[ROM] [UNOFFICIAL] AOSiP DerpFest [10_R27] [TREBLE] [18/02/2019] - Lenovo P2 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Devel

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AOSiP DerpFest
#include <std_disclaimer.h>[/COLOR][COLOR=BLUE]
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Android Open Source illusion Project
About US:
AOSIP is a quality custom rom based purely on GOOGLE AOSP source since 6.0 release. Twisted with the latest features and blended with stability. We strive for perfection and it shows.
Team Illusion:
Josh Fox (xlxfoxxlx)
Akhil Narang
Shreesha Murthy
Brett Montague
Sri Harsha
Source Code:
AOSiP Gerrit Review
AOSiP Github
DerpFest Github
How To Flash:
1. Flash Rom
2. Flash Magisk
3. Reboot
Known Issues:
- Tell Me if You find
Mike Williams(founder and creator of AOSiP)
Dirty Unicorns
Ground Zero ROMs
Kernel Source Code: https://github.com/davidviba/kernel_kuntao_BlaZeMaX
Version Information:
ROM OS Version: Android 10
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.18.x
Base: AOSP
Status: Alpha
Created: 2019-Oct-30
Last Updated: 2019-Dec-22

Initial Build: 30/10/2019
— Supporting both F2FS and Ex4 Data partition file system
— Supporting 2 GB Zram Swap
Build Date: 06/11/2019
ROM ChangeLog:
- Reworked DerpQuest preferences (based on PixelDust project)
- Added back dark DerpFest bootanimation
- Removed incall vibration options
- Removed flash-call-on-waiting
- Removed brightness slider position option
- Removed cpuinfo, music tiles
- Improved caffeine tile
- Added DerpQuest tile
- Added Language toggle QS tile
- Added LTE qs Tile
- Added statusbar nfc icon
- Added Status bar clock customizations
- Added battery light customizations
- Added partial screenshot
- Reworked VoLTE switch
- Reworked network traffic monitor
- Reworked Powermenu
- Implemented OmniRecord
- Added Live Volume Steps
- Added Navbar switch
- Added Accidental Touch
- Fixed font overlays
- Allow overlaying max system icons
- A lot of other various fixes here and there
Build date : 2019.11.09
Changelog :-
- Merge R14 and many new stuff from derpfest sources
- added WallpapersBReel2019(live wallpapers)
- Removed Color bucket theme overlays (additional accents are kept)
- Set Q navigation gestures as default
- Added back brightness slider position & visability options
- Added back CPUinfo qs tile
- Added back HeadsUp qs tile
- Added back AOD qs tile
- Added extended Google Sound Search qs tile
- Improved Battery saver qs tile
- Fixed Bluetooth statusbar icon behaviour
- Added battery style customizations
- Added Quick Settings Pulldown options
- Added lockscreen visualizer feature
- Added pulse magic to lockscreen visualizer
- Added binary custom clock face to ThemePicker
- Switched to Pixel 4 XL prebuilts
- Implemented cutout force full screen
- Reduced keyguard bottom text size
- Always clear package cache when upgrade is detected
- Added option to disable dashboards conditions and suggestions
- Do not apply date customization to QS clock
- Added wrapped key support
- Brought back Android Beam
- View unformatted kernel version on clicking
the formatted kernel version in about phone
- Fixed some new Google permissions for Q
Device Side:
- Pixel exp upstream 10.0 R19
- November security patch
- Updated power_off_alarm blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated media blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated graphics blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated wfd blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Update GPU to 415
- Add XiaomiDoze
- Add New XiaomiParts
Haptic feedback
Display Color Calibration
Mi sound Enhanser
Choose headphones type
Chose a preset
Device change log
* November Security Patch R14
* Fingerprint Gesture Full working
* Vendor Blob Full Updated
* Xiaomi Part (Dirac sound, Vibration intensity, Screen color option, Spectrum option)
* Sepolicy Enforcing Full Working
* Kernel Updated to 3.4 with OC option
Rom change log
- Ambient music: pulse on new tracks even if all Ambient options are off
- Added Option to configure the height of the back gesture (Thanks to @4PERTURE)
- Added Extended audio panel
- Added charging Animation toggle
- Switched to VoLTE icon from OOS pie
- Allow switching to drawable for qs icons (useful for some substratum themes)
- Added option to show battery percent & estimate together
- Added support for max/min fling velocity sysproperties
- Removed LOS Recorder
- Made aspect ratio hack configable on app level
- Allow screen to be rotated via the accelerometer in all 4 rotations
- Shortened network transition timeout
- Disabled long click for AOD qs tile
- Added interface declaration for audio hal service
- Introduced QSEECom backend implementation
- Added QS drag handle toggle
- Added QS persistent settings icons toggle
- Fixed QS footer side margin
- Fixed Bootanimation stack overflow
- Fixed Layout of qs header info
- Fixed Status bar header height in edit mode
- Fixed Color/tint of wifi/mobile status bar icons in some cases
- Disabled statusbar time refresh when screen off and forced a clock update if the screen is turned back on
- Added german translation for DerpQuest and Settings (Thanks to @fraz14)
- Some more things maybe I can't remember more
Source Changelog 25.11.2019
- Added Ambient Visualizer
- Added Lockscreen cover art filter (grayscale, accent tint, blurry, grayscale and blurry, gradient blur)
- Added Statusbar logo, color and positions options (Big thanks to @fraz14)
- Improved Ambient/AOD behavior
- Added option to enable AOD on charging only
- Added Incall vibration options
- Led lights: don't skip dialer and other ones
- Added AOKP custom system animations (Thanks to @911-Future_Maker)
- Added Ethans animations
- Added statusbar brightness control (Thanks to @911-Future_Maker)
- Improved media seekbar
- Added changelog to about phone
- Updated webview providers for Q
ROM Changelog 10/12/2019 :-
- Added Custom Rounded Corner and Padding preferences
- Improved Statusbar logos
- Added Increasing ring feature
- Added Option to edit footer text
- Added Screen off animations
- Added Combined & Dynamic Network Traffic Mode
- Added Option to select size of Single Traffic (Up/Down) Font Size
- Added Hide notch support
- Added Option to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is on
- Modified In-display fingerprint icon
- Added OP Screen Recorder
- Updated Pixel LiveWallpapers (color options included for example)
- Improved Network tuner switches and ims icon behavior
- Added back developer QS tiles
- Added back SELinux info
- Properly handle View Visibility for left clock
- Fixed right clock padding
- Fixed statusbar clock overlapping after reboot
- Improved Compass qs tile and added a device supports compass check
- Allowed disabling BrightlineFalsingManager with config flag
- Use matching data usage size formatting between QS and Settings
- Added support for showing Notification LED in zen mode
- Switched to new AOSP method to set screenshot delay to 0
- Turned off some more debugging
- Force disabled PlayServices OTA checks
- Conditionally disabled uncrypt for ota
- Granted some more permissions for Google apps
- Some more things maybe I can't remember more
- Added December securty patch
- Added DataSwitch QS tile
- Added Edge lighting notification option
- Added Custom Carrier Label & Carrier Label Placement options
- Added option to hide arrow for back gesture
- Added QS panel opacity option
- Removed Screen off animations (broken after r16 merge)
- Improved Partial screenshot (allowed back action only from right side)
- Improved Screenshot QS tile
- Added option for visualizer default color
- Added Double tap to trigger doze
- Added option to set pulse brightness
- Fixed tilepage layout update for QS tiles
- Fixed black screen after AOD_PAUSED
- Restored cache clean up code in PackageManagerService
- Cellular QS tile title is based on carrier now
- Removed data tile dialog
- Added Omni Doze settings & TimeInState
- Reimported Google TextClock translations and removed 24h translations
- Added ability to open sound settings on long click at the panel button
- Changed default font size of Single Traffic to 21dp
- Enabled double tap to sleep gestures by default
- Improved Bluetooth battery level icons
Changelog 22/12/2019:
- Fixed some more issues regarding Incall-Mic with earphones
- Updated media codecs
- Fixed volume slides incall
- Improvements for swipe to screenshot
- Improved edge lightning behavior on live wallpaper
- Added option to changing duration of ambient edge light
- Added more notification snooze times
- Allowed torch action also on ambient display & added haptic feedback
- Reworked qs brightness slider implementation
- Added User selectable VoLTE Icon
- Imported PowerUsageFeatureProviderGoogleImpl
- Fixed hardcoded black text in storage summary
- Added context-aware Bluetooth airplane mode
- Some more things maybe I can't remember more
- After the first boot i advice you to add this magisk module :: : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nWcdpSLN1C7i3Ywv2WtrGq38veUDOshw


Astridxx said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why reporting it is sGSI , it is an other version of AOSIP
and in addition to that is bugless not like your version which had some issues

What features does the ROM have?

Download link!
I can't download rom

Salem Alaikom
Aleternate link of Aosip Q ::: https://mega.nz/#!eIkGHIiS!d236SelgKQnUf02rw5G9p0WWud_R5-Ru6tOSuK_qXUg

degrus said:
Why reporting it is sGSI , it is an other version of AOSIP
and in addition to that is bugless not like your version which had some issues
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Astridxx said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Your altercation is providing no benefits to the community. Please, stop doing this. I personally don't support any plagiarism or such kind of things but porting AOSiP ROM and sharing it on XDA is unacceptable as there is already a thread which is followed by users. Therefore, in my opinion @degrus should close this thread.

alirazaagha said:
Your altercation is providing no benefits to the community. Please, stop doing this. I personally don't support any plagiarism or such kind of things but porting AOSiP ROM and sharing it on XDA is unacceptable as there is already a thread which is followed by users. Therefore, in my opinion @degrus should close this thread.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Don't defend degrus pirate
Did he even gave credit to sgsi,kernel and vendor? lmao no.
Sgsi is from erfan
Kernel is from advaith
Vendor is from me
where is credit now?

Astridxx said:
Don't defend degrus pirate
Did he even gave credit to sgsi,kernel and vendor? lmao no.
Sgsi is from erfan
Kernel is from advaith
Vendor is from me
where is credit now?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am not defending him mate but there should be a more considerate way to end this. He made a dire mistake by taking all the credit for others work. He should be discredited for all the wrongdoings but you are belittling yourself by following him everywhere.

Is this have any youtube freezing issue?

Salem Alaikom
Aosip derpfest update:: https://mega.nz/#!PQMCgQyQ!5QdFtPMjrIUQoZbKwR-6OnbD9kKrjP_0qnE7w0RKReM
change log:
Build Date: 06/11/2019
ROM ChangeLog:
- Reworked DerpQuest preferences (based on PixelDust project)
- Added back dark DerpFest bootanimation
- Removed incall vibration options
- Removed flash-call-on-waiting
- Removed brightness slider position option
- Removed cpuinfo, music tiles
- Improved caffeine tile
- Added DerpQuest tile
- Added Language toggle QS tile
- Added LTE qs Tile
- Added statusbar nfc icon
- Added Status bar clock customizations
- Added battery light customizations
- Added partial screenshot
- Reworked VoLTE switch
- Reworked network traffic monitor
- Reworked Powermenu
- Implemented OmniRecord
- Added Live Volume Steps
- Added Navbar switch
- Added Accidental Touch
- Fixed font overlays
- Allow overlaying max system icons
- A lot of other various fixes here and there

Salem Alaikom
AOSiP DerpFest Q :::::: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vOQ4nSaavJSvegaFhGXF75lQipL3SJ8R
AOSiP DerpFest Q rom update available for Lenovo Vibe P2 (kuntao) (treble)
by DeGRuS
Version : 10.0 (Q)
Build date : 2019.11.09
Changelog :-
- Merge R14 and many new stuff from derpfest sources
- added WallpapersBReel2019(live wallpapers)
- Removed Color bucket theme overlays (additional accents are kept)
- Set Q navigation gestures as default
- Added back brightness slider position & visability options
- Added back CPUinfo qs tile
- Added back HeadsUp qs tile
- Added back AOD qs tile
- Added extended Google Sound Search qs tile
- Improved Battery saver qs tile
- Fixed Bluetooth statusbar icon behaviour
- Added battery style customizations
- Added Quick Settings Pulldown options
- Added lockscreen visualizer feature
- Added pulse magic to lockscreen visualizer
- Added binary custom clock face to ThemePicker
- Switched to Pixel 4 XL prebuilts
- Implemented cutout force full screen
- Reduced keyguard bottom text size
- Always clear package cache when upgrade is detected
- Added option to disable dashboards conditions and suggestions
- Do not apply date customization to QS clock
- Added wrapped key support
- Brought back Android Beam
- View unformatted kernel version on clicking
the formatted kernel version in about phone
- Fixed some new Google permissions for Q
Device Side:
- Pixel exp upstream 10.0 R19
- November security patch
- Updated power_off_alarm blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated media blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated graphics blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated wfd blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Update GPU to 415
- Add XiaomiDoze
- Add New XiaomiParts
Haptic feedback
Display Color Calibration
Mi sound Enhanser
Choose headphones type
Chose a preset

