Hi everyone,
I am running stock G920FXXU4DPIL (6.0.1) and I want to go back to stock G920FXXU3COI9 (5.1.1).
When I try to flash G920FXXU3COI9 with Odin, it fails at sboot.bin with error "sw rev check fail device 4 binary 3", which is quite normal because Samsung prevents flashing older bootloader over newer bootloader.
So I extracted the content of the stock firmware, removed sboot.bin, cm.bin, modem.bin and repacked a new .tar using android unified toolkit.
Then I flashed the resulting file with Odin.
Flashing worked but now I am stuck at Samsung logo. I cannot enter recovery either.
Only way to soft unbrick the phone is flash stock G920FXXU4DPIL again.
Why ??
I also want to go back to 5.1.1 as I don't like MM and N is also not too stable. so I have struggled alot tried 15 different firmwares from all regions but no luck all of them fails at sboot.bin device 5 binary 4 at last I flashed lollipop based zips and they also stuck at bootlogo. There is a combination firmware 5.1.1 with engineered bootloader which allow you to downgrade but fingerprint sensor don't work .
qasim799 said:
I also want to go back to 5.1.1 as I don't like MM and N is also not too stable. so I have struggled alot tried 15 different firmwares from all regions but no luck all of them fails at sboot.bin device 5 binary 4 at last I flashed lollipop based zips and they also stuck at bootlogo. There is a combination firmware 5.1.1 with engineered bootloader which allow you to downgrade but fingerprint sensor don't work .
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So do you know where I can find SM-G920F engineering bootloader?
I have searched hundreds of pages and it's nowhere to be found :'(
qasim799 said:
I also want to go back to 5.1.1 as I don't like MM and N is also not too stable. so I have struggled alot tried 15 different firmwares from all regions but no luck all of them fails at sboot.bin device 5 binary 4 at last I flashed lollipop based zips and they also stuck at bootlogo. There is a combination firmware 5.1.1 with engineered bootloader which allow you to downgrade but fingerprint sensor don't work .
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How do you mean not too stable? It works perfectly! I installed CYV version, not a single glitch since install. Everything works like a charm and battery is muvh better than on MM. Plus it has some pretty awesome options.
OK i managed to find a combination firmware:
However there is a pit file inside. Does this mean I have to repartition the device?
Seems tricky since I want to be able to flash a stock firmware afterwards.
Can I extract and flash only sboot.bin from combination firmware?
From my understanding, once I have the engineering bootloader, it will let me flash an older one...
couitchy said:
OK i managed to find a combination firmware:
However there is a pit file inside. Does this mean I have to repartition the device?
Seems tricky since I want to be able to flash a stock firmware afterwards.
Can I extract and flash only sboot.bin from combination firmware?
From my understanding, once I have the engineering bootloader, it will let me flash an older one...
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there is no problem with it. You can go back to any MM or N firmware.
---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------
ilDuceo said:
How do you mean not too stable? It works perfectly! I installed CYV version, not a single glitch since install. Everything works like a charm and battery is muvh better than on MM. Plus it has some pretty awesome options.
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Maybe I"m fed up from N grace ux as before N was released i was using note 7 grace ux port. Lollipop is so responsive if you used it then you can feel that is pretty obvious.
It worked!
I flashed COMBINATION_OXA_FA50_G920FXXU4APF1_OXA4APF1_CL6658 768_QB10183466_REV02 to get the engineering bootloader rev4.
Then I tried to flash G920FXXU3COI9_G920FOXA3COJ1_G920FXXU3COI9_HOME but it failed at sboot.bin device 4 binary 3 which prooves that even engineering bootloader prevents downgrade.
Then I tried to flash G920FXXU3COI9_G920FOXA3COJ1_G920FXXU3COI9_HOME without sboot.bin, cm.bin and modem.bin => it worked (not stuck at Samsung logo anymore).
My fingerprint scanner is not working but baseband is here (IMEI ok).
