A40 missing notifications when phone locked - Samsung Galaxy A40 Questions & Answers

Problem getting notifications from apps (Probably may occur on other devices with OneUI as I found on S9 forum)
Whenever the device goes into sleep (screen turned off, at least 10 minute period passes) I no longer receive notifications from various apps like Gmail, Whatsapp, Messenger Lite, etc.
Steps taken:
1. Device Care / Battery / Settings:
- disabled "auto disable unused apps"
- prepared the list of apps to be put to sleep when device not in use (the above WERE NOT included)
2. Device Care / Memory / Apps that aren't checked:
- added all apps mentioned above
3. Settings / Apps / Special access / Optimise battery usage:
- disabled for all apps mentioned above
4. Tested also the same with all "adaptive battery", "put unused apps to sleep" etc DISABLED.
Device is not muted and/or not in "do not disturb" mode. All normally working fine (up till couple of minutes).
After couple of minutes I stop receiving any notifications....
Is it OneUI specific? Anybody knows anything?
Device is not rooted, not modified, running latest (11.04.2019) available stock firmware (XEO).


Not having such a problem here,
With what you specified, i see that the issue could be in wifi settings, did you check if your connection is not stopped when phone goes in deep sleep? There's an option in wifi settings for that...

Cosmox_ said:
Not having such a problem here,
With what you specified, i see that the issue could be in wifi settings, did you check if your connection is not stopped when phone goes in deep sleep? There's an option in wifi settings for that...
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Unfortunately the issue is not that simple. It appears both while connected via wifi at home and also if connected to LTE only when outside.
Additionally the option you are refering to does exist in Samsungs Nougat roms but does not in Pie.

Well. Maybe the upcoming May update will fix this (I've seen on sammobile that this firmware is being rolled out in Europe)

As suggested by @dulemars on another thread I've tried to enable always on for mobile network (developer options - see attached screenshot). Let's see if this helps
edit: just tested couple of times, unfortunately - does not work

Ok - here's some more info.
Finally after doing again (for the 7th? 8th? time) all the above (including making mobile data active to always) and including Whatsapp, etc apps into the exception lists for memory checking and disallowing battery optimisations for them AND (that is the important bit) when I changed firmware to new update (unfortunately since the update for XEO is not available as for now, I've chosen to install firmware from another region - BTU) issues seems to be resolved (tested several times and well... I am receiving notifications now).
Firmware which does work is the firmware from May 2019 ( A405FNXXU1ASE3 ) but as I said before... at least for me - it requires some painful customuzations... which is insane... previously I just installed any messaging/mailing app and... it worked out of the box...
edit a day later: not quite working, still sometimes messages are not delivered ontime (i.e. with 20-30 minute delay), it is observable better since this patch but still not ok.
any clues anyone?

Since I was not able to resolve this frustrating issue I've decided to sell my A40.

Bought (again) new A40. And... well... no issue so far (but I have firmware from 01.07.2019 so not sure if this is firmware or hardware related after all (although if hardware then this would be quite weird).


[Q] Can someone help me with my froyo wifi failing problem, if possible

I'm getting pretty agitated at this bug I've run into since updating to froyo (unbranded, not rooted ever) and are running out of ideas on how to fix it. please read below.
Basically what happens is that the wifi stops working after the phone has gone into sleep mode, resulting in it showing as the wifi is still active in the notification bar (which it isn't) or it switches off and is unable to turn on again but is shown as active in the system settings...
As you can imagine this is getting pretty irritating as I have to manually reset wifi all the time and manually check for emails (which froyo also caused push email to not work anymore, anyway).
The router and router settings are the same since pre-froyo. So far I have tried to:
* Change wifi policy in settings
* Factory reset
* Usb debug mode
* Tried various apps to prevent wifi from:
** Going into sleep at all/failing (not working, it still fails after some time)
** Automatically restart or re-associate wifi after sleep (works like 50% of the time)

Location Network Provider disabled

I have Jiayu G3s with Android 4.2.1.
Most of the times, the Location Network Provider says to be off, although all settings are on. So , Google maps, Foursquare, Facebook and others say that cannot determine my location. Some custom apps I have developed myself don't work either. The NETWORK_PROVIDER says to be disabled (which isn't).
I need to shutdown the device and to remove the battery, to get unstuck.
I also noticed, that after the device being shutdown for some hours (during the night for instance), then when I start it, I get the message "SIM CARD CHANGED". When I get this message, I am almost sure that the location will not work!! I am not sure that the 2 symptoms are related to each other.
Any help appreciated!