Nice Dani i will try your rom the end of this week :good:

degrus said:
Salem Alaikom
AOSiP DerpFest Q :::::: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vOQ4nSaavJSvegaFhGXF75lQipL3SJ8R
AOSiP DerpFest Q rom update available for Lenovo Vibe P2 (kuntao) (treble)
by DeGRuS
Version : 10.0 (Q)
Build date : 2019.11.09
Changelog :-
- Merge R14 and many new stuff from derpfest sources
- added WallpapersBReel2019(live wallpapers)
- Removed Color bucket theme overlays (additional accents are kept)
- Set Q navigation gestures as default
- Added back brightness slider position & visability options
- Added back CPUinfo qs tile
- Added back HeadsUp qs tile
- Added back AOD qs tile
- Added extended Google Sound Search qs tile
- Improved Battery saver qs tile
- Fixed Bluetooth statusbar icon behaviour
- Added battery style customizations
- Added Quick Settings Pulldown options
- Added lockscreen visualizer feature
- Added pulse magic to lockscreen visualizer
- Added binary custom clock face to ThemePicker
- Switched to Pixel 4 XL prebuilts
- Implemented cutout force full screen
- Reduced keyguard bottom text size
- Always clear package cache when upgrade is detected
- Added option to disable dashboards conditions and suggestions
- Do not apply date customization to QS clock
- Added wrapped key support
- Brought back Android Beam
- View unformatted kernel version on clicking
the formatted kernel version in about phone
- Fixed some new Google permissions for Q
Device Side:
- Pixel exp upstream 10.0 R19
- November security patch
- Updated power_off_alarm blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated media blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated graphics blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Updated wfd blobs from LA.UM.8.6.r1-01900-89xx.0
- Update GPU to 415
- Add XiaomiDoze
- Add New XiaomiParts
Haptic feedback
Display Color Calibration
Mi sound Enhanser
Choose headphones type
Chose a preset
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Xiaomi Parts ??? maybe over time Lenovo P2 will turn into Xiaomi 9T continue dani:laugh:

Want to ask bro
Is DTTS or DTTW work? Ambient display work?

Andro8275 said:
Want to ask bro
Is DTTS or DTTW work? Ambient display work?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes all is working

Link to preferred gapps, please.
Wysłane z mojego Lenovo P2a42 przy użyciu Tapatalka

Nice ROM, but my bank app not working... I deinstall ROM for that reason...

wlan1 said:
Nice ROM, but my bank app not working... I deinstall ROM for that reason...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's an important info. I need nfc.
Wysłane z mojego Lenovo P2a42 przy użyciu Tapatalka


