[Wallpaper] Rainbow Edge Black Background - Xiaomi Mi 9 Themes, Apps, and Mods

Dear community,
I was just looking for a rainbow edge & notch wallpaper, which is useful with our OLED-panels and looks good. Because I was not able to find one, I just created my own.
In my opinion it looks best with disabled notch (Xiaomi's hide-optimization).
I would like to add something in the middle of the background, but do not know yet what. It would be a pleasure to read your feedback.
Thank you very much in advance!
2019 - 06 - 17 - Just added the new BackgroundEdgeMi.png which has a in my opinion a much better look.
2019-06-18 - Added MiIron Background

Pretty cool idea, good job!

MarvinMe said:
Pretty cool idea, good job!
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Thank you very much!

judufu said:
Dear community,
I was just looking for a rainbow edge & notch wallpaper, which is useful with our OLED-panels and looks good. Because I was not able to find one, I just created my own.
In my opinion it looks best with disabled notch (Xiaomi's hide-optimization).
I would like to add something in the middle of the background, but do not know yet what. It would be a pleasure to read your feedback.
Thank you very much in advance!
2019 - 06 - 17 - Just added the new BackgroundEdgeMi.png which has a in my opinion a much better look.
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Hello, can you add a 9 with same colours on the wallpaper with word Mi up? Would be cool, thanks
---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ----------
judufu said:
Dear community,
I was just looking for a rainbow edge & notch wallpaper, which is useful with our OLED-panels and looks good. Because I was not able to find one, I just created my own.
In my opinion it looks best with disabled notch (Xiaomi's hide-optimization).
I would like to add something in the middle of the background, but do not know yet what. It would be a pleasure to read your feedback.
Thank you very much in advance!
2019 - 06 - 17 - Just added the new BackgroundEdgeMi.png which has a in my opinion a much better look.
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I have one wallpaper with iron man that would be so nice on ur background wallpaper
If u adjust it for middle be where fingerprint... I will use for sure xD, thanks

Juawma said:
Hello, can you add a 9 with same colours on the wallpaper with word Mi up? Would be cool, thanks
---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ----------
I have one wallpaper with iron man that would be so nice on ur background wallpaper
If u adjust it for middle be where fingerprint... I will use for sure xD, thanks
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Just added the background with IronMan - please have a look at my first post.
The 9 was also in my mind, but for now I was not able to find a suitable solution. Be patient!

Perfect, thanks so much i will be attent to thread

judufu said:
Just added the background with IronMan - please have a look at my first post.
The 9 was also in my mind, but for now I was not able to find a suitable solution. Be patient!
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I just did it, take a look
now fingerprint is in the middle, and iron man little more big
Thank you so much



