Error message: Device corrupted - Asus ZenFone Max M1 Questions & Answers

Device: Asis Zenfone Max1 Pro- ASUS_X00TD
On booting the device, I am getting the following error message " Your device is corrupted. It can't be trusted and may not work properly"( picture attached) " . The device boots if I keep on pressing the power button. From the research I did on this it seems, the software ( image ) was corrupted and I needed to install the software from the brand website. So I downloaded the image file and installed it following the recommended procedure. However the error is still persisting.
Is this error only due to a software problem or it can be a hardware related problem as well? If it is a software related problem only, how do I resolve the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
PS: Mods if this is not the correct forum for this question, kindly point me to the relevant forum and will post the question there. Thanks.

Problem becomes more problematic
Am bumping this up as this problem is becoming an unmitigated disaster.
Contacted ASUS customer care with the problem as detailed in OP.
Their support rep gave a solution which involved going back to a previous version of the image. Reason he gave was that the image I had flashed after d/loading from their website was a beta version and not stable.
Followed the process.
End result ? Now the device is asking for a password which feature ( password security ) I did not activate at all.
I will appreciate if someone can help me fix this mess.
aCs_ND said:
Device: Asis Zenfone Max1 Pro- ASUS_X00TD
On booting the device, I am getting the following error message " Your device is corrupted. It can't be trusted and may not work properly"( picture attached) " . The device boots if I keep on pressing the power button. From the research I did on this it seems, the software ( image ) was corrupted and I needed to install the software from the brand website. So I downloaded the image file and installed it following the recommended procedure. However the error is still persisting.
Is this error only due to a software problem or it can be a hardware related problem as well? If it is a software related problem only, how do I resolve the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
PS: Mods if this is not the correct forum for this question, kindly point me to the relevant forum and will post the question there. Thanks.
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ASUS OTA updates corrupting device software & hardware both
*****Problem Solved*****
The problem not just with the software but also the hardware was caused by ASUS OTA updates.
Problem #1
The device got corrupted. Whether it was corrupted or whether it was just an erroneous error message is a matter of enquiry/research. Neither am I interested nor do I have the time to waste any further on this disaster.
Problem #2
The mic stopped working. This was remedied solely by rolling back to a prior version as advised by the customer care rep of ASUS.
Long story short which is still quite long ( apologies for being long winded )
After applying firmware rollback as advised by ASUS call center rep, the device got stuck at asking for a PIN/Password.
Given my illiteracy of technical issues, I did not have the foresight to do a simple factory data reset and move on.
So, I wrote to ASUS customer care. The incompetent people at ASUS customer care asked me to go to a different version of the firmware. That did not solve the problem. They then responded that I have to get a PAID service done to remedy the problems which would include service charges both for software and hardware issues SEPARATELY.
I gave up in disgust and decided I would purchase a new handset.
As luck would have it, Youtube referred me to a video on the issue.
Following the process shown in the video I was able to remedy the device corrupted error message.
Now I inserted a SIM card in the phone to see if it was working. It was still not working properly.
Then I googled for mic related issues. I came across links which suggested that mic functionality in these devices had been messed up by OTA updates.
So, I decided to go back to the firmware dowgrade.
I installed the downgrade firmware.
I did a factory data reset.
I activated the device.
The device is now functional.
Learnings from this disaster:
ASUS personnel are either grossly incompetent
the company i.e. ASUS is running it's business in an unethical way.
Resources used to solve the problem:
Firmware applied to get the device functional
Youtube video link
For the moderators of the forum:
Can you kindly amend the subject of the thread to " ASUS OTA updates corrupting device software & hardware both". Thanks for your help.


