GSI's VoLTE issue - Razer Phone 2 Guides, News, & Discussion

The official system supports VOLTE and works perfectly. GSI is not supported because it is not specifically adapted. I think it should be replaced by the official system files to replace the GSI related files, you can fix this problem. But I don't know which file should be replaced. Has anyone researched it?

FluencyCer said:
The official system supports VOLTE and works perfectly. GSI is not supported because it is not specifically adapted. I think it should be replaced by the official system files to replace the GSI related files, you can fix this problem. But I don't know which file should be replaced. Has anyone researched it?
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Try to see if this works:
Generic123. said:
For anyone is still having trouble with receiving messages on Pie GSIs(installed apk but still not working):
1. Download and install the apk in this thread
2. Rename the apk into "org.codeaurora.ims"(this is optional; I don't know if this changes anything).
3. Move the apk to /vendor/overlay
4. Reboot
5. Switch network to LTE
6. Done
This works on the Pie GSIs I have tested(HavocOS and ArrowOS). This fix only works partially on android Q GSIs(it does work, but you have to reinsert your SIM card every time you restart the phone or it will stop working).
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Test failed
Generic123. said:
Try to see if this works:
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After testing, it doesn't work in the first half of nitrogen gsi 10.0. It doesn't support VoLTE. This card can only access the Internet, can't make calls, can only send and receive text messages

FluencyCer said:
After testing, it doesn't work in the first half of nitrogen gsi 10.0. It doesn't support VoLTE. This card can only access the Internet, can't make calls, can only send and receive text messages
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I know this might be unreasonable for you, but you should try switching back to a Pie GSI; voLTE and receving and sending sms works like a charm on a pie GSI(at least for me). Like the guide said; Android 10 GSIs are still inconsistent; Razer might need to release Android 10 firmware before Android 10 GSIs can work with voLTE.

Generic123. said:
I know this might be unreasonable for you, but you should try switching back to a Pie GSI; voLTE and receving and sending sms works like a charm on a pie GSI(at least for me). Like the guide said; Android 10 GSIs are still inconsistent; Razer might need to release Android 10 firmware before Android 10 GSIs can work with voLTE.
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What carrier are you on that has volte working properly?

jal3223 said:
What carrier are you on that has volte working properly?
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Generic123. said:
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Oh okay. I'm still waiting for someone on Verizon to get it sorted out.

jal3223 said:
Oh okay. I'm still waiting for someone on Verizon to get it sorted out.
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I've heard that people on Verizon have tons of issues with GSIs, so you're not alone.

Generic123. said:
I've heard that people on Verizon have tons of issues with GSIs, so you're not alone.
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I've tried pretty much everything. I don't know what else to do with it. Maybe someone can come along and get it sorted out.


CyanogenMod on XT1031 (Boost Mobile) With Working MMS!