[ROM][OFFICIAL][STABLE][9.0] HavocOS 2.9

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Havoc-OS 2.x is based on AOSP, inspired by Google Pixel.
Has a refined Material Design 2 UI by @SKULSHADY.
So many features that you probably won't find in any ROM.
All you can dream of and all you'll ever need.
Just flash and enjoy...​
Rounded UI
Enhanced QS Battery Estimation
Seekbars for Media Notifications
QS Panel Inspired by OOS
Pixel Lockscreen weather
Substratum Support
Compiled using SDCLANG
OTA Support
Signature Spoofing
Micro-G support
Lockscreen charging animation
In-built Oneplus Camera & Gallery(Oneplus Device only)
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Status Bar:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Double tap to sleep
Statusbar brightness slide
Quick & Smart pulldown
Clock Settings
Date Settings
Battery Customization
Battery Bar
Network Traffic Indicator
Carrier Label Customization
Status Bar Icons Toggle
Notifications Count
Bluetooth Battery Status
VoLTE Icon Toggle
Old Mobile Type Icon style
4G/LTE icon switch
Data Disable Icon Toggle
Breathing Notifications
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Quick Settings:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Layout customization
Brightness Slider Customization
Brightness Slider On Bottom
Auto Brightness Icon
Auto Brightness Icon on Right
Brightness Control Buttons
QS Elements Customization
Tile Tittle
Vibrate On Touch
Information Header
QS Footer Customization
VPN Warning
Settings Icon
Running Services Icon
Edit Icon
User Switcher Icon
UI Style (Pixel/AOSP)
Background Color (Automatic/Light/Dark/Shady/Glassy)
Accent Color
Font Manager
App Icon Shape (Default/Square/Rounded Square/Squircle/Circle/Teardrop/Hexagon)
QS Themes
QS Color based on Wallpaper
QS Color based on Accent
Custom QS Panel color
QS Panel Opacity
QS Header Style (Black/Grey/Light Grey/Accent Based/Transparent)
Custom QS Header Image
QS Tile Style (Wavey/Cookie/Teardrop and 15+ More)
Settings Customisation
Switch Appearance (OnePlus/Material Design 2)
Dashboard Icons (Round/Oreo/Round Accented/Round OnePlus Style/Oreo Style Accented)
Dashboard Conditions
Dashboard Suggestions
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Ambient Display:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Ambient Options
Always On
Always On When Charging
Wakeup On New Notifications
Sensor Based Screen Wakeup (Tilt/Hand Wave/Pocket)
Battery Level at Botton while Dozing
Music Ticker
Smart Pixel
Screen Stabilization
Corner Customisation
Rounded Corner Radius
Corner Content Padding
Satus Bar Padding
Volume Rockers
Volume Panel On Left
Volume Dialog Timeout
Volume Steps
Keyboard Cursor Control
Swap Keys
Control Ring Volume
Control Music Volume
Volume Rocker Wakeup
Volume keys Answer Call
Power Button
Power Menu Customization
End Call
Screen off power button torch
Hardware keys
Disable Keys
Swap Keys
Backlight Brightness
Backlight Timeout
Backlight On Touch
Accidental Touch Protection
Back/Home/Overview Button Customisation
Single Tap Action
Long Press Action
Double Tap Action
Home Button Use While Ringing Toggle
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Navigation bar:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Navigation Mode (Fling/SmartBar/Default)
Stock Navigation Bar Customisation
Pixel Animation
One-Handed Mode
Layout Customisation
Smart Bar Customisation
Fling Customisation
Pulse Customisation
Height Customisation (Potrait/Landscape)
System Gestures
Jump to Camera
Long Press to Activate Torch
Swipe Up on Home Button
Full Gesture Mode
Double Tap on NavBar to Sleep
Prevent Ringing
Swipe to Screenshot
Swipe Gestures
OnePlus Gestures
Edge Gestures
Pie Control
Double Tap to Sleep
Media Cover Art
Media Cover Art Filter (Blur/Greyscale/Accent tinted/Greyscale and Blurred)
Music Visualiser
Clock Widget Customisation
Info Widget Customisation
Weather Temperature Unit (Celsius/Fahrenheit)
FP Authentication Vibration
Force FP Authentication
LS Dismissal On Face Unlock
Pocket Detection
Allow FP in Pocket
Elements Customisation
Quick Settings
Satus Bar
Multiuser Switch
Status Text
Charging Info
Left/Right Shortcuts
Lock Icon
Mid-Screen Shortcuts
Bottom Shortucts
Pin Ripple
Scramble Layout
Quick Unlock
Auto Lock
Power Button Instantly Locks
Direct Unlock
Lockscreen Message
Recents style (Quickstep/Oreo/Grid/Android Go/Slim)
Oreo Recents Customization
Clear All Button
Clear All Button Location
Button Style
Memory Bar
Custom Styles
Icon Pack
Apps Blacklist
Immersive Mode (Full Screen/Status Bar/Navigation Bar -- Clock/Date)
Slim Recents Customisation
Lights Customization
Charging Light
Notification Light
Blink Flashlight on Call
Status Bar
Heads Up Customisation
Ticker Customisation
Disable/Enable FC Notifications
Immersive Mode Messages
Toast Icon
Force Expanded Notifications
Kill App Button
Noisy Notifications
In-Call Vibration
On Connect
On Disconnect
On Call Waiting
For Notifications
Disable animation
Animation Duration
Animation customization
List view animation
QS tile animation
Power menu animation
Screen off animation
Toast animation
Signature Spoofing
CPU info
Privacy Guard
Burn-in protection
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Input Method:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Selector notification
Auto keyboard rotation
Auto-Rotate Timeout
Disable Full Screen Keyboard
Show enter key
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Battery Saving:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Sensor block per-package
Alarm Blocker
Wakelock Blocker
Suspended Actions
Doze settings
Aggresive Battery
Aggresive Idle
Aggresive Standby
Auto-enable on Battery saver mode
View CPU Frequency Stats
MediaScanner behaviour on boot
Scrolling Cache
USB Configuration
Wake Up on Charge
Launch Music App
Screen Capture
Screenrecord Shortcut
Screenrecord Quality
Screenshot Shortcut
Screenshot Type (Full/Partial)
[SIZE="3"][B][U]Other Features:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
On-the-go mode
Prevent Accidental wake-up
Seperate ringtone for SIM1&2
Battery Charge Warning
Smart Charge
Advanced Battery Info
[SIZE="3"][B][U]QS Tile Shortcuts:[/B][/U][/SIZE]
Heads Up tile
Caffeine tile
Ring mode tile
CPU info tile
Suspended action tile
Smart pixel tile
Ambient display tile
AOD tile
Screenrecord tile
Stabilization tile
Gaming Mode tile
Screenshot tile
Accidental touch tile
Alarm/Calc/Phone/Camera/Music tiles
Expanded Desktop tile
Havoc settings tile
HW key tile
LTE tile
Navbar tile
On the go tile
Pie control tile
Reboot tile
Sleep screen tile
Accent picker tile
Volume panel tile
High Brightness tile
Sound Search
One Handed Mode Tile
Compass Tile
App Picker Tile
Lead Developers:
SKULSHADY (Anushek Prasal)
ZeNiXxX (Viktor Hermann)
Support Team:
theo.j22 (Tushar Jain)
DankBoi (Apoorva Kr. Srivastava)
If you like our work then please consider donating.
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/vhermann | https://www.paypal.me/ANUSHEK
UPI: [email protected]​
ROM: https://sourceforge.net/projects/havoc-os/files/vince
Recovery: https://files.orangefox.website/
Changelog: http://bit.ly/Havoc_Changelog
Open GApps: http://opengapps.org
Magisk: https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445
Telegram Support Group: https://t.me/havocofficial
Telegram Announcements Channel: https://t.me/Havoc_OS
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/YfhBCj4​
1. Download the ROM, GApps (Optional), Magisk (Optional) from the links above.
2. Wipe System, Data, Dalvik, Cache.
3. Flash the ROM, GApps (Optional), Magisk (Optional).
4. Reboot and Enjoy.​
LineageOS (https://github.com/LineageOS)
Crdroid (https://github.com/crdroidandroid)
Pixel Experience (https://github.com/PixelExperience)
Nitrogen Project (https://github.com/nitrogen-project)
Omnirom (https://github.com/omnirom)
MSM-Xtended Team (https://github.com/Project-Xtended)
Skydragon (https://gitlab.com/HolyDragonProject)
Syberia Project (https://github.com/syberia-project)
And all the other Developers, Testers, Donators and Users.​
XDA:DevDB Information
HavocOS, ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / 5 Plus
blacksuan19, ZeNiXxX, SKULSHADY, Rama
Source Code: https://github.com/Blacksuan19/android_kernel_dark_ages
ROM OS Version: 9.x Pie
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.x
ROM Firmware Required: Latest
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.7
Stable Release Date: 2019-10-04
Created 2018-06-22
Last Updated 2019-11-02
Changelog 02/10
* fix device reboot issues
* fix random freezes, lags
* ship with dark Ages Decimo
* add wifi and signal Q icons
* other havoc changes
Changelog 11/09
• Merged September security patch
• Added New Recorder app with audio support
• Added Lockscreen Date styles
• Added OP gestures haptic feedback toggle
• Added Circle battery style from PA
• Added Default data SIM switcher in CellularTile
• Added edit action on screenshot notification
• Improved Media seekbar in notification
• Other fixes and improvements
Changelog 26/08
• Increase Zram size to 1GB
• Add AOSPA battery style
• Added Extended screenshot function
• Added new implementation for In-display fingerprint sensors
• Added hotspot setting to allow VPN upstreams
• Added support for internal audio recording
• Added mapping files for DualShock3 and DualShock4
• Added keylayout for Xbox One USB controller
• Improved Battery estimates toggle
• Improved LiveDisplay
• Fixed constant FC on certain devices
• Fixed NotificationColorUtil logspam
• Fixed wrong data usage in QS tile
• Fixed wrong locale causing reboot in recovery
• Other fixes and improvements
Changelog 09/08
• Merged August Security Patch
• Added ability to restrict app vpn usage
• Added translations for Text Clock
• Enabled OP gestures on keyguard
• Improved Dynamic gaming mode
• Updated prebuilt apps
• Other fixes and improvements
Changelog 26/07
• Added Gesture Anywhere
• Added NFC Sounds
• Added translations for Text Clock
• Changed Text Clock color to Wallpaper based
• Improved Battery Estimates
• Improved Pocket Lock
• Improved App info
• Improved Sound settings
• Fixed PiP for Multi-user
• Removed QS tile overlays from app list
• Updated Lawnchair to alpha-2338
• Other fixes and improvements
Changelog 18/07
• fix smart charging
• Upstream kernel too 4.9.185
• Added Gaming mode QS tile
• Improved Gaming mode
• Improved OP gestures feedback duration
• Improved Aggressive battery
• Improved LiveDisplay
• Improved Pocket lock
• Fixed crash with some music players
• Performance improvements
• Other fixes and improvements
Changelog 05/07
• move battery estimate to QS top
• add fingerprint boost driver to kernel
• Merged July Security Patches
• Improved Gaming mode
• Improved Statusbar icon padding
• Improved Smart charging
• Removed Quick unlock
• Updated Lawnchair to alpha-2238
• Other fixes and improvements
Changelog 18/06
• build with latest Dark Ages kernel (without the profile)
• little tree cleanup
• update overlays for LED's and doze
• Added Android Q activity animations
• Added new QS tile styles
• Added new Gaming mode
• Improved Pocket mode
• Improved LiveDisplay
• Improved media notifications
• Improved statusbar items layout
• Improved navbar pixel animation
• Changed battery stats reset level to 95%
• Removed screenshot delay
Changelog 18/06
• Fix USB tethering
• Upstream kernel to 4.9.182
• Revert GPS blobs update
• Move xiaomi doze inside display settings
• Build live display hal
• Fix goodix fingerprint acting as a button
• Fix call hanging up doesn't work sometimes
• Add new IMS apk (fixes incoming calls issue on volte)
• Remove A/B stuff from tree
Changelog 09/06
• Switch to new 4.9 trees
• Merged June security patches
• Added an animation for charging
• Added back Night Light
• Added battery saving mode for location
• Added toggle for lockscreen charging animation
• Changed Android Q clock to Accent color
• Updated Lawnchair to alpha-2081
• Some more fixes/improvements
• Added a toggle for charging animation
• Added Battery temp in battery usage
• Fixed analog clocks not refreshing in AOD
• Improved Android Q clock related stuff
• Some more fixes/improvements
Changelog 24/05
• cleanup device tree
- cleanup useless flags
• add some optimization flags
• move battery estimates to QS top
• Added Android Q like Settings searchbar
• Added support for Pixel 3 live wallpapers on Ambient display
• Added network traffic back to the statusbar for devices with notch
• Added Lineage Touch HAL support
• Added Via browser
• Switched back to the old Music ticker
• Improved Lockscreen visualizer
• Improved QS edit layout
• Improved Battery estimates switching
• Disabled Battery estimates by default
• Fixed SystemUI crash for some users
• Fixed Smart charging for some devices
• Fixed Aggressive battery auto mode
• Optimized the size of statusbar icons on the right
• Smart Charging compatibility improvements
• Increased media art blur
• Added more actions for HW keys/Navbar
• Fixed SystemUI crash when Portugese is set as system language
• Fixed disappearing Q clock
• Fixed Amber accent color
• Fixed Home button while ringing
• Fixed Battery estimates showing in statusbar
Changelog 18/05
• Upstream kernel to .140
• Fix FM Radio
• little tree and vendor cleanup
• Added Enhanced battery estimates in QS
• Added bolt when charging for Text battery style
• Added seekbar to media notification
• Added accents from Android Q
• Added outdoor mode in LiveDisplay tile
• Moved Music ticker to KeyguardSlice like Android Q
• Improved statusbar icons alignment
• Improved Android Q clock
