How to export text messages for one contact to PC - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S7 Questions & Answers

I recent;y lost my S7 , and although I keep backups of most of what I've put on the phone, the text messages weren't backed up (I had Verizon cloud turned off).
The issue is that my wife died last year, and when I lost the s7, I lost all of our text exchanges. Fortunately, I have her phone, which also has our exchanges from her end.
She was big on texting, so there are a lot of texts from co-workers, friends, family, etc.
What I'd like to be able to do is to export only our text exchanges to a format in which they can be easily read on Windows 7. I suppose I'll need an Android/Samsung app that can do the exporting and a windows 7 application to read the texts on my PC.
Is this possible?


Sms message saving.

Has anyone found a way of saving sms messages to their pc? for both viewing or creating? I have 100s in my inbox and would like to keep them, but not sure how to do it.
Any info would be gratefully appreciated
There are some programs that apparently do this, such as SMSExport, though I've never got these to work.
The only way I've found to do it - though as the II has more memory I've not done anything with them in months now - is to use a db program such as dbExplorer to export them to a csv file. There are other posts that detail how you find the particular table the messages are in, there isn't one folder that applies across all devices.
Try Jeyo Mobile Companion. Through your pc, you can view all your past sms, all incoming sms, and reply to them. You could back up all or some of your sms, and restore them later (if you want). You could choose to make the backups in text format.
And not only that ...
You can view your call history and make backup of those.
You can make screen caps of your ppc screen.
Hope this helps.
Try this one
Jeyo's Mobile Companion is fantastic, exactly what I've been looking for since the first XDA came out.
Finally resetting your device (which I think is a good idea once every 6 months or so) doesn't mean you have to lose all your text messages.
Yes, I agree it is fantastic .... But it doesn't yet allow you to save SMS subfolders

Backing up text messages and rebuilding the device advice?

I'm going to do a hard reset and rebuild the TyTN. I want to keep my text messages. Anyone know what file/s and where they're located that I need to backup?
Any other tips on rebuilding?
I found SMSes notoriously difficult to extract from my PocketPC2002 / 2003 devices; Jeyo Mobile Extender, however, seems to do the trick, although it can be a little clumsy to sue at times (especially if you have many folders).
Spb backup.
Slightly off topic - I'm not a big user of SMS. I have a couple of alerts set up to provide train service updates during my commute, and occasionally exchange a few txt messages with a couple of friends, but I've never had a text message that I wanted to keep after I've read it. I usually delete them immediately. Out of curiosity, what kinds of messages do you need to keep?
lmychajluk said:
Slightly off topic - I'm not a big user of SMS. I have a couple of alerts set up to provide train service updates during my commute, and occasionally exchange a few txt messages with a couple of friends, but I've never had a text message that I wanted to keep after I've read it. I usually delete them immediately. Out of curiosity, what kinds of messages do you need to keep?
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I've got hundreds of message sent between myself and my girlfriend over the last three+ years ... soppy, I know, but the memories are great to look back on sometimes
There is a product I've just seen on this link which might do this for you
but it might be a bit much for just wanting to back up sms messages.
I had the same problem, my kids send me text messages all the time, and I tried to keep the ones like for passing exams, driving tests etc, but lost them all on an enforced hard reset. Very upsetting. I wish there were some program which just put them into text, or word and you could keep them that way.
Good luck

