the Unlocked is the international variant that's much cleaner but also lacks features like Wi-Fi calling and visual voicemail.
2. The S7 and S7 Edge already comes with Marshmallow out of the box, if that's what you're asking? And TouchWiz isn't that bad especially how much they've cleaned it up for this year.
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Ok, thanks. And I actually meant Nougat, not Marshmallow.
Is the latest software still rootable?

Is it possible to flash the galaxy note7 os onto the galaxy 7 edge?

With all the explosions and screen cracking issues with the new galaxy note 7, a replacement is needed for many people. But I'm wondering if there is any way for somebody to flash the firmware of the galaxy note (exploding version) onto the galaxy 7 edge. This would be an ideal alternative for me and several other people I know with a similar issue. Is it possible?
ginge326 said:
With all the explosions and screen cracking issues with the new galaxy note 7, a replacement is needed for many people. But I'm wondering if there is any way for somebody to flash the firmware of the galaxy note (exploding version) onto the galaxy 7 edge. This would be an ideal alternative for me and several other people I know with a similar issue. Is it possible?
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ginge326 said:
With all the explosions and screen cracking issues with the new galaxy note 7, a replacement is needed for many people. But I'm wondering if there is any way for somebody to flash the firmware of the galaxy note (exploding version) onto the galaxy 7 edge. This would be an ideal alternative for me and several other people I know with a similar issue. Is it possible?
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You could try the Renovate Note 2.0 ROM for S7 Edge in the custom ROM section of the S7 Edge forum. The link I'll post will direct you to a ROM made for the Exynos S7 Edge, as far as I know, not the Snapdragon. So make sure you know if it works on your phone before installing please.
Renovate Note:
ginge326 said:
With all the explosions and screen cracking issues with the new galaxy note 7, a replacement is needed for many people. But I'm wondering if there is any way for somebody to flash the firmware of the galaxy note (exploding version) onto the galaxy 7 edge. This would be an ideal alternative for me and several other people I know with a similar issue. Is it possible?
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If you have exynos s7e, you are able to flash them. Half of the roms in the development sections are note 7 port, I am currently running hydrarom
That helps. Thanks. One follow up question though. Will the stylus still be required with either of those roms or will I be able to use it freely with my fingers?
You can even flash a Note 7 stock rom from Sammobile on a S7 Edge but it won't boot.
There are many N7 roms for S7 Edge, and S-Pen won't work on the S7 Edge. You can only use Your finger. I'd recommend either HydraRom or OnTheEdge 4.0. They both are great. And if You don't want to change Your knox to 0x1 then wait till Wednesday, then You can flash Nougat beta with most Note 7 features and probably some extra features.

Will Samsung Gear S3 function properly with a Rooted S7 Edge?

Hey everyone,
I ordered a Samsung Gear S3, and currently own a stock Samsung S7 Edge, which has been annoying me quite a bit lately. After looking around, it seemed like stang5litre's ROM looks pretty good, however, I am worried that by doing this upgrade, will I lose functionality on the watch, such as Samsung Pay/MST? Does anyone currently own this watch, paired with a rooted phone? If so, can you please provide your experience with this?
Also, as a side question, is it suggested that I wait for Nougat to be released or rooting and installing ROM is the way to go?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
So i have the gear s3 and a rooted att s7 on Echoe rom. The samsung pay actually works on the watch. when you set it up in the watch it opens up on your phone to scan cards in and doesn't complain about being rooted or such unlike normal samsung pay. I have tested it once with the watch and it did work. all other functionality works fine. If you have any questions let me know
Head over to the Samsung Gear S3 forums and you'll see all sorts of members saying how Samsung Pay works with root on the Gear. It's actually a question I asked on those forums and I think a lot of people were happy to find out pretty much any rooted phone worked.

Using unlocked G935A on Tmo

Hello everyone,
I just bought an unlocked G935A (AT&T) s7e this morning, to use on Tmo. Not a fan of the bloatware, so I tried rooting it. Didn't work out, and I ended up flashing back to ATTs firmware circa September 2016 ( (Baseband version: G935AUCS4API2, Build number: MMB29M.G935AUCS4API2)
My question is, where should I go from here? Is there a benefit to trying to flash to the unlocked or tmo variant? Is it worth it to update to Nougat, I've heard mixed reviews about the camera and battery life. Is there a way to get this horrible bloatware off, without ending up in a bootloop like I was stuck in before... I don't think I want to root the phone anymore, considering the solutions have a unstable disclaimer ( Overall phone stability, battery life, and camera consistency is super important to me, I'm going to be travelling all summer without access to a computer, and with limited electricity.
Also, I just gotta say I hate that Samsung doesn't host official firmware anywhere. I feel dirty having a random install on my phone now, and I didn't even get rid of the bloatware.
Anyway, thanks for the help!
Looks like you have an S7 edge, you might want to navigate over to the edge forum. This is the s7 regular forum.
dirtydodge said:
Looks like you have an S7 edge, you might want to navigate over to the edge forum. This is the s7 regular forum.
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Sorry, thank you!

S8 Active

Hi. I have an S8 Active and am hoping that XDA can make a seperate the S8 from the S8 Active because some ROMS can be mixed and I dont know if S8 ROMS can be used to the S8 Active.
As of right now and future to come. The s8 U and W series and active are dead in the water samsung has patched the only root method we had on bit 2. Many tests have been run by myself and several others all in failure. Unless a new exploit comes along do your research before purchasing a device on hopes of root let alone roms