I managed to find an MMS fix for the XT1031! Tested and confirmed working by myself.
Download the ZIP here:
Flash after flashing CM, and voila! Working MMS! This should also work with other CM-based ROMs (maybe AOSP too?) but I can neither confirm nor deny it, seeing as how I have only tried the fix on CM11 thus far.
Be sure to jump over to Shad Ryshad's G+ and hit +1 - if it weren't for his post, I would have never known about it:
Thanks for this. Id I decide to unlock the bootloader on this phone I will be sure to give this a try.
highspeedfelon said:
Thanks for this. Id I decide to unlock the bootloader on this phone I will be sure to give this a try.
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You're welcome - I have been banging my head over this since day one and I was very pleased to see that XT1031 users weren't completely screwed in regards to MMS on CM11.
Stryeguy said:
You're welcome - I have been banging my head over this since day one and I was very pleased to see XT1031 users weren't completely screwed in regards to MMS on CM11.
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Does boost mobile show up as the carrier label for this because a fix I tried on a different Moto G showed up as Virgin Mobile or verizon
highspeedfelon said:
Does boost mobile show up as the carrier label for this because a fix I tried on a different Moto G showed up as Virgin Mobile or verizon
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Yes, Boost Mobile does show up as the carrier label .
Does this fix MMS for the stock messaging app? My boy SuperR over at AF is working on a unified ROM fix for the xt1031 :
Deathtoflesh said:
Does this fix MMS for the stock messaging app? My boy SuperR over at AF is working on a unified ROM fix for the xt1031 :
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I use Hangouts as my default messaging app, and it works with that, so it should work with messager.apk.
The only caveat is when you send a mms/sms, a toast message will pop up saying insert sim, but the mms/sms will send without hassle.
Stryeguy said:
I use Hangouts as my default messaging app, and it works with that, so it should work with messager.apk.
The only caveat is when you send a mms/sms, a toast message will pop up saying insert sim, but the mms/sms will send without hassle.
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Coo, is this an apns-conf.xml & build. Prop mod?
My boys over at Androidforums have made a fix as well that edits both of those files. There currently trying to get it working for all Roms that are out as of now.
This fix gives you that toast msg as well when using hangouts if I remember correctly.
Deathtoflesh said:
Coo, is this an apns-conf.xml & build. Prop mod?
My boys over at Androidforums have made a fix as well that edits both of those files. There currently trying to get it working for all Roms that are out as of now.
This fix gives you that toast msg as well when using hangouts if I remember correctly.
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It looks to me that this .ZIP modifies the build.prop to add Boost Mobile APN fixes.
Life saver
Thank you a thousand times for this!
I recently flashed to cyanogenmod 11 and had the typical APN problems people have been experiencing. This FIXED the problem!
transporterdrill said:
Thank you a thousand times for this!
I recently flashed to cyanogenmod 11 and had the typical APN problems people have been experiencing. This FIXED the problem!
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:good: You're welcome! I'm just the messenger, though! :good:

MIUI Released for the Note 4!!!

Everyone! MIUI has been released for the note 4! Are there any T-Mo developers that could take a look at the ROM and try and update it?
i flashed and been with that rom for one day,i could say its usable and 70% stable...
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Why would anyone want a rom that's only 70% stable?
dkb218 said:
Why would anyone want a rom that's only 70% stable?
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Because it's now being updated every week?
dkb218 said:
Why would anyone want a rom that's only 70% stable?
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Yes because when custom roms started all of them were 100% stable right?!
Please don't debbie down the guy. I was actually hoping that MIUI would come to the Note 4, and so are others. It may currently on be 70% stable but it can be worked on to make it as close to 100% stable as possible. It's better than nothing.