How to transfer SMS

I have a T650i and I would like to transfer my SMS from that phone to my Xperia X1.
I've seen many threads explaining how to transfer contacts from older SE-phones, but nothing about SMS. Can it be done? I used to do use MyPhoneExplorer, but since it doesn't support WM, it's not an option anymore.
save them to your SIM if possible!?
i remmeber older phones saving SMS on the simcard only. not sure if a winmo phone can use these
Thanks, but the problem is that I have around 900 SMS and the sim only accepts 30.
Is there any other way to do it through the PC?
900sms? i bet 5$ that u dont even need half of them oO
u should to an T650i forum and ask there. once u manage to squeeze te SMS into outlook somehow, u can probably just sync them
achmed20 said:
900sms? i bet 5$ that u dont even need half of them oO
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I write approx. 900 SMS each month and the same amount I get back. But therefore I have hardly any calls. Good for me that I've got a SMS-flatrate
According the problem:
In which file format does myphoneexplorer save the transferred SMS? It has to be possible to convert these to a usable format. Maybe it would be enough to have all the SMS as a text-file on your X1 so you can read through if needed?
I have problems with the X1 everytime I have that much SMS stored (messaging software does not open, it does not respond to key presses and so on)
MyPhoneExplorer saves the SMS archive in many formats: txt, csv, xml, html, right click and export.
I used MyPhoneExplorer to backup sms's on my K800i, i have every single sms i ever received in the K800's lifetime (2 years).
And while in this subject, i'll ask the following question:
Is there in WinMo a way to backup sms like i already do with with K800 and MyPhoneExplorer? a way to backup the sms's and save them to the computer in some readable format?
Since MyPhoneExplorer saves the SMS archive in txt, csv, xml, html, is there any way of transfering them (as sms, NOT as a text file) to the same sms inbox on the X1?
Try SMSimport. It's a freeware that imports and exports in XML. It's a simple exe that you run directly on the phone.
You may have to edit the names of the folders in the XML to make it compatible with your X1.
You can just make an export file from it first to see the XML import structure.
Hi. I'm new to this community and I'm very impressed. Congrats
I've tried once to import SMS via SMSImport, but it always said 'Invalid XML' or sth. like that although I rearranged the order in the XML as SMSImport seemed to want it.
Has anybody solved this issue?
I use OEExport. It exports to Outlook Express with the folders intact (Inbox, Deleted, Sent etc). It has an option to export to xml too, IIRC.
My question, is why on earth would anyone need to keep all those SMS?
I mean, unless your girlfriend doesn't tell you she loves you enough and you need to keep the texts, or if youre keeping them for evidence (for some reason) or maybe if you have a friend like I do who gets sent joke SMSs and decides to forward 700 of them to you when he's on flatrate weekend SMS just to piss you off because your phone becomes unusable for pretty much the entire weekend.
Please enlighten me.
Would it help if I tell you that some people like to keep records of all their SMS in/out.
I had a girlfriend a few years ago that wrote down every single SMS in a notebook. No, I'm not kidding. She wasn't that much into computers obviously.
maedox said:
Would it help if I tell you that some people like to keep records of all their SMS in/out.
I had a girlfriend a few years ago that wrote down every single SMS in a notebook. No, I'm not kidding. She wasn't that much into computers obviously.
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Nope, it seems it's still beyond all comprehension of mine. Do you guys also record all voice conversations you make?
I mean, keeping your text messages is hardly like keeping a box of love letters or something now is it?
I'm as much as cyborg as the next guy, I am so electronically inclined that the gadgets I carry and use will probably fuse to me one day anyway, BUT i just don't find anything anyone has to say to me by text _that_ interesting or _that_ important
I'm not taking a swing at you guys or anything, I just really would like to understand, I'm a happier person when i understand things.
Like, ok, I keep the odd text message about things people have said to me, because theyre just downright fantastic for my street cred (if you know what I mean) but that's simply because some of it is just so good, nobody would believe me if i just told them myself, even if i quoted it word for word.
I'm with you. I usually don't need to think twice about throwing away messages when doing a hard reset. Although, as you say, there are some that need to be kept safe forever.
But this is not what the topic's about.
O.k. guys, I'm convinced now. I won't spend any minute anymore in thinking about how to transfer my SMS back. 99% of all that stuff I would rather likely never need again in the future and if I really need it, it is still on my PC.
Nevertheless - thank you!
Why backup sms ?
Some of my SMS contain info I need, I am just too lazy to save it when I get it - like an address, or rocket launch code just plain I like to have my SMS conversations available to refresh my memory in case I need it.
From time to time I want to do upgrade or other destructive thing and I don't want to loose my messages. I would like to keep a copy of all my SMS in outlook 2007 but my cheapskate uprising and empty wallet steer me out of paid software, I am going to try programs mentioned in previous posts but if someone knows about some great synchronization or transfer or WhateverYouCallIt software please keep us informed about it.
Thank you all for great site.
i think MOBILedit works for you.
google it for the main website.
hope it helped

