Anyone could make default MIUI10 theme without lockscreen shortcuts?! - Xiaomi Mi 9 Themes, Apps, and Mods

as the title say, i am here to ask if someone with some know-how in MIUI theming could do a stock "Classic" theme of MIUI10 wihout lockscreen shortcuts in the bottom?!
cause i want to use the default theme, and already search hundreds of themes but none of them make me happy cause have a little detail here and there i didnt like so...if anyone could hep i will be very greatful...

sun_is_shinning said:
as the title say, i am here to ask if someone with some know-how in MIUI theming could do a stock "Classic" theme of MIUI10 wihout lockscreen shortcuts in the bottom?!
cause i want to use the default theme, and already search hundreds of themes but none of them make me happy cause have a little detail here and there i didnt like so...if anyone could hep i will be very greatful...
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Dude, you can use just the lockscreen of a random theme. Just change the wallpaper

[email protected] said:
Dude, you can use just the lockscreen of a random theme. Just change the wallpaper
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yeah i know i can use any theme, with lockscreen without that shortcut, but, see, i use the clock on the left of the lockscreen and the theme you show is on the center, so, even in settings you can change the position but since is a theme design they cant move for what side you want so...for me is a no go.
i just want a stock theme lockscreen with clock at left without shortcuts. i forget to say that, and its hard, really hard to find one theme with that specific rearangement.

sun_is_shinning said:
yeah i know i can use any theme, with lockscreen without that shortcut, but, see, i use the clock on the left of the lockscreen and the theme you show is on the center, so, even in settings you can change the position but since is a theme design they cant move for what side you want so...for me is a no go.
i just want a stock theme lockscreen with clock at left without shortcuts. i forget to say that, and its hard, really hard to find one theme with that specific rearangement.
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Ok. I'm busy with other things now, but I will try to make it.

[email protected] said:
Ok. I'm busy with other things now, but I will try to make it.
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hey man, thanks, but...could you make the side panel like, if you swipe from the left to the right a black backgrounded screen appear with Mi Remote and flashlight shortcut, can you remove that too?! i just need the lockscreen normal, like, no shortcuts and no side panel with Mi Remote and no Flashlight.
i use MIUI them editor some weeks ago but dont make that to work properly to make it like i want, much things are in chinese so i dont understand.

sun_is_shinning said:
hey man, thanks, but...could you make the side panel like, if you swipe from the left to the right a black backgrounded screen appear with Mi Remote and flashlight shortcut, can you remove that too?! i just need the lockscreen normal, like, no shortcuts and no side panel with Mi Remote and no Flashlight.
i use MIUI them editor some weeks ago but dont make that to work properly to make it like i want, much things are in chinese so i dont understand.
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Hey, bro
So, I did what I could now.
I took "Classic" Miui and change the lockscreen
1- I going to put "day of week" later. Only Chinese was working.
2- camera and flashlight still there but you won't see the icon.
Removed other tabs
Tell me if you see other bugs
Just extract the zip file and follow this.
To apply: themes -> my account -> themes -> import (end of the page) -> find the "Classic1.mtz" and apply.
All credits belongs to Xiaomi

[email protected] said:
Hey, bro
So, I did what I could now.
I took "Classic" Miui and change the lockscreen
1- I going to put "day of week" later. Only Chinese was working.
2- camera and flashlight still there but you won't see the icon.
Removed other tabs
Tell me if you see other bugs
Just extract the zip file and follow this.
To apply: themes -> my account -> themes -> import (end of the page) -> find the "Classic1.mtz" and apply.
All credits belongs to Xiaomi
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Hi, so, only now i have tested the theme you made with the changes, but receive an error, see the bellow on it to see full image, the error appears on the bottom.
Cause i change the region to Brasil, in Portugal if we have that location we dont get the Themes app avaiable to install or download themes, so i change my region to Brasil, even India, get same error always.