• Fixed SystemUI crash with auto face unlock
Changelog 11/05
• merge .139 tags and CAF tags into kernel
• Merged May security patches
• Added LiveDisplay
• Added Pocket Judge
• Added Force fullscreen for apps (Thanks to @jhenrique09)
• Added fingerprint support for OP6T
• Added Lockscreen visualizer customizations
• Added Android Q style battery icon
• Added Reading mode QS tile
• Added advanced location tile options
• Improved QS detail view
• Changed NFC icon
• Removed proximity check on wake
• Fixed Battery icon padding
• Fixed In-call UI layout
• Fixed three finger swipe for screenshot
• Fixed statusbar icon animation
• Added Smart charging
• Improved FP in Pocket mode
• Fixed notification lag
• Fixed SystemUI crash when language is set to Spanish
Changelog 27/04
* fixed color inversion
* fixed color correction
* fixed nightlight
* switch back to aosp FM implementation
Changelog 26/04
* fixed fingerprint acting as a button
* updated kernel to latest
* general rom upstream
Changelog 18/04
• Added Lava lamp for lockscreen visualizer
• Added Dirac QS tile
• Improved seekbars for some settings
• Improved translations
• Fixed crash on changing default phone app
• Fixed Ambient visualizer glitches
• Removed Custom visualizer color
• Disabled boost framework for incompatible devices
• Added Aggressive battery settings
• Added deep sleep info to uptime
• Added 2 more variants for Cover art filters
• Added OnePlus Red accent color
• Added Black Pearl theme color
• Added Slim recents enter/exit animation
• Added Statusbar logo customizations
• Fixed Cover art blur for some music apps
• Fixed screen unpinning with hw keys
• Fixed old mobile type icons
• Removed Browser temporarily
• Imported translations from Crowdin
• Merged April security patches
• Added media cover art filters
• Added long squeeze actions for Pixel
• Added Browser
• Improved gaming mode tile
Changelog 27/03
if you use swift installer make sure to uninstall all overlays before updating
• add prop for better system performance
• Ustream DA to .137
• Added systemwide adaptive icon setting
• Added mobile data tile icon from OOS
• Fixed proximity sensor issues in Dialer
• Fixed partial screenshot
• Fixed music ticker on AOD
• Fixed multiuser icon glitch in QS footer
• Added QS panel inspired by OOS
• Added Music ticker inspired by Android Q
• Added back the dividers in settings
• Added back Screen-off animation
• Added toggle to hide wifi icon
• Added new icon for Sim toolkit
• Added MD2 icons for power menu
• Improved expanded volume panel layout
• Improved and cleaned up Settings
• Fixed OnePlus gestures in landscape
• Fixed a few settings seekbars
• Fixed some theme glitches
• Fixed double vibration on pill navbar
OTA should be rolling now
Changelog 16/03
* latest dark ages septimo
* some prop tweaks
• Added Expanded volume panel
• Added WPS support
• Added a toggle to hide user switcher in QS footer
• Improved AOD on charge
• Improved in-call vibration
• Updated Lawnchair
• Updated inbuilt GBoard themes
• Fixed QS glitches
• Fixed Lockscreen weather disappearing after SystemUI restart
• Fixed less annoying notification sounds
Changelog 08/03
* remove advanced controls
* Implement CAF based FM radio(fully working)
* Cleanup init
* Update configs
* general dt cleanup
* Merged March Security Patches
* Added One Hand mode tile
* Added New Updater
* Added About section in Havoc Settings
* Fixed QS panel padding
* Fixed Power menu layout
* Fixed Auto-hide clock
* Some other fixes
Changelog 24/02
* upstream kernel
* Added Grid recents
* Added option to hide Multiuser switch on lockscreen
* Added a slider for changing statusbar padding
* Added Auto hide clock
* Improved statusbar padding
* Improved some features for notch
* Improved power button flashlight gesture
* Improved Night mode
* Improved Dark theme
* Improved full gesture navbar
* Forced date to be always visible in QS header
* Changed default launcher to Lawnchair
* Fixed blank notifications on ambient display
Changelog 16/02
* Added new ambient display implementation
* Added theme background color picker
* Added AOD on charge
* Added accent option for QS panel
* Added haptic feedback duration for OP gestures
* Added Home button wake for some devices
* Reorganised Havoc Settings
* Improved UI
* Removed ambient music from lockscreen
* Fixed toasts with RTL languages
* Fixed QS gradient when custom header is disabled
* Fixed music ticker glitches
* Fixed compact navbar layout
* Fixed autofill dialog on dark themes
* Fixed wellbeing dark theme
Changelog 07/02
* latest dark-ages kernel(sexto) by default
* Added February Security Patches
* Added small VoLTE icon for some devices with notch
* Added per-app thermal control for some devices
* Added 8 new lockscreen clocks
* Added Custom QS header image
* Added Pie controls
* Added new SIM colors
* Added Cookie QS style
* Added support for DiracSound FX
* Added App picker QS tile
* Added Uptime in About phone
* Improved Edge gestures
* Improved Screenrecord
* Improved Lockscreen Weather
* Improved Messaging app UI
* Improved File manager app UI
* Improved Settings theme
* Improved app permissions header
* Changed 3G icon to H+
* Updated Privacy Guard
* Fixed Signature Spoofing
* Fixed Root detection for banking apps
* Fixed ADB
* Fixed Screen Pinning
* Fixed Statusbar signal icon
* Fixed Messaging app opening animation
Changelog 26/01
* fix battery info crash
* fix advanced controls app not showing up
Changelog 24/01
* Selinux Enforcing
* add XiaomiParts
* add advanced controls
* add Qcom boost framework
* move doze to XiaomiParts
* some more stuff
* UI improvements
* Theme improvements
* Screenrecord improvements
* Sammy clocks improvements
* Added Edge gestures
* Added VoLTE icon from OOS
* Added Sammy accent clock styles
* Added ability to display 'Dash charging' in battery settings
* Added option to hide Edit icon in QS footer
* Added 3-mode notch settings
* Added fullscreen caller photo in Dialer
* Fixed some crashes
* Fixed dual clock bug
* FIxed Night mode
* Fixed Power-off animation
* Fixed lockscreen animations
* Some more stuff...
Changelog 12/01
* build xiaomi doze
* use havoc included hals
* some tree cleanup
* Added January security patches
* Sound search tile improvements
* Music ticker improvements
* Added ambient display visualizer
* Added Lockscreen shortcuts
* Added Proximity check for power button torch
* Added Lockscreen clock styles
* Added options to hide lockscreen clock and date
* Added support for opus file format
* Added a few optimizations
* Fixed Statusbar Clock glitches and bugs
* Fixed Signature spoofing
* Fixed navbar swipe to back glitches
* Fixed keyboard settings crash
* Removed fireworks
* Some more stuff...
Changelog 05/01
* switch to new trees based on @mdeejay's (CLEAN FLASH IS REQUIRED)
* new default kernel (upcoming DA)
* included fully working gcam
* fixed screen mirroring
* Added Switch appearance styles
* Added crash log button to App Error Dialog
* Added Round Corners frameworks value toggle
* Added Sound search tile
* Added Ambient music ticker
* Added Stock Recents icon pack support
* Fixed small qs tiles in landscape mode
* Added QS layout menu in QS customizer
* Added QS themes
* Added Network traffic location
* Fixed text size for network traffic type
* Improved Network traffic
* Improved Face unlock
* Improved Lockscreen weather
* Fixed Proximity check on wake
* Added QS panel opacity
* Added a New year's surprise (to turn off uncheck show fun stuff in havoc misc settings)
Changelog 06/11
* fix nightlight
* fix audio and video playing issues
* fix System update not showing up in settings
* updated blobs from MIUI 10
* Built using Clang 8
* Added SmartNav (Smartbar, fling, pulse, etc)
* Added Boost framework
* Added Game boost
* Added toast when screenshot is deleted
* Added Kill button to notification guts
* Added Android Go recents
* Added Settings dashboard icon themes
* Bluetooth icon hidden until connected
* Disabled ticker in dnd
* Fixed Always on display
* Fixed Navigation gestures
* Fixed Statusbar pulldown bug in fullscreen
* Removed edge gesture service and related features
* Removed omniswitch recents
* Tons of performance improvements (Smoothest ROM so far)
* for full changelog check havoc channel
Changelog 10/11
finally, android pie is here!!
clean flash is required
since this is using new blobs you have to flash new firmware
if your fingerprint is not working you have to restore persist partition
=> Build by rama982
=> Android Pie 9.0
=> November security patch
=> New trees based on MIUI 10 blobs
=> All new havoc 2.0 features (too many to list)
=> Compatible with all kernels
=> Night Light
Changelog 21/09
Flash Latest Dark-Ages Kernel After ROM or it won't boot!!
=> final oreo build, focus will be pie after this build
=> September security patch
=.> general bug fixes and upstream from havoc git
Changelog 11/08
* August security patches merged
* Source updated to latest LineageOS
* Added Screenshot delay
* Added lots of optimizations
* Added On-The-Go mode tile
* Added LTE tile
* Added Log tile
* Added Navigation gestures
* Added toggle to hide bottom shortcuts on lockscreen
* Added Animations for back edge gesture
* Added Sammy accent clock styles
* Added Volume panel blur
* Added Dnd toggles for volume panel
* Added roundness to app permissions dialog
* Added Maintainers telegram links to the about section
* Added double vibration on call hang up
* Improved Volume panel
* Improved Lockscreen clocks
* Improved Edge gestures
* Fixed Disable HW keys
* Fixed HeadsUp stoplist and blacklist
* Fixed Recents styles crash
* Fixed Notification LED brightness dialog
* Fixed Battery saver color
* Fixed Airplane mode QS tile
* Fixed Do not disturb QS tile
* Updated Launcher
* Replaced Omni Events with OmniBrain
* Removed FP gestures prefernece for unsupported devices
Changelog 01/08
=> updated included gcam
=> Added toggle to switch between Oreo and P qs styles
=> Added Advanced doze settings
=> Fixed Recents lags
=> Added Ability to scroll Volume Panel
=> Added Recents blur
=> QS Panel and Volume Dialog improvements
=> Added colored Bolt and Text to Ambient when device is charging
=> Added weather symbol to Ambient weather on bottom
=> Keyguard Fixes
=> UI glitches fix
=> Disabled hw key vibration on ambient display, lockscreen
=> Added Chinese and Polish translations
Changelog 10/07
=> July security patches merged
=> Added lots of new fonts
=> Added optimizations
=> Added data tile
=> Added alarm font options
=> Added a fix for signal strength
=> Added battery saver mode color
=> Fixed reboots with hotspot and tethering
=> Fixed lockscreen layout
=> Fixed autofill dialog theming
=> Changed some icons
=> Removed ambient play
=> Updated Italian translation
Changelog 05/07
=> QS panel improvements
=> Android P style volume panel
=> Fixed recents
=> Fixed lockscreen position, ambient display
=> New ambient play implementation
=> Animated Music Note when soundtrack detected
=> Fixed Lockscreen Alarm switch not working
=> Fixed HW Disable tile
=> Added Game mode qs tile
=> Added more apps to sensor block per package
=> Added translations
=> Fixed advanced heads up settings
=> Fixed gesture anywhere
=> Fixed pulse
=> Volume Panel dim
=> Lockscreen owner info font options
=> On the go mode
=> Settings UI improvements
Changelog 28/06
=> include dark ages kernel by default
= > for features and changelog check thread
=> Fix battery Charging LED
=> latest upstream tags from havoc git
=> if you are having network issues try flashing this modem
Good job thank you so much
blacksuan19 said:
added scaling for pre-O apps
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's that the option to scale apps to 18:9 fullscreen like in miui?
jes0411 said:
It's that the option to scale apps to 18:9 fullscreen like in miui?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yup, indeed it is
possible to add App Ops?
reserve this.. thank you Sir
Light led when charging not work
Sent from my [device_name] using XDA-Developers Legacy app
blacksuan19 said:
Changelog 22/06
=> first official build
=> added scaling for pre-O apps
=> added modded gcam
=> added status bar padding and rounded corners
=> latest linux-stable and caf kernel tags
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Downloading .. I hope this rom free to bugs..???
Is this a treble rom ??
No it's not
having sim card issue there are no signals!!
can you fix it
Great ROM! Can you add option to force apps to full 18:9 display?
Good job,but the google camera is always stopped please fix it:silly:
Ram managment is kinda poor
And it like goes up to 42-45 degree when playing PUBG
Siva212001 said:
having sim card issue there are no signals!!
can you fix it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There are signals here in mine. Data works fine too. Try clean flashing again.
Rajce said:
Great ROM! Can you add option to force apps to full 18:9 display?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This Rom has it i think. Go to Havoc settings, Interface, Full Screen Apps and select your apps.
M. . said:
Good job,but the google camera is always stopped please fix it:silly:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Works alright here. Try reflashing or use another cam app, just to check if other cam apps work.
This is one smooth rom. Moved from CRDroid, gonna stay with it for a while. LH kernel is the cherry on the top.
Thanks blacksuan for bringing it to our vince.:good:
Some bigs. Call blocking function FC.
sim card not working there are no signals to my sim!
no signals to my sim card