I desperate need help on recovering the deleted text messages. (Big Big rewardddd)

All of my text messages are very very important and personal to me. I carefully saved every single of them into my email and computer so I won't lost a "single" of them. That is the reason why I went for android platform because there is an application (My Backup Pro) that helps me to back up all the important texts I have with my family and my wife. The disaster struck when i upgraded my android phone to the Nexus One from the G1. The new message app in the nexus one has a "Delete old messages" option on the default which I completely acknowledged nothing about it thus I did not disable that option, so it started to delete all my messages when they reached to the certain amount number of text messages. When i noticed i was in a big shocked stage, I am extremely unhappy. I called Tmobile to see if they can send me a copy of all the contents of the texts that were deleted, they offered no help for that sort of request neither Nexus One Customer Support Department can do anything about it. To my knowledge, when a data is being "deleted", it's not really gone forever instead it is being compressed to a smaller value for saving space purpose or it's lying somewhere inside the flash memory and waiting for the new data to overwrite it. I did spend weeks of research and calling for help but I could not find any help. If any developer or anyone could help me to recover the deleted text messages in my Nexus One, I would be really happy and greatly appreciate your help. I will pay you a big reward, the reward is your choice. Anything you want. Thank you very very much for your help. My phone is not rooted yet and I haven't done the hard reset. So I guess the data is still in the flash memory, we just need to get them out.
So you went for android platform because of My Backup Pro but you didn't make any backup with it before upgrading to the N1?
Anyway.. I don't think deleted SMS messages will be recoverable... sorry
I've never seen anyone even want to accomplish this goal.. or cared about their texts in such way..
I dont know for sure, but I would assume this is something you wont be able to do.. hope you find a way I guess.
unfortunately the messages do not get saved on the sd card but rather on the phone. There does exist software that recovers lost data from Hard drives, sd cards, etc. But the messages were deleted from the phone itself and its hard to say this but you wont be able to recover it! just remember to always backup for next time and make sure you get rid of the "delete all messages" and dont forget that after a large number of text, they seem to all get deleted at once even if you dont have that option selected. it has happened to me after about 4000 texts! and not once but three times already. thats why i always backup and if i ever lose any text it will be under 100's. and also remeber to backup the backups of Backup Pro, LOL! Sd cards die as well, so you never know! so try saving a copy to your pc and by the way if your text are that imprtant then remeber that hard drives from PC'S die as well and you never know either, so backup as well and Remeber lol that you can burn it onto a cd every once in a while!
Good Luck
Yeah I hate to say you are s.o.l. with the old messages. all you can do is look how to prevent this in the future. 1. use Google voice or 2. download the sms2email app
I delete my text messages on a daily basis. I just have no use for them after I read them once. This seems important to you, so I do hope you find a way of recovering them. Good luck!
wow what kind of messages have you received that you want them back so bad?
melterx12 said:
wow what kind of messages have you received that you want them back so bad?
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Naughty ones.
If you have the data backed up with mybackup pro, u can inspect the files in: /sdcard/rerware/MyBackup/
Followed by whatever name u gave em. you can restore it from there too. i think they're stored in sqlite3 but, i tried restoring some data i had backed up to sqlite3 and it couldn't re-create the db cuz it was kinda encrypted.
hope that helps. maybe u could try emailing the dev of MyBackup Pro?
If you backup your msgs into email, why did you not use "SMS Backup" (by Christopher Studer) instead or a similar tool which does real-time backup? It adds your message proactively into gmail under a certain label. That is time saved for you.
Also, as others have pointed out, you can not recover your messages, unless you had an auto-backup of that saved to your SD card. In that case, even if your SD card was wiped or formatted, you could essentially perform a recovery using a disk recovery application.