[Bounty]Kin brick recovering / OS flashing

Hi everyone.
I'm bit tired of having the phone being just placed over the table without doing anything (it's on the "updating modem..." state)with it, and no one seems to "seriously developing" for it, so here it goes.
I'm offering a real cash for solutions to it.
The bounty goes on two options (mutually exclusive, so if one is done, the other is cancelled):
Option A: Solve my factory mode "brick"
Prize: 50€ (~70$)
I must get my phone unbricked with some software program, so i can recover some time to try to hack the mtpz protocol and so on.
There is no need to get a new OS on the device,as the kin default it's ok.
Option A.2: Get a bypass for "Updating modem" screen from Verizon
Prize: 25€ (~35$)
Mmm just a way to bypass the "Updating modem" screen over the phone, called "OTA update" from verizon radio by hotkeys or software (both are ok).
Option B: Get a OS on the device
Prize: 100€ (~141$)
Get the above done by flashing a new OS or a winCE-like (or android, or X), so i can have my phone back and also enjoy a new OS there.
Carrier software does not matter.
Payment would be done only through PayPal, so the guy/gal solving this must provide or have a destination PayPal address.
Payment would NOT be done if the requirements specified below are not met. Specially if my phone doesn't work after the end of one of the options.
Currency conversion would be done on paypal automation conversion OR if donation / transaction is in dollars, it would be done on the google €->$ conversion rounded to floor (so 100,9$ is 100$ and 100,1$ is also 100$).
Solutions would be tried on a first got first processed option so if i get an option B solution before an option B (or the opposite), the first one working OK would get the cash, even if the other is better.
My own main purpose here is to get my phone operative again.
The above means that if Option A solution is met, Option B is CANCELLED and the bounty is FINISHED. Same for option B.
Rules for the options
I can't be waiting forever so i give a month timelapse from the posting date, so this ends on April 21th.
I have no access to 64 bits hardware, so all the 64 bits software is not accepted.
I can't and wont access CDMA networks, so not able to get Verizon update OTA to fix the "modem updating" problem.
I do not, repeat do not need any of the verizon / carrier options, so the software or roms can just not have it as I don't care. As long as the phone boots on it and can have wifi & usb connections(and GPS optionally) i'm fine with it.
Software (if available) will be sent together with instructions and detailed. I'm a developer and "advanced" PC user, but i may not know all the steps in mobile flashing just by opening a program.
Solving person may be from outside here, as long as it's available by forum rules and so on. So if you know a mobile guy wizard, you can tell this.
Software SHOULD be sent to me before paying (obviously) to test the solution to either option. If the author wants it that way, the software could be posted publicly to the masses AFTER it works. So in plain words, if i get my phone unbricked or flashed, software will be released to everyone.
Option A: Solve my factory mode "brick" or A.2
If the phone passes the "updating modem..." state but it's not solved (aka "not booting the kin OS anymore"), i consider this option to be not-completed, so not-paid.
Option B: Get a OS on the device
Again, in this option the phone must pass the "updating modem..." state AND enter an OS.
Also, this option requires to give software that can write (succesfully, of course) to the device and load the kin OS or another OS (winCE,android, ... ). The solution may work on linux / windows / mac as the solving person decides, as long as it doesn't require 64 bits thing.
Software given, if named (like "MrGuy Kin flashing") will be still owned by "MrGuy" in the distribution itself, being binaries or sourcecode.
Note here that if flashed but not passing the brick status or not booting means again not-completed, so not-paid.
If verizon kindly gives the Kin ROM (as stated on this forums), software that flashes it to the device is OK with this option, so solving person doesnt need to find a suitable ROM and so on. Of course, as long as the flashing works, it's available to do so.
If you wanna provide solutions or make a non-public question/comment, feel free to PM me here or use [email protected] for it.
Somebody posted Sharp's SPST tool with drivers, exes, and a pdf that explains how to do alot of things include reset your phone back to its factory default. Give it a shot and reply back on that thread.
As said there.... nothing
i put a little update and get a new subbounty for bypassing the updating modem (aka OTA update) from verizon, so i can get inside the OS, with half the option A prize: 25€ (~35$).
Response from verizon (if works) matches this solution (and payment requirements) for me.
Will update the big post later .
It's April 21th local time, and as no solution solved the issue, i consider the bounty closed from now on.

Any Mango installation Problems reported?

