E5803 Kernel needed - Xperia Z5 Compact General

I bricked my e5803 by wrongly flashing recovery in flashtools in fastboot mode (flash system)
now it won't pass the Sony logo
i couldn't find the stock kernel.
can anyone send the stock kernel for me?
I just want to revert everything back to normal
- actually it's not my phone so.. I'm screwed up if I don't fix it ??*? help me

like .. something to reset everything back to normal? what should I do?
all data is backed up
just want the phone to boot

You need to download the stock firmware with xperifirm and then flash it with flashtool by Androxyde.
It's a very simple process, you can search for tutorials online

TheVan28 said:
You need to download the stock firmware with xperifirm and then flash it with flashtool by Androxyde.
It's a very simple process, you can search for tutorials online
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oh thanks, I done it and it's all back to normal


Tried to flash CWM with odin and it failed, i think its bricked

A friend tried to flash CWM ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2201860 ) for s4 and it failed...and now the phone is stuck..it says: Firmware upgrade encountered an issue.Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again
Phone model: i9505
Some help please? I don't know what to do
EDIT: i found that i can flash the firmware with odin..but i still have a question..im not really sure what firmware i had before..so is there any problem if i install firmware from other country or carrier?
You can find latest stock fw for your phone here.
I can't post external links so change wvw to www
waynevan2000 said:
You can find latest stock fw for your phone here.
I can't post external links so change wvw to www
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thanks but.. the phone isnt starting that's why i have to flash a firmware..so i can't check what firmware i have..
The flashing process failed at half of it..:/......
Just pick one of the latest.
btw if the flashing of the recovery fails then just try the standard stuff
- different usb port
- different cable
Lennyz1988 said:
Just pick one of the latest.
btw if the flashing of the recovery fails then just try the standard stuff
- different usb port
- different cable
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Finally worked to flash a firmware..i used europe firmware from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41072392&postcount=2
Aaaaand when the phone started, a error keeped showing up: samsung keyboard stoped working...and i entered in recovery menu and did a factory reset, and that error is still showing.... some help?..maybe i should flash other firmware? which firmware? i really don't know what firmware it had before..
And one more thing..i cant even connect to wifi because it says something about security error something that the system blocked an unwanted action or something like that :/..something from knox :/
PS: i flashed just the AP file but the firmware had more files :/..
raulx222 said:
Finally worked to flash a firmware..i used europe firmware from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41072392&postcount=2
Aaaaand when the phone started, a error keeped showing up: samsung keyboard stoped working...and i entered in recovery menu and did a factory reset, and that error is still showing.... some help?..maybe i should flash other firmware? which firmware? i really don't know what firmware it had before..
And one more thing..i cant even connect to wifi because it says something about security error something that the system blocked an unwanted action or something like that :/..something from knox :/
PS: i flashed just the AP file but the firmware had more files :/..
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Why did you want to flash a custom recovery, to just flash a custom rom? If so, then just flash the custom recovery again and then flash the custom rom you want.
And why would you just flash the ap file if the firmware has more files? Makes no sense to me.
Lennyz1988 said:
Why did you want to flash a custom recovery, to just flash a custom rom? If so, then just flash the custom recovery again and then flash the custom rom you want.
And why would you just flash the ap file if the firmware has more files? Makes no sense to me.
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Thanks! i managed it.. 2 S4 devices got Imperium v13 ROM