So I have kind of a "hybrid Lollipop" G920FXXU3COI9_G920FXXU4BPF1 but that's ok for what I wanted to do
EDIT: CF-Auto-Root-zeroflte-zerofltexx-smg920f doesn't seem to work when using engineering bootloader => I guess I'll have to find a new way to root the phone :-S
so any good way to do it ? because nougat is bad
Finally I got it rooted using TWRP and flashing SuperSU
So, to sum up, here is what I did to downgrade from stock G920FXXU4DPIL (6.0.1) to stock G920FXXU3COI9 (5.1.1):
(my guess is it will also work with Nougat)
1. Find combination firmware with engineering bootloader matching your current bootloader revision (mine was 4) - unfortunately this step may not be free
2. Find stock firmware you want to downgrade to (even if it is packed with an older sboot.bin bootloader)
3. Extract stock firmware, remove sboot.bin, cm.bin and modem.bin
4. Repack stock firmware to tar (with android unified toolkit for example) without the 3 .bin files
5. Flash combination firmware with Odin
6. Let it boot once and then go back to Odin
7. Flash repacked stock firmware with Odin
Additional steps to get root:
8. Download SuperSU (flashable zip)
9. Download TWRP
10. Flash TWRP with Odin
11. Enter recovery (TWRP) and flash SuperSU
Voilà !
Does it work with G925F (edge) too? Because I really want to downgrade to 5.1.1 as well because it was the best version for the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge in my opinion.. Battery life was VERY good, design was pretty amazing... and Samsung is blocking the downgrade (which is very STUPID!)
Okay I downgraded my S6 edge sucessfully to 5.1.1!
I missed that old UI soo mucchh thanks for your guidance
halloo7 said:
Does it work with G925F (edge) too? Because I really want to downgrade to 5.1.1 as well because it was the best version for the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge in my opinion.. Battery life was VERY good, design was pretty amazing... and Samsung is blocking the downgrade (which is very STUPID!)
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Actually there is a reason Samsung doesn't want you to downgrade bootloader: I noticed that every bootloader update usually comes with modem/baseband update, which implies some modifications in the /efs partition as well. An older bootloader would then be unable to read new /efs partition, resulting in a null IMEI. That is why the correct way to downgrade is to flash the old system files but keeping current modem/baseband.
The real stupid thing here is that the stock MM bootloader prevents stock LP image to boot. Fortunately the engineering bootloader can bypass this
halloo7 said:
Okay I downgraded my S6 edge sucessfully to 5.1.1!
I missed that old UI soo mucchh thanks for your guidance
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Cool !
Sometimes I get a Kernel Problem. The phone crashes randomly after the downgrade. How to fix this?
the only thing i want now is a way to make fingerprint sensor work. If anybody know something about it please reply.
qasim799 said:
the only thing i want now is a way to make fingerprint sensor work. If anybody know something about it please reply.
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I think fingerprint sensor is somehow related to something inside cm.bin (cryptography management). As long as we don't get cm.bin matching both bootloader version and system image version at the same time, I don't see a way to make it work :crying:
couitchy said:
I think fingerprint sensor is somehow related to something inside cm.bin (cryptography management). As long as we don't get cm.bin matching both bootloader version and system image version at the same time, I don't see a way to make it work :crying:
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i flashed latest cm.bin from nougat it boots up but fingerprint sensor is still not working and with engineering bootloader, the rom crashes at certain apps and get really snapier when unlocking phone with pin or pattern. So i am back to nougat i gave up downgrading almost downloaded whole sammobile 5.1.1 firmwares non of them is having a B:5 K:2 S:2 bootloader I was expecting such rom because on Verizon S6 , there is a 5.1.1 firmware that successfully allows to get down with same latest sboot.bin and i still believe there is a firmware like that for our model too but it is really hard to find it.
