no stock recovery/bootloop stock OS - LG V20 Questions & Answers

for one thing i know most of some of you might be happy to see me here so whats up i am fine but stressed
so i was helping someone to get lineage OS running on their phone and i managed to get that part successful but lineage sucks for me unless theres alot i missed on how bad everything went, crashes, cant access my screen during a call etc.
so now i want to get another OS but i ran into this issue, i couldent access twrp, i tried to ADB the boot command no go so i reinstalled twrp (same verson i had 3.3.0-1) and now nothing boots just sits at the LG screen, so i said %^&* it i redo the whole phone from scratch but that one is a fail to, i cant get factory reset to even come up, when i do the button command it will show the circal with eraseing and reboot and just sits on the verizon screen. im guessing i messed up my recovery and no way to figure this one out or what to ask google to find an exciting post about my issue,

well i managed to got it figured out saw a post similer to mine and did the steps, well in that post i had to get LGup but i managed to get a patched verson of LGUP, on there it said to do a partiotion DL option and select all, well that did not work for me so i said lets see if refurbish will work altho it ALWAYS FAILS well with the patched LGUP refurbish is an option, that got my stock OS going, i tried my recovery and still no go, but i did a soft restore and phone is back to normal, if anyone has any issues i be glad to help, this was new to me to getting it going


Boot problems

My scenario:
I updated my N1 to 2.1-update1 by applying an from the SD card. Everything worked fine for a while until a few days later I turned off my phone. On rebooting, it got stuck at the splash screen. I managed to reboot through the bootloader and got back in but have since had problems with a couple of apps force closing on startup and have been unable to send SMS. I decided that maybe I should start from scratch so rebooted into recovery mode again and wiped data and cache and reapplied the update. My phone will now not boot at all. It consistently gets stuck at the splash screen.
It's not bricked, as I can get to the bootloader and recovery menus but:
a) adb and fastboot won't recognize the phone as being connected
b) on the recovery menu I see "E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command"
c) when going in to the bootloader it complains about not finding PASSDIAG.ZIP
Anyone have any ideas what I can do? I can't connect via adb/fastboot so am not really sure what I can try...
Did you do a nandroid if so I would try to restore and start the update from that point.
I get an error when I go to my bootloader screen asking about and passdiag.nbh but it hasn't ever caused any problems, it just complains about them. I don't get the issues with the recovery menu or USB though. Fairly sure that doesn't help you, just adding my experience in the off chance it helps someone diagnose.
I don't suppose anyone has any idea what passdiag is?
No one with any idea what passdiag is or what one might do to fix this issue?
Don't worry about and passdiag.nbh. These files are the ROM dumps if i remember right from Google. Just let that pass. Is your phone unlocked running a RA recovery, or are you still at stock. If unlocked you will have to reflash whatever ROM it was you were using.
So here's how I got to having that error.
Originally I was using the stock ROM. No error.
Then I unlocked/rooted using the guide here. Error started appearing.
After that I flashed Amon-Ra's Recovery: Error still present.
Following that I flashed Cyanogen's Mod. Error still present.
I really would like to get rid of the error, even if it isn't hurting anything. I don't suppose there's a place I could get the files to push to my phone or somewhere in the phone I could tell it to stop looking for them?

Stuck in bootloop after un-installing Flipboard

I'm usually fairly good at troubleshooting my own stuff but this really has me stuck in the same place for a few hours now.
So basically Flipboard has been nagging me(well play store is, not the app itself but anyway) so I said to myself why don't I uninstall it since I've never used it and don't plan to, and besides I hate to have pointless apps installed. So I open TitaniumBackup and I see it is installed as a system app, I thought what's the worst that can happen? so I do uninstall it and a minute later my phone shuts off. I try to turn it on and it doesn't go past the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 flash screen, it either reboots or stays like that.
I try to go into recovery to restore a backup and I can't, it is stuck at Recovery Booting and again it either stays like that or reboots and does it again and again and again.
Now, I haven't made any changes or installs on my phone for weeks now, so this is either because I unistalled Flipboard(I know I shouldn't have risked it since it was a system app but I really could not see it going this way) or the hardware is on it's way out(don't see what else could it be).
I figured I should flash a stock rom with odin, I can get into download mode, and reinstall everything from scratch.
I took a stock image from xda and flashed it and it does exactly the same thing.
Right now I'm downloading another stock image from sammobile for my country/provider to see if this will change anything.
What else can I try? I'm completely stuck and I really don't want to send the phone back like this, I doubt amazon is gonna be happy about it.
Emotion Revolution 12.1 Rom
Really sorry for the double-post. I'm quite desperate and need my phone for work.
Since last post I've tried flashing through Odin from SamMobile and it did the same thing with rebooting constantly.
Then I've installed Kies and went to Tools -> Firmware Upgrade and Initialisation and gave it the model and S/N and it downloaded something and everything went all right, the phone reboots and I'm back in the same circle, it just shows me the splash screen(in some video's I've seen that after this procedure they get the splash screen and then the android bot with a progress bar, I don't get that, I only get the splash screen and reboot) and reboots.
I thought this was a last resort thing? Is the phone completely dead or is there something I can try?
Again sorry for the double-post.
Update: still no progress so I've contacted Amazon and they said to send it back so hopefully this works out in the end, no matter how annoying the waiting time will be, if you do have any suggestions on what I should try please let me know as I haven't posted the phone yet.

