[query] [EdXposed] any guide for oneplus 5? - OnePlus 5 Questions & Answers

Hi i saw many guides online regarding edXposed, i followed one from oneplus 6 forum and i had bootloops.
Is there any detailed guide with success on OOS android 10 with edXposed working?


ZTE Axon 7 (B16) - How to do root and twrp? Nougat 7.1.1

I apologize if this has already been discussed here in the community, but I wonder if there is any tutorial on installing root + twrp in the Chinese version of Axon 7 Nougat 7.1.1 (B16 system version). I searched on almost every topic but did not find it. Could someone help me with this?

Video guide [Everything for the 5T] (Noob friendly)

From unboxing to returning to stock from a custom rom.
Anything and everything for the oneplus 5t in a detailed and step by step video guide.
Every rom, kernel, mod will be covered on video hence making it easy for anyone and everyone.
If theres a video you would like to see about the oneplus 5t just reply to this thread and I will make it for you guys.
1) Oneplus 5T launch event and hands on.
2) Guide : Unlock Bl, Install TWRP & Root Oneplus 5T
3) Oneplus 5T Unboxing
4) Freedom OS Install & Preview
5) Benchmark & Gaming Review
6) OnePlus 5T Gaming Review - With Temperature and Battery Check
7) OnePlus 5/5T - 10+ Tips, Tricks & Hidden Features
8) [Oneplus 5T] Restore complete stock ROM and Relock Bootloader. Easiest Step By Step Guide.
9) OFFICIAL BETA - Android 8.0 [Oneplus 5t] - Step by step guide
10) [GUIDE] Oneplus 5T - How to Upgrade/Downgrade to and from Android 8.0 Oreo beta.
11) Oneplus 5T -How to : Magisk - Nandroid Backup - Substratum
12) Oneplus 5T - Get upto 12 hours Screen on time - Step By Step guide
13) Oneplus 5T - Easiest Method To Install Any Custom Rom - Universal
14) Oneplus 5t - Oxygen Os 4.7.6 V/S Omnirom Latest Build - Speedtest & Benchmarks
15) [Oneplus 5T] Honest Review - Jack Of All Trades
16) [Oneplus 5t] theOne5TOS v1.4 Install And First Impressions
17) EXCLUSIVE [Oneplus 5t] Codename : Phoenix Install And First Impressions
18) Oneplus 5T - Phoenix Rom Review [Your new Daily Driver?]
19) How To Unbrick Oneplus 5T [Step By Step Easiest Method]
20) [ONEPLUS 5t] Oreo Beta 2 Review - A Step In The Right Direction ?
21) Exclusive - Mumbai's 1st Oneplus Official Store Launch/Red 5t Unboxing/First Impressions
22) [Oneplus 5T] One Stop Guide For All Flashaholics - Stable - Beta - Custom The complete how to guide
New guides added to op.
added magisk and nandroi guide
hypergamer1231 said:
added magisk and nandroi guide
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This is great, could you show how to install Xposed Framework using Magisk for the 5t?
nba-guy said:
This is great, could you show how to install Xposed Framework using Magisk for the 5t?
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Will make a video soon
added 12 hrs sot video guide
lots of more tutorials and updates included
This is awesome, thanks for this!

Oneplus 8 Pro TWRP

Sorry if this has been asked many times. I have not been able to find a clear answer.
I am aware that there is no official TWRP release for Oneplus 8 pro for android 11.
Has anyone here made any progress?
There is a twrp for a11 for 8pro. Therese a thread here at xda. Dont expect too much from it for now.

How to keep Root after last update F62 ?

Hello everyone,
I was wondering if there is any working procedure for keeping the OnePlus 8 pro rooted after the last update F62.
Thank you all in advance!
bebop80 said:
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if there is any working procedure for keeping the OnePlus 8 pro rooted after the last update F62.
Thank you all in advance!
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[OnePlus 8 Pro][ROM][OTA][Oxygen OS] Repo of Oxygen OS Builds
As OnePlus doesn't always provide download links for all of their OxygenOS ROMs & OTA update zips, we've created an index to put the links in one post so that they're easy to find. Note: This is not a support thread for issues you may have with...

KernelSU for OnePlus 5

Hi everyone.
Has anyone been able to build a kernel with KernelSU for OnePlus 5?
I'm trying to do it like the instructions on the KernelSU website, but nothing works for me...
Is this even possible for OnePlus 5?