[FIX] Stock Lollipop 5.0.2 Wi-Fi Battery Drain Issue

If you are on Stock Motorola Lollipop 5.0.2, check your Battery History in System Settings - you may notice Wi-Fi is constantly active, even when you turn it off.
In my case, the following setting in Viber was the cause: Settings > General > Wi-Fi sleep policy > Change to 'Use device's settings'
Firstly, go to: Settings > Wi-Fi > Advanced Wi-Fi > Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep > Change to 'Never.'
The issue appears to be that certain apps are keeping Wi-Fi active in Lollipop. Not every app may offer this setting related to 'sleep policy', a workaround is to use the App Settings Xposed Module - which allows you to disable such a permission for individual apps.
The permission can be known as: Change_Network_State.
After making these changes you may need to turn off Wi-Fi and restart phone.​
Related: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=79368
Thanks . it solve my real problem.
i have question. If we have change Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep to 'Never.' Will programs like Whatsapp or Viber get the gcm notifications when phone is going to sleep?
Dizzyrul3z said:
i have question. If we have change Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep to 'Never.' Will programs like Whatsapp or Viber get the gcm notifications when phone is going to sleep?
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This is true, when phone sleeps - there is no Wi-Fi data connection.
Rather than leaving Wi-Fi on however, some people might prefer the phone wakes up every 15 minutes / 30 minutes / 1 hour, and enables Wi-Fi for 1 minute - allowing any messages to arrive. Many apps can do this, one example is DS Battery Saver.
There is also an argument that if you use Wi-Fi a lot, it's better to leave Wi-Fi on during sleep, because excessively enabling and disabling it is costly in terms of battery-life.
I've been using stock Lollipop on XT1008(Moto G Forte, I read it was just a "commercial" variant of the XT1032).
As far as I can tell, my phone doesn't report high Wi-Fi usage, but I disabled an option that I think it´s more responsible than the one mentioned here, that's "Search Always Available", this one was turning on my wifi when I even shut it down, wasting more battery than keeping it on.
Currently, my phone has been on like 13 hours and has 13% left, with a WiFi usage around 85% of the time.
Thanks for making us aware of that option in Viber.
But even after disabling that option in Viber, in the battery graphic seems like wi-fi is always active. Is it because I will also need to set "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" to "never"? But if it's set to never, doesn't it mean that when phone screen is off, it automatically switches off wi-fi even if you kept it on from the toggle?
lollerblade said:
Thanks for making us aware of that option in Viber.
But even after disabling that option in Viber, in the battery graphic seems like wi-fi is always active. Is it because I will also need to set "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" to "never"? But if it's set to never, doesn't it mean that when phone screen is off, it automatically switches off wi-fi even if you kept it on from the toggle?
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Yes, 'never' means Wi-Fi is off when phone is sleeping. There is also the advance Wi-Fi option 'Scanning always available - which' you might want to disable.
Double check you have changed the setting in Viber, and you may need to reboot phone. It's also possible another app is causing Wi-Fi to always be active, for some it's Whatsapp.
lost101 said:
Yes, 'never' means Wi-Fi is off when phone is sleeping. There is also the advance Wi-Fi option 'Scanning always available - which' you might want to disable.
Double check you have changed the setting in Viber, and you may need to reboot phone. It's also possible another app is causing Wi-Fi to always be active, for some it's Whatsapp.
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Ok so that option works as I thought, so for correctly receiving notifications with screen off it should be set on "always". I double checked on Viber's option and it's set correctly, then rebooted, plus scanning always available is off, geolocation (which can keep wi-fi on) is off and apparently there are no things that can keep wi-fi on.
Whatsapp does not allow to set wi-fi behavior, and the strange thing is that I have the same apps I had on Kitkat, where I didn't have such problem of viewing in battery graphic.
I am having the doubt if this may be only a Lollipop graphic issue or if wi-fi actually stays on...
lollerblade said:
Whatsapp does not allow to set wi-fi behavior, and the strange thing is that I have the same apps I had on Kitkat, where I didn't have such problem of viewing in battery graphic.
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That's why I mention the 'App Settings' module in OP. I believe Whatsapp can and does cause this issue - there is just no setting within the app itself. You can check what permissions apps have by using 'App Settings.'
lost101 said:
That's why I mention the 'App Settings' module in OP. I believe Whatsapp can and does cause this issue. You can check what permissions apps have by using 'App Settings.'
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Mmm yes I saw that...but I'm guessing that without root there's nothing else to do, right?
lollerblade said:
Mmm yes I saw that...but I'm guessing that without root there's nothing else to do, right?
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No. Root would be necessary for changing permissions. However this issue may have been resolved in Android 5.1 - removing the need for this fix.
Wifi should be lefy alone as default to "never sleep"
Wifi should never sleep, even if the phone's cpu sleeps. Wifi will receive messages from whatsapp or whatever and wake up the cpu.
But if you put wifi chip to sleep, the phone will connect using 2g or worse, 3g or HSPA, and drain even more battery.
Wifi comes by default to "never sleep" for this reason, it is more battery efficient than 2g/3g.
And if you dont have wifi at home, all you have to do is slide down the menu and turn of Wifi. No need to change internal configuration on behaviour who only make things worse.
On the other hand, Viber is known for years to be a battery abuser.
I have been using android for years, and wifi policy was always the same, and my phones have idle times of several days
i even published some screen shots of my moto defy and moto G with a full week Idle without charging.with whatsapp and Wifi polocy never sleep.. With viber i wouldnt even try to make it last 2 days.

