Thicker bezels on left side? (manufacturing fault?) - Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T Questions & Answers

So I realized today that the bezels on the left side of the screen are thicker than on the right side on Mi 9T/K20, I was wondering if it's the same on all units or is there a manufacturing fault on the one I have. Needed confirmation in case I need to claim replacement. Are bezels even on both sides of your device or do you notice any difference?

I see no difference, i measure no difference. Is a fullscreen screenprotector tricking you ?
What is the actual difference?

Xfades said:
I see no difference, i measure no difference. Is a fullscreen screenprotector tricking you ?
What is the actual difference?
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I don't use screen protector. The bezel on left side is thicker, it feels as if the screen is shifted towards right side and is not centered in the body. I'll post a picture in a few minutes.

Xfades said:
I see no difference, i measure no difference. Is a fullscreen screenprotector tricking you ?
What is the actual difference?
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Please take a look
Bezel on the left is covering more screen than that on the right. It's not very clearly noticeable in the picture though.

Do you have bionic eyes or what? Can't see anything wrong lol

The black part seems the same size to me. Checked it in paint lol. If you mean the shiny frame, it might be because the other side has the buttons so that side seems flatter.

Xfades said:
The black part seems the same size to me. Checked it in paint lol. If you mean the shiny frame, it might be because the other side has the buttons so that side seems flatter.
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The left side seems kinda odd to me ? can you somehow share a picture of your display so I can get a better idea?

Micdu70 said:
Do you have bionic eyes or what? Can't see anything wrong lol
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Good one ?


Sent HD2 for screen repair, returned with non-glass screen.

My HD2 was developing an issue with it's screen, white patches were appearing. So I sent it off to O2 to be repaired, and while the problem has been fixed, it's been returned with a non-glass screen with no diamond shaped etching on it like I had on the original.
Anyone else had this?
what do you mean by diamond shaped etching? and is it still multitouch?
If you look closely on the HD2, the screen has fine diagonal lines etched on the glass which cross making what appears to be diamond shapes on the screen. The screen on mine isn't glass now, it's plastic and those fine lines aren't there. I was just wondering if anyone else had had a repair and had the same thing happen.
It is still mutlitouch. I'm just trying to decide if I should complain.
Pagnell said:
If you look closely on the HD2, the screen has fine diagonal lines etched on the glass which cross making what appears to be diamond shapes on the screen. The screen on mine isn't glass now, it's plastic and those fine lines aren't there. I was just wondering if anyone else had had a repair and had the same thing happen.
It is still mutlitouch. I'm just trying to decide if I should complain.
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Are there any other notable differences? Is it more easily scratched, less transparent, more reflective, etc.?
If so, then yes, you should definitely complain.
as plastic is alot more prone to scratches, i would complain...
Pagnell said:
If you look closely on the HD2, the screen has fine diagonal lines etched on the glass which cross making what appears to be diamond shapes on the screen. The screen on mine isn't glass now, it's plastic and those fine lines aren't there. I was just wondering if anyone else had had a repair and had the same thing happen.
It is still mutlitouch. I'm just trying to decide if I should complain.
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I understand this must be really annoying for you, but tbh I find it really interesting.
Is your new screen still capacitive? Does a normal stylus or other object still work on it? (ie. is it still resistive?)
I never realised you could get multitouch plastic screens....
i would definitely file a complain. you bought your hd2 with a glass screen and its weird that its plastic. yes there are diamond shaped etchings in the glass screen.
so all capacitive screens should be glass covered? hmm... interesting.
Pagnell said:
If you look closely on the HD2, the screen has fine diagonal lines etched on the glass which cross making what appears to be diamond shapes on the screen. The screen on mine isn't glass now, it's plastic and those fine lines aren't there. I was just wondering if anyone else had had a repair and had the same thing happen.
It is still mutlitouch. I'm just trying to decide if I should complain.
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I had mine repaired and yes, the lines seem to be gone. I think this has to do with the improved hardware and not because its plastic.
f*ck that. complain, you bought the hd2 and you want it back the same way you bought it.
This is either a HUGE insight to something about the amount of screen blotches being received.
You are dealing with a crappy fix.
I honestly have never heard of a PLASTIC CAPACITIVE LENS!?!?!
Will this be a common resolution to HD2 shatter/blotch?
there are capacative screens with plastic face...
the samsung f480 has one either
pkchips said:
I understand this must be really annoying for you, but tbh I find it really interesting.
Is your new screen still capacitive? Does a normal stylus or other object still work on it? (ie. is it still resistive?)
I never realised you could get multitouch plastic screens....
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Battle to the finish.
CyberSniper said:
I had mine repaired and yes, the lines seem to be gone. I think this has to do with the improved hardware and not because its plastic.
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That's good to know, maybe I'm wrong about it being plastic although it doesn't feel the same. Is your's definitely still glass?
Why not post some pics here ? Wanna see it. Best would be to do the pics in various angles to a light source to see what consistency it has ............
I noticed the diamond etchings on my HD2 straight out of the box brand new, still glass though.
may be we should look at tmob us screen and see it's type
Oberoth said:
there are capacative screens with plastic face...
the samsung f480 has one either
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All capacitivie screens are made of glass - or else the technology wouldn't work since its basically a grid with electric current covering the screen, and this grid you disturb with your fingers. Plastic is NOT leading electricity so it would not work. And btw, the Samsung F480 has a Resistive touchscreen.
That's not strictly true. Neither glass nor plastic conduct electricity - but both act as a dielectric for electrostatic fields. A capacitive touch screen can theoretically work with either plastic or glass (or even air), because capacitive touch doesn't actually require that you touch the screen.
glass conduct electricity
Strictly speaking, hardly anything conducts no electricity, it's just a question of a material's resistance and therefore the amount.