Curious that I see no reports of install problems with Mango on the Dell....yet, especially with those coming from any of the Beta's. Has anyone seen any reports anywhere?
I'm here to report 1.
I was on Mango release build. I flashed back to 7004, and followed the update path to 7008, then 7403 then the release build.
When completed, the VP is in a reboot cycle triggered by any touch. I've done this several times.
The reboot cycle appears as follows:
The update completes with no error and the final reboot starts. On reboot, if no sim is in place, the sim error screen appears. This is normal. Touch the screen to close, forces a reboot, regardless of the update complete message.
Repeat process, this time with a sim in place, Update is installed, success messages appear in zune and on the phone. Disconnect phone, touch the screen, reboot occurs.
Repeat process. let the phone reboot until it reaches the desktop. connect via cable to zune. The device is recognized, but NO sync occurs. Go to settings/update and the current build is recognized. Restore is available, and will work.
if the screen goes dark, slide up or touch power will bring up the Lockscreen. Wifi does show, so does 3g and battery, but NO lockscreen release options are available. Again, any touch forces reboot.
I've reported to Microsoft, but was not considered serious since it cannot be reproduced.
Did the update with my HD7 so Zune, the downloads, etc are in place and working.
Getting back to 7392 is an option, so I am not dead in the water. But wanted to make sure reports of problems with the update were reported.
Since I flashed back to 7004, I lost the firmware updates. I noticed that the subsequent updates do NOT flash any firmware. According to MS EULA, all updates are cumulative...contain all previous updates. I have flashed from 7004, to 7008, to 7392 to 7304. During none of these flashes has the firmware been updated. the 105 firmware is maintained. I thought I read that the 7420 update included the 219 firmware....
anyone else having this problem?
Please read my problem I have encountered and how I have solved, hope this helps.
After step 6 while trying to install Mango I recieve error code 801812c1.
I faced a problem while updating to Mango via Zune software.
My phone kept restarting while installing 7.10.7720.68 update. Stuck in step 8/9 for about 30 mins.
I did the following to recover, nothing worked.
1. I guess my phone got bricked, stuck in an infinite restart loop. I cancelled my update and removed the data cable. Removed battery and put it in again, tried restarting, still in infinite loop. Thanks DELL & Microsoft!
2. I read in Dell forum that I have to turn off my phone, then hold down Power Button + Volume Down + Camera button to enter PC download mode, so that I can restore it from Zune software. Trying it now.
3. Restore from Zune doesn't work, even its stuck at 0% for about 30mins.
4. After a few tries, removing battery, removing the SIM and doing some random stupid stuff, tried again the restoration seemed to work, I mean it started to restore.
5. Finally, I guessed its time for me to give up. Restoration failed with Error Code 8018009B. So its bricked for now.
6. I was greeted with this nice message from Windows Phone support tool
"Communicating with device. Please wait for Recover button to be enabled.
Support Tool version 4.8.2345.0
The tool cannot recover this phone. Please contact technical support."
I didn't even force the update, it was regular update which I was able to start from Zune without forcing it. NOW ITS BRICKED!
7. I took my phone to Dell Service Center, those guys couldn't figure out the problem, they said its a new phone here in India and don't have any technician to fix it.
I posted the same in Engadget, I got no response from anyone, so am posting here hoping to get a solution. I at least want my phone working, I'm happy without mango.
theonlyremedy said:
I faced a problem while updating to Mango via Zune software.
My phone kept restarting while installing 7.10.7720.68 update. Stuck in step 8/9 for about 30 mins.
I did the following to recover, nothing worked.
1. I guess my phone got bricked, stuck in an infinite restart loop. I cancelled my update and removed the data cable. Removed battery and put it in again, tried restarting, still in infinite loop. Thanks DELL & Microsoft!
2. I read in Dell forum that I have to turn off my phone, then hold down Power Button + Volume Down + Camera button to enter PC download mode, so that I can restore it from Zune software. Trying it now.
3. Restore from Zune doesn't work, even its stuck at 0% for about 30mins.
4. After a few tries, removing battery, removing the SIM and doing some random stupid stuff, tried again the restoration seemed to work, I mean it started to restore.
5. Finally, I guessed its time for me to give up. Restoration failed with Error Code 8018009B. So its bricked for now.
6. I was greeted with this nice message from Windows Phone support tool
"Communicating with device. Please wait for Recover button to be enabled.
Support Tool version 4.8.2345.0
The tool cannot recover this phone. Please contact technical support."
I didn't even force the update, it was regular update which I was able to start from Zune without forcing it. NOW ITS BRICKED!
7. I took my phone to Dell Service Center, those guys couldn't figure out the problem, they said its a new phone here in India and don't have any technician to fix it.
I posted the same in Engadget, I got no response from anyone, so am posting here hoping to get a solution. I at least want my phone working, I'm happy without mango.
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Sorry to hear this....but, I think you'll be happier with Mango...About your phone...
If this was NOT a forced update, Dell may be able to help you. Microsoft has made updating 'almost' brick free. If you log into Zune, a backup is made, you're using the cable that came with dell, not using a USB hub, have a solid internet connection,and are NOT forcing the update, the blame for the problem could fall onto the update itself.
As part of a test team, I used to try and brick Windows Phones. The easiest test was to remove the cable during different phases of update. I was never able to brick the phone. Sudden power loss on the PC also was tested. Never was able to brick a phone. Apparently the download and transfer process is done in parts, meaning the update is downloaded, completed, then transferred to the phone, then installed. If the update is interrupted during download, no worries, or even transfer, no worries, reboot the phone, try again.
The process of install is done 100% on the phone so no bad cables, or shut down of internet can impact it. Even if connection between PC and phone are lost during the install portion, the message still tells you to check the phone. The install will continue.
that leaves only the relationship between the installation and the files itself. If the update package is corrupt or damaged, then it may not be able to successfully complete. If this is the case, you have an issue with Dell and Microsoft. Since Microsoft can only help you with software, I argue that you would have relief, as in possible phone replacement, from Dell.
Do you have a way of contacting Dell from India?
alodar1 said:
Curious that I see no reports of install problems with Mango on the Dell....yet, especially with those coming from any of the Beta's. Has anyone seen any reports anywhere?
I'm here to report 1.
I was on Mango release build. I flashed back to 7004, and followed the update path to 7008, then 7403 then the release build.
When completed, the VP is in a reboot cycle triggered by any touch. I've done this several times.