Thank you very much for all the comments. I guess there is no help. I will try to call Tmobile again to see if they can send me contents of the the text messages.
phuthanvinh said:
Thank you very much for all the comments. I guess there is no help. I will try to call Tmobile again to see if they can send me contents of the the text messages.
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T-Mobile cannot send you the contents of the text messages, they do not open up and read your texts, nor do they save that burst of data, that would be an insane amount of data to save, as well probably an illegal invasion of privacy.
phuthanvinh said:
Thank you very much for all the comments. I guess there is no help. I will try to call Tmobile again to see if they can send me contents of the the text messages.
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Yeah, Tmobile is of no help! They cannot look at your text messages as they will be violating your rights! neither would they backup something that they have no use for!
You should really look into Google Voice or something similar in the future. That way all of your text messages are available online at all times - like email. Very, very useful.
I have been saved so many times by that service.
texts are saved i think for a certain amount of time on servers. Look at the Kwame Kilpatrick case in Detroit for example. In order to get them though you would need a search warrant to gain access to those files.
Tmobile say they would but only if the police or law enforcement involve in order for them to pull out the contents, in this case i dont know what to do. The only way get the contents back is to access to my wife iphone but the problem is her iphone also has the auto delete old sms. I did lots of researches on recovering the deleted sms on iphone and there are a few methods but im not certain because im not a tech savvy. So i have her iphone in hand and it has not been synced for months. Is there a possiblility to recover the conversations i had with her that are also had been deleted in her iphone? The reason i want get those conversations back because they involve in our large business deals. Please help.
Hey, I have PM'd you some info to help you retrieve txt msgs of an
hope it works...
I also archive every text message. To make sure that I won't lose them, I backup them on WaveSecure (free for Android until March 31!!) and SMS Backup & Restore app. Both of them can be found on the Market. WaveSecure is an anti-theft app that also backups SMS, call logs, and files on their servers. SMS Backup & Restore (and Call Logs Backups & Restore by the same developer) saves an XML file to your SD card. You can easily email the XML to yourself.
If you were using GOOGLE VOICE on your GOOGLE Android phone there would be no issue.
aad4321 said:
its ok, i lost my sextmessages one time too
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hahahhaa, i lost a few also while trying different ROMs, but we don't go admitting to them! hahahaa.
I sincerely hope that the original poster, phuthanvinh, can find a solution for this with T-Mobile.
It seems pretty lame that they would offer to fix this IF law enforcement was involved.

[Q] Moving old text messages to my G2

Hello all,
I have some texts that are sitting on my old phone (Verizon Thunderbolt, rooted) that I have kept for whatever odd reason (mostly for information that I never got around to saving into contacts). I would like to transfer these so that they show up on my new phone (G2, also rooted and Verizon), just as they did before, like normal, old text messages.
What's the best way to do this?
daniel178 said:
Hello all,
I have some texts that are sitting on my old phone (Verizon Thunderbolt, rooted) that I have kept for whatever odd reason (mostly for information that I never got around to saving into contacts). I would like to transfer these so that they show up on my new phone (G2, also rooted and Verizon), just as they did before, like normal, old text messages.
What's the best way to do this?
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Personally I use SMS Backup+ to backup all my SMS to my gmail account, and then I use it to restore the newest 200 on my new phone. It doesn't restore MMS messages, but they are in my gmail under a label of SMS.
SMS Backup & Restore is my favorite (but you will have to copy the file from the old phone to the new phone manually).
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