[Q] Need stock rom and flashing method i9506

Hello there..
I have a Galaxy s4 lte qualcomm 4g.
Flashed cm11 4.4.4
CyanogenMod Version : 11-20150102-unofficial-ks01lte
Base-band : i9506XXUCNJ1
Recovery : Philz touch recovery 6.x.x.x
I want to revert back to stock android touch-wiz 4.4.2 but unable to find the Odin flash-able file or cwm flash file.
Can anyone give some clear instruction on how to go back to stock and download sources ????
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
born_high said:
Hello there..
I have a Galaxy s4 lte qualcomm 4g.
Flashed cm11 4.4.4
CyanogenMod Version : 11-20150102-unofficial-ks01lte
Base-band : i9506XXUCNJ1
Recovery : Philz touch recovery 6.x.x.x
I want to revert back to stock android touch-wiz 4.4.2 but unable to find the Odin flash-able file or cwm flash file.
Can anyone give some clear instruction on how to go back to stock and download sources ????
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Download Sources and flashing procedure are here thanks to @DeHAWK
next time search in the forums before creating new threats its against xda rules
bryanfeanor said:
Download Sources and flashing procedure are here thanks to @DeHAWK
next time search in the forums before creating new threats its against xda rules
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Well i kind of know the rules of XDA.
But here's the catch, i have tried that method mentioned above.
Downloaded the .tar file and flashed via Odin. And now my phone is stuck on Samsung logo forever.
That's why posted here.
Here's some screenshots of odin
born_high said:
Well i kind of know the rules of XDA.
But here's the catch, i have tried that method mentioned above.
Downloaded the .tar file and flashed via Odin. And now my phone is stuck on Samsung logo forever.
That's why posted here.
Here's some screenshots of odin
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You are only flashing a kernel...not a full 4.4.2 original image.
And that's why you're stock on the boot logo.
born_high said:
Well i kind of know the rules of XDA.
But here's the catch, i have tried that method mentioned above.
Downloaded the .tar file and flashed via Odin. And now my phone is stuck on Samsung logo forever.
That's why posted here.
Here's some screenshots of odin
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For the complete image, you can get from here:
or here:
born_high said:
Well i kind of know the rules of XDA.
But here's the catch, i have tried that method mentioned above.
Downloaded the .tar file and flashed via Odin. And now my phone is stuck on Samsung logo forever.
That's why posted here.
Here's some screenshots of odin
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As mentioned you are flasing only kernel, i use odin 1.85
stock 5.0.1 roms mega mirrors http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...06-lolipop-official-samsung-firmware-t3023794 thanks to @Mar10
and tar files from 4.4.2 open nordic countries thanks to @DeHAWK
XXUCNJ11 https://mega.co.nz/#!cNE3nDSB!zjPWcM7OI-ltonzAuMKDdREinHr6ilm-ZBg0oqxD2k8
XXUCNI1 https://mega.co.nz/#!1EtAWTQB!zHVAwXe3odz6ipvhZmpdSXUnTKy1w_oYRpRlRMRa6DQ
take the battery out wait 5-10 secs and enter to download mode to avoid modem issues.
its not recomendable but if you have a backup of a pit file for your phone select it and thick re-partition, this is dangerous but may help with bootloop only if flashing the firmware with no repartition work, repartition with out a pit file may brick your device.
bryanfeanor said:
As mentioned you are flasing only kernel, i use odin 1.85
stock 5.0.1 roms mega mirrors http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...06-lolipop-official-samsung-firmware-t3023794 thanks to @Mar10
and tar files from 4.4.2 open nordic countries thanks to @DeHAWK
XXUCNJ11 https://mega.co.nz/#!cNE3nDSB!zjPWcM7OI-ltonzAuMKDdREinHr6ilm-ZBg0oqxD2k8
XXUCNI1 https://mega.co.nz/#!1EtAWTQB!zHVAwXe3odz6ipvhZmpdSXUnTKy1w_oYRpRlRMRa6DQ
take the battery out wait 5-10 secs and enter to download mode to avoid modem issues.
its not recomendable but if you have a backup of a pit file for your phone select it and thick re-partition, this is dangerous but may help with bootloop only if flashing the firmware with no repartition work, repartition with out a pit file may brick your device.
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Thank you for the reply
I will give it a try and let you know the results.
One more noob question..
I did a back up of my touchwiz before converting to CM.
And i got the back up file as normal file folder instead a zip file.
I wonder if there is a way to restore it.
I already tried zipping it and restoring from philz recovery...but it says bad file.
Screenshots of Backup :
born_high said:
One more noob question..
I did a back up of my touchwiz before converting to CM.
And i got the back up file as normal file folder instead a zip file.
I wonder if there is a way to restore it.
I already tried zipping it and restoring from philz recovery...but it says bad file.
Screenshots of Backup :
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you´re welcome.
did you do the backup from philz recovery? i never did a backup from recovery, only with titanium, so i really dont know, but to restore a backup needs to be done from the same source that the backup was created. for the screen shots looks like a CWM recovery backup good luck.