The reboot cycle appears as follows:
The update completes with no error and the final reboot starts. On reboot, if no sim is in place, the sim error screen appears. This is normal. Touch the screen to close, forces a reboot, regardless of the update complete message.
Repeat process, this time with a sim in place, Update is installed, success messages appear in zune and on the phone. Disconnect phone, touch the screen, reboot occurs.
Repeat process. let the phone reboot until it reaches the desktop. connect via cable to zune. The device is recognized, but NO sync occurs. Go to settings/update and the current build is recognized. Restore is available, and will work.
if the screen goes dark, slide up or touch power will bring up the Lockscreen. Wifi does show, so does 3g and battery, but NO lockscreen release options are available. Again, any touch forces reboot.
I've reported to Microsoft, but was not considered serious since it cannot be reproduced.
Did the update with my HD7 so Zune, the downloads, etc are in place and working.
Getting back to 7392 is an option, so I am not dead in the water. But wanted to make sure reports of problems with the update were reported.
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Called Dell Mobility. Even though I could restore back to previous version, they offered to replace the device, which I took.
Kind of sad though, I've never had problems with wifi or anything else on this phone. In fact the only problem ever with a VP was me dropping the thing. I'm hoping the refurb I get will also not be a problem.
alodar1 said:
Sorry to hear this....but, I think you'll be happier with Mango...About your phone...
If this was NOT a forced update, Dell may be able to help you. Microsoft has made updating 'almost' brick free. If you log into Zune, a backup is made, you're using the cable that came with dell, not using a USB hub, have a solid internet connection,and are NOT forcing the update, the blame for the problem could fall onto the update itself.
As part of a test team, I used to try and brick Windows Phones. The easiest test was to remove the cable during different phases of update. I was never able to brick the phone. Sudden power loss on the PC also was tested. Never was able to brick a phone. Apparently the download and transfer process is done in parts, meaning the update is downloaded, completed, then transferred to the phone, then installed. If the update is interrupted during download, no worries, or even transfer, no worries, reboot the phone, try again.
The process of install is done 100% on the phone so no bad cables, or shut down of internet can impact it. Even if connection between PC and phone are lost during the install portion, the message still tells you to check the phone. The install will continue.
that leaves only the relationship between the installation and the files itself. If the update package is corrupt or damaged, then it may not be able to successfully complete. If this is the case, you have an issue with Dell and Microsoft. Since Microsoft can only help you with software, I argue that you would have relief, as in possible phone replacement, from Dell.
Do you have a way of contacting Dell from India?
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Thanks alodar1..
I asked Dell to do a service and added that I don't need an replacement. The service guy said the phone is new and they are not trained to service this, so they would only do a replacement. I'm not ready to do a replacement, they ask me to go for international warranty, moreover they replace with factory refurbished phones.
BTW, I would like to know if there is anyway to format the memory card without removing or replacing. Right now I have another problem whenever I press the power button to boot my phone it directly goes to Software Download mode, the camera button was never pressed.
While trying to repair using Windows Phone Tool, I received this error "The tool cannot recover this phone, please contact technical support", so being a little curious I fired up .NET Reflector and loaded the tool to find out what was happening, I found that the this error is thrown if the phone is not Samsung made (see attached file). Is there any similar tool for Dell Phones?
*UPDATE 1* Is there anyway to force flash without using Zune, any third party tool, Zune seems to go to restore mode and can't find my phone. I have a feeling that erasing the contents of SD card will solve the problem.
*UPDATE 2* I did the registry trick and was able to see my DVP in Computer window. But instead of one DVP, I see 2 and both have storage of 3.75 GB each. But my DVP is 16GB, both DVP are empty. Previously I was never able to see my DVP even after registry patch. Now I have feeling that corrupt drivers caused the problem, yesterday I completely removed and reinstalled Zune Software, now the registry patch worked.
Please let me know with problem my DVP could be hardware fault or just the software. If its hardware then I'll go for replacement right away.
Just recieved my replacement VP. Ordered yesterday around noonish. Went downstairs to get the Motorola Xoom box that was delivered...and the VP was there too. Bonus....
Did not come with Mango....but....there's not a scratch on this thing....not a rub, not a bump...nothing. Still has plastic in places I doubt they would put plastic after refurb. I'm wondering if I got one of hte left over new ones....
Doesn't matter....Mango won't install no matter I'll try ICS.
My Mango is now Ripe..
alodar1 said:
My Mango is now Ripe..
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Nice to hear that!
alodar1 said:
Since I flashed back to 7004, I lost the firmware updates. I noticed that the subsequent updates do NOT flash any firmware. According to MS EULA, all updates are cumulative...contain all previous updates. I have flashed from 7004, to 7008, to 7392 to 7304. During none of these flashes has the firmware been updated. the 105 firmware is maintained. I thought I read that the 7420 update included the 219 firmware....
anyone else having this problem?
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How do you flash it back to 7392? I need to flash mine.
theonlyremedy said:
Nice to hear that!
How do you flash it back to 7392? I need to flash mine.
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not a flash, but a restore. I've always made copies of my backups ...
You an't reflash as the user above me already said, that said, the backups are stored in
=> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Phone Update
so for backing up your restore poiints you can copy that folder and then keep it.
theonlyremedy said:
Nice to hear that!
How do you flash it back to 7392? I need to flash mine.
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I was just curious. I wanted to fix my phone. The backup restore didn't work. I was just looking for some way to flash it or at least format the SD Card, so that I reinstall OS and can get my phone working. After four days of trying to fix my phone, I finally gave up and sent it for service to Dell. I even copied a little bit of code from phone support tools and tried them, I was just able to get the phone details without any problem, Mango was installed in the phone, but still it didn't boot. It would be good if we find a way to touch the SD card and format it from PC, probably we'll be able to revive many bricked phones. I would be happy to join the project if some one starts it. I can write C# code.
Mine is an error during backup
Error Code 801812DC during backup
I also add new thread.
If anyone knows, please tell me what I need to do.