Here is my thought....
I am very good with graphic design and propose that a lot of developers help me out on this project.
What is the Project?
The idea is to create a "TouchFlo 3Dish" Ui but have the tabs on the side instead of the top.
Why go through all the work?
Well if we are able to do this it would allow for more developers to implement more tabs into this.
Ex. Sports scores,T.V,RSS, Games, and much More!!!!!
Just think of the possibilities.
I have a developer that will help me out on this... but i need more!
Here is a quick dummy graphic i came up with....
I like that idea alot. It's almost like a mix of TFlo3D and the Omnia widget. I can't do much with the developing process but I am good with graphics and theme making so if you would like any help in those fields i'd be glad to assist.
Hope to see this some progress on this soon,
That is the idea of it....
to have the Good Looks of TF3D but with more functionality like the touchwiz
I'm in! Let me know what I can do to help.
UnknownDev said:
Here is my thought....
I am very good with graphic design and propose that a lot of developers help me out on this project.
What is the Project?
The idea is to create a "TouchFlo 3Dish" Ui but have the tabs on the side instead of the top.
Why go through all the work?
Well if we are able to do this it would allow for more developers to implement more tabs into this.
Ex. Sports scores,T.V,RSS, Games, and much More!!!!!
Just think of the possibilities.
I have a developer that will help me out on this... but i need more!
Here is a quick dummy graphic i came up with....
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Nice idea. Adding more tabs is always great. But May I suggest something?
I can see that this is probably the screen size of a Omnia. But placing the tab bar at the side of the screen, eats up more real estate on the screen.
Placing the bar at the bottom of the screen, with ability to 'scroll' the tab, would be a good idea in my opinion.
After all, the thumb is at the bottom of the screen most of the time. So it would be easier to scroll the tab rather than utilizing both hands to navigate.
Hope you can take human ergonomics into consideration.
why not allow the user to put the tabs bar on the side, or on the bottom?
oh, it looks like as i was reading and typing someone else had the same idea as me...(the post right above this one!)
ajm144k said:
why not allow the user to put the tabs bar on the side, or on the bottom?
oh, it looks like as i was reading and typing someone else had the same idea as me...(the post right above this one!)
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Yes, that would be great for the user to select the location of the tabs bar to be in.
Also, in the truth, the present layout (on the side of the screen) looks akin to landscape mode. I am sure it would be useful for people will slide out keyboards and still be able to scroll the tabs by hand !
This is getting interesting .
edit: I may not be able to contribute much, but I can try skinning the new layout when it is finalize.
this sounds like a great idea how about including the arrow that will hide and unhide the side menu it would be cool to have it........my knowledge of coding is very basic all i cn do is graphic designing and u dnt need that
yah i will definitely give the user the option to put it on the bottom or the top...
and no it is not omnia... it is Touch HD
UnknownDev said:
yah i will definitely give the user the option to put it on the bottom or the top...
and no it is not omnia... it is Touch HD
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nice phone.. !
is a great idea, i like this UI
But, look for compatibility on other devices as Touch HD.
The most users i think have not an VGA device.
Best regards
mahd-leb said:
how about including the arrow that will hide and unhide the side menu
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yes. that is an awesome idea! it could open up a lotta screen space
Great!!! IDEA!!!
That would allow everything to be full screen!!
ok i'll add that to the list....
look forward to seeing somekind of progress "first release" in the next week... hopefully...
Wow, this is a really good idea! I look forward to seeing this as a finished product. Good luck, and if it looks even close to that image, you will have sold me.
that is looking good. what do you think of a transparent manila clock?
there is a customized manila over from ppcgeeks by juggalo_x and his manila has a clear clock, i think its nice... works well with custom backgrounds. worth at least taking a look.
What a Great idea. I can help test it on my Titan and give you feedback and pictures.
I'll be willing to test and donate for this.
Could test on Fuze or Kaiser.
this will be absolutely magnificent.
First i think before any customization... i think we should get it to run... smoothly.....
we will most likely do one tab at a time...
ie. Home tab in first beta.
hopefully we will get one going soon!!!
UnknownDev said:
First i think before any customization... i think we should get it to run... smoothly.....
we will most likely do one tab at a time...
ie. Home tab in first beta.
hopefully we will get one going soon!!!
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awesome, i will definitely be looking forward to helping out the cause!

Futurama WallPaper

I seem to remember seeing a futurama wallpaper where bender had had an andriod make over !!
Any ideas where I can find this ?
Dude, that idea is awesome!! I want it! )))
I keep searching, but I've not found it as yet
here you are
Fantastic - Thank You
Thank you
I knew it wasn't just me
Superb!!! *****
Thanks, I'm a big fan of this one (unrelated wallpaper), which is on the same album:
gallery updated
Nice gallery. Nabbed a few of those for myself.
Nice collection! Cheers!
Thanks Looked for some good wallpapers

Top 3 things you like and dislike?