bryanfeanor said:
you´re welcome.
did you do the backup from philz recovery? i never did a backup from recovery, only with titanium, so i really dont know, but to restore a backup needs to be done from the same source that the backup was created. for the screen shots looks like a CWM recovery backup good luck.
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yes its a cwm backup file created with philz..
And i was able to restore it via the recovery under restore oiption.
but after the first samsung screen (samsung galaxy s4) and a blue T logo, it gets struck on the third screen with only samsung written on it with a solid blue led.
(( what the heck am i doing wrong.
Anyway i flashed the full image with odin..(taken from your link).
And back to touchwiz again.
Thanks a lot.
One more thing is, it changed my baseband version a bit.
Build number : I9506XXUCNJ1
born_high said:
yes its a cwm backup file created with philz..
And i was able to restore it via the recovery under restore oiption.
but after the first samsung screen (samsung galaxy s4) and a blue T logo, it gets struck on the third screen with only samsung written on it with a solid blue led.
(( what the heck am i doing wrong.
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T logo?
well the backup is from another build xxucnj2 from the screen shots,try restoring only data in adavance restore option or reflash this
http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/download/39412/I9506XXUCNJ2_I9506TELCNJ1_TEL.zip/ and try again, you may have to create an account to download the file is free,
bryanfeanor said:
T logo?
well the backup is from another build xxucnj2 from the screen shots,try restoring only data in adavance restore option or reflash this
http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/download/39412/I9506XXUCNJ2_I9506TELCNJ1_TEL.zip/ and try again, you may have to create an account to download the file is free,
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Sorry to bother you again.
But i am facing a new kinda problem now with custom recoveries.
After flashing NEE-I9506XXUCNJ1-20141114075501 yesterday it got auto updated to 5.0.1 lollipop .
Now i am stuck with stock recovery.
Tried to flash philz 6.x.x.x as before with odin. The odin process completes itself and reboots the phone.
But when i try to get into recovery still its booting in stock recovery.
Any solution on how can i flash custom recovery on this ?
Additional info
Baseband version : I9506XXUDOA6
Flash your Favorite Custom Recovery with Odin 3.xx and put it to AP. Check that Auto Reboot isn't marked. After successful flashing your Phone won't to reboot. USB Cable out and put your Battery out and wait few seconds. Put your Battery in and reboot it to Recovery. The Stock Recovery can't now overwrite the Custom Recovery.
born_high said:
Sorry to bother you again.
But i am facing a new kinda problem now with custom recoveries.
After flashing NEE-I9506XXUCNJ1-20141114075501 yesterday it got auto updated to 5.0.1 lollipop .
Now i am stuck with stock recovery.
Tried to flash philz 6.x.x.x as before with odin. The odin process completes itself and reboots the phone.
But when i try to get into recovery still its booting in stock recovery.
Any solution on how can i flash custom recovery on this ?
Additional info
Baseband version : I9506XXUDOA6
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in lollipop i used TWRP recovery (TWRP_2.8.4.0_ks01lte_20150207.tar.md5)https://www.mediafire.com/folder/p3rwwfm7xn76x/TWRP flashed with odin 1.85 no problems.
but after rooting with cf autoroot http://download.chainfire.eu/502/CF-Root/CF-Auto-Root/CF-Auto-Root-ks01lte-ks01ltexx-gti9506.zip( extract and flash with odin in pda) because cf autorrot flash stock recovery after rooting.
Important after rooting flash immediately custom recovery, if you boot in stock recovery after root all apps will force close and you will need to wipe data (stock recovery wipe data will delete internal memory as well), so do not boot in stock recovery.
bryanfeanor said:
in lollipop i used TWRP recovery (TWRP_2.8.4.0_ks01lte_20150207.tar.md5)https://www.mediafire.com/folder/p3rwwfm7xn76x/TWRP flashed with odin 1.85 no problems.
but after rooting with cf autoroot http://download.chainfire.eu/502/CF-Root/CF-Auto-Root/CF-Auto-Root-ks01lte-ks01ltexx-gti9506.zip( extract and flash with odin in pda) because cf autorrot flash stock recovery after rooting.
Important after rooting flash immediately custom recovery, if you boot in stock recovery after root all apps will force close and you will need to wipe data (stock recovery wipe data will delete internal memory as well), so do not boot in stock recovery.
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You are a life saver man, you know that .
I will give it a shot and let you know the results.
Phew finally its done...
Thank you guys for keeping up with my noob questions.
happy Androiding
born_high said:
Phew finally its done...
Thank you guys for keeping up with my noob questions.
happy Androiding
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You´re welcome, we all were noobs, and in somethings we still are, thats the best part of this, something new comes everytday so much to learn and do.