Desperately Asking For HELP!!!

Hello, guys! It's now my 2nd post asking the exact same help. I'm very desperate to fix my phone : Asus Zenfone 5.
I have been looking for solutions for a long time, I'm not easily quit on googling. So far, this problem is one that haven't been fixed and very unlikely to be fixed
I have contacted many people including that Taiwan guy who is an expert on Zenfone 5 (forgot the name) and I'm EXTREMELY DESPERATE
I know this problem might be similiar with other case, but this one seems to be rare, because I have not found the solution.
Here is the timeline before my device got soft-bricked :
1. I upgraded to Lolipop with a different version of it's recovery, but still worked.
2. One day, ANR Keeps reporting that SystemUI has stopped. Rebooted and the phone went bootloop.
3. (probably the problem) I flashed wrong version of recovery (I think it was kitkat's recovery) and after then, I'm not able to get into DROIDBOOT.
I have tried several ways :
1. Sending package to my phone over ADB Sideload (It says something like error mounting blabla)
2. Flashing with xFSTK (It says something about driver, and I googled it. Found everyone with the same problem, endless solutions)
3. Downloaded about 1 gig of files (DEBRICK Files) and still, gets stuck somewhere.
So anyone have a solution for me, please?? I'm totally desperate right now, I lost hope. Never had this kind of problem, the thing is that so far, I never had such never-solved case in my life, I will always
find a solution from Google even that would take a long time. I have been searching passively for about 8 months, and I got none of those works
I will be very thankful if anyone would try to help this problem, I will bring detailed information you want, because I don't have solutions left.
Sorry for bad English
Thank You so much!
Christ, I was sure that I ticked it as a Q/A.
how to help? you are just telling about softbrick.