couitchy said:
Finally I got it rooted using TWRP and flashing SuperSU
So, to sum up, here is what I did to downgrade from stock G920FXXU4DPIL (6.0.1) to stock G920FXXU3COI9 (5.1.1):
(my guess is it will also work with Nougat)
1. Find combination firmware with engineering bootloader matching your current bootloader revision (mine was 4) - unfortunately this step may not be free
2. Find stock firmware you want to downgrade to (even if it is packed with an older sboot.bin bootloader)
3. Extract stock firmware, remove sboot.bin, cm.bin and modem.bin
4. Repack stock firmware to tar (with android unified toolkit for example) without the 3 .bin files
5. Flash combination firmware with Odin
6. Let it boot once and then go back to Odin
7. Flash repacked stock firmware with Odin
Additional steps to get root:
8. Download SuperSU (flashable zip)
9. Download TWRP
10. Flash TWRP with Odin
11. Enter recovery (TWRP) and flash SuperSU
Voilà !
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I've tried flashing the firmware without the binfiles but It just gets stuck on file analysis.
I want to downgrade my SM-A310F to earlier Android versions, but Odin blocks this with the Error: "SW REV. CHECK FAIL. DEVICE: 3. BINARY: 2."
So apparently I can only install firmware files which come with the same Bootloader I'm currently on (so 3) and not earlier versions. For me it's Android 7 and the latest update of 6.0.1 which where made for this bootloader. But I want to downgrade to earlier versions of Android (please don't ask why, I know that these don't have the latest security patches etc. pp.).
So my first idea was I should downgrade the bootloader first so it matches the firmware I want to install. I extracted the recovery.img out of the firmware file, packed it in a .tar file and flashed it successfully through Odin. But unfortunately I get the same error in Odin like above when trying to flash the firmware again, so the bootloader maybe didn't downgrade?!
What can I do to downgrade my bootloader?
I want to install a stock Android ROM, so Custom ROMs are not an option. I heard I can install a Custom Bootloader, like TWRP, which allows installing every firmware?!
But does that trip my KNOX counter? My KNOX is still 0, so if there's an option to downgrade to earlier ROMs without tripping KNOX I'd be glad to hear it.
So I found the answer myself.
Apparently it is not possible to simply downgrade the Bootloader. I didn't fully dig into this, but to simply flash some image with Odin won't do the trick at least.
What works however is to downgrade to an older firmware with an older bootloader even if one keeps the newer bootloader on his device.
So what's the trick? One downloads the firmware file (.tar) which one wants to downgrade to and opens it with an archiver application (7zip). One extracts all the files to a folder and repacks them again in a .tar file but leaving every file out which ends on .bin (e.g. sboot.bin etc.). This .tar file can be flashed like any other firmware file via Odin and it should run through it without any problems.
I can not confirm that the downgrade works for every firmware version, but at least I could downgrade from Android 7 Nougat to 6.0.1 Marshmellow while the first one comes with the SW Rev 3 bootloader and the latter with SW Rev 2 bootloader. Again, I don't know how far into the past this works, e.g. if you can downgrade from 7 to 5.1.1 with this method.
Another option is always a Custom ROM (like this one for 5.1.1 for example) which doesn't check the Bootloader version.
I don't know if this method trips KNOX since I had tripped it already before figuring this out (very well could be, since you're not flashing a signed firmware file anymore...).
mcpossity said:
So I found the answer myself.
Apparently it is not possible to simply downgrade the Bootloader. I didn't fully dig into this, but to simply flash some image with Odin won't do the trick at least.
What works however is to downgrade to an older firmware with an older bootloader even if one keeps the newer bootloader on his device.
So what's the trick? One downloads the firmware file (.tar) which one wants to downgrade to and opens it with an archiver application (7zip). One extracts all the files to a folder and repacks them again in a .tar file but leaving every file out which ends on .bin (e.g. sboot.bin etc.). This .tar file can be flashed like any other firmware file via Odin and it should run through it without any problems.