[ROM][9.0][STABLE][UNOFFICIAL] MSM Xtended XP7 Release v14 PIE [13-May-2019]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
#include <std_disclaimer.h>[/COLOR][COLOR=RED]
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.[/COLOR]
***This is no more "Cardinal Xtended".
We have moved from Cardinal and starting from zero as "MSM Xtended or MSM-X".
We have tried our best to blend it with all available options, features and stability of different ROMs in to one for better user experience.
The Base is AOSP & GZOSP and thus Special Thanks to @martinusbe & Team GZR for the same.***
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OnePlus Devices
Awesome Slider
Oneplus Gesture
Vibrator Strength
Display Calibration (Kcal)
Panel Modes
High Brightness Mode
Post Call Snackbar toggle
Full Screen Caller Photo
Call Recorder
On Call DND Option
Night light brightness mode options
Expanded Desktop
Screen Stabilization
5 Step Display size
Double Tap To Wake
Ambient Display * Always On, * Pick up * Hand wave * Pocket * New Notification, * Ambient Music Ticker, * Show when Charging, * Ambient auto brightness
Redesigned Battery Meter View
Reset battery stats
Screenshot sound toggle
Volume Steps
Increasing Ring Tone
Sim 1 & 2 Ringtone
Quick Unlock
Pass Swipe to Unlock
===> Xtended Options (Xtensions of Xtended) Includes <=== Animations
System Wide Animations (15 Options + Random)
Animation Duration
Disable Transition animations
Scrolling Cache
Screen Off animation
Power menu animation
QS tile animation
Toast Animation
Listview & Interpolator Animations
Volume Key Customization (Call Answer, Cursor Control, Reorient & Music Control)
Volume panel on left
Disable Keys
Swap Back n Recent Keys
Backlight + Customizations
Single Press + Long Press + Double Tap Customizations
Accidental Touch
Decoration Menu
System Themes (Compose + 11 Prebuilt themes)
Dashboard icons
QS tile style
QS Header style
QS Header
Battery Bar (Animation, Gradient, etc.)
Battery style
Clock Settings
Carrier Label (Font Style, Size & Color Options)
Status Bar logo
App icon shape
AOSP Gesture
Gesture Anywhere
Carbon Gesture
Edge gesture
OP Navigation gesture
Swipe to screenshot
Status Bar Double Tap Sleep
Lockscreen Double Tap Sleep
Screen off Power Button Torch & TimeOut
Lock screen
Lockscreen shortcuts (Left & Right)
Hide Bottom shortcuts
Lockscreen Weather Temp & City Font & Color
Lockscreen Weather Condition Image
Lockscreen UI * Clock Style (11 Styles) * Clock Font options * Date font options * Ownerinfo font options * Clock, Date and ownerinfo font size * Lockscreen colors * Clock widget * Hide Status bar, Bottom status text & Lock screen icon.
Lockscreen notification count
Lockscreen charging info
Face Auto Unlock Toggle
Fingerprint unlock Toggle
Fingerprint authentication vibration
Media cover art
Enable Lockscreen visualizer
Ambient visualizer
Use custom color
Battery bar color
SmartNav Bar
Navbar on/off
Navbar Customization (Layout, extra button)
Navbar Pixel Animation Options
Navbar burn-in Protection
Navbar Pulse Options
Heads Up
Dialer Only HeadsUp
Notification Light Customization
Battery & Charging Light Customization
Noisy notification
Force expanded Notification
Disable immersive mode Message
Vibrate on connect, answer & hangup toggle
Flashlight on Incoming Call
Toast app icon toggle
Toast app icon color
Toast app text color
Power/reboot menu opacity
Power/reboot dialog dim background amount
Disable power menu on lockscreen
On-The-Go Toggle (worth mentioning)
Advance Reboot
Several Toggles, can't write so many
Quick Settings
QS Panel opacity
QS Tiles Config (Rows & Columns, Portrait & Landscape)
Tile Title
Small tiles Config
Brightness Slider toggle
Bightness icon toggle
Brightness buttons toggle
Brightness slider on bottom toggle
Information header
Disable quick settings when locked
Quick Pulldown
Smart pulldown
Bluetooth Battery on statusbar
Vibrate on touch
Running services icon
QS footer warning
Recents Menu
Recent style (Pie/Oreo/Grid/Android Go)
Clear all FAB
Clear all FAB location
Show memory bar
Recents Styles (Animations, Icon, Colors, etc)
Immersive Recents
Immersive Recents Date & Time
Hide Apps from Recents
Status bar
Statusbar items
Network Traffic
Use old mobile type style
Ticker animation
Ticker duration
Brightness control
4G icon
VoLTE icon
Roaming indicator
Show data disabled icon
Show notification icon
Kill app button
Breathing Notifications (SMS, Call & Voicemail)
Smart pixel
Wakelock blocker
Alarm Blocker
Privacy guard
Suspended Actions
Time in state
Doze settings
Sensor block per-package
Pocket detection
ADB notification
Disable FC Notification
Xtra Option
System App Remover
Keyboard and IME
App Circle Bar
Screenshot type
Allow Signature spoofing
MediaScanner behavior on boot
Launch music app on headset connection
Wake up on charge
Vibrate on plug/unplug
Dashboard conditions
Dashboard suggestions
Dashboard summaries
Use columns layout
Rounded corner config
Enable scaling
@mukesh22584 (Project Owner Saviour/Developer)
@SuperDroidBond : The Ego Man
@mady51(Project Owner / Kernel Developer & Maintainer)
@mcdachpappe (Developer & Codes Fixer)
@svandasek(Graphics Designer / Devloper & Feature Integrator)
@Jay_B (Maintainer & Boot Maker)
@Ded_Boi (Developer & Feature Integrator)​
* mukesh22584
* mady51
* SuperDroidBond
If you love our work, please donate to us. It will motivate us
and help us in keeping the project alive.​​
Telegram Group - MSM-X Telegram Public Group
G+ Community - MSM-X G+ Group​
Gapps Package: Open Gapps
It's recommended to flash Nano Gapps only for better user experience.
Clean Flash
1) Backup Everything (Most Important)
2) Download ROM, Gapps, Magisk, etc.
3) Reboot to Recovery (TWRP)
4) Wipe System, Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache.
5) Flash - ROM, Gapps, Magisk
6) Once done, wipe cache.
7) Reboot to System.
Dirty Flash
1) Backup Everything (Most Important)
2) Download ROM
3) Reboot to Recovery (TWRP)
4) Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache.
5) Flash - ROM.
6) Once done, wipe cache.
7) Reboot to System.
**If you fail to follow these instructions, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use Xposed, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use another kernel, please don't bother reporting any bugs**​
ROM Source Oreo - Project-Xtended Oreo Sources
ROM Source Pie - Project-Xtended Pie Sources
Kernel Source - Kernel Sources
We would like to give thanks to everyone in the Android community, big or small.
That said, we would like to Thank all These Teams for their contribution to the OpenSource Community.
* LineageOS/Cyanogenmodhttps://github.com/LineageOS
* GZOSPhttps://github.com/GZOSP
* ColtOS Team & Specially @RakeshBatra
* OmniROMhttps://github.com/OmniRom
* Nitrogen OShttps://github.com/Nitrogen-Project
* AICPhttps://github.com/AICP
* crDroidhttps://github.com/CrDroidAndroid
* DirtyUnicornshttps://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
* Screwd AOSPhttps://github.com/ScrewdAOSP
* CypherOShttps://github.com/CypherOS
* Liquid Remixhttps://github.com/LiquidRemix
* Benzo ROMhttps://github.com/BenzoROM
* BootLeggers ROMhttps://github.com/BootLeggersRom
* AOSP Extended ROMhttps://github.com/AospExtended
* Resurrection Remix ROMhttps://github.com/ResurrectionRemix
* AIM ROMhttps://github.com/AIMROM
* Toxyc OShttps://github.com/ToxycOS
* AEX Modhttps://github.com/AexMod
* Syberia-Projecthttps://github.com/Syberia-Project
* FireHoundhttps://github.com/FireHound
**If we have left someone or some team, we apologize and please PM us.
We would be very happy to include your name as well.
** Special Thanks to These Testers
@rishi2603 (Tester & Motivator)
@DrUnknownEMC (Tester & Motivator)
@sushobith (Tester & Motivator)
@Dhairya (Tester & Motivator)
@Babloo289 (Tester & Motivator)
@ps_minky16 (Tester & Motivator)Chris Kendall (Tester)
Everyone Else from the Testing Team & Users using & sharing feedback for improvements
Special Thanks & Credits
@Rakesh.Batra - Our Teacher. Learned a lot from you Dada
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1) Please do not use TiB. If you want use then try Swift Backup or Migrate.
These are better options for now.
2) Please Use Paid Themes preferably, so that Substratum Dev can keep on their good work.
3) If you want to try a new theme, try "Valerie" by bro @@DeadmanxXD.
It's been my favorite ever since I tried it.
4) If you earn well, then don't hesitate to donate a few $$ to the devs you like.
Its token of appreciation and will keep the devs motivated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Special thanks to
@Subham, @FireLord @arghyac35
Created 2018-11-18
Last Updated 2019-05-13
1) Added Full Rootless OMS Support
2) Added Notification Ticker
3) Added Notification Counter
4) Added More QS Tile from BootLeggers
5) Added Roaming Indicator Toggle
6) Added Aspect Ratio per App (Only devices with higher res will get)
7) Added Google Weather Icon support in OmniJaws
8) Fixed Statusbar Brightness Control. It works well now for whole width
9) Fixed Encryption. We're not fully sure. Please check yourself once and report
10) Added Smart Pixel Tile
11) Added Option for Separate Ringtone for SIM 2
12) Fixed LS Charging Info showing wrong in some devices
13) Many other under the hood changes and fixes for smooth operations
14) Nov'18 Security Patch
Device side:
-Sound and under the hood improvements
-Merged upstreamed kernel 3.18.124
-Added Kcal
-Added Sound control
-Added Wakelock blocker
-Oneplus6 Camera port added
? ?Device side:
-Merged upstreamed kernel 3.18.126
-In-call audio improved
-Exfat fixed
? ?Rom side:
1) Added Breathing SMS/MissCall/Voicemail Notification (Forward Port from Nougat)
2) Added Power Menu Animation (Forward Port from Nougat)
3) Added Headset Safe Volume Option
4) Added Toggle to Control Ring Volume instead of Media
5) Added Oreo Style Mobile Switches
6) Added More QS Tiles Styles Options
7) Added QS Header Style Options
8) Added Full Gesture NavBar from DU
9) Added DT2S Option on NavBar
10) Added NavBar Pulse, Lava Lamp and other options of Pulse
11) Added LS Shortcuts for Middle Screen
12) Added Data disabled toggle
13) Added Option to ByPass the Swipe Option while unlocking
14) Added Option to enable HeadsUp for Dialer Only (Less Boring One)
15) Added Ambient Play & History Options
16) Added Keyguard Animation for charging
17) Added Edge Gestures
18) Added Privacy Guard
19) Added LTE Tile, Ambient Play Tile.
20) Added Volume Rocker Wake Option
21) Added Volume Dialog Timeout Options
22) Added Notch Option (Only for devices with notch)
23) Fixed my derp in BatteryStyle - Portrait Percentage n all
24) Fixed the layout of StatusBar icons
25) Fixed Power-Off Alarm Clock (Thanks to @xyyx)
26) Now Themes are getting applied to default dialer & file manager
27) Added Back our Device Sections in About Phone
28) Added Toggle to disable immersive messages
29) Launcher3 - Added Option to enable/disable search widget on homescreen
30) Launcher3 - Some further fixes and improvements
? ?Device side:
-Merged upstreamed kernel 3.18.127
-blobs updated
? ?Rom side:
1) December 2018 Security Patch
2) Added SmartNavBar Options -
a) SmartBar
b) Fling
c) AOSP (Pie NavBar)
3) Added Pulse Visualizer Options for all NavBars -
a) Lava Lamp & Customizations
b) Fadding Bars & Customizations
4) Added Pixel Button Animation Customizations for All NavBars
5) Added Font Manager
6) Added Kill Button for Notification Guts
7) Added Rounded Corners & Padding Settings
8) Added QS Brightness Buttons
9) Added More Charging Symbols ($,+,*, etc) for Text Battery
10) Added Power Menu Transparency Options
11) Added 22 New Accents
12) Added App Circle Bar
13) Added Pie
14) Added Battery Full Charge Warning Options (from DU)
15) Added new Equalizer
16) Added OmniDisplay Manager (Color Calib) [Not Available on All Devices]
17) Added GPU Renderer Settings in Dev Options
18) Added Auto Start Music Player on BT/Headset Connect Options
19) Added Unlink Ring/Notification Volume
20) Fixed QS Header glitch
21) Fixed Dialer SearchBar glitch
22) Fixed lags during games through FrameworksBoost
23) Fixed some issues of Notifications LED
24) Fixed Network Traffic Options for Notch Devices
25) Fixed Theme issues on full treble devices
26) Removed StatusBar Weather for now
?Device side:
-Upstreamed kernel 3.18.131
-Fixed NFC
-Fixed Cast
-Blobs update
?Rom Side:
1) January Security Patch
2) Version upped to v9
3) Added Settings Dashboard Coloumn Layout (from OmniROM)
4) Added Battery Light Blending Options
5) Added FastCharge Battery Light Options
6) Added BuildDate Info in Android Version dialogue
7) Added LOS Screen+Sound Recorder (Records Screen along with Audio)
8) Added 3 New Fonts in Font Manager (Aovel Rounded, Cabo Rounded & Valentine Love)
9) Added Extended Audio Panel (Syberia ROM). Thanks to @alexxxdev
10) Added Option to control Volume Panel Location (Left/Right). Thanks to me for idea and @alexxxdev for execution.
11) Added OP Navigation Gesture Tweaks (Swipe Input & Timeout)
12) Added Ink QS Tile Style (Bootleggers Thanks to @eldianosor)
13) Added Smart Mute Option in Dialer (Flip to Mute)
14) Added Battery Temp Option inside Battery Settings (Syberia ROM)
15) Added NavBar Tile
16) Fixed Settings Search Option FC
17) Fixed Full Gesture Mode
18) Fixed Burn-In Options for NavBar
19) Stock NavBar Options are back. Select Stock Nav Option for accessing the same
20) Fixed Dashboard Summary Option
XP5 Release v12
- SilverCore-1.7 (3.18.136)
- Lenovo Parts
- DTS eagle updated from XOOQD
- Mbhc enabled
- 'K' audio driver
- High performance audio enabled
- power gating
- Memory cmp optimizations
- HiFi audio driver
- Battery backup tweaks
- Anxiety (based on noop) I/O scheduler
• Merge Tag 'android-9.0.0_r34' March Security Patches
• QSTiles: Add few more styles
• Add Grid and Android Go Recents Styles
• Introduce Lockscreen Clock/Date styles
• Added Gradient Accents (System Wide)
• UI: allow some theming and update UI a bit
• Fix Signature Spoofing
• Added Options for Hiding Clock & Date
• Added Message Theming
• Added Lock Desktop Option in default launcher
• Add Option to select size of Single Network Traffic (Up/Down) Font Size
• Add option to enable AOD on charging only
• Add config to disable CDMA call forward/waiting
• Add new ringtones
• Add support for DiracSound FX
• Fixed Contacts & Dialer Theming
• Messaging: use common menu style for themed apps
• BoostFramework: Add debug to hide logcat spam on devices without QPerformance
• Dialer: force fast scroller text color to white and move thumb to edge
• Contacts: PoorManThemes: fix editor popup items
• Add ChargingStarted + InCallNotif to AudioPackage
• Fix disappearing home/recents button
• AppOpsManager: Fix bluetooth scan op permission
• PrivacyGuard: Pull in more changes from lineage
• PoorManThemes: fix global actions and vol dialog theme
• Tweak some UI values and Apply X switch to Material Style
• Many Other Fixes have been integrated system wide
XP7 Release v14
-Merge 3.18.139 linux-stable
-F2FS support
-Add 15 new cpu governors
-Add Dirac sound enhancer
-Add Dynamic Fsync
-Add Touch Boost
-Enable Full dexpreopt
-Add Usb hall
-Add 75 fonts for ls clock, date, weather etc /mod/
-Change NFC icon /mod/
-Add Lawnchair
-Add TR translation /mod/
-Fix Q style battery % /mod/
-Merge 9.0.0_r37 May security patch.
-Bump version to XP7 V14.
-Added Q clock.
-Q Clock Alignment toggle.
-User Selective Size & Color for Q Clock.
-Q Clock Date View User Selectable.
-Add LS Clock Font Style for Q Clock .
-Custom Text Clock color based on wallpaper.
-Add Q style to battery icon.
-Fixed setting incorrect mode of vibration .
-Fixed power menu position in landscape.
-Added aggressive battery (Xtensions > System Settings).
-Fix crash when changing default phone app.
-Fix old mobile signal icons.
-Add wakelock option for flashlight .
-Stop adjusting volume in Gaming Mode Tile.
-Add pulse magic in Lockscreen Visualizer
-Added Toggle for left/right percentage position for status bar battery.
-Fix tinting on expanded status bar in QS oreo.
-Updated Clang to latest.
-Added battery times in summary.
-Added deep sleep info to uptime (Settings).
-Add battery saving mode for location (Settings).
-Fixed crash when launching app detail for bad package name.
-Added Recents Icon Pack
-Added Ambient Ticker
-LS Ambient display visualizer
-Added QS status bar header
-Added Dashboard icon.
-Fixed partial screenshot.
-Fixed multiuser icon glitch in QS footer.
-Fixed QS header accent without header image.
-Transparency of QS panel.
-Fix app switching in OP gesture.
-Enable DND during calls.
-Redesigned Battery Meter View.
-Fix hotspot tile not activating in one click .
-Updated HBM, Sound, Screenrecord & OnTheGo tiles.
-More bugfixes and improvements.
Encryption is fixed!
Only on other roms, like crdroid am i getting the time 0:00 bug. It still encrypts though, you just got to wait atleast 15min or so, than manually reboot.
Also some bugs i encountered: Installing Apks from outside sometimes doesn't work. it does work on crdroid though
Will I need encyription to use fingerprint?
Hey thanks for great rom, will try it now but i need to know if fingerprint sensor is useable without encyripting the phone.
Also does the system lose functions like camera or video recording after encyripting it like other pie roms?
Thanks again!
yajdintaydemir said:
Hey thanks for great rom, will try it now but i need to know if fingerprint sensor is useable without encyripting the phone.
Also does the system lose functions like camera or video recording after encyripting it like other pie roms?
Thanks again!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After encrypting. Remove your existing pin or password. Then set a new one, and make sure to say "no" to Start up password. Then it will work just fine.
sm00th4f3 said:
After encrypting. Remove your existing pin or password. Then set a new one, and make sure to say "no" to Start up password. Then it will work just fine.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What about face unlock... Is this works... If yes then which version or date of gapps u r using???
Excellent ROM... No deep sleep issue. Tons of customisations. Encryption working.. This is a very good ROM. Easily better than cr droid and liquid remix. Awesome work.
This ROM does so many stuff very good like disabling back button on pie gestures and using a left swipe for back, also the customisation level is so high. Battery life is very good.
So here are a few things that can be done better.
LTE icon needs to be different (messes with the aesthetic).
I think fast charging is not as quick as stock but not as slow as 2A. So I'll do a 0-80 and update.
Switching tabs in chrome is laggy.
There's a small bug where the battery indicator goes dim from time to time.
These are all very minor and happy with the ROM. I can see it has the potential to be the best pie ROM for kuntao
venu44 said:
This ROM does so many stuff very good like disabling back button on pie gestures and using a left swipe for back, also the customisation level is so high. Battery life is very good.
So here are a few things that can be done better.
LTE icon needs to be different (messes with the aesthetic).
I think fast charging is not as quick as stock but not as slow as 2A. So I'll do a 0-80 and update.
Switching tabs in chrome is laggy.
There's a small bug where the battery indicator goes dim from time to time.
These are all very minor and happy with the ROM. I can see it has the potential to be the best pie ROM for kuntao
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can it has face unlock...?? And which daye of gapps u r using?
rahulacharya029826 said:
Can it has face unlock...?? And which daye of gapps u r using?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Face unlock is a hit or a miss. I'm using micro
One little bug. Text cannot reading in some screen with black theme.
venu44 said:
Face unlock is a hit or a miss. I'm using micro
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do u mean??
It works or not??
rahulacharya029826 said:
What do u mean??
It works or not??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sometimes yes sometimes not
venu44 said:
Sometimes yes sometimes not
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Any special instruction to flash this rom like formatting or erassing of data partition etc.
Or we can flash this like normal oreo rom??
rahulacharya029826 said:
Any special instruction to flash this rom like formatting or erassing of data partition etc.
Or we can flash this like normal oreo rom??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I was aosp ext. I didn't even format data. Wiped data and system. Flashed ROM and gapps. That's it
battery percentage is not displayed inside the dotted circle. everything else is fine
---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------
tanzeel.ahmed1306 said:
battery percentage is not displayed inside the dotted circle. everything else is fine
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
sorry it's working
Settings xtended turkish speak please!!!
Camera is not working at all for me
_Hinnie_ said:
Camera is not working at all for me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If u have decrypted and encrypted again, remove pin and create again. Reboot and it will work
venu44 said:
If u have decrypted and encrypted again, remove pin and create again. Reboot and it will work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks that worked

