lg g6 DRM - LG G6 Questions and Answers

Is there anyway to recover drm protection after rooting my lg g6 ? Im not able to watch netflix ultra hd with hdr and that sucks

only with "no root"

R!pper said:
only with "no root"
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still widevine l3 i removed root flash stock rom using lg up and locked bootloader any help?

Apps checking for root for security reasons can he tricked with Magisk. Probably the same for DRM.

lecorbusier said:
Apps checking for root for security reasons can he tricked with Magisk. Probably the same for DRM.
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What do you mean mate can you help me doing it? Please!

Did you install the Lineage SU tool or the old SuperSU or root via one of the apps like Kingo Root?
Then install Magisk.zip via TWRP and later install Magisk Manager.

lecorbusier said:
Did you install the Lineage SU tool or the old SuperSU or root via one of the apps like Kingo Root?
Then install Magisk.zip via TWRP and later install Magisk Manager.
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I couldn't understand you mate all I did was unlock bootloader then flash pixel experience and install magisk via twrp I never used kingroot I have LG h870 europe

Then you have already the optimal conditions to hide root from apps via Magisk Manager. If the netflix app is smarter than that, there's probably no hope. I have one banking app which can recognize root despite Magisk Hide, but works after a warning.
(and Netflix currently throttles bandwidth due to "certain circumstances", probably therefore no 4K)

lecorbusier said:
Then you have already the optimal conditions to hide root from apps via Magisk Manager. If the netflix app is smarter than that, there's probably no hope. I have one banking app which can recognize root despite Magisk Hide, but works after a warning.
(and Netflix currently throttles bandwidth due to "certain circumstances", probably therefore no 4K)
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even with a custom ROM mate? u can hide root using magisk ? but since update 20.4 there's no magisk hide except Magisk props config i guess u can spoof hardware using it ( sorry for being noob here )

My LG870 still has stock & no root.
But my older Samsung devices have LOS16&17, Magisk 20.4 and Magisk Hide available.


Moto X Pure and Magisk Support

I have installed Magisk on my XT1575, for those who dont know, its a method in which Xposed can be installed systemless, with the benefit of taking OTA's. And as a bonus, things like android pay work (with a on-the-fly toggle) to turn off root check, snapchat works, etc.
Pre-requisites (MARSHMALLOW)
1. Stock rom (this is mandated by the developer @topjohnwu ) preferably stock kernel, but i am using frankenclark
1A. TWRP (Download Link Here) https://dl.twrp.me/clark/twrp-3.0.2-0-clark.img.html
2. Magisk manager zip (Download Link Here) http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/dl/?id=19632&task=get
3. Custom superuser PHH-Superuser (Download link here) http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/dl/?id=19633&task=get
4. Custom Xposed (Download Link Here) http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3832615&d=1470276932
5. Custom Superuser app from the playstore (Download Link Here) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.phh.superuser
6. Custom Xposed Installer (Download Link Here) http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/dl/?id=19668&task=get
1. Start with clean stock marshmallow 18-4 (i used the firmware flash and did it that way)
2. Install TWRP (1A)
3. Boot into TWRP recovery (do not select system writable. leave it stock, this ensures the chances of OTA support, unless you dont care, then set it writable)
4. Flash frankenkernel, if you want, if not continue on
5. Flash MAGISK (2)
6. FLASH custom superuser (3)
7. Flash Xposed framework (4)
8. reboot into marshamallow
9. Before opening MAGISK, install the custom superuser app from the playstore (5)
10. Install the custom XPOSED installer (6)
11. You should now see that xposed 86.3 is active
12. Profit, make sure to check MAGISK and see if the toggle between rooted and unrooted works, but it should.
MAGISK thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/unofficial-systemless-xposed-t3388268
Links #3 and #4 are dead.
Do I need PHH-Superuser or can I use SuperSU? It looks like I only need PHH-Superuser if I want to use android Pay.
betarepeating said:
Links #3 and #4 are dead.
Do I need PHH-Superuser or can I use SuperSU? It looks like I only need PHH-Superuser if I want to use android Pay.
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Correct, if your not interested in the whole android pay thing. Its because i havent updated to the version 2 links yet
aer0zer0 said:
Correct, if your not interested in the whole android pay thing. Its because i havent updated to the version 2 links yet
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What are you running for a stock, rooted systemless supersu ROM that passes safety net?
SR3TLAW said:
What are you running for a stock, rooted systemless supersu ROM that passes safety net?
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whelp, the whole reason i had a xpure was because my 10 was getting uh oh'd for a broken display, and that took 2 weeks. When i wrote the post, magisk and phh was rollin in the regards that android pay (safetynet) had been beat, so i wrote a writeup on how to do it. Now safetynet has been upgraded to the point where magisk is beat, afaik.
Magisk screwed with my banking app, and i didnt use it for anything else, so i stuck with systemless supersu & xposed instead, no magisk on my 10.
Honestly, im not sure why people want android pay, all the places i used it, charged me extra for using, like a 1.50 pepsi cost 2.10 out of our vending machines at work.
Couldn't agree more. For the systemless root - all you did was install SuperSU from play store and run that command in twrp?
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Titanium backup will not gain root access. Can someone help?
dkeepitabuck said:
Titanium backup will not gain root access. Can someone help?
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Is your phone rooted?
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Cdub1976 said:
Is your phone rooted?
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
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I fixed it but I need help getting secure settings to work. I did something to get it working earlier but it caused TB to break.
I am running TruPureXMM ROM, can i still flash phh's superuser even though i already have SuperSU systemless root that came with the ROM?
SnowBlacks said:
I am running TruPureXMM ROM, can i still flash phh's superuser even though i already have SuperSU systemless root that came with the ROM?
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No, Magisk is only designed for stock, unrooted roms. It doesn't get around SafetyNet anymore anyway, Android Pay, Pokémon Go, and most financial apps won't work anyway.
acejavelin said:
No, Magisk is only designed for stock, unrooted roms. It doesn't get around SafetyNet anymore anyway, Android Pay, Pok�©mon Go, and most financial apps won't work anyway.
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Yeah, i wanna use suHide but i need magisk first. Can i just unroot and then flash phh superuser?
SnowBlacks said:
Yeah, i wanna use suHide but i need magisk first. Can i just unroot and then flash phh superuser?
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Nandroid and try a full unroot and reboot... It might work since it's largely stock, but it doesn't work in most custom roms