I can not confirm that the downgrade works for every firmware version, but at least I could downgrade from Android 7 Nougat to 6.0.1 Marshmellow while the first one comes with the SW Rev 3 bootloader and the latter with SW Rev 2 bootloader. Again, I don't know how far into the past this works, e.g. if you can downgrade from 7 to 5.1.1 with this method.
Another option is always a Custom ROM (like this one for 5.1.1 for example) which doesn't check the Bootloader version.
I don't know if this method trips KNOX since I had tripped it already before figuring this out (very well could be, since you're not flashing a signed firmware file anymore...).
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So I found the answer myself.
Apparently it is not possible to simply downgrade the Bootloader. I didn't fully dig into this, but to simply flash some image with Odin won't do the trick at least.
What works however is to downgrade to an older firmware with an older bootloader even if one keeps the newer bootloader on his device.
So what's the trick?
mcpossity said:
One downloads the firmware file (.tar) which one wants to downgrade to and opens it with an archiver application (7zip). One extracts all the files to a folder and repacks them again in a .tar file but leaving every file out which ends on .bin (e.g. sboot.bin etc.). This .tar file can be flashed like any other firmware file via Odin and it should run through it without any problems.
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Hi there mcpossity.
Can you please be more specific on this trick part? Please share the steps you followed.
With a S7 Edge
My phone has updated on the last version of Android 8.0.0 Oreo (01.12.2020), with the last version of Bootloader (7th). I want to downgrade my device to Android 6.0.1, but all version for this OS have BLv1, so I am in the same situation than you (but one gen. later). Can I downgrade my phone, with the same methode ? If so, can you explain this in detail or give me a custom OS ? Thanks in advance.
I tried with this methode and this doesn't work : Odin has shut down when I have started the process. What was wrong ?
Downgrade using old versions of LineageOS?
Hi, I've got the same problem: I installed LineageOS 17.1 (Andoroid 10) which upgraded my Bootloader to 5. Now I need to go back to stock ROM but cannot do so because the error says: "SW REV. CHECK FAIL (BOOTLOADER) DEVICE: 5, BINARY 1.
Is it possible to install an early Lineage OS that downgrades the Bootloader and then install stock ROM? Where would I find the BL version of LineageOS?
PS: In my case Galaxy S8
galaxynoobie said:
Hi, I've got the same problem: I installed LineageOS 17.1 (Andoroid 10) which upgraded my Bootloader to 5. Now I need to go back to stock ROM but cannot do so because the error says: "SW REV. CHECK FAIL (BOOTLOADER) DEVICE: 5, BINARY 1.
Is it possible to install an early Lineage OS that downgrades the Bootloader and then install stock ROM? Where would I find the BL version of LineageOS?
PS: In my case Galaxy S8
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story is not completely same but my device is note 9 exynos and i did march patch BL is 5 and android 10 & 9 is sucks so need 8.1 but can't go back need serious help
Hey I'm Sam said:
story is not completely same but my device is note 9 exynos and i did march patch BL is 5 and android 10 & 9 is sucks so need 8.1 but can't go back need serious help
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have you ever rosolved this ?
i have s9 note, want disperatly to downgrade to oreo for call recording. I feel cheated from samsung, what a waste of money....
Nemonavicusrino said:
have you ever rosolved this ?
i have s9 note, want disperatly to downgrade to oreo for call recording. I feel cheated from samsung, what a waste of money....
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in the same boat as you, cube acr does record but the recording quality is very poor and the recording does not work when you are using Bluetooth headphones
Need help with recording
bilaliz said:
in the same boat as you, cube acr does record but the recording quality is very poor and the recording does not work when you are using Bluetooth headphones
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Find something here, but i am not sure what i need, seem promising. I feel so cheated by this companies that put this restrictions on OUR HARDWARE. I do not understand, why something i pay today, dont work as espected tomorow, for SECURITY REASON. I want to asume risk and i do not know who is the owner. Me or samsung or google ?
