How to remove back and recents gestures? - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

I'm trying to emulate Android 10 gestures and I'm pretty close to that - back gesture from the sides is there, swipe up from home button for recents also can be replicated. The only problem left are the stock back and recents gestures. I would like to get rid of them (and their bars on the hint navbar) and leave only home button with it's bar. And that's the problem, I don't know how to do it.
I can remove home and recent buttons on the regular navbar using ADB, but this method doesn't affect gestures, I guess it stores the setup for that somewhere else, any ideas where is it or at least how to find it out? I don't have root unfortunately.
I don't want to use third-party apps for that because they all seem clunky for me, I have to disable the navbar by resizing it to 0 which breaks the hard press home button which I want to keep


PA + Joker + LMT + Apex: Some tips

I use rooted N4 with PA Rom and Joker kernel. Joker has given the biggest smile to my battery. And believe me, I have tried almost everything that's out there.
In Roms though, I have been on PA right since the beginning... I love the hybrid feature too much to leave it for any other rom.
So my personal prefs:
1. Extraaa Space: I use expanded mode. But I wanted the notifications to be seen easily. So I have two extra ways to pop up notifications from me (apart from in the pie):a) TabUI mode in PA: Multiple ways to have notifications is only supported in the Tablet UI mode.
b) Apex Launcher (Free): Set up a gesture for 'Show Notifications'.
c) I use LMT launcher for and extra added notification.​
2. Apex Launcher:I use 3 gestures: Swipe Up: Show Notifications
Swipe Down: Toggle Dock
Double Tap: App Drawer​And after these, I don't need the app drawer icon as well (as you can see in the first screenshot)
I have decresed the icon size of the dock items and drawer items as well. The icon pack is Holler wht.​
3. LMT:I did not want to use it since I already am using Pie. But LMT has some cool options. As you can see in the screenshot, my LMT pie is quite minimalistic: Button 1 is Notifications (Longpress-> Menu),
Button 2 is Back (Longpress -> Home), and
Button 3 is Recent Apps (Longpress -> Previous App)​
The main reason for me to install was the lack a quick back gesture in PA's Pie. With LMT, I simple swipe from the center of the right (or left) border activates button 2 (ie Back). It is the height of awesomeness. Though what I would love is Pie to have similar functionality, probably a swipe in the screen bottom for Back, but it may not go well with sweep2wake.
You can have many more buttons and settings on LMT. Try it!​
4. Dashclock widgetWell, it is already a heartthrob of many of us. But it lacks customization. We should have an option for the font sizes and control over which components we want to see in the side (only the icons) and which in the bottom scroll view (full text).
Anyways, it was too big for me, so I changed it's hybrid properties. I am using 220 dpi for the widget. I had to remove and reapply the widget after changing the settings.​
Note: Halo is another way to get notifications in PA, but I do not like it in it's current stage because of two major reasons:
1. Does not work fully with TabUI. In other modes, either I need to have a status bar, or rely only on Halo.
2. Relying on Halo solely does not serve my purpose, because when I come back to my phone after say a few hours, I need to see all my notifications at once without trying to swipe through the entire screen.
Hope you enjoyed the show (and tell!)

[REQ] Custom Screen Gestures

Custom Gestures like these jailbreak tweak on iPhone that I can do whatever I want. For example I can go to home screen by swiping using 2 fingers from the right to left but also if possible it also have an option to hide the navbar or swiping from the bottom to up to show navbar and single tap on the screen to hide it again. I think it would be useful for someone who wants to hide navbar and play games and use applications in fullscreen mode.
*double/tripple tapping in status bar to toggle on/off the torch
*swiping gestures to open an app immediately anywhere on your screen
*gestures on the status bar to open power buttons(for people who doesn't want to press the button from behind)
I don't know if there was/were an application/mod/rom that have this tweak, but if it is available now, can someone link me to that tweak thread?

Nav Bar Gestures

Will you be using the new features that eliminate the nav buttons? although you loose the long press options on nav bar
why not
I like the new feature, but I badly miss the menu function (long press} of old navbar, OnePlus should add this function as additional gesture
I liked it, but it's a bit bare now and needs a few preferences to suit everyone.
I admit I was skeptical at first about the swipe navigation posts earlier, but I now can see the benefits.
it's great except for Back not being responsive enough, Home is good
Yes I'd love to replace my Xposed Edge + GMD Gestures combo with a stock feature, but only if we are able to customise the duration of the animations / duration of long press, and if we can enable and disable individual gestures independently. Because the back gestures are wacky, the other ones are good except for the sluggish animations.
Very nice this gestures but have some little bugs:
1. Back gesture not work very good.
2. Can't start Google assistant (long press home button ???) - partial resolve by: "OK Google" or Nova Launcher
3. Same situation on Recent and back button (long press actions) bye bye
The back gesture is not fast enough.
However, gestures are interruptive and fun to use.
I still would love to have the disappearing nav-bar with a simple toggle to bring it up and take it down.
If there was an option to go back to last app with no waiting time it would have been great. For now I will switch to stable or different rom.
I would definitely prefer the back gestures as is on iPhone or Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 (Maybe more models too), just sliding from the left side of the screen or right side of the screen. It is a way easier and more reliable than now.
I like a lot the new gestures feature, like someone said in the previous responses, some customization for the gestures will be greatly appreciated.
No because I use a very similar just MUCH more cutomisable method with better results.
I disabled Nav bar using jOneplustools app via new quick settings option and use this app instead.
called: Swipe Navigation
FULLY customisable long press actions and sensitivity. Compatible with most roms and quick and easy to set up.

[Q] Question regarding recents and OPLauncher

Since the first moment I have my OP 6T, I clear all my recents with a white rounded button located at the bottom center of the screen (no screenshot sorry) using as default launcher Nova in it's paid version.
Now I decide to root, using the boot image patched method (do no TWRP yet, waiting for official version) and delete OPLauncher with some other apps that I never use. Now I only have the option to clear all if I swipe to the top right edge of the recents screen (a bit annoying IMHO) I can't go back or activate again my old white rounded button located at the bottom center of the screen.
I download OPLauncher from PlayStore but when I install it and try to enter in the recents menu, using either OPLauncher or Nova, OPLauncher crashes and can't enter in recents until I uninstall OPLauncher.
So my question is, how can I get my old clear all recents button? With my actual root status without TWRP, can I factory reset or similar and repeat the process of rooting?
The fact that I can't get the old button and the fact that I must swipe up through a lot of recents apps to clear all it's driving me totally nuts.
EDIT: Also seems like I also lost the ability of block apps with my fingerprint. Totally annoying.
It's a really small problem but I need some help here
Thanks in advance.

Swap recents and back, opinions on navbar gestures

Is there a way to swap the recents and back button on the OP6T? There was a way to do it on my 5, but it is either not present or buried deep in the settings on the 6T.
On a related topic, is it me or are the navbar gestures completely pointless? For example, the back button is supposed to be "swipe up from left or right side of bottom edge". The time I use the back button the most is in Chrome. But if you are reading a long page in Chrome swiping up from the bottom just scrolls up. Either I am missing something or the design and implementation of this is very poor.
There's an option to swap them under navigation bar customization
Ah, bitten by lousy modern UI design once again. It is darn near impossible to tell nowadays what is simply informational text on a screen and what is a clock able /touchable item. Thanks