I have to say aside from data connectivity issues the rom ran quite amazing when infested it a few days ago. Here and there things were in Chimeese or Japanese, which ever the ROM is in, but aside from that I actually had no FCs. Wifif was great. I did have data at one point yet in for get exactly how I had got it to run 3g. I tend to experiment with ROMs and flash odd ball fixes not quite developed for certain ROMs or devices. I did flash something and data worked yet in was having various FCs so it was unusable as a daily. I'll have to revisit and see where I can take it and report.
mattdiehl83 said:
I have to say aside from data connectivity issues the rom ran quite amazing when infested it a few days ago. Here and there things were in Chimeese or Japanese, which ever the ROM is in, but aside from that I actually had no FCs. Wifif was great. I did have data at one point yet in for get exactly how I had got it to run 3g. I tend to experiment with ROMs and flash odd ball fixes not quite developed for certain ROMs or devices. I did flash something and data worked yet in was having various FCs so it was unusable as a daily. I'll have to revisit and see where I can take it and report.
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What did you flash to restore data?
It doesnt say that is for 910t.
How do you make it run flashing a kernel?
Here's the link.... No data just yet....
Someone has to build a kernel for it, back in the day CM kernels were a good substitute.
Orical said:
Someone has to build a kernel for it, back in the day CM kernels were a good substitute.
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I've flashed two kernels for it, and it bootloops. The kernel in it is made for MIUI.
wipe system, data and cached or format.
first miui rom
then data fix N910T, patch_N910T(camera fix)
and last gapps rom miui.
Camera Fix
drshorty said:
wipe system, data and cached or format.
first miui rom
then data fix N910T, patch_N910T(camera fix)
and last gapps rom miui.
Camera Fix
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The gapps and camera links dont work can you please fix it, thanks!
noobiedev83 said:
The gapps and camera links dont work can you please fix it, thanks!
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Here u go.
drshorty said:
Here u go.
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Thank you!!
noobiedev83 said:
Thank you!!
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Forget about sim activated, is because of tmobile build.prop. i have n910t and i dont have any problem yet, everything is working good now.
drshorty said:
Forget about sim activated, is because of tmobile build.prop. i have n910t and i dont have any problem yet, everything is working good now.
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Data works fine this rom is awesome man thanks a lot for the fix!!!
noobiedev83 said:
Data works fine this rom is awesome man thanks a lot for the fix!!!
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No problem ☺
drshorty said:
Forget about sim activated, is because of tmobile build.prop. i have n910t and i dont have any problem yet, everything is working good now.
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dude incoming calls dont work
Diarrhea Slushie said:
dude incoming calls dont work
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Im at work now.. I will check it tonight, i found the bug. I have some work for you...
Miui rom - extract the rom and the system folder out.
Data Fix - extract it, deleted system folder and put miui system folder in, compress it, then flash it.
Incoming call work and internet work.
---------- Post added 27th October 2015 at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was 26th October 2015 at 11:57 PM ----------
People having problem with incoming call or data mobile..
First install miui rom, data fix and camera fix. Then reboot. Set up everything.
Follow this step to fix incoming call after you install everything and set it up.
Im at work now.. I will check it tonight, i found the bug. I have some work for you...
Miui rom - extract the rom and the system folder out.
Data Fix - extract it, deleted system folder and put miui system folder in, compress it, then flash it.
Incoming call work and internet work.
First..............MIUI 7 - 5.10.24 ROM
Second......N910T DATA
Last...............GAPPS or "download google installer from miui apps store"