Recover data from softbricked, unrooted VS980 G2 stuck on LG screen?

One of my friends was having me try to fix or at least recover data from her Verizon G2- it's been stuck on the LG screen for about a week, can still go to recovery/download/other basic screens but that's it, all she did was put it in her pocket and it stopped working. Unfortunately I'm REALLY new to anything Android (please forgive me if I'm using terminology incorrectly!) so I've been lost trying to work this out.
I found out today that she went ahead and got a new phone altogether but she asked me to pull the data from this one. Before this I've tried using LGFlashTool to reset the phone without removing the data, but every way I've gone about doing that has told me that "there was an error connecting to the device" or something along those lines, same in Alligator Toolkit 3.1 and even Windows Device Manager.
At this point I just need to get the data from it, but it's not rooted so I can't install TWRP (not sure about any alternative recoveries), and I can't root it because it hasn't been able to get past the aforementioned screens.
Is there a way to basically just copy all the data on the phone to a computer without a recovery, rooting it, or anything like that? Or is there any way I can install a recovery like TWRP?
Another thing is that strangely last night I managed to make it turn on and work properly, but when I finally decided that it did work and went to unplug it and put it away, it went straight back to the LG screen. I'm not really sure what I did to get it to work that time but I haven't been able to make it happen again.
Sorry if any of this is unclear, I'll be up late available for any clarifications. Thanks in advance for the help!

ATTEMPT OF ROOT spiral into Madness

Original thread ""
Video of current STATUS ""
Current state of my problem -- STUCK in a screen at Drive Screen "an empty modal opens" Also looking for -- OnePlus 5 OxygenOS 4.5.15 rom --
OP5 EUROPE (if this helps to know what kind of phone I got, I know there are some differences in countries, dont know if it happens with OP specifically)
Currently trying to fix this using:
OnePlus5 Oxygen 4.5.15
After reading plenty of other Threads with similar problems, I am clueless of whatelse to do but to exhibit how I disgraced my phone in hopes for somebody to help me.
I know I am 100% guilty of all that happened but I still somehow hope to get help.
Now the proper what happened.
After the purchase of some apps that seemed to encourage me to root my phone from Android Store, to get more features, I decided to give it a go.
So I got myself:
The Rom from Cyanogen
SuperSu v2.79-20
Granted myself access to booting and usb debugging after becoming a developer (granted by the university of tap your phone screen like a monkey smashing buttons, I figure this is even an inside joke from actual Devs)
I followed a tutorial that said next thing was installing twrp and stuffing my rom and my super su in my phone after rooting it, here is when things turn dark after installing the rom.
I saw my data was wiped and thought I had erased its memory, and instead of just putting back the things that I had to install I clicked on another tutorial of a had that had a similar problem (I can provide links later if requested).
In this tutorial the person, said that I should go to Advanced Settings -- WIPE and try and reformat my SYSTEM and my DATA, (heres when I wish my future-self would have come and stopped me because after this it all spiraled into madness)
After this happened my phone said I had no OS, so I didnt know what to do, I had no idea, I tried recovery mode but there was nothing to recover.. , I tried plenty of things really. reformating, downloading more ROMS , when I tried to install any of this Roms a new surprise awaited for me, my phone didnt know it was a OnePlus5 anymore it decided asume a misterious identity now he was " " instead.
I googled this, and a guy had a work around in wich I had to go into the rom and into the META-INF --COM -- google -- android -- updater-script
and inside this very archive delete the script that validated wich phone I had, this solution wouldnt work with any rom I had because they all said "updating the img was unsuccesful" at this point I was asking myself only one thing "WHAT IMAGE?!?!" a second ago there was no OS at all and now there was an image to update?.
I kept trying roms until one worked the stable official version, now I managed to install the rom rebooted, to find that the OS seems to have been installed, but.. when I introduce my pin things begin guetting funny again...
My SIM doesnt seem to be recognized its called "Slot 2" and when I enter the pin it and "SWIPE UP" as the phone suggests it gets stuck at a panel called "Drive".
I am guessing I am having an issue with the drivers but this is only a guess, I really have no Idea how to fix this, I tried to look up if somebody else was strugging with a FREEZE at DRIVE.
but it seems that nobody else fell into the spiral of foolishness I did, please help me find a way into a solution.
When I try to recover from the phone and install from "internal storage" doesnt allows me as there was no such thing.
use codeworkx twrp
Use a Keurig and just breathe
try flashing a twrp recovery. then boot to recovery. then push via adb a recent oneplus rom. then install the rom. then reboot to system and see if it is working.

i need a refresher can anyone help

so i been at my computer for HOURS and having major issues with TWRP not wonting to boot right, yes i am trying to install a later version of TWRP but everywhere i look a no go i even tried TWRP 3.4.0-1
so since everything has changed what is new out there, what are the new ways to get TWRP to work on this phone, what have i missed ever since i have been gone.
i re did the whole phone that i am back at stock vs99513A, no root nothing.
has anyone even rooted OREO 20C B or A if so where (no i didn't google cause after this post im getting off, tired of figuring out why TWRP sucks right now)
sorry to sound stressed, a lot has been going on and its been hard for me to get back into the game to help others, already sucks to see the method i did is so out of date and a lot has changed :'(