Today Screen Launcher IDEA.. please develop..

hi. i first posted this idea on the PointUI forum.. so forgive me for the blasphemous screen.. anyway.. i jsut want to share this idea for those developers, willing to create a scrolling today screen launcher..
click thumbnail for the animated demo..
the idea is, to create a launcher that is customizable (custom icons - TGA or PNG for transparency), scrollable, and FUN.. hehe..
anyway.. it's a simple horizontal swipe and scroll.. but the added feature of the - what i call - default pane..
the default pane should be a set of five shortcut icons (user configurable) that can be easily accessed from anywhere in the horizontal list.. how? double tap the space above the icons..
for example, you have a 16 icon horizontal list, if you are in the end of the list, and you have to go back to your default pane, just double tap the space above the icons, and the list will scroll back to your default pane..
also, there should be an option for memory or default..
the memory option remembers the last position of your launcher and remains where it is even after you launched a program or switched to another window..
the default view scrolls the list back to the default pane after launching a program or every time the today screen becomes active..
this idea could not just be a today screen plugin.. it can also be a launcher that can be called via screen gesture (FtouchSL/FtouchFLO).. the difference with this launcher, is if implemented, would just be an over-window rather than a full screen launcher.. it may also be a task switcher.. depends on the developers choice..
here's a quick demo..
[/i]click on the thumbnail for the animated demo..[/i]
once again, this is just an IDEA.... for someone else with the programming prowess..
i'm just good with photoshop and ideas. but binaries and hexadecimals kill me..
Good idea..i hope some one develops it...u can try Throttle launcher
Where did you find the picture?
Have you done it by yourself?
look into ultimatlaunch also... very similar to what you are wanting
with customize icons and wallpaper... wold be good.. and a feeds infos too on the clock and events apperance
the upper part of the picture/animation is the PointUI Home interface.. no credit for me with that..
the bottom part however is mostly my creation.. (the icons used were modified from bundled stardock icons for windowsXp)
i created the bottom part and the application launcher ribbon as an idea suggestion for the developers of PointUI..
a bit inspired by the leaked wm7 pix and the iphone springboard hacks they created over at
i don't really like PointUI that much (YET, but i'm getting there), so i also suggest the idea as a native Today Screen plugin.. and an all around launcher.. a minimalist approach, compared to the touchFLO cube and it's encarnations..
i don't like ultimate launcher that much.. i'm not into Tabbed launchers.. too much space consumed..
throttle launcher looks cluttered at the moment.. too much things are rendered on screen at the same time.. it takes up much time loading and, again, screen real estate.. i'm still eyeing for its future improvements though.. especially if it will be able to get customized, as in, to be able to select the features that will be loaded, and will not..
it's not likely that all people want to see a big clock, a bunch of contact pictures, all of the shortcuts, and running programs cramped in their screen at the same time..
Would be awesome...good idea buddy.
ytsejam_ said:
throttle launcher looks cluttered at the moment.. too much things are rendered on screen at the same time.. it takes up much time loading and, again, screen real estate.. i'm still eyeing for its future improvements though.. especially if it will be able to get customized, as in, to be able to select the features that will be loaded, and will not..
it's not likely that all people want to see a big clock, a bunch of contact pictures, all of the shortcuts, and running programs cramped in their screen at the same time..
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they have a single line launcher now, it the same thing you ar requesting. I'm also keeping an eye on them i think the single line can be a nice addon to every rom. (but it has to be easy customiseble)
If you combine Ultimate Launcher with some clever today screen plugins, especially with rltoday, you can do at least the first part with customization only.
if only the creator wants to make pointui for VGA sigh..
That concept has been done here
i tried v2r and though it was not that good....this idea is awesome though i would love to see it developed
I like the concept.... I'll try to achieve something similar with my app (ThrottleLauncher) and report back with what can be done . Some questions:
Any way of getting the art work used on your screen shots?
What are the left and right arrows on the clock for?
Thanks for that cool concept!
APBilbo said:
I like the concept.... I'll try to achieve something similar with my app (ThrottleLauncher) and report back with what can be done . Some questions:
Any way of getting the art work used on your screen shots?
What are the left and right arrows on the clock for?
Thanks for that cool concept!