Espect day when phones is replaced by personal computer model. I want this OS on this hardware, with this app for calling and ...voila. I am at rage now : a 1000+ euro hardware canot record WHAT I SPEAK AND WHAT IS SPEAKED TO ME? if i put call on speaker and 10 person hear what is the diference...
Please help !
GuestD1009 said:
So I found the answer myself.
Apparently it is not possible to simply downgrade the Bootloader. I didn't fully dig into this, but to simply flash some image with Odin won't do the trick at least.
What works however is to downgrade to an older firmware with an older bootloader even if one keeps the newer bootloader on his device.
So what's the trick? One downloads the firmware file (.tar) which one wants to downgrade to and opens it with an archiver application (7zip). One extracts all the files to a folder and repacks them again in a .tar file but leaving every file out which ends on .bin (e.g. sboot.bin etc.). This .tar file can be flashed like any other firmware file via Odin and it should run through it without any problems.
I can not confirm that the downgrade works for every firmware version, but at least I could downgrade from Android 7 Nougat to 6.0.1 Marshmellow while the first one comes with the SW Rev 3 bootloader and the latter with SW Rev 2 bootloader. Again, I don't know how far into the past this works, e.g. if you can downgrade from 7 to 5.1.1 with this method.
Another option is always a Custom ROM (like this one for 5.1.1 for example) which doesn't check the Bootloader version.
I don't know if this method trips KNOX since I had tripped it already before figuring this out (very well could be, since you're not flashing a signed firmware file anymore...).
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you sure this method works? i want to downgrade from 9 to 8. I am desperate now. But i don't know if it'll work. I've read thousands of words and all say it won't work.
S10 downgrade bootloader
I'm also in the same boat, Galaxy S10 (Exynos). Android 10 doesn't support PPTP VPN hotspot, and now my bootloader has been upgraded to U4. So yeah..
this seems helpful. are there anyone tried this on a s10 exynos?
ya not alone with an Samsung.....i'm on Sony Xperia 1 and after the update to Android 10 i have couple issuse with Soft restart out of nowhere everyday ones or more
dowangrade to Pie wasn't the problem but with Pie i went into an Gyroscope error....display isn't turning anymore i tried everything to get the sensor working but nothing helped
after updating to Android 10 Sensor running well
PlayJ004 said:
With a S7 Edge
My phone has updated on the last version of Android 8.0.0 Oreo (01.12.2020), with the last version of Bootloader (7th). I want to downgrade my device to Android 6.0.1, but all version for this OS have BLv1, so I am in the same situation than you (but one gen. later). Can I downgrade my phone, with the same methode ? If so, can you explain this in detail or give me a custom OS ? Thanks in advance.
I tried with this methode and this doesn't work : Odin has shut down when I have started the process. What was wrong ?
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same here
Me now with sm-p615 (tablet)
GuestD1009 said:
So I found the answer myself.
Apparently it is not possible to simply downgrade the Bootloader. I didn't fully dig into this, but to simply flash some image with Odin won't do the trick at least.
What works however is to downgrade to an older firmware with an older bootloader even if one keeps the newer bootloader on his device.
So what's the trick? One downloads the firmware file (.tar) which one wants to downgrade to and opens it with an archiver application (7zip). One extracts all the files to a folder and repacks them again in a .tar file but leaving every file out which ends on .bin (e.g. sboot.bin etc.). This .tar file can be flashed like any other firmware file via Odin and it should run through it without any problems.
I can not confirm that the downgrade works for every firmware version, but at least I could downgrade from Android 7 Nougat to 6.0.1 Marshmellow while the first one comes with the SW Rev 3 bootloader and the latter with SW Rev 2 bootloader. Again, I don't know how far into the past this works, e.g. if you can downgrade from 7 to 5.1.1 with this method.
Another option is always a Custom ROM (like this one for 5.1.1 for example) which doesn't check the Bootloader version.
I don't know if this method trips KNOX since I had tripped it already before figuring this out (very well could be, since you're not flashing a signed firmware file anymore...).
