Minimum brightness - Sony Xperia 1 Real Life Review

You don't want to give your significant other yet another reason to yell at you while you're reading XDA in bed. Rate this thread to express what you think of the Sony Xperia 1's display minimum dimness. A higher rating indicates that the display can get extremely dim, ideal for reading in very dark environments.
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the brightness is good but it dims when you exit out of an app


Minimum brightness

You don't want to give your significant other yet another reason to yell at you while you're reading XDA in bed. Rate this thread to express what you think of the Sony Xperia 10's display minimum dimness. A higher rating indicates that the display can get extremely dim, ideal for reading in very dark environments.
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Minimum brightness

You don't want to give your significant other yet another reason to yell at you while you're reading XDA in bed. Rate this thread to express what you think of the Sony Xperia 5's display minimum dimness. A higher rating indicates that the display can get extremely dim, ideal for reading in very dark environments.
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Minimum brightness

You don't want to give your significant other yet another reason to yell at you while you're reading XDA in bed. Rate this thread to express what you think of the Sony Xperia 1 II's display minimum dimness. A higher rating indicates that the display can get extremely dim, ideal for reading in very dark environments.
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Minimum brightness

You don't want to give your significant other yet another reason to yell at you while you're reading XDA in bed. Rate this thread to express what you think of the Sony Xperia 10 II's display minimum dimness. A higher rating indicates that the display can get extremely dim, ideal for reading in very dark environments.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!

Minimum brightness

You don't want to give your significant other yet another reason to yell at you while you're reading XDA in bed. Rate this thread to express what you think of the Sony Xperia 5 II's display minimum dimness. A higher rating indicates that the display can get extremely dim, ideal for reading in very dark environments.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!