Install firmware in Asus Zenpad 10 (P00C)

Hello everyone!
I have a big issue with this tablet: after the new update to 7.0 I notice the system is consuming a lot of internal space and the system is not stable like it should be.
What I would like to do is to revert to the previous firmware/version or try to install any other bootloader wich now is beeing very difficult because I dont know how to do and the steps that I read to do it are very complicated.
Does anyone can help me to install the firmware on this tablet?
I have everything, the tools, the firmwares, cables, the pc... everything.
Then other thing is when I try to go to bootloader, I mean, is in chinese!!! Is not even simple and looks I cant solv my problem at all.
Please, anyone can give me a hand?
Thanks in advance for all your help and sorry about my bad english.
I will give a party with those who can help me and I will offer beers to everyone!
Where did you get the firmware ?
I have exactly the same problems. I managed to get the Z300M software from the ASUS website but not the P00C. Would like to roll back to software from May or before.
same EXACT problem... looks like audio_dump .wav files are the culprit but cannot delete them. used fastboot to factory reset after 7.0 update and problem came back 3 days later! can't find any older updates for the p00c online either
Somebody posted a possible solution in another thread. Can you see if it works for you?
diplomatic said:
Hey guys, see if this works:
Install Engineer Mode MTK shortcut
Turn on developer options
Start Engineer Mode. Go to Hardware Testing -> Audio -> Audio Logger
Uncheck any boxes that are checked
Profit (and maybe reboot)
All in all, I don't understand why some tablets have the logging enabled and other don't, if this is indeed the issue. I've never seen it enabled, even after a factory reset.
If you have the audio logging issue on either the Z380M or the Z300M, please post:
Your firmware SKU
Your region code given by the property ro.config.versatility (may need a terminal app to read that via getprop)
The firmware version you were on when you reset your tablet
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[issue found][archived] FRP / OEM locked device that won't start OS

Edit 3: TL;DR: This is appears to be an S8 exclusive error, it's shown in the recovery:
"Product device tree not found, couldn't verify firmware" or something like that. For solutions, please look that up.
So, I bought a bootlooping S8 in the hopes of fixing it.
Since OEM and FRP lock are on, I went with installing Samsung firmware on it, as installing a custom recovery at this point is not possible.
The default recovery wouldn't work, so I wasn't able to know which firmware exactly to flash, because I couldn't find out which model exactly I have bought.
I do not know the carrier of the device either, but it should be from some german provider.
All of the firmwares I tried just bootlooped, but the recovery works again, except for ADB, which is quite unfortunate, and I have no idea why it fails, the device shows up when I'm in the recovery menu, but as soon as I activate ADB, it's gone from the list of connected devices.
Combination firmwares sometimes show some turning gears animations, but then crash with some, thought often memory related, pretty random crash issue.
Another problem I am now facing is that in the process of trying to find a working firmware I now upgraded the devices "binary level"? (forgot what exactly it was called) to 6, so I can't flash any older firmware or combination firmware than 6, since downgrading isn't allowed.
I received the device with either binary level 1 oder 2.
My theory is that I don't have the right firmware, since I keep seeing dm-verity and license errors...
I am happy to provide logs if necessary.
The goal is to have an unlocked bootloader/ custom recovery.
I literally am going INSANE over this FRP blocking me from flashing TWRP and being done with this in under 10 minutes, please help :c
PS: Some random info attached
Edit 1: With the IMEI code i found while opening the phone I now know my model number: SM-G950FZKADBT.
Any tips for finding the PDA code of the originally installed system? Or finding a matching firmware?
Is this even neccesary? Why do official firmwares not work for me? :c
Edit 2: Somewhat solution: I think the only way to recover this device would be to find it's firmware, which is just NOT to be found...
So, until a miracle happens I'm gonna keep reading "Firmware is not valid" errors in the log
Did you look in ? ? ? I just grabbed a fw from there.
The dnld was loooong so I purchased a privilege for faster speed . . .