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How on earth did you do that??
Which archive are you talking about when you say you unpack all the files and repack them without every .bin file?
I'm guessing the BL archive because that's the only one with a lot .bin files in it.
So I tried the archive and repacked it. But Odin would always get stuck at "file analysis..."
Also did you flash the modified BL first and then the AP, CP and CSC or did you flash it all at once?
I've got the same problem here. I want to downgrade my Galaxy S7 from Android 8.0 to Androud 7.0 but am unable to do so, to the point where I'm considering buying a completely new device just to have Android 7.0 again.
There is a way but...only Samsung's engineer are able to hack / trick this.
It is require special file to flashing in device then Sofware protection will be removed
Ask an Samsung Mobile Engineer if you have relatives.
Aight, I have S7E G935F and I wanna sell the phone. I wanted to unroot the phone, so I installed stock firmware through ODIN. I added AP, CP and CSC. I didn't add BL 'cause it gave me an error (sw rev check). Now I can't open S health for example, because it says it doesn't work on rooted phones, even though root checker says I don't have a root. Halp?
You need to flash the newest firmware for your phone CSC. That means including CSC. Newest firmware would not give you that error.
Hi, I have a S8 that is currently flashed with firmware version G950FXXU3CRGB (July). For research purposes I would like to flash this firmware back to G950FXXU1CRD7 (April). Is this possible? Odin keeps giving failed messaged on either sboot.img or boot.img. I tried building a new AP package which only includes system.img, but this one also fails...
Is it at all possible, or is the bootloader/Download-mode preventing me from downgrading?
thereof said:
Hi, I have a S8 that is currently flashed with firmware version G950FXXU3CRGB (July). For research purposes I would like to flash this firmware back to G950FXXU1CRD7 (April). Is this possible? Odin keeps giving failed messaged on either sboot.img or boot.img. I tried building a new AP package which only includes system.img, but this one also fails...
Is it at all possible, or is the bootloader/Download-mode preventing me from downgrading?
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You cannot downgrade firmware with a lower bootloader version than what is installed on your phone ie: your current bl is ver 3 and your trying to flash bl ver 1
spawnlives said:
You cannot downgrade firmware with a lower bootloader version than what is installed on your phone ie: your current bl is ver 3 and your trying to flash bl ver 1
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That's what I expected... I'm guessing this also goes for the system image itself? I don't really care about the bootloader, but I would like the system image to be as close as possible to that of April (especially `init`, `vold`, `blkid` and `zygote`). Otherwise I'm just going to search for a non-updated second hand phone.
thereof said:
That's what I expected... I'm guessing this also goes for the system image itself? I don't really care about the bootloader, but I would like the system image to be as close as possible to that of April (especially `init`, `vold`, `blkid` and `zygote`). Otherwise I'm just going to search for a non-updated second hand phone.
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This is one of the many reasons why I'm still on nougat ( ver 1 bl )- the inability to downgrade. I would also say going the other way holds true too upgrading the firmware without the upgrading the bootloader version would also cause issues.
I've also heard that doing a complete nandroid backup then upgrading then trying to restore does not work either.
I am unsuccessfully fighting with sotfbricked Galaxy S8 model G950F.
I've managed to flash via ODIN latest BL, CP and CSC, which makes stock recovery available.
So to sum up - only stock recovery and Download Mode works.
When flashing AP - no matter if correct file for latest firmware according to my CSC, or to other CSC files - Odin flashes almost 70%, then suddenly stops:
<ID:0/005> system.img
<ID:0/005> userdata.img
<ID:0/005> FAIL!
<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.
On the phone it says then in Download mode "only official released binaries are allowed to be flashed(SYSTEM)" in red.
Has anyone successfully solved similar situation? Any ideas worth trying?
download the right firmware. check your latest firmware of phone model at sammobile.
Already did that. Downloaded almost 9 different firmware for either my carrier CSC or country CSC, but the error persists.
what binary your phone required?