[ROM][9.0][SANTONI]Syberia Project [DISCONTINUED]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Read the whole OP! Be respectful to each other and don't ask for ETAs, it's considered as being rude!​
Syberia Project (aka Syberia OS) is a custom ROM for Xiaomi Mi5 (Gemini) that implements various features. This project was designed by our "Syberia Team" from scratch based on AOSP source code. Also for HALs we use CodeAurora sources (i.e. CAF). Our team: @blinoff82, @DennySPB, @alexxxdev. Also many thanks to our designer @rlshukhov for logos, wallpapers and bootanimation.​
If you like our work you can you can buy us a cup of coffee or a glass of beer
OTA Updates
Themes support
Real-time charging info on lockscreen
Custom switch tiles
Tiles Haptic Feedback
Torch gesture on power button
Screen off animations
Screen Record to the Power Menu
Statusbar brightness control
Navigation bar, Lockscreen shortcuts, StatusBar tuner
Features flash-call-on-waiting
Volume key music control
Volume Rocker Wake
Double tap to sleep on lockscreen and statusbar
Increasing ring feature
Reset battery stats
Hide the power menu on the lockscreen
Statusbar network traffic
incall vibration options
Force Expanded Notifications
Battery light customization
HeadsUp notifications
Smart Pulldown
Support for MicroG
Increasing ring feature
Reset battery stats
Hide the power menu on the lockscreen
Statusbar network traffic
incall vibration options
Volume Key Answer
Launch default music player on headset connect
Live Volume Steps
Quick Pulldown
Statusbar clock date customization
Custom system animations
Navigation gestures
Night Light brightness mode options
Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation
Full screen photo for incoming and outgoing calls
And more and more...
Features are constantly being added and improved.
ROM Downloads
Gapps Downloads
Magisk Downloads​
-Backup each and every partition from TWRP Recovery
-If you're coming from another ROM, you should wipe
/system, /data, /cache, /vendor, and dalvik/art cache.
-Flash the ROM.
-Flash any other mods/etc. you want (e.g. GApps, Magisk).
-And at last Reboot
-First boot will take few minutes! Have patience
Clean Flash is always recommended!
-SElinux enforcing
Official website
Syberia Project Github
Syberia Project Kernel Source
Official Telegram Group​
- Updated sensors blobs from tissot
- Added sepolicy (selinux is permissive for now, but you can switch it to enforcing manually. Google how to do so)
- Power profile from miui
- Updated lawnchair
- Updated rom sources
Redmi 4X:
- Reworked camera hal (Thanks to Nichcream for his nontreble tree)
- Improved fp hal (Thanks to Nichcream for his nontreble tree)
- Updated modem and peripheral blobs from tissot
- Upstreamed kernel to 3.18.137
- Updated lawnchair launcher
- Add Cellular tile icon from OOS
- Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by profile
- Workaround for wallpaper not shown correctly problem
- OP Gestures: Fix navbar detection and landscape mode
- Dialer: Make proxi sensor smart-case friendly
- Fixes for surfaceflinger rendering
- Fixed multiuser icon glitch in QS footer
- Fixed animation glitch with right-sided volume panel
- Fixed partial screenshot
- Various fixes and improvements
- Update translations
Redmi 4X:
Updated ant+, drm, widevine, gatekeeper, keystore, keymaster blobs from TA-1024
Lawnchair: update to 986-alpha
Add MusicFX equalizer from OmniRom
SystemUI: Add Sync tile
Add Champagne Limousines and Nunito fonts
Update APN's from Pixel 3XL
Add the battery percent back on dash charging
Add app name to screenshot filename
Improve ambient play layout on keyguard
Various fixes and improvements
Update translations
Redmi 4X:
- Dirac toggle qs tile
- Updated graphics blobs from TA-1024
- Lawnchair updated to 943-alpha
- Kernel: intellithermal, small ram and fs optimization
- Expanded volume panel
- Improved statusbar icon padding
- Lockscreen D2TS works on whole screen
- WiFi: Reimplemented WPS
- Fixed manual network selection
- Fixed display of mobile network icons
- Fixed system ui crash when pinning screen
- Some themes fixes
- Various fixes and improvements
- Update translations
Redmi 4X:
- Kernel: latest caf tag, less debug, lz4 compression tweaks
- Updated QMI/radio/ims blobs from tissot
- Improved bt+wifi coexistance
- Android-9.0.0_R34 (March security patch)
- Fixed APP switch triggering with OP gestures
- Fixed wrong network operator name on MSIM devices
- Fixed incorrect proximity sensor behaviour in Dialer
- Fixed flickering issue with live wallpapers
- Other fixes and improvements
- Update translations
Redmi 4X:
- Kernel: 3.18.136
- CAF wifi implementation
- Fixed statusbar clock overlapping after reboot
- Development settings: allow to choose GPU renderer
- OneHand mode QS tile
- Fixed issue with go back to AOD by power button
- A/B updater: Redisign
- Other fixes and improvements
02.22.2019 Changelog:
Redmi 4X:
- Kernel: 3.18.135
- Kernel: added usb fast charge
- Kernel: westwood tcp algorithm
- Kernel: added fiops scheduler
- Fixed sound lags in games
- Screen stabilizer
- Swap back button option on stock navbar
- Compass QS tile
- Update translations
- Other fixes and improvements
02.16.2019 Changelog:
Redmi 4X:
- Kernel: added kcal
- Kernel: ram optimization
- Fixed ant
- Snap cam by default
- Added qcom boostframework
- Version 2.3
- Lockscreen visualizer
- Fixed media art cover
- Fixed some statusbar clock issues
- OP like gestures tweaks
- Ability to turn off conditions/suggestions in settings
- CAF touch responce optimization
- Launcher: switch to latest LawnChair v2
- Update translations
- Filemanager (DocumentsUI) fixes
- Screenrecord 18:9 res support
- Other fixes and improvements
02.09.2019 Changelog:
Redmi 4X:
Kernel upstreamed to 3.18.134
Merged caf tag LA.UM.7.6.r1-04100-89xx.0 in kernel
Added dirac support (sound -> mi sound enchancer)
Fixed fm radio
Merged Android-9.0.0_R33 (February security patch)
Fixed signature spoofing for MicroG (thx @ksrt12 and @fitsuli for finding issue)
Fixed color accent for the default printer service (Settings)
Fixed double tap to open notification on lockscreen
File manager: support night mode
Ambient music ticker improvements
OmniRom QS headers improvements
Settings: Bring back Uptime in "About Phone"
Google prebuilts (Turbo, Markup, Wellbeing) updated to PQ2A.190205.003 from Marlin
Download: Check OTA or use link:
02.02.2019 Changelog:
- Kernel: upstreamed to 3.18.133
- Kernel: removed darkness governor
- Kernel: added wireguard support
- Updated sdm blobs from LA.UM.7.5.r1-03700-8x96.0
- Launcher3: Add more icon sizes
- Launcher3: Updated Google Feed lib from Pixel 3
- Updated smartbar icon drawables
- Paranoid android PIE navigation
- Edge gestures
- Rearrange gestures settings
- OmniRom QS headers
- Option to hide ADB notification
- ADB over wi-fi
- Pie control, adb tiles
- Enabled MultiUser UI
- Smoother UX
- Fixed QS tiles FC on the first qs page
- Fixed context for tiles without longClick
- Fixed PIP mode
- Fixed NPE in DozeService
- Fixed black screen after screen turned on
- Fixed icon tinting in power detail pages
- PIN critical apps and system services
- Optimized shutdown time
- Optimized ART props
- Added permissions for mediaserver and mediaextractor
- Various fixes and improvements
- Update translations
01.26.2019 Changelog:
- Upstreamed kernel to 3.18.132
- Implemented dt2w, s2w, sound control, haptic feedback control
- CPU governors: elementalX, alucard, darkness
- Added FINE_LOCATION for Bluetooth scans
- Updated PrivacyGuard from Lineage
- Settings: Switch styles
- Settings: Ambient display music ticker
- Fixed right padding for time picker
- Fixed bluetooth scan op permission for AppOps
- Fixed disappearing home/recents button on navigation bar
after unlocking keygaurd
- Fixed alert slider toasts for custom actions
- Fixed nav- and statusbar black theme
- Fixed notification channel info text color
- Fixed Google sounds picker storage permissions
- Fixed animation issue when opening Messaging app
- Themes: Lock day night mode
- Various frameworks fixes and improvements
01.19.2019 Changelog:
- Fixed sim reset issue
- Added ota support
- Implemented wakelock and alarm blockers
- Added CAF VoLTE icon
- Disable Quick Settings on secure lockscreen
- Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.6.2.r1-05700-89xx.0' in HW/bluetooth
- Connectivity: improved TCP parameters
- Fixed NPE with DropBoxManager
- Fixed NPE due to ext telephony
- Fixed CTS failure in camera
- Fixed QS dev tiles area
- Update translations
01.16.2019 Changelog:
- Rom is official now, enjoy (ota and label in rom will come in next update though)
01.15.2019 Changelog:
- fixed screen casting (tested)
- updated rom sources
- device tree improvements
Harukey said:
01.15.2019 Changelog:
- fixed screen casting (tested)
- updated rom sources
- device tree improvements
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Finally get the stable Pie Rom with fully working features (screen cast & gps lock)
Rom is official now, enjoy (ota and label in rom will come in next update though)
Any approx date for next update???
New update!
- Fixed sim reset issue
- Added ota support
- Implemented wakelock and alarm blockers
- Added CAF VoLTE icon
- Disable Quick Settings on secure lockscreen
- Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.6.2.r1-05700-89xx.0' in HW/bluetooth
- Connectivity: improved TCP parameters
- Fixed NPE with DropBoxManager
- Fixed NPE due to ext telephony
- Fixed CTS failure in camera
- Fixed QS dev tiles area
- Update translations
i really like this rom.. please make its lockscreen weather notification as Stock Google weather. and also make its battery SOT better and open/loading time faster.. overall good rom i am using it.
Harukey said:
New update!
- Fixed sim reset issue
- Added ota support
- Implemented wakelock and alarm blockers
- Added CAF VoLTE icon
- Disable Quick Settings on secure lockscreen
- Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.6.2.r1-05700-89xx.0' in HW/bluetooth
- Connectivity: improved TCP parameters
- Fixed NPE with DropBoxManager
- Fixed NPE due to ext telephony
- Fixed CTS failure in camera
- Fixed QS dev tiles area
- Update translations
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Good work dev, please fix miracast as no miracast devices are recognised by the cast option in this rom
prin2ce said:
Good work dev, please fix miracast as no miracast devices are recognised by the cast option in this rom
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Casting to windows 10 laptop completely fine for me. Try rebooting once
Screen cast works finely on my llyod tv.thanx developer
Pls add a better scamera app in next build.
Rom is very great but just one con only camera app.
I like new feature of proximity calls in phone app.
I dont think any other rom(9.0) has that feature.
Screen casting work but has glitches and lags
Edit: everything is great on the latest build!
apranus said:
Screen casting work but has glitches and lags
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But still it works pretty fine for me.
New update!
- Upstreamed kernel to 3.18.132
- Implemented dt2w, s2w, sound control, haptic feedback control
- CPU governors: elementalX, alucard, darkness
- Added FINE_LOCATION for Bluetooth scans
- Updated PrivacyGuard from Lineage
- Settings: Switch styles
- Settings: Ambient display music ticker
- Fixed right padding for time picker
- Fixed bluetooth scan op permission for AppOps
- Fixed disappearing home/recents button on navigation bar
after unlocking keygaurd
- Fixed alert slider toasts for custom actions
- Fixed nav- and statusbar black theme
- Fixed notification channel info text color
- Fixed Google sounds picker storage permissions
- Fixed animation issue when opening Messaging app
- Themes: Lock day night mode
- Various frameworks fixes and improvements
Check ota or download: link
Harukey said:
New update!
- Upstreamed kernel to 3.18.132
- Implemented dt2w, s2w, sound control, haptic feedback control
- CPU governors: elementalX, alucard, darkness
- Added FINE_LOCATION for Bluetooth scans
- Updated PrivacyGuard from Lineage
- Settings: Switch styles
- Settings: Ambient display music ticker
- Fixed right padding for time picker
- Fixed bluetooth scan op permission for AppOps
- Fixed disappearing home/recents button on navigation bar
after unlocking keygaurd
- Fixed alert slider toasts for custom actions
- Fixed nav- and statusbar black theme
- Fixed notification channel info text color
- Fixed Google sounds picker storage permissions
- Fixed animation issue when opening Messaging app
- Themes: Lock day night mode
- Various frameworks fixes and improvements
Check ota or download: link
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how is battery SOT?
is fm radio app included?
kindum said:
Is it for Redmi 4x or MI5?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Redmi 4X
eddaso said:
is fm radio app included?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
signature spoofing ? would be nice if you could make this rom microG compatible
saintjimmy1984 said:
signature spoofing ? would be nice if you could make this rom microG compatible
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I flashed this rom today and it seems that there's no signature spoofing support

