resurrected x722 only charge, windows doesnt even recognize the USB - LeEco Le Pro3 Questions & Answers

Yesterday I managed to unbrick my x722 from QFIL, but the windows doesn't recognize it, i've tried different USB ports, different cables, different PCs, but nothing happens, the phone doesn't show on Device Manager, i even installed windows from zero, but the phone is still not recognized, he only connected the first time, then was no longer recognized, I let the battery die and turn on, but nothing, i don't know what to do anymore
EDIT 1: ok, I was able to connect after leaving it away from USB for a while, but it only connects once and then windows no longer recognizes
EDIT 2: By doing the same thing of keeping the phone away from the cable for a while, I was able to make the computer recognize, but not yet recognize fastboot, but the windows recognize as ADB Interface with a yellow triangle
EDIT 3: I was able to install TWRP by the all in one tool, I was connecting the phone to the computer until it recognized, I rebooted straight to the bootloader, unlocked my bootloader and then installed the TWRP, however, I couldn't get to TWRP yet, another 2 or 3 hours I'll try again
EDIT 4: i finally got it, computer recognized it, i used the all in one tool, i flashed twrp, i installed the rom via adb sideload and here we are, the phone is alive

I had a problem similar but it was the USB port was dirty I turned it off and cleaned the port carefully with a needle to get the lint out and then with a old toothbrush that had a drop of 90% rubbing alcohol on it...


Different kind of bricked?

I know there are a million threads out there on bricking and odin and download mode and I have gone through almost all of them in the past 2 hours but I havent been able to find the solution to my problem.
I was odining back from trigger redux to JFD when the phone got stuck at flashing factoryfs.rfs. I hadnt checked repartition before flashing. After 20 mins of being stuck i disconnected the phone from my laptop and rebooted it.
It booted up to the pc and phone download mode screen. Since then my laptop running windows 7 64 bit is unable to recognize it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers and restarted the machine a couple of times.
I have done multiple battery pulls to try to recognize the phone on windows and tried all 4 USB ports but it wont be recognized at all. As soon as I connect the phone to the laptop, it boots up to the pc and phone screen which means the phone can detect the pc but the pc cant detect the phone.
I've tried using the original samsung micro usb cable as well as a nokia micro usb cable which i usually use for charging the phone.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. I do not have access to other windows machines at the moment.
i just noticed that if i pull the battery while the phone is connected to the laptop, the phone and pc download screen stays on.

[Q] N4 won't boot, isn't recognized by any computer (adb, fastboot, etc.)

A couple of weeks ago my N4 decided that it didn't want connect to my computer. I tried windows xp, 7, and osx. I tried 5 different usb cables that worked with other android phones just fine. I tried all usb ports on said computers. I've uninstalled and re-installed all drivers, using all the known methods. Then I noticed that I was getting terrible battery life. Like 5% gone in 20 minutes with all radios turned off and leaving it in my pocket. I was on the latest verison of PA with the latest verion of franco.kernel and I've had no previous problems with my phone.
So I thought maybe I did something to it like a bad flash, so i downloaded a stock 4.2.2 zip and flashed it (with gapps). The problem persisted. So I proceeded to wipe the phone in cwm in an act of desperation, and lo and behole I was then stuck with the same problem as before, but this time with no working os to boot to, and no way of connecting it to fastboot or adb in order to put any files on the sdcard/ flash it back to stock. I am, however, still able to boot into cwm and the bootloader. Then, thinking it might be a problem with the usb daughter board as whenever I tried to plug my phone into a computer it gave me this:"windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (code 43)", I ordered a replacement. Replacement came, I swapped them out, and absolutely nothing has changed. I tried uninstalling/deleting drivers and re-installing them just to make sure, but same results as before. Also, the N4 DOES charge when plugged into a power source like normal.
So the way I see it, I can either keep trying to replace parts, or one of you wonderful people know some crazy fix to my problem. If not, then I could go the other way, and attempt to brick the N4 even further in order to get it replaced (I.e. it's not possible to see whether or not it's unlocked/has a custom recovery). Also, I can enter "download mode" by holding down the volume buttons and connecting a usb cable, but windows still doesn't recognize the device.

URGENT help needed. XtreStoLite USB problems.

