Some Google Pixel 3a owners encountering crooked USB-C, speaker cutouts - Google Pixel 3a Guides, News, & Discussion
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Again, vocal minority. Doesn't move my needle. Fake news
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Glad I make my own decisions and don't listen to sites. Phone is running great with no issues.


Headphone Jack Question

Does the Nexus one accept L shaped headphone jacks or only straight ones?
L Shaped:
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either works... i think there would be some "personal issues" if it took one but not the other
Thank you for the quick response, I was worried when I saw some screenshots.

Meet the twins...

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No, not identical. Born two days apart
Want to shout out to my girl JC in Roland Heights, CA for hooking me up.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

Rayban and Oakley developing Google Glass "Final Consumer" version?

Interesting to see what they may look like...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Anyone know when we can expect to see these on the shelves? Sold directly from google or other online retailers too?!
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I hate to imagine what Oakley thinks the furture looks like...


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Is it a red flag operation?
Could Thermite Paint be involved?
The Illuminati?
In all reality it seems that that pretty much all historically well known to deliver devs have abandoned this device.
Grabbing my tin foil hat and closing this thread. ?? lol

Pixel 4 speaker

Hi, i'm just curious, and maybe this is a silly question... but i have been with my Pixel 4 since 2 years, but today i noticed that it only gives sound on one of the "holes", i searched on google and it says that the one on the righ is the speaker and the other one is the microphone, so i think it's normal, right? It happens the same to all of you? thanks in advance!!
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