WLAN_WAKE wakelock + Wi-Fi not showing

I'm at a loss here and i hope somebody can help me out here.
I've had my Note 4 for a while now, working great, but after a week or two after flashing Simpl-rom (latest)(Android 5.0.1) it started to drain battery while the screen was off.
I tried to debug this issue and found that WLAN_WAKE is preventing the device from sleeping.
Of course i did search for solutions but none of that worked, disabled all the background scanning and stuff in advanced wifi settings.
I tried to freeze all my regularly used apps planning to unfreeze them one by one to see when the issue started to show up, odd thing is, the issue persists even if i freeze all my daily-use apps.
I also noticed no networks in range show up in my Wi-Fi list, only the ones that i saved in the past (of course most showing out of range).
Using a 3rd party Wi-Fi manager works fine, it detects all the networks in range.
Disabling Wi-Fi allows the phone to go back to sleep again. However, when enabled again after that no more sleeping occurs.
The only "solution" to this is a full reboot. This solves the wakelock/batterydrain issue temporarily but not the Wi-Fi networks not showing up.
It can take 30 minutes before the issue shows up again or it can take half a day.
I also tried to detect if any apps were using background data, none that i could detect.
Even stranger, i have the exact same issue with my Galaxy S5 running Omega-rom (latest). (Android 5.0.1)
The drain on the battery isn't huge (10-15% per night), but it's there and unnecessary (i know it can do with 2-3% per night if the bug doesn't occur), obviously something is going wrong and i wish to find out what and resolve it.
Anyone experienced similar problems or knows how i can proceed to debug this issue?
I say issue because i feel these problems are related, they could be separate problems though..

From Alcatel Idol 3 (6.0.1) to Axon 7 (7.1.1) - Notification problems

Hi Folks,
I try to keep my remarks / questions as brief/straight as possible.
Some days ago a huge German electronic-chain called Media Markt offered the Axon 7 for only 229€, for only a couple of hours. I could not resist although I was very satisfied with my Alcatel Idol 3 (4.7) with Android MM.
Now I installed the exact same Apps that I have been using on my Alcatel on the Axon 7 (Android 7.1.1, B04). I do not have the problems that some are mentioning on various fora like connectivity issues (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cell). My settings are Wi-Fi (always on), Cell on (but not data on so far, not in the need to do it), GPS sometimes on, Bluetooth sometimes on, Display very low, no automatic.
I have some weird notification issues with various apps installed by myself and strange behaviour with system apps.
Wherever it was possible, I've chosen the same settings (Energy, Apps) as with my Alcatel on Android 6.0.1.
But, I rarely get notifications (for example AquaMail, WhatsApp, eBay, etc.) or, I hear the notification sound (when my phone was on stand-by) but the symbols are not shown in the status bar, notifications bar?!?!?
Another strange behaviour is that of my podcast app, called Podcast Addict:
I listen to a downloaded audio podcast, pause the playback, for example to get a coffee in the meantime, go back to my phone, unlock the screensaver and the pause symbol that was shown in the notification, status bar on the device before I left the phone, is not there any more!?!?! I have to open the app again to continue listening to the audio file. The exact same applies for the stock music player.
Or, for example I receive a notification for an incoming WhatsApp message, shown on the notification bar, I do not open WhatsApp, the notification symbol should/is still visible, but after the screensaver has been activated (set it to 1 minute) and I have to reactivate the phone (be it by fingerprint or by pattern), the symbol is no longer there.
Another strange thing. The phone was in stand-by, I heard a notification sound, activated the phone, there was no notification symbol on the bar. I knew what App it was, so I opened it and yes, there has been something going on (the App is called Quizduell).
All these bugs (?), problems have never occurred running the Alcatel smartphone.
This is pretty annoying.
I already switched off the phone, wiped data cache, without success.
Maybe some of you can help me out, give me advice on where to look for the problems to be solved.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Cheers Christian
Change the power policy of each app to off which u use mostly in power manager in settings.... It will most certainly help you out..
@germanyandroid Do what the other guy said, that's really impoetant. Also what system are you on? A2017G B02?
I don't know what the Axons are shipping with right now. Be sure to update at least manually to 1.2.0 B02 (that's Nougat), to rule out any system problems. Welcome to ZTE's horrible OTA system...
Hi! Thanks so far for your help. Most notifications are now coming in without changes to the Battery Optimization settings. There is something wrong with these settings, which I will report in a separate thread.
Again, thanks for your help thus far.
