[TOOLS] [ADB/FASTBOOT] EzAdbTools, Open-source simple adb project - Android Software Development

i am sorry i created to much, delete this plz



Does anyone have a copy of the file wzcsapi.lib from platform builder? I need it urgently to complete a project - it does not come with any of the other development tools just platform builder I think - thanks in advance, Doddyman :roll:

Need help to make apk with android studio

Sorry for my noob question. But i realy don't understand how to make apk with android studio.
I trying build ContactsProvider.apk from https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_providers_ContactsProvider/tree/cm-11.0
I imported project to android studio from source code.But this apk require android_frameworks_base from
https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base. And i don't understand how to set android_frameworks_base as library.
Can anyone help me ?

C4Droid help required

Hi all, apologies if this is the wrong forum to post this in , I have a c++ project ( Windows ) which uses libcurl and would like to port it to run on Android but I need some help on how to include the libcurl source in my project and build it - I've downloaded the source but am at a loss as to the method to build it - the source has shed loads of .mk files but I don't know how to tell c4Droid to build a binary - any ideas guys ?

Universal android flashing tools required

Hello developers
Can any one please suggest here names,size,specifications and download links for the best ,easy to use and executable on any windows
Thank you
Hope to see xda community the biggest cellphone solutions community

How to make ROM ? can anyone help me to learn ROM development?

i am android developer . now i am want to learn ROM development .i have basic knowledge of linux command and also have git commands. i am looking for someone help me.
thank you !!
Do some research, lots of guides are available on XDA for starters