I've seen alot of good reviews about the honor 8. what are the top 3 things you like about it and the least 3 things you like about it (or things you feel could be improved/fixed?)
simonbigwave said:
I've seen alot of good reviews about the honor 8. what are the top 3 things you like about it and the least 3 things you like about it (or things you feel could be improved/fixed?)
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-I am really enjoying the over feel of the device, I can safetly say it is a sold build and anyone who do not mind the 5'2 inch, will be impress.
-I also like the smart key feature, the fact that I can access my 3 most apps with just a flick / stroke/ long hold of the finger print button is great...
-Which bring me to my next like, I love that finger print scanner...they placed so many functionality into the small lil round button it is amazon. Not to mention it is very...very ...very fast. fastest I have seen, love the fact can scroll with it.
-Did I mention IR blaster?
-Phone is always cool, does not heat up as quickly as other phones get with the same usage.
-I really hate their brightness control, as it is too aggressive. I feel they got too caught up with wanting good battery life, they just butcher that all together. I can be sitting and my phone will turn dark out of no where because the software choose to turn my brightness setting to the lowest possible there is. Overall, it is too aggressive and they need to fix it...if I have to download a third party brightness controller to have my phone behaving...I have a problem. Initially I thought it was my phone but I seen some reviews of it.
-The DPI is too big, and messes with the display of the notification...I have seen the negativity of that only with my map so far. You know how with android the map can be placed on your notification? On the honor 8 it is cut off allowing you to see like 2/3 of the notification. It is simply an eye sore...so they need to fix their software and make everything well rounded.
- The software is just a weebit iphoneish...but it is something that I can live with. Would I want it change? sure...can I live with it without complaining? Definently.
simonbigwave said:
I've seen alot of good reviews about the honor 8. what are the top 3 things you like about it and the least 3 things you like about it (or things you feel could be improved/fixed?)
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What I like: 1- the build 2- the fingerprint scanner/button/ 3- camera
What I don't like: 1- UI 2- no OIS
awesome design and well 5.2 inch display and an outstanding camera,
the only disappointment is emui:crying:
Just got it so this is after 1 day of not so much use.
- I hate I can't wake and unlock the phone from the front when I put down the phone on the table. I need to pick it up and scan my finger first?
I guess I could press the power button and type in my password, which is not so easy with the default keyboard and just takes too long.
Why the hell can't I use fingerprint and pattern?
- Why was facebook on my phone?
- I'm not a fan of putting a case around my phone. Used the clear case I got from vmall. It's okay I guess.
+ I really like the fingerprint scanner and button!
+ Swipe down on smart button for expanding notification shade.
+ Way better phone than my previous (Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 GT-I8160 ) in pretty much everything.
Fp being placed on the back isn't always convenient, and for the pattern with FP it's due to EMUI
PalakMi said:
Fp being placed on the back isn't always convenient, and for the pattern with FP it's due to EMUI
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FP at the back is convenient for me. Apart from convenience, in design perspective I like the placement for FP at back rather than the front FP occupying space like Moto, Sam and OP.
vsriram92 said:
FP at the back is convenient for me. Apart from convenience, in design perspective I like the placement for FP at back rather than the front FP occupying space like Moto, Sam and OP.
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The only inconvenience in back placed fp is when the phone is on the table and you want to unlock it.
venom007 said:
awesome design and well 5.2 inch display and an outstanding camera,
the only disappointment is emui:crying:
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Doesn't emui remind u of iPhone? It kind of reminds me of Android alpha. Lol
Tmobilefan906 said:
Doesn't emui remind u of iPhone? It kind of reminds me of Android alpha. Lol
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it reminds me of ios, all the huawei system app is like a copy of ios.
i had some hope they would change it in emui 5, buy no luck, its more ios'ish based on the leaks.
venom007 said:
it reminds me of ios, all the huawei system app is like a copy of ios.
i had some hope they would change it in emui 5, buy no luck, its more ios'ish based on the leaks.
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Do u cook?
Tmobilefan906 said:
Do u cook?
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what the????
venom007 said:
what the????
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Cook Roms dude. Lol.
Tmobilefan906 said:
Cook Roms dude. Lol.
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nop, am not into it
am just a theme designer
venom007 said:
nop, am not into it
am just a theme designer
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Cool ...question then...where can I get some themes for cm 13 engine? I don't have play installed. I don't do play services. Thanks.
Tmobilefan906 said:
Cool ...question then...where can I get some themes for cm 13 engine? I don't have play installed. I don't do play services. Thanks.
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search here in xda,
am not into theme maiking for cm theme engine.
i do theming for emui only
venom007 said:
search here in xda,
am not into theme maiking for cm theme engine.
i do theming for emui only
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I have..thanks anyways. All the themes I found are junk. Lol. And not much of a selection. I definitely want to get this device. Especially with good peeps like u on here. Thanks again. I appreciate it.
---------- Post added at 05:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 AM ----------
venom007 said:
search here in xda,
am not into theme maiking for cm theme engine.
i do theming for emui only
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Yea, I know u don't do themes for cm 13. I was just wondering if u knew of a good spot to find an abundance of them.
Tmobilefan906 said:
I have..thanks anyways. All the themes I found are junk. Lol. And not much of a selection. I definitely want to get this device. Especially with good peeps like u on here. Thanks again. I appreciate it.
---------- Post added at 05:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 AM ----------
Yea, I know u don't do themes for cm 13. I was just wondering if u knew of a good spot to find an abundance of them.
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there are many sites and even cm13 theme google plus community is available, but all thier download links leeds to play store.
All I do is just typing CM13 in google play store
PalakMi said:
All I do is just typing CM13 in google play store
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I don't do Google play. Too much battery drainage. Hehe. Thanks guys.