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This is what I've so far. I know the look is not the same but without the background's it's the closer I can make it for the today plugin. For the "poping up" app, the same theme can be used without the clocks on throttle main app. A little modification on the app will be needed to show the prevous window as background.
APBilbo said:
This is what I've so far. I know the look is not the same but without the background's it's the closer I can make it for the today plugin. For the "poping up" app, the same theme can be used without the clocks on throttle main app. A little modification on the app will be needed to show the prevous window as background.
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awesome! if you could release your today plugin ribbon, my theme would be complete! really looking forward to this
Michaelr219 said:
awesome! if you could release your today plugin ribbon, my theme would be complete! really looking forward to this
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The today plugin ribbon is really eassy to achieve with my app ;-). I've made a simple theme for you. Just uncompress the zip file into your instalation dir of ThrottleLauncher (see my signature).
After that, go to ThrottleConfig app (it must be on your programs menu) and set plugin height to 38 (or higher if you customize the icons to be bigger), then sellect Ribbon on the combo box and click "Set Today's" button. Then on the actions menu (left softkey) select Edit AppDB, add as much app's as you wish (needed fields are title, name and exec, only select an icon if you wan't to override the default of the app). Select the app's you want to be on the Used list. After all that add throttletoday plugin to your today screen.
If you wan't to make some playing with the setup you can take a look at this tutorials
You can for example eassily set the ribbon to be 2 rowed, add a clock, add contact photodial ribbon, etc etc .
edit: removed atachment as it contained an error. Look some post's below for the correct one..
APBilbo said:
The today plugin ribbon is really eassy to achieve with my app ;-). I've made a simple theme for you. Just uncompress the zip file into your instalation dir of ThrottleLauncher (see my signature).
After that, go to ThrottleConfig app (it must be on your programs menu) and set plugin height to 38 (or higher if you customize the icons to be bigger), then sellect Ribbon on the combo box and click "Set Today's" button. Then on the actions menu (left softkey) select Edit AppDB, add as much app's as you wish (needed fields are title, name and exec, only select an icon if you wan't to override the default of the app). Select the app's you want to be on the Used list. After all that add throttletoday plugin to your today screen.
If you wan't to make some playing with the setup you can take a look at this tutorials
You can for example eassily set the ribbon to be 2 rowed, add a clock, add contact photodial ribbon, etc etc .
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awesome! thank you soo much, im going to incorporate this to the m-series of my iStyle theme, youll get much credit deserved for this. im gonna test this right now! thanks again!
Michaelr219 said:
awesome! thank you soo much, im going to incorporate this to the m-series of my iStyle theme, youll get much credit deserved for this. im gonna test this right now! thanks again!
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If you need more help or find any probs you know where to find me .
APBilbo said:
If you need more help or find any probs you know where to find me .
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i installed the latest version... and unzipped accordingly, i didnt get the "ribbon" as an option in the dropdown menu... and i cant find that clock ribbon like in your screenshot, if you could post that theme like in your first screenshot, itd be much appreciated, im trying to find something similar to the ribbon in pointui... i dont know how to design it, i just would like to easily scroll through a clock, calendar, and if possible, notifications... mainly just clock and calendar... also, is it possible to have it automatically "fall into place" on the flick/scroll... all your work is appreciated... and thank you in advance
Michaelr219 said:
i installed the latest version... and unzipped accordingly, i didnt get the "ribbon" as an option in the dropdown menu... and i cant find that clock ribbon like in your screenshot, if you could post that theme like in your first screenshot, itd be much appreciated, im trying to find something similar to the ribbon in pointui... i dont know how to design it, i just would like to easily scroll through a clock, calendar, and if possible, notifications... mainly just clock and calendar... also, is it possible to have it automatically "fall into place" on the flick/scroll... all your work is appreciated... and thank you in advance
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Sorry... my fault... there was an error on the zip. Setup xml must be inside a folder called Ribbon on the setups folder and not directly inside it. Here you have an update of the simple ribbon setup and the one of the screenshots above (this last will require a little work still but I upload it so you can test it ).