Help fixing root and installing Magisk (Nexus 6P)

Hello ^^
I am hoping that some of you guys can help me out of a little issue that i am having, i will try and explain what has happened up until now as best i can:
As many people know, the latest update to Pokemon GO, knocks out rooted users. I did not know this and updated last night, however, dispite running a custom ROM (PureNexus) and being rooted, my game loaded up like normal and let me play. It wasn't until i checked that my SuperSU that i found that root wasn't actually working at that time, so i re-flashed the latest Super SU and all was good, but, obviously, this knocked out Pokemon GO.
I read up on the trick of using Magisk to be able to turn off root and when was needed as to get the game to work, so i went about trying to get it working. I unrooted via Super SU and then rebooted and flashed the Magisk installer and PHH Superuser (as i heard this was best for compatability). After the phone rebooted i, installed the Magisk launcher and the PHH SU program from the Play Store, but when i opened any app that reuqited root, it was still telling me i wasn't rooted anymore, and thus, when i opened PGO, it worked.
I am kinda lost from here, i want to get my phone rooted again, and i want to get Magisk working so i can still enjoy PGO and some of my occasionally used apps that require root, so my questions are as follows:
1. Can you re-flash an SU over an old one to get root back, or do i need to fully un-root and root again?
2. If i was to re-flash SuperSU (with Magisk support), would this get me rooted again and allow me to flash Magisk as normal?
I am a little lost here, any and all help would be appreciated.
Thanks to all in advance.
Have you tried Root Cloak xposed module?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
jxcorex28 said:
Have you tried Root Cloak xposed module?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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i have, it doesnt work as PGO uses safetynet, like Andriod Pay
Ohh snap, well that's all I had...I don't play PoGo
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
For magisk to work, you have to use it to root and unroot. From what I understand, it temporarily removes root system wide when you do this. Basically it's a more convenient way to root and unroot.
Android Police has an article on it right now. The instructions for installation and usage are correct.
The problem is probably related to a failure to make sure all traces of previous SuperSU installations are gone.
For magisk to work it's best to fully unroot, maybe try unsu.zip,
Then have a 100% stock system and boot (kernel)
And before flashing magisk and phh, try the SafetyNet checker app in the playstore. (PoGO uses SafetyNet to check for root, same as Android Pay)
If you pass then go ahead and flash magisk, phh, and then phh app followed by magisk manager
In the magisk thread are all the instructions to follow
Sent from my Nexus 6P