General question about touch screen of the HD

Hi I have bought a Blackstone on ebay,I have noticied that the touch screen have a little gap between the top of screen and the screen below.When you press the screen going down for about 1 mm it's normal?, I don't know if you understand me, my english it's very bad...
schuldiner said:
Hi I have bought a Blackstone on ebay,I have noticied that the touch screen have a little gap between the top of screen and the screen below.When you press the screen going down for about 1 mm it's normal?, I don't know if you understand me, my english it's very bad...
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The Blackstone has a plastic guard over the 'actual' screen. This will push in slightly. Sounds fine mate.
It shouldn't be like that. True, there is a tiny distance between digitizer and lcd, but NOT 1mm
retsam88 said:
It shouldn't be like that. True, there is a tiny distance between digitizer and lcd, but NOT 1mm
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I daresay there was a bit of an exageration in the original post to be honest, i agree with what you say though. How would you explain it to someone if you had the issue? The screen goes down 0.15mm? A bit hard to assume in these cases i believe. It seems exagerated, If it really was 1mm, the cover would be away from the phone yes?
1mm it was a approximate distance, may be it's less than 1mm I think, but you confirm that it's present a little distance between the first layer of the screen and lcd.
schuldiner said:
1mm it was a approximate distance, may be it's less than 1mm I think, but you confirm that it's present a little distance between the first layer of the screen and lcd.
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Yes mate, there is a slight gap between the screen and digitizer.

Poor construction of left/right sides of the screen?

Hi there!
Is anyone here having problem with the left and right side of the screen? When I slide my finger on the screen to the outside of the phone then I feel under my fingertip that the screen is a little bit under the body and with my fingertip I hook up some plastic part which seems to be between screen and aluminum body.
I hope I explained the problem
Anyone with the same issue? Is this a hardware issue or just stupidity of the HTC engineers?
Have you thought that this may have been done by design?
For those that put their phone screen down the screen is slightly raised off the surface thus not getting scratched......
mine is the same... i believe it's the design so you don't scratch the screen when it is face down
I prefer not putting the phone down the screen rather then having this unconformable feeling when I move finger on the screen...
Solution: Get like 3 or 4 screen protectors and lay them all on top of the screen at once. The thickness should bring them in line with the plastic rim and your fingers will no longer have to suffer the horrific feeling of a 0.2mm plastic ridge
My physical glass/plastic screen seems to be stuck further down on the top left and bottom right corners making it slant upwards to the other corners. I push the top right down and it seems to feel loose.
Is this what your issue is? because this is whats happening with mine.
dazultra2000 said:
Solution: Get like 3 or 4 screen protectors and lay them all on top of the screen at once. The thickness should bring them in line with the plastic rim and your fingers will no longer have to suffer the horrific feeling of a 0.2mm plastic ridge
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I think one should be enough.
michal_banszel said:
I think one should be enough.
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I have one, did the trick.
I think it's by design too, it's not a problem unless you make it one.
Smigit said:
I have one, did the trick.
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I'm very happy to hear that
Smigit said:
I have one, did the trick.
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Maybe this was the reason they did it?
LtdEdFred said:
Maybe this was the reason they did it?
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imteresting idea.... hmmm
but that means the lip is like 5 microns or something, the thickness of the screen protector

Really weird Screen/Glass problem

OK, so i just noticed something really weird on the screen of my Nexus S. Towards the bottom of the screen, right under those 4 touch buttons where the glass meets the housing, i see these grey stains. The stains are on the inside and i feel like it's the glue that was used to install/paste the glass. I think those grey stains on the inside are all around the glass but i can only see them on the top and bottom.
Anyone noticed something similar?
Any suggestions?
varungandhi said:
OK, so i just noticed something really weird on the screen of my Nexus S. Towards the bottom of the screen, right under those 4 touch buttons where the glass meets the housing, i see these grey stains. The stains are on the inside and i feel like it's the glue that was used to install/paste the glass. I think those grey stains on the inside are all around the glass but i can only see them on the top and bottom.
Anyone noticed something similar?
Any suggestions?
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care to post a pic?
Here's the picture
Sorry about the bad quality. i took a picture from my friend's phone, mms'ed it to myself and here's what i see. look at the grey outline around the glass on the bottom.
varungandhi said:
Sorry about the bad quality. i took a picture from my friend's phone, mms'ed it to myself and here's what i see. look at the grey outline around the glass on the bottom.
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need better picture
The glass is thicker at the top and bottom. I think that is what you're seeing. I just looked at mine in the light, and to me, it just looks like the edge of the glass. Just the nature of the curved glass imo.
I had a bit of glue around the edges of my screen. I just stuck some Scotch tape around the edges to pull it off.
i took my phone back to best buy. the guy there told me that this is a pretty common problem not only with nexus s but evo 4g also. he let me check about 6 devices (not exagerating) before making an exchange and i was quite surprised to see all those screens with some sort of defect around the top and the bottom. i picked the one that looked the best and went home satisfied.