Official Cm13 for HTC One M9[GSM] [himaul]

Good news for HTC One M9 (GSM) user it got first official Cyanogenmod 13 nightly rom based on android marshmallow 6.0 .
Who is ready to test it out. :fingers-crossed:
Source: :good:
Super cool!!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Installed it just now! First issue I've found is that the SD Card is not recognised. Also, remember to flash GApps for marshmallow!
joekiddo said:
Installed it just now! First issue I've found is that the SD Card is not recognised. Also, remember to flash GApps for marshmallow!
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yea the mounting method is different now ... it tries to recognize it as internal storage i think, but when it's not formatted for internal storage it will be just skipped...same Problem on many MM roms, not only for m9 and m8
Does SuperSU 2.56 work with cm13 on One m9?
vrxj81 said:
Does SuperSU 2.56 work with cm13 on One m9?
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No need for this. Root is built in. You can enable it through the developer's menu
is anyone able to receive calls while on AT&T LTE with this official version? It doesn't work on the unofficial cm13 or candy 6....
dbarrett480 said:
is anyone able to receive calls while on AT&T LTE with this official version? It doesn't work on the unofficial cm13 or candy 6....
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I'm not with AT&T but I can make and receive calls, except that if I don't enter the area code when dialing, the phone app crashes. I can still call even if the app crashed. Other than that, so far so good.
Edit: There's a time bug also as blackroseMD1 said.
Seems like it has the time bug too, where the clock will fall behind by minutes or hours (or freeze completely) after the phone has been put down for a while. Unfortunately that's a killer bug since it messes with alarms.
dbarrett480 said:
is anyone able to receive calls while on AT&T LTE with this official version? It doesn't work on the unofficial cm13 or candy 6....
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I am on AT&T and I was having the same issue on another rom. I believe it is because the roms are based off of the international version of the phone. I've only seen VOLTE work on the AT&T stock rom. To fix this I just called customer care and had them de-provision my line for VOLTE.
Dheyl said:
I am on AT&T and I was having the same issue on another rom. I believe it is because the roms are based off of the international version of the phone. I've only seen VOLTE work on the AT&T stock rom. To fix this I just called customer care and had them de-provision my line for VOLTE.
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Many of the custom Roms support VoLTE. Ice does for sure and I think LeeDroid and ViperOne do too.
Is just me, or the device rumble doesn't work?
WalterCool said:
Is just me, or the device rumble doesn't work?
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Works fine for me here on the latest nightly. I dirty flashed over yesterday's nightly.
blackroseMD1 said:
Works fine for me here on the latest nightly. I dirty flashed over yesterday's nightly.
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But, you had to do something extra? I can see now the vibration options with latest nightly, but still no vibration. Even more, each vibration is giving me a kernel panic
Himalaya saxena said:
Good news for HTC One M9 (GSM) user it got first official Cyanogenmod 13 nightly rom based on android marshmallow 6.0 .
Who is ready to test it out. :fingers-crossed:
Source: :good:
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I tried it and found Android 6.0 is having issues with my PC, not recognizing my SD Card, not even the Internal SD !!! :S I know it is pure Super fast but i cant live without connecting my phone to PC.
LLegion said:
I tried it and found Android 6.0 is having issues with my PC, not recognizing my SD Card, not even the Internal SD !!! :S I know it is pure Super fast but i cant live without connecting my phone to PC.
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Just wait for some stable built then it will be all fine.
installed it and its working very well except when i launch the camera and swipe to video mode it crashes. Also i have a magnetic car mount, when i mount the phone the display goes into Dot View and im not sure how to disable it
WalterCool said:
But, you had to do something extra? I can see now the vibration options with latest nightly, but still no vibration. Even more, each vibration is giving me a kernel panic
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No, I didn't have to do anything extra. Vibration worked out of the box for me.
LLegion said:
I tried it and found Android 6.0 is having issues with my PC, not recognizing my SD Card, not even the Internal SD !!! :S I know it is pure Super fast but i cant live without connecting my phone to PC.
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Try going into Developer Options and then going to "Select USB Configuration". Usually changing that to Audio Device and then back to MTP makes the internal SD show up on my PC.
blackroseMD1 said:
No, I didn't have to do anything extra. Vibration worked out of the box for me.
Try going into Developer Options and then going to "Select USB Configuration". Usually changing that to Audio Device and then back to MTP makes the internal SD show up on my PC.
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It works for me as well, thanks!
I have not tested CM13 yet... how does it look like? are there still a lot of missing things?