Change WM6 Startmenu Background

Hope this is the right place to ask this question.
Is it possible to change the background of the startmenu to a color or picture? in my p3600 (htc) its transparent and if i add a background (at today screen) i see it in the startmenu too and the text gets unreadable.
Would be cool if someone has a solution for this.
thank you
Hi nicus,
try QuickMenu from this forum.
Better menu in anyway and you can select colour or a pic
as background.
Best regards
or u can make your own theme(there u can change the color of the text) with
Oh cool, thanks for the answers.
I'm trying the theme generator
nicus said:
Oh cool, thanks for the answers.
I'm trying the theme generator
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there is also wisbar advance, but for me it is too complicated. The theme generator is a great tool, easy to use.
great tool yes!
i applied a new picture and everything works.. but if i change the picture in the today settings and apply, the startmenu is transparent again
did i miss an option in the theme generator?
nicus said:
great tool yes!
i applied a new picture and everything works.. but if i change the picture in the today settings and apply, the startmenu is transparent again
did i miss an option in the theme generator?
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So you dont want it transparent? I thought you want to change the text color.
I think you can put a picture also for the startmenu(but I am not sure).
Mikulec said:
So you dont want it transparent? I thought you want to change the text color.
I think you can put a picture also for the startmenu(but I am not sure).
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yes i want a fixed color or a image. i can chose one in the theme generator and this works till you chose another background-image for today in the settings (on the ppc).
nicus said:
yes i want a fixed color or a image. i can chose one in the theme generator and this works till you chose another background-image for today in the settings (on the ppc).
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I think this application is meant for each individual themes. U have to create each theme its own pattern.
edywanwan said:
I think this application is meant for each individual themes. U have to create each theme its own pattern.
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I think so too...
Another way i dont know.
If use QuickMenu, you can change anytime any pic w/o
to make a new theme and it is still present how u want.
I mean, the best solution or way to do this...

[Q] Changing Icons

Guys, I've been visiting this forum quite often now that Android has been ported. I found everyhing I needed, but there's something I just can't see how to do! I found some really nice icon packages. Well, the only question is how to use them? I didn't want to create a new thread, but there seems to be no answer to my question. Or I'm way to dumb and can't find it. Sorry and thanks in advance.
anycut or desktop visualizer can do it I believe
I just can't do it. If you could give me a step by step tutorial or something it would be extremely appreciated.
Anycut, Desktop Visualizer, Folder Organizer.... can only change shortcut icons I believe.
justwonder said:
Anycut, Desktop Visualizer, Folder Organizer.... can only change shortcut icons I believe.
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Yeah thats all he wants to do with the icon packs
I just did it ... better cut just kinda holds your hand and walks you through it.
But.... feeling nice i will tell you what I did.
I installed better cut then found icon packs I wanted to use.
Step 1: long press on the home screen and select shortcuts
Step 2: select better cut from the list of shortcuts.
Step 3: select the application you wish to use.
step 4: press change icon and find the icon you wish to use.
step 5: press create and voila your done.
No, I want to change the icons on the home screen and in the menu. Everywhere, actually.
oh well then try metamorph
but you have to find metamorph icon packs
That's what I was looking for! Thanks man. ^.^
I have a bit more indepth question relating to the same topic... I halped out with the Elegant Steel theme from this site and have most of it set up for metamorph but after I download and install metamorph, I go in and tell it to change the framework-res and it goes through the process, reboots the phone, I relaunch android, and it didn't change anything. I want to change the status bar, dialer, contacts, the whole 9 so to speak. Anyone know of a way to do that?
danwguy said:
I have a bit more indepth question relating to the same topic... I halped out with the Elegant Steel theme from this site and have most of it set up for metamorph but after I download and install metamorph, I go in and tell it to change the framework-res and it goes through the process, reboots the phone, I relaunch android, and it didn't change anything. I want to change the status bar, dialer, contacts, the whole 9 so to speak. Anyone know of a way to do that?
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Do you have root? You can use droid explorer to do it if you can get it to work...