[ROM][10][OFFICIAL] ionOS v2.6.a [vince][13.05.2020]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
ion-2.6.a for Redmi 5 Plus (vince)
About us
ion is based on AOSP including Pixel Goodies & lots of customizations
Check feature list
Check screenshots
Download ROM
Reboot to Recovery
Wipe system, vendor, data, cache
Flash ROM
Flash Magisk (optional)
If you get bootloop or something like this please flash earlier build or another booting rom, backup your important files from internal storage and Format Data
If you get FastBoot screen please reflash ROM again.
Telegram Announcement Channel
Telegram Support Group
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/AnkitGourav
UPI: [email protected]
Device Tree
Common Tree
Kernel Tree
Vendor Tree
Android OS version: 10
Security patch level: May 2020
Build author: NitroFuN
Source code: GitHub
ROM Developer: AnkitGourav
Device side:
- Kernel upstream to 4.9.223
- Fixed bootanimation
- Added prebuilt Camera Go
- Added qcom power hal
- Removed XiaomiParts & Dirac
- Enabled Smart Charging in settings
- Enabled QS System Info in settings
- Updated device fingerprint from Pixel 4XL May patch
- Updated padding overlays
- Updated DPM blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated Radio blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated Modem blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated QMI blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated TimeService blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated Power from LA.UM.7.6.2.r1-05700-89xx.0
- Updated power-off alarm blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated perf stack blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated postprocessing blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated GPS stack from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated graphics and media blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated Peripheral manager blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated Wi-Fi Display blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated Widevine blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated DRM/TEE/Gatekeeper/Keystore blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated QTI bluetooth stack from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Updated QC RIL service from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-06600-89xx.0
- Added some missing blobs
- Some performance improvements
ROM Side:
- May Security Patch
- Added battery bar
- Added in-call vibration options
- Added internal audio recording to screenrecord
- Added option to select bitrate to screenrecord
- Added R style notification section headers
- Added AOSP accents
- updated GApps
Device side:
- Rebase to the new trees
- Fixed rounded corners
- Safetynet (ctsProfile) should pass (Remember to enable Magisk Hide in Magisk Manager)
- Updated thermal config
- Updated thermal blobs
- Enabled FPS Info QS tile
- Some small fixes and improvements
ROM side:
- April Security Patch
- Added Screen Stabilization
- Added option to block back gesture on IME
- Added haptic feedback on back gesture
- Added Android R style screen record dialog
- Added panel for some QS tiles
- Added Ringtone vibration pattern
- Added FPS info tile
- Fixed overlapping Carrier label & heads up text
- Fixed SystemUI crash on high resolution QS header images
- Fixed custom lockscreen wallpaper
- Improved QS Tiles layout
- updated GApps
- other bug fixes & improvements
Device side:
- Kernel upstream to 4.9.213
ROM side:
- February Security Patch
- Added Statusbar clock custom color
- Added Lockscreen ownerinfo fonts & size
- Added extended screenshot
- Added some more Lockscreen clock styles
- Added Source sans pro font style
- Added new custom text clock
- Added custom text clock customizations
- Added new improved Ambient Edge Pulse
- Added more edge pulse customizations
- Added Dynamic Immersive mode tile
- Fixed IME selector toggle
- Improved screenshot tile
- Improved partial screenshot
- Improved Lockscreen weather
- other bug fixes & improvements
Device side:
- Kernel upstream to 4.9.211
- Probably fix Airtel & Vodafone India Volte
- Smart Charge is now available in Advanced Battery settings
- Increase ZRAM size to 1GB
- Switch to AOSP SurfaceFlinger (Performance should be improved)
- Fix low recording volume
- Update Graphics and Media blobs from LA.UM.8.6.2.r1-03700-89xx.0
ROM Side:
- Added RGB Accent Color picker
- Added ARGB QS header color picker
- Added RGB QS Panel Color picker
- Added option to hide Lockscreen Clock & Date
- Added FOD icon picker
- Added Burn-in Protection toggle
- Added option to allow to use VPN through tethering
- Added option to hide cutout
- Added QS System Info
- Added Lockscreen Date styles
- Allow selecting Lockscreen art blur to 0
- Fixed Settings crash in some cases
- Fixed data usage tile
- Fixed SystemUI crash in some cases
- Improved QS panel layout
- Improved Sammy clock style
- Improved Network Traffic Indicator
- Improved Privacy Indicator
- Enabled PermissionBar Chart in Settings
- Removed Google Recorder
- updated some GApps
- updated back gesture height values
- other bug fixes & improvements
Device side:
- Upstream kernel to 4.9.208
- Pass SafetyNet without Magisk and additional modules
- Power HAL updated to 1.2
ROM Side:
- January Security Patch
- Added Russian translation (by @alonzo)
- Added Lockscreen digital & Sammy clock style
- Added option to select VoLTE icons
- Added version info while installing apps
- Added Ambient Visualizer
- Added QS header image
- Added option to blink flashlight on incoming calls
- Added Square & Cylinderical icon shapes
- Added option to hide pill in full gestural nav mode
- Added option to hide lock icon from lockscreen
- Added option to change header image height
- Fixed battery estimate
- Improved QS Panel
- Improved & Added new brightness slider
- updated some GApps
- other bug fixes & improvements
- Upstream kernel to 4.9.207
- Added Edge Light Customizations
- GamingMode: Added option to disable all type of headsup notifications
- Added option to disable notification vibration
- Added List view animations & interpolators
- Added ADB over network
- Added Running Services to QS panel footer
- Added toggle to disable user icon from QS panel footer
- Fixed old style mobile data type indicator
- Fixed notification LED
- other fixes & improvements
- Updated some GApps
- Fix Wi-Fi Display
Device Side:
- Upstream kernel to 4.9.206
- Add aptX blobs
ROM Side:
- December Security Patch
- Added Lockscreen Binary clock style
- Added Lockscreen charging animation
- Added Customizable Rouneded corner & Padding
- Added QS Tile animation
- Added Smart Charging
- Added screenrecord option in Power Menu
- Added Gaming Mode
- Added Battery Light customization
- Added option to customize QS Panel footer text
- Added option to customize Ambient Display brightness
- Added option to hide back arrow gesture
- Added Circle battery style
- Added old merged type mobile data indicator
- Added Reboot Bootloader/SystemUI option in Reboot tile
- Added Data Switch Tile
- Added Edge Lighting
- Added new Network Traffic Layout
- Added option to change Lockscreen Visualizer color
- Added button navigation bar layout
- Added toggle to hide location icon from statusbar
- Added Pixel Live Wallpaper
- Boost Framework improvements
- Brightness dialog improvements
- Fixed Bluetooth crash
- Fixed possible SystemUI crash
- Fixed screenrecord crash on custom DPI
- Fixed clock not refreshing in some cases
- Fixed navigation bar gets enabled after reboot
- Fixed battery charging symbol not refreshing
- Fixed Lockscreen date fonts not changing in some cases
- Improved Screen Cast Tile
- Improved Privacy Indicator
- Improved Live Display Tile
- Improved clock settings for devices with notch
- Improved screenrecord
- Improved power button torch
- Improved Network Traffic
- Improved Statusbar icons padding
- Improved ionizer
- Increased Wi-Fi scan interval
- Updated some Google Apps
- Lots of other bug fixes and improvements
Device Side:
- Upstream kernel to 4.9.202
- Changed statusbar padding
- Fixed black screen issue in some cases
ROM Side:
- Added custom charging symbol on text charging
- Added toggle to enable headsup for dialer only
- Added option to mute media with gestures
- Added option to hide statusbar on lockscreen
- Added option to disable QS on secure lockscreen
- Added Wakelock Blocker
- Added Alarm Blocker
- Added Suspended Actions
- Fixed improper tinting of statusbar icons
- Added Carrier Label customizations
- Added custom system animations
- Improved media notifications layout
- Added option to hide Privacy Indicator
- Added charging Watt in lockscreen charging info
- Added power-off functionality to reboot tile
- Added option to force expanded notifications
- Added increasing ring feature
- Added Lockscreen Clock & Date customizations
- Improved network Traffic
- Added option to disable auto brightness toggle in QS Panel
- Added option to force expanded settings
- Added per app legacy apps aspect ratio control
- Added Live Display
- Added Reading mode & Live Display tile
- Added option to enable FP in Pocket mode
- Added Ambient Display Battery Toggle
- Added Ambient music ticker
- Added option to enable AOD on charging only
- Added double tap to triger doze
- Added Noisy Notifications toggle
- Fixed "Clear All" recent app screen loop bug
- Added option to auto hide statusbar clock
- Added OTA support
- other bug fixes & improvements
Device Side:
- First official build
- Kernel upstream to 4.9.199
- November Security Patch
ROM Side:
ion 2.1.a (Android 10)
- Added Agressive Battery
- Added Ambient Display Tile
- Added AOD Tile
- Added Battery Customizations
- Added Battery Charge Warning
- Added Battery level Animation in Settings
- Added Battery Styles
- Added Bluetooth battery
- Enabled Burn-in protection
- Added configurable lockscreen media art blur
- Added Configurable Power button Torch timeout
- Added Configurable QS Panel Rows
- Added configurable screen rotation
- Added configurable Volume timeout
- Added Compass Tile
- Fixed FP error vibration toggle not working
- Updated Google Apps
- Added Heads up Snooze function
- Added HW keys customization support
- Added HW keys Tile
- ionizer layout improvements & fixes
- Added kill button in Apps notification
- Fixed Lockscreen settings crash
- Added Lockscreen Visualizer & Pulse
- Added Music Tile
- Added Navigation bar toggle
- Added per-app cellular data, VPN & Wi-Fi usage restriction
- Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs
- Fixed Pixel Launcher crash in some cases
- Added Pocket Lock
- Added Privacy Indicators
- Added Proximity Check on Power button torch
- Added Qualcomm Boost Framework
- Added Quick Pulldown
- Fixed Recent Apps not closing in some cases
- Added Screen off animation
- Added Screenrecord
- Added Signature Spoofing support
- Added Soundsearch Tile
- Added Sleep screen Tile
- Added Smart Pixels
- Added Statusbar brightness control
- Added Statusbar Clock customization
- Added Statusbar Clock fonts
- App switching improvements
- Speed up orientation change
- Added VPN Tile
- Added toggle for QS footer text
- Added Toggle to disable HW Keys
- Added toggle to disable QS Clock
- Added Toggle to scramble lockscreen pin layout
- other bug fixes & improvements
- First build
Bro give us some SS
Nice work bro.... customisable with Android Q ?
What we 've got here is a very good, very smooth, fast and very responsive rom.
Every aspect of the rom I have tested so far, seems to work just great.
BT, in sound, calls seems great
Hot spot, usb tethering, very good.
Calls, no problem at all.
The speed of the rom is remarkable, as well.
APPS are opening and starting very fast.
This is a very much welcomed rom in the VINCE family.
Thank you very much dev @Bart_00 for this.
This is a job very well done
Is there an option to force app to display in full screen?
this is probably the fluidest Q rom for our vince, i already forgotting to back to pie lol.
Thx dev for bring it in to our vince, this rom is so gooood
Nice. Can't wait to try this ROM.
Just have 2 questions,
1. Has anyone tried VoLTE on this? Is it working?
2. Does this have Pixel Launcher pre-installed?
Does have pixel launcher installed as default
Nice rom gang
Nice ROM! Have the gcam7 preinstalled?
Goodrom smooth fast and battery backup
will there be future updates?
coz there is random ui shutter and lags ..changing kernel doesnot have any affect..
VisheshKachheda said:
Nice. Can't wait to try this ROM.
Just have 2 questions,
1. Has anyone tried VoLTE on this? Is it working?
2. Does this have Pixel Launcher pre-installed?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Volte seems to not working.
Bro can you please make this rom or any other for redmi S2 too (it have snapdragon 625 also) we have no android 10 rom for our device ?
Been using and loving it for sometimes now. But today I just realized that the audio from my Bluetooth headphones is weird. I can only hear buzzing sounds when I play music. The issue isn't with my headphones since I tested it with different devices and worked properly. Did anyone else had this problem? If yes, then please let me know if you found a fix for this. Other than that this ROM is amazing. It's definitely one of the smoothest ROM available for Vince right now.
VisheshKachheda said:
Nice. Can't wait to try this ROM.
Just have 2 questions,
1. Has anyone tried VoLTE on this? Is it working?
2. Does this have Pixel Launcher pre-installed?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1. Some people confirms that VoLTE works but I can't check this.
2. Yes
vnod said:
will there be future updates?
coz there is random ui shutter and lags ..changing kernel doesnot have any affect..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
New update will come soon
mohitdabas07 said:
Bro can you please make this rom or any other for redmi S2 too (it have snapdragon 625 also) we have no android 10 rom for our device
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No I don't have this phone
Red1999 said:
Been using and loving it for sometimes now. But today I just realized that the audio from my Bluetooth headphones is weird. I can only hear buzzing sounds when I play music. The issue isn't with my headphones since I tested it with different devices and worked properly. Did anyone else had this problem? If yes, then please let me know if you found a fix for this. Other than that this ROM is amazing. It's definitely one of the smoothest ROM available for Vince right now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I also use bluetooth headphones and I doesn't have a problem like this
Thanks for all feedbacks
This rom is pretty good and stable, why wouldn't you become an official ion maintainer for vince?
Fingerprint reader crashes every time i try to set it up
Please confirm about volte.... working or not? I can't wait to flash this...thank you
davidsohkhlet said:
Please confirm about volte.... working or not? I can't wait to flash this...thank you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's working fine