Resurrection Remix Official Support

I have been searching for updates on resurrection remix and found in the locked thread that the axon 7 has official support. Which can be found at the link below:
Can we have a thread back that follows this topic, making it easier for us to discuss everything in one place and follow along?
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
I agree. It was premature for them to track down the mods and request the thread closed if they weren't ready to post the new thread.
Beyond that the 4.16 build seems to be working pretty good for me.
Yes, the 05-16-2017 build is also working well for me. Unfortunately for me though I had to learn the hard way that a dirty flash wasn't going to work. Anyway, after factory resetting phone from TWRP v3.1, installing ROM, and then the latest GApps package, the phone works extremely well with all the bells and whistles that RR provides.
I didn't apply the LOS sound patch v4.1 as yet as I don't seem to have any major issues with sound. What about you folks?
It's still april on this side of the pond...
Able to turn off individual sim cards yet?
Please open thread for RR 5.8.3. so we can talk about it...
You can go to g+ or you can wait for the maintainer to start an official thread when his real life allows.
Also there is nothing wrong with stating an unofficial discussion thread like this one.
QAM said:
Yes, the 05-16-2017 build is also working well for me. Unfortunately for me though I had to learn the hard way that a dirty flash wasn't going to work. Anyway, after factory resetting phone from TWRP v3.1, installing ROM, and then the latest GApps package, the phone works extremely well with all the bells and whistles that RR provides.
I didn't apply the LOS sound patch v4.1 as yet as I don't seem to have any major issues with sound. What about you folks?
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I wasn't able to successfully get the 4-16 build to work. Kept crashing. I went back to the last unofficial.
gpz1100 said:
Able to turn off individual sim cards yet?
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Yes, you can turn off individual sim cards.
Harmtan2 said:
Yes, you can turn off individual sim cards.
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Excellent! Can you post a pic of what the UI looks like for this control?
gpz1100 said:
Excellent! Can you post a pic of what the UI looks like for this control?
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Here you go.
Yep, I found RR 5.8.3 a couple days ago and flashed it (only 3 days after making the switch to LOs). Was my go-to ROM on my Nexus 6P.
The newest RR seems to already have the sound patch, and is 100% Substratum compatible. Completely win-win for me! Very stable, too soon to determine battery life.
I flashed a version of Dolby, found in this thread: HERE - I didn't flash V4a this time around...The sound is REALLY good with the version of Dolby I flashed.
I'm so glad I found the new official RROS because it's such a good rom. I tried nuclear and no offense but RROS offers so much more while being just as stable with great battery life. On nuclear I could disable my secondary sim but it didn't have the ability to hide the non active network from the status bar. I also changed dpi but the font for network speed indicator stayed the same size and was cut off because of it.
RROS is the best rom I've used on the axon 7. Hope we get back a thread soon so newcomers can find links easily and so we won't have to discuss it here in the thread.
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
I'm on RR april 10/11 (one of the 2), but can't seem to get aptx to work. I flashed the zips from
but logcat doesn't show up anything for "aptx" or "apt-x" after connecting to my earphones. I'm testing with QCY Y11s from Amazon.
Can someone confirm aptx works fine for them on RR? Thx
strifej said:
I'm on RR april 10/11 (one of the 2), but can't seem to get aptx to work. I flashed the zips from
but logcat doesn't show up anything for "aptx" or "apt-x" after connecting to my earphones. I'm testing with QCY Y11s from Amazon.
Can someone confirm aptx works fine for them on RR? Thx
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Working for me.
Harmtan2 said:
Here you go.
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Which substratum theme is this. I like it a lot. ?
kodrnusa said:
Which substratum theme is this. I like it a lot. ?
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Swift Black. It costs like a dollar or something like that.
In the process of installing now. For some reason it found the stock format on the microsd 'corrupted' and wouldn't read unless I did a format (was formatted exfat, now fat32). Not a big deal. Backed up contents before switching. No exfat support?
Is there a way to disable the vibration when using the finger print reader?
Aside from that, it picked up both sim cards (freedompop lte) right away, even configured the apn's correctly.
Does it support wifi calling?
tele_jas said:
Yep, I found RR 5.8.3 a couple days ago and flashed it (only 3 days after making the switch to LOs). Was my go-to ROM on my Nexus 6P.
The newest RR seems to already have the sound patch, and is 100% Substratum compatible. Completely win-win for me! Very stable, too soon to determine battery life.
I flashed a version of Dolby, found in this thread: HERE - I didn't flash V4a this time around...The sound is REALLY good with the version of Dolby I flashed.
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What specifically did you flash from that thread?
gpz1100 said:
What specifically did you flash from that thread?
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See post #6, that's what I flashed (v. 2.4)
I found an issue with in call audio through the ear piece. Seems speaker phone has to be toggle to get any sound from the ear piece. Also in call timer is missing. I vaguely recall reading about this in one of the other threads. Was there any solution to this?

WiFi and BT not working on custom ROMs

Hey everyone,
I am currently trying to get some more live out of my trusty old Redmi 3s, but I am encountering a strange issue. Every custom ROM I've tried (e.g. ArrowsOS, PixelExpierience, HavocOS) has the issue that WiFi and Bluetooth can't be enabled. If I flash it back to stock everything works fine. Is there a known way to fix this? I've been looking around for a solution for several days but didn't succeed.
I'm running LOS microG (Android Pie) and both wi-fi and bluetooth work.
You can try that here:
aospray said:
I'm running LOS microG (Android Pie) and both wi-fi and bluetooth work.
You can try that here:
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Works for me aswell. Really weird. Thanks for the input!
You need to flash the persist partition fix.
amn1987 said:
You need to flash the persist partition fix.
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How do I do that? I googled but didn't find anything specific.
Oelii said:
How do I do that? I googled but didn't find anything specific.
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Click to collapse From one of the most popular Redmi 3s TG groups. Do enquire once if anything has changed or not in the time it was posted.
Thanks so much! Now everything is working!