Magisk v11.6 compatible with Droid Turbo Stock ROM

I can confirm that Magisk v11.6 installs and appears to function perfectly on my stock, unrooted, bootloader unlocked MCG24.251-5-5 device. Also, MagiskHide is not enabled by default, so keep this in mind if you're using a work device or any other situation where you might get in trouble for failing safetynet. That's all I know so far.
Go forth and Magisk!!!
Pics or it didn't happen
And last, but certainly not least...
So I can root without unlocking the bootloader using sunshine?
Sparksys said:
So I can root without unlocking the bootloader using sunshine?
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Sparksys said:
So I can root without unlocking the bootloader using sunshine?
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No. Sunshine unlocks your bootloader, so you can then root.
Sparksys said:
So I can root without unlocking the bootloader using sunshine?
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There will never be a free root for this device unless you develop it, so you can save yourself the time asking in so many different threads.
Can anyone tell me where you get the "magiskSU" app from I can't find it in that thread.
Tokogon said:
Can anyone tell me where you get the "magiskSU" app from I can't find it in that thread.
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MagicSU is included with the Magisk package. You can enable or disable it using the Magisk Manager app once it is installed.
TheSt33v said:
MagicSU is included with the Magisk package. You can enable or disable it using the Magisk Manager app once it is installed.
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Do you have a screenshot of where I can find it in settings? I've been searching for an hour and I've reset my phone twice and installed it but can't see it lol.
I want to play Pokemon Go so bad again.
Tokogon said:
Do you have a screenshot of where I can find it in settings? I've been searching for an hour and I've reset my phone twice and installed it but can't see it lol.
I want to play Pokemon Go so bad again.
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Sorry, I was wrong about being able to disable it. There doesn't seem to be an option for that. But as long as Magisk Hide is enabled, Pokémon Go works fine for me.
More complicated question:
If I'm rooted via Computerfreek's debloated stock ROM, is there any point to running Magisk--and if so, how would I switch from SuperSU to MagicSU
y8s said:
More complicated question:
If I'm rooted via Computerfreek's debloated stock ROM, is there any point to running Magisk--and if so, how would I switch from SuperSU to MagicSU
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The only advantage gained would be the ability to pass safetynet/use Android Pay/play pokemon go while rooted. To switch, uninstall SuperSU by selecting the full unroot option in the SuperSU app, then flash Magisk.
TheSt33v said:
The only advantage gained would be the ability to pass safetynet/use Android Pay/play pokemon go while rooted. To switch, uninstall SuperSU by selecting the full unroot option in the SuperSU app, then flash Magisk.
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It's mostly for intellectual curiosity and maybe android pay.
But it didn't work--at least how I went about it.
I went into SuperSU and did a full unroot but did not restore the boot image (should I have?)
Then downloaded and flashed the latest 11.6 magisk
When the phone came back up, SU was gone but Magisk didn't re-root it. There were no options to do so.
Tried a second time and wiped caches but no change.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Magisk needs the OG boot image to work properly?
y8s said:
It's mostly for intellectual curiosity and maybe android pay.
But it didn't work--at least how I went about it.
I went into SuperSU and did a full unroot but did not restore the boot image (should I have?)
Then downloaded and flashed the latest 11.6 magisk
When the phone came back up, SU was gone but Magisk didn't re-root it. There were no options to do so.
Tried a second time and wiped caches but no change.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Magisk needs the OG boot image to work properly?
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I installed it on stock MCG24.251-5-5 and Superuser is an option that appears in Magisk Manager. Yes, you should probably have the stock boot image before installing Magisk. I think the Magisk installer is designed to detect existing installations of SuperSU and not install its own superuser if it's detected, so if the full unroot didn't clean itself up properly for whatever reason, that might be why it didn't install with superuser.
It says:
-(Recommended) Restore your boot image back to stock
-Download the latest Magisk zip file
-If you choose to use SuperSU (only support Android 6.0+), first flash SuperSU in systemless mode
Which zip of super su should I flash therefore before flashing magisk zip?
I am currently, after restoring a backup, running your MGC stock with stock kernel, but I try installing bhb27s kernel now.
Ultimately I simply want to hide root+xPosed against my banking app...
€DIT: Wait, so SuperSUB may not be necessary, but is it safe to install magisk over bhb27s kernel?
I would do the following:
-Install newest v44 kernel from March, 12
-Reboot and look if Wi-Fi still works ...
-install Magisk 11.6
-Check if phone still works
-then install a working xposed
-Check if everything works
Is that correct or should I use another kernel version? I don't want another bootloop or damaged wifi^^
Einheit-101 said:
It says:
-(Recommended) Restore your boot image back to stock
-Download the latest Magisk zip file
-If you choose to use SuperSU (only support Android 6.0+), first flash SuperSU in systemless mode
Which zip of super su should I flash therefore before flashing magisk zip?
I am currently, after restoring a backup, running your MGC stock with stock kernel, but I try installing bhb27s kernel now.
Ultimately I simply want to hide root+xPosed against my banking app...
€DIT: Wait, so SuperSUB may not be necessary, but is it safe to install magisk over bhb27s kernel?
I would do the following:
-Install newest v44 kernel from March, 12
-Reboot and look if Wi-Fi still works ...
-install Magisk 11.6
-Check if phone still works
-then install a working xposed
-Check if everything works
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I don't see any problems with that plan, but you should know that xposed will insta-fail safetynet. If you want to hide modifications from anything that uses safetynet, xposed in any form is not an option. The only thing that works for me is Magisk 11.6's built in root, no xposed, no other modifications. With that, I can use Android Pay, Pokemon Go and my banking apps just fine as long as Magisk Hide is turned on. Android Pay and PoGo are blocked by default, but you need to make sure to go in and manually check the box next to every other app that you want to hide stuff from.
Also, if you insist on using SuperSU instead of the built in Magisk root (why???), you will also have to install the latest version of suhide (and I'm not positive that works anymore).
.I did not exactly know Super SU is just an option so I will not install it. Wish me luck
Also I hope there will be a way to hide xPosed however my banking app does not use SafetyNet, there is still hope, I don't care about Pokemon Go.
€DIT::: Everything working perfect - however safetynet fails when checking with Magisks own test. I guess it detects the Bootloader?
€DIT2::: Now after another reboot safetynet is successfully bypassed. My banking app still doesn't work - looks like they found a way that is even better than safetynet.
I just haven't had time to dig up another boot.img and flash it. I might revert back to SuperSU and come back to this later.
Einheit-101 said:
.I did not exactly know Super SU is just an option so I will not install it. Wish me luck
Also I hope there will be a way to hide xPosed however my banking app does not use SafetyNet, there is still hope, I don't care about Pokemon Go.
€DIT::: Everything working perfect - however safetynet fails when checking with Magisks own test. I guess it detects the Bootloader?
€DIT2::: Now after another reboot safetynet is successfully bypassed. My banking app still doesn't work - looks like they found a way that is even better than safetynet.
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Try clearing the data for your banking app. Maybe it's set up so that once it fails, it never checks again. Also, clear cache/dalvik cache in TWRP if you haven't already. Also also, did you remember to block the banking app in magisk hide?