iPhone X 'Liquid' wallpaper

Does anyone know/ have the liquid wallpaper featured in the iPhone X video; in which the liquid bumps against the edge of the screen and swirls around?
Should look spectacular on the S8/ S8+ screen
I found this on DroidViews
anirudh412 said:
Does anyone know/ have the liquid wallpaper featured in the iPhone X video; in which the liquid bumps against the edge of the screen and swirls around?
Should look spectacular on the S8/ S8+ screen
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try this. its cool too
Are there any similar wallpapers that are 2K resolution?
gtaelbordo said:
try this. its cool too
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This is pretty cool ! Thanks.
gtaelbordo said:
try this. its cool too
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mhm already tried it
gtaelbordo said:
try this. its cool too
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App says you can use it as Live Wallpaper but it doesn't work. Glad I didn't buy the full version.
bravo_alpha1 said:
App says you can use it as Live Wallpaper but it doesn't work. Glad I didn't buy the full version.
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It does work in using it right now...
---------- Post added at 06:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 AM ----------
And here is proof it works
Try this

Dark UI for J5 (2016)?

Which ROMs have that? So far I've only seen it on DotOS. Any other?
Lauriso said:
Which ROMs have that? nSo far I've only seen it on DotOS. Any other?
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Havoc is great you have a choice of dark grey or black ui and is very stable.Accent colours are great too.
Finsnevis said:
Havoc is great you have a choice of dark grey or black ui and is very stable.Accent colours are great too.
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Thank you! Just checked the screenshots, and I noticed it also has those rounded pull-down menu buttons. What's the deal with that? I prefer icons that look like this. Is that an option on Havoc?
Lauriso said:
Thank you! Just checked the screenshots, and I noticed it also has those rounded pull-down menu buttons. What's the deal with that? I prefer icons that look like this. Is that an option on Havoc?
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Yeah I see what you mean the one you show is like lineage pull down menus.On havoc it's built to look like Pie icons although havoc is oreo.I think it looks smart especially neon green against black ui.I never tried changing them as I don't customize much but that aside Havoc with Twister kernel has the highest benchmark of any J5 2016 41k plus
Finsnevis said:
Yeah I see what you mean the one you show is like lineage pull down menus.On havoc it's built to look like Pie icons although havoc is oreo.I think it looks smart especially neon green against black ui.I never tried changing them as I don't customize much but that aside Havoc with Twister kernel has the highest benchmark of any J5 2016 41k plus
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Thanks. I do agree speed and stability are the most important factors at the end of the day. Although aesthetics come second . What I don't like with this design is how text is broken under the icons.
Lauriso said:
Thanks. I do agree speed and stability are the most important factors at the end of the day. Although aesthetics come second . What I don't like with this design is how text is broken under the icons.
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Other Rom that has black ui and icons like you want is AEX.I will PM you with link as it is not on xda.
Finsnevis said:
Other Rom that has black ui and icons like you want is AEX.I will PM you with link as it is not on xda.
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Thank you. Which one do you find faster?
I'm running DotOs Oreo right now, and it's sometimes slow, System UI crashes occasionally, and it has this super annoying lag when switching from wifi to mobile data.
Lauriso said:
Thank you. Which one do you find faster?
I'm running DotOs Oreo right now, and it's sometimes slow, System UI crashes occasionally, and it has this super annoying lag when switching from wifi to mobile data.
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Try bootleggers pie rom. Well maintained and really fast
And also loads of different dark themes for the ui
Lauriso said:
Thank you. Which one do you find faster?
I'm running DotOs Oreo right now, and it's sometimes slow, System UI crashes occasionally, and it has this super annoying lag when switching from wifi to mobile data.
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The fastest is Havoc followed by AEX extended.Dot is a nice rom.The key to these oreo roms running fast are the kernels and the two I use will benchmark 4000-5000+on antutu over stock kernels and you won't find them here on xda.
---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------
What J510 model are you using is it FN?
garylawwd said:
Try bootleggers pie rom. Well maintained and really fast
And also loads of different dark themes for the ui
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Thanks. How does screen dimming work on Pie? I always found the darkest to be too bright at night, and on Oreo the official screen dimming apps didn't work anymore because they didn't have the permission to draw over Android UI like notifications. So now I'm using an Xposed module that does the trick but, as far as I know, there is no Xposed for Pie.