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BY : @RajKale99​
Device: Redmi Note 5
Maintainer: @RajKale99
Build Status: Official
* Your warranty is now void.
* We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone by installing any custom ROMs and/or kernels.
* You do it at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself and you are not to blame us or XDA and its respected developers.
''This is a user-friendly thread, all your suggestions are important to us and will be taken into consideration.."
''LEGIONOS Is just another rom which will be concentrating on features as well as battery performance on other hand , It Is based on AOSP and features are taken from many roms and packed it here"
Download the latest build and GApps
Reboot to recovery
Make nandroid backup (Not Necessary)
Wipe System, Data, Cache, Dalvik
Flash the latest build and GApps(on non Gapps build)
Download the latest build (gapps or non Gapps)
Reboot to recovery
Flash the latest build
Wipe Cache
Note: GApps only has to be flashed once and on non gapps buildwhereas Magisk/Su is to be flashed every time you Dirty Flash the OTA Update.
Note: Pico, Nano or Micro Gapps are recommended. We don't prefer STOCK/HEAVY Gapps​
XDA:DevDB Information
LEGIONOS For Redmi Note 5 / 5 Plus (Vince)
Contributors: Rajkale99
Kernel Source:: https://github.com/rajkale99/LegionKernel
ROM OS Version: 11 R
ROM Kernel: 4.9.x
ROM Firmware Required: Latest Fw
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: STABLE
Current Stable Version: v3.0
Stable Release Date: 20-09-2020
DATE :- 11-10-2020
Hello LegionOS Users
October update is here
• LegionOS updated to v3.2
• Merge October Security patch r5
• Added Analog ,Vertical, Digital clock style
• Added Lockscreen Quick unlock
• Global Actions with Advanced Reboot
• Long-press power while display is off for torch
• Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot
• Volume Rocker Wake
• Volume key music control
• Port: Wake on plug
• Disable/Enable screenshot sound
• Incall vibration options
• Fingerprint authentication vibration
• Added transparent notifications on lockscreen
• Show 4G instead of LTE switch
• Added VOLTE icon toggle
• Added 8 User Selectable VoLTE Icons
• Added VoWifi icon options
• Added 8 User Selectable VoWifi icons
• Added Volume key cursor control
• Added Lockscreen battery info
• Added Dash charging support
• SystemUI: optimize statusbar content padding
• SystemUI: Optimize system statusbar icons
• Added double tap to sleep on statusbar
• Added double tap to sleep on Lockscreen
• Make QS columns count configurable
• Camera: Force HAL1 for predefined package list.
• Fix permission issue with ThemePicker
• Add animations to quick settings tiles
• Add interpolators to qs tiles animation
• Added Battery light customization
• Added HeadsUp blacklists
• Added AOKP custom system animations
• Added XuiMod: Toast Animations
• Add option to disable scrolling cache
• Added toggling animations off option
• Added CPUInfo toggle tile
• Added Screen off animations options
• Added 8 Power Menu animations
• Lockscreen Clock Fonts
• Lockscreen Date Fonts
• Added hiding lockscreen shortcuts on secure lockscreen option
• Added Lockscreen Clock alignment options
• Added Lockscreen Clock styles
• Added Lockscreen Date Styles
• Added LS OwnerInfo Fonts & Size Options
• QS Tile tint customizations (Gradient , accent tint and Random tint)
• Added option to select bgPrimary or textColorPrimary for tile icon
• Added QS Label customizations ( default, random , accent, Gradient)
• Launcher: Add double tap to sleep gesture
• Launcher3: Use system fonts
• Added toggle to show Search bar on first screen
• Use ThemePicker as wallpaper picker package
• Launcher: implement hidden & protected apps
• Update all dark themes for R
• Added device personalisetions and ThemePicker permissions
• Move ThemePicker to display settings
• Improved Performance
#LegionOS keep supporting
Download :- https://sourceforge.net/projects/le...-vince-20201012-OFFICIAL-Vanilla.zip/download
Changelogs v2.11
Date :- 13 -08-2020
* Update LegionOS to V2.11
* Merged August Security Patch r41
* BetteryMeterView random color
* Adjust settings bg for clear theme
* Settings: Lottie Animations
* Remove White Bg in searchbar for dark theme
* Fix Dark TextSearchbar Color
* Themes: Add moar themes (fixes dark issues)
* Finally Fixed all updater issues
* Fix Ui Radius with darkUi themes
* Fonts : Add 16 more fonts in list
* Messaging: bring back accent color
* Messaging : Add dark theme with darkui
* Contacts: adaptive icon
* Contacts: add dark mode support
* OmniStyle: Cleanups
* Show battery percent / estimate in QS
* Allow showing music heads up on new tracks
* Fingerprint authentication vibration
* Added Edge Light customization
* Added 8 User Selectable VoLTE Icon
* Added QS-Clock: Font style & size options
* QS-Clock: Separate the Clock Colors as well
* Added VOLTE icon toggle
* Added Data disabled icon switch
* Added Quickbar brightness slider.
* Added separate options to show-hide for QQS Brightness Slider
* Added option for brightness slider position
* Added option for brighness icon
* Added option to hide QS drag handle.
* Added option for brightness control button
* Added oneplus autobrightness icon.
* Added option for settings icon in footer
* Update brightness slider UI with gradient
* SystemUI: Add statusbar NFC icon
* SystemUI: Add OnePlus Numbers clock
* SystemUI: Add Oneplus Minimal analog clock
* SystemUI: Add OnePlus Roman analog clock
* SystemUI: Add OnePlus Analog Clock Style
* SystemUI: Add OnePlus Minimalism clock
* Volume : Some minor animation tweaks
* Fixed some accent colors for dark themes
* Cleanup some Unused fod commits
* SystemUI: DataSwitchTile: update SIMs QS icons
* QsClock: fix clock color resetting
* Hide Statusbar on Lockscreen
* QSB Header Icons: fix dark on dark
* CaffineTile : add the timer
* Fix BT battery icon
* Hide multi user icon if devices has big notch
* User Selectable Network Traffic Fonts
* Added Dipper , Ysl , Wayne and Ocean in total (19) official devices
Download :-
Gapps :- LegionOS-v2.11-vince-20200812-OFFICIAL-Gapps.zip
Vanilla :- LegionOS-v2.11-vince-20200812-OFFICIAL-Vanilla.zip
Changelog :- V2.9
Date :- 15-06-2020
* LegionOS bump to v2.9
* Merged June Security Patch r39
* Fixed Advance reboot crash
* Fixed Screen Recording crash
* Fixed Status bar Battery padding
* Fixed layout of Qs Header
* Fixed Qs Panel excess paddings
* Fixed Hide Arrows Network Traffic
* Fixed Hot Reboot Tint
* Added Qs Panel Opacity
* Added Oos Screen recorder
* Added Internal audio support to recorder
* Added Qs Rows configuration
* Added Qs Header data usage info
* Added Qs Header with tons of images
* Added Qs Header different color styles
* Added Qs Header image height offset
* Added Qs Tint Random Tiles
* Added Qs Disco Tiles
* Added Qs Label Accent , Random and Gradient
* Added Statusbar Height configuration
* Added Ui Radius configurations
* Added Qs Gradient primary bar optional
* Added Powermenu background filter configuration
* Added More Cool Fonts
* Added Power/Reboot menu opacity
* Added Power animation customizations
* Added Power/Reboot background dim option
* Added Option to disable transition animations
* Added Network traffic placement options
* Added Add Network Traffic Layout
* Added Network traffic dynamic mode
* Added Toast animation customizations
* Added Fnatic Mode Qs tile
* Added Fod icon picker
* Added Fod recognizing animation
* Added Fod Pressed state behavior option
* Added Fod wallpaper color option
* Reworked Battery styles customizations
* Updated few qs drawables
* Removed Dark mode tile
* Qs Tile dimens back to aosp
* Battery: Redesign BatteryMeterView
* Updated Settings Dashboard new icons
* Reimplemented Asus extended screenshot
* And lots of improvements in the source
* Welcome Riva and Violet
Guys if you like our work then you can
support us by donating as it helps us pay net charges and motivates a lot. Here's our link:
Paypal: https://paypal.me/rajkale99
UPI/Google Pay(India): [email protected]
Download :- Gapps - Legion-v2.9-vince-OFFICIAL-20200616-Q-GAPPS.zip
Non Gapps- Legion-v2.9-vince-OFFICIAL-20200616-Q.zip
Once again thanks for supporting Legionos
What can I say
Very nice rom with a lot of UI improvements
Show Netflix in PlayStore?
Thread closed
Thread open again
@OP: Please check your PM-Inbox for more informtion.
Forum Moderator
Thanks Moderator
That amazing rom! And great battery!
Thanks for it
LeoSalvini said:
That amazing rom! And great battery!
Thanks for it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No info or screenshots? What's the launcher?
fede01_8 said:
No info or screenshots? What's the launcher?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
USB Conection
Cant change USB modes, someone know why?
Can not decrypt when input right password. Dirty flash from havoc 3.6
zxdzhuwei said:
Can not decrypt when input right password. Dirty flash from havoc 3.6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From orange fox recovery, install PassReset.zip
khaqanson2018 said:
From orange fox recovery, install PassReset.zip
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! Where can I get the PassReset.zip?
zxdzhuwei said:
Thanks! Where can I get the PassReset.zip?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is included in orange fox recovery.
Go to recovery
Then Files
FOX folder
Sd Card
Fox files
There you will find PassReset.zip
Install and all will be fine.
luistro said:
Show Netflix in PlayStore?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Netflix is hiding their application on the Play Store for custom rom users, so you cannot install Netflix from the Play Store.
But you can still install it from APKMirror, just download the right application for the right architecture.
khaqanson2018 said:
It is included in orange fox recovery.
Go to recovery
Then Files
FOX folder
Sd Card
Fox files
There you will find PassReset.zip
Install and all will be fine.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
zxdzhuwei said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For saying thanks you can simply hit the thanks button :laugh::fingers-crossed:
No tap twice to turn off screen?
Clear all notifications button missing.
Has signature spoofing? Thanks
---------- Post added at 12:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------
fede01_8 said:
No tap twice to turn off screen?
Clear all notifications button missing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is an imagen on the Botton