Light bleed on the edge part of the screen?

I'm I the only one noticing there are some pretty obvious light bleed going on if looking at the phone from the side? I never had any edge device before, so I'm not sure if this is normal. I don't really notice it at all if I'm looking at the phone straight, only when I'm actually looking at its edge. The effect is even from the left and right side.
Sorry for the crappy pic, I already returned my JOD note 5 to Tmobile, so I had to dig out a real old LG optimus F6 with its crappy 5MP camera... reminds me of how much smart phone camera have came along..
This is my first EDGE as well, but it looks normal to me. The edges the light has to be pointed upwards and with the glass being curved it cause more light to refract and build up so it looks "worse" than it really is(At least that's how I saw it).
I'd guess that due to the curved glass, the glass would refract the light causing it to look like this.
Afaik an amoled display can't actually leak light since every pixel is actually the light rather than an LCD where it uses a backlight. Instead as others have pointed out, you are just seeing the refraction caused by the curved glass and the way it bends the light being emitted.
Ahh physics gotta love it ?
This is not a bleed
Because the panle is on the edge and you looking at it from the side so tge light will be direct .
Xileforce said:
Afaik an amoled display can't actually leak light since every pixel is actually the light rather than an LCD where it uses a backlight. Instead as others have pointed out, you are just seeing the refraction caused by the curved glass and the way it bends the light being emitted.
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great point. I forgot all about that.
Yup that's normal. All previous edges had the same.
Xileforce said:
Afaik an amoled display can't actually leak light since every pixel is actually the light rather than an LCD where it uses a backlight. Instead as others have pointed out, you are just seeing the refraction caused by the curved glass and the way it bends the light being emitted.
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Makes sense.
Now feeling a lot better after im sure phone is not defective
OK guys have any of you got light coming from between the screen an the metal frame ?
Negative I do not.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
Tidbits said:
Negative I do not.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
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I must be really unlucky I'm now on my 3rd handset and all 3 have had same issue. I have got to the point where fed up with it now. Just not gonna be swimming with it.
marcgear said:
OK guys have any of you got light coming from between the screen an the metal frame ?
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I notices this the other day especially on bright white screens the edges between glass/aluminum frame bleed light thru. I have this on my wifes S7 edge as well as mine.
jc83 said:
I notices this the other day especially on bright white screens the edges between glass/aluminum frame bleed light thru. I have this on my wifes S7 edge as well as mine.
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OK cheers good to know it's not just mine. Seems a bit odd how water resistant phone would allow light out in such a way if light can get out surley water can get in.
marcgear said:
OK cheers good to know it's not just mine. Seems a bit odd how water resistant phone would allow light out in such a way if light can get out surley water can get in.
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If I had to guess, this is most likely not light leaking through the crack, but rather just some light thats being manipulated by the curved glass and reflected onto the metal where it meets the glass. At least that's my best theory.
Xileforce said:
If I had to guess, this is most likely not light leaking through the crack, but rather just some light thats being manipulated by the curved glass and reflected onto the metal where it meets the glass. At least that's my best theory.
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I wish that was the case my friend. I first thought that so I taped the sides of the screen to block the light and still comes beaming through both sides.
If light is bleeding thru the cracks does that necessarily mean its not water proof anymore? If so we have a big problem as both mine and my wifes phone has this issue. Although we aren't dipping our phones in water or going to test it out, its nice to know that they are indeed waterproof.
Take a photo. I'd like to see it.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
marcgear said:
I wish that was the case my friend. I first thought that so I taped the sides of the screen to block the light and still comes beaming through both sides.
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Well what im referring to wshouldnt be affected by tape. I mean the light essentially uses the glass like fiber optic and shines out onto the top of the metal.
Taping it off wouldn't effect this since the light we would be seeing is essentially in the glass still.
Tidbits said:
Take a photo. I'd like to see it.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
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Just go to a white background on max brightness and hold the phone flat and look at where the glass meets the metal at like a 45 degree angle from above. You should be able to see it sort of lit up.
Xileforce said:
Well what im referring to wshouldnt be affected by tape. I mean the light essentially uses the glass like fiber optic and shines out onto the top of the metal.
Taping it off wouldn't effect this since the light we would be seeing is essentially in the glass still.
Just go to a white background on max brightness and hold the phone flat and look at where the glass meets the metal at like a 45 degree angle from above. You should be able to see it sort of lit up.
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That's light passing through the glass and not any type of gap. Taping off areas isn't going to affect the light reflecting through the glass.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