What do you mean?
I've tried to flash G950FXXS7DTB5, G950FXXS7DTA6, G950FXXS7DTA1 for OPV and XEO regions.
it will work if you flash the right set of firmware.
It seems like right set of firmware doesn't work
SDeba said:
It seems like right set of firmware doesn't work
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G950FXXS7D numer 7 you must look in other firmwares
Every single binary 7 firmware is failing due to "only official released binaries are allowed to be flashed(SYSTEM)" in red in Download Mode after trying to flash.
SDeba said:
Every single binary 7 firmware is failing due to "only official released binaries are allowed to be flashed(SYSTEM)" in red in Download Mode after trying to flash.
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Only official binary error is probably due to flashing firmware not signed by Samsung. This can happen when bootloader is locked and/or rmm/kg state is prenornal ( flashing non Samsung firmware )
While flashing the correct Samsung firmware will normally get you out of trouble with the error message.
What odin version are you using?
Can you post a screen shot of download mode.
I've tried ODIN 3.13.1 , 3.14.4, 3.14.1 (patched), 3.12.7 in various firmware configurations.
Below screenshot of data from download mode (with KG State - Prenormal), and screenshot of the error after trying to flash AP.
Model SM-G950F
Model name Galaxy S8
Version Android 9
Changelist 17263988
Build date Fri, 31 Jan 2020 04:08:10 +0000
Security Patch Level 2020-02-01
Product code OPV
i hope this work for you
lindow13 said:
Model SM-G950F
Model name Galaxy S8
Version Android 9
Changelist 17263988
Build date Fri, 31 Jan 2020 04:08:10 +0000
Security Patch Level 2020-02-01
Product code OPV
i hope this work for you
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Just like I've stated before - tried flashing this firmware many times without luck.
can send a odin screenshot with firmware loaded? this set of firmware. and try using frija tool to download firmware
spawnlives said:
Only official binary error is probably due to flashing firmware not signed by Samsung. This can happen when bootloader is locked and/or rmm/kg state is prenornal ( flashing non Samsung firmware )
While flashing the correct Samsung firmware will normally get you out of trouble with the error message.
What odin version are you using?
Can you post a screen shot of download mode.
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I've tried ODIN 3.13.1 , 3.14.4, 3.14.1 (patched), 3.12.7 in various firmware configurations.
SDeba said:
I am unsuccessfully fighting with sotfbricked Galaxy S8 model G950F.
I've managed to flash via ODIN latest BL, CP and CSC, which makes stock recovery available.
So to sum up - only stock recovery and Download Mode works.
When flashing AP - no matter if correct file for latest firmware according to my CSC, or to other CSC files - Odin flashes almost 70%, then suddenly stops:
<ID:0/005> system.img
<ID:0/005> userdata.img
<ID:0/005> FAIL!
<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.
On the phone it says then in Download mode "only official released binaries are allowed to be flashed(SYSTEM)" in red.
Has anyone successfully solved similar situation? Any ideas worth trying?
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I don't really get your point. Do you want to install the official firmware or a custom one? One easy solution would be to flash twrp and search the forum for a ROM you want to flash (there is even stock debloated ones that are better than total stock in my opinion). Can you please provide more details on what you are trying to achieve and what's the problem?
SDeba said:
I've tried ODIN 3.13.1 , 3.14.4, 3.14.1 (patched), 3.12.7 in various firmware configurations.
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Anything above Odin version 3.13.1 should do, as they support .lz4 compression ratio.
You screen shots from previous post looks ok to be flashing stock firmware. With KG state being prenormal you will have issues flashing non Samsung signed firmware ie: twrp, root etc.
Since the Knox has been tripped do you know what has been done to the phone before. May provide some info on what is happening.
As a matter of interest have you tried Samsung Smart Switch to try and fix the issue. It does have a recovery option in there. Do you have latest Samsung drivers installed on PC.
Note: Running Smart Switch and Odin can cause issues with each other.