How to change the statusbar buttons

hi guys,
i'm sorry that i had to post a new thread, but i didn't find the answer at my question, so.., is anyone who know how to change the buttons in statusbar(wifi, bt, 2g/3g, vibrate/general etc; look in the screenshoots below) to look like ics but i didn't find the right png and xmls.
the first screenshoot is what i have in this momment, and the second is what i want(the transparency i will do later)
(but without the 2 buttons encircled; but instead the 2 buttons i want the data(2g/3g) button )
So who can help me to do that?
PS: the rom is made by me, based on V20I branded(and i have a lg p500)
sorry for my bad english
> you need to config xml's if you also want to change bg color of the notification panel
> and some png's for the icons you want to replace
neko95 said:
> you need to config xml's if you also want to change bg color of the notification panel
> and some png's for the icons you want to replace
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ok, i will try that too(because vikasb32 answered me in another post and he told me to look in lg-res.apk somewhere in /system/framework).
mih406 said:
ok, i will try that too(because vikasb32 answered me in another post and he told me to look in lg-res.apk somewhere in /system/framework).
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Dude i am 100% sure if you want to change notification power button you need to change png in lge-res.apk.i made ics theme for stock rom so i know that.just try dude
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
vikasb32 said:
Dude i am 100% sure if you want to change notification power button you need to change png in lge-res.apk.i made ics theme for stock rom so i know that.just try dude
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
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ok thanks a lot, it works .
1. Now if you can, i want to tell me what to change to get that progress bar showed in the first screenshoot. In the second screenshoot is what i have in this momment.
2. And i want to change the buttons, for example in deskclock.apk these are the buttons(third screenshoot), and i want to change that buttons to this buttons(the 4th screenshoot).
LE: i found another problem: after i themed the contacts.apk and phone.apk everything looks and work good, but the number buttons they aren't visible(the 5th screenshoot), and i want to make it visible, to look like in your theme
LE2: sorry, but after i change the statusbar buttons(wifi,data,gps, etc) and after i put transparency i got this statusbar(6th screenshoot). Now, my question: is possible to make my statusbar to look like the ics statusbar(7th screenshoot), but instade of date i want the carrier.

Lockscreen icons

Is there any chance to change lockscreen icons look?
As I see icons are always default one from theme which is used. If I change app icon in drawer or on home screen, icon for that(same) app is still default on lockscreen.
Is it somehow possible to set your own icons? Maybe with root? But still don't know how ...
Root, Xposed (not sure about lg compatibility though?) or maybe via Substratum.
There are a few options available I guess
Thanks for advice. Xposed, good option.
But, yeah, I'm guessing too, because there's not much about that (connected with G6) on google.
akulp said:
Thanks for advice. Xposed, good option.
But, yeah, I'm guessing too, because there's not much about that (connected with G6) on google.
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If the icons were themed then they should stay themed on the lock screen? If you dont mind, which theme are you using? maybe there is another resolution of icon that needs to be added for this to be shown.
And which icons are they??
What launcher are you using??
I can say that i have found on my themes that even though i themed my icons, that when i press the home screen to change wallpapers that the original gallery icon shows up. So i may need to add different sizes and get those the right size.
cbucz24 said:
If the icons were themed then they should stay themed on the lock screen? If you dont mind, which theme are you using? maybe there is another resolution of icon that needs to be added for this to be shown.
And which icons are they??
What launcher are you using??
I can say that i have found on my themes that even though i themed my icons, that when i press the home screen to change wallpapers that the original gallery icon shows up. So i may need to add different sizes and get those the right size.
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Yup, I saw that theme also changes icons. I know that. You can also DL icon packages (MIUI) which also change icons, but they're not quit the same as original icon form package ...
The only problem is, that there's hard to found theme with all the icons. For example, non of original LG theme don't have exDialer icon.
So, a little playing with themes help somehow.
akulp said:
Yup, I saw that theme also changes icons. I know that. You can also DL icon packages (MIUI) which also change icons, but they're not quit the same as original icon form package ...
The only problem is, that there's hard to found theme with all the icons. For example, non of original LG theme don't have exDialer icon.
So, a little playing with themes help somehow.
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No sadly we cant theme non system applications with this theme engine. And what can do is still limited. We cant touch everything.
So yea you will need to find an icon pack that works. Sorry