How to hide root for Super Mario Run?

Super Mario Run is detecting root and it doesn't allow you to play, even it doesn't appears in the Play Store if you have root. If you have custom ROM it doesn't work too.
Is there any way to hide root in Stock Nougat? Someone could make run Super Mario Run with root?
What root manager are you using? You could try rooting with Magisk and see if magisk hide shields your rooted status from the game. https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445 Of course this is assuming you have ElementalX kernel or a similar kernel already installed on your device.
echo92 said:
What root manager are you using? You could try rooting with Magisk and see if magisk hide shields your rooted status from the game. https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445 Of course this is assuming you have ElementalX kernel or a similar kernel already installed on your device.
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Yes, I'm using ElementalX kernel and I flash Magisk but it don't work maybe there is some conflict with the older root. Someone can confirm if it work that metod? If it work I flash stock from zero
EDIT: I make it work cleaning the cache and data from the app, anyway I can't buy it, It doesn't appears in the Play Store.
It's working with Magisk hide
I have SuperMario Run and it's working just fine.
I didn't know it looked for root.
Using Magisk with Magisk hide enabled.
Nougat NPJ25. 93-14. Stock.
baunthiyal said:
I have SuperMario Run and it's working just fine.
I didn't know it looked for root.
Using Magisk with Magisk hide enabled.
Nougat NPJ25. 93-14. Stock.
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It's appears in the Play Store for you? It doesn't appears for me
EDIT: Now it's appears look like it's was blocked in my country?. Now working with Magisk.

What sort of problems will I encounter if I root the stock rom for T580?

I am planning to eventually root the stock rom of SM-T580 to use AdAway and Greenify.
What sort of problems / side effects if any might I run into after rooting the stock rom?
Also I do not plan on using SuperSU as I will be using Magisk.
Some apps can not be installed anymore. (Netflix from playstore, super mario). Magisk does not prevent this. Use a browser with an ad blocker.
bert73 said:
Some apps can not be installed anymore. (Netflix from playstore, super mario). Magisk does not prevent this. Use a browser with an ad blocker.
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Not even with Magisk hide enabled?
Not on my tab s2 with magisk.
Netflix working fine here with Magisk 13.0 and Stock Android N. But on my OnePlus One Netflix isn't available even with Magisk.
Shadowghoster said:
Netflix working fine here with Magisk 13.0 and Stock Android N. But on my OnePlus One Netflix isn't available even with Magisk.
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When updating Magisk is it better to use the uninstaller zip and flash Magisk again or is using the built in updater fine?
You can't go wrong any way you use magisk. Mostly everything can be flashed directly from magisk. Remember magisk is root and has control. You won't have any problem updating magisk right from it's interface. The only time I've had a problem, has been from flashing a magisk module that doesn't support my device. Best regards.