tried to root phone, stuck in bootloop (Recovery is not Seandroid Enforcing)

so i tired to root my note 4 (SM-N910F) with this thread.
- Download and unzip the CF-Auto-Root-....zip file (see posts below this one)
- If you end up with a recovery.img and cache.img file, you've extracted twice. You need to end up with a .tar.md5 file - don't extract that one
- (USB) Disconnect your phone from your computer
- Start Odin3-vX.X.exe
- Click the PDA button, and select CF-Auto-Root-....tar.md5
- Put your phone in download mode (turn off phone, then hold VolDown+Home+Power to boot - if it asks you to press a button to continue, press the listed button, or run adb reboot download command)
- (USB) Connect the phone to your computer
- Make sure Repartition is NOT checked
- Click the Start button
- Wait for Android to boot
- Done (if it took you more than 30 seconds, you need practise!)
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i did exactly what he said and now im stuck in bootloop.
Set Warranty Bit: recovery
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please help!!
ben.anter said:
so i tired to root my note 4 (SM-N910F) with this thread.
i did exactly what he said and now im stuck in bootloop.
please help!!
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boot in to download mode flash custom recovery via odin like twrp then you can boot again and then flash super su flashable zip from recovery 2.48 i think it is then you will be rooted thats what i done
strikerdj2011 said:
boot in to download mode flash custom recovery via odin like twrp then you can boot again and then flash super su flashable zip from recovery 2.48 i think it is then you will be rooted thats what i done
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can you help me with that?
pull you battery out so phone is off then put it back in and follow this >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-zvwUS6as4
Then Follow This >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azHHB9X15LE
ben.anter said:
so i tired to root my note 4 (SM-N910F) with this thread.
i did exactly what he said and now im stuck in bootloop.
please help!!
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were you on lolipop when you were rooting???
---------- Post added at 02:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------
ben.anter said:
so i tired to root my note 4 (SM-N910F) with this thread.
i did exactly what he said and now im stuck in bootloop.
please help!!
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download the lolipop firmware of germany ...from sammobile.com/firmwares
put the phone in download mode.....
through odin flash this firmware on your phone....
you have lolipop.... then you will be rooted by exactly the same method which failed you last time
The best, easy and most safe way to fix your problem is to flashing a stock firmware again with odin. Just pull out your battery, put it on again, get in Download mode and flash the Rom with ODIN, let it boot and you will have your phone working again.
Once you get it, download this and extract it until you get a ".tar" file. Put your device in download mode again and flash the tar file. It should be working nice (there could be some random reboots while booting, that's normal for CF-Root process, just wait)
If you can't enter in recovery mode after this, download TWRP for the N910F from here.
galaxynote2 said:
The best, easy and most safe way to fix your problem is to flashing a stock firmware again with odin. Just pull out your battery, put it on again, get in Download mode and flash the Rom with ODIN, let it boot and you will have your phone working again.
Once you get it, download this and extract it until you get a ".tar" file. Put your device in download mode again and flash the tar file. It should be working nice (there could be some random reboots while booting, that's normal for CF-Root process, just wait)
If you can't enter in recovery mode after this, download TWRP for the N910F from here.
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was going to recommend that way but he pm me saying how did i fix mine as i had same problem so i just replied how i fixed it the way i fixed it lol
strikerdj2011 said:
pull you battery out so phone is off then put it back in and follow this >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-zvwUS6as4
Then Follow This >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azHHB9X15LE
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i cant reach my phone im stuck in bootloop.
