upgrade head unit on Nissan maxima 2016 - Android Head-Units

Hi guys please advice me what I should do.. my brother have Nissan maxima 2016 in the car he has android car unit, we do not know if this is the original head unit, but the system is old and very very slow, we tried to reset factory default but the system still stuck and slow, the only options for me are trying to upgrade for 3Party Android system or original rooted system, I am trying to find a system with the details I took from the system info but still can't find anything regarding that if someone can help me with that ill be very very thankful for that


Pumpkin Android 6.01 head unit stuck on boot - SOLVED

Thought i'd post my experience after a few days of pain in order that it might help someone else. XDA forum was complex in info but couldn't have been more valuable. I'll reference helpful posts below.
Car:Kia Sorento 2010
Head Unit: Pumpkin Android CN10
Android version: 6.01
Processor: quadcore-R16
Model / SKU: CN10-02201b-02A
Model is no longer available on amazon.
After a few weeks of use all the apps stopped launching and just returned to the home screen. Radio (UK) was dropping out every 30 seconds. The time never stayed set and changing it seems to have a bug that affects the system. Thats as much as I got from pumpkin forums. The weird thing was that there was no MCU info on the about screen.
So contacted Pumpkin who provided firmware updates. I would have thought it possible for manufacturers to track products, hardware and firmwares in a version control system but they insist on email 1-1 with firmware upgrades as solutions- but that's another story.
First round of firmware seemed to have bricked it - it was stuck in a boot loop or not booting at all. 3-4 firmware updates via some frosty email exchanges and its still stuck on boot with android logo.
Thats taken 7 days. Ouch
Then managed to find this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/android-auto/android-head-units/allwinner-r16-astard7-android-6-0-1-t3523906
Since it mentioned the 'Allwinner quad core R16' i assumed it was relevant to this unit due to the chip info above. Since the unit was going back for a refund i didn't worry too much about screwing it up further.
So i took the rar file link from here:
KED1 (MEDEKE?) firmware (thanks):
unpacked it on to sdcard:
Instead of doing what pumpkin said installing one file at a time on sdcard i put them all on root of card altogether and ran the upgrade. To my surprise everything installed OK. Rebooted and its working.
I'm pretty sure Pumpkin have no idea what they are doing with firmware as their forum seems littered with apologies for wrong firmware. Maybe they do . Luckily i have flashed a few roms and persevered with some success. The interface is different from factory settings but I now have a fully functioning radio , bluetooth, and installable sat nav app (map.me).
Some questions lingering in my mind.
1. Is this a eonon base unit?
2. Is there any core factory reset available?
3. Should i try and update the MCU to a newer version as listed in the post above?
4. How can I make a back up of my working settings?
5. Can i get any other GUI updates?
Hope this helps someone else with a CN10 R16 unit
Thanks for all the hardwork mods and devs do thru this forum too.

Pumpkin 10.1 Inch (MCU / Firmware)

I bought a Pumpkin 10.1 inch head unit about 6 months ago, I have enjoyed the head unit but would like to alter the firmware to one called "Malaysk" that a friend uses which I think looks better and has more functionality.
I have contacted Pumpkin who have said that unless something is wrong with the head unit they wouldn't advise updating it. After e-mailing back and forth, I was able to get them to tell me how do get my head unit into recovery mode (searching on Google did not help as there are no physical buttons I was not able to use other methods).
What Pumpkin instructed me to do did not work, so a friend was able to find a method using an app called "terminal emulator". We were able to get the head unit to boot into the recovery menu.
Unfortunately when I try to run MCU update using an dmcu.img file (dmcu(MTCE-KLD-2.94es_by_cs-x)), it just aborts and fails, I have also tried to run the "Malaysk" nupdate.img, which also fails.
Does anyone have any experience with the MCU or firmwares failing to install and aborting? and if so, how did you over come it?
My head unit is:
Pumpkin 10.1 inch
Android 7.1.2
Current MCU version - MTCE_KLD_V2.80_1
Thanks for any ideas / solutions.

New Allwinner T3L p1 android 10 need reinstall or firmwire. Help Needed!

Hi guys.
I have a Allwinner T3L with windows 10 (fake?). Its for my Ford Fiesta 2012 without sync and a rz-60 canbus.
Long story short. I got wrong canbus for it so nothing works, and after instructions from seller i installed diffrent types of Car supports in Extra settings.
Now im left here with a unit that is SUPER slow and dont save or work properly after trying to add diffrent car settings using units carchoose setting(mui) these files start with com.sw.carchoose_xxx_xxxx.rar or .apk
I tryed to restore factory settings , hard restart, unplug the device and everything that i can think off.
The seller wont send new firmware or old one.
So my question is what firmwire and mui should i use? What fits this unit.
Follow link for pictures: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtzVybMr5ynghXWzy6xk8Apm2-Io
I read somewhere that there was a good tested firmware for t3l p1 advanced switch but i dont know if it works with my or where to find it
If I cant find any help here i don't know where to turn and will have to put it on the shelf or throw it away
So please help me out here
Thank you for your time reading
Ps: im sorry for my bad english
Hi guys. OMG I wanna cry .
So my Allwinner T3L P1 Android 11-8035 boots up no logos or display.
Side button lights work and the backlight on screen is dark and dim.
I flashed a System update update was a success, it rebooted and did the whole setup... Got a pop up message to reboot for the system settings to take affect.
And BOOM F***ed just like that.
It's definitely working I think the update messed up the resolution or something.
My Question is how can I reflash the Original System update on this unit now.
Please guys really need some help over here. Any ideas or means I can try would be gratefully appreciated.
Thank Gents

I think I have to flash my K2001n head unit - Wi-Fi problems

Hello, I hope you can help me,
My unit has always had auto touches, it clicks, mutes, exits apps and enters others by itself, it's very annoying.
I did a hard reset, but although it became more fluid, the wifi was damaged and does not turn on.
It is a K2001n, with android 10.1 fake, I would like to change the firmware and have a stable and more efficient one than this.
Can someone give me some recommendation?
Compare with this
Allwinner t3-k2001-nwd
Hi, I am the proud owner of an allwinner Radio. Does anyone know the password for system update? "0000" and "1234" won`t do ... Is there any chance to root it? I hope that is useful: Android 7.1.1 / SDK 25 (Nougat) MCU VER...

Eonon q80pro T18 head unit

Wondering if anyone can help direct me to where I can get some information on this head unit. I just purchased it and I'm concerned with Play Protect giving me malware warning. Is there a way I can root this device and install zygisk/riru/lsposed?
Does anyone know how to install your own boot animation on this device?
Would love any information or direction to similar devices/processes.
System Info
BA Factory
CAN version:GM D1.01.112BYPT
Boot version:1280x720_M8_L8_C080EAN06.0_20221010
MCU version:Ts18.1.1-100-8F-A5C89D-230311-GMC(FT072)
System version:TS18.2.2_20230216.160550_WINDOW-THEME1
Screen resolution:1280x720
CarSetting Version: master_Dev.20230216_534
Android Version: 10.0