Okay. Hi guys.
I'm having some horrible USB connection problems and I've no idea whether they are hardware/software. I'm leaning towards the former.
About a month ago I noticed while plugged into my charger, my phone wasn't charging. Wiggling the cable did little, if anything to help. But it only happened that one day, and after a few beeps and boops of connections coming and going, it had seemed to have fixed itself.
Yesterday I decided to upgrade from XtreStoLite KitKat to XtreStoLite Lollipop. I made a bit of a mess of it and accidentally wiped my entire OS/cache/data before even putting the ROM on the sdcard directory. Fortunately I had already upgraded the modem/bootloader and was able to sideload the ROM.
I say I was able to sideload the ROM successfully, but this is really where the issues started to resurface. The first dozen or so times I tried to sideload I got "ADB not recognized" errors in CMD. I tried all sorts of USB driver re-installations, and installing google USB drivers from the Android SDK etc and nothing was working. Lots of beeps and boops of drivers installing and USB connections being made. In a last ditch attempt, I went back to CMD and once again typed "sideload adb rom.exe" and by some random miracle it worked. But that was the LAST time. I tried again later and got the same error as previously.
Anyway... new ROM installed. I ran through the set-up process and plugged my phone in to transfer over the add-on pack so I could re-activate Samsung Kies connections in order to restore my apps/photos etc.
*B-beep-b-b-b-eep-boop-b-beep* The phone was wildly connecting and disconnecting. I unplug it, blow into the USB connector - try to see any bent pins, but can't see anything. After a few tries I get it to connect long enough for me to transfer the file. Kies reinstalled. Throughout this WHOLE process there has been FAR too many disconnects.
If I DO get my phone to connect - Kies is stuck eternally on "connecting". I have a feeling MTP mode is just broken - as NOTHING shows up in My Computer when in that mode. Odin 3.09 no longer sees my phone at all, and when I connect in Camera mode NONE of the .zip files I placed in the sdcard directory show in Windows at all. But they ARE there, as I can still install from .zip in recovery.
The phone seems to work fine. But I want to restore my Kies backup, add/remove the .zips in the main sdcard directory, and see my phone in Odin.
Please help me. I am scared.

Google Nexus 4 Does not show up as USB device but charging OK.

Got myself a google LG Nexus 4.
Connecting via USB - 2 different cables, 2 computers, 3 different operating systems (archlinux, debian, windows vista ) - i get nothing (*).
the phone does not acknowledge that it is connected to a computer, but it charges ok.
the computers do not recognize the phone in any way, not even in dmesg (or device manager in windows).
i have tried changing options inside the phone (debugging on/off, mtp/ptp...), even a full factory reset, and going into recovery and wiping cache/dalvik cache. - nothing.
wiggling the cable and such does not help.
i even replaced the usb connector, no change whatsoever.
so something tells me that it is not a hardware problem.
the phone has been upgraded to android 5.0 (before i became the owner).
my endless searches show that nobody knows what's going on, it might be hardware fatigue, it might be related to the upgrade to 5.x, it might be a firmware problem...
any helpful pointers, including downgrading & softbricking the system would be helpful (i just want to install ubuntu phone onto it).
(*) my other android phone connects ok with both cables, to all machines and operating systems.
With the phone in fastboot or recovery mode, is it recognized?
The fact that the usb port has been changed could indicate a problem with the motherboard connector.
Go into device manager with your phone connected and uninstall the drivers. Then install "universal adb driver"(google it it's from Koush) with your phone NOT connected.
audit13 said:
With the phone in fastboot or recovery mode, is it recognized?
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i tried adb, the device list is empty.
booting into recovery, replugging the usb cable, i still get nothing. it's like there's nothing to communicate to, both from the computer's and the phone's point of view.
i will have to play with fastboot (i gather it works only while the phone is booted into recovery?), but i doubt it'll change anything.
The fact that the usb port has been changed could indicate a problem with the motherboard connector.
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Click to collapse
do you mean the connector from the usb port, that flat cable snap-on thingy (far right on this image)?
is it realistic to try to fix that?
meanwhile the battery drained completely and i had a "Red light of death" which i managed to fix like this. i think it will take a while to recharge properly.
Adb commands will work with the phone booted into the rom. Use fastboot commands with the phone in fastboot mode.
Yes, the flat part at the it her end of the USB cable is what connects to the motherboard and is not worth fixing if that is causing the charging problem.
With a red LED, just connect it to a 2.0 amp charger using the original charging cable and let it charge for a few hours.
thanks again.
next thing i realized that the volume rocker isn't working (anymore?).
so i can't boot into recovery.
i don't know how, but once i managed to get into recovery, but couldn't make any choices in there.
anyhow, that sort of cinches it: i'm done with this phone. project failed.
(nevermind, it was a cheap ebay shot)
ubuntu phone will have to wait.

No MTP or ADB when usb is plugged in. Thinking it's hardware damage.

So I plugged my phone in this morning to my work computer, to copy some files on to it, and the whole mtp storage thing didn't pop up. No sound or anything. I set it to MTP in developer options, still nothing. So I tried it on my laptop, same thing. Then went and borrowed another usb c cable from a coworker. Tried it on all the machines and still nothing. So I ran around the office trying it on every windows pc I could find. I stopped after it didn't work on the 7th.
So I am running LOS so I updated to the latest nightly. Still nothing. So I boot into recovery to back everything up and to flash stock. But I remember you can mount MTP from within TWRP. So I tried that and it still didn't work. Then I tried ADB while in recovery and THAT didn't work. Booted back into OS and tried ADB and it didn't work (this was working earlier this week). Tried this all on redundant pcs and cables. Not one machine made the sound you usually hear when you plug something into it. So I cancelled the back up and booted fastboot. THAT WORKS!
What do you guys think? Has anyone ever seen this behavior?
This is currently my 3rd Axon. I am not sheepish about getting this thing back to stock to do the warranty, as I've done it 2 times. Both times were hardware issues.
TL;DR My phone will not work when connected to any windows pc. I've tried MTP storage and adb. The PC doesn't even register that something was plugged in. Tried multiple cables/pcs. FASTBOOT DOES WORK HOWEVER.