galaxynote2 said:
The best, easy and most safe way to fix your problem is to flashing a stock firmware again with odin. Just pull out your battery, put it on again, get in Download mode and flash the Rom with ODIN, let it boot and you will have your phone working again.
Once you get it, download this and extract it until you get a ".tar" file. Put your device in download mode again and flash the tar file. It should be working nice (there could be some random reboots while booting, that's normal for CF-Root process, just wait)
If you can't enter in recovery mode after this, download TWRP for the N910F from here.
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you want me to restart to root process? it will not cause the same problem again?
ben.anter said:
i cant reach my phone im stuck in bootloop.
you want me to restart to root process? it will not cause the same problem again?
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Since your device is international it shouldn't have a locked recovery or something so that makes me think that you did something bad in the process. Reflash the rom and root it with the link I put before. If still doesn't work try to install TWRP with odin too and see if the problem dissapears.
please keep quoting me so my email advices me and I can help you fastly.
galaxynote2 said:
Since your device is international it shouldn't have a locked recovery or something so that makes me think that you did something bad in the process. Reflash the rom and root it with the link I put before. If still doesn't work try to install TWRP with odin too and see if the problem dissapears.
please keep quoting me so my email advices me and I can help you fastly.
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i did 100% as the tutorial said, maybe the phone is locked or something =/
so right now how do i flash the rom?
i just download firmware from sam mobile customized to israel and install with odin?
ben.anter said:
i cant reach my phone im stuck in bootloop.
you want me to restart to root process? it will not cause the same problem again?
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ben.anter said:
i did 100% as the tutorial said, maybe the phone is locked or something =/
so right now how do i flash the rom?
i just download firmware from sam mobile customized to israel and install with odin?
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Yep, download any firm you want no matter of region, just make sure it is for N910F. Sammobile will download really slow if you don't have paid account so I recommend you to find any mirror for it. Once downloaded, flash it with odin and let it boot!
Did you try the root on Kitkat? the CF-Auto root is not compatible with Kitkat, only lollipop (I also had bootloop when tried on Kitkat).
Download this files and try the root process again (this files are from 20.01.2015):
galaxynote2 said:
Yep, download any firm you want no matter of region, just make sure it is for N910F. Sammobile will download really slow if you don't have paid account so I recommend you to find any mirror for it. Once downloaded, flash it with odin and let it boot!
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does it matter what version of odin i use?? and i put the md5 rom file in the PDA line?
lnvincible said:
Did you try the root on Kitkat? the CF-Auto root is not compatible with Kitkat, only lollipop (I also had bootloop when tried on Kitkat).
Download this files and try the root process again (this files are from 20.01.2015):
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my phone version is 4.4.4 android
First get it back to stock
Hi man,
I would first get the phone back to stock firmware by following the guide on this page:
Then Root it by flashing TWRP reovery:
And via TWRP flash SuperSU:
Just follow the instructions and links and you should be fine.
As long as the phone goes into dowload mode you can't really fail this one.
Good luck
Willem1975 said:
Hi man,
I would first get the phone back to stock firmware by following the guide on this page:
Then Root it by flashing TWRP reovery:
And via TWRP flash SuperSU:
Just follow the instructions and links and you should be fine.
As long as the phone goes into dowload mode you can't really fail this one.
Good luck
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did exactly what he said! thanks for the help! phone working great with root

Can't restore a stock rom back up I made in recovery any help?

