Which Android 9.0 AOSP Rom is your favorite? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Guides, News, & Discussion

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Best Stable Rom

Could Any One Tell Me Best Stable Rom For Redmi 3S 16 GB
LineageOS by fedosis (NOT hridayhs), most stable rom among custom roms. Much better than another custom roms and miui
RostNov said:
LineageOS by fedosis (NOT hridayhs), most stable rom among custom roms. Much better than another custom roms and miui
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LineageOs by fedosis is better then Mokee rom?
Yep, he is actively maintaining and developing that ROM
LineageOS by fedosis. Stable & smooth
Well I found no difference between ui of ressurection remix by Hriday. It provides more customization than lineage OS. But no active development. But it's stable though. Soviet kernel do work fine in this rom.
MIUI stable GLOBAL or CHINA. Not a single custom rom is stable.
if you want stable nougat rom then please donate this guy: https://forum.xda-developers.com/xiaomi-redmi-3s/how-to/moving-to-red-mi-3s-t3572896
Is this still the case? Any stable roms now?
whyzee said:
Is this still the case? Any stable roms now?
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Lineage OS by fedosis is stable. Like it's been told in this thread

Why is there no original AOSP rom for Android 6.0+?

I can see a few AOSP based rom out there for android M and N
But why is there no original version like AOSP 5.0.2 in the past?

some marshmallow rom

I was wondering if there is the cardinal rom aosp marshmallow as a website says in Spanish, since I tried flashing and the rom says android 7.1.2 but I would like to know if you existed a rom with pure android 6.0 like aosp caf or cardinal aosp

Which is the best stable nougout based custom ROM?

Which is the best stable nougout based custom ROM?
ResurrectionRemix is the best rom in nougat roms.

Android 9.0

Is it possible to port any ROM based on Android 9.0 Pie to our Galaxy or not 'cause device too old? I'm currently using my phone on RR 6.0 and works pretty good so far and I'm curious how would it work on android 9
No Pie roms so far but I'm using 8.1 DotOS 2.5, really stable