So I made a back up of the samsung 6.0.1 stock rom in recovery I installed cm 13 but now I want to return back to stock when I restore it says that the restore was sucessful but when I am stuck to a green samsung logo and it does not boot any help how can I fix this?Thanks
Nick312 said:
So I made a back up of the samsung 6.0.1 stock rom in recovery I installed cm 13 but now I want to return back to stock when I restore it says that the restore was sucessful but when I am stuck to a green samsung logo and it does not boot any help how can I fix this?Thanks
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Hello if you have used twrp make sure its looking in the right dorectory if you cant go back and your device is bricked go to
And then download odin on your pc and iject this tar file put ur phone in download mode or this is to hard use samsung kies ! Or even search on youtube my ____ is bricked
infixremix said:
Hello if you have used twrp make sure its looking in the right dorectory if you cant go back and your device is bricked go to
And then download odin on your pc and iject this tar file put ur phone in download mode or this is to hard use samsung kies ! Or even search on youtube my ____ is bricked
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Also, use Smart Switch. Same as Kies but faster and nicer Ui.
infixremix said:
Hello if you have used twrp make sure its looking in the right dorectory if you cant go back and your device is bricked go to
And then download odin on your pc and iject this tar file put ur phone in download mode or this is to hard use samsung kies ! Or even search on youtube my ____ is bricked
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The direction is on the sd card the recovery says it's sucesfull but can't seem to boot maybe I should try flashing a stock 6.0.1 rom and then the back up?
Nick312 said:
The direction is on the sd card the recovery says it's sucesfull but can't seem to boot maybe I should try flashing a stock 6.0.1 rom and then the back up?
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What rom were you on? If you were on stock you may as well install the origanal and when google asks you to sign in restore everything ! If you do do the way your going to make sure you back up the 6.0.1 to. Good luck
Nick312 said:
So I made a back up of the samsung 6.0.1 stock rom in recovery I installed cm 13 but now I want to return back to stock when I restore it says that the restore was sucessful but when I am stuck to a green samsung logo and it does not boot any help how can I fix this?Thanks
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CM13 uses Lollipop bootloader and you are trying to restore a 6.0.1 rom which is using Marshmallow bootloader, thats why you are getting green samsung logo.
You have to flash stock rom 6.0.1 to be able to restore that 6.0.1 backup.
#Henkate said:
CM13 uses Lollipop bootloader and you are trying to restore a 6.0.1 rom which is using Marshmallow bootloader, thats why you are getting green samsung logo.
You have to flash stock rom 6.0.1 to be able to restore that 6.0.1 backup.
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Ok thanks I will try to flash it again with a stock 6.0.1
Edit: I flashed the 6.0.1 and didn't have to restore the back up it seems everything was restored automatically ,although a lot of blotwear came again
Edit 2: I restored the back up and everything is fine

Stuck on boot after attempted root to recover files

Hi, xda dev forums,
I initially wanted to root my phone to recover my lost files since I accidentally factory reset. I followed this tutorial /watch?v=s2Xp-lQg1xs
and now after the Odin process, which I believe I messed up the Odin process and bricked it., I am stuck at the boot with a message saying that The phone is not running Samsung's official software. You may have problems with features or security. and you won't be able to install software updates. My phone is a Singapore import to the UK and I used the UK firmware associated with my current sim carrier to root. How do I resolve this problem? My Samsung S10+ won't boot to download or recovery mode only is able to reset onto this boot. Any solutions?
Put it in download mode and reflash the firmeare in odin
Player04 said:
Put it in download mode and reflash the firmeare in odin
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When I try it flashes goes back on that screen or I get something about bootloader being unlocked and cannot verify integrity etc press power to continue, which then is on the same screen.
edit: I managed to boot to it
Player04 said:
Put it in download mode and reflash the firmeare in odin
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Hey, I managed to save it and reflash. I want to recover my previously deleted files do you or anyone know of a free software that's able to do this?
U didnt back ir up on samsung cloud or google